PAGE FTVI5 XT 'i"i'g' -tT-rEr- 21 Save $2 to $3! Every JBoy and Girl Want's K MEDFOBD MAIL TRIBUNE. lEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1935. 1W RACER WAGON 98 l-Piece All-Steel Body! 10-in. Roller-Bearing ' Steel Wheels Wards 3-ply roll rimmed wheels good after 1700 mils road teat. Wheels have 3-Ply roll rims, last longer, resist curb dents. Over-size body, beauti fully enameled in cream, blue and red. Safer, easier steering with the fifth-wheel turntable construction. 3,-ln. tires. Can support 450 pounds safely! To Hold 'Til Pay 40c S.;" 20 y ALL METAL AIRPLANE T Not a r V i Construction Kit It Really Flies A strong, handsome all-metal plane that provides thrilling flights. Rustproof! Not Injured by snow or rain, or wrecked by crashes Into 'trees, houses or poles. Complete with extra pro peller assembly and an extra super rubber motor. Not a con struction kit. Every plane con tains direction on flying, and also tells how to Join the "Plyln Fool Aero Club" that haa membeis everywhere. You Can't Buy tho aiaekbooro ttfono tltewhoro for Lest Than t.M-rt Wo Prleo Thlt BLACKBOARD CHAIR SET 100 11 Complete with U Chilli ini Enter Mitered corners, mortised cross-bars, tongue and groove joints are substituted for cheap nail construction to givelongscrvice. Bothpieces fold flat. Board .dosed is 3S;i inches high, chair 24 inches high. For 4 to 7 yr. olds. Here') a Monty Siring Toy tor Boyt tnd Olrli FIBRE ROCKERS 29 Built Like Real Rockers I ForChlldrenUpToJOYearil They're so colorful, they're just like mother's. They're strong and durable. Green, Ivory. Blue or Tan! Clean cotton-padded seats In floral cretonne. Own Home ! MOVIE JECKTOR ForSmall Children Simple, Easy to Operate I Safe, Harmless for Chil drenUses Ordinary Bulb and Cord (not Included). Choice of 24 films including comic strip charac ters and Fairy Tales. Enlarges pictures in full, realistic color. Educational, no end of fun I s Popular Movie Jechtor Films 10c each, 6 for 59c. Big assortment. All New! tk J y, -i 'i'S'li' eF' ."3 i if I if i ' Y- Real Lashes Has Teeth Shirred Dress Sleeping Eyes You'll Pay $1.98 for one like It Elsewhere! 25" BABY DOLL She's the size of a 6 months old baby I Soft cotton-stuffed body, cuddlyl Fine composition head, large eyes! Jointed composition arms and legs I Wears panties, stockings," bootees! lit Powor Mltroieope! Sultabla For A Student Simple For 4 Beginner! Microscope Set (24 pes.) 0 98 Mjcroicope magnifies 150 times. Adjustable to t'A" high. 3 accurate lenses in nickel plated tube with slid ing focusing action. Wood cabinet contains full equip ment. Suggested for 6 to 16 year old children. tullt Llkt Real Carriages! FIBRE BUGGIES Can hold a 23" Doll! 48 Pull rolled hoods and round bodies. Beautifully woven-in designs; nickel-plated win dow frames; adjustable hood, back rest; foot brake. Dolls up to 23-inches high can fit in. Big 8" wheels with S' rubber tires; tan or green. a vT3'. Jnn..,l " '" t-w ft;ti&irJ WW "i' Offers More Features) More Quality Than Any Bike Near This Pricel 7 SMALL SIZE Medium size $8 98 Large size $9.08 n9 mm t n Q7 Tomorrow To Hold rajJLf0 'Til December 20 Modern Stream-Lined I Ball-bearing Drive Wheel! Beautifully Enameledl It's Extra Strong! Has Solid Rubber Grips, Pedals' and 1-Inch Tires! Center Headlight and 2 Flying Lights, Red & Green! Wards Sky-King Is THE Veloc!-, pede Sensation of America! Every, boy and girl takes great pride in owning one! Fathers and mothers realize here is more value for their money! They know Wards Sky King outlasts aay other velocipede on the market selling for anywhere near this price! The handle bars and rubber-cushioned saddle with coil springs are adjustable to sev eral heights. Streamlined hooded fenders and reinforced forks add speed and strength; built-in rear step plates. Steel-spoked wheels; red enameled with white trim. Real Dlonne Doll Sel 5.00 The Qulnti Ul In A Bed Five T," dolls in white bed with pink fittings. Dressed in diaper and shirt. Comolete. Furnished Doll House 2.39 1 Starlet I S Reomel Fibre-board house, scrags, balcony; real vaircauc. 42 pes. wood furniture. See itl mm 1.08 4.98 20 -Inch Dolly Streaml lned closes eyes! 'Velocipede Hair, laahesl . Heavy Steel 1 1.00 1.00 II" Doll with Table and J wig. Lovely Chalra (old. clothes! Nice tlnlehl If 1.1.9 B-Pc. Cowboy Outflte, with gun I 4.79 Baby Walker! A stroller or play carl 5 Hi 1.29 Low priced, good Mooter; SI In. high, 98e Reg. list Valve root Ball laced. 1.00 Marble Oft me for nil agp. Win by Rttlll. 1.10 Wood bounc- Ing horws (or little total 1.00 Hammer rwl Nail n't. Table and Bench. 1.00 Streaml lned green steel Doll Buggyl 50e? 1.00 11" Drum haa 'Pedal bike; strong cloth all ateel; rub- beadl ber Ureal 117 SOUTH CENTRAL TELEPHONE 28 H 1.00 Toy cleanlni aet; 0 piece. UMful! run) )5 V 1.10 Fine Ball Bearing Roller Skate I Beautiful mohair wig, curled like Shirley'a; moving ayes, smiling mouth, dimples; head turns, jointed arms legs; Shirley can stand up alone. Genuine 14-Inch SHIRLEY TEMPLE DOLL Here's a tip to mothers and fathers . . . last year many youngsters were disappointed at Christmas because the sup ply of Shirley Temple Dolls was exhausted. So Wards offer you this LAYAWAY PURCHASE PLAN to en able you to buy now! PAY 3c Tomorrow to Hold 'Til Dee. 20 vmmw