Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 26, 1935, Page 7, Image 7

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fa EUV I; J SfcUl
Bead every ad on
this pace. You will
probably Una ex
actly the thing
yon want to bay
or kU. If It Isn't
there, advertise.
1 1 a Inexpensive,
far word drat Insertion
(Minimum 25c)
sfeeh additional Insertion,
par word
(Minimum 10c)
Far Una per month without
mrpy changes . ft.
Phon 75
PICKED UP Brown mare. 7 years old.
weight 1100 lbs., not branded. To
be sold to highest cash bidder at
Longwlll'a Woodyard. January 2. at
10:30 a. m. Frank E. Anderson.
FOUND Rowbcat, Writ PoatoXflce
Box 70S.
LOST If aog is mibsmg. cal!1516.
WANTED Woman for housework.
Phone 1361-W.
WANTLD Housework by capable
latiy. Full charge. Mable Helne
mann, Rt. 4, Box 12.
GOING to 6alem 30th; room for one;
share expenses. R. S. Nealy, Pros
pect, Ore.
years' experience in tailoring and
gown - making, alterations. Mrs.
Cad well, 122 , Almond.
We pay cash cot household goods
furniture and stoves We also buy
metals, hides pelte wool and mo
21 N Grape 8t Phone 1083.
WANTED Good - used furniture,
range". c0a stoves. Holbrook and
Ohrn. Phone 647. 112 East 8th St.
WANTED Beel cattle veal, lambs
and pasture. J. J Osenorumje.
WANTED Clean out your attic,
garage and basement ot all old rur
nlture. cook stoves, neaters. stove
pipe, fruit Jars etc Give us a call
No 413 Sast Main
WANTED Cook stoves, heaters, bed
springs, mattresses, day-beds, aani
tary couches and cots or what
have you- We pay oash or exchange.
423 E. Main St.
Highest cash price paid for row furs
Complete line ot traps on sale.
27-29 No Grape St.
TOR RENT S-room furnished house;
good location. Phone 1232-X.
SEVERAL unfurnished houses for
rent to persons who are regularly
employed, western Loan Jt Build
ing Co., 45 8. Central.
FOU RENT 5-room furnished house,
close In. 30, water paid. Inquire
14d S. Ivy.
FOR RENT Three room house, bath,
partly furnished, garage. 953 Dakota
SMALL furnished house, new paint,
paper, linoleum. Call at 331 Apple.
FOR RENT 6-room modern furnish
ed house, close In. Phone 457-J.
FOR RENT Holly Court No. 3 furn
ished with electric range oil hentei.
Frlgldelre only. 630 water furnished
722 Dakota
831 West 12th
206 Tnpp
Phone 1 1147-w after 5 p. m.
FOR RBNT Modern 7-room unfur
nished home. Phone 728
FOR RENT Homes furnlsQed or
unfurnished Brown White
CLEAN furnished apartment. 217 W.
FOR RENT Furnished apartment.
Dure 11 Court. Phone 879-X for ap
pointment. TOR RENT Furnished 3 -room apart
ment, private bnih. Bleeping porch.
Aduits. 912 8. Oakdale.
S-ROOM furnished nMrtment; garage;
adult 315 No Dartiett.
ATTRACTIVE rooms 404 8 Orspe
BOARD AND ROO 636 W. 4tn
Phone 832-J.
BOARD AND KOOM rate rewonaole
at 716 E Main
TRAILS 'j;t ti-'i:., le nt ?lie'.e im- c-voi ir J.4on Co
B. fe L. flock. Bex 74; 4.
FOR BALE Income property, close In.
Phono 855-J.
FOR SALE A beauttlully situated
modern home In th Western Foot
hills; garage, pump house, chicken
house; all In finest condition; 22
acres of land. There are peaches,
pears, apricots, cherrlea, plums, tigs,
walnuts, berries. Beautiful at-ade
and shrubbery. Bargain price. afOOU.
BUILDING LOTS with paving, aide
walk, curbing, sewer and water paid
up In full, for 250 each. Close to
schools. Brown White, Realtors.
100 lASm. well improved, stocked
and equipped, olose to Meedford;
soma cash or looome property Bl
ance long time, low interest O. A
DeVoe. 623-J -S.
WHEN you think of real estate think
ot Brown At Whit.
163 Dodge convertible Coup
1934 Pontiac 4 -door Sedan, trunk
1934 Pontiac 2-door Sedan, trunk
1934 Bulck Std. Coupe. Only ,000
' 1933 Bulck 5-paae. Ooupe, trunk
1929 Bulck Sedan
1932 studebaker oonv. coups
1931 Chevrolet Coach with trunk
Several Others
Bulck Phone 102 Pontiac
See ua about our new Low Flnaae
Rates and Special Christmas Prises.
1935 Dodge Touring Sedan.
1933 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan.
1931 Chrysler 8 Sedan.
1931 Ford Victoria Coupe.
1933 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe.
1034 Chrysler Airflow.
1929 Bulck DeLuxe Seasa.
1930 Bulck Coupe.
1630 Chrysler 04 Sedan.
1930 Chevrolet Sedan.
1934 Ford DeLuxe 8 Sedan.
! Also a number of other real balns.
Used Car Lot, 6th and Bsrtlett.
38 North Riverside.
Shepherd puppies cheap.
618 East
COCKER SPANIEL puppies; Ideal
Christmas gift; Roller canaries.
Thrasher's, Jacksonville. Tel. 173.
ROLLER Canaries. Call 533-J-2.
FOR SALE Weaner pigs. George A.
Kerby. Wagner Creek. ,
FOR SALE Fresh cow. First house
east County Workshop on Barnett
FOR SALE Baled wild oat hay, 12
ton. Loose alfalfa and oat hay, 110
ton. R. C Benson, Old Pacific
highway. Phone 498-X.
FOR SALE Feeder pigs, W. A. Mc
Dowell, Rt. 3, east of Eagio Point.
Three modern brooder houses, brooder
stoves, water founts, feed troughs,
plenty of range; 2 -room house, part
ly furnished; garden fenced. Buy
this equipment and we will rent
you the house and lo acres. Every
thing you need to raise 1000 tur Its.
We made MONEY, here so can you.
Full price of equipment, M95. Rent
house and land, (60 per year. Star
Route, Box 33, Eagle Polnt-Butte
Falls highway, near Derby school.
Mr. Nelson, owner, on premises.
Terms to reliable party.
FOR SALE Klamath alfalfa hay, 13
ton. Inquire 369 B St., Ashland.
FOR SALE 40-lb. feather bed,
215 Cottage St.
$139.00 BEDROOM suite for $60.00
cash. Phone 84Q-Y. A. G. Anderson.
FOR SALE Cornice and D'AnJou
pears, packed or in lugs Very reas
onably priced. Ala Vista Packing
FOR SALE One 6-4 bottom tractor
plow. H lllcrest Orchard.
FOR APPLES Cell O. V. Myers. Tel
2SB-J. on old Pacific highway. Will
deliver 2 or more boxes.
WALNUTS Extra large bleached
Franquettes, 19c lb; medium. He
Hlnderer's, Ross Lane. Old Stage
road, near West Side school.
TICKET for sale to Los Angeles. Tel.
FOR SALE Delicious apples. 50 cents
a lug. Phone 314-Y, Walker.
Davenports. Studio couches. Simmons
Springs. Simmons Beds. Mat trews,
good used furniture.
In Old Fire hall Blclg on 6th.
Phone 647. 112 E. 6th St.
SPENCER Corsetlere Tel 1334-L or
write 1601 N Riverside.
RED and green appies 25c ind up
701 W. llth.
FOR SALE Diamond ring, Philco ra
dio, office desk, lady's small coat.
Xmas trees 246 Beatty
BALED oat hay. ground hay; loose
oat and alfalfa hay; also feed wheat
C. A. DeVoe. Phone S23-J-3.
WHINGER rolls tnstiled in any make
of washer at reasonable prices dur
ing this month. Pick's Hardware
phone 300.
BARGAINS tn children's cost and
dresses, also large else overcoat
and suits for men. Let the Used
Wardrobe Shop sell your good used
Clothes 518 E Main.
APPLES We deliver Tel 132-L.
rock at $140 per yard delivered
Bateman Phone 1534-Y en 413-J
FINE Red Spltrenburg and Newtown
apple for a;e at Ala Vista Packing
Hrwe 327 So Fir St.
ROOFING Let us inspect your roof
before the rainy season This Mr
etce i$ free Call 270 Rogue River
Roofing Co.
EXfEi!KNCEO. DrAma!ng. Tailor
ing. Hi 7 Almond St.
Abstract oi Title ana
rule insurance The
only complete Title
System in Jackson
of rule. Room 8 and 6. No. 32
North Central Ave., upstairs.
Money to Lend
MONEY LOANED - $50 to $300 for
personal or household purpose on
House Furnishings or Autos; also
Oars Refinanced Loans closed
within SO minutes License No. S
157. See W S- rhoooaa. 45 So. Cen
tral. Expert Window Cleaners,
Souse cleaning, flow waxing, ori
ental rug cleaning and upholstering
Offioe 1016 No Central Phone 316
Price rlgnt. Service guarantee.
ud long distance hauling, furni
ture moving etc. Reasonable rates
Tel 833. P. B- Samson Co.
ers and movers. Special livestock
moving equipment. Prices -lght
610 North Riverside Phone 615.
Netlne for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
U. 8. Land Office at
Rosea urg, Oregon,
November 13. 1935.
Notice 1 hereby given that Isaac
M. Smith, of Butte Fall. Oregon,
who, on July 28th, 1927. made Home
stead entry Serial No, 01754. for
NE14, Section 33. Township 34
S.. Range 2 E. Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
final three-year proof, to establish
claim to the lend above described,
before Victor A. Tengwald. U S. Com
mtsstoner. at Medford, Oregon, on the
2Qth day of December. 1935.
Claimant namea as witnesses;
R. C, Conley, of Sams Valley. Ore
gon; Theodore Fredcnburg. of Butte
Fail, Oregon; H, E. Frances, of Sutte
Palls, Oregon; John Coblelgh. of Butte
Pall. Oregon.
? GEORGE FINLEY. Regi&ter.
Notice of Meeting.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Medford Federal Sav
ings and Loan Association will be
held at 136 East Main St., Medford,
Oregon, on Monday, January 6, 1136,
at 8:30 p. m.
J. H. FLETCHER, Secretary.
Notice of Meetlnjr.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Jackson County Build
ing and Loan Ass'n will be held at
126 East Main St., Medfdrd. Oregon,
on Monday. January 8, 1936, at 7:30
p. m.
J. H. FLETCHER, Secretary.
Taken tip, Hereford steer.
Benson, Old Pacific highway.
Summons for Publication.
NO. 6251-E.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon In and for the County of
The Federal Land Bank of Spokane, a
corporation. Plaintiff,
Owen T. Wilson and Marfraret A.
Wilson, husband and wife; Nancy
B. Oilman and Bert B Oilman, wife
and husband; Justin L. W:lson, di
vorcee; David C. V"on td Flossie
Wilson, husband and wife; Jennie
S. Cookson and Plea H. Caokson,
wife and husband; Charles D. Wil
son and Ruth Wilson, husband and
wife; the Unknown Heirs of vid
C. Wilson, deceased; Jackson Coun
ty, a municipal corporation; Mod
ford National Farm Loan Associa
tion, a corporation; and al30 all
other persons or parties unknown
claiming any right, title, estate,
lien or interest in the real estate
described In the complaint herein.
To Nancy B. Oilman and Lert B.
Oilman, wife and husband; Justin L.
Wilson, divorcee; Jennie 3. Cookson
and Plea H. Cookson. wife and hus
band; Charles D. Wilson and Rush
Wilson, husband and wife; the un
known heirs of David C. Wilson, de
ceased; also all other persons or par
ties unknown claiming any rlg'it,
title, estate. Hen or Interest in the
real estate described In the complaint
herein, of the above named defend
ants: In the n&me of the State of Oregon,
you, and each of you, are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plain filed against you in the above
entitled suit on or before the 2nd day
of January. Ib36. said date being the
lost day of four weeks from the date
of the first publication of this sum
mons, and said period of four weeks
being the time prewrlbed for publi
cation hereof, and If you fall to ap
pear and answer s!d complaint for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief demanded
in its complaint, to-wit:
For a decree of this Court ordering
that the sum of t31000. being the
par value of 62 share of stock In
The Federal Land Bank of Spokane,
pledged to the Medford National Farm
Loan Association as additional secur
ity for the loan made by the plaintiff
herein, be applied to the payment ot
the amount secured by plaintiff's
mortgage; and that the plaintiff have
J udgmnt against the defendants,
Owen T. Wilson and Medford Nation?
Farm Loon Association, a corporation,
and against each of them, for the
balance then remaining unpaid on
said indebtedness, to-wit: The sum
of $7104.02, with Interest on M1R1.8B
thereof at the rate of 5J4 'W an
num from sptmer 12. 1935. until
paid, and with interest on J2788 53
thereof at the rate of fl'v- per annum
from September 12. 1935. until paid,
and for the further sum of '350 00.
or such other sum a the Court ma?
adjudge reasonable as attorney's re
herein, together with plaintiff's r-ou
and tiisoufaeitietua. that the mort
gage described In plaintiff's comp.ftint
be foreclosed snd t'se mor teamed
premises a deacrtbed in the com
plaint and again decrloed as foJo-a,
The North Half of the Northwest
Quarter and the Southwest Quar
ter of the North wt Quarter of
Section Six Township """h!rty-ix
South, Range Two West of the Wil
lamette Meridian and the North
Half of the Niwtht Quarter of
Sectli-m One. Tonsiitp fhlrfj-slx
South of Raatre Three West of the
Willamette Meridian, cor t lining
199.63 acres, srrorrttng io the V 8
Government Survey thereof., situ
ated In Jackson County, State ot
be sold In one parcel In the manner
prescribed by the laws of the State
of Oregon and the practice of this
Court; that the proceeds thereof be
applied towards the psyment of olain-
rfiff's decree, costs and accruing costs;
mat at saia saie piainun be permit
ted to become a purchaser; that p:ari
tlff have a deficiency Judgment
against the defendants. Owen T. Wil
son and Medford National Farm Loan
Association, a corporation, end against
each of them, for any portion of said
decree remaining unpnld; that the de
fendants above named, and each and
all of them, be foreclosed and mrred
of all right, title, claim or interest
in the premises described in olain
tlff's mortgage, except the right of
redemption allowed by law. and that
plaintiff have such other and further
relief as is meet and equitable.
This summons is published by or
der of the Hon. H. D. Norton. Judge
of the First Judicial District of Ore
gon, made and entered in said Court
and cause on the 4th day of Decem
ber, 1935. prescribing that this sum
mons be served by publication there
of once each week for four successive
and consecutive weeks In the Med
ford Mail Tribune, a daily newspaper
published In Jackson County, Oregon.
The date of the first puol'ication of
tills summons Is December 5th, 1935.
and the date of the last publication
of this summons will be January 2nd.
1838. T. W. MILES.
Poatofflce Address: Medford, Oregon.
Poatofflce Adress: 810 Main Avenue,
Spokane. Washington.
Attorneys for Uintlff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon tn and for Jackson County.
Ralph E. Green and Jennie Faurote
Green, husband and wife, PlaintUfs,
Earl T. Allred; Mrs. Earle T. Allred.
wife of Earle T. Allred; the un
known heirs of Earle T. Allred;
Mittle R. Allred: John Doe. husband
of Mittie R Alired; the unknown
heirs of Mittie R. Alired; also, oil
other persons or parties unknown
claiming any right, title, estate, lien
or interest in the real estate de
scribed In the complaint herein, De
fendants. To the Defendants hereinabove
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear herein and answer
the complaint of the plaintiffs on file
herein within four 141 weks from th
date of the -first publication of this
summons u served upon you by pub
lication thereof: ot within four 4i
weeks from the date of the service of
cms summons upon you if served unon
you personally outside the State of
You are hereby notified, that It you
fall to appear and answer the com
plaint of the plaintiffs on file herein
as hereinabove required, the plaintiffs
will take Judgment against you for
tne reuei prayed Jor in plaintiff
complaint on file herein, that is, the
plaintiffs will take a decree that thev,
the plaintiffs are the owners in fee
simple of the real property described
in piamuii' complaint ana Herein
after described, and that none of the
defendants have any right, title, es
tate, lien, or Interest therein, either
in law or equity, and for plaintiffs'
costs and disbursement In this suit
to be taxed.
The real property affected by this
suit la situated In Jackson County,
Oregon, and particularly described as
follows, to-wit;
From a gas pipe at southwest cor
ner of Donation Land Claim No. 84
in Township 37 South of Range 2
West of the Willamette Meridian,
run west on south line of said claim
projected 191.4 feet to east line 'if
the Orchard Home Association tract,
thence South 0 degrees and 8 mln.
West, 804.00 feet on said east line
to a 3-inch gas pipe monument;
thence West 268.00 feet to a 3-inch
gas pipe monument; thence north
0 degrees and 8 mln. east 271.6
feet to a 3-lnch gaa pipe mon
. ument; this being the point J
Mail Tribune Daily
1. First man
5. Russia sea
9. Customary
14. Act out of
15. Lars dog
16. Prone to
17. Swabs
18. At first
20. Scene of
2X. Correct
23. Jewel
24. Division of a
school year
26. Literary
27. MF.a?uro
23. West mlian
JO. Was ab!
32. Leave
33. liKHot
35. Donkey
U. PerfRtnlfift to
the aiiitis
40. Lift
42. Plant of ths
(2. KM rhen again
44. Nota of ths
45. Lis hirttVn
44. Symbol for
(7. Indfdence
49. Shelter
50. Hrltlnb sub.JffM
f3. Bleat
84. Assist
Solution of Ycatrdaya Puzzla
Ajsp FjL O R jS Tiijol
III k Uk m t lOHo r iH
HI L HE ZllI ML oil
II S flCO B Ip" A kQ
DlETeNlTMMpl0 5ifl
85. Kind of meat
57. Modern dance
R9. Of the morning
62. Not qualified
for selection
or election
56, Heal
S. Pnrts of e book
4V7. Salty drop
from the eye
M. find of (ova
69. Kind of rock
70, Gaelic
Ti. Small
.. Abbess or
' z P V WW f V 8 Wy ' " 2 '
z !ra "
2 21 W,22 H55 r
1 1,,,, mi. . 'itilL WMr.
L!LI3r5r I32 p
m3s M3h trww
40 41 -IP 42
0'. '.'fa 4$
so si is 0,ts3 15 sT 1
' '; '
i S3? trtr
,' '&
2 3 &4 : .; ST"
w IP5? JF
of beginning; and from thence
running north 0 degrees and 8 mln.
eaat 730.3 feet to a 3 -inch gas pipe
monument; thence west 1320 feet
to a 3-lnch gas pipe monument;
thence south 0 degree a mln. east
730 3 feet to a 3-lnch gas pipe mon
ument; thence east 1320 feet to a 3
inch gas pipe monument, the point
of beginning, containing 22.13 acres.
This summons Is published by vir
tue of an order of the Honorable H.
D. Norton. Judge of the above entitled
court, made and entered on the 24th
day of December. 1935. The date of
the first publication of this summons
1 the 26th day of December, 1935.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Jackson County Bank Building,
Medford, Oregon.
December 36, 1935
Medford and vicinity: Unsettled
with occasional rain tonight and Fri
day; little change in temperature,
Oregon: Unsettled with occasional
rain west and rain or snow In east
portion tonight ana Friday; little
change In temperature.
Temperature a year aso today:
Highest, 44; lowest, 31.
Total monthly precipltatlfci, f 51
Inches; excess for the month, 00.7
inch. Total precipitation since Sep
tember 1, 1936, 6.90 Incites; deficiency
fr the season. 0M inch.
Relative humidity at 6 p. i. yes
terday, 96 ptr sent; 6 a. mx, totfay.
100 per cent.
Sunrise tomorrow, 7:36 a. m.
Sunset tomorrow, 4:46 p. m.
Observations Tafeen at 5 a. ni
J?0 Meridian Time.
Bolae . . 32 36 .... cloudy
Boston ... H 38 16 .03 Clear
Chicago 34 J JO Clear
Denver w 30 30 T. Clear
Eureka 66 48 .01 Cloudy
Helena - 34 33 T. Snow
Tjoe Angelea .. 70 B3 Clear
MEDFORD 4 49 36 ,03 Foggy
Hew York SO 30 .14 Cloudy
Omaha , 10 -3 .14 Clear
Phoenix 74 43 .... Clear
Portland 43 43 .18 Cloudy
Reno .... 40 n
Roeeburg - 80 44 .01 pvggy
Salt Lake City ... 44 16 .... Clear
San Franclaco .. 66 48 .. P. Cdy.
Seattle .... 60 46 .38 Clear
Spoken. .......... 33 34 .38 Rain
Walla Walla 30 30 .30 Cloudy
Washington, D.C. 34 4 .14 Cloudy
Foresters Praise
CCC Camp Wimer
CAMP WIMER, Dec. 36. (8pt.)
Work being done here both hy and
for CCC membera was pronounced
excellent by ylaltlng atato Joreatera
Jack Joyce and Jim Moran who
spent aeveral daya at Wlroer Inspect
ing the work project and educa
tional work don. by forest aervlce
men. The vlaltora congratulated the
army on appearance of the camp
and the forestry foremen on their
active participation in leisure time
actlvltlea of th camp.
The Tlaitora (pent aome time In
the Wimer achool noting featurea
of educational work , which have
proved successful at Wimer, with a
view of making them available for
use in other forestry campa.
Cross - Word Puzzle
19. feminine
St. Segment of a
IS. Protective
t7. Ethical
28. Above
23. Tree truns
31. Employ
12 rni Lit,
34. Important
I. fttflfltit-ating
17. Art of
SB. 180 square rodi
of land
39. Ncr god
4i, Soiemn
41. Also
44. Coagulated
our milk
47. Kesvy tiik
cfoih inter
woven with
41. Plnlihed edge
of a
sfl. Xrfr boats
i. Artificial
S3. The Jreek
long O
aI. insect
65. Drew tcgathet
57. Ascend
61. Word of
0. Meul
!. Cosy home
S. Permit
44. Before
1. Swinging
barrier In a
2. Cravings
4, Intervening:
. Puss
5. Scarce
7. fteaste
t. Tradition
. styie of
Id. South
It. Protuberant
part of a
22. mall island
12. Aromatic herb
William Creek
A. O. Edwards left last week for the
Veterans hospital at Raw&uejg. lie
expects to be gone for aeveral wwoks.
Miss Evelyn Coats was a bouse guest
of Miss Pauline Vsrner aver the week
end. Both girls are at the beauty
school in Medford.
A. D. Gray purcrua a boiler at
Kerby which he brought orer iM
week for use in his sawmill.
Alva Davidson and his cousin, Jim
my Jordan, motor ue troai OeatleMd
last week, where Mr. TJavletoea ksa
bean visiting. Yr&nk Wrlt tmm ttftea
staying at the Davlsawa hosae 4urlag
his absence. Mr. Jordaa is flMei
son of the former Carty Dariefee.
About 25 tur lee se was shipeeel fw
the Christmas! saorleet Tseea tae Les
ter Spisriim farsa, and aeout tsn ajeste
numtor frees the Rlart phase.
Th Kan' Shnlth ffsaaily scwt as
turned to their homo abavw the Joe
Boat place.
Sans Tetherosr of Orante Baa w
visiting old xrienda an4 oeighber on
Williams creek recently.
Lin wood Varner, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Varner, who is in the navy,
stationed at San Diego, Is quaran
tined with the measlea.
Jack Near of Uklah, Cal.t i rlaltlng
his mother, Mrs. Prescott, and his
aunt, Mrs. O. R. Hill.
Appiegata Orange will have a
Christmas party and exchange) of giSts
at the Granga hell, Deoetnber 37.
Mrs, Art Farra of Jacksonville was
a visitor at th Pro volt Ladles' ciub
which met st the home of Mrs. 0. H.
Hill last week. Mrs. Bennett, Senior,
was also a visitor. Mrs. Kill as host
ess presented each member with a
elub yearbook, briefly outlining the
activities of tha organisation for the
years of 1634, and 1935, and attrac
tively decorated in th holiday motif.
Master Nell Holbrook. who has op
erated on for acute appendicitis De
cember 11, at the Josephine General
hospital, has Improved sufficiently to
be brought home.
The Christmas program for the Pro
volt school wea held Monday, Decem
ber 23. Mrs. Doris Cooper of Ash
land is teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith, who have
been visiting in Washington stopped
over the week-end at t4i home of
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Cocknian en
route to Coqullla. Mr. Smith is a
brother of Mrs. Oockman. Their
mother, Mrs. C. B. Smith, who has
been with Mrs. Oockman for aaveral
weeks, accompanied them.
Numerous buildings recently hare
been erected atwut Prorolt. On tha
road from Pro volt to Omnia Pass
seven new cabins have been erected
within the lost few months. At Pro
yolfc. Boy Williams, Mr. Richardson,
It, J, Warner and James pennlger have j
had new garage built; Olen Hunter
, new chicken house and Roy Lofland
potato house.
Fay Holzhauaer has returned from
a visit at Biggs, CaU and Is sow em
ployed aa stenographer and bookkeep
er for the Oregon Lime Product Co.
of William creek.
Friends of Mrs. Emm Wakefield
will be sorry to hear of hr passing
last week at Taooma, Wah. Her
daughter, Mrs. Calvin Richardson, who
has taken car of her for several year,
was with her at the tim. Mrs. Wake
field had been n invalid for many
Mrs, Jamea ptnnlger wa calling at
the O. w. Roberta home Saturday
Mra. Ann Smith of Oakland la
spending the holidays at the home of
her parents, Mr. jid Mr. Ludwlg
Mr. and Mr. Gene Helwnan and
email son George are In Oakland, OaJ.,
for a month over the holiday.
Mr. Taylor Hartley, who wa seri
ously til reoen'y, 1 able to be up
Mrs. W. C. Flxley ha returned home
from her daughter's, Mrs. Lester Sut
ton, at Klamath Pall. Mr. Sutton
i again t home wher he 1 reoav-;
ering from serious operation. j
A quilting bee wa held t th A.
D. Gray home 'aat week when mem
ber of the Grange finished quirt;
which will be old at on of the
Oronge d.Wf, prooeeda to go to fthe
Orange, A pot-luck dinner wa served
at noon.
Betn Moomaw, wno fell from the:
haymow ot hi barn and injured hi
back, wa brought home last week.
The upper part of hi spin 1 in a
cast, which he will have to wear for
some time.
Miac Ethel Bouasum and Mia tn
Johnson, teacher in the William
school, were guest recently at the
No cabin on the Rogue river above
The new houae on the Don Hedge
petn place 1 nesting completion and
will be ready for occupancy a ooa
a the floor la laid. The house will
have five room.
Cecil Walks n ha returned from a
week's visit in Washington. He re
entered achool Monday.
Frank J. Miller ha leased the Tay
lor Hartley place for the coming year.
He and hi son Vera have sown their
fall grain.
Churl Lovelaoe 1 her from Alas
ka visiting hi brother, Oeorge Love
lace, hi sister. Mr. Ira Spar 1 in, nd
other relatives and friend.
Pred Caltln u up from Marttnec,
Cl, to spend the holiday with hi
wife at the home of her parent. Mr.
and Mr. Harry Oougie. Mr. Calkin
1 pro feasor of methematic in the
high schoo' at Martinet.
glass and will rep Hoe your broken
window reasonably Trow 0 ridge 00
inet Work
Be correctly ooreeied LB
an Artist Mudel a
Ctltelwvn S Hofftaana
OfJNSMJTH Repair rut U (Gate
ot gua. su& Brot, ft ?ii.
aagBaawaff-' ' 1,11
BIG APPLEOATB, Dec 3fl (Spl.)
De$n Owens of Wellen and Delnwr
Smith of Central Point motored to
the community a few days ago, visit
ing Louis and BUI Straube.
John Byrne left Saturday for San
Jeae. Cai., where to. Is spending the
holiday we4t with his mother, Mrs,
Usee Byrne, an other relatives.
Dill Stafford formerly of the tm
aaunity. hi returned here from
Hisrewh Hm'sv at is enj?e) in min
ing r. m gs. sAmvc.h Allred of
BK Jkp1cm Me residing temporar
ily os) tlw Sialway rcsU north of Med
"l. Allree) a vine; employment
at y'4fo4. They expect to return
t tatSr hoaee Iwre in April.
SB, and Vrs. Ben Dawson and son
thr daughter are spending the
hollekiy wviJ with relatives at Rose
bi imr. t !. Jarexwt McKee and
daughter Jeanette of Corvalll spent
Christmas here with Mr. and Mrs.
Amos McKee.
Mis Leer Ouly, who returned re
cently from southern California where
ah spent few week with friends,
has accepted a position In the Agate
school aa primary teacher, and will
begin her work with the opening of
the second term, January 13. Mi
Culy is having aa a guest through
the holiday period, Eddie Pease of
Los Banos. Cal.
Louis Buckley, student at Columbia
university at Portland, 1 spending
the holiday vacation here with his
parent, Mr. exd Mr. J. T, Buckley.
Among other atudents home for the
holiday are Lee Port, Jr., from Ore
gon State college, Leo Hoffman from
college at Sacramento, Mlas Leah Mc
Kee from Medford hiRh school, and
Miss Lola Straube from Glendale high
Mr. John Byrne was the inspira
tion for a surprise party Friday even
ing, when e, large group of friends
assembled at her home in observance
of her birthday a.tnlveraary. The
evening was spend in dancing.
Mr. and Mr. Jack Caldwell, accom
panied by the latter's sister, all of
Klamath Falls, spent Christmas here
a guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jees Oald
well. Horace Oundeson, resident of the
community for the last year, where
he devoted hi time to mining, was
removed to the county hospital late
last week, neighbors having discov
ered him ill near his home.
Mr. and Mr. L. C, Port and family
pent Christmas at Ashland a guests
of Mr. Port parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. H. Peachey.
CLIMAX, Dee. JS. Sp!.) Mr. ar.a
Mra. I.r.e Winnlngham and amall
daughter Joyce Lee came up from
Medford Tuesday to apend the win
tar here.
Mr. Meda Comstock returned to
Climax Tuesday after an bsenc of
aix weeks.
Everett Orissom i. spending ft few
week, at, the nuich here.
Phil Werte went to Medford Satur
day and planned to return on Tues
day. Mr. and Mrs. Wert marketed their
turkeys last Thursday.
Mr, and Mrs, Fran Hurst enter
tained th following at dinner Sun
day: Mr. and Mrs. L. Wert, OUle
Mel. Madelyn Comstook, Roberta and
Korraa Werts.
Mennlfee oharley has had ft tale
phone installed.
Sam Ooy la .pending ft few days ert
his ranch here.
Mennlfee Charley has returned to
the Antelope district where he is
working for Henry Owens.
Leo Woods and Mr. Mika OXonner
and children of Lakevlew came Mon
day to visit their mother, Mrs. Prank
Roberta and Norn. a jean V7ert of:
Central point are spending Christmas
vacation ftt their home here.
Furnished hy the Jackson County
abstract Co.. 131 B. Sixth Street
Marriage Ucens
Irven S. Kaymatt k1 Jennl M.
Arthur V. William and WUlo M.
Gordon W. Laytem and Mary Lut
man. Bllilmore C. Kaen and Esther
Lincoln 9, Oharley and Donna
Walter A. Rdcl!ffe and Drusiila
Q rover K. Montgomery and Stella
Prohate Court
Esuta Mathilda S. Harris, deceased,
Circuit Court
United State re, Aurora Mining
CoM tax lien,
Stat of Oregon . Evln Pierce,
non -support.
Deaver A McCurley vs. Anna Kt
td. chattel lien.
The United States National Bank
of Portland. Ore., trustee, vs. Lar- j
kin McDanltJ, et alf to quint title.
Real Entate Transfer
Walter J. Mundy et ux to W. R.
Watt t ui. Q. j. D., ttact iti lot fl.
Block a, Tuttlea' Subdivision to Med-1
ford. . j
R. R. Chltds et i to Cordillpran !
Theatre Circuit, Jjic, W. O. lot 8 :
and , block City of Medford. j
Oordllleran Theaue Circuit. Inc., I
io J. D. Brown, e ux. W. D. tot (
and i, Woe 87, City of Medford.
Sheriff to State of Oregon, ahwiffa
deed. H, ISO feet lot i biock 4 of
Park Addition to Medford.
Kate Young to Chariea u ttne
barger. et al, W. D.. iota 15. 18, 17
and 18 In block 15. town of Gold
H. A. Predenbur? et ax to Oeore
F. Horner et ui, w. D lot 3. slock
I, Newtown Adrfltini.
Prank L. Earhart to u o
sen, O. c. D.. 1 acre In m
Sec. 23. Twp. 37S. K. 1W W. M.
ijoe Martin to Howie Cn3R,b
Mtrrray. W. g-75 lH tfact ls
"Hondeleuw irrigated Trte," unre-
TUe Oranta Paas irrigation dlatrlct
to Jackaon ounty. Ore., Q c D
iota S and 7. block 4 In darner
Sabln Second Add., to Rogue River.
Katie M. Davla et Mr toil, ren
tal, W. D.. 13.75 acrw tn b. 33
Twp. 383. r. jw.
Vizft Culbertaon o T.inH.
ahe!. W. D.. lot I. block a, Carlton a
iKjraon to Medford.
W. E. Carter et 11 .a t...,
Owen et u. w. jx, Und In seca.
t ana 0, xwp, 3ts. H. IE and Land
In Seca, 33 and 33 In Twp. 38S, R. IB.
Edmund Peile to ltt.
W. O,, undivided interest in iarid
m oeca. 0 and 17 In Twp. 34S. R. lw,
Sneriff tO State Of nreonr. htffl
deed, lot W, block 3, Wiiiee Addi-
Hon to Medford.
Sheriff to State of Oregon, aner
Iff'a deed, tt'i of NWVi See. S Twp.
37S, R. 1W.
Sisters of Charity of Provider;
St. Vlncenfa Hosnltnl tn rtoM tii
aim et ux, W. x SW14 of mv'ii
vy 01 aec. a Twp. 37S. B
3 Weat.
Snpeilntiint f Banka of stata
of Oregon to Charles H. Wymer et
us to W. D., land In DLC 45 In Twp.
353, R. IE, 10 acres.
J. H. Ouatlne et ux to Joseph R.
ilarahal!, Jr., et al, W. lot 14,
block 8, Ross Add Medford.
A. L. stlner to R. A. McAllister,
C D tract In AsMand Acres.
W. B. Harris to M. 1L Johnston,
W. D., lots 1 and a, block 2, Sunny
aide Add.. Medford.
Arthur E, Lalng et u& to 1. o.
Landau, W. D., W cf WH of NS
of SB Sec. 4. Twp. 33S, R. 4W.
J. O. Landau to Hyacinth A.
Bryant, W. D.. W' ow Wli of NB
of SE Sec. 4 Twp. 36S. R. 4W.
Geo. A. Scely et ux to Home Own
era Loan Coroorittion w? n inv-
33 and S3, block Tattles' Second
Addition, Medford.
Harry Banks to Grace H. Orr. W.
D.. HE of SW of SW, of SE of
SW of SW Sec. 35, Twp. 363, R. 3W.
Grace H. Orr to Harry Banks. W.
D., Si. of Mi, of SE of SW Sec.' 25,
Twp, 363, H, SW.
Amelia P. Toft to a. E. Pierce et
ux, W. D., SE of NE See. S3 Twp.
373, R. IE.
J. O. Cass to Olllle Caaa, Q. C.
NW. ZV, of NW Sec. 30, Twp. 388.
R. IW.
Lillian a. Waterman et vir to
tlnton Savings Bank & Trust com
pany, W. D., lota S and 8, block 78,
Central Point C. range.
Grange met December 30 with ft
tery good attendance. Two candi
date were obligated In the first and
second decrees. Marian Blackford
wa elected to the station of Ceres
for the coming year.
Lecture hour consisted of two plays,
one by the boys ana one toy the girts.
The play were in the form of s con
teat, and the boys' play was adjudged
the winner. Tnose participating were)
Paul Smith, Robert Spark. Dorothy
Smith, Roberta Fankey Carol Fury
nd Esther Lathrop.
Every member is urged to attend
a the Orange roted to carry on an
attendance contest. This contest di
vide the Orange into two equal
groups. The lazlaq aide is to furnlaii
the entertainment for the winning
side every three months. The Grange
also voted to enter the drill contest
sponsored by the Jackson County Po
mona, Orange. Nest meeting of the
Orange will be Friday, January 8. a
8 o'clock.
Use Mali rriDune went ad.
&uVs Eyes
(KnUisfl and electrical work is a
fciftlily specialized line, Swtt a
siisht fcmmietvge of mei-hanics
wont do . the Ijtnition 'anil
rlrrlrlral man MlT KNOW HIM
III SINKHSI You Kill sava mojje?
toy torirutinf your rar after every
lojioo miles to the Pierce-Allen
Alnfor Co,