PAGE TTVO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFOKH. OREGON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1935. Illlfiiiiimmimmmifjmiim .in- nm nil in"""""1 OJLJSLJtSJI w II ISI! t-F S3&3!8aL llllllll mm limiiuimumiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiniii HIHIIIII I 1 1 II II tutu luiiiuumiiiuulli I IIIUlllUMUIIIIIIIIIIiUllllllHIItlllfl rlllf iff III SlIIIIIIIIIIIP Uitlll Dinner Parties Are Main Social Events Of Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving being the day of all day for dinner parties, Medford host and hostesses entertained ex tensively in this fnshion last Thurs day. Practically everyone in the val- ley was either a host or guest, as Is the case every "turkey day." Mr. and Mrs. Prank h. Coleman and children of Burlingame, Cal spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Cole man's parents, Judge and Mm. Wil liam R. Coleman, and with Mr. ana Mrs. Elbert Coleman. They arrived Sunday and returned to their home Thursday evening. Among those dining out of town were Miss Jean Fox and Mr. J. u Campbell, Jr., who rere guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Bryant in Ashland. Thanksgiving .visitors at the R. P. Hargrave home were Mrs. Hargrave and her daughter, Gertrude, from Berkeley, who are spending this week with Dr. Hargrave. Leaving early this week for San Francisco were Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Hill, who were guests of friends in the bay city for Thanksgiving. Also host and hostess Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry Luy, who had as dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Q. B. Chapman of Hoseburg, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ulrlch. Lieut, and Mrs. Roy D. Craft, Miss Marie Luy and Paul Luy. Many of those not having guests for dinner entertained with open house during the day. Williamsons Back For llrlef Stay. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 'Williamson were welcoming them back this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liamson, who recently moved w Roseburg, arrived here by motor Wednesday evening and will leave for their home today. Committee Extends Jiivltfitinn to Party Mrs. C. H. Thompson, chairman, and her committee extend an invita tion to all card enthusiasts for an evening of cards which has been ar ranged for Tuesday evening In the Citthollc parish hall. Playing will start at eight o'clock. Return Tuesday From San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs, Ned Vilas were among those returning from trips to bo at home for the Thanksgiving holidays. They, with their small daughter, Susan, arrived Tuesday evening after a several days' visit In Ban Francisco. Among friends seen In th city by Mr. and Mrs, Vilas was Miss Orbie Nntwlck, who formerly lived here. While in the south, Mr, and Mrs. Vila attended the Stanford -California football game In Palo Alto last Saturday. AH thru the ages Jewelry has been the most desired of all gifts, and still is Fine Gora Stones Hnnd.wroup;ht Gold afld Silver Kings and Beautiful Time Flecea GIVE JEWELRY But be sure It Is Jewelry for there Is a vast difference between real Jewelry and Imitations. Lawrence's Yon May Buy Hero With Confidcnco JUST SITTING AND THINKING TOMORROW IS WASHDAY? Rough Dry No Starch 8 lbs. 56c 7c enrh odd. lb. TWO OF THE BEST M t fm ; r h.isz J I -J h fJ' t M ,f : M If i h t 1 Scornful New York designer, called tome of the recent "belt dresaed women" eeloctiona of Parle "frump.", and Indignantly pro ceeded to name their own. Glady, Swarthout (left) of the Metropoli tan opera and Mr,. Allan Ryan, Jr., of New York ranked high. (Alio elated Press Photo) Mrs. Martha Hadley Celebrates Eightieth Birthday Anniversary A grandmother and great grand mother Mrs. Mnrtha J. Hadley cele brated her eightieth birthday last Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Carr, In this city. Mrs. Hadley's children, grandchil dren, great grandchildren and a few friends spent the day with her and were guests for dinner. OiieRta were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crane, Mrs. Doris Coleman and chil dren, Art Oallcy aiyl son and Mlas Ruth Cash, all of Central Point; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Date Cnrr and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carr, Aetna, Iola and Dud Carr and the honor guest, of this city. Six grandchildren and six great grandchildren were In the group. Mrs. Hadley has a number of relatives In other states. mm . There are gallons of hot water to be poured in the tub ... pounds of clothes to be rubbed and rinsed... baskets of clothes to be carried out into the yard and hung up to dry. The wash must be done but not by her! It should be done by this laundry with a reputation for qual ity work, prompt service and economical prices. DRESSEf IN U. S Will Leave For Vacation Tuesday Wintering in the south will be Mrs. O. W. Whillock and Mrs. Sam Bate man, Jr., who will leave Tuesday evening by train for an extensive va cation In California. The travelers will go first to Tuol umne, where they will be the guest of Mrs. Edward Zeek, Mrs. Whtllock's daughter, staying there until after the Christmas holidays. Leaving Tuolumne, Mrs. Whillock and Mrs. Bateman will tour southern California, the date of their return being Indefinite. Meek era Among Thursday Hosts Mr. and Mrs. C, A. Meeker enter tained at Thanksgiving dinner for Mr. Ci H. Corey, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Corey and daughter, Rosemary, of Salem, and Miss Dorothea Wycoff. Miss Wycoff is a cousin of Mr. Meeker and la now a member of the faculty of Southern Oregon Normal school a Ashland. 4 - Miss Carlyn fill Returns From South A lovely vacation behind her. Miss Carlyn Hill recently returne4 to Hill Orchard after a visit In California. Her time was principally spent In Los Angele and the University of Southern California campus, where she was for several days the guest of Miss Susan Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, formerly of Medford. AUnr Guild St. Mark's Altar guild will meet Monday evening with Mrs. Emerson ; Merrick, who will be assisted by Mrs. I John Morrat and Miss prances Ken ney. I ADRIENNE'S PRE-CHRISTMAS Special Showing of FUR COATS MONDAY ONLY Mr. Jack Field has just returned from San Francisco with a beautiful line of Fur Coats for your selection FRENCH BAY SEALS $48.50 and up BLACK CARACUL ,$69.50 and up BROWN KAFFA CARACUL $79.50 and up GRAY CARACUL $69.50 and up Brown Kaffa Trotteur Caracul $59.50 and up Also Swnfger nd Fitted Models Also Sealines and Lupins ADRIENNE'S O. . 5. and Masons Planning Dinner and Dance Friday Eve Friday evening will see one of the largest events of the season for mem bers of Eastern Star and Masonic lodges when the groups will enter tain .Jointly. A covered dish dinner at 6:30 will open the evening's activities. Dining will be followed with dancing for the remainder of the evening, with the interval between dinner and 9 o'clock being competently filled with a special program. An announcement Is made to all ladles not contacted by the com mittee to bring a salad or hot vege table dish. Invitation has been extended tc all Masons and their wives and to all Eastern Stars and their husbands, which bids well for a large crowd. Social Night Friday Celebrates Birthdays Of Pocahontas Lodge Birthday celebrations en masse have become the regular order among members of Pocahontas lodge, the so cial night last Friday being no ex ception. Honored at that time were Norma Martin, Bernice Brown, Mabel Quackenbush, Viola Sherer, Pearl Campbell, Howard Glascock, Walter Wilson and Charles Campbell. On the receiving end for the at tendance prize was Wilma Hayes. Members adjourned ,from the bus!- i ness meeting to greet their invited friends for the dance that followed to music by the Dickeys. Respon- i slble for the success of the dance were Gladys Dooms, Ross Kyle and Glenn Abbott, with Norma Martin, Leilu Morrow and Wilma Hayes serv ing refreshments. . Friday, December 13. Is the date designated for the nxt dance. Invi tations being extended to members and guests. Thursday Study Club Hears Review, Papers At Weekly Meeting Tuesday was the time of the week's meeting of the Thursday Morning Study club, necessitated by the Thanksgiving holiday. Appearing on the program were Mrs. R. A. Carley. whose paper. "The Nature of Art and Poetry," gave general Impressions of poety. Its significance and classifica tions; Mrs. Frank Ncwmari, dealing with the life and poems of Eleanor Wylle and her place in modern poetry. Anne Lindbergh's book, "North of the Orient," was reviewed understand ing by Mrs. R. A. Sleeter. who stressed the Informal charm of Mrs. Lindbergh's style, and her ability to record her Impressions and experi ences In a simple, effective and thor oughly enjoynble style. Mrs. A. J. Hanby presented brief study of "Ethiopia.' rrosm m P la n n e 1 By Crater Lake Guild Mrs. Diamond Flynn. assisted by Mrs. H. M. Welshaar and Miss Laura Bailey, will be hostess at her home, 80? West Tenth street, to the Crater Lake Guild Monday evening. 1 Principal event on the evening's program will be a review by Mrs. Walter Fra7,ler Brown of "The Jew and World Ferment", to be Informal ly discussed after Mrs. Brown's pre sentation. Also appearing will he Mtss Mary Louise McElhose, who, accomplished fingers will provide piano music. I I -MTU" II W lll Mrs. Roberts Honor Guest On Birthday Mrs. Hazel Roberts was honor guest at a party arranged for her birthday by Esther Merrltt Sanderson and Mrs. Clatous McCredle at Mrs. Sanderson's home, 10 Ross Court, on Novem ber 18. Occupying the center of Interest at the attractive table was the unusu ally enticing cake baked by Mrs. San derson for the occasion. The twenty guests spent the evening playing va rious games Introduced by the hos tesses. . Thanksgiving Dinner And Family Reunion Combined By Hosts Mr. and Mrs. Ray Canine were host and hostess Thursday at a Thanks giving dinner that was also a family reunion, having as their honored guest of the day Mrs. Canine's father, W. F. Hogue. of Grants Pass. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hogue, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hogue, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hogue. Mr. and Mra. Joe Gentry and daugh ter, Beverly, of Klamath Falls: Mr. and Mrs. Ike Lowden and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lowden and daughter. Blanche, or Wonder. Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. James Hogue and daughters, Alice and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Sauers and son. Jack, of Kerby; Mrs. Alice Crow and daughters, Betty and Patricia, of Santa Cruz. Also Included among the guests were John Wood of Portland, Mrs. Marjorle Rogers and Miss Rosemary and Clarence Canine. Garden Club Plans Local Plant Study Continuing the competition Intro duced a short while ago, members of the Medford Garden club will bring winter bouquets to the meeting scheduled for Thursday evening at 7:30 at the Hotel Medford to vie for possession of the club vase. 4 Members will also come prepared to name shrubs and trees of south ern Oregon, which will be the prin cipal discussion of the evening. Mr. N. S. Bennett will be present to as sist In the identification. England Is Subject Of Delphian Session England will again be the subject under discussion by members of Beta chapter, Delphian society, at the scheduled meeting Thursday at the Girls' Community club, the topic this time being "Social Life In Stuart Eng land." Mrs. John Moffatt will discuss So ciety under James I: Mrs. J. H. Fletcher will report on Stuart Lon don: Mrs. W. G. Bishop, New Bever ages; Mrs. O. O. ALcncArfer, Modes of Dress; Mrs. C. E Strader. the Sta tus of Women and Children; Mrs Harry Prentiss; Beginnings of the So caTlcd Domestic System; and Mrs. E. P. Merrick, Milton, Representative Man at His Age. $ Discussion of current ovents will be under the direction of Mrs. D. R. Terrett. Dr. Etella Warner Guest of Mhses Cnrltnn The Misses Carlton entertained as their guest this week Dr. Estella Ford Warner, who returned from San Francisco with Miss Mildred C Alston, who spent the previous week in the city. Dr. Warner left Wednesday eve ning for Portland, to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with her par ents before returning to Washington, D. C, where she Is a surgeon in the United States health department. P SJHI ! IIP f Jpx , I sffk Cameo Rings p i i 52.50 to $40.00 fetfl'S 1 Pi Ladies Elgin Baguette Wrist Watches yI'fIWF1 ' o Natural or White Gold I (Ifiwi m S35-00 and up 1 Vi'iHij'ni Jf,y Other Baguette Watches $16.50 ijpwiiM MeSE!o:in Wrist f lllliil t- lk W'tehe. VWTl 'vl ! W- Smart New Shape Cases and Dials MM WrXM S19-C0 to S32.50 VlLsJi-.J i V viV Waltham Wrist Watches $12 75 ) K . V jVI Ullll HOLD BNV Iv I i 0 , irfJ MflRTicu-untu m (JEWELERS Give Her a lV) 5?? "Quality Jewelry I Fur Coat honestly priced" 4 For Christmas jr2 'y fmVtrm M Daughters of Union Vets Have Annual Inspection Nov. 25 The Daughters of Union Veterans of the Clvt! War held their annual Inspection at the Armory November 35. This Is considered the most Im portant meeting of the year and elaborate preparations were made for the pleasure and success of this meeting; Mlas Ora Cox. department Inspector, being a member of the local tent, appointed Mrs. Anna Har mon of Grants Pass. Inspector, to take her place. Preceding the meet ing a banquet at the home of Mrs. Minnie Albaugb, 3D9 E. Jackson street, was served. Table, for 60 visitors and members were arranged. Mrs. Katherlne Walt, chairman ox the banquet, and Mrs. Grace Sehorn. chairman of tables and decorations, and their committees, have the thanks of all for the success of this feature of the program. Following the b&nquet. the regular meeting was held at the armory. The ritual was exemplified by the officers 01 the i tent. Three candidates were Initiated: Rose Ellen Slonekcr. Alta Hartley and Eleanor Poffenbarger. Those In attendance from Grants Pass were: Mrs. Anna Harmon, as sistant department Inspector; Mrs. Eva Webb, president of Grants Pass tent: Mrs. Beck and Margaret Brlggs; Walter Harmcn. commander of Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War of Grants Pass camp, and Mr. Mad dlson. Those from Ashland were Mrs. I Mabel Lumas. president of Ashland tent; Mrs. Pranko, Mrs. Peters and 1 Mrs. Eva Gosnell. Comrades J. C. Woods and Polk Hull were guests of honor on this occasion. District Convention. The annual district convention or the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War wilt be held in Safem De cember 10, beginning at"l :30 and continuing through the evening. The Daughter of Union Veterans and the Auxiliary to the Sons are Invited to this meeting. A most Interesting program is being arranged by the department commander. Frederick K. Davis, all Daughters are urged to attend If possible. It Is hoped that a number from the Medford tent can be at this meeting. Supper will be served at 6:30. Remember the date, De cember 10. Be correctly corseted in an Artist Model oy Ethelwvn B Hoffmann. 7 We Asked Ten Men And Women JLj Sf Of Smart Taste To Select Their kmi 1 I ' " ii'i in Favorite Gifts and Here They Are ftfw! I For You To Choose fej hA Rg Set . . $95.00 Ml iPiSa -her matched ensembles $15 to $500 fffyl I a mtty OB pu'ciasea separately ! f&8Sigfi Men,g Genu- et (ify Music And Reviews On B.P.W. Program Business and Professional Women of this city met Tuesday evening for dinner at the Hotel Medford. Presi dent Ethel wyn B. Hoffmann presid ing. Effie Herbert Yeoman, soloist for the evening, selected her numbers- from the works of women com posers, Including Carrie Jacobs Bond. On the program was Es telle Knight, who presented a brief resume and ac count of the activities, alms and ac complishments of the club, both na tionally and locally. Miss Helen Winters spoke on the new books lately received by the city library here, reviewing several and giving critics opinions on the more outstanding. Business discussion concluded the meeting. Mrs. John P. Lawrence was a spe cial guest of the evening. Past Matrons' Club Will Be Entertained Entertaining this week will be Mes dames Jennie Merrltt. Hattle White. Maude Grant and Miss Alice Hanley. who have arranged a dessert lunch eon for Monday at 1:16 for the Pnst Matrons' club of Reamea chapter, O. E. S. Place of the affair will be at the home of Mrs. Merrltt's daughter. Mrs. Esther Sanderson, at 16 Ross Court. An Invitation is extended to past matrons of other Eastern Star chapters. Wednesday Study Club The Wednesday Study club will meet in regular session December 4. The study of modern China will be conducted by Mrs. R. B. Hammond and "A Conquest of Tibet" will be reviewed by Mrs. A. J. Hanby. Former Residents VUltlng In Medford Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Young, of Portland, are guests of Mr. Young's son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and having celebrated the senior Mr. Mrs. Harry A. Young. 125 Cottage St., Young's birthday yesterday. The visiting Mr, Young was former ly an employe of the Medford Mall Tribune. BUCKINGHAM'S Cream Wafers As sorted flavors. Reg. 60c lb. Special 35c lb. The Crest, 336 S. Central. Boyd Kline, Jr. Honored Friday Friends of Boyd Kline, Jr., arrange a party In honor of his birthday t his home on Route 3 Friday evening. Games were played during the even, ing and a large number of gifts pre. sented to the honoree. Guests were the Misses Llla Lay, Catherine Campbell, lone Kindred Mary Kline. Doris Smith, Elsie Pen. well, AVlece Johnson and Marjoria Helms, and Messrs. Bernard Coriun, Olaf and Andy Severson, Bill Jas. mann. Mike Dugan, Eddie Owens and the honor guest. ADRIENNE'S Salon of Beauty A grand Christmas ugges tion: Give one of our compli. mentary certificates for a Permanent Wave or for a series of the famous "Parker Herbex" SCALP TREATMENTS We have the smart new shades in Eevelon Nail Polish For neater hair cuts see Earl Herendeen Phone 577 U.,,;. ,,i i mm ci i ili i ii. mi mm .mi f ii l Mi O