o 41 Second Section; 1RIBUNE Thirtieth Year Fall Associated frcu .MEDFORD, OREGON, FRTDAY, DECEMBER 13, 103"). rail Cnlted Pra. No. 22G. IX TTT-t TJ -B-l NTN1N Pages ) EPIDEMIC -USE BE 10 Scientist' Reveals Startling Changs in Germs Through Radium Radiations Linked in Evolution WASHINGTON, Dec. 11. () possibility that radium radiating from the earth may cause epidemic . like the world war outbreak of Influenza was seen today In a report of the pub lic health service. It told the results of experiments Dr. R. R. Spencer, senior surgeon of Deals in Law OP YULE DONATIONS Fortune of $200,000 En ables Famous Children to Buy Own Presents Christmas Plans Not Set I L B E R HENDERSON Wilber Henderson, former chairman of the Multnomah county republican t.hA rvt. conducted with two forms central committee and first state of bacteria, one of which causes ty- executive commander of the American phoid fever and the other scarlet fever. He irradiated these by means of small needles containing radium. As a result the typhoid bacteria showed the "formation of giant forms and long filaments." When the radium treatment was continued over many generations, the new forms tended to persist when transplanted, even though the radium needle was with drawn. New Germ Forms Made. By Irradiating tne scarlet fever germ, Dr. Spencer developed new forms of germs distinct in every major respect from the parent. Dr. Spencer believes gamma rays from radium affect the nucleus of a . bacterial cell, sometimes producing a "variant" form which will return to the original form from which it sprang, but sometimes a "mutation" which persists. His results apparently were in line with the belief of many scientists that radium radiations from the earth, which go on constantly, have produced many of the new species of life which have devloped la evolu tion. Because the new bacteria showed a vigor unknown in the parent, their ' possible role in causing disease epi demics was suggested. Legion, was born in Illinois in 1887. He attended the University of Wash ington law school, later graduating from the University of Oregon, and served in the Oregon legislature In 1926 and 1927. He served in the world war and in the Mexican border expe dition. Henderson is a Portland attorney. LP SALEM. Dec. 13. OP) More than $8,000 will be added to the common school fund of Oregon as a result of unclaimed dividends of domestic sav ings and loan associations being liqui dated by the state corporation com missioner, It was announced here to day. The state treasurer Just received the ilrst of these escheat funds, as pro vided by recent laws, from liquida tion of the Guardian Building and Loan association and the Northern Savings and Loan association. The former paid In $4,082.72 and the lat ter $2,921.22. Claimants, If located, may redeem nuch funds due them, it was an nounced, but tn date these sums had been unclaimed. DASHIELL NEW COACH UNIVERSITY NEVADA Modern Portia SLIDING SCALE USED BY YOUNG IN JUDGING DEGREES OF WRONGS EVANSTON, 111. (UP) Youngs ters consider It a more serious ol fense to "swipe" flowers from a public park than to steal movie tickets from a cashier, according to a "morals" test made by Dr. John C. Eberhart of Northwestern uni versity's psychology department. Dr. Eberhart discovered in the answers to a questionnaire that offenses against corporate property hurt the conscience of young boys worse than those of their older play ! mates. Results of the stmly showed that before the age of 8, boys start with a tendency to seize whatever catches their fancy. Dr. Eberhart said. Boys in grammar school decide between 1 the seriousness of offenses more , quickly than do high school pupils. Younger boys, he explained, are impulsive in Judgment. Older boys make their "conscience", an intel lectual task. "It becomes less serious for the growing boy to ride on the street car for half-fare when he should pay full; to steal candy and cig arcts from a box-car; and to sneak past the 'L' cashier without pay ing." Dr. Eberhart said. The gravity of offenses listed in the psychologist's 20 questions va ried from "swiping your mother's wrist watch and pawning it" to "borrowing your brother's baseball bat without asking." Young boys and delinquents give fear of punishment as the reason for not being bad, but those further developed realize the evil of their acts, and give Varied reasons for their Judements. Dr. Eberhart said. In summary, the Inquiry showed the seriousness of property offenses seems to be based on the value ot the property Involved, the nature of CALLANDER, Ont., Dee. IS. (AP) Wealthy movie actresses now, the Dlonne quintuplets don't need pres ents this Christmas as they did last Yuletide but the gifts are expected to start rolling In soon. ; Like other children, rich or poor, the five little sisters will be glad to see them, too. ! So far there has been no shower j of presents. Perhaps there will be fewer than last Christmas when the I girls were only seven months old. ; comparatively poor, and needed toys. clothes and furnishings for their home. No Presents Yet Dr. Allan Roy Da Foe. their phy sician, said today no presents had been received but Christmas Is still two weeks away. Plans for the holi day at the hospital have not yet been made the quints have been busy movie-making but they are sure to Include at least one Christ mas tree and perhaps Dr.DaFoe will dress up In a white beard and red Santa Claus suit again. Mr. and Mrs. Ollva Dlonne, the babies' parents, probably will be In vited to the hospital for Christmas dinner and It Is likely they will bring along their five older children to see the quintuplets. Older Children Barred Mrs. Dlonne said recently the older youngsters had not seen their sisters since last Christmas. They are not allowed In the same room with the famous children because they might bring them colds and they dislike watching through a window, she said. Yvonne. Annette. Ceclle, Emtlle and Marie are still too young to have letters to Santa Claus written for them because they can't talk to say what they want. But toys of all sorts, particularly dolls, delight them. Last year they received many clothes, including hand sewn gar ments obviously sent by persons who could Ill-afford the money spent on them. With a fortune of $200,000 or more now. the quints are able to buy their own frocks. A L. GAVIN CCL I Miss Celia L. Gavin, city attorney of The Dalles since 1917. and a native of that city, received her education at Whitman college and University of Oregon. In 1916 she became secretary of the Wasco county democratic cen tral committee, and tn 1926 she was elected vice president of the state committee. She was the democratic nominee for presidential elector In 1924, and in 1935 was appointed a member of the state relief committee. BY EUGENE. Ore., Dec. 13. (yp) One cow was electrocuted and another seriously shocked without even touch lng a wire, at the Nels N. Hanna farm neai Springfield. Electricians found that electric wiring in the milk house became grounded and formed a circuit with i ground wire on the pole suspending the electric transmission line along the road. 200 feet away. The cows passed, between the two points. The shock was not sufficient to In jure a man, but cows are particularly susceptible to electric shock, Hanna said. WINDOW GLASS We sell window glass and will replace your broken windows reasonably. Trowbridge Oab tnet Works. DOUBLE LICENSE FEE ON PICKUPS, TRAILERS WrWW3J?n nKK rniUIPI HINT1; economical X, appropriate. UMUVI-U UUHH L.IUI1IU I UK SALEM Dec. 13. vT) Changes In motor vehicle license laws whereby i all pickups, light city deliveries and trailers are required to pay a double license fee, or $10. has resulted tn hundreds of complaints to the state department from owners of this type of cars. The law was changed by the regu- j tar 1035 legislature and becomes ef- i fective for all cars after January 1, 1036. for which licenses will be is- j sued beginning Saturday. The change, j tt was authentically reported, was I made without the recommendation of Earl Snell. secretary of state. I Oflclals stated that trailers, wheth er commercial or private trailers used for camping and other such purposes, were subject to the added $10 fee. In reply to the complaints, Snell has Informed owners of all types of pickups with a combined weight of 4.000 pounds or under, that as an added administrative officer he had no authority to deviate from the pro visions of the raw. The only vehicle now eligible to the $5 fee is strictly a passenger car. SVSPEAS yr Gpple. WBRANDY iPT. 50eFS. pt. 90e ZA -r- m SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 13. fP) Dr. J. E. Marty, director of athletics of the University of Nevada, announce ed today DouRlas Dashlell of Las Vea- I social obligations to the owner of as hlRh school, has been appointed : the properly, social disapproval tor head football coach of Nevada, sue-1 the type of offense, and danger ol eeedlng C. M. "Brick" Mitchell. punishment. KICKERNICK" Undergarments that tit at Ethelwyn B Hollmann'i SEMI-ANNUAL SALE Now In progress ETHELWYN B. HOFFMANN. TV -.i V ;.,.,:,'-.-;-.-.-, THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY tU West 6th Please tell me more about Gift Telephone Service Address CALL ON Tim THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Telephone 5 Special Lot Cabin Creams. 30c lb. The Crest. 236 s. Central, GUNSMITH Repairs ror all make, ot suns Sims Bros. 33 N Plr. MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPITAL IS years expcrlehcc In large and small animal practice ' 225 N. Riverside. Phone 369 A Pledge of Greater Banking Service for Jackson County AND SOUTHERN OREGON "We invite you to do liiisinpss with us at Hip Mrrlfoivl Brnnr-h of Tim First' National Bank of Porflanrl. This branch is in every way n part of Hie main organization . . . supported hy the same resources . . . under the same management. We combine the facililies of a metropolitan hank and the friendly, understanding service of a staff of Med ford men and women with whom you have heen acquainted for years. As .Jackson County property owners, as well as bankers, we are defi nitely a part of the district and equally interested in its success and growth. MEDFORD BRANCH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP PORTLAND Oldett Natrona! Bank Weif of f-fie RoekiM 1M& BEAUTIFUL What dfl roiiM he more acceptable and In rim Ml ttwe linn tills strikingly Im'iiu- 1 1 c u i fkanVimwn I'OTTKHY. . . . Itein- nltreut of Spatilli- Cnlirnniki In the dsns of minions nml ro mance! The lust art of really fine pottery making ha heen re viled In this evquls Itely fashioned In old and new shapes ulili in;irvelmi4 tetnre and lustre In rlear. hf-h colors not seen In ordinary pottery truly an achievement nf skilled potters and talented artlstst FRANCISCAN POTTERY The Latest Achievement of the Oldest Art 1 The Perfect Gift Franciscan Table Pottery Colors: l'lnme Oniric. While, Itcdwood, Mexican Blue, Tur quols nine, Yellow, flnlden Olnw, Apple Oreen. Coffee Jugs $1.75 and $1.25 Casserole, l'i qt 1-50 Luncheon Plato - - - 59 Cups and Saucers 69 Cereal Bowls -29 Vegetable Dish .79 Teapot and Tile ..: 2.50. Creamer and Sugar - . 1.25 Ash Trays - 50c and .25 Flower Pots - COo and .49 Small Cactus Pots - 10 New Vases, new shapes, new color combinations ..79c to 2.00 And a host of other pieces Cocinero Kitchen Pottery Guaranteed Oven Proof Colors: Apple Clreen, Yellow. White, Glacial Blue Casserole, 2-qt, size $1.26 Batter Bowls, with handle 125 Ramekin with plate -69 Nest of 5 Mixing Bowls 2.30 Pitchers $1.25 75c .50 SANDWICH TOASTER AND GRIDDLE Toasts sandwiches, frlct bacon and eggs, meats, fish cakes, etc. Browns pancakei perfectly. Expansion hi fine for 2 plate surface cooking. Chromium Plate. $4.95 DE LUXE THREE -HEAT PAD Four thermostats maintain any one of 3 degrees of heat. Green eiderdown cover. Wash- t able muslin slip for dry heat. Water-proof cover for wet application $6.95 TOASTERS n.rul:ir SI. mi Valor A neautlNll nltkel finish f 1 tno-sllre loanter -.. P LOW-BOy WAFFLE MAKER Bakes golden brown waffles exactly to your taste. Heat indicator tells when to pour batter. Patented expansion hinge allows batter to raise. Beautifully finished in Chromium Platn. $6.95 G-E Hotpoint House of Magic Presents A MIXER THAT "WALKS" COLONIAL PERCOLATOR HIGH-BOY PATTERN Make, perfect drip coffee automatically the water drips hs It henti. 7 cup capac ity. Panelled Body and Spout, Chromium Plate, $8.95 TOASTERS neelllar SI.M Value Modi-rnlMIr chrome flnun. Rhony trim Hllh cord .. $1.49 It Follows You All Around the Kitchen You don't have to stay rooted to one spot to me this O-B Hotpoint rortanle .Mixer. You ran use It anywhere In the kitchen , . near the sink to mash potatoes over the stove to mix Iclnrs flt the kitchen table to mix (1 Q J C hatter J lO. I J Waffle Iron Sandwich Toasters Our 'regular 3J)S values. Botn are nickel flnlh. Waffle Iron has hint Indicator. Toaster nui he used aa griddle. Approved hy Underwriters and f'lty of Mrdford .... .$2.98 On Genuine Gold Seal Reconditioned Radios 7-tube Airline console $30.00 7-tube Philco table model with automatic vol ume control 7-tube Western Air Pa- nr. si 2.00 6-tube Atwatcr . Kent, Cei $20.00 8-tube Airline Console SI 7.50 9-tube General Electric Console model, automatic volume control $45.00 7- tubc Philco table model 5, $32.00 8- tube Majestic con- ml, $30.00 Z? $25.00 8-tube Majestic table ZT- $19-50 10-tube Victor console sr;1 $40.00 7-tube At water Kent St. $12.00 C. D. BEAN inc. Df'OSITS IN THIt IAN Ae IN5UFO tl T H f FEDfUM DtCOSIT INSUHNCf COPOtlON 220 E. Main St. Phone 497