MEDFOnn MAIL TRIBUNE, ilEDFOKD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOYErBER 29, 1033. ,' PAGE THIRTEEN FOR GOLF SPORTS KANSAS CITY. Mo. (UP) Dorset Outer, Sr.. Oklahoma millionaire who put up the money to bring the na tion's golf professionals to Oklahoma City this (all, and had no cauw to regret his step, now Is planning a world series" in golf. Carter's Idea is to hold two tourna ment simultaneously, one for the proa and one for the amateurs, with the winners, meeting for the world's title. The shooting would be over the Twin Hills course, owned by Car ter ahd the scene of this year's Na tional PGA tourney. Carter talked over the Idea with PGA officials and the leading pros and found them, receptive. He would offer them a pot of $10,000 to make Jt worth their while and would com pensate th e 1 mon p u res i n some suitable manner. The National Amateur will be held tn Dallas next Sep te rubor, and Carter would hold his big tournament tn October, thus making it easy for the amateurs to move from one battle ground to the next. Play would be match contests, thus contrasting with the National Open, the only big meet open to both classes, where it Is medal performance the entire route. Whether the plan will go through Is doubtful, but If it does It will be an interesting experiment. The $10. 000 is bound to Interest professionals, and most of the amateurs would enjoy a chance to top the topnotch pros at medal play. The Twin Hiiia course offers a good siting for such a classic. It is diffi cult enough, as the pros discovered last month, with only Walter Ha sen being able to crack par in the quali fying round. There were 113 trying, but only the "Halg" kept them tralght enough. And the next day he couldn't repeat. Carter built Twin Hills for his son. Keefe Carter, the former western amateur champion, and he takes a personal pride In seeing it rebuff the best in the game. It Isn't a long course, but the green allies from tee to green are narrow and woods are on either side. Such a money match should pro Tide a partial answer to the demands of the pros for tournaments paying btgger prizes rather than a series of tournaments that mean but $500 or $600 to the winner. San Kranclwo Turkey l'riccs, SAN PKANCISCO, Nov. 20. (AP)' Net prices paid producers lor dressed turkeys delivered Ban .Fran cisco; Govt, graded U. 8. prima : Young toms, under and over 18 IDs.. 27 28c; young hens. 28(5 29c; loose; young toms, under 17 lbs., 27o; over 17 lbs., 35 a 26c; young hens. 28 -20-. Scores Yesterday t Mail rrlbuno want ads. FOODCASTS By the Associated Press Far-West Willamette U. 10. Whitman 0. Colorado U. 14, Denver U. 0. Montana State 6. Montana Mines 3. Utah Aggies 14, Utah U. 14 Colorado State 7, New Mexico U. fl. New Mexico Military Institute 13. New Mexico Normal 0. Arizona 53, Drake 0. Gonzaga 20, Portland 0 Unfleld College 31, Albany College S. San Francisco X3. 21. Fresno State 3. New Mexico State 0, Texas Mines 7. East Fordham 31, New York V. 0. Penn 33, Cornell 7. Bucknell 6. Temple e. Albright 31. Muhlenberg 6. Colgate 33, Brown 0. Catholic U. 8, North Carolina State 6. George Washington 13, North Da kota 0. Syracuse 0. Maryland 0. Penn Military 6. Urslnus o. Carnegie Tech 0, Pittsburgh 0. In the Missouri Valley Missouri 0. Kansas 0. Nebraska 26. Oregon State 20. Washington U. 26. St. Louis 0. Arkansas U. 14, Tulsa U. 7. Oklahoma 25, Oklahoma A. and M. 0. Wichita U. 6, Washburn 6. Hastings 18. Tarklo 13. College of Emporia 14, Ottawa U. 12. Mid-West Western Reserve 6. Case 0. Cincinnati 8. Miami 8. Xavler 12. Centehary 0. Monmouth 7. Knox 6. West Virginia wesleyan 13, Mar shall e. MUllkin 12. Bradley 0. Illinois Wesleyan 19, Hanover 0. South Kentucky 27. Tenneve 0. Furman 8. Clemson 6. North Carolina 61, Virginia 0. William and Mary 7, Richmond 6. Howard 7, Birmingham Southern 0. Davidson 14, Wake Firest 7. Texas A and M 20, Texas 6. Vonderbllt 14, Alabama 6. Centre 7. Chattanooga 7. Detroit U. 12. Texas Tech 7. Mississippi College 0, Mlllsaps 0. SWELL SHOP DISPLAY SWELLS TOO MUCH NEW YORK, Nov. 29. (P) Jacob Schwartz, store manager, thought 100 pounds of raisins would make a swell window dtsplay. Moisture swelled the raisins until they broke the 5200 store window. NOW COMPLETE IS IF (Continued From Page On.) disclose the additional "supplemen tary" November allotments made be fore he cut off all states. Twenty-six states and the District of Columbia already had been told they have received final grants. Hop kins said that "with the listing of 23 other states and the territories today as having been removed from the allotment list, the FERA concluded its fvinctions of providing federal fluids for emergency unemployment relief." Relief officials declined to comment on the possibility that additional al lotments may be made for 4,000.000 unemployablcs whose support the ad ministration has said rests on state and local governments. THEFT MACHINERY F An incident that caused consider able excitment In Portland was the theft last Monday of a Ford truck belonging to the Smart Auto Freight company from the company's garage In Portland. The truck was loaded with valuable machinery, part of the Ford Motor company exhibit at the San Diego world fair. The truck was loaded preparatory to hauling the machinery, valued at 60.0Qp, to Tnroma for an exhibit when it was stolen. Two days later the machinery was found in a heap outside of Portland. The thieves had apparently driven the truck near a tree, tied the load to a trets and driven out from under It, Inflicting severe damnge to the exhibits. A search all over the state was launched but no trace of the missing truck was found until Wednesday, when It was discovered, abandoned, tn a Hilt, Cal., garage. stae police here today announced. As yet no trace of the thieves has been found Award Gjra Contract. HARR1SBURG, Ore, Nov. 29. (AP) The high school and grade school districts here awarded Mike Balko vich of Harrlsburg a contract to con struct a $25.44 gymnasium. MATANUSKANSlKJOY THANKSGIVING FEAST IN PALMER, Alaska, Nov. 39. (UP) Matanuska valley farmers, snus In nearly finished houses, yesterday roasted in the ovens of new ranges fat geese and chickens from "out side." Looking forward and back, they celebrated Thanksgiving with sincerity. Last year there was scant fare and little apparent reason for celebrating in the farm homo of these 179 fami lies from Michigan. Minnesota and Wisconsin. Seven months ago the new pioneers set out to conquer the wilderness. Today they visloned next Thanks biviny day, when poultry and other fare from their own raising should be on menus that today featured imported fowls or their plentiful canned salmon. Settling In a new country of course, was not without its hardships, even in 1935. Fierce mosquitoes, quarrel some transient workers and fellow colonists and confusing administra tors caused grumbling and discon tent. Thirty families returned to the states. In . order to assure every family a real feast yesterday, a 5 extra Thanksgiving allowance at the com missary was voted by the Alaska ru ral rehabilitation administration. Sev eral families had already exhausted their allowances, reduced from $65 to $50 a month. NEW MAGAZINE GOES ON SALE IN MEDFORD Volume One, number One, of "The Rogue." tabloid magazine being pub lished by William Henry Ritchie In Medford, Is off the press and being distributed about the city. The little magazine of four pages Is devoted to the highlights of Rlchlo's life, various pungent comments regarding local affairs and the aims of the magazine for the future. Income Sh ares Maryland fund, $18.23; asked $19.71. Quarterly income shares, bid $1.43; asked $1.62. ON JOB 32 YEARS AS PADDLE-MAKER association. From there i will at tend the council cf state school superintendents at the national capi tal. He expected to be absent about three weeks. COLUMBIA. Mo. (UP) Wayne Al len la recognized as official paddle maker for the University of Missouri. He has been at It 32 years along with desultory work at piano tinkering. In 1928 Allen advertised: "Allen's paddles have made lasting Impressions on Mtzzou freshmen for the past 35 years." During that time Allen estimates he has made thousands of paddles. "I've made paddles out of every kind of wood that grows," he says. "Rosewood was the favorite in pros perous times. Some fraternities fa vored mahogany, but seasoned oak Is the favorite now. "I have made them out of ebony." Styles in paddles change, Allen de clares. Some years students want heavy two-handled ones. Other years they require shorter. Itchier blades. He has to be something of a draughtsman. The engineers send the paddle maker specifications drawn like architects' plans for a building. "Engineers' paddles must weigh Just so much and must be just exact ly so many 64th of an Inch thick." Agricultural students want them tough and strong. One of Allen's masterpieces was an explosive paddle which concealed a 1 percussion cap. When the wood was i brought in forcible contact with i luckless freshmen the resulting blast j was very amusing. ' ,-. He Is now attempting to devise a set of paddles which will emit pleas ant tones when In use. Allen's paddles for women are pop ular. They are made of soft wood and are considerably wider than the male type. And ho not nnly makes the disci plinary woods, but also for a sum constructs form-fitting paddle pro tectors for luckless frosh. The paddle proof, made to-measure armor Is made of piano felt. 0. S. C. DEFEATED 26-20 AS NEBRASKANS SCORE N LAST MINUTE RALLY LINCOLN. Neb., Nov. 29. The 1935 Big Six conference football cam paign today was history, and a his tory to which one more tie was added to a record that already had more ties than a railroad, Kansas and Missouri provided the tie a scoreless one at Lawrence yes terday In the only strictly conference encounter on the Thanksgiving pro gram. Oklahoma routed an old Jinx by defeating the Oklahoma Aggies, 24 to 0. Nebraska. Big Six champions, flirt ed with trouble but finally came through with a 26 to 20 victory over Oregon state. Coach Dana X. Bible's Corn husk era won their game with the Oregon Staters in the first quarter, gave It back to them, then had to come back with a spine-chilling rally In the fad ing moments to come out right side up. The Huskert scored In the first four minutes, then again nine minutes later. They were leading late in the fourth quarter. 19 to 14. when the Beavers uncorked a pass good for 67 Yards and a touchdown against the Nebraska substitutes. His Hublters trailing 20 to 19, Bible rushed In hts aces, and they imme diately began to take trlrks. In the last two minutes of play the Nebras kans marched 65 yards for the win ning touchdown, with Lloyd Card well and Sam Francis carrying the banner. w'potkwiIi (Ctu have Changed, finish toui EVERYTHING1 "A t P JACK SPRATT NOW EATS FAT AND ANYTHING (IS8 IN SIGHT NO STOMACH SOUR CAN KNOCK HIM FIAT... FOR TUMS HAVE SOLVED HIS PLIOHT1 NEW YORK, Nov. 29. (AP) Dr. Adolf Loi 1, fumed Viennese sur geon, disclosed today that two mem bers of hi own family were hastened to their graves through a form of "mercy killing" to prevent unneces sary suffering from lingering illnesses. Dr. Lorenz, here for his annual professional visit, said the two were the first wife of his son, Dr. Albert Loren. and an uncle, 82-year-old Abbot Oregor of St. Paul monastery, in Corlnthia. Each was Incurably diseased, and death was hastened by excessive ad ministration of narcotics, he said. WHO ELSE WANTS TO FORGET SOUR STOMACH? THE way to eat favorite foods and avoid x heartburn, sour stomnch. ft;i and othet symptoms of acid indigestion is no secret now. Millions carry Tunis. Nothing to mix up. No drmchinjt your stomach with harsh alkalies, wnicn aociors My m.iy incrcnw; tlic ti-ndncy to. ward acid indigestion. Junt enough ot tho ant acid in Turns is rrleavd to neutralize thn stom ach. The rrst passes on inert. Cannot over-alka iiic the stomach or Moot,. You nevtr know u hm, go carry a roll always. 10c at all druggists. FOR THE TUMMY TIM TUMS ARC ANTACID . . . MOT A LAXATIVE ! moineter with tho nt:rrhaMS nf a loo roll of Tunw State School Head Off For Conclave SALEM, Nov. 29. (AP) Superin tendent of schools Charles A. Howard will leave tomorrow night for Chi cago and Washington to attend edu cational conferences. At Chicago he will be present at , the American vocational educational 't Rip Hov. Dec, me. m cJeifie UnlifjJ CANNEP, JMT) CANNEP iWj0 Modern canning methods bring yon the fin est Fruits, Vegetables, Fish," Broths, and Meat . . . Fresher, Clonner, More Economi cal . . . with all the valuable mineral salts and health promoting vitamins, preserved by scientific canning. rex -7 SAT. and MON. GOLDEN WEST COFFEE 1 Lb. Jar 3 Lb. Jar 27c 79c SNOWDRIFT 6 lbs. 81.08 POST BRAN FLAKES, pkg 10? JELLO 6 delicious flavors 2 pkgs. 11? SANKA Kaffeene removed 45? Big familiesl Medium families! Little fam ilies! ... There's a Krispy Cracker pack age for every need. And no matter which of these inexpensive packages you buy, you get the same extra-flaky crackersl . . . All the skill of Sunshine Bakers ha9 been de voted to making Krispy Crackers the big gest quality-bargain on your grocer's shelf. WHEAT1ES Champions 2 pkgs. 23c I BISQUICK ITS8 ' 29c The word waffle comes from the rerb "to weave" and certainly the waffle, with its soft indentations, very closelyresemblcsa woven cloth. fey HANDY TABLE-SIZE PACKAGE Do you know how to open a screw top jar without "phoning the strong man from the circus? Invert your jar and bang itfcarefn, not too hard) two or three times on the floor. This breaks up the air pocket in the jar. . . andpresto.yourtopunscrewseasily. Here's a way to give vegetable satad a chef's tnurh. . . sprinkle fried bacon, chopped fine, over the top. ! Stretching shouldn't bo confinwi to settine-up exercises. . . it can he done all day by thrifty housewives who want to stretch four portions to serve five. For instance, just add a few Krispy Crackers to a meat, fish or vegetable loaf. . . or crumble Home Krispy Crackers into a casse role or an an gralin dish. A. Who cares whether the Chinese in China eat chip suey . . . here's an American version you'll like: KRISPY CHOP SUEY cup rice 3 tablpoons fat chopped onions W pound (rround beef 2 cups CAnnod tpmatMs t cup pens, cooked or canned 1 rap )ulc of pes 2 tponn Mil 16-18SunshineKnpyCrackon,cramWfd Boil the rice until soft. Melt the fat.dd onions and meat, and cook until brown. Drain rice and mix with meat. Add tba tomatoes, peas and juice of pfaa and seasoning. Ilre-als up Krispy Crackers and lay thin layer on bottom of srvaed bak ing dish or caserole. Overthi pour half of above misture. Lnv remaining broken Krispy Crackers on thtfcnn-1 add remain iler of rniltnre on lop. iur with slight prmkting of Kripy Cracker cnimM and bake In hot oven t f ) until brown for about an minute, (tyft-over cooked meat may be u?-d.) Serves 6 to 8. All measur-m-nta standard. Mora toottcasM soon Watch for them i v'HCkcU (? ijv kmn IVORY Medium bar Soap 2 for 11? IVORY Flakes, large : ....22c GARRY DOG FOOD 3 cans 25 B. and M. LIMA BEANS 2 cans 21 VERMONT MAID SYRUP -.XI oz. jng 2 td TISSUE Waldorf ..3 rolls 14 FLOUR WINDMILL Hardwheat PIGGLY WIGGLY llnrrlwrieat. II lib. Test flnnrnntee. FROM THE THOUSAND WINDOW BAKERIES OF IOOSE-WIIES BISCUIT KRISPY CRACKERS ... the best companion soup ever COMPANY had! You'll enjoy soup as you never did before if you serve it with Sunshine Krispy Crackersl They are crisper. More flavorful. They make the best of soups taste much better! i; J - i . 49 lbs. SI. 59 49 lbs. SI. 89 SAUERKRAUT Qt 10c DILL PICKLES n, M 7c Peanut Butter ""i 27c MINCEMEAT Ta"Tib, 19c CORN MEAL vlr,h:.;r 29c Wine -Sweet BEER IT ot 49c "-boug,:r...10c Sealed Qt. tJb $2.40 rn-C lUi-us for Canned Soups Try mixinf Itvo soups to grt a third; beef and tomato, celery ami chicken, pea and mutton broth ... or using tomato soup over meat loaf, uith gelatin for salads . . . asparagus soup over asparagus au gratia and casserole baked! TOMATO SOUP In your Biscuits instead of water or milk . . . Gond? Try m! GRAPEFRUIT Arizona Seedless 0 for 2." " Dozen 43c APPLES Cookinjt or eating lO lbs. INf CANNED FOOD SALE Until WEDNESDAY NITE 1 lb. cans Gibbs Off 4 cans bOw Case, S2.40 ri Whole Clams . 25c Dozen ?1.39 Underwood 2 cans Bagley Puree No. 22 cans 3 cans 29c Dozen $1.12 Tuna Flakes El Campo, No. '3 $!2 f can. 2 cans C3C Dozen $1.30 Gibbs reg. size can 4 cans Dozen 9 25c HOMINY Van Camp. No. 2V2 10c Golden Bantam Corn Field-Ripe Peas No. 303 9Q 3 cans Dozen $1.15 Campbells, Gibbs or Van Camp 4 cans iC . CUU for Dozen 75( SYRUP Phillips Best Pint 15c R0SEWARE 07t WHEAT. Lg. pkg- Clli MARGARINE fJEf Silver-Nut 2 lbs. t.'Jt Oregon-Made 1 Hr CATSUP 12 oz. IwC .16 lbs. 20 iVws" P0TAT0ES-U. S. No. 1