Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 25, 1935, Page 8, Image 8

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Steam Shovels Chug Where
Soaniards Once Sought
Fountain Of Youth Will
Mean Short Cut To Gulf
tha WItblteoochM, but In law jtui
the rock hu been largely shipped
east by rail, and the town hai do.
Bteam ahovela are chugging where
helmeted Spaniards once pushed
through silent, tanked Jungles In
search of the Fountain 01 Youm, ana
tall meats eventually msy mingle
nh the tall pines In Florida's north.
era forests: for the new ship canal
there has been begun.
"If the canal Is completed as plan.
ned. aouat freighters, proud passeng
er liners, and even grim war craft
from the seven seas will steam
through Inland waters on which In
bygone days lteen-eyed Indians snd
rold-erszed white men paddled prim
itive canoes," says a bulletin from
the Washington, D. 0. headquarters
of the National Oeograpmo society.
Will Follow Three rtlvers
"Churning engines and deep-
throated whistles will oreaa ino
lence in quiet bayous where once
only the occasional spiasn 01 an m
n.tnr or the brilliant flight of l
flamingo colony disturbed the solll
tude. "Furnishing a convenient short cut
for vessels between the Atlantlo
....... ihn flulf of Mexico, the
canal la designed to utilize the chan
t,i of three plcturesquo Florida rlv.
ers the St. Johns, tho Ocklawaha
and the Wlthlacoochee. Therefore, al
though the trans-penlnsuiar waver
way will be nearly 300 miles long,
less than half Its length will have to
be dug by human agcnclos. Mother
Nature, the great engineer, already
has excavated a large proportion her
self. Boats have plied for many years
on all three rivers, and the canal
simply will connect and deepen them.
"Like the 100-mlle watorway at
Suez, the Florida canal will be a sea
level route, with none of the huge
locke and mountain-slicing 'cuts'
necessary at Panama. Canal-building
Is comparatively easy In Florida, for
the highest point In the peninsula Is
1m than two-thirds the height of
the waehlngton monument, and most
of the state la only a few feet above
the ocean.
Jacksonville Atlantlo Terminus
"From the Atlantic, ships will en
ter the canal at bustling, versatile
Jacksonville, whose exports range
from pine boards to ground oystor
hells, the latter to aid chickens' di
gestion I Jacksonville, only 3 miles
from Florida's northern border, Is
the state's largest city, Its Industrial
center, and a leading lumber ship
ping point.
"Through this city, the gateway to
Florida's vast winter playground, a
huge traffic rolls down to Miami
Beach on the eaat and St. Petersburg
on the west coasts, snd to other
outhern resorts when winter's flrBt
chills appear 'up North.1 In some
years this sunworshlpper' travel has
reached as high as a motor car a
"From Jacksonville south, ocean
Teasels already navigate 84 miles of
what Is planned to he part of the
canal route. This Is the St. Johns
river, which strangely enough In so
flat a region, flows due north 136
miles before reaching the sea.
"A sluggish stream It drops only
70 feet In 100 miles the St. Johns
carries ft large water-borne commerce
to Jacksonville. The river flows be
tween banks made colorful by Jas
mine, oleanders, live oaks, and grcnl
palms whose smooth trunks rise high
above the other foliage. At a retreat
on Its ahores. Harriet Beocher Stowe
wrote part of uncle Tom's Cnhln.
"Plateka, busy little shipping cen
ter on the upper St. Johns, Is now
the head of navigation for ocean ves
sels. Plataka's lumber mills, seen
from the air, resemble a city In them
selves, and the city boasts what is
believed to be the only camphor plan
tation in the United Stntes. Camphor
gum is extracted from the plants'
leaves and twigs. Farther upstream,
near Welaka, the new canal will turn
southweatward along the narrow,
winding course of the Ocklawaha rlv.
r, a tributary of the St. Johns.
Hlver In All ntrrrMnni
"So winding is tho Ocklawaha. tin,'
as the Irishman said about Boston'
strttets, 'You mert yourself comlnj;
back.' when navigating It; and a host
actually moves towsrd all points nl
the compass along Its meandering
length. The Ocklawaha flowa consid
erable distances through cypress
swamps whose huge trees are beard
ed with Spanish mow, among giant
palmettos whose branchless trunk
rise so or 60 fret, wster maples, nink
almonds, Jasmine and rhododendron.
"Much of tho country through j
which tho canal will phss consists nf .
pine forests, many slready cut over, !
for lumbering Is a leading Florida In
dustry. Modern Iron ships using the
canal will sail near more than one plan
tation for the production of turpen
tine and resin from pine trees, the ;
'naval stores' much used In tho old- j
time wooden ships now replaced by
metal craft. Now these products go
chiefly Into paints, varnishes, soaps,
and the like.
"Leaving the Orklnwaha. tho cansi
will cut across to the Wllhlschoorhee.
'Little Big River' of tho Indians,
which flows Into the Gulf of Mexico.
Nsvlgable now for eo miles by boats
of shallow dralt. the Wlthlacoochee
carrlea cargoes of fish, oysters, farm
produce and lumber down to tha ses.
"Hsppy daya may be In store ogstn
for Port Inglls, at the Wltlilacoochees
mouth, scheduled to be tho cansl's
chief Oulf terminus. Port Inglls pros
pered In past days when large csr of phosphate rock moved down
Demonstrator 1-eavei Mrs. Nona
Crosby, Iaix demonstrator, who hs
been In Medford on business for the
Exist week, left last night for Boston
Wlnne Receive Honor According
to word received here, George Wlnne,
graduate of Med ford high school and
now finishing hla last year at Annap
olis Naval academy, ha been selected
to play the lead In "The Bishop Mis
behaves," play to be produced at the
academy In the near future. He Is
also on the pep committee which
takes care of all rooting sectlm cem
onstratlons for football games.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Msd-
dox, of Medford, a boy, welching
8 lbs., 7 os., Nov. 33 at the Sacred
Heart hospital.
Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Jay Par-
rick of Phoenix, a boy, weighing
lbs., U oi; today at tho Sacred
Heart hospital.
flash from headlights Into ths rear
view mirror of Ray Holman's car
blinded htm and resulted In death to
Virginia Parmenter, 10, as tho car
crashed through a. guard rail and
over a bank.
Lucerne LlkeseU's head was crush
ed and it was feared she would die.
All were Hood River residents, but
Miss Parmenter's father, Bud Parmen
ter, lives In Salem.
DODGE CITY, Kas Nov. 35. (IP)
H. M. Speer, dickering over sale of
a rifle, unloaded It and lighted his
It ought to bo worth about"
said Spoors, when bangl went the
remnants of his pipe. Ho figured he
dropped one of the cartridges In his
tobacco before ho "loaded" his pipe.
Special convocation of Cra
ter Lak Chapter No. 33, R.
A. M., Tuesday, Nov. 2flth, at
7:80 p. m. Work In B. A.
defrree. Vlsltora Invited Re
freshment. O. O. HORNER, H. P.
Golds M. Branson, ' 18. dsughter
of Mrs. H. B. Brupson, died of In
fantile paralysis at" her home on the
old Central Point highway near Mid
way road, at 13:30 thla morning.
This la tho fourth death . In the
county reaultlng from Infantile
paralysis since Inception of tho dis
ease on November 8. All tho victims
hsve been children. Miss Branson
hsvlng been tho oldest.
Miss Branson had been at home
and had made no contact with any
one outelde tho family since No
vember 14, her mother told county
heslth authorities. She was a stu
dent at Medford high school but
hsd not been at tho school alnce
November 14. On that date. B. H.
Hedrlck, superintendent, said today,
all students from the Howard acnooi
district were excluded from attend
snco and the ban la being continued
In force. The disease first sppeared
in tho Howard district. Tho Howard
school, which was to hsve reopened
today, will remain closed until next
Nelda Williams, 13, daughter or
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williams, waa re
ported by county health authorltlea
today as having infantile paralysis.
She la confined to her homo two
miles esst of Talent. She became 111
Friday night, It wso said. She la a
pupil of tho 6th grade In tho Wash
ington school In Ashland. The class
was closed todsy and all pupils from
the VBlley View district, where she
lives, are being excluded from tho
past week but necessarily postponed
because of various quarantines, may
be carried out during the coming
Children's books have never been
more Interesting and beautiful than
now. Every possible Interest and de
sire of childhood and youth Is touch
ed In this exhibit of current and
standard publications, which the pub
lic is invited to visit.
PENDLETON, Ore., Nov. 35. (&y
Barney McVenna, 34, suffocated In
his room when overcome by smoke
when a ctgaret burned his mattress
while he slept. Firemen who broke
Into his tightly seaied room found
him on the floor near the door. Ar
tificial respiration failed to revive
Holiday Specials Now!
PEAJ3LSY8 Opposite Holly Theatre.
FURNITURE repaired, upholstered
and finished. Phone G69-R. Thl
FOR BALE: Two 9x12 used rugs. Tel,
824 -L. 63 Rose Aw.
'TURKEY SHOOT" at Central Pojnt,
Thanksgiving day. Shotgun, rifle,
potluck. Starts early; lasts late.
Come before or after dinner. Real
choice prizes.
FOR BALE 0-year-old mare; sound;
welgl.t 1200; 1-horw waon. Roy A,
Bolz. highway north of Phoenix.
1936 NASH 400 demonstrator, 6-pass.
1938 La Fayette demonstrator, 6-pass
This Is an opportunity to save some
- 123 S. Riverside Ave. Phono 303.
ROOM for two, 153 No. Oakdale.
National Book Week, observed for
many years by libraries, schools and
publishers, has had recognition In the
children's room at the public library
during the past week.
"Reading For Fun," was the motif
designated for this year, last year's
being "Reading For Information."
Tho exhibit, arranged by MIrb Helen
Klnspy, will be on display until
Christmas, with the hope that the
visits of city and rural school chil
dren, which were planned for the
FOR RENT 109 So. OmnRe, 7-room
furnished home; hardwood floors,
hot water furnace, fireplace, piano,
also bedding, linens, dishes and
utensils; $42.50, Incl. water. Charles
R. Ray, Realtor, Medford Bldg., Tel.
LARGE housekeeping room, $1.50 a
week. 027 N. Central.
FOR SALE 14 acre, 3 -room house,
barn, chicken house, fruit trees,
electric water system: $800. terms.
K. R. Olio, 14 mil? south on Thorna.
FOR SALE '26 Chevrolet sedan In
fair shape, tfan be seen at any
time, 617 No. Bartlett St.
FOR SALE -Fordson tractor In good
condition; Hardle 300-gallon spray
rig, ready to go. Also about 350 ft
new and unused Goodyear cord
spray hose. Call at Oregon Or
chard or telephone Frank Sohuler,
Phone 468-J-l.
WANTED Men or women to sell
Xmas Item. Reasonable price; good
commission, can ursna Hotel, Km
WANTED Furnlnhed and heated
room, suitable for light housekeep
ing, state rent In answering. Box
7503. Trioune.
FOR SALE! Brunswick phonograph,
radio, piano; cheap, or trade for
electric sewing machine, fat beef
or hogs. .Ahioorn, block north
block west ruber's Grocery, Central
FOR RENT 6 -room house, 3 bed
rooms, 2 sleeping porches. 147 N.
Southern Orn Livestock Auction
Co. will hold their opening auction
Saturday, Nov. 30, at the Sales Pa
vilion on Midway road, north of
Medford. Cattle not sold for alaugh
ter must be tested. Parties having
property to sell call at 530 Berry
dale Ave. or 723 McAndrews road.
evenings. Col. A. H. Dudley, (Auct.)
FOR SALE Very good quality field
corn. $1.25 per cwt. Will shell on
orders. John Nealon. Central Point.
Tel. 118.
'34 PLYMOUTH; small mllsage; looks
and runs like new. A real buy at
Dodge and Plymouth.
WANTED Single elderly man to do
cnorea on amau piece; ooara, room
and small wages. R. L. Nunamaker,
Rt. 1, Talent.
FOR SALE nSmall wood range,
Mrs. W. Wagner, Central Point.
FOR S .VLB Good '28 Harley: all ac
cessories. Cheap. 307 N. Peach.
RENT Three houses, furnished.
Still Coughing?
No matter how manv mcdlclnrtn
you have tried tor your cough, chest
cold or bronchial Irritation, you can
get vuilef now with Creomulslon.
Serious trouble may be brewing and
you cannot afford to take a chance
with anything less than Creomulslon,-
which goes right to the seat
of the trouble to aid nature to
soothe and heal the Inflamed mem
branes as the germ-laden phlegm
Is loosened and expelled.
r,ven u omer remedies nave
failed, don't be discouraged, your
druggist Is authorized to guarantee
Creomulslon and to refund your
money if you are not satisfied with
results from the very first bottle.
Get Creomulslon right now. (Adv.)
Start today to relieve the soreness
aid healing and improve your skin.
kWith tha safe medication In
akWitn the sate madtcaton in m
For Health - Cleanliness - Convenience!
Automatic Electric Range
$119.50 Cash
$5 Down
j. j
Here Is the Ideal Electric Range
This all white WESTINGHOUSE Automatic Electric Range is
ideal for the family with average cooking requirements. The
finish, including the cabinet base, is beautiful porcelain enamel.
Food acids cannot harm the special hard cooking surface which
is exactly the right height to conform to modern all-electric
kitchen standards. The straight sides permit building work
counters flush with the range top should you decide at any time
to remodel your kitchen to modern built-in kitchen standards.
The three spacious utility drawers conserve space and add
much to the convenience of the range. The pilot light on the
switch panel glows brightly when the oven current is on and
signals when the oven reaches the temperature selected.
The famous flavor zone oven is entirely automatic and shuts off
the current when the proper temperature is reached. Four
standard Quick-cook (open coil) surface units are regular
This is the lowest price a range of this quality with cabinet
base has ever been sold. Why not trade in your old fuel range
today. The small down payment puts this range in your kitchen
at once.
The California Oregon Power Company
I it C - m Mmm
T. naaa VJi' (JfSa WWr . I ...-. k v
Monogrammed J L "0
Free of Charge ( 4s&$
. A?
Linens for your
for Gift
Holiday Table
Mann's are now southern Oregon headquarters
for genuine Richardson Irish linens. These fine
cloths and napkins are imported direct from Bel
fast, Ireland. They are pure Irish linen and dew
bleached. Complete sizes and patterns now ready ,
An inexpensive group of fine Richardson Table
Linens in sizes 70x70, 70x88 and 70x106, with
regular size napinks to match each cloth pattern.
, They are priced as follows :
$3.95 $4.95 $5.95
Napkins to Match are $4.95 Doz.
Another group of these fine imported linens in
sizes 72x90 and 72x108 priced within the reach
of every housewife. ,
$7.95 and $8.95
Napkins to Match are $7.95 Doz.
Hemstitched Linen Sets
Beautiful Snow Whit
Hemstitched Linen Sets In
reptilar dinner size 66x84
Inch, with 8 napkin to
Another Dinner size Cloth,
68x104, with 12 matching
Napkins. A pure white
cloth In a grand pattern.
$8.95 $13.95
Also Quaker Table Laces, Fine
Maderia and Other Pure Linens
Party and Dinner
For the Holidays
Select one of these inexpensive Dresses for party
or dinner wear. The group consists of new crepe
and moire models in formal and cocktail style.
Highlights are rhinestone and velvet bow trims.
Colors are blue, white, red, black, orchid and
green. Some have adorable little capes.
Special for
Tuesday and Wednesday
Complete your dinner ensemble with the proper
jewelry . . . gloves . . . shoes and of course hand bag
and compact . . . Ask the sales girl to show you these
new accessories.
New Blouses!
Smart taffeta, crepe, satin, me
tallic and lace blouses in both
dressy and tailored styles. Sizes
14 to 44. Choice md
New Skirts in checks
plaids and solid shades
of fine isotony t lannel Jj
The Lounge on the Second Floor is
for Your Comfort and Convenience