MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1935. ! by C. L. Bardo, association president, high record were Ben Gibson 01 Ashland, Emtl Drehr of Klamath Falls, Howard Hart of Lakevtew, Fred Nelson of Grants Pass and Sidney Blood of Medford. Russell stated before leaving with Knutson for a sales conference in Marshfleld that business la increas ing In leaps in southern Oregon as well as In other parts of the west coast. Ashes of Chapman To Rockford, III. NEW YORK. Dec. . (AP) Ashes of Arthur Chapman. 63, who wrote operations there. Picket were at work and no new developments were reported. Cause given for the strike was alleged discrimination on the part of mill officials against an em ploye. I First Quarter Tax Due December 15th Fourth quarter payments of taxes are due December 15. and according to the tax collection department of the sheriff's office, the final pay ment have starting coming In. Next week la expected to see a rush of tax payers. Payment, also continue fairly brisk on personal taxes and a few have paid up their delinquent taxes. Coos Bridge Spans Are Joined Today NORTH BEND, Ore., Dec. 6 (AP) Officials from numerous Coos county cities gathered today to watch state highway workmen Join two giant cantilever steel spans from the north and south piers of the 3.255.000 Coos Bay highway bridge. No formalities were scheduled. The bridge, more than a mile long, will be the largest tidewater highway span In the northwest. Portland Postal Receipts Growing PORTLAND. Dec. 0. W) Port land Nocember postal receipts were $233,130.96. a 10.14 per cent Increase over November. 1934. the postmaster announced today. Money orders in creased 1 per cent to 1,342460. demands; "The maintenance of constttutlon I al guarantees, preservation of the I freedom of private enterprise, main- tenance of sound tax and financial Lethal Gas Death Prison Gas Death Declares Warden RALEIOH. N. C. Dec. 6 (AP) Warden H. H. Hlnnlcutt of the state prison here, who has seen 160 electrocutions In an official ca pacity, doesn't think much of the state's new lethal gas chamber. "If I had to die." the veteran prison warden said today after viewing tests of the gas chamber. "I' rather go In the electric chair. I believe the chair la quicker and a Brent deal less painful." HELD INDUSTRY'S NEED LAUDS SCHEFFEL policies and security through econo mic progress." Submission of the program came after a series of speeches hostile to the New Deal. Nearly every speaker has attacked It. Among them have been Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.. president of General Motors, Robert L. Lund, chairman of the association's board of directors; James A. Emery, the as sociation's general counsel, and Bardo. the poem. "Out Where the West Be jG'ns." wlU be taken to Rockford. III., i where he apent his bovheod. after cremation tomorrow, members of his family said today.. J Author, and former managing ed I ltor of the old Denver Times. Chap. man died at his home In Greenwich JO Prank E. Russell, regional director for Oregon, Washington and Idaho of the California Western-States Life Insurance company, accompanied by Earl Knutson, former manager of the Medford branch and now pro moted to the Portland office, was a visitor In Medford Thursday con JACKSONVILLE SCHOOL BANL IS CIVIC ASSET JACKSONVILLE. Dec. 6. (Spl.) Jacksonville parents re enthusiastic NEW YORK. Dec. 6. (AP) A 1936 platform of "merited Individualism." aa opposed to New Deal policies, wan submitted, today to the National Manufacturers' association. Leaders of the large Industrial or ganization, meeting In lta fortieth annual convention, predicted over whelming ratification of the piat . form. The platform, drafted by a group of the leaders and formally submitted Village last night. MARCOLA MILL CREW REMAINS ON STRIKE EUGENE. Ore., Dec. 6 (AP) One hundred and fifty employes of the Fischer Lumber company at Marcola remained away from their Jobs today following yesterday's walkout which silenced, wood, sawmill and planer ducting a regional sales conference. Snowmen to Meet A full attend ance woa requested today for the meeting of the Rogue Snowmn at the Jackson County Chamber of Com merce at 7:30 Monday night. Officers for the new year are to be elected and plans for winter sport mapped out. Willie here Russell highly com about the new high achool band organized by Mr. Botta of Medford and are eagerly awaiting lu first public appearance. Thla la the. first band of lta kind here for several years and Is hailed as a fine asset for the high achool and community. plimented Howard Scheffcl. present manager of tho company here, for his remarkable work in writing 76, 500 in Insurance business here in I November. Salesmen who were work ing under Scheffel to crack the old 1 WINDOW GLASS We sell window glaas and will replace your broken windows reasonably. Trowbridge Cab met Works. X.MAS PHOTOS Holiday Specials Nowl PEASLEYS Opposite Holly Theatre 4 PXGE EIGHT Hill Hill S MSI I bi SATURDAY and MONDAY DECEMBER 7th and 9th SATURDAY and MONDAY DECEMBER 7th and 9th Santa i& eomin It s time to get ready lor old Santo! He will soon be .n town CM y ,or vryone Let us helD v,...m money wnn these uiiusuai comoination offer. u,v,,i. proviae aiiunng story books (01 cnnaren. Uhnstmas cards and seals tor yoursell, end wholesome foods lor the entire family svp hs'B a a mm a iw - a . Lou ii m rawv 1771 it ii mmrTsr xj a aitiiiD ma wtjl -.-a- mm s cs&AciQsaxzxLV,-,- j ins i j b.t. ii e x , ' if '" si )(6)c : A flMJ-Tll J v-wJW Six beautiful Christmas cards' Lf ifii"jm N,S. and forty colorful seals with iwf I itLmrv . ' each purchase of two lbs. of 1 T'Jr that fioodlGA Cocoa! Jf L rv miMaj Heeds, nnL I i ,he . akin? supp,ie lhal counts-it's the cost of the cakes and pastries that (ail that's expensive! Use IGA C,c:uccre.rer' surer and more 8COnomicoJ ' Baker's PREMIUM No. 1 Chocolate cake Ilc BAKING POWDER can Edward's Marshmallows 1 1b.pkg. 1 9c IGA Cake Flour 44-oz. Pkg. . . 23c IGA Hot Sauce 8 oz. can 3 for 14c Scot Tissue .... 3 rolls 23c Waldorf Tissue . . 4 rolls 18c Kremel, assorted . . 3 for 14c : (ill That the word "cocoa" comes from a word which means "food of the gods"? JF ' -""""TSlSw i si'1 '111 "T if lii S, . - .-. M A beautifully illustrated story book with each pur chase of one pound of Blue "G" Coffee! The children will be delinM. ed to find one of thnao popular fairy stories 'among their presents on Christmas mornina AnH the whole family will ap preciate the excellent fla vor ot Blue G Coffee. THE WORLD'S FAMOUS MAPLE BLEND Log Cabin Syrup LILY WHITE HARDWHEAT . Family Flour & medium tin $2.10 FRUITS and VEGETABLES SATURDAY ONLY . BANANAS, Fancy Golden Ripe, 4 lbs. for 25c ORANGES, Navel Juice, 2 doz. . 27c GRAPEFRUIT, Fancy Arizona, 6 for . . 19c CELERY, Extra Large Utah, 2 stalks 27c POTATOES, Klamath Netted Gems No. 2, 50 lbs for 59c FANCY SWEET POTATOES, 4 lbs 17c GOLD HILL CENTRAL POINT HAM'S FACER'S GROCERY Cash MARKETS MEATS. GROCERIES GROCERIES, FRUITS and FRUITS, VEGETABLES VEGETABLES - FEED GRANTS PASS BUTTE FALLS STAR SEED FADER'S and GROCERY Cash MARKETS .. ,, , D. ... GROCERIES, FRUITS 409-411 0 Street Phone 4J VEGETABLES FEED, MEATS ROGUE RIVER p . n , . Price, Quality and Serv- HEATH and Ice Being Equal, IGA II OL LISTER Stores Mer't Your Pat- GENERAL MERCHANDISE ronage! MEAT SPECIALS Swift's Jewel Shortening 4 lb. cartons Ctn. 59c Swift's Silverleaf Lard 1 lb. cartons 18c ...... 2 for 35c Swift's Sugar Cured Skinned Backs lb. 35c Swift's Empire Picnics 4 to 6 lbs Ib. 24c 4 Bars Giant Size Crystal White Soap for . . 19c 1 Package Super Suds . . . . 1c 30c value fcr 20c MEDFORD STORES ROSE GROCERY GROCERIES MEATS VEGETABLES BAKERY GOODS 205 W. Jackson Open Evenings and Sunday Phone 1420 ALEXANDER'S GROCERY, INC A Complete Line of Battle Creek Health Foods 203 West Main St. BUNGALOW GROCERY Fresh Meats and Vegetables 409 N. Riverside Phone 485 INDA HUMPHREY A COMPLETE FOOD MARKET 504 East Main St. Phone 462 LUMAN BROTHERS SUPER FOOD MARKET GROCERIES MEATS FRUITS VEGETABLES BAKERY Corner Main and Bartlett JACKSONVILLE GODWARD MERCANTILE GROCERIES GENERAL MERCHANDISE Your Independently-owned l.G.A Store offers you the price advant age9 made possible by buying in conjunction with hundreds of other successful I G A. stores. IGA Stores Feature IGA Brand Merchandise . . . Highest Quality At a Sav ing Price Always! TALENT TR YON MERCANTILE General Merchandise Hardware ASHLAND DOUGHERTY GROCERY H N. Main Phnno r,o CAVE CITY SCHUMACHERS GROCERY The IGA of the Redwood Highway