MEDFORD MAIL TRTBUXE. MEDFOKD, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2,. 1935 All-Star Cast Billed for Wrestling Fracas on Armory Mat Tonight PAGE TWO WOLFE WILL FACE DEAD PAN HOLLIS Belcastro And Mobley Pair ed For Semi-Windup Toots Estes And Frankie Peck To Open Fireworks. wrottitnir fana are expected to reach a new peak In high blood pre ute at the Armory tonight before the three-star wrestling card that iromu t,r Mack UUard has arranged U over, With "Uead-pan Ken" Hollls. perhapi the meanest ot aU nrtan wrestlers seen here, matching his dirty work against the whipcord legs ol Les wolfe In what is sure to be a wild affair, the carnage la expected to be terrific. Wolfe has watched Hollls wrestle, and although he has a wholesome re spect for the mean one's flying flsta and feet, he has grimly stated that he will win tonight. Asked how, Wolfe intimated that he has worked out a defense against the unorthodox attack that he will face, and rubbing his powerful legs, admitted that he will depend mostly on hla body acls aora for his two falls. In the mldl'.s event, two scientific Jiug and lug artlsaon will moot, wl'.b. Pete Bo'.casiro, jur.lcr-hcavywclght champion of the Pucltlc coast meeting the "Alabama Strongboy," Kex Mob ley. In a recent bout, Ilelcastro banged out a win with hla killing drop-kicks, flattening Mobley several times. He stated today that he thinks his leg punches will be enough to night to flatten Mobley Again, and if not, he has several other tricks lie may use. One of bis newest, and by now favorlto, holds is hit own toe lick, a wmoiiutlun ct several pun ifhin? holds applied to Mm while In Mexico. Mobley himself has wrestled In Mexico a good deal, but admlta that he had never seen this toe lock until Belcastro used It on him several weeks ago. "I know a few Mexican holds myself". Mobley said. It was while wrestling In the southland that Mob ley discovered bis exclusive method of gottlng out of a head scissors by merely rooting along the mat until the opponent's legs are pried apart, "Sure I'll use it tonight. If I have to", Mobley said today. In the curtain raiser Toots Estes, Hawaiian oh amp Ion, will moot Frankie Peck, San Francisco water front rough and tumble exponent. This matoh Is expected to be largely apeod against brawn, with Peck hav ing the edge In alze. In five years of globe trotting, fighting in every stste In the union and in nearly every port of call In the world, Peck has met many fast and l ugged wrestlers, some as good as Estes, some not so good. That he realizes that Estes la going to be one of his hardest assignments Is Indicated by the fact that he has spent most of his time sines arriving in the city In doing hard road work, according to Promoter Llllard. Asked If he intended any dirty wrestling to night. Peck said "Not unless I have to to get out of a tough spot. They tell rne this Estes is a real wrestler, and Is going to be hsrd to lick. If he tries to guzzle me alive, I may liave to got rough, but I don't Intend to unleas he forces me Into It." Kstes wss noncommittal on this point, Indicating that he will plan his strategy In the ring, after he learns the conditions, rather than before the bout. "If he wants to get dirty, that his business," Estes said this morning. BOWERMAN CALLS CAGE CANDIDATES 9 A enlt for basketball turnout was lMued today by Coach Bill Bow erman of the Senior hlgn school, with the first session slated for a week from today. December 9. A tentative schedule has been drawn up, and includes a depart ure from the usual Southern Ore gon league practice of playing each league trnm twice. This year, each twm will play each other team In the league In four game, home-anil-home. Klnmnth Fulls, whtcn school is listed In the Eastern Ore gon league, will be plnyed three times. The schedule as now drawn win includes Jan. 3 Ojwn Jan. 10 Weed, here f tentative). Jan. II Weed, here (tentative), jan, 17 K, Falls, there. Jan IB K. Tails, there. Jan. 34 Ashland, there, Jan. 2ft Ashland, here. Jan. 91 Grants Pom. here. Feb. 1 Grants Paw. there. Feb. 7 Chemawa, here; tentative Feb. fl Chemawa. here; tentative. Feb. 14 Oregon Fresh, here. Feb. IS Orants Pars, here. Feb. 21 Ashlnd. there. Feb. 2BK. Falls, here. Feb. 29 O. Pass, there. March 6 AAhland. here (last league game). MlMlnhAr? Meellnn The Mlfkn ry Sorletlee of the M. B. church will meet tomorrow at two o'clock wlt,j Aire. w. a. Monowoy, saj mic .tirrt A pralne offering will be luken Mr vol untary mlailor.urles wltr.out definite onlnrlea. Dm Mall Trlburj, nt lit. I BEUCASTRO EX-FOCrr BALL. 1 ,mv pcii .ee. li" LnVTflS Ik'" " '' ' HEVW,EIGHT AM1,'0N Pete Belcastro, who Monday night mixes with Hex Mobley, the "Alabama Stronghoy' at the Armory arena. Itdeaslro, a favorite nun Medford audiences, Is a former football player from St. Mary's college In California. To keep In condition hills, hunting deer and game Dims. METHODISTS FOR E First Time Squad West Of Mississippi River Select ed To Represent East Accept 'With Pleasure.' Mustang Coach Happy DALLAS, Tex., Dec. 3. (AP) Coach Madison (Matty) Bell, whoso Southern Methodist eleven won the Hose Bowl bid In hlB first year ns head coach, was happy to day for the "greatest gang of kids I over saw." Ho received the news after be ing awakened from a sound sleep last night. "I'm mighty happy," he said sleepily. "I hope we can make good," Then his voice began to clear up. "It's a great thing for the boys," he continued. "They're the great est gang of kids I ever saw. The Rose Bowl has been their goal all season. Thoy've talked about It all year." STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Calif., Deo. a. (AP) Southern Methodist football conquerors of the southwest, and Stanford, choice of the Pacific Coast conference, meet New Year's Day In Pasadena's Rose Bowl. That announcement late last night by Al Masters, Stanford graduate manager, ended a week long national speculation over the Indians' oppon ent In the Rose Bowl game. Selection of Southern Methodist, undefeated and untied, marks the first time a team west of the Missis sippi river has been chosen as an "Eostern" representative in Rose Bowl play. Southern Methodist, noted for Its colorful and effective passing attack, earned Its hid Saturday by heating Texas Christian, previously undefeat ed. 20-14. Although Stanford lost to the Uni versity of California at Loa Angeles 7-6, In an early season game. It wal loped California 13-0 after the Bears hsd won nine straight. j The Invitation to Southern Metho dist was extended by Masters via long distance telephone. James Stewart, director of athletics at the Texas institution, conferred quickly with 8. M. U. officials after Masters called him and then called back and said the Mustangs accepted "with pleasure." The negotiations were completed within an hour. Coach "Tiny" ThornhlU of Stan ford grinned hroadly when he was in formed 8. M. U. had accepted. BOWLIHG The Mnll Tribune pin-Meyers Sun day night ntnllfd the Anbey Motor bowlers. 2RM) to 3720. In a close, hard fought mn!fti t the Smoke House nlley... The ecoree: Mrdfnrd Mull Tribune Prultt mi 137 193 S31 Mm. Prultt 1M 134 170-4MI FVrgnson . 307 1(18 137 M3 Seylor 1IU 320 174 878 Ends 1HI1 2M 210 810 Handicap fll 81 01 - 183 Totals 083 024 044 3850 .thrtey Motor t'rt. Boyinn ins Abbey 143 140 113 109447 US I3 144 .123 68 137470 l9 ;130 11 184 SII4 McBee 179 i TYtcrson T 8fl j DMy 300 N. Thnuteur ..... ' Iluklll Handicap lol ToUll 018 8(10 Oil 2720 XMAS 1'HOTOS Holiday Special, N" ! l00"O-'J!VS Olluelte Holly TheiiiFi ' he takes frequent Jaunts Into the SEEN AS COMERS ON GONZAGA GRID GONZAOA UNIVERSITY, Spokone, Wash. Oec 2. (Spl.) Tho promis ing gridiron career of Leo Ghelardl elusive Gonaaga Frosh atr Is defi nitely over. That announcement from team physician Dr. R. B. Mauro, cast gloom over the OanzagA football camo Coach Mike Pecarovich took atoc of hla prospects for 1936. Ghelardl has Just been relented from tho university infirmary where he wa confined with a fractured collar bono sustained in the final frosh game with the Montana, fre&h. men, and Dr. Mauro haa declared that any further football would perma nently Injure the damaged shoulder. Although the little pony back had been hampered by injuries all year. he had performed capably in a bill lupglng role end wes looked to for some touchdowns next Aside from "tho law of 'Ghelaidl. cno of the best of the rook 1m hack crop, Gonzaga's prospects are for one of the best elevens In years. The 1035 tcojn will lose five letter men, with a husky crow of freshmen moving up -to fill the vacancies. The best new backfleld be:t, accord ing to Pecarovich la Dick Lewis, of Medford. the versatile irosh star who sparked the Zag yearling attack In every game this year. Bld doing heavy duty on the ball carrying, kicking and passing. Lewis hooted successfully every tryfor-point at tempted during the season. Against Ellensburg. Washington Norcal school champions, he returned tho opening klekoff 60 yordft and a few plays later went the remaining 60 for the score that started the Zag Babes rolling to a 14 to 8 win. He aUo booted two conversions. Best of the linesmen is Ron Baker, also of Mod ford, aqunre Jawed guard, who Is call ed bv Pecaxovieh a likely starting Ur , . ie.n for Gonznga next season. LOYOLA FINALLY WINS E LOS ANGELES. Dec. 2. (API Af ter four years vt trying. Conch Tom Lelb's Loyola eleven defeated Santa Clara yesterday, 7-0. before 12.000 persons at Gllmnre stadium. A lone touchdown of the fumblo frnuRht contest came In the final quarter when Loyola marched 42 yards In 9 plays to score. If So, Sec Us! You can et any amount up to i00 here grt it the same (lay you airily. Snwll wrekly or miHithly viynieixa, ar raittixl to suit your conwn iciKC. Intern on uirfxiut Uil sikts only. A xttUthrrnMii, .wap rvfulnttxi ti re . OREGON WASHINGTON MORTGAGE CO. tl (. t'entral. l.lieii.e No. S-l.M See V. t. Thoin.i A Up to 300'9A FANDOM AT RANDOM By Dick Applegate The Medford high school football team la definitely through for the season. Coach Bill Bowerm&n an nounced this morning, "unless Stan ford wants to play us In the Rose Bowl." Informed that Stanford had signed Southern Methodist, Bower man allowed that that was their business if they oaw it that, way, and Issued & call for suits. There really are no more fields to conquer In HIrIi school foot ball anyway, a he Tigers have taken everything In their stride, have defeated some of the best teams In the state by good ma Jorltles. Hood River would un doubtedly like a post-season game, hut Hood River was dump- "! ' . . rT r .,.,1.1., ! .. .... - : FOURTH NSECUTIVE YEAR! of the Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company PROVES IT PAYS f ed In their first game by Wash ington high of Portland. Washington waa defeated on : Thanksgiving, Mac high of Milton Pree water waa eliminated by Hood River. There remain only two unde feated and untied teams In the state, ; Medford and Myrtle Point. Myrtle ; Point atlll declines a Medford game. Ail Hall to the Black Tornado, 1035 Oregon state champions. With football definitely out of the way, Bnwerman haa Issued a call for basketball artists. The net men will report Monday, Dec. 0. and start prac tice Immediately. "I want them to come out so that I can have a look at them, and anyone that doesn't want to report for early duty had best forget about basketball. We don't want them under our feet after the others have already learned their plays," Bowerman said today. It la too early to d red let what kind of a basketball team Medford .will have this year but, as usual, hopes are high. Although be didn't play varsity basketball at the University of Oregon, Bowerman did play freshman ball there and whlled away the winter ' with The most obvious proof of an advertis ing medium's ability to pay is the loyalty of the advertisers who use it It takes results to bring in renewal contracts. Week after week, the VVm. Wrigley Jr. Co. has been advertising its popular chewing gum in this newspaper. Now comes an order renewing this con EXPER ENCE I months playing forward for DeNefrs Independent team In Eugene, a group of behemoths regarded as one of the j strongest independent teams in the aiaie, aiong with the Union Oilers of Portland. Bill Morgan, another Med ford footballer, was a star guard on the DeNeff quint. With .Medford winter sports en thusiasts now suggesting that skiing parties be organized for skiing on the fog. there la no longer any doubt but what the winter sport season has arrived. Vesterday a large crowd of skllera wended their way to the Crater Lake wlrfter playground to get snow up their pants legs and to remote large areas of epidermis sliding on the frozen snoiv after having foiled to negotiate a tellermark turn. The winter-sports enthusiast Is a peculiar sort of person. He will glee fully organize expeditions for "having fun" Into the teeth of the most hor rible blizzards, firmly convinced that the particular spot to which he is going will o" bathed In limpid sun light as warm as the beach at Walklkl. The mere fact that snow would rapid verbsmg amous Chewin INCREASED SPAC man t fiims; ly melt at the temperatures he de scribes seems to have little or no effect upon him. He will come Into the house and cajole and threaten and tease, trying to lure some person Tflth better sense from off a warm davenport Into a howling gale. Some even go so far as to cock a speculative eye at the Medford Cor- inejN. porauon irn- Oregon) mill pond every time the mercury manages to climb down past 32. and alt on the edge In the damp mud firmly con- other hour's waiting will reward him with a nice thick crust of Ice on which to skate. Ice skating Is anoth er peculiar sort of insanity, which no amount of warm winter weather will Jolt out of the true skater's skull. Under ideal circumstances, with Ice about four feet thick and no rocks or snow on the surface, Ice skating can be painful enough. But with ice half as thick as the skull of the guy who wants to slide on It, It can be 1 cern's advertising for another year, with a 25 increase in size of space! Whether it's on chewing gum or clothing food or furniture musi cal instruments or motor cars ad vertising in this newspaper pays. Our long roll call of loyal advertisers is the proof. and other advertisers TO USE. THE about s rlsk7 as any other kind of suicide. We once fell down whilt essaying a graceful curve on the Klamath nlls ice. and thought w were going to slide right out the mouth of the river into the Pacific. A half-submerged log ended that threat, and our ambition to become another Pierre Brunet. For Hose that Wear ouy NOLDE & HOR8T Bthelwyn B Hoffmann. 5 T E3EJ E o o