fEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOK1). OT?EflOX. FRIDAY. PFrFMTBF.R 6. 1035. PAGE TTTFRTEEN Local and Personal Gary Cooper and Ann Harding Coming Bojle Uack J. C. Boyle returned this morning from a short visit In San Pranclsoo. Dflzelt Leaven Thomn W. Ddzcll. district WPA manacer. left l5t night cn a business trip to Portland. Brimhy Home V. D. Brophjr return ed this morning by train from Port land where he has been transacting business for the past few days. . Business Caller Lieut. Ljloyd A. Workman of Camp Oak Knoll was & business visitor yesterday at CCC headquarters here. Semon to Rosebtirg Russell Semon left this morning for Rosebur? where he will enter the Veterans' hospital for treatment. He expects to return in a few days. To Rosehurg Lieut. Robert W. King, assistant adjutant of the Med ford CCC district, went to Roseburg today to participate In an. organiza tion conference. , Freight Acent Here Harry I. Wayne, travelling .freight agent t for the Great Northern Railway company, arrived this morning from Portland cn a business visit. ' Whtt worth, assistant ECW engineer of the national park service, was buck at hla bflce here today following an in spection trip to Oregon Caves. CCC Men Leave Recently discharg ed CCC enrollees leaving last night Vera John Deresky. to Port Henry, N. Y.; Bert Mlhacz, to Perth Am boy. N. J., and Weston Rowan, to Chicago. Gasqiiet Officer Here Lieut. Pres ton E. Rohner, commander of Camp Gasquet, consulted with officers of CCC headquarters yesterday regarding organization matters. Rvan Convalescing Fred Ryan, motion picture operator at the RIalto theater, who has been 111 at the Sac red Heart hospital for the pnsz two weks, is now at home where he Is reported making rapid recovery. Own in on Trip Major George R. Owens, commander of the Mod ford COC district. ,and Lieut. Phllo D. Smith, district adjutant, are making en Inspection of camps in the north ern part of the local area. Returns After Visit Miss Opal Bar row returned to her home here this morning after spending the past week visiting in Portland with her sisters, Mrs. Harry Reibllng and Mrs. Frank Lombardy. From Apness Lieut. John A. Ros- enbaum of Camp Agness was a busi ness visitor at Medford COC head quarters yesterday. He returned to the camp after a conference with ei ecutlve officers. Farrell in Salem Frank P. Fvurell, city attorney, was in Salem on busl ness today. Stop Signs Erected Right of way of motorists on the Pacific hihwiy. through Ashland Is to be upheM ir future, Folice Chief C. P .Talent said today following the placement of 'stop sins at even Intersection with the main thorough f. ire In the city. Confers with Tengwald Charle H. Tlsdale, representative of the Central Manufacturers Mutual Insurance' company, was to leave today for his Portland office after conferring with Carl Y. Tengwald, the company's Med ford agent. Leave for Home Mr. and Mrs. T. J Huffman and Mrs. R. C. Baxter re turned to their home at Jamestown. N. D., this morning, after spending the pest two weeks visiting the Huff mans' son and daughter-in-law, Mr. end Mrs. Scott Huffman, Due Back Monday Olen AmspiRer, manager of the Medford and Talent Irrigation districts, Is expected back from the east Monday. He has been In Washington on business pertain ing to irrigation matters. He alsc conferred with offlcfals there regard ing sites of the proposed army air bases In the northwest. Orchestra to Meet Announcement was made today of the meeting to night of the Girls' Civic orchestra, at the Girls' Community club nouse at 7:30. Anyone playing an instrument or Interested In the work Is vary wel come to attend Mrs. E. E Oore is supervisor for the group. There Is no chame of any kind connected with this activity. Art Group Meet The Southern Oregon Art association will meet at 7:30 Saturday night in the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, to make final preparations for the win ter exhibit to be held in the Palm building, December. 16, 17 and 18. Exhibitors mtjst register at the Cham ber of Commerce not later than De cember '12,' It was announced. Hall Returns Home Court Hall re turned this morning from San Fran cisco where he has been receiving medical treatment for the past few days. He expects to go to Portland to receive additional treatment within the next few days. While in that city he will also visit his son and daughter-in-law, Mr: and Mrs. Seely Hall. Resort Statistics During November 172 visitors registered at Oregon Caves, bringing the total attendance for the new travel season from Octo ber 1 to 962. national park headquar ters here announced today. In No vember. 109 tourists registered at the Lava Beds national monument, bring ing the total for the new season to 564. 16.013GAIN JOBS PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 0. (AP) The Oregon works progress adminis tration announced today that 16,013 workers have been taken off relief rolls and given Jobs. Federal funds allocated to the 383 WPA projects launched totaled 3, 825,070. Sponsors contributed 988, 800. Because of the breakdown of di rect relief to all but unemployables, E. J. Griffith, Oregon WPA ad ministrator, set his stenographlcal staff to writing pay checks which workers will receive within the next few days, instead of waiting for the regular first payday. The Oregon relief committee pre viously petitioned for sufficient fed eral funds to tide the workers over until their first pay day. Actress Recovers r it - ? .1' 4 r (o)oud ssajd p)e(3ossv -uopit Xqd jbu Aq paBJtMOSip fiutsq jsift ouejeadde lajif J914 Buiem UMoqt i put P9J8A039J XSaduJC3 seq 'tqiuotu CJ9A jo ill uosq teif People's Utility Area Is Favored ALBANY. Ore., Dec. fl. Spon sors of a proposed people's utility dls trict testified today that Linn county la preponderantly in favor of such a group. A. C. Heyman aoted as chairman of the sponsors who were given a hearing before the Oregon Hydro electric commission. . Seme 300 attended the meeting and only a few raised their voices against the proposal. WHEEL GOODS Everything that rolls at prices that will surprise you. Sims Bros., 23 N. Fir. it w if $ y Gary Cooper and Ann Harding make their first appearance as a ro mantic team in the film adaptation of George Du Maurier's immortal classic, "Peter Ibbetaon." regarded as one of the greatest love stories of the ages, coming Sunday to the Craterlan theater. "Peter Ibbetson" Is the screen dra matization of George Du Maurier's famous novel of the same name. The story revolves around the beautiful love that binds two people togother for a lifetime even though Fate sec-s fit to part them. Friends, playmates and sweethearts in Paris, as children, the two are separated when the boy's mother dies and his military uncle takes him to England. As a talented young architect. Peter Ibbetson is sent to a wealthy aristocrat's estate to design new racing stables. Ibbet son discovers that the mistress of the house, the Duchess of Towers, Is none other than his childhood sweet heart. At the same time she recog nizes him. The Duke, suspecting their love, threatens to kill Ibbetson. In the ensuing argument, the Duke is acci dentally killed and Peter Is sentenced to life In prison for the crime. But his love never dies for the Duchess, who remains true to him forever. Al though prison walls separate them, they meet in their own dream world as the years pass on, their romance stronger than life, more powerful than death. Open Holly Theatre Saturday To Handle Crowds For 'Bounty' New records were set up yesterday at the Craterlan theater with the opening of "Mutiny on the Bounty." The crowds which filled the theater to capacity resulted In the an nouncement of the opening of the Holly theater for tomorrow (Satur day), night, to allow more seating room for all those who are desirous of seeing the picture. Last night's crowded condition at the Craterlan theater caused many patrons to turn away and it Is to alleviate th)s situation that the Holly theater's 1100 seats will be made available for the two shows tomorrow night. The picture Itself, with so much advance heralding, fully lives up to all expectations. Charles Laujhton as the tyrannical Captain Bligh. whose brutalities resulted in the mutiny; Clark Gable 1 as the leader of the mutineers, Fletcher Christian, and Franchot Tone as Midshipman Byam, descendant of one of Eng land's sea-going families, all carry their parts perfectly. Laughton, par ticularly, gives an unforgettable character portrayal of the cruel captain who keeps his crew on half rations and flogs them 'when they rebel at such treatment. - The entire picture .shows the ex ceptional care that was used in its .production, the storm scenes being such that one almost feels the fury of the sea. The feminine roles that of the two native Tahltlan beauties with whom Gable and Tone fall in love, were played by native girls, whose beauty should make more than one masculine heart miss a beat. Wheat Conditions In Oregon Better PENDLETON, Ore., Dec. 6. (P) setter conditions throughout the Ore gon wheat country were reported by Mac Hoke, president, in his annual address at the opening here todny of the ninth annual meeting of the Eastern Oregon Wheat league. De spite a sudden silver thaw which coated highways with Ice. more than 300 farmers attended the opening session of tho two -day convention. Thrilling Drama on Rialto Screen Steaks and Chops To Be Yule Treat CHICAGO. Dec. 6. Steaks ond chops will bo real rivals of the traditional turkey as the tasty mor sel of this year's Christmas dinner. The best beef, pork and lamb in several years trill flood the market during the holidays, tho American Institute of meat packers reported today. Better still, prices will be down. ; XMAS PHOTOS Holiday Specials Nowl PEASLEYS Opposite Holly Theatre Marble Corner JACKSONVILLE Sandnuhc. wine. Beer reaturlnc hllndroldrd reqtiet Dancing i:rry Mclit Vern Bci t Ihe Una k vi . .... r ' i 'r 's itf? f ' " "" "- " " " Tifiiinfciftitfaiiiii '-: J , mm LAST Tl.MKS TONIGHT SATURDAY ONLY I Continuous Allows 1 to 11 Paring to ride whr f Honor 7 PJF' ' ... . ... k, , jjLrh. s I-'A - 9 i, t E ji, iff WINTER 76 eonuini in extrm supply of the Tolatile, quicker firing petroleum i frictions. It assures you fast warm.up t -with lest cold ensine weir, less drain JLiiA' on the bittery, less use of the choke. ET, . Fill with winter 76 todiy... enjoy quick starting it til temperatures... plus tht well'knowa r-fi0i and miUagt qual ities of 76. CARBON KNOCKS! Aidt quicitt P-'i'iiJ turimt. slv-: Ifi'i UNION OIL COMPANY - S luitfinl 1 DOUBLE TROUBtT Also Comedy and Cartoon m X.-.MON. MHET GAYNOR HENRY FONDA W II IX -V '--;V-', m SUM UMWERVILLI f&':.kte&. 3. man Is A i " "The Last Outpost." the suecensor to "Benpal Lancers." playing Sunday and Monday at the Rialto theater, with Cary Grant. Claude Rains. Ger trude Michael and Kathleen Burke, is drama-packed romance played agairut the background of the sun baked deserts of Arabia during the world war. It is the story of two men who sacrifice their friendship to wage a savage personal battle for the love of the same girl. How they hound each other through no-man's land In the face of death la told In a series of thrilling events ending in a grip ping dramatic climax. Tim McCoy Stars In Roxy's Picture Starring Tim McCoy, and featur ing the lovely BUlla, Seward, "Justice of the Range" will be ut the Roxy theater for tomorrow only. Plenty of fast action ' is promised in this production, what with mur der, fast.rldlng rust lers. crackling guns, smashing flats, flashing knives and the insidious underhand treach ery of Tim McCoys enemies. The picture opens on a range war between rival outfits each suspected of nistllnp the other's cattle. The fend is of long standing. McCoy's friend Is about to make final pay ment on hts ranch when his. fore man Is murdered and Tim is knocked out. The money disappears; it has been stolen by the opposing outfit. The picture then plunges into a whirlwind of action to reach a start ling climax. Use Mall Tribune want a da. AUCTION SALE Every Saturday. 1:1$ p. m.. at Sole Pavilion, north Med ford. Tomorrow sale, hor.a, Ciiiern sey bull, 15 months old; 2 brood, sows, farrow soon; one sow with 8 pigs; poultry, stows and lots of furniture. SOUTH FRN ORECIOM LIVESTOCK CO. Col. A. H . Dudley, Auet. AMATEUR CONEST Saturday nl(?h at Baldwin Piano Shopoe. Cash prizes for month to be awarded. FURNISHED apt, 114 Almond YOoNO LADY wants housework; sellable waves in good home. 7376. Tribune. rea-Box WANTED etde disc plow for lorrion tractor. Lewis Super Service Station. IN SEVERAL DAYS, small furnished house cn a court, for 2 adults; Frlt iriaire. Pine lor couple employed; 22.50. Inquire at 126 S. Gro.pe St. LEAVE O R D E RlT"for Chrutms wreaths and trees. 249 S. Riverside, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ; fe FURNITURE repaired, upholstered and finished. Phone 069-R. Thl-bault. PHONE Darby Fruit Company for Cornice pears, packed In half boxes. An Ideal Chris turns gift. WANT am all loan,' one year, secured oy clear, weit-iocatri Mctirord prop erty. Box 7381, Tribune. FOR RENT 6 -room modern, well- lumished house. 3 acre, garden pace, fruit trees, plenty ah ad tree, chicken houses; v; mile city limits, 35. Phone 3I4-Y. 37 DIE IN FIRES PAST MINE MONTHS SALEM. Dec. 6. (AP) State. Fire Marshal Hugh H. Earlo reported to the governor today that 37 persons lost their lives from fires In Oregon during the first nine months of this year. Eighty-one others were injured. Fires listed totaled 3403, an Increase of more than 22 per cent over the same period a year ago, Earle report ed Actual loss resulting increased 39 per cent, or a monetary value of $1,780,493. Insurance, paid totaled 1.443.250. The list of fires were only those on which Insurance was carried, and did not Include the burning of the, old state capltol last April. Multnomah county led the list with 1835 ftres, followed by Marlon county with 176, Clackamas . with 140 and Lane with 129. Curry county report ed no fires. Heating hazards caused one-third of the fires. DALLES AIRPORT GRANT IS WITHDRAWN BY WPA THE DALLES. Ore., Dec. A. (AP) The works prograss administration rescinded Its $12,000 allocation for improvement of the municipal air? port here because the city merely leases and does not own the site, which Is across the river In Klickitat county, Wash, . . DANCE On The OASIS SPRING FLOOR Every Sat. Nite Shows I iN 1:00-3:00 s3 G:lfl-!J:00 pg3 3 25t kiddles 0c narfcig Today and Saturday! HE INHERITED THE NAME OF A KILLER! v 1 i ; V ' v v sfr . . Alii Ken rldt's the btil- let-studded troll of revenge . . flaming 1r..tli at his hrelal IN imn TO Joan PERRY Harry WOODS -A PREVUE Sat. Nite . Coming Sunday! 1,000 A Minute with Roger Pryor Leila Hyami THEY WENT THRU HEW r..a--visv ... for womnnl jif '"'- JA w .. bIJ ., , tfn.Yf -CT''X - o ia,,r"r"" M0y ANOTHER BIG DANCE ORIENTAL GARDENS SAT. NITE Bl'D DYNGE'S 9 PC. BAND In the Large ITntl PI.IS RI'IIKS OLD TIMERS In (he smnll llnll ALWAYS A CROWD ALL RECORDS SMASHED! 1 1 Shcraa 1 1 o:A"oof Mats , . , 23c Eves . . . 35c Klrliltes 10c Postively Ends Tomorrow Night 2vV Capacity Crowds ... and they all agree It's the migh 1 1 e s t adventure ever brought to the screen . . , destined to live for ever in your m e m o r y 1; Ohas, Laughton " Clark Gable F. Tone Will Also Be Shown Tomorrow Night Only HOLLY THEATRE bunday j '' it.t r. For those 00" who loved uS i 1 i f I! 7 Overpoweringl Emotional! , GAHiGOOPER Alltl HARDING In fetet Ibbetson IDA LUPINO JOHN H ALL I DAY JA Bi I A love that lived in dreams more real than life itself . . with two of the world 's favorite stars reaching new heights, gathering new luatre! h