VMEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFOKL). OREGON', BABY BORN IN WELL DOING NICELY ORPHANAGE CHILDREN RETRIEVE PLAYTHINGS BLACKSHIRTS SWING BY IN LIBYA MANEUVERS J -if v m .w -: . -. i . . . . ...... TSiraraa Hit aquawls at lusty as the next young chap's, nine-pound Franklin Jordan Is getting along fine In a Sanford, N. C, hospital after being born under water In a well. His mother, Mrs. Alton Jordan, fainted and fell Into the well and during the 45 minutes before she was rescued Franklin was born. (Associated Press Photo . Little children hunt for and recover their precious toys In the debris of St. Joseph's orphanage after the Helena, Mont., quakes. One little girl has found her doll, and loves it, despite a broken face. (Asso ciated Press Photo) . K - ' hi kzvtU r &n lire trr? TENSE MOMENT IN WASHINGTON VICTORY PLACEKICK WINS FOR OREGON J' A tense moment In the University of Washingicn-Unlverslty of Montana football game In Seattle which Washington won, 53 to 7. Everett Austin, Husky right half, lost the ball for an instant when Noyes, Montana right guard, brought him down. (Associated Press Photo) -- THREE KILLED IN BLAST WWriT ? &J Townsendite Wins - , . - b 'I t All that wat left of a Milwaukee, Wis., garage aa a dynamite store exploded fe pictured here. Three persons were killed, two of them sus pected of having been responsible for five bombings In the city, and 11 Injured. Police believed the bombers kept their explosives stored In the garage. (Associated Press Photo Verner W. Main, Battle Creek attorney ana supporter of the Town send old age pension plan, won the Republican nomination for repre sentative from the third Michigan congressional district by a sweep ing majority, (Associated Press Photo. Heir Sued By Bride Winifred Pepper, University of Oregon placeklcklng specialist, waa rushed into the game and booted the ball between the crossbars to give Oregon a 7 to 6 win over Univeroity of Washington In Seattle, Here's the point-aftcr-touchdown Uiat won. (Associated Press Photo) READY FOR SURPRISE ATTACKS WEBFOOT SOPHOMORE ACE ' i j Frsnk (Bud) Coodin. fleet University 01 Oregon n...u.-., ino . WO year v.ith th, W.-:.:oc.s in h:, first .c.sr. s . v.r.,..; ,r?ddr. Good.n doe. most of th. W.bfoot b..M pack.no P " Adolph Sprockets, Jr., heir to I sugar fortune, with his bride, thf former Gloria Debevoise, who hai filed a suit against him for separa tion. They wer'e married last Sep tembsr,.LAkvCjite,d. Press, Photo) This seen., on the Adlgrat front In northern Ethiopia, shows Ital ian soldiers behind sandbags, ready for any surprise attacks by native warriors. (Associated Press Photo by Staff Photographer C.n.vA of New VorkJ tlnca Europe's unfavorable reaction to the Invasion of Ethiopia by Roman soldiers there has been a marked increase in military activities In Libya, one of Italy's African colonies. Here's an Italian Blackshirt detachment .winning by In recent maneuvers. (Associated Pres. Photos) SCHOOLS DEMOLISHED IN MONTANA EARTHQUAKE k 1 rr" $per?' ty In a violent upheaval which racked Montana's capital city. Helena, two more deaths were added to the quake toll. The wreckage of one of the schools. Helena hiah. Is shown In this plcture.(Associated Press Photo) FORMER BATHING SUIT MODEL LANDS MOVIE JOB 1 11 Eighteen-year-old Maxln. Jerome, Los Angeles high school graduate, has a contract with . motion picture company, because a director of the studio chanced to see her In a department store window, modeling bathing suits. (Assoclatsd Press Photo) i Contestant This yuung woman from Paris Is one of the contestsnta for the title ef 'Most Besutlful Model' In a Los Angeles contest. Sh. Is Oabrlell. Doharr whe is living In Hollywood. . (.Associated fi PJietol ACTRESS AND SON VISIT DESERT 7"TT 1 rtfc, at ip i? - a ' 5" i Mt - JIj ! - ! iJ Li ZJl Joan Blondetl, film a'.ttcs, and her son, Norman Scott Barnes, spent a short vacation at Palm Springs, Calif, (Associated Pres. JEhetoa. O o