PAGE FOURTEEN MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1.935. Local and Personal From fiami Valley Mr. and Mrs. Max tichuls of Sam a Valley did thlr Chrtstmna shopping In Med ford y te relay. From Rand W. W. Blcher, educa tional advliter at Camp Rand, called t Medford CCO headquarter ye terday, Visits Niece WlUsle Yost of Klam ath Fall visited him nleoe, Mrs. Ern mt A. Rostel, and Mr. Ro-itel here Friday evening. He proceeded to Ash land where he was to upend the week end with friends before returning some. At Headquarters Lieut. Allred Hop kins of Camp Oregon Caves confer red yeeterday with officers at CCC headquarters here. Ford fmprTert Oeorge Ford has returned to his home in Central Point after being hospitalized here for treatment of poison oak. South for Holidays J. A. Shepherd, national park servlos bookkeeper, is planning to leave this week for Pasa dena. Cal., where he will spend the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Shepherd left for the southern California city a few days ego. ATTENTION TURKEY GROWERS Bear Fruit & Produce Co. 115-117 Washington Street San Francisco, Cal. Hark In Oregon ajtaln for Phrhtmas ihlpmenta, till bring our fourth year. We hate hern topping the Han Market, also lorjtl Nile. Alw honeflt weights and grafting here and prompt returns. Hilp to the firm Llrcned and Ronrird by the state of California to he safe. Reference: Bank of America, California and Montgomery Rt., Han Franchco, California. j Make sure that you ship your turkeys for the early Christmas market! Will Be Receiving Turkeys December 17th, 18th, 19th at Davis Transfer SOUTH GRAPE AT MEDFORD For any Information en II at Hotel Jackson, Phone 30ft or call Davis Transfer ALBERT MICHELI, Representative Returns Home Mrs. Susie Myers i has returned to her home in Central j Point after being hospitalized here ' for a major operation. She Is reported to be Improving steadily. Winkle In Portland E. W. Winkle, manager for the Rlgg Optical com pany here, left Friday evening on a buslneAs trip to Portland. He expects to return Tuesday. Looker Returns W. J. Looker, sec retary of the Rogue River Tvafflo as sociation, was back In Medford yes terday after a fortnight's business visit in Portland. Bonrd Meeting Tne beard of the Girls' Community club will hold a ifular meeting tomorrow at 12 noon. Several Important matters are to be considered, the meeting announce ment said. Mny Is Cantiiln Capt. Harry May, Jr., assistant adjutant at the CCC headquarters here, was promoted this week from the grade of first lieuten ant to captain In the Infantry-reserve. Elk Creek Party The public Is In vited to a Christmas program to be tfiren at the Elk Creek clubhouse next Thursday at 8 p. m. Entertain ers will be pupils of the Elk Creek school, Mrs. Oray and Mr. and -Mrs. Sinclair and small son. Back From Hunt Lieut. Roy Craft, public relations officer of the CCC and Herman Burgoyne returned yes terday from the Tule lake country where they hunted geese with little 1 uck . The wea trier was ideal, they said, but the birds were flying too high. High Crll)liaKe Hand Dr. E. H. Por i ter, an ardent crlbbage devotee for i over 40 years, recently held a 28 hand, next highest possible In the game. ; while playing with Mrs. Porter. In ! alt the years that he has played the game, Dr. Porter has seen only one ! other 28 hand, he said, j . . . 1 Rook Nook Opens The new Book ; koolc at 15 North Fir street will be opened for business tomorrow, ac ' cording to an announcement yestcr ' cay by Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Doremus who have been In business In Ash land for the past ten years and are well known in southern Oregon. The unique little shop will carry maga zines and reprint books and will buy exchange and rent books and magazines. Opens Station Rudy 61ngler, asso ciated for the past four years with the Union Oil service station at Main and Fir streets, has gone Into busi ness for himself. He has taken over the Ollmore station at Ninth street and South Central avenue and will feature Ollmore products ind Chek Chart li.brlcf.tlon under the name "Rudy's Station." 1 LAND SOLD EAGLE II D1ST W. R. Holman and Roy Stanley have each purchased about 1000 acres of farm land In the Eagle Point dis trict for use as cattle ranches, the Mail Tribune learned yesterday. The land, each tract representing separate sales, was purchased directly from the Eagle Point Irrigation dis trict and from the Jackson County Building fe Loan Association. Bulk of the tract bought by Mr. Holman comprised the old Cowden ranch, the buildings of which were destroyed by fire some time ago. Both Mr, Holman and Mr. Stanley are stock men, raising large herds of whlte-factd Herefords and turkeys. They have been renting large tracts for their ranch operations. It was understood that the men plan extensive Improvements on their new properties and will take resi dence thereon as soon as practicable The tracts are considered good graz ing and farm lands, suitable as stock ranches. The land Is under Irriga tion. Both men are well known In Jack son county, having been In the stock business here for many years. . ELKS LAY PLANS OF YULE BASKETS Once i year throughout the coun try lodge of the Benevolent end Protective Order of Elks hold an event called "the annual Christmas tree." The purpose of the celebration Is to raise money for the Elks charity fund that is used to pro vide needy families with Christmas baskets. These baskets. Elks point - out, mean considerably more to Impov erished families than the name Im plies, being much more than a small basket of Yule dainties. They con stitute, in fact, a week's supply or staple groceries, In addition to Christmas delicacies. They contain 50 pounds of potatoes, a sack or sugar, bread, butter and other basic table commodities Yesterday Medford Elks were pre paring for their annual Christmas tree so that needy families In this locality might have a hapjv holi day. It Is the aim. of the lodge to make thla the most' successful af fair of Its kind ever held here. The event will be held at the Elks temple at 7:00 p. m. next Thursday. It will be' a stag aflair for members and their guests only. A departure' will be made -this year from the usual custom In that a small admission will be charged. To compensate for the fee' there will be an abundance of crabs and beer, enough, say the committee men. to satisfy tho moat ravenous appetites. There will also" be entertainment galore: 15 rounds of CCC bouts, the Days of '49 and other features. Numerous gifts will be given away. Including a 70 radio. 20 occasional chair and $12.50 lamp. . Committee personnel follows: Purchasing committee: Leon Has klns. T. E. Daniels and Carl Y. Tengwald. Soliciting committee: O. O. Alen derfer. Lewis Ulrlch. C. C. Lemmon. W. W. Allen. Clarence Pankey. Ern est L. Barnes, William Ho'.loway. Ronald DeVore, 3. R. Blerma, W. O. Webster and H. N. Butler. Cashiers: Oeorge Prey. Roy Pnlltt. Robert Hnrt. Ward Beaney, R. R Ebel and Dene Thorndlke. Refreshments: P. C. Blgham. Har ry Marx, Herb Gunther. Everett Brayton, Elmer Chllders and Eu gene Orr. Distribution: J. T. Davis, Frank Isaacs, Oeorge Eada, Roland Hub bard, Cole Holmes, William Him mett, Jack Porter. Harry Skyrman, H. C. Predette, Bob Hammond, Jr., George Gates, Pred Luy, R. O. Stephenson, J. P. FMegel and George Howard. Jacksonville: Judge P. L. TouVelle and Paul Godward. Applegate: Miles Cantrall. Prospect: Dewey Hill and Arthur Perry. Eagle Point: W. C. Clements and Will H. Brown. Central Point: B. L. Sanderson and Ernest Rostel. Phcenlx: Andrew Hearn. Gold Hill: H. D. Reed and M. V. Morrlmnn. Selling committee: R. O. Stephen son, Raymond Reter, Ralph Koomt, Floyd Hart. Assistants: Fred Fry, Victor Tengwsld, Stan Sherwood, Ray Wright. Burt Lageson, Earl York, Joe Burroughs, Bob Norrls, Diamond Flynn, Howard LeClerc. Concessions committee: E. IV. Winkle. R. C. Taylor. Bob Hammond Jr., Dr. R. A. Coe. Fred SchelM, V. E. Poy, Sam Carey and Paul Wright. Meet the Mltlam Gross representa tive at Adrlenne' Monday morning only. Special orders (or spring suit and dresses. Be correctly corseted U an Artist Model by Ethelwvn B Hoffmann. TRICYCLES. WAGONS. SCOOTF.nS. SKATES. Save money at Sims Bros.. 23 N. Fir St. Select your Miriam Gross at Adrl enne's tomorrow morning. Special representative will be here half a day only to take your order. CHRISTMAS CARDS, 4 for e at Heath's Drug Store. These cards sold regularly up to 25c. Special this week .3 5c candy oancs for 10c. The Crest. 236 S. Central. OPENING SPECIALS Until Christmas We Will Have NEW BOOKS Priced From 25c t 75c This lot includes Boy Scout, Girl Scout, Fiction and Mysteries Books, Magazines bought, sold, rented, exchanged book no 15 North Fir Street ri1Tiirni Turkey Growers Dependable Handling of Your Turkeys by Oldest Firm Operating in the Valley A. Pattnn, now In Medford, Is first rep resentative to handle turkey shipments for grow en here. Our Thanksgiving return to KoRtie River Valley growers were among the highest. . . , Again we offer the same dependnhle servlre with ludlratlons for good returns bright. . . . We will receive !!: KMHIlli I It li. 18th and IIHII. UK SIKK TO SEE I S HKFOItK DIM'OSINO OF VOt'R TIHKEY! 1 GUY BISHOP Local Representative. Phone 17-F-2 Receiving at FRED HONNER'S FEED STORE FARM BUREAU BLDG. PHONE 799 J. GARBIM & CO. 339-41 DAVIS ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. -ftfr f t-J.-. i- I "' IT'S THE BIG FINISH! BUY AT THESE PRiCiS" m. TK. TJl'TPJi. aV v& W VBr X aW ' eVX W, K JO B I afsg ' ir5 REDUCED Wj c fes Sir! We're Rdw tisehCtoii!! GASH Talks During This Sensational Sale 25 to 50 on Holiday Gifts Nationall Known Quality Lines Featured In This Sale! SIMMONS Spring and Mattresses GULISTAN Rugs the finest of nil! FAMOUS M0NTAG Circulat ing Heaters and Ranges ARMSTRONG'S Inlaid and Print Linoleum B. P. JOHN FURNITURE Corp. Davenports, Club Chairs Dining Suites, Bedroom Suites LAMPS The finest SANDEL LINE-200 of them on Sale! Tirrv IliRle article In, IhU sale 1 guar anteed to he high qualtti, stntnhinl men Imiiflle. Plthrlr no joniN tmnshl for uile purpose-! Furniture Prices are Advancing! Here is a Chance to Buy at Less Than the Old. Low Prices! JOHN CUPP'S FUR I ri n n i u i n n m nnr n I I 1 I 1 E I I J R I tl II I i I mm u uLi re----', ' .jV ..wT .vMX'.'.. USE OUR Lay Away Plan Deposit Will Hold Any Article for 30 Days PRICES LITERALLY SLASHED TO THE BONE EVERYTHING GOING AT DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES! BUY NOW MTUEE S In A Mighty Sale That Sets A Hew Record for Medford TORE .A WHILE YOU CAN SAVE MONEY I See Our Stock Of Repossessed Furniture Furniture Is an Invest ment Solve Your Gift Problem With Something for tho Home It's Al ways Appropriate! Vnt--- ' -"IVE GIFTS AC&-. FOR THE HOME FURNITURE STORE Sixth and Bartlett Medford Suggestions Card Tables Coffee Tables Floor Lamps Bed Lamps Table Lamps Smoking Sets End Tables Pillows Novelty Rugs Desks Secretaries Occasional Chairs Club Chairs Bedroom Suites Bed Springs Mattresses Dining Suites Davenport Suites Foot Stools Heaters Ranges Rugs, all sizes Linoleum Electric Appliances Mixmasters LAM. -'. J 'd ( rggrgggBBs r