fit 4 1 I i ) MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUTE. MEDFOKD. OREGON. TITTRSDAT. DECEMBER 12, 1933. PAGE FIVE Mere's why Wards and BID Suae Yoii Money! 'mrnrn - n you C'f slur fie Blackboard Alone elsewhere tor Less Than S1.S0 - ret We Pree rftt BLACKBOARD and CHAIR SET Mitered comers, mortised crossbars, tongue and groove joints are substi tuted for cheap nail construction to give long service. Both pieces fold flat. Inside rack holds chalk and eras er. Includes chalk and eraser. 00 9 igif T10 IVce of 8 Lights! Yet These Burn 4yt Times Longer! CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING SETS Actual tests proved Wards nine-light sets burned Vi times as long as the old fash ioned 8-light sets! Made in one piece, 124 eet 'onB- 9 asst'd colored Mazda bulbs. 9 LIGHTS 59' COMPLETE Get SI 000.00 Worth of FUN With Wards Bagatelle MARBLE GAME Ixelllng! Thrilling! Different! 1 00 Has more action than any other marble game at this price. Always a new twist always a new score to shoot for. Complete with eight mar bles. Durably constructed, strong spring, plunger. A game for 4 to 80 year olds! For Tiny Toddlers FIRST Buggy! Large Enough to Hold a 16" Doll STEEL-DOLL BUGGY Stiirdilv hnilt to withstand be ing tipped over and bumped! Serves small girls during that earliest period when they want a dolly to mother and a comfy buggy to put her in. Enameled bright green, trimmed with cream. 100 r 99s Here are The "Quints" Tucked In a Bed! 5 DIONNE BABIES 500 Complete Breath-taking llkonessesl Dolls are 7'2 Inches tall 20-Inch wide wood bed Complete set bed clothing Jointed, composition dolls Approved by the Canadian Government. Wear diaper, shirt, and bib with name embroidered. Clothes can be washed and ironed. Bed enam eled white; pillows, mattress, blankets included. 17V2-inch Dionne Babies, each Beautifully clothed, kapok-stuffed body, com position heads, arms, legs; sleeping eyes. 2 98 New Wards Mike It Possible tor Every Little Girl To Own A Genuine Shirley Temple Dotll Pay Tomorrow To Hold 'Til Dec, M Shirley Temple Doll Here's a tip to mothers and fathers . . last year many youngsters were disappointed t Christmas because the supply cf Shirley Temple) Dolls was exhausted. So Wards offer you thl LAYAWAY PURCHASE PLAN now! Beauti ful mohair wig, moving eyes, smiling mouth. Miniature Chime S Key TOY . PIANOS i 59c A marvelous toy buy! Well built hardwood case. Looks just like a real piano. The sound of these toy pianos won't grate on your ears . . . musical chimes, tuned to produce real harmony 1 1.00 On WniMls PBay FUR NIT UK E . ! FIBRE ROCKERS Table and Chair Set 19 Practical play-toy-furniture set for boys and girls to age four I Strong. Colorfully finished in bright lac quer. Includes 3 pel. fat Fold! Up Complottly 10 Key Chime Baby Grand. . LjmMEJIU, eMJkSMIlfWJsr-M'ijlJLjaj.lly 1 ill? .9, a' S. -.r-f . Aoya A Clrfat ov Themt They're MaehUw-Wovvn .... Nfft' Ud Mother'! 29 i. " SSJi lifl For children up to 10 jrearsl Chil dren love these rockers because) they're so colorful, they re just like moth er's, and because they're so strong and durable. Green, Ivory or Tan ! Clean cotton padded seats in floral cretonne- FOR YOUtl money: WAHDS S THEAMtAXED VELOCIPEDE TOT'S PEDAL BIKE 00 Steel, ribbed for greater strength. Rubber grips, ped als. Enameled red. r With Rail-Bearing Front Wheel est m Prtem to Save You More Amall 8tE 498 Medium Size $8.98 Large Size $6.98 Newly designed, sturdy aero frame of formed steel with em bossed fpeeo llnea. 2-Inch elec tric headlight, adjustable han dlebars, 1-inch rubber tires, ad justable seat, wide skirted fen der, built-in rear step plates. Enameled In bright green and ivory. Riveted steel spokes. Pay 10 Tomorrow to HM Til December M ALL-STEEL sriin-M.M: With tupfHwue mfn mntetur tt remain Trelnt STREAMLED Mechanical Train Sets Oioet M Each Cewiimein VewtortHK Prtlsht Jl-inch trains with 103-tn. oval track. Engine shoot sparks, bell rings. Signal included. Heavy gauge steel. Strong motor, can't be overwound. Equals ny S3.98 Coasters! " r --' 'i it a v e it va .. .a vywf' ' Single Piece steel f7sS ' ; have 3-ply roll HQ II vT 4 it rims. Resist curb Jr . dents. A Value! Sfik'l-l Jl '.."HY-SPEED" WAGON W7r ra Extra feature 00 Streamlined I For Tots Up To 3 Years Old Rubber-Tired Wheels See it! Totally differ, ent fromthe"crdinary" wagons selling for around a dollar! Rich red enameled body, creamhubcaps. Wagon bed ribbed for extra strength; hooded air plane fenders. P STRONG ENOUGH TO SUPPORT A MAN I '' 1 rs U-V-. m 117 SO. CENTRAL TELEPHONE 286