MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUTE, MEDFOKD, OREGON, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 24, 1933. PAGE FIVE E The combined spring and fall crcft the small farrowing In the spring of this year. The number of pUs saved in the fall season of 1935, June 1 to Decem ber 1. was estimated at 20.272.000 head, an increase of 4,750.000 head or 306 percent over the number saved In the fall of 1934, and a decrease of 27 per cent from the average num ber caved from 1929 to 1933. Farmer Makes Violins BELLE PLAINS. Ia. (UP) For 50 years, on his extensive dairy farm. Joseph Civis. 66, has combined the finishes his chores, he turns to tne Alisons record for the shortest and workbench. He sells some of his j most Uccessful deer hunt this year. Captain Triffino Correa of the Bra. zillan army recently faced discipli nary action from War Minuter Joao Gomes Riberio because be com plained to President Getulio Vargaa against the minister's rlstorous meth ods with officers and troops. of 1935 was estimated at 5 percent below that Of 1934. The department choicest liddles for 500. said there Is a prospective increase Tinnin left town at 6 a. m. the day EXPECTED STARI WITHNEW YEAR Government Approval of of 34 percent in the number of sows to farrow in the spring of 1938 over Deer Hunter lloaMs speed FLAGSTAFF. Ariz. tUPi Ollfe the deer season opened. At 7:30 a m.. he resrhed home with a 135 pound buck. art of farming and manufacturing Ose Mall Tribune want ads. fiddles. When Civis. who lives alone. Tinnin. Flagstaff barber, claims the at Oregon's Law Expected Next Week Employers of 4 or More Must Aid SALEM. Dec. 24. p)- Administra tion of Oregon's new development compensation law was expected to start shortly after the first of the year. Immediately upon approval of the federal government. T. Morris Dunne, member of the state aocldent com ml Ai on. announced here today upon hla return from Washington. Dunne stated the government was expected to approve Oregon's law. which will be tied In with federal provisions, some time next week, and that Oregon's proposal would be the first approved in the United States. The act was passed by the special session of the legislature. Collections from employers of four or more persons who have worked at least one day In 20 different weeks will be due April 1, after which the accident commission was expected to collect monthly. The federal govern ment, which receives 10 per cent of the fund, will pay all administrative costs,, Dunne said. The employers must pay to the state nine-tenths of one percent of the payroll this next year. 1.8 percent In 1937 and 3.7 percent In 1938. Bene fit will start for unemployed be ginning in 1938. The government annually will collect .1 percent, .3 per cent and .3 percent respectively for these three years and the 1936 amount of collections will continue annually. When benefits start, Dunne stated, the unemployed, after a three-week period, vould receive half of their weekly payroll, with a maximum of 15 a week, for IS weeks. These would be paid from the collection made. The accident commission, which will administer the law here for the government, will first acquaint em ployers with the provisions of the law and make a survey of employers After final approval Is granted by the government, the administration setup will be made, he said. OF CHRIS! TOLD i Fred M. Weatherford, pastor-evangelist, spoke Sunday at the Church of the Nazarene on "The Royal Majesty of Christ, the Infinite." drawing his text from Luke 2:10-11. Hla message follows In part: "The word of the Lord Is certain to accomplish the fulfillment of its purpose. We catch the first gleam of light announcing the coming of the Son of God In the Book of Gene sis. Centuries roll by and the proph et. Isaiah caught anew the Lord 's ure word of prophecy, telling of His coming. Again centuries passed in review until we hear the Angel of Annunciation say to Mary, In speak ing of the new-born Lord. Thou shall eall his name Jesus; for He shall save His people from their sins.' "We- are struck with the humble ness of the coming of this Infant God gift; It was not only without social distinction, but below the par of the humblest peasant. The birth of Christ was virtually without hu man recognition. No respectable room was to be found, much less a formal reception by potentates, with a reti nue of servant. Mary was compelled to deliver the Saviour of the world in a stable, unattended: so utterly alone were they that Ood had to send a reception committee and furnish a speaker to give the welcoming ad drees, but who. Indeed, of earth should explain to the world the interweav Ing of Diety with humanity as re posed In the child wrapped In swad dling clothes and lying In a manger. Who could explain the emblazoned signature of Bmanlel Inscribed on his Tisage and written In his word. So the angelic host irom heaven pre sided that day and said to the world. I bring you good tidings of great Joy which shall be to all people, for unto us la iiorn this day in the city of David, a Saviour, which 1 Christ the Lord. "With his coming a new day dawn ed on the horiroT) of time for the world. Men who had sat and who sit today in the darkness of their own wisdom may now behold and experience the light of salvation from sin. Notwithstanding His humble deliv erance and the temporal poverty ol his earthly career. He was the most WMtlle expert of the ages. He never posed as a statesman, yet it was said of Him in His word, 'Of His kingdom there shall be no end.' He never as serted His medical credentials, yet He Mid to His leper patient. 'Be thou clean.' and he was restored whole. He never matched oratorical ability with Cicero or Demosthenes, yet It was said of Him. 'Never man spake like this man. He never t In the world peare parliament halls, yet He Is the Prince of Peace, and ail peace originates In Him." FALL PIG CROP WILLSHOW GAIN WASHINGTON. Tc. 34 T Thr lUrtciltnr department eytimatfd thai Mt IMS full pin crop 0'ilrt :iow to S prcnt ln.-is over production to lftH. UUIriUntUl!LUULJ pg ' Brings gon savings of 30 cm ' Fine Percale Frocks Selling Elueirherv at ..? Buy these in Wards Sale and save 27c! Styles for the young miss or older matron. Beautifully fashioned of finest 80 -square per cales! New Spring patterns that are tubfast! Smart details that tell their actual worth! Better Get Several of Them at These Sale Prices! A MONTGOMERY 01 117 SOUTH CENTRAL wAkd TELEPHONE 283 4