MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDPQKD. OREGON, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 17, lm PAGE FIVE Local and To Chlcaiso Ptr Lucek, CCO en rolls, left laat night for Chicago. Grange Play Sama Valley Granee irlll present a J-act farce, "Mama Baby Bor." tomorrow evening. Raker Leates C. J. Ralter left by train for Portland today where he will maJce a ehort business viatt. Here Yesterday E. D. Griffith of 1 San Francisco was a business visitor hare yesterday, To Tacoma Mra. Dan Watson and aon left last evenly for Tacoma. Wash. To ramp 'My Euaene C. Golden. CCC district educational adviser. left today for Camp Bly to preside over a rone conference of educators. To North Camps MaJ. George R. Owens, CCC district commander, was In the northern part of the Medford area today inspecting camps. To Oregon Caves David H. Can field. Crater lake national park su perintendent, and Francli G. Iinge, landscape architect of the pari serv ice, left today for Oregon cavea, a To Klamath Ernest M. West, navy recruiter, made a business trip to Klamath Palls today He was to be back in his office In federal building tomorrow. From Mission Board Dr. James Thomson of Seattle arrived here this morning to represent the board of na tional missions of the First Presby terian church at a meeting here to day. Returns Home Mrs. Howard Met calf returned yesterday to her home here from Klamath Palls where she wm called by the death of her father. James A. Perry Mrs. Perry Is expected to arrive here the last of the week to spend the winter with Mrs. Metcslf. Meetins Tonlslit Mlsi Blanche Runnella, county health nurse, will give a lecture tonight for the G. P. A. at the First Chrlstlsn church at 7:30 on social hygiene. All girls of high school nge are Invited. Chance Meeting The knitting class at the Girls' Community club, under direction of Mrs. Aletha Vawter. will meet Wednesday evening thla week Instead of Thursday. After the holi days, the dsns will meet as usual Thursday evening at 7:30. Tn rhlcmm Cant. Harry Cooper, commanding officer of Camp China Flats, left by plane Baiuraay iot ini tio where he will spend a IS-day li rtf ahsence. Mrs. Cooper IB In the midwest city and the couple plan a visit with relatives during the Chrtatmaa holiday. HEIR .1? si si Handkerchiefs 15d 25 50 per box Silk Hose - 49t-89?-?1.25 Dancettes. etc S9? to $1.29 Night Gowns $1.00 to S2.95 Slips 59 to $2.95 Bedroom Slippers 49c4 to S2. 45 Scarf Sets 59? to $1.95 Dresses 91.95 to flO.OO Shoes 81.49 to $1.95 Robes $3.95 to $9.95 is? SS-iS? Pa jama Special Corduroy one-piece Pajamas, $3.95 values Special 2.99 4 ? is? is? i The BAND B The store that Turkey W ar ,JK.lp. N Old Firm them for yon on consignment. Before you sell, see him or call him np; he will give you what information he can with reference to market conditions, etc. Live poultry is in good demand; bring them to us at Medford and we will pay you cash. CORRIE A BROS., Inc. care Honner's Feed Store, Old Farm Bureau Building, 1 Medford. Oregon I Personal ' Return From Leave: Lifut. and Mrs. Charles H. Jeffers were 3ack In Medford today after a 10-day leave of absence spent in Portland and Van couver. Lieut Jeffers is Medford dis trict aalea officer of the CCC. Visit Ashland Friend Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Taylor were vlsltora in Ash land Sunday, calling at the home of Mr and Mra. L. Hansen, former own ers of the Ashland hotel, and the Rev. c. E. Dunham, Yule l.unrh Tomorrow Women of Rotary were reminded today to bring a contribution for the welfare basket at the Christmas luncheon party to b held tomorrow at 1 p. m. In the home of Mrs Ernest R. Gllstrap, 35 Geneva street. The hostess will be as sisted by Mrs. Joe Marshall. To Leave Valley John A. Anderson of the Central Point district, a member of the grand jury, has notified the district attorney, that after January Jl he will no longer be a resident of Jackson county. He recently leased his farm and dairy herd and will move to Marlon county the first of the year. As a result of Anderson's change of residence a new name will be drawn from the regular Jury psnei to fill the vacancy. District Attor ney George A. Codding said today the rand Jury, unless an emergency arises, will not be called until after January 1. The new member will be selected then. Anderson has long been a resident of this county and active in Grange and farm affairs, and is well known, particularly among rural residents. is-. ss- 5 5- saves yon money S Raisers now receiving turkeyg at Bureau Building, Medford, gift Oregon. Our Mr. Fred Cornea 1 In charge and will pay you cash for your turkeyi when delivered or will handle RECORDER AIRING ATTRACTS CROWD, COflTIKTION (Continued From Page One.) Mr. Adams gave his version of why the charges were brought against him. placing responsibility for his predicament upon Gerald H, Wenner. chairman of the council's finance committee, whom he accused of prej udice. Mr. Adams said he had been annoyed and harrassed in hU efforts to fulfil! his duties as recorder. Kenneth Denman appeared ss coun sel for W. 3. Whiting, Portland ac countant employed to instaU an ac counting system, whose'report to the council was a major factor in bring ing charges against Mr. Adams. Mr. Whiting had reported that Mr. Adams was not sufficiently acquainted with accounting methods to fii! the office efficiently. Spectators for the most part seemed to sympathise with Mr. Adams, and whenever Mr. Newbury scored what was considered a point in the re corder's favor there was loud ap plause. The crowd appeared disappointed when It learned that no evidence would be introduced but nevertheless when Mr, Newbury completed reading the answer at It o'clock Mayor T. S. Wiley adjourned the meeting to this evening. The hearing is being held for the purpose of determining whether the council should remove Mr. Adams by ordinance, arrange for a recall elec tion or drop the Issue entirely. FORESTRY OFFICIAL TELLS OF PROGRAM AT ROTARY IEIG The ambitious and business-like program of management for tho na tional forests was outlined at today s luncheon meeting of tire Medford Ro tary club by George E. Griffith, edu cational chief of the United States forest service for the northwest with headquarters in Portland, In open ing his address, Griffith paid a trib ute to Medford's "friendliness" and expressed his pleasure in again visit ing this community. The broad scope of the "multiple use management plan" under which the United States forest service oper ates was outlined in detail by the speaker and segregation of the forests for timber, watersheds summer ranges and recreational purposes so that the greatest "social value" might be obtained was explained. A sua tained yield must be maintained, the forest chief said, as an important part of the program. Mr. Griffith likened the forest serv ice officials to business managers for the public interests in forests and further explained the development of recreational facilities in the vast sec tions embracing the national foresls. He outlined the department's efforts to provide for the enjoyment and conveniences of all types of popple, "With the great Crater Lake na tlonal park and a great national for est in southern Oregon, I see broad co-ordination of interests for the greatest value and enjoyment of the people of this area," Griffith said. "The activities of our department are embracing game mimsgemeni where our same program of 'sustained yield can be made io apply.' The forest service chief was accom panied by members of his staff, H. P. Bosworth of Klamsth Palls and Ward Hammond and Charles R. Cooley of Grants Pass were guests at today's Rotary meeting. BIRTHS Born, to Mr. and Mra. Dal Bums, 1401 EuclW street, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds, S4 ounces. December 16 at the Community hospital. The Catholic Ixdtea ar hoMIn ft Rummaet sl !n Sparta Bltlg. Friday and Saturday. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our manv friends for their acta of kindness and sym pathy in the loss of our loved one. Golds Mae. Mr. and Mrs. H, B. Bran son and son. Stated convocation of Cra ter Lake Chapter No. M. B. A. M. TuMday. rc. 17th. t 7:30 P. M. Election and inaf-allation of officer. Vlaltm In vited. GEO. M.DEN, Secy O. O. HORNER, H. P. Made from a gr Formula 150 years old 1 run n -jOsrt'""" JT1 On Rialto Bill "l; ' i i . WiU Borers, in return showing of "Doubting Thomas," Is at ihc Riatto theater starting today for a three-day engagement, ftogers plays the role of a genial manufacturer of pork s&uacre who suddenly finds his home invaded by a would-be impressario who persuadM his wife that she belongs to the stage and the public. As the stase-stmcfc wife blithely nvikes plans frr a ca reer before the footlights. Will de cides to do something about it and the cure he effects forms a basis tor one ot the funniest bits he has ever brought to the screen. Billle Burke is the wife; Alison Skipworth is the Impressario; Frank Albertson plays the role of Rogers' son, and Sterling Holloway. Prances Grant and Gail Patrick are also in reaiured roles. Roxy Comedy Cnarlie Ruggjta ana Mary BoSana, the screen' favorite "mama and papa" team, are together again In People '.vm Talk," In which thev climax 23 years of married bliss in one mighty banie. It plays today and Wednesday at the Roxy theater. GATES & LYDIARD PLANS FDR 1,000 AT YULE BANQUET Indications to&a were that more than 1000 poor children would be ftuesta of dates & Lydlard at the Christmas dinner to be given in their honor next Tuesday in the basement dining room of the Elks temple. It was thought at first that the number would not far exceed 500, but early returns on the number of eligible youngsters caused a revision upward, w. A. Gates said. Names ot needy children are being collected by several groups and turned over to Miss LUlian M, Hoherts, American Rfd Cros secretary In charge of com- piling, the list of guests. "Reports indicated that there will be 400 children from Medford and vicinity, 50 from Winter and 60 from Jackson v Hie." Mr. Gates said. "With all the rest of the county to hear from, we are almost sura of having more than 1000. But ih&tis alt right with us. The more the mer rier. Bring them all in, we told Miss Roberts. Every needy child will be taken care of." Because th capacity of the rates basement is limited to 500. there wit? be two servings at the Gates & tydi- srd party, Mr. Gates said. The chll dren from Medford and vicinity wli; be served at 12 o'clock and the re ((-Today and Wed. ..... for mt r Mam. " ., O if goottln " -,Hrfrt IT" I . n- 4 v tf T ' f immm T Winifred Shaw Jiiuiaaaiipp A sparling comedy drama, filled with roiHcking laughter delirhtfuJ romances, tinkling musics and spiced with thrills, will com to the Cra terian theater for tomorrow (Wednes day! only, . This new film musical bears the title of "Broadway Hostess, and Is a story of New York night life at its liveliest aspects. The picture introduces sew and beautiful singing star to the screen n the person of Winifred Shaw In the title role. Miss Shaw has ap peared in sevesl pictures, hotsiiif "In Caliente," "Sweet Adeline "Gold mainder of the little guests at 1:30. Parents will be notified at what hour to have their children ready. Wherever practicable school busses will be used in transporting the children from and to their homes. Busses have already been engaged to transport the Wimer and Jackson ville you n esters, in remote localities. however, the committee Is depending upon the cooperation of neighbors who are willing to transport tha chil dren in their cars. The committee again Isswed a. plea today for help from those who can furnish automo bile. Every needy Jackson county child 0 Sliows t;4S 1 THE GREATEST STAR THE SCREEN EVER KNEW! HE BOOP-OOP.DE-DOOPS HIS WAY TO ... as he shows his stage-struck wife how a sausage mixer can real ly go to town! He sings , , , he laughs , . , and brings the whole fam ily down to earth! S TODAY For 3 Days BILLIE BURKE ALISON SKIPWORTH STERLING HOLLOWAY GAIL PATRICK A44?4itantim4 Aire porfNgh "SPORT ON THE RANGE" "Hi F.t To Hmf mU?r" Rcreen Craterian Star mm l Diggers of aad also Is fsmsus in musical comedy on the sta. But this is her first starring role in titan She plays the part of a small-town girl who goes to the big city to make good and has a rough time of it until lyle Talbot, in the role of a big-shst gambler, takes her binder hi wing and makes her the toast of the town. Sharing honors with Ml Shaw 1 Phil ftegan, "singing cop." Allen Jenkins furnishes much of the comedy ns the bodyguard of Tal bot Generleve ToWa is the society gM in love with Talbot. from four to IS year old. Inclusive is eligible as a Gate & Xydlard guest AsMsud, however, Ss omitted becsuB the city has organizations that at looking out for the welfare of deserv ing children there. MODERN WOMEN H4 Hot Softer avjath'iy pats ami Wy dae to coins. dwvou3u-ajd. pjposurr or Riminir caw. s.Ud:uRE'-st-f ovm X"ir. Aifcfw TKI DIAMOND y AM0" 0 1 HILARITY! with FrH 3a ta 32 tana of feet aeimd &r required 'o roafce a tm at p. TOO LATE TO CLASIFV WANTED Mddle-ased S(rnee ldr for oorr.par.lnn Brunsons sservtoe Station, B. 3, Boa 114. ( FOR SAIE tonafhn sppl?. bt -. oookm and catir Al V-.s- - ta, Packing House. j WANTED At fiiw, dU b'.JT. oonduism. Phone 583. j WANTED Baa to sell fmpft7ers otx streets evenings. Aplf t Mat I Tribune. j FREE IMMt spwisJ n CJndnr.a j beauty wortt or mow. Pm 25 BUTTE FAUA old rra'-t. b-xtj fir t2 tier. Box 155. Butte vm. CLKAS fumtshed aparrrst. 217 W. 3nd. 4 -ROOM mfilfra hew. l4 acre, 1400. IH miles out. IM dcrsr.. See EXPERIENCED, DrewcnsW TaUw itM5, 1331, Almond St. FOR A IT, 'JO modei A. Fr-M road ster !W SslHnc. FOR S A IX A 1 mon 1 v,M t thy come from the orchard !trrH tn Medford &t Sc pound. V htme FOR 5AI E S40-ec2 tn cab a tar. Frank FOR SALE One rwo-w trail er. Lo Young. Tel 10-F-13, FOR SAL Vfwrltn Jmer bniL purebred, snd eowa for chesp if taken soon. 4 ml. north R-vue Ffr or l&wvr Evsms Cr'jc toad Come to mail box turn to tight. M, Dundon. FOR BT.ST 3 -room furnished, house, close in. Inquire 146 S suth Iry FURNISHED smrtment rttts private bath, 331 Apple. FOR SALE Stock trailer. 21x700 heavy dutsr tires. Phone -49S-R. TRADE Closd truck for car. TOMORROW ONLY '7Xe ii erf" Flames into Stardom! Rim ooeaCM Urz' IIITfYTM'il ""III NVf ; , . J ! f - i meilmijjalira, fi mpmrkltiw nr ( ; ' ; , and wim KHAWt y. i i-I1TIiURSDAYI Ii"TME KANG8TEl iNal parity and nHanal WANTED Worn a r. jseneral fe-r.. wmt.. 106 Clark;i. FOR SAX..F., TStBB, OH. LKSE Wfi Waft Jackson Stswe, WIU pay tar eoape ;n pxx cr.- sn. effinl waner writ P.OMte 4. Bs 11, M3ford. LIFE'S HIGHWAY TO SUCCESS m are ail waThirtc for the TOjEfc wsy Vn our own Hie that "Mil 3ead us to Saw A Ipw ar Jo5a?5d ttxm hijeammy and trveUg is juoceasfully wtoite othe. am mmiany mikjru? esises and uniri Journey In vmin Urt to rm h mve &a& Boo Rw Andnu 'A'sir.r. k is- iHrtn st you read nv?niiy trt Mind Mica? i hp, and sso hear mmr B?u1;n Station KMTR ss th Ui:' nlng. haa jtsst ewmled her Ufe1s HIiwst To SLicce' oard&: lx 138. 1? -rper bnse coer t a esqnnHslt t Ufe's Wmw, stnd seneati. it are tl? Tts, ervr'ft pst containing cne I t,Ke?i,! ttTl hutes , , . Oppomm.ty, RArmony. Ac tivity, cniJdersne IAtsenr. ?er? tT!W, Powe Kindness. Pr5endss5p Accuracy OraJJtiJe and Happiness whh you shvs! jjorwas t toss tfttvcl montn fey 4Sosth loa-ard four You will fmrt feU ?adar. seS CJiv inp!mtJci ssd tielnul ia swr hotne. but vtt atrrsctt'.-e ChftetfUw ift tor rnr fr.'er.r's W ymj wmifd hare new rea'fstton of Whs Life has in tsm for you. r.d tselay (o Hee Andrus Wmer, Bmrf Hay-ard, X Afle, Oilltor nta The ealenrtar wtli b sent fott DANCE DREAMLAND TUESDAY NITE Bl"lr.S OHCMESIB ISD 11 ,1 ' A nlsHt cluil tftrtl ter with 5 new Ine Hants uaaufewm. HURRY I HTORY! It teawi Tonight! mem MARCH MEHfOSEROH The American Distilling Co. ntun, auHois 1