PAGE TWELVE . SfEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 3933. LHIGH COURAGES! HYSOI'SIS: Anne rjt.itworth has been cheated of her position as Luke Farnsworth'! heir bt Tom h'arlev and hie gang. In epite ot that, the has pone 10 try to keep a group ot enoered fishermen from r.ju:lng the Farnsworth proper ilea. Het uncle, Lee Farnsworth. has heen ehot in the quarrel, and. she i accused of the murder. But the ha been terribly til, and is only now convalescing surround' ed nil guards. Her old nurse, 'fcctt Sorki, is visiting her. Chapter 37 THE TRIAL BEGINS " JOHN," Anne spoke his namt tim J idly, "how In he?" "Better now." "Ton mean he'B been 1117" Tecla looked at Anne In surprise. "111? Tou should know." "What do you mean?" "Why," Tecla threw her hands out is though the gesture would explain, "at your bedside ho stayed until you were safe, then away he went, no body knows where. I t'lnk maybe be tell you." "John, hers at the hospital?" "Tea, you call for him." A faint flush tinted the pallor of Anne's cheeks, had he come unwill ingly? If not, why bad he gone away? "I must hare been delirious," she murmured and thought, that pres ence I felt must have been John. What could he have thought of her? depend upou htm, because he didit t believe her. Judge Kollogg's partner wrote that her 1100 allowance was being held up pending her trial. There seemed to be some law which excused the payment of such money to persons found guilty ot a felony, and they were waiting for the verdict. If only Judge Kellogg were within traveling distance. Discharged from the hospital, Anne left the friendly care of the nurse and the hospital for the Jail. The first night she couldn't sleep be cause of the clang of the Iron door, the turning of the key In the lock, the stifling realization of bars, Iron bars, bolding her away from the world she loved. And then the morning of her trial, suusbot, htgh-plled clouds edging the horizon, seagulls wheeling low over blue waters. Anne took fresh heart from the view. She dressed with care In a plain blue suit, She had to do nothing with her hair but comb It shoulder length, Garbo style. And then the court room. She heard subdued Finnish greetings, words ot cheer, as she entered the crowded room. Her heart caught as she saw Charlotte and Sharlee Farnsworth seated by the district attorney, and Farley as special prosecutor. And then, Just as she RTm !t!iHwj "sm FaB in m.9, turn J m 1, The morning after the trial. "Tecla, you said ha was better, what did you mean by that?" "Worried he was. He t'lnk your trouble and sickness all his fault. He soy like I do, he would keep you from all hurt, then he do this to you." "And he's gone away? Don't you know whore? Doesn't his mother know?" Tecla shrugged her shoulders. "She say something about he go for a boat." Anne nodded. To;, he had thought of buying a trawler with his Alaska money. The nurse Interrupted here and Anne, questions begging to be answered at her lips, wns forced to see the little woman led reluctantly to the door. Anne lay staring at the wall. John had gone away. He hadn't waited to ee how hor trial had come out. Oh, he had been loyal, standing by her during her tllnc-ss, but the moment she was past the danger line he bad gone on with his lltcforgettlng her. SUDDENLY a sharp pain caught at her heart. John thought she waa guilty. John, who know everything from the way the Lee Farnaworths had treated her to the very details of the will, thought she had sought rovenge In this way. Did Tecla and Lllsa think this loo? Even Orvl aud George couldn't be sure: they weren't outside with ber, In the boat. They didn't know whether or not she hnd carried a tuti. Dusk swept Into the room; through tho opened window came the far rumble of traffic in the street below, the dank, sweet odor of river willows, tho salty tniiR of the sea. The window was nn oblong of blue. In wlit.-h hung a single stnr. Unit conccntiv.ted on that star, Anno reached tho lowest point ot her life. There was nothing left, nothing but the courage which sprang from belief In herself. Days passed, each ouo fraught with fresh worries. There wns the law. rer her Finnish friends had re filled, hut she knew she could not started to sit down, she met the gaze of Rob Crocker. SHE felt her gaze lock with his. There was stony disregard for her In the dark eyes which once bad laughed with her; tense lines about tho Hps which had told her so often of his love for She didn't know she was staring at him In frank amazement, Waa this the man she had loved? This the man sho had almost defied Luke and Lucinda to marry? Had she really ever seen him before? Lenholtn, her attorney, plucked at her sleeve and she sat down. No, she decldod, she hadn't seen him before. She had been a child, delighted with the attentions ot a handsome man older than she, desired by other women. Character had meant noth ing to her, because she had thought It possessed by everyone This man she was seeing was a stranger; a stranger with cruel lines about hit mouth, hard llnoa about his eyes, A rare smile erosseil her face. To think she had hesitated over marry ing John, for fear her love of him might ch&uge like her love for Kob had changed. She folt suddenly free, conlldent. John, surely he would bo there some place. She believed In him, In his love for her. Two days pnssed before the Jury was chosen, and on the third the trial began. The district attorney, close friend of the man who had been killed, pre sented his case. The defendant, known as Nlkkl Nielsen, had been reared to believe she was the daugh ter of Luke Farnsworth. and It wns only after the accidental death of her foster parents I hat she del learned she wss not their child. The fortune she had believed hers, he continued, was to be turned over to an estate to be divided among the Farnsworth kin. The girl had refused to live with the Lee Fnrsworths. She had de nounced them bitterly, then rushed away to hide. fCopyrlrjht I93J. by Jennnt Boicmanl Teds Sorkl plvii, tomorrow, omo itArtllna tuttmonv. IF BORAH DON'T? 1 935 WHEAT KING VASHINOTON. l 3. (API Hrp rffiitntivp Klsti of Ntw York mUl to lny lir will !m-pc the inn a Republican prfld'ntlHl nomination unless Sena tor Borah In u intwiiclntp. Should Borah run, Fish sum he would support the wcMi'rner. He mBfie tho Mfltcment niter ft confer enrfl with i he veteran Idnhonji, the we n1 In two wrke. Ftish wjih rdrfful. however, not to My wluMhrr Horith planned to make tl.r nice or whether Bnrnh would tup pnri Fmh II the New Yorker I a can UlchttK and Borah Is not. The New Yorker told newsmen he would we Borah nsatn upon htf re turn In mld-Deremher, from aoutti ern apt-Akin? tour. He nlsn mitd the senator probably would lmve n state ment to make about the end of the I nncAoo. !.. s (Art w. pr- I Ian Wilford, gram farmer from Stavelj. Alherta, Caundn. wap crown cd wheat kin for IMA at th In- trnniionnl Liveatoek ExpoMUou's I nth annua! gram and hay show today. j Wit Curd won the title with grain of the Heflsrd varh'ty. Ilia Minpie fteiKhed 66 pound a bushel ! Hoerv champion of Mie-t &row ; rrs wnt nno'her canadirtn. William Honrrs of Tappen B C. He howen Ourum of the Mindun type. Hie (train weighed ft 4 pounds per biuhel. Wilford Miowed hard rd aprliiR wheat. This year marked the aeventn : consecutive victory for Canadian ! vi hmt m th imeinattonat eompe I Wtion. TANK CAR STAGES K EDDIE, Oal., Dec. 8. fAP)--A runaway tank car raxed down the Feather river canyon for 28 miles be fore It was derailed at Tobtn flag station. The car broke away Saturday from a work train In the Keddle, Plumaa county, yard. An upbound fruit train was side tracked at Pulga, 48 mtlea west, while a. dispatcher at Sacramento- tried to roufie a section foreman o-t Tobln. The foreman, Louie Pemopolos, raced to a nearby derailing switch fust aa the tank car, spending at almost a mile a minute clip, roared around a bend. Several hundred feet of track was rlppd up as the car turned over and over after hitting the derailing switch. To Name Commissions SALEM, Dec. 8. (AP Governor Martin announced today he would name the baking code commission and the new flai commission within the next few days. Both were author Iced by acts of the special legislative session. STRANGE AS IT SEEMS By JOHN HIX Tor further proof address the anthor, Inclosing, a stamped envelope for reply. Reg. TJ. ,S. Pat. Off. SUBURBAN HEIGHTS By gluyas wiluams . i i it wiiii ( v i i u t tiv r. . I III IP, AMI flV dispatcher t Sacramento, tried to ' w u. . imnor- ( s W (7 ' - JWY, K I 1 1 f U II M I kum section foreman at Tobln. The .. special legislative , i, J , . A V L IW V . SALEM. Dec. 3.-?,AP) PuhUc P.H.. lFf 1 7 I Fi at Bend on the application ot the V YK? f- J I r7 fcl I T Hk Tjm h Laplne and Southern Telephone com- WlSlT JS.K . ji I fi3('C', I I K 'CoV&VJ pany to discontinue service between' ' Cx L v jSNft , V ' f sBTtftirAI I (i Uiplne and Silver Lake. , CjT iiYi N i (. I ' WWW SW Hr ; . Tcy krjv?ftt m$Tom A filler wtftRaeRTfifsM :kSNr y ' TW& J J-) 7 WREN EiERVOODV SEEKS E)(ERCI5H ODr- ..-r-' rl JJ J OT-POORS to fOOHtERACY ETFEC & -. mgM 'Jk ; OFHWIK6 EATEH 100 MUCH PINNER. fc"1" """"" "" y SwAuL ioj :" 1 I H--S . (Copyright, 1036, by Ths Btll Byndlcste, Inc.) WltUAS SmTTEB POP- By 0. M. and mouth and some species have I rfWaV SXT Z1 I have no stints. They live In coin- m?n FT IXJl J XSU NjSUf '. C C78 ! erjandolf. p,-rtby lM-J'Ft i ' tstte. Members of some species of ,n. putting and driving, thev end.d MfeiUrW Vg&fsl " HMrf57 mMML. SI X&xZW I 4Si RfcfOopyright, 1935, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) jg Jeruiuilpm, the Holy City, Is holy not only to Christians, but to .lews nd Mohnmmpdnns alike. Chrlstlnns look to It as the rlty mnde holy by Christ when He preached His new religion to the people of the Holy city became there Solomon built his temple. To Mohammendans, Jerusa lem Is next In Importance to Mecca ae their holy city, for It was from Jerusalem, according to their teach ing, that Mohammed ascended to hearen. Thus, to followers of the three greatest religions of the world, the city of Jerusalem Is a holy city. In tho tropical areas of North and South America live strange bees, a great many specie of them, all char acterised by one strange feature they have no stings. Tiiey live In colo- I nlen as do our common honey bees, J and produce honey, some of which Is miDio ana some repiusive t.o tne tnstte. Members of some species of these- stlnglesa bees are no bigger than gnats. Yet, strungo as It seems, these tiny bees have adequate defense against Intruders, even though they arc powerless to sting, reroelous as hor nets, they swarm in great numbers upon any living thing that, annoys them, crawling In the hair, eyes, nose Tomorrow: Chimes of Nature. TAILSPIN TOMMY "Dirty Weather" AheadI By HAL FORREST OWE WARD SOUND; BUT IOHAT kSUALL TOMMV AND SKEETER LEARN OOHEN THEY arrive: AT 3- POINT? TOmY RECEIVED A VERY MYSTER IOUS message: from Paul SMITH JUST BEFORE THEY TOOK OFF FROM DEL SECSUNDO! C0EAN U)I-ULH 235? &tt ' ANO--- ( ' CAPTAIN &-U ' ORTEGA KEV, LOOK TOM" OOE. GOT AM ESCORT OUTTA NA2IL. '. :- rjj. ' I'.. BEN WEBSTER'S CAREER Just in Time I An hour rj, f! Latbr- C fct&W rToni-Looics &)f' f Like ioe re Z&Sfw & -iL RUNN1N IMTO S! HAL FOe?Pc7Sr By EDWIN ALGER UTTtt CRP HOTFOOTED n AFTER TME fWAU. POV AWP MIS 0O3-HE CAUOHT UP WITH THEM AT A DISTANT 4TBETCH OF THE TRACK." HIJHERE.MC) fcHOT- VAJHAT'RE NOU COIN' I AWAV OVER HERE 'f J ARE VOU IM OW . Li',. 'nil. 'luni.LL : ilia! THE NEBBS Andie I iJiililj'.ili.l-' f 'eO OM , 50MWV, C.HOOT THE WORK- AN' f I'LL TELL VA- VNHV.IM SurVOiEO) TO END 6VP OUT AFTER A .TICI- JU-T &EFORE THE .HORSED COAE 1 AROUMO HERE HOW MUCH ! THE 6k3,6.WNNY CHVSELER. S PAYM'YAf J HALF A eUCK HOW MUCH YS HE PAYIM'YOU? fOMZ ON, OLD TIMER 7 THAT GUY'S DOU6H I o CROOKEO.' DIDN'T tiNOW THAT, DID YA? ! I'LL TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT- , Jim-: mj r Bv SOL HE33 AWDRE'.; TV-IE. UA4C WAS COME TO .TAKE EMMAS PLACE rpoKi muc, Mowsitaje: ' . . Q . n r f cocx ah, momsieur wEse, J wfpp. sou haw. cheeckewA f Mt6B, V AM AMDRe; JLXrUi, S --y OUr OP STOVE. 1 BRIM3 f vweez rice. . lue caul, eet ) Jxe cue f! mows ieljr IjncruviL f v A TE miracle l coax Lff v uA pdularde' aiO' rix . iat 1 SEUO FOR-.'? UPPOGO kKOyJ V TRES ESOIsJ EXCELLEKJT . .JT SOU MO tOOT SO COM-KIOKJ AKJ' ME TO COME TO Vlvouj C00 F, V X. EXQUISE .' J VoJ CAKJ RAISE TEE PRICE IsOf00---. ft"i- , P it yjZC !B 15 CEKJTS sZ X a 0