PAGE SEX MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OREGOX, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1935 RIBUNE "Everyone In Hnutbern Oregon Read the Hull Tribune" Dally ttirept Saturday. Publthr, by MEDFOKD PHINTINO CO. 16-27- N. Kir 8t. Phonal. ROBERT W. RUHU Editor. An In dependant Nawapapar. Entered aecond-cltsa rnatiar at Med- ford, Oregon, under aci 01 warco m, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily, one year r1Iv. alx montha Dally, one month 't Bv carrimr. In Advance Medford. Ah land. Jacksonville. Central Point, Phoenix, Talent. Gold Hill and on highway. Deily. one year I'l Dally, all monthe. .. Dally, one month All term, cash In advance. Official Paper of the CHy of Medford. Orrirlal Paper of Jat'kaon County. MKMItFH OK TUB AHHOC'I ATKU I'lltSM Rivflvlng run iMthea wiro orr.r. The Aaaiciated Pree la exclusively en titled to the uae for publication of all Dwi dlapaichea credited to It or other wise credited In thla paper, and alao to the loci i nana published herein. All rlghta for publication of special dlapatchea herein are alao reserved. MEUHBR OF UNITED PRESS MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS Advertising Repreaentatlvee H. 0. MOO KN. SEN COMPANY Offices In New Vork. Chicago Detroit. San Fran-lco. Los Angeles. Seattle. Portland. ON Ye Smudge Pot i By Artbur Perry. It la now leared. In the beat Journalistic gobbing circles, in this gtate, that changing the primary election Irom May to September, "will rob the poor man of a chance to run for office" -if he doean't know any better. Only a week until Ohrlatmai. In the good old days, about this time, citizens started buying Scotch whis key In dimpled bottles, that smelled like a pair of cowhide boots drying back of a kitchen stove. John Anderson of Central Point, la going to move to Salem. He can come back any time he wants to. He la a farmer, who can eat fried chicken at a Orange meeting, with out getting mad at anybody not even J. Plerpont Morgan. Republicans have selected Cleve land, Ohio, as their convention city next year, when a presidential can didate will be nominated to oppose the Incumbent, et al. Among the more fervid and fevered aupporters of the "New Deal." thla la regarded as a bigger piece of foollshneaa, than any thought up by the "Brain Trust." e e "Politics and religion have beon mobilized In support of the Town send pension plan," according to proas dispatches. Citizens well versed in the ways of politics and poli ticians have started feeling sorry for both religion and the Old Polks. If the trucks on our highways get much bigger it won't make much different If they do beat the trains to railroad crossings. (Life). Sounds like a noble senti ment. see The governor continues to twit his constituents and statesmen about the wholesale lack of pro gressive gumption In the state. The esteemed Salem Statesman opines the chief executive's comparison ol Oregon progrpss. with the hustle of the two sister states Is "true but unpopular." His virile oratory la attributed to "chagrin" over the capltol site dawdling of the late left. Mat. ire. The Governor feels, no doubt, that the commonwealth, hav ing proceeded this far, from the way the Indians left It, should ad tance the rest of the way. The C. Wig Ashpole boy, Wlglette, ; 8, was downtown yesterday looking for Santa Claus. and turning over every stone to find him. He holds to the theory that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole, and not Wash ington, D. C. He wants a drum, and a horn, and a horse, and velocipede, and cowboy boots, hat. and chaps, and a train, and some blocks, and a wagon, etc., etc., etc. Bruno Hauptman, the convicted kidnaper and murderer of the Lind bergh baby, wants to prove his innocence with a "lie-detector" contribution of science to crime de tection. The Instrument Is not gen erally used, but testa show it ef ficient. If and when, perfected it will probably be employed to determine If the deienflnnt la tell ing the truth about the murder Just a.ipixwe the prisoner at the bar has been unable to spoof the device, and his fat rests with the Jury. Oullty la the only possible verdict, unless the Jury is convinced by t he defense counsel , the wrong kind of sewing machine oil waa used In greasing the sphygmonan emeter. see The flth street pavement whlcn has been patched, oftener than the seat of an honest man's pant, has again been subject to repairs The rumor that an auto and occu pant were accidentally hermetically mled In one cf the rrevasaes nas not hern confirmed. None deny that 6th atrret needs repavlng. but "H would cost money." Thla I an un answerable argument, but so does the road to the top cf a mountain nobody wants to conquer. 'As we recall It. It went some thing like this. Little Mary was aiiying her evening prayers and con rlncled them with the words, "And Ood take care of yourself, for 1 you drn't we won't have anyone but Mr. Roosevelt and Daddy la kind of disappointed In him." (Emporia, Kan.. Oazette). History repeats Itself, and revives a tnie first told about T. R. Use Mail rnouDt waul ada. 1 MEDFORD M M B E K i I.e-yJuCrrJ I TV. I A &VD Q1AT Governor Martin Is Right THHE Portland Orcgonian clinches its three-barreled attack upon Governor Martin, for daring to criticize the state senate, with a quotation from modern psychology. It maintains, in effect, when a school Btudent does poor work, the modern psychologist does not resort to criticism, but encouragement, for the former only increases the student i con fusion and frustration, while the latter tends to stimulate his self confidence and spirit of endeavor. THE answer is it all depends upon the student If the student is doing the best he can, but is handicapped by lack of pro. per preparation, or inferior mental capacity, what might be termed the petting and sympathetic method', is often desirable. But if this is NOT the case, if the student is as bright as his companions, just as well prepared, but for one reason or anoth er, refuses day by day to do the work he is capable of doing, then not only modern psychology but ancient common sense, prescribes some plain speaking and rigorous action to wake him up. ' . TUB latter technique is undoubtedly the one adopted by Gov ernor Martin, and instead of being criticized for such action, the chief executive should be heartily commended for it. For Oregon is not inherently an inferior state; it is not by nature, the poor relation in the national family; in natural resources, in advantages of soil and climate, in the quality of its citizenship, it is the equal of any other state, and superior to many. But for a long time it has lacked the proper spirit. It has lacked the proper leadership. It has become the victim of an incorrigible inferiority complex, which was clearly exemplified in the state senate's "defeatist" attitude toward the state capitol building, its failure to do anything in regard to imme diate development of the state's mineral resources, and in gen eral the absence of any sprit of aggressive and constructive accomplishment. It was this SPIRIT, the Governor attacked, not so much the state senate or its membership and in doing so, as usual, he minced no words about it. He said in effect, it was time for Oregon to wake up, to shake off its legthary'and inertia; with business improving all over the country and great publio works within the state Hear ing completion, the time had come for the state to snap out of its inferiority complex, and take advantage of its manifold opportunities, here and now! IN taking such action, Governor Martin not only evoked the spirit the state has lacked for so long a time; but supplied the quality of leadership that it so sorely needB. No one in the state is more devoted to its welfare and devel opment thnn Governor Martin; deeper affection for its people. clearly that if something isn't late its latent energies and self confidence, the train of national progress will steam on, leaving Oregon at the cross roads, watching the caboose go by. It is regrettable that a great daily like the Oregonian should see fit to condemn the Governor for his timely and courageous staiid, give encouragement to the forces of reaction and self complacency, and thus render the effort to bring Oregon into her own, just that much more difficult to accomplish. Kindness a Fine Art THE old-fashioned "art of being kind" is really a fine art, comments Ciinnninrr Pollock, popular American playwright, in the current Rotarian Magazine, season provides an appropriate tice. ' 1 "I remember one 25th of December that was simply made for me," he writes, "by a soft, strange voice at the other end of a telephone wire that said, 'I'm afraid you've got the wrong number, but Merry Christmas all the same.' And in reverse, I remember countless other voices on phones that implied very definitely that I had deliberately asked for a wrong number, and conspired with the operator the bath. "It's so easv to smile and to small kindly thing, that I'm a little puzzled that it isn't a more common habit. One reason, I suppose, is that courtesy requires a two-way street. "I don't excuse, but I do sympathize with the man who quit giving his seat to women in crowded subways after the fifteenth woman had taken it without a word of thanks. But here my wonder is at those 15 those 15,000 women. Dving. thev should be condemned to an eternity of swaying floors with an infinity of straps "f find " ho continue. "T have policeman I saw lugging the basket of an old Jewish woman through the traffic of Canal street, and the busy man who writes a long and courteous letter to the utter stranger in quest of information, and the cigar or drug clerk who leaves his coun ter to instruct a non-paying visitor in the use of a dial telephone. "I think life would be easier if more of us liked people. All kinds of people, under all kinds of conditions and handicaps. I think our heaviest, burdens would be lighter, and our important problems loss worrisome, if we didn't hsve to carry so many loads of thoughtlessness, and have our minds and hearts trou bled by so many trifling rubs. "It's really quite ensy to write a kind letter. It's easier still to sny a kind word. Few of the things we have the oppor tunity of doing for other people really involve any very painful self-saerifiee. And the things of this sort we don't do sterilize our own souls, and harden our own paths. More than anything else in our journey through life, they rate us as first class, stolid elftss, or steerage." Marshfield Yule Business Heavier MAn.snmxn. or., dm. is Holiday business here this year 1. more than 30 per cent greater so lar than for the correapoiNttrm period last year, a aurvey of Apartment stores showed today. The Impetus of heavier rnirchaalntt aaa felt In nil department, store inanat;ers Mid. no one has a higher regard or a But also no one realizes more done to wake Oregon up, stimu and, he suggests, the Yuletide time to give it study and prac to pick one whose owner was in be agreeable, and even to do the jnst out of reach. definite weakness for the Multnomahans Pay Delinquent Taxes PORTI.AND. Dee. IS (ffV-Multno-mh county's taa collections exclu sive of discount will exceed the face of the current roil thle year for the flr.t time sine 1837. Sheriff Martin Pratt said today. Collection, alnce January total US.. ?eVSS5 10, equal to the current roll lth two weeka yet to go. Sheriff rratt aaid. Personal Health Service By William Brady, M D. HlRned letter pertaining Ui personal bealtb and bynieu uut to disease dlujcnusl or treaimeni will be answered ay Or. Brady If a stamped eir-ua-dressed envelope is enrlused Letter should De nriei and written tn ma (Jiving Ut the (arte numhei al letters received only a few can he answered No reply can he made to queries not conforming to instructions Address Or William Urady. m ffi Carainu. tfeverly Hills lai. IF VOU CAN'T FIO'IIT. OR RUN AWAY The observation of Drs. H. W. Hag gard and L. A. Green berg, that a. dose of tobacco smoke causes a slight but temporary Increase tn the proportion of sugar In the blood and a cor responding 1 n -crease in the rate of sugar combus tion, has been cited by some one as a Justification for smoking. It ahould be re membered that at the same time the dose of to bacco smoke (we don't know whether It la the muotlne, the car bon monoxide, the pyridine, or other substance In the smoke that produces the effects) slows or retards per ipheral or tissue circulation and low ers the surface temperature of the fingers and toes from A to 15 degree P. Thla impairment of the circulation Is scarcely consistent with a physiolo gical Increase tn the blood sugar and Increased combustion of sugar. Per haps Drs. Haggard and Greenberg were In a hurry to get Into the papers. In the booklet "Building Vitality" (you may obtain a copy by sending 10 cents coin and stamped envelope bearing your address) I say: Education, culture, good breeding make an Individual keep at least the outward semblance of calm un der circumstances which are likely to upset the more primitive or un refined . . . Now all this make-believe and repression of normal Im pulses "takes It out" of anywdy. Not nerve energy ... The harm done la rather In the nature of racking the vital machinery by the release of excess energy (adrenln poured into the blood by the adre nal, glands, mobilization of blood sugar, the muscle and heart fuel for immediate use). If the Impulse to action were not restrained thla suddenly released energy would be absorbed or balanced by fl?htlng. running away, playing. Twenty years before Haggard and Oreenberg. Prof. Cannon and co-workers demonstrated that & dose of to bacco smoke (as by smoking a cigar ette, part of a cigar, a pipe) excites the adrenals to secrete more adrenln. Nervous exhaustion Is a lot of bal oney, and nervous strain' and the "high tension" of big business Is more baleny. These quaint conceptions do not Jibe with our newer knowledge of physiology and pathology. It Is time to discard them alonsr, with ner vous breakdown and neurasthenia. The great American breakdown Is physical. Too many wiseacre Tankeea have tried to kid themselves about their "overwork" and the tremendous strain NEW YORK DAY BY DAY By O. O. Mclntyre NEW YORK, Dec. 18. That har um-scarum block of West 4tn street between 6th and 7th ave nues offers an -m array of cafes as varied and colorful aa those along the Mar seilles and Havre water fronts. Most are low priced, garishly d e c o rated and have waiters with pompa dours. Mrs. Lee's Chill Villa, discovered hv m Cook and urtlt nnirra anri featuring a Visitor's book that reads like a "Who's Who" of the stsge. screen and llteratttre. la there. A tiny blaze of conspicu ous red to symbolize lte peppery fare. Mrs. Lee's languishes until dawn, then overflows. Thr. ara also chowder counters and oyster bara, where the service ia htnnttv-hnn hut oomradelv. Chow der Is a White Way panacea for the hang-over. BieaK nouses airc double chops, the T-bone. planked sirloin and hefty Idaho apuda. Too. chop aueys. one three-tabled with a single Chink doing everything. Tn t-hm mertlev la a cutelv red- awnlnged touch called "Youth House Dine and Dance." And there are Idyllic and Intimately boothed ba zaars called "See Me Again' ana "Dream o' Love." Also gypsy tea rooms, doughnut nooks, hamburger hutches and Spanish kltchena. Yells of newsboys In large cities have a curious fneclnatlon. Each strikes a different leather-lunsea ....... w. - a niimhur nf veers I've often passed a Chllda on a Broad way corner Just to near tne ynira. of the hawker out front. He sells 'em like hot cakes with his strange mumbo-Jumbo. Forlornly sad-eyed, he leu go a sort of Alpine yodel now and then that sounds like "Aye-laltee ee-e!" and then alter a flfl second Interval and aa though an afterthought there's a throaty bull-frog croak: "Bungeel" tn Cincinnati there la at least Phone 1300 for Towing or Wrecker Service A nywhere Anytime Lewis Super Service xjpavasswua. It laaaiuii? j .... ... of their large responsibilities. Hooey. They wear out and break down be cause they have raced the engine too much idling. The cultured person.- who smiles when he or she ought to be fighting mad, or who pretends to be uncon cerned when In fact he's frightened and ought to be running away, or sits and applauds or jeers when he should be paying the game himself, la tax ing his cardiovascular system, and eventually the heart, arteries or kid neys will pay for It. He or she who resorts to a smoke In a moment of anxiety or emotional excitement of any sort, Is abusing the cardlovasculer system all the time. I suggest a short brisk walk around the block, and maybe a bite of candy or other food. Instead of a smoke un der such circumstances. Try it, and you'll find It works a great deal better. QUESTIONS AND ANSWER Dirt In Wound. If there Is dirt In a wound ahould It be washed with soap and water before using lodln? (Q. L. C.) Answer Yes, It Is advisable to wash away any dirt or foreign matter In the wound If this can be done with out undue handling or without in serting anything In the wound. Soapy water Is always antiseptic and may mako a good first aid dressing, that Is when clean gauze, cheesecloth, or other absorbent dressing Is applied and the dressing kept moist with soapy water until the physicians can treat the wound. Rye llread. I am very fond of a kind of hard tack known as ( a toasted rye bread) and eat a good deal of' It. Is this harmful or too fattening? (M P. L.) Answer No, It is quite wholesome and no more and no less fattening than wheat bread. Abnormally Sensitive to Cold. I am apparently a big, strong wom an, maybe a little to stout, and when the house feels comfortable to every one else it still for Is chilly to me. Maybe my circulation . . . (Mrs. P. E) Answer Many who are unduly sen sitive to cold have hyperthyroidism, lodln ration might help. Send three-cent-stomped addressed envelope for It. Many who demand excessive heat ing of the house suffer from exces sive dryness of the heated air. They would find a lower household tem perature comfortable If some provi sion for evaporating 10 or 30 gallons of water a day were made. (Copyright, 1935, John P. Dllle Co.) Kd. Note: Persons .wishing to communicate with Or. Brady should send letter direct to Or. William Brady. M. D 265 El Camlno, Beverly Hills, Cat was on my last visit a globe-trotting newsboy as much a fixture as Our Assortment of ATTRACTIVE GIFTS FOR MEN Comprise about everything a man would want BELTS with Initial Buckles Including an attractive cowboy ash tray C Q Q something every young man likes S Attractive Billfolds $1.00 Men's Leather Traveling Sets $3 to $5.00 Fine Leather Sets of Billfold and Key Case $2.50 to $4.00 These are items every man would be proud to own Merchandise attractively wrapped Bark In Orernn again for Christmas thlpmrnt. thla hetnr. our fourth jear. We hare hefn topping the San l'nnrlro Market, also lm-:tl sales. Also honest netthts and trading bere attrl prompt return. Ship to th firm Licensed and Bonded hr the state of California to te safe. -j?ference: Rank of America. California and Montgomery St.. San FrancUco, California. Make sure that ou ship tour lurkejs for the early Christmas market! Will Be Receiving Turkeys December 17th, 18th, 19th at Davis Transfer SOUTH GRAPE AT MEDFORD For any Information call at Hotel Jnrk'on, Phone 30f or call Davit Tranfer ALBERT MICHELI, Representative Fountain Square, opposite which he has stood from boyhocd Into grey haired middle years. He . Is Jimmy Wlddmyer, the first of the Hully Gee Guys I ever saw. Jimmy knew the big-shots, the flashy gamblers of the Walnut street bars and the La ton la touts. Nick Longworth al ways stopped for a moment when, he came to town. To receive Jim my's salute was something of a distinction. It was Inevitable those terrible twins of travesty. Ben Hecht and Charles V. MacArthur. who have burlesqued so many others, would eventually be put on the spot them selves. They were and handsomely In the season's theatrical surprise packet cslled "Boy Meets Girl' an insanity that gives Sam and Bella Spewack. after several bad starts, a big lead In the risque farce stakes. No show of the year excited ao much continuous laughter. Even the dour visages of Percy Hammond and Gilbert Gabriel burst into rosy smiles and Robert C. Benchley, the loudest laughing critic, had to be led out. Grape vine rumors persist that E. Berry Wall is coming home for good after the holidays. Returning with his mountainous bow tie, dove gray vests and chow dog. Once he was New York's greatest dandy, but when he went to Paris refused to change the dresa style of his arrival. Thus he has for years presented a Gay 90 figure along the boulevards Rich, a bon vlvant, he fitted into the social life and he and his wire became leaders of the American colony . that Is no more. I have wondered 11 the long bow has not been drawn on these New York legends: That Daraoa Runyon drinks 15 cups of ".offee a night; Paul whiteman la in constant dread of some strange maady; Jack Pearl chases anyone who touches his eHr lobe until he touches theirs; Helen Morgan has a fit of dressing room hysteria eTery time she sings; George Jean Nathan has 35 over coats; Morton Downey carries a norvffiii nf lodes emblems and Katharine Cornell gets out of bed to walk alone in the rain. For the first time In 14 years there will be no afternoon Christ mas party at the Roy Howards. All r.h Hnwarda are In the Orient. The yearly round-up massed a gToup ot j celebrities tnat orten overnowea the pantries. It was at one of these rrathortrKTii thflt. Gene Tunnev and Jack Dempsey found themselves sud- j denly shouldered together with tea- j cups In their hands, cne. uig sissies, the first meeting since their last , set-to. " i Pork Avenue Tableaux: One of the ' crisply whlte-mustached die hards j of the club windows gazed irom nis cushioned ease at the passing i thmn. a rlnth can from a truck yelled: "A fine scat for the revolu- j tlon, old tlmerr j 8EMI-ANNUA1. SALE Now In progress ETHELWYN B. HOFFMANN. BICYCLES New and used. We have the most complete stock- in Medford Time payments Sims Bros.. 23 K Fir St. ATTENTION TURKEY GROWERS Bear Fruit & Produce Co. 115-117. Washington Street San Francisco, Cal. Flight 'o Time Medford and Jackson Count) ti Ut try from the file of th Mali Tiihune IU and 20 Vear Afit TEN YEARS AGO TOO AY December 18. 1925. (It was Friday.) Annual Christmas tree of the Elks lodge nets a large sum. to bring Yule cheer to the worthy poor of the city and county, particularly the young and the aged. Turkeys brought from 15 to $20 and "money flowed freely for charity." California traveler fined 1100 In Justice court for possession of a pint of moonshine. Road to Prospect now In perfect shape for auto trip. Albert Straus is elected master of the Sams Valley Grange. Crime wave hits Foots creek district. Lloyd Damon will build a new house at Bogle Point. Delegates to state horticultural meet urge growers to "advertise pears to Increase sales." TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY December 18, 1915. (It was Saturday.) Judson Rickert Is elected worthy patron of the Order of Eastern Star. The Norwegian Whist club meets with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Knight, Thursday evening. Mrs. Jonas Wold entertained the Wednesday Auction club on Wednes day. We wish to call the attention of the public to the fact that the Astor Wine company, the largest liquor house on the Pacific coast and one that has been located In Oregon and ROBES the of Every Man We have a Beautiful Assortment of Ladies' Fitted Cases Quality merchandise within Qllany lltings io many CPeoble '. A famed guide calls The Palace Hotel "my first-and-last camp".. .a distinguished diplomat calls it "my other home". . . many thousands of travelers say simply, "my favorite hotel." The Palace Hotel is many things to many people because it is planned and managed to meet many kinds of tastes to foresee and provide for many kinds of wants. Smart convenient comfortable t t tAJO rvvms, eac h u ith bath rum $3 (single) up PALACE HOTEL cJi the zJfeuri of cJatx 0i-anci.ico ARCHIBALD H. Feel at Home in "The Heart of Portland Comfort Convenience Courtesy Sertlce Attractive Rates: S'S Sri 3's:.!1 Hotel Cornelius .TM S.W. park Portland Detached bath.... Hlth bath BUN O. ft, IN THE HEART OF THE CITY lusu .VW'iei'" 4 I I It II III! Washington for the past many years, will open a complete mail order liquor bouse at Hornbrook. CaU and 509 Mission street, San Francisco. (Adv.) Germany plans Invasion of Monte negro; Allies mass to resist further advance of Teutons In Serbia; all quiet on the western front. Central Point schools close for th Christmas holidays. AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND Take your next vacation away (torn th beaten paths... a marvelous sea voyap, scross the broad Pacific to Australia, oldest end most remarkable ol all conti nents. 'See Honolulu, Suva, Auckland, Sydney and the romantic South Se Islands. Travel on Canadian-Australasian Linen "Aorangi" and "Niagara" Itst. modern ahips especially built for travel In ihe tropics. ..equipped with out-door swim ming pools, ball-louvro ventilation. ..Sailings frequently from Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, with attractive tow-eou round trip farts . . First, Cabin and Third Class. Ask about all. inclusive South Sea Island Tours. All details, hips' plans, literature and sailing dates from your own agent, or at our local offices. W. H. Deacon, Genl. Agent Pasi'r. Dept.. 624 3. W .Brdy. (Amir. Buk Bids,) BR 0637. Portland 'uuoui none mmuas esroca cooe rat mu Mia Cherished Gift For the evening at home, every man cherishes a robe . . . give It ( HIM this year. Select from our Complete Assortment . every wanted style ... every wanted fabric . every garment perfectly detailed , . . and offered at Convenient Prices. Brocaded Robes Wool Robes $5.35 up up Men's SILK SHIRTS $4.00 the reach of every pocketbook J K A . . PRICK M A N A ft T. R .Sl.on up 11.50 up Park Ave Hotel 6J.1 S.W. Park Portland CRIMSON, MjT. J ML ! filH