MEDFORD MAIL TRTBITNE. MEPFOKD. . OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1935, GROCETERIA SUPER FOOD MARKETS BREAD AND CAKES LIKE MOTHER MADE Fruits & Vegetables Florida Grape Fruit size 703 for . . Desert: Sweet Grape Fruit, size 80, 6 for. , Sunkist Fancy Lemons, 360s, doz. Sunkist Oranges 252s, 2 doz. .. .... . Persimmons 20c 23c 27c 39c 10c 43c 13c . 3c 4c 35c 19c 19c 10c 5c 23c 35c 23c 1.9c 3 for . . . Large Red Cranber ries, 2 lbs. ........ Coconuts 2 for . v. ... , Danish Squash ib. ,.. Red Cabbage lb Large Jap Chestnuts 2 lbs. . Sweet Potatoes 6 lbs. .. . Large Artichokes 2 for-;-; :;. . ; . Green Peppers lb. u ;.-.. Pomegranates each Southern Yams . 4 lbs, Avacados 2 for ... . Rutabagas ' 8 lbs. . . '''. .i Brussel Sprouts 2 lbs.;... .'.4.' HOME PURITY BAKERY PRODUCTS Fiesta Cream Cake Here is ft cake suggestive of tho lands where the gay Fiestas of old still possess their charm the lands of the tropics, whero the simple customs have not lost their appeul. A rich yellow layer, delicately flav ored by tho whole lemon topped with a rich buttor cream icing ... a really dolic ious cake. Two Sizes . 25c -49c each . . . IUC Pecan Pan Rolls. i n A (rneroiu site pun roll hrmlly topped with nrranH. Coffee Cakes, 15. Z tor A mil breakfast treat rrulr week-day lac ieller. Bismarks, 20 dozen made as mined donuls euent Jelly filled. Home Purity Bread, r lib. 8c Ulb. IZC . Home, flavor uiljl quality is Untlhljr niirirrrl ntrd. Itisil nid-fnshlonrd Jrllv-f llld lllsniarks Cookies, 10 dozen ftercral new viirlrtlfi to ndd to the home cookie Jar, Covered Wagon 8. Bread, 1 lb. Cinnamon Toast fine flavored bread of the pioneer. An old-fashioned llomf Made tlread the 12. Bread, 1 lb. loaf . Ftiift Home ntyle Bread uptccd with ctn nainon Wonderful when toasted. JVHEAT HEARTS7 To Introduce NEW TOASTM) Wheat HearU w ith it nrir tnnMetl flnvor A J-'-V J When donSardme. otUnd nor on mUt hav oatmeal t'OIT yet we Super-Food d yu, " 1 our To supply yo Savings In the Mission CatsuD. 14 oz. bottle I UC 10 An excellent catsup from the Pel Monte plant. Siwrrv Wheat Hearts. f fresh". No. 10 sack J DC 55, For thone who practice economy une quality at t tin quantity price. Pillsbury Cake Flour, 25c package The new nlfter ho: fine cuke flour. great convenience with a Hersheys Cocoa, 1 lb. can A nourishing breakfast drink. 12c 9c Van Camps Tomato Soup, 22 oz. can Very fine quality The bigger can Is more eco- Del Monte Sauer Kraut, 12c No. 2 can A supply In the pantry Is always convenient. Diamond A Sliced Beets, No. 2 can 10c ares a lot of cooking Fancy quality Oregon beets. Drrgo 9 Diamond A Diced Beets. No. 2 can 7C For buttered beets or In salad Fancy qnallty. Diamond A Sliced Carrots 10c Ready cooked Oregon carrots A time and money saver. Diamond A Diced Carrots For rooking with peas or In salad. 9c 14c Tea Garden Syrup, 12 oz. jug A handy table container filled with the wet's fnnrlte syrup. Glacier Pink Alaska 10c Salmon, No. 1 can . Fine for salad or croquettes good value. Belle Isle Tuna Fish. No. can. 2 for Z JC 25, fnncy Tun mi ltd park of the neteeted rtitn. HOME PURITY MAYONNAISE Pint 20c Quart 39c 28 os. pkg. 6th at Cettral 6th at Grape Saving Without Self. Denial 20c u . every - . from a - uttoexpe" tr -TSrSSS Groceteria Super Food Mar "A Dependable Source of Supply' Del Monte Seedless j r Raisins, 15 oz. pkg., 2 for I JC Fancy Kcl Monte quality a few In the pantry won't hurt. Del Monte Seeded -i C Raisins, 15 oz. pkg., 2 for i -sC Fnncy quality rich pic rulslns, Del Rogue Tomato 1 C Sauce, 8 oz. can, 4 for . . I .DC Made from ItoRiie Itlver Valley Tomatoes. I ' Wesson Oil. auart can . . . . Dye .. 39 Your favorite salad oil Yen fine for frying. rrjinf. 19 Postum Cereal. 1 lb. Dkir I 7C A nourishing hot drink for thoe who do not car for coffee. Grape Nut Flakes, 10 package An energy-building cerenl ready to serve. Lor Cabin Syrun. 38. medium can . . . A blend of cane and real Vermont maple. iple. 25, Maxwell House Coffee. 1 lb. can Z JC Hear the Show flout proem m nn the National nrnmlrast, fl p. nt. Thurlny. Macaroni Products After the feast day Macaroni affords a wel come change from the richer feast day foods. Baked with cheese or hamburger served with or without tomatoes or in a salad maca roni offers wide variety in one of man's best foods yet is inexpensive. Elbow Cut Macaroni or Spaghetti, 3J lbs Long Coiled Spaghetti or Vermicelli, 1 lb in cello phane Long Macaroni ' 1 lb. in cellophane , Plain Coiled Noodles 1 lb. in cellophane Bestever Krinklets 1 lb. in cellophane Heal egg noodle. Soup Rings, Stars or Al phabets, 1 lb Sea Shells 1 lb Chinese Noodles 1 lb. in cellophane 20c 12c 12c 12c 19c 12c 12c ... 14c GATES to PV 1 Sperry Pancake Flour, 28 oz. pkg 15c We still say Sperry's are finest Hot Cakes. Del Monte Crosby Corn, No. 2 can, 3 for A fancy pack Minnesota Corn. 35c Del Rogue Tomatoes, No. 2 can, 2 for ZjC 25, . The west's finest tomato fancy hand pack. pack. 29c 20c 29c 17c P. & G. White Laundry Soap, 10 bars The world's fastest selling laundry soap. Oxydol, large pkg. cuds In a Jiffy. White King Granulated, large pkg Economical because you use so little, Camay Toilet Soap, 4 bars The sonp of beautiful women. Oysters, OO pint 23c, 27c ZVC These are three grarir of western oysters. Grade A Is the thenper n the next and C Is a helter (trade We hme all grades so that you may know the difference, irnllke other foods Ornde A Is the lower grade. Metwurst pound 25, A fine winter dinner Kan.wgc Just boll 10 min utes and dinner Is readr. Hubers Frankfurters, pound 18 A dandy change from the feast day foods. FOR THOSE WHO HAVE THEIR THANKSGIVING DINNER ON SUNDAY! TURKEYS CHICKENS STEER BEEF ROASTS 5cAKEscrijb2 WHITE KING n roiiET soap -Sr ante, LJZ rBRUmEJIU B0IS U 1 I J J & LYDIARD Super Meat Markets About Mince Meat A customer came to us in a quandary. "I want some mince meat," she said, "but I've never found any prepared mince meats that suited me. They are always flat. There is something lacking In all of them, I used to make our own mince meat when on the farm but I can't now that I live in town." A problem like that is a sticker, be cause cultivated tastes are sometimes of a peculiar nature. What one person is used to eatir.g may not please very many others. "We have a very good mince meat," we answered, "but we prefer that you taste it rather than buy it on our recom mendation." She did so and bought her Thanksgiving supply. Now if you are skeptical about mince meat, why not do the same. Ask for a taste at cither meat market and enjoy the finest mince pies you ever tasted. If you don't like to bake pies with the same mince meat may be had at the bakery or fountain. Mince Meat, 2 lbs . 29 The finest we van buy Nearly a ton al ready sold this fall. Morrells Eureka Bacon, lb. 33. corn belt. By the piece or slab a fine bacon from the Steer Beef 1 Oi Pot Rcast, lb I ZVzC Tender cuts from fancy steers. Rolled Prime Rib ry -3 Roast, lb LDZ The finest roast In a steer no bone waste tender and flavory. Fancy Steer OA Steaks, lb ZUC Tender Sirloin or Hound Steaks. City folks nre paying twice as much. Shoulder Veal r Steak, lb I JC Very fine breaded and served with cream gravy. Little Pig Pork 07 Sausage, lb i C Small link or our famous Due Woods Sau sage. Pine Woods Sausage, lb. 25, The flnrt breakfast ever served. Swift's Sliced o C Bacon, lb ... JJC The mild cure that made Swift's Bacon famous around the world. Shortening, A r 4 lbs nDC An unusually good value at present prices. REFRESHMENTS At The FOUNTAINS Tomorrow we offer Three very fine plate dinners: Roast Turkey with dressing 29o Swiss Steak from fancy steers 25c Roast Leg of Pork 25c Served frcm 11 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. BREAKFASTS Our hrralifiikls are Just m superior as our Innihes. Tile s1(. Ii l 1 ,lmly fon(, the some good emiWris v ou will rnjov our Z-Mor-r rorfee nlth our delirious:' Hot f'nkes or Waffles. Service begins at 7:00 o'clock. Fiesta Cake, a la r mode I UC A food rh.inre lo try Mils fine rake before you buy. Hot M ince Pie IUC 10. ion nil! nrnnnunre this (he flne-t ever. !t ever. 1 r ChiK IUC Seasoned Jil -t rlcht-n.f ton lint yet ,shlT Hot Chocolate M-sIU'III'M. 10c rim of h,.t M.nrt.liur ,,,1 1,1 fP hw cni nflPtn-'twiv Delivery of S1.00 Orders Phone: West Side 428 East Side 752 fY n3