MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OREGON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1935. QSKiKQ)iimnyi V. m. E ... - - wl. - m ... i - r. , 6" 1 Y5;rfeS WINTER CAMP FOR BOY SCOIIIS WILL HOW TO HANDLE LATE PEARS IS Young Legislator many persons over sixty are now em ployed. The first effect would be to with draw 4.156,000 elderly persons from their existing gainful employment. Apply the economic effects of this withdrawal upon a prosperous eco nomic sytem, the economists say, and you have the scholastic explanation of the error of the Townsend way. Only economists can explain that In their classrooms. In fact, only economists need to worry about that. Throngs See New Autos at New York and Paris Shows r .26 T PXGE EIGHT m - hit i m n FsiPra llMiiTBifcMiiiiiiiMiMiiiiiiiiii i i h nil i iiiirwi i Boy Scouts of the Crater Lake council are busy preparing for win ter camp, which will open December 2fl and close December 30. Equip ment la being made ready for five day of atrenuoua use. Sklls are being waxed, ski and snowshoe har ness repaired and boota greased. No doubt some of the young men have been extra helpful at home, as Cbrlstmai draws near, hoping Santa will be good and provide a pair of alls and akl poles, or pair of boot. Camp will be at Government Camp near Crater lake, where conditions are Ideal for winter sports. Gradual slopes are nearby for those who are learning to akl and steeper alopes for mora experienced. The United States park eo-operatlng In every way to make the camp aa enjoyable aa possible. One of the buildings equipped wltn heating and cooking stoves, cots and mattresses, electric lights, running water and other conveniences will be provided. Credit for planning the camp and arranging necessary details goes to the camp committee, L. D. Jones, chairman, Dr. B. R. Elliott, George Gatea, C. J. Bemon and Prank Reum. A. O. Soderberg, Scout executive, who haa had considerable experi ence in conducting winter campa for Scouts will be In charge. It la expected that several Scoutmasters will attend and assist. Facllltlea permit a maximum reg istration of 30. First day reglstra ' tton of Scouta going to- camp waa 13, and Included the following Scouts: Chet Ferguson, Jack Hcy land, Worlow Purdln, Donald Young er, Hugh Ferguson, Raymond Erlck aon, O. H. Paske, Armlne Lewis, Geo. Gllllngs, Jack Hamilton, Horn e r Voung and Albert Barrow. EX-0.STG1SIER HELD AS PORTLAND, Ore,, Dec. 14. (IP) Ray Woodman, 21, former Portland high and Oregon State college foot ball player, was amwted her early today with William Crooks, 20, after the holdup of & Portland Filipino. Polio Captain Frank Ervln said $33 taken was recovered, Vincent Costcllo. th vlotlm, said the two men offered him a ride and then drove him several blocks and fobbed him. One of the gunmen struck him When he remonstrated, Captain Ervln aid. Costello noted their license number when they drove away, and beaded for police headquarters. Patrolmen gave chase and over hauled the fugitive oar. Captain Ervln aid the youths told them they had been drinking. Woodman went to Oregon State col lege two years, but unexpectedly fail ed to return for football this fall. Flight 'o Time Mrdluid and Jackson Count) history from the Hie, m the Mull Trlhiine III and to Venr Au TEN YKAUS AflO TODAY Pwrmhcr IS. (It waa Tuesday) Battling Slkl. Senegalese pugilist, found murdered In New York street. Jefferson Hlh of Portland de eltnea to play Medford high Christmas Dny game. Many Medford and valley dancers are becoming "adept at the Charleston." State Horticultural society meet to open here tomorrow, with pear experta from all parts of the North west In attendance. Settlement of the French war debt "hlta a snag" In Congreas. Heavy fog covers the valley, ac companied by cold and frost. Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Elliott enter tained yesterday t tnelr home, o Corning Court. In honor of their tenth wedding anniversary. In com memoration of the same, Mrs. Elliott received 10 pennies, 10 dimes, 10 11 bills, 10 5 bills and 10 110 bills from the doctor. 111,1,1 THE LATEST motor car crea lions on two continents drew vast thronKa to tho New York and Paris Auto Shows as the auto mobile Industry turned Its calen dar to 1030 with tha Introduction of new models. A section of tho Paris exhibition Is shown (lower right) a few minutes before Presi dent LcIJrun of France (upper right) ofriclnlly opened It. Secretory of Commorco Koper Inaugurated the New York Show In Grand Central Palace, the first of 67 similar exhibi tions scheduled In the United States in Novombor. Tho new Plymouth for 1936 Is the center of attention for tho groups of show visitors shown in the photos at the left. Speedway Is Beautified tCff ' V K f x- S CAMP WIMER, Dec. 14. (Spl.) Sixty-one student cooks, bakers and mess sergeants received their di plomas at graduating exercises held at Wlmer Friday. The total of men graduated from the Medford district cooks, bakers and mess sergeants' schools since they began In January of tyils year Is now 345. All of these men were returned to their camps to put theory Into practice in filling tho four or five thousand stomachs of CCC men In this district. Fri day's class was the largest ever grad uated. A unique final examination waa held by Wlmer's 10-year-old baking Instructor. He directed the students to bake a variety of buns, cakes and pies. All his students qualified and the company straightway made away with tho examination papers. The general elevation of Knffa. a district In the southwest part of the great Abyssinian platen, Is about 8. 000 feet, while several peaks are over 10.000 feet. One of the biggest hits of any pear promotional material gotten out by the Oregon-Washington Pear Bureau Is the leaflet. "How to Handle Late Pears." recently published by the bu reau. This Is a practical manual on the physical handling of pears. Jfot only Jobbers, brokers, chain stores, and retailers, but many other types of businesses have flooded the bureau with requests for this man ual, particularly transportation com panies. Requests have come In from Canada as well as this country. A typlcl request reads, "This la one of the commodities that we have been looking for some lnformtion on for some time, and one about which we know the least. Therefore we would be very grateful to you for this Information." The principal article In the manual Is by Prof. Henry Hart man, horticul turist for the Pear Bureau and Ore gon State college. Since 1024, Prof. Hartman has carried on Investigation on pear harvesting, storage, trans portation and storage diseases. Six years of this period was spent In In vestigation at terminal markets. Members of the Pear Bureau are listed in the leaflet a feature that is being carried out In all the new bu reau material, together with a state ment that "membership Is restricted to those firms and cooperative organ izations which maintain their own cold storage facilities, exercise con trol of their fruit from tree to car and whose label Is used only on fruit packed under their supervision.' The leading varieties of winter pears are reproduced in their natural size and color, and a map of Oregon and Washington showing the pear districts Is Included. 4 PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 14. (TP) The Portland chamber of commerce announced today tha-t Bonneville dam has drawn more visitors since It was started In December, 1933, than any other Oregon attraction. Runners-up to Bonneville dam. which attracted 318.403 visitors over the two-year period, were Crater lake with 226,400 visitors and Oregon Caves with 58,170. However Crater lake and Oregon Caves are not on natural highway routes like Bonneville dam on the much-travelled Columbia river high way. Besides those registering at Bonne ville, thousands viewed the structure from highway promontories. Radio's 'Rattcousness' Winning Talk Topic McMINNVILLE. Ore., Dec. 14. (AP) Terrel Dnlt, of Oregon State, taking as his subject "Radio's raucous Rattle." won an Inter collegiate after-dinner speaking con test here last night. Dick neath oi Pacific university and William Mc Aridm Willamette football star.wwere second and third respectively. Speakers from Llnfleld. poruana university. Albany and Pacific col lege also were entered. "KICKERK1CK" Ondergarmentt that fit at Ethelwvn B Hoffmann's Whenever speed it required, tlieie Touni RKO ttarleU take to Kellv Petitlo'a Gilmore Speedway Special No. 5 to get Ihem there in a hurry. Above (Irft) pictured Betty Citable, featured in "Follow the Navy", acting a the riding mechanic with Lucille Ball, who has a featured lead in "Challerbojt", 'winding 'er up.' It was this same car that Petillo drove to a teniatinnal win at Indianapolis this vear and in which he alio set a new record (or the 500 mile coune of 106.24 miles per hour. TWKNTY Yi:UM AdO TODAY llei-emtier 15. IfMii (It was Wednesday) Great outpouring of cltlrens to buy a broom fir a dime, at local store. Prosecuting Attorney Kelly leaves to attend state convention of prose cutors at Salem. Sugar beet factery to bt estab lished at Grants Pa. Mary Pirkford at the tar n "Lit tle rals "; "Neal of the Navy" at the Page. Autnlsta warned to get their 191) plntrs before January I, or (ace arrest. A skiff of snow, that melted as It fell, cave hope for a "While Christ nisi" this morning. XMAS PHOTOS Holiday Special Sif PJuAiLc;V6-OpDos.t tioUy Taft'a ANNOUNCEMENT BODY'S SERVIC 9th and S. Central Ave. Featuring Gilmore Products Chek-Chart Lubrication Patronize an Independent Dealer Give Your Car a Christmas Gift AUTO TOPS SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICES CLOSED CARS Coupe $2.50 installed Sedan or Coach $5.00 installed OPEN CARS Roadster $5.50 installed Touring S6.50 installed DOZENS OF MATERIALS EVERY JOB GUARANTEED Radiator Covers A Gas Saver! 75c installed FLOOR MATS Canvas Seat Covers Coupe 75r np Sedan $1.50 up Coach $1.75 up AWNINGS Tent and Flics If It's Made of Canvas We Make It! Medford Tent and Awnimg Works F. F. Burk. Prop Will I AM. L. .DICKSON William L. Dickson. Multnomah county democrat, was one of the youngest In the legislature even dur ing his second term In 193S. He sought reduction of small loan inter est rates. i (Continued Prom Page One.) are one or two foremost economists In the country who are honest. But, so far, only two economists who are sufficiently well-known here to be recalled offhand by their brother economists have written pub licly in favor of the Townsend move ment. It appears that both have re ceived fees. This fact would indicate that the boss-economist ' question bolls down to the simple Issue of whose boss (as Mr. Roosevelt says) has the chicken-pox. It Is rather deep stuff, but trust worthy economists say the fallacious economic reasoning of the Townsend ites can be proved, if you take their 1029 base and follow It through. In other words, to get the effect of the plan, consider for example only that E PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 14. P) The Portland turkey marfcst contin ued good today, although there wtw some suggestion of another possible cut of a cent a pound for very heavy toms. Freezers appeared generally willing to pay the recent price, however, for storage purposes. Price for dressed turkeys continued from 22 to 25 cents. Dse Mall Tribune want ads. Drive in warmth ami comfort this winter with WARDS tested finality accessories! 3M?) An Outstanding Value Wards Supreme Quality 749 Gives you all the fine1 quality' features of heaters nationally advertised to sell up to 16l Big 4-row core 48 hot water tubes! Adjustable twin door deflectors I 4 blade S" fan! Delco motor mounted in corkl Vibration-proof mounting throughout! All peed adjustable switch with a soft light (lowing on knob as a shut -of f reminder 1 Start Easily In Coldest Weather with Wards Winter King! 45 bigger, thicker plates (15 to a cell) insteaj of 39! That means extra pep! Plenty of reserve for emergency! 24-month service adjustment guar antee! Exch. Price Illfi&ril 33c 625 Change le Wards Supreme Quality Spark Plugs Nowl Install a set today for easier starting better performance gas economy! Ye; Supreme Quality Spark Plugs cost bu 'i as much as comparable plugs. Ea. Rear View Mlrroi with a Clock. 30- nour movement! Radium dial! 169 RADIATOR FRONT Bumper Bar Stops FENDER FLAPS 79c for all popular ear. te I ue t pe. 69c l'rtfrt hffld . MfhM, ffiiiri and riitllatitr! 3 3 i! 43c pr. rerr rnr needs 314 East M:in St. 117 SOUTH CENTRAL. TELEPHONE 28