PAGE TTVO MEDFOnn MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFOKI). OREGON, SUNDAY, DECEifBER 22, 1935. lliiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiri tiiiiiiiiiiinu.,,..;)! m. mn ni!ll!llllllllll"'"""""u"u"unu OGJLJBJCN w W mmaammmmmjKiSKmmamaesm W mmmm mm N,M'mi Il 'III II nun il!"lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiini' IIIIM'1 ,1 Ml Ml) lliiMlHlI'..-...t)HlliitiniiiH IllllUUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIllllllllllll Effie Yeoman United To 7. M . Kurtz In Early Morning Rites Effi Herbert Yeoman waa united In marriage to T. M. Kurtz at 7 o'clock Wednesday morning by Rev. W. R. Balrd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Oentner, 20 North Orange street, In a, ceremony the plana for which were successfully kept secret and will come as a complete surprise to most Med lord folk. Bride and groom made their vows In front of the fireplace. A special painting over the fireplace of the Christmas scene of the Three Wise Men coming Into Jerusalem, added an unusual and particularly appropriate decorative note. The picture was flanked on either side by small OtVrUtmas trees, bright In blue and silver, and tho fireplace was banked : with tall basket of polnsettlaa and Oregon grape. The bride was gowned In periwinkle blue and wore a corsage of gardenias. Attendants were Mr. and Mr. Elbert Herbert of The Dalles. Mr. Herbert Is s brothor of the bride. A wedding breakfast followed the ceremony, the tables having as oen terplece a silver bowl of holly flank ed by tall red tapers In red holders. Hostesses for the breakfast were Mrs. Oontner and Mrs. Balrd. The bride and groom and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert left later In the week for Law ton, Okla., where they will spend the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Rose Herbert, mother of Mrs. Kurtz, and Mr. Herbert. They drove by way of' the southern route, and Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz are expected to return In about three weeks. They will make their home here. Mrs. Yeoman la very well known In valley musical and social circles. Mr. Kurtz has been a Medford resi dent for about a year, being aosocl-: a ted with the Alaaka of Oregon Mines company. Witnessing the ceremony were Mr. nd Mrs. Oentner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert, Miss Eleanor Curry and Rev. and Mrs. Bnlrd and family. Thimble Club Exchanges Gifts. Mrs. Bessie Brenner of Central Point, was a recent hostess to 24 members and two guests of the Chrysanthemum Thimble club. No. 323 for the annual Christmas party. A business meeting followed lunch eon, ofter which attontion centered on the decorated Christmas tree laden with gifts for the members. It was announced that the next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. H. P. Piatt, January . 0, at which time officers for the ensuing year will be Installed, Larry Schade Your Favorite Jeweler Continuously Since 1918 WREATHED THIS XMAS No more washdays in the house. Everybody agrees it costs very little more to have that weekly bundle of trouble done at the laundry. We've been very busy Hough Dry s lbs. 56c 7 each ndditionnl pond T LAWSON LITTLE 1S W. Lnwton Little, Jr., American and British amateur golf cham pion, and his fiancee, Dorothy Hurd of Chicago, ready for an outing on tnq San Francisco peninsula. Miss nurg was xno nouaay guest of Cor, and Mrs. Little at the presidio of San Francisco. (Associated Prese Phntnt Returning Students Center of Attention In Family Circles Most of Met! ford's wandering sons and daughters have returned from their various alma maters to become the center of attention In their fnm lly circles for the ensuing two weeks. Included among those arriving this week end are the Misses Rosa and Dorothy Gore, Dorothy Burgess, Pat ricia Young, Ruth Fitch, Barbara Field, Betty Ann Thorndlke, Virginia Llndley, Botty Vllm, Ruth Mlnear. Margaret Younger and Lois Nichols. Also home from Oregon schools are Vivian Van Hoevenberg, Evelyn Leon ard, Marguerite Boyle, Marjorle Phyth lan. Mary Van Dyke and Leneve Sim. kins. Sons being welcomed Include Bill Cummlngs, Donald Richardson, Bob Hlntnan, Robert Fowler, Fred Snldor. Royal King, Glenn Slmklna and BUI Barnum. j Robert Spouldlng arrived last week end from Stanford, and Miss Virginia Flck Is expected home from the Uni versity of Washington. Mis Margaret Mnry Mann arrived this morning on the Shasta from Mills college, and many others arc being warmly greeted by families and friends. Hoffmans OurU Of Keltitlvrs Hrre. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hoffman were expected to arrive today from their heme in Hoed River to be holiday guests of Mr. Hoffman's brother, and Mster-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Hoffman, at their home on Jackson ville highway. The Horrnions will remain until the end of the week. Wenonoh Club Kntertiiliifd Thursday. Mrs. Blanche Rlnaborger woa host ess to tho Wenonah club at her homo Thursday afternoon, the occa sion being a Christmas p.rty. Cards were In play during the afternoon, with score awards going to Esther Dooms and Ethel Blsh, Each guest was presented with a gift from the Chrutmns tree later In the afternoon. Special guest was Mrs. Ltly Baltzman. Assisting the hostess were Gladys Waltermlre. Nell Prock. Hilda Clif ford and Velma Slnglcr. Next meet ing was announced for January K at the home of Lena Ciuonther. IN SMILES this week laundering linens.That added touch of distinction, which ex pertness gives to fine linens, does add gleam and sparkle to tho .holiday season. Merry Xmas, everybody. AND HIS FIANCEE 4t DeMolay Mothers Announce Officers Monday afternoon Mrs. OrantTcdd was hostess to the DeMolay Mothers' club meeting In regular business session. The Todd home was beau tifully decorated In the prevailing Christmas spirit. After the business meeting, Mrs. Lamb distributed gifts to the members. Officers for the coming year are: President, Mrs. Frank Hull; vice president, Mrs. Dave Roberts; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Grant Todd, and corresponding secretary, Mrs. L. C. Tnylor. Next meeting Is announced for January 30 at the home of Mrs. Logan Stewart. 305 Laurel street. All mothers of DeMolay members are cordially Invited. Assisting Mrs. Todd In this week's meeting were Mcsdames Oates, Lud wlg and Thlerolf. Newlyweds Expected As Hartley Guests Combining a honeymoon and Christmas holiday will be Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hartley. Jr.. of Salt Lake City, who are expected to ar rive in Medford today or tomorrow to be the guests of Mr. Hartley's pnrenis, iwr. and Mrs. O. A. Hartley, 408 W. Second street. Although now established In Salt Lake City. Mr. Hartley Is well-known in the volley. Until a yeor ago he wns wun tna southern Pacific rail way in Klamath Falls, and has many friends In this citv. The Hartleys are coming here di rectly after their wedding, which was to take place some time this week-end. Thoy will remain over the unristmoa holidays. Lure Oroup Entertained Friday. Approximately seventy guests were present at the Golden Links Bible tinss Yuletlde party at the First Baptist church Friday evening. Din ner, games, Christmas carols and distribution and exchange of gifts constituted the evening's activities. Hostesses were Mesdames Lester, Anderson. Cope, Jacoby, Myers, Hlb bard, Oober, Piatt and Thurman. Successful Porty For Women's rinss. mm. Henry Currier, assisted by ner naumiter, Mrs. Marmle Olson was hostess to the Loyal Women's class of the Christian church Friday afternoon at what was conceded to be the most successful of the an nual Chrlstmns parties In the his tory of the da. Officers elected during the ahcrt business session that followed lunch eon were: President, Mrs. Lucy Husk; vice-president. Mrs. Bertha Newton; Becretsry-treosurer. Mrs. Inea Miller; assistant secretary. Mrs. Orace Pel lett; teacher, Mrs. Oertrude Klrk pntrlrk, Hev. W. R. BMrd. acting as Santa Clans, distributed gifts from the tree :o the 41 guests. Murray's Beauty Salon Phoiej 486 or 363 Second Floor Mann's Gamma Alpha Beta To Entertain With Dance Monday Eve First of the large holiday affairs will be the Gamma Alpha Bets dance tomorrow evening at St, Mark's Guild hall, whose hostesses are the Misses Kathleen Dtllard Lois Herman, Frances Daly, Elaine Brophy, Patsy Smith, Peggy Reter, Frankle Rlnabarger, Janice Shreve, LaVerne Stevenson, Katharine Ford, Carol Scheffel and Florence Rlngoen, Formal Invitations have been Is sued to approximately fifty guests, who will dance to the music ot Price's orchestra. Decorations will use the seasonal motif, with pine boughs and Christmas greens lend ing the hall a festive appearance. Feature numbers are being plan ned to Intersperse the dancing. Patrons and patronesses will be and Mrs. Howard Scheffel, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rlnabarger. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Brophy and Bill Bower man. Many Planning To Leave For Holiday A number of holiday visits, both aa guests and as hosts, are being planned by Medford folk during the Christmas vacation. Miss Maurlne Carroll will spend her vacation with relatives In Eugene, and Miss carin Degermark will visit her family in Portland. Mrs. Wllna Klncald will have a southern trip to Los Angeles. The Misses Josephine and Jacquolse Kirt ley will have as their guests their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Klrtley, and their brother, Kenneth, of Eu gene, who will also spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Klrtley. Mrs. Johnnie Fleet Smith will spend her holiday In Los Angeles. 4 , Tudor Literature Is Delphian Discussion At this week's meeting of Chi Dcflta chapter, Delphian society. various phases of Elizabethan litera ture were discussed under the gen eral topic of Tudor England. Making reports were Mrs. J. A. Walsh. "General Character of the Period"; Mrs. D. R. Wood. "The Political Career of Bacon"; Mrs. M. M. Radcllffe, "Bacon's Literary Ca reer"; Mrs. O. O. Bchenck, "Spencer's Unsuccessful Suit for Favor"; Mrs. Howard Scheffel, "Brief Discussion of His Masterpiece"; Mrs. Bertha Dolley, "Elizabethan Lyricists." and Mrs. Jerry Barr, "The Sonneteers." Prizes Given At Masquerade Ball Seventy-five guests were present at the masquerade given Friday evening by the Eve Benson dancing studio. Prize for the best song-title cos tume was won by Mrs. A. C. Bevan, whose title was "Midnight In Paris." Other prizes were awarded to Gretch en McAllister and Arthur Carpenter as "Chinese Lullaby" and "China Boy." Durrell Adams as "Popeye" was con oeded the prize for the best represen tation of a theatrical personage, and Anita Cook, Doreen Leveret te, Claude Reed and Bruce Leverotte were win ners In the construction of paper costumes contest. Jimmy Foster and Doreen Leverette were awarded the prlzez for the best dancing during the evening. Music was by Whipple's orchestra. Medford Folk Leave for Visit. Spending Christmas vacation out of town will be Mrs. Esther Church Leake, who left Friday evening for Portland, where she will Join her husband. Also leaving Friday evening wns Mrs. William D. Hlnes, the former Miss Jans Dixon, who will Join her husband In Yakima, Wn. Klanmth Wedding Of Interest Here, Miss Eula Burnett and Rudy Lueck were united In marrloge In a simple ceremony last Tuesday In Klamath Falls. The bride, whose home Is In Tur lock. Calif., teaches school at Kirk and Mr. Lueck Is winter custodian of Camp Wineglass for the national park service. He has many friends here who will be Interested to hear of his marriage. Pattoni Return To Home Here. Arriving on the mcrnlng train yes terday were Mrs. Edith Patton and her daughters, the Misses- Doris and Helen. Mrs. Patton has been away for about three months, visiting friends In New York and Washing ton. D. O. She returned via the Pan ama canal to Join her daughters In Snn Francisco and accompany them home. Both young ladles are stu dents at Mills College. Make M u r r a y 's your headquarters for Beauty for the Holidays. Ap pointments should be made as early as possible o that you will look your very best at tho Xmas and Now Year's dances. A CREDIT CARD FOR A SMART PERMANENT WAVE IS A GRAND LAST MINUTE GIFT SUGGESTION. Don't for Ret our Colonial Dame Beauty Kits, $1.00 & $2.00 Store Dance Saturday At Lithia Large Affair One of the largest private affairs of the holiday season was the din ner dance at the Lithia Hotel In Ashland last evening, whose hosts were Lieut, and Mrs. Thecdore P. Coates, Capt. and Mrs. C. L. Pierce, Lieut, and Mrs. Fred W. Greene and Capt. and Mrs. John R. Murray. Invitations were Issued to 62 guests. A large beautifully decorated ennstmas tree graced the ball room, while the dinner tables also corrted out the holiday motif. Extension Committee Has Christmas Party For Chairmen Dec. 17 The Jackson County Extension committee entertained at a Christ mas party for the Jackson Countv Unit Chairmen Tuesday afternoon, at tne home of Mrs. Mabel O. Mack. In rooms attractively decorated in holly, red berries, candles, and Christmas greens. Mrs. Rita Myers, chairman of the county committee, was in charge of the program which opened with Christmas games. Mrs. A. W. War nock led the singing of Christmas carols. Th official organ of home eco nomics extension service was dis cussed by Mrs. Mabel Mack. In re viewing the administration work Mrs. Mack stressed the Important Dart extonslon unit chairmen and county committees have In carrying on adult extension programs in the countv. The program closed with a Christmas story by Mrs. Bertha Young and carols by the group. Refreshments were served by the county committee with Mrs. Alice Hanley pouring and Mrs. S. W. Hutchinson, Mrs. O. C. Maust, and Mrs. C. E. Myers assisting uuests: Mesdames C. R. Reynolds. Roxy Ann; Ruth Hood, Griffin Creek; Eva Thomas, Oak Grove: Marie Furrv. Phoenix: Edythe Smith, Jacksonville; Edna Holdrldge. Talent: Irma Sea man, Eagle Point; Arlee Ragsdale. Trail; Maude D1U worth. McLeod; Doris Gerber, Howard: Mary Coker, Central Point: Bertha Lund. Rogue River; Nola Aune. Evans Vallev: K. Ethel Lathrop, Central Point; N. D. Thornton, Fish Lake; Eva Segessman, Trail; Ida Sweeney, Medford; A. W. Warnook, Gladys York, Viola Scher rer. Medford. Hostesses: Miss Alice E. Hanley and Mrs. C. E. Myers, Medford; Mrs. O. C. Maust, Central Point: Mrs. Lee Port. Jacksonville: Mrs. Dick Straus, Sams Valley; Mrs. Walter Young. Ea?le Point: Mrs. S. W. Hutchinson, Trail; Mrs. Mabel C. Mack, Medford. Will Visit In California. Miss Rose Ellen SI one-her left early this week for Temple City, Calif.. to spend the holidays with relatives. She accompanied Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Bowen of Beagle. f Miss St rime It Returns fur Holidays. Miss Suzette Stcnnett Is at home to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stennett. Miss Stennett arrived In Medford eorly ost week, continuing almost immediately to the northern port of the state, where she spent several days visiting friends In Portland, Eu gene and Oorvallls. She has been a student at the Armstrong Business college In Ber keley, but will leave December 2U to enter a secretorial school in Hol lywood, which specializes in secre- tarlnl training In connection with tne motion picture Industry. o . a?. FUR COATS For Christinas Adricnne's unnoivncs a special showing of smart Fur Coats by Jack Fields Monday, Monday Evening 3 3 and luesday You have only Two more days to buy Gifts. Come in and select a handsome Fur Coat. o Specially Priced at son o o vi 'r so m - a $59.50 $79.50 $200-00 Adrienne Also Suggests Louth In Kohr NUhtenwn Conti Pnrfcnce ftttrnrthely wtapPil rim t ttrchle to huv. ie ADRIENNE'S Students Invited To College Night Dance By Oregon State Club Friday evening will see the gath ering of a large group of college and high school students, hot to speak of a substantial number of both college and high school alumni, when the Oregon State College club Is hostess fcr Its annual All-College Night dance at Dreamland hall De cember 27. Students from all colleges, alumni, high school students and high school alumni are cordially invited In charge of arrangements are Le land Mentzer, Mrs. W. J. Warner and Kenneth Denman, who will be assisted by Bob Mlnear, and the Misses Marguerite Boyle and Mar garet Warner. Patrons and patronesses for the affair will be Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dsnman, Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sanders. Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Stearns. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ret Hamm:nd, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Kem. Ms. and Mrs. Lewis Ulrlch and Mr. and Mrs. Don Newbury. Hear Xmas Program At Thursday Session A complete and varied Christmas program was presented before the Thursday meeting of the Royal Neighbors this week. Included on the program were : Carol, 'by all present: a three-act play written by Barbara Hampton and directed by Marjorle Dodson; carol by Bernadlne and Norma Jean Arnold, accompanied by Marie Sllva; reading, by Elmer Bashaw. Also presented were recitations by Lois Welsberg, Anna Dickey, Mary Olascock, Rosalie Glascock, and Ce celia Kinney; a carol, by all; a talk on Christmas and other sea sonal activities In Sweden, by Can Pearson: and a final song by the assembly. Gifts were distributed, and re freshments served by the committee. Margery Pearson, Blanche Arnold, Hannah Honners, Marie Gautenbeln and Frelda Klngsley. Teachers Leave For Homes in South. The Misses Mary Foster and Flor ence Mason, teachers at the Valley school, left yesterday to spend the Christmas holidays with their fami lies. Miss Foster to Pasadena and Miss Mascn to Los Angeles. Chandler Egans In San Francisco. Word has been received here that Mr. and Mrs. H. Chandler Egan, who left their home here a few days ago. are spending a little time In San Francisco before continuing to their winter home at Pebble Beach. Miss Gregory Home From South. Miss Vivian Gregory of San Fran cisco, will spend the Christmas holi day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Gregory. She will bring as her guest Mr. H. E. Moe of Roseville. Calif. Leaving Tonight ' Frr California. j Mrs. Lillian Ashcraft, who has spent seme time in Medford as the fnje3t of friends and relatives, will leave th!s evening for Oak'and, Cal.. where she will spend Christmas holidays with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Jones. After the first of the year. Mrs. Ashcraft will continue to southern ' California, where she will make her permanent home. rm i ii Hanriktrrhtrfi K lower C'oMtime Jewelry II ind Hnlery Apron Jtrnrf nml mnllert for inn. ?f tou cut rrrt incite from Arirlrn'nv's B 'i sir ' Tm AWfe. to lP nm - 20-30 Ladies Have Progressive Party Ladles of the Twenty-Thirty club entertained lost evening with a Christmas progressive cocktail party, hostesses being Mrs. Cordy Sunder man and Mrs. Harry Plneo. Guests progressed from the Sunderman and Plneo homes to the club rooms for a midnight supper and dancing. Guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Alton Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Earl wln Cutler, Mr. and Mrs. Ly!e Llnd ley, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fichtner, Mr. and Mrs. Lem Ma&sle, the Missas Har riet Sparrow and Dorothy Hughes and Aubrey Saunders, Hal Farley and Tru Run y an, and the husbands of the hostesses. M Visits Daughter Over Holidays. Recent arrivals In the city in cluded Mrs. Eva Low of D:dge City, Kansas, who arrived Friday evening to spend Christmas holidays with her daughter and family, Mrs. Har old Wing. Use Mall rrlbune want ads. BROPHY'S Present to the Last-Minute' Shopper These Gift Suggestions r.-H HI III I IKS SPECIAL Men's Waltham Other Watches $9.75 up fcr Men I for Wc men Cigarette Cases and I.lffhters SI. 50 to $12.50 Build Silver Belt Buckles $1.75 up Key Chains $1.00 Tie Sets 50d to $3.50 Electric Clocks $2.95 up Cameo Rings $2.75 up Fountain Venn or Desk gets $2.50 up yjfop&to Grama's 'House Tve Gc But "Grandma's house," this Christmas, may be away across many rivers and over the woodland? of whole slates. No matter! The family can be ipccdily brought together. "Long Distance" is the ma'ie slciisli. So call up relative and friend?, w ih lliem the joy ' of the season. The cost is low. TACIHC TLE1'H0.E AND Tl I.lXIt A I'll COMPANY Annual Queen's Ball Set for December 30 By Job's Daughters 61 nee its organization In Medford. the Job's Daughters chapter has er rans?d many of the most enjoyed affairs to be attended by the younger set. Latest event to be arranged by the young ladies Is the annual Queen's ball, set for next Monday evening, December 30, In honor or Kathleen Dtllard. newly elected queen, succeeding Patsy Smith. Place is the DeMolay Hall, ana invitations have been Issued to a large number of Med ford's young socialites. Committee for arrange ments is headed by Miss Patsy Smith, who is being assisted by the Misses Joan Hunt. Elaine Bro- pny.vLois Frazee, Doris South wick. Mary uamg, Cdrijn nm, rinuiro Rlnabarger, Peggy Reter and Helen Thompscn. BICYCLES New and used We have the most complete stock in Medford. Time payments. Sims Bros.. 28 N. Fir St. wrist Watches $12.75 Dresser Sets $3.95 to $35.00 Rings Stone nnd Diamond Set Compacts $1.00 to $5.50 Bracelets $1.50 up Wliltlng & Davis Evening Bags $3.50 to $7.50 Silver International and the New Ken.HlnRlon Ware JEWELERS MEDFORD, ORE. J Tebphnne H