MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, JCEDFOKD, OREGON, MONDAY, XOTEMBER 25, 193S. BO WHAT YOU WANT Classified FOR EASY REFERENCE (! i .'rl&ttliB Vtt U.UV Ji'wuiinrv Bead erery this pas- Yon probably find ex actly the thins jou want to bar or sett. It It Hn't there, adMrttse. It's inexpensive, effective. Par word first Insertion (Minimum 25c) Itch additional Insertion, per word (Minimum 10c) ttr tine per month without copy chaner 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND FOUND Fur mitten at Talent, Not. 1, Write Rt, I, Box 100, Talent. LOST About November 8th between Grants Pass an Yreka one Ford truck wheel and tire. Finder please notify Yreka Seed and Grain Co., j Yreka. Calif. Reward. LOST On 4th St., keys In black con-1 tainer. Return to clement Auto i Parts. Reward offered. LOST II aog ts missing. calll51d. MALE AND FEMALE WANTED Demonstrators for Charm Cosmetics. No experience neces sary. Apply Box 7649, Mall Tribune. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Capable, healthy woung woman over 18, housework and as sist with children. Good home and wages. Phone 939-W. WANTED Girl for- general house work. No children. Phone I147-H. WANTED SITUATIONS CAPABLE woman wishes work hour or day. Phone 1131. by DESIRABLE young lady wants to be companion and helper to, elderly lady. Box 7475, Tribune. " CAPABLE secretary - stenographer wishea office work. Eight years ex perience; references. Box 7848, Mall Tribune. WANTED-MISCEliLANEOUS WANTED To interview fct the Ken nel. E11SS Studio per&ons interested In frames. Let "s frame your ptc ture. 50c to S4.50. Call at 32 North Central lor a personal selection. WANTED Good dining set with but- let; also oea. WANTED Gocd tractor. State mafce, alze and price. Box 8000. Tribune. WANTED Will pay cash for good Jersey or Guernsey springer hellers. Cartyle Natwlctt. Eagle WANTED Typewriter. Must . be in good condition. Tel u50 WANTED Clean out your aula, (rarage and basement of all old fur niture, cook stoves, heawrs. stoye pipe, fruit jars, etc Give us KEW DEAL FURN EXCHANGE No 413 Saat Main WANTED Cook stoves, heaters, bed springs, mattresses, day-oeds, sani tary couches and cots or what have you- We pav cash or exchange NEW DEAL FURN EXCHANGE 423 E. Main St. WANTED FURS FURS FURS Highest cash price paid for raw furs Complete line of traps on sale. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27-29 No Grape St. Medford. WANTED We pay cash ror household goods furniture and stoves We also buy metU hides pelts wool snrt mo hair MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 3? S Orape St Phone 1032. WANTED - Used furniture, tools, doors windows Berrydale 2nd Hind Stora 1603 No Riverside Tel 368 FURNITURE WANTED Tilley's Sec ond Hand Store. 112 No. Front. WANTED - Beef cattle vesl Ian and pasture J J Otenbrugge. FOR RENT ROUSES wnnraN. new 3 rms. furnished bun- viinw with mrsfre. Kght, water, asa and fuel included. Adults only. Ho t a Cottages VaUndra, Central Point. s.Tjnnvf. modern. P3ly furnished house. 12.50. Dressler's. 1563-Y- AVAILABLE Dec. 1st. 7-"oom house, first class condition. 1119 W. Main. FOR REST 5-room mcdem fcoufe. Inquire 315 Mcdiord Bld-j. or Tel. 1443 FOR RENT 4-room fnrn:hc! house Inquire 305 So. Oaltdale. FOR RENT Modem 5-room furnish ed house Phone 331. FOP RENT 5-rooru nouw Plcxell. 204 East Mlln. rjf! RENT tnf irrK.hed hms furnished Brown flThi'e FOB REST Hoilv Courl So 3 . oor n ana tioi.j a "'-.'"'""' oil ourner nt".r.c t month Call lj FOR RENT- BOARD A VP KOOM, rate reuoniiJlf at ; a. iUm. M FOB RENT APARTMENTS FOB REST 3-room housekeeping suite; garage, close in. Adult. 327 N. Grape St. FOR KENT 2 housekeeping room and one furn. apt. Inq. 533 Austin. FOR RENT 3-rooro furnished apart ment. 1109 W. 11th St. FOR RENT Holly Court Mo. 8. 30. Furnished with elec, range, Frlgld alre and oil heater only. 829 West llth. 2S. Electric range. 80O Edwarda St. S15.00. Call Jackson Co. Bldg Jt In Aa soclatlon 195 or after 5 phone 1147-W. FOR RENT 3 -room furnished apart ment; adult. 40 Qulnc St. Tel. 841-W. FOE SENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT-Downstalr bedroom, sep arate entrance, heated, adjoining bathroom. 132 Almond St. CliEAN attractive rooms; reasonable. 410 S. Newtown. PLEASANT room; separate entrance; heated. 220 N. Oakdale. FOR RENT Sleeping room, moderate rate. 325 south Riverside. ATTRACTIVE rooma. 404 8 Grape FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 50 acres, on shares. Inq. Btackwell Hill Service Station. FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Lady's fur-trimmed brown coat, size 40, In good condition, to exchange for two average-sized dressed turkeys. Call 325 So. Riverside. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL trade equity In new modern 6- room house m Siamatn trans, ior acreage. Value $1000. What have you. Genet Randall, 521 Jeiferson, Klamath Falls, Ore. GOOD house and lot or 40 acres Im proved land, trade for late model truck or car. 403 E. Main. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 80 ACRES DAIRY-HOQ RANCH 83500 House, barn, chicken housa, hog house, a cows, team and equipment, hay. all coea. 33 acres in clover snd alfalfa, irrigated, abundance cheap water. Good road, new srhool, To tal price $3500. I000 cash, balance terms. ALSO 38 acres 1400 Bartlett. An jou, Base pear trees In bearing, house, barn, pump house. Irrigated all cultivated, fine land. Bank saya sell. 5000, terms. Phone S10-Y. J. C. Barnes, 20 N, Peach St. SIX ROOM mod. house and acre ground, half under chicken fence, chicken house and barn, on J'vtUc Highway, close in. Sacrifice price. terms, see o. it. Haws, our itouie Box 30. FOR SALE 83 acres. 15 acres under Eagl Point irrigation, part, good bottom land. Improvements consist of 4 room house, barn snd other outbuildings. $2500. Terms. W. J Warner. Phone 195. COMPLETELY FURNISHED SUBURBAN 14 Acres, irrigated, wonderful soli, close to schools; 4 -room modern home, completely furnished. Includ ing Keivi actor, radio and china; milk cow, chickens, rabbits, hay. equipment and tools included. Ready to move into. Wonderful value at $3,000.00. Some terms. CHARLES A. WING AGENCY. INC. 108 E. Main St.. Medford, Ore. too ACRES well unproved, stocked and equipped, close to Meedford; some Cflh or tocom property Bat anoa long time low interest O A DeVos. 623-J -2 WHEN you think of real estate think of Brown & White. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 37 CHEV. 8-wheel Sedan. Original finish like new. New G-ply tires. Guaranteed everyway. Priced for quick sale, PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. Dodge and Plymouth FOR SALE 1831 Chevrolet coupe, ex cellent condition. 211 Genesee. GOOD USED CARS Low Finance Rates, Low Prices 1034 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan. 1935 Dodge Sedan, 1935 Dodge Pickup. IB33 Plymouth Sedan 1931 Chrysler 8 Sedan 3930 Ford Sedan 1929 Ford Town Sedan 1933 Chevrolet Sedan 1933 Plymouth Coup 1934 Chrysler Airflow Also e. number of other real bar gains. LANGS MOTOR CO. Used Car Lot. 6th & BirUett 38 North Riverside HUDSON Sedan fine condition wry cheap Call 95? or 832-R FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE yr. old saddle horse. 33.0G. 11 yr. old mare, aaddlo or wori, 25.00. 1 set heavy worle har ness. 25.00. Ray Potter. Phone 637-J-2. FOR SAkE Gentle saddle mare. Call 12-F-22. FOR SALE OR TRADE Cows, frtah and coming fresh: work horses. Would te in some plowing. Call at 517 Edward. FOR SALE Baby calve. Dairy. Van Dyke FOR SALE Young Jersey cow. 265. FOR SALE Spn of ma- mulej: weight about 1200 lbs: 7 snd a years old. P. D Lofland. Centsa! Po;nt. ir.ra iu.r rrm at Ssndoa ranca. above Trail. : POR SALE Team of hirf and hsr R00M BOARD , ne- eiat rut 3000 lbs ream mine na nsrn. xziin sua .o 32-mch p:o-x-s WhlteeU Bros., i FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Bay gelding about 1200 lb. C. A- DeVoe, 521-J-2. FOR SALE POULTRY FUli. blooded R. I. Red cockerels. Outalde stock. W. J. Lawson, R. 3, Box 52, Medford. FOR SALE DOGS PETS ROLLER Canaries. Call 533-J-3. SHEPHERD puppies ior sale. 518 East Main. FOR SALE eiack Raccoon, best offer take them Rainbow Gibson. Weaaxu Inn, Grants t'asa. Oregon. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Lowboy Melotte separa tor, used six months. just use new. B!e reduction. alustfKU. Inquire L. H. Root, Central Point or wrtta Box 185, Central Point. sor SALE Garden tools, furniture, sewing machine, etc. U, H. Bergen, 1024 S. llth. FOR SALE House doors and gang plow. 22 South Fir St. APPLES 25c up at ranch. Old Pacific Highway win oeiiwr. "- , towns 45c at Ala House. O. V. Myers. Tel. 258-J. FOR SALE Small National cash reg ister, -Ic to S5, Mack's Seed and Feed Store. Grants Pass. Ore. FOR SALE Dining set, beds, dressers, oil heater, rockers, etc. 847 West 2nd. FOR SALE I. Miller ladles blue street shoes. Sizes 8 triple A. Wora three times. Phone 329. FOR SALE Medium sised fur coat and neckpiece. Electric percolator. 324 W. 4th. RED APPLES. 50c and 75c box. Bring boxes. 1QI W. llth. FOR SALE Standard sugar pine shakes. Inquire at 408 Benson at. FOR SALE Eiectroluitu like new; waS nut dining table, large heater. 02 So. Riverside or Tel. 744-Y. THANKSGIVING special: Bulk wine, pint. 25c. Sherry, To&ay. Muscatel Port. Angelica. BEVERAGE SHOP, 208 E. 8th St. We deliver. TeL 581. KLAMATH alfalfa hay, baled. 72&-R. Phone FOR SALE Cheap. 2 2-wheel trailers Medford Poultry and Egg Co. APPLES Wa deliver. Tel 132-L. APPLES Several varieties aebhajds. mile northeast Central Point. FOR SALE Baled oat hay and feed Wheat. O. A- DeVoe. 533-J-2. FOR SALE OR TRADE .22 1. rifle for wardrobe trunk. 413 W. 2nd before 8. FOR SALE Grapes. 5. A. M&nke 2 miles east ol Jacksonville, adjoin ing former Clancy orchard. FOR SALE Buzz-saw, 723 Welch. DRIVEWAY MATERIAL 3 Sizes Of rock at tt.60 per yard, delivered. Bite man Phone i?34- Y or S12-J FINE Red spitzenburg and Newtown apples for sale at Ala Vista Packing Rouse. 327 So Fit St. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENT We are ready for business in our 'new location corner S. Fir ana etn t. MEDFORD PIPE AND MACHINERY COMPANY. PERSONAL 3IFTED PSYCHIC gives advice on all affairs of life. 903 No, Riverside. E00FIN0 ROOFING Let us inspect four roof before the ram? sessos Th.'s ser vice ts free Cat! 370. ftognt Rivet Hoofing Co. BUSINESS CHASCES WANTED A man and wife to rent service station and ators v-'ell lo cated on highway, Odo4 proposition for party wita small eapltal. Phone 417. 7000 APARTMENT only MS00. Ail rented, 105 monthly 11500 down, balance $25 monthly. Phone own er. 1388. BUSINESS DIHECTOaV JACKSON COUNT? ABSTRACT CO. ASstracte 0! Tltl and Title Insurance The only complete Title system in jaczaoa County. MURRAi ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of Title Room s ana no. North Central Ave., upatatra. Nursery Stock FOR HIGHEST QUALITY pear treea. peach, aprloot. cherry, apple, al mond, ftlbert, and wamut tree, roses, berrle. grape. n hrn at Bintls price PBona Bai-K-a or call t W. B Barnum. 3 miles south or Meaioro OS to Ever Shad? auto samp. Caritjn Nursery. Carlton. Oregon. Money to Lend MONEY LOANED 50 So MQ for persona) ol house&oW purpose on H-wiae piirnishJng ol Aatos; also Cars Refinanced Loan closed wlthm 30 ramute Ltcenae So S 157 See W s r&onssa A So Cen tral Tr infer. EADS IHANSKER ft STORAGE CO Ofllf 101 No Central Phone 1 Prlcea rlat Seritoe guaranteed TRUCK! NO AND STORAGE Uxal an tong dlstsnc Bsnitng faral ture mo.lni? e?c ssmoSe rate Tel 813 9 Ssmaro Co HAWbEV TRANSFER - Eipert pc. era ems movers Speet-1 uve.nrcj m'iT'.na equipment Prices -tgnt. KorWt BMwtilS. gbua tit. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Expert Window Cleaners. LET OEOROE DO rt - IW. 1172 House cleaning floor waxing, ori ental rug cleaning and upholstering LEGAL NOTICES Warrant Call Notice la hereoy given that School District No. 49. Jackson Comity war rant No. 15225 to No. 15440 inclus ive are called for payment. Interest to cease on November 25. 1935. War rants to be presented for payment at the office of the District Clerk, City Hall, Medford, Oregon. REBECCA JENSEH, Clerk School District No. 49. Call for tvarrauls Kotice Is hereby given that there are funds on hand for the redemption of warrant Nos. 80 to 88. inclusive. dra-vn on School District No. 18. In terest ceases November 25, 1935, Pay able at First National Bank, Medford, Oregon. S. if. DAVIS, Clerk School District So. 16. Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon in and for Jackson county. In the Matter of the Partnership Es tate of Paul Wesley Taylor, Deceas ed and John R. Bierina. The undersigned having been ap- pointed Administrator of the partner- ship estate of Paul Wesley Taylor, De ceased, and John . Vienna, notsee is hereby given to all persons having cialms against said Estate to .present them to the undersigned at the office of Boggs St Boggs. Lawyers. Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice, which i November 18. 1935. JOHN R. BIERMA. Administrator of the Partnership Estate of Paul Wesley Taylor, De ceased, and John R. Bierma. Tonn of Talent Jackson County. Oregon Sewage Disposal PrJt-et P. W. A. IhRket So. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals endorsed "Propos als foe the Construction of Sewage Disposal Project" will be received by the Town Council of the Tows of Talent, Oregon, at the office of the Town Recorder, Talent, Oregon, until 2;00 P. M , Pacific Standard Time, on the 2nd day of December. and will then bo publicly opened and read. The work for which proposals are Invited will be paid for in cash and Includes the following Divisions; DIVISION A SEWERS. This Divis ion Involves the following approxi mate amounts of sewer work: 4-tnch Sewers 6-tnch Sewers S-inch Sewers . Standard Manholes Lnmpholes Concrete Cradle and Encasement , Rock Excavation ........ Additional Earth Excavation Additional Class A-l Concrete; Rollroad Crossings Specials .........,.... DIVISION B SEWAGE TREAT- . ME NT PLANT. This Division includes the construction of the Sewage treat ment Plant including a Screen Chamber, Settling Tanks. Trickling Filter, Contact Tank and appurten ance. Siudtfc Drying Beds, and mis cellaneous plant sewers. Proposals must be mad upon blank forms furnished by the Town of Talent, Oregon, and in accordance with the "Requirements for Bidding and Instructions to Bidders," Atten tion Is called to the Prequallftcatlon Requirements, Chapter 225, Laws of Oregon. 1931. Requirement for Bidding and In structions to Bidders. Form of Pro posal, Federal Construction Regula tions, Contract, Specifications and Plans mav be obtained as fallows: DIVISION A SEWERS, from the office of the Town Recorder of Tal ent, Oregon, and from F. H. Walker. 419 Liberty St., Ashland, Oregon, Mail Tribune Daily v ACROSS 2. List of Sftors la a play 5. Mtmtc t. Phitippins Negrito 12, Measure of uperflciai surface tt. Rescue U. At present 15. footway 16. PinltltiK at- tachment to ft efjwing machine it. Fronen water ZU UlvMnnm of a military front 35. WrhinR Implement 36. Dras loosely 27. Manner 29. Not bright 32, Tavern 32. Game of change 5$. At mi main tn Crste U. Minster's title: sbbr. sf. Enjtiish rivsr 4ft. Part of a curve c.utSn of SiituriJey' Pauls G KjElAjpgStKh asaIse liWWOTr H YmIh m sKMrels It s p mgp h p Rl E wh - sMsja,s HllTllL WcjA nlJF g A WlE W A WAS hIeL i IpIpIeInIt IsMtIaIg 44. Havings handie 47. Ueiic&ii rub far tree it, Oav park 6. Ju!s Verrt character St. Anger 65. Rend ssunS 66. Animii't stomsch tl. Wt snfl soii by K?. J'(n bug rtrnggmR on S I'wpnsi the ground $5. Story: roiloq. 7 12 13 14 I , S 16 17 8 f o t - ' "'; ''-'-' V' ' ',y.('j fa 3 T so si sT sT 54 y. SS " Jo Jj .:t, S3 I I s i t I t t 1 f I 1 DIVISION B SEWAGE TREAT MENT PLANT, from the office at the Town Reorder of Talent. Oregon, snd from the office of the Engineers, Greeley and Hansen, S No. Michigan Ave., Chicago. I1U upon deposit of Tea Dollars (1000, for the Sewer psn and Specifications, and fir teen DoILira i15.00 for the Sewage Treatment Plant Plana and ijpectflca- s ered a Judgment sgslnat Laura J. Alm tlens. which sums so deposited will f trur, the- defendant, Jar th sum of be refunded to bona fide bidden if I woo 00, together with Interest there- said Plans and Specif toattoa are re- j turned within fif teen daya alter tne 'opening of olds. In caaea where no, sons fide bids are made, one-half t l of the above deposits will be refund- ed upon such return of Plana and: Specifications. . Bscs proposal must contain tne full ; name of every person or company m- terested In the same and shall be ac companied by a certified check made payable to the Treasurer of trte vavm of Talent. Qreeon. & bid bond or a cash deposit, equivalent to five 5i percent of the proposal; this sura to guarantee that if a proposal U ac cepted ft contract will be entered Into and Its performance properly secured. Prior to entering into contract for the work the contractor shall furnish a performance bond In the full amount of his contract and shall pre sent evidence of approved public 11 biiitv insurance. The work is to be paid for in whole or in part out of funds furnished by the Unlied States Government and ' all work and material must be per formed and or furnished us ftccora ance with the rules and regulations relating to applicants and projects under the Emergency Appropriation Act of 1935. Attention is called to tha fact that employees, on thta work must be paid not less than the mtnimtim hourly rates of wages set out In the Federal Construction Regulations. The mini mum rate for skilled labor i fO.85, semi-skilled or intermediate ciassea o? labor. aS.55. and the minimum rate for common labor la 80.50. Acceptance of the proposal or pro posals and the awarding of the con tract or contracts is conditioned upon satisfactory assurance that tha Town of Taieni will be able to secure from the Federal Emergency Administra tion of Public Wcks the icl neces sary to finance the project Tae Town of Talent reserves the right to hold bids fer a period of sixty days from the date of the opening thereof. The United States Employment Service has designated an agency at Medford, Oregon, to furnish taoorj lists for this work. The Town of Talent reserve the right to reject any or all bids, waive or sot waive any informalities In the fcida received and to accept any bid for any division or combination of divisions, or for any alternate type of construction on any division or part of any division which it deems 4.000 ttn. ft. . 38.100 lln. ft. 3.000 lln. ft, ..,.. 62 . 10 i!0 Un. ft. 10 cu. yd. .. 23 cu. yd. 5 cu, yd. .,.. 3 . 135 moafc favorable. The right is further reserved to omit an item of Division B from the contract. The award of contract Is aubjetrt to the approval of the State Director (P. W. A.t Acceptance or rejection of proposals will be nrnde as soon a practicable after the bids are received and passed upon by the State Director (P. W. A.i Dated this 5th day of November. IS35, TOWN OF TALENT, OREGON. B? WILLIAM T. HART, Major. ATTEST: EDITH COCHRAN, Town Recorder. Firat Publication on November 11, 1935. Second Publication on November 18. 1935. Third Publication on November 35, 1335, GU8SMFFB Repair, rot atl msjees of suna stma Bro. 33 H nr. Cross - Word Puzzle I, Gives and received f. Msanfng IQ. Implement 11. Twisted IT. Salutation 19. Gatherer 31. ms cfrcuisrlj 33. Sa bird 33. On who so licit from hous to houss ti, GSutted 23. player at children' came 30. Pagan god 31, liair eov-ftrtng csruin ant ma nertrs $t. Draft animal t3. Instrumen tality 4t. Rodent 43. Mora dfs- courteow 44. fry and iarrt 45. R(man tyrant 45. City to Penn- yvanSa . Period just preceding sf avsnt Sh Ap &Z, iingur 3. Foiiesa DOWN S. Beadpiscs 8. Soathsrs con ateliatfon t. of tennis Karnes 4. Lsrgest of ths Sfscisty S Turkish mt of in o nay i, Crnny Kaitce of ft Tiff ml. I Br vtrtue of s eseeuuon irt fow- closure duly :ss'.ii1 out of ani under s the seal of the Circuit Court of the? State of Orsgos, is and fcr the Coun ty of Jackson, a me directed and dated on the 30th tsy of November, ;35. In a certain ault ihreinu where in Sarah Gartner as pHintiff reeov- on from March SSta, IS35, at the rate of S't, per annum until paid, and lor trie further sum of tsSjtKJ attorney lees and the costs ana disbursements of thla auit taxed In the sum of 511.50, which Jurraent was enrolled and docketed in the clerk's office of "d Court on the aoth day or .No- vember, Notice is hereby gives that, pursu ant to the terms of said execution, 3 wilh on the 28th da? of December, t835, at to o'clock a, at the front door of the Courthouse $n the City of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon offer for s3 and will sell at public suction according to law for cash to the highest bkider, SHbj?e to redemp tion as provided by law for the pur pose of satisfying said Judgma&t to gether with trie costs ot tat sale, all of the right, title ntf interest that the said defendant, Laura 3. Aiming had on the 2Sth day of July. 1934, in and to the following describ ed real estate, situated: Is the County of Jackson. Srefce of Oregon to-wife Lot numbered Seven and the North Half of Lot numbered Etht m in Block Four 4 in the Orig inal Town f now CHy of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon. Dated tills 2lst cf November, 1935. SVD . BROWN, Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. By HOWARD OAULT. Deputy. Meteorological Report November 35, 5335. Fawsasfs Medford and v5c!nHy: Unsettled tonight and Tuesday, with occasional rain. Little chang Sn temperature. Oregon . Unsettled tonight and Tuesday. Occasional rais west and north portion. Snow in mouniain. Little change in temperature, Lcal f5s?a. Temperature year ago today: Highest, 52; lowest, 37, Total monthly precipitation 0.93 Inches, Deficiency for ifes month OS? inches, Total preelpttaitoE alaee Septem ber 1, 1935, M7 feehes. Deficiency for the season 0 39 inches. Relative fcumimtT at 5 p.m. yes terday, 73 per cetttj S a,m, today 100 per cent. Tomorrow : 4:43 p.m. Sunr5se 7r34j sunset Observations Tafeen at 5 A USt& Meridian Time H orrt j Boise .... - 38 s eioady Boston - S4 20 Clear ; Chicago m 33 T Cloudy ; Denver -- 4S 34 Clear Eurelt . 50 .... Helena 4 28 Clear f Los Angelea - 82 54 Clear MEDFORD 53 33 Ciouny t New York 39 2S T Ciear Omaha S4 32 P. Cdy. Phoeniir. T4 5a .06 Clear Portland SS Cloudy Reno 46 28 Clear HGse&urg . ?8 4 T SST gait L5ce 46 26 Clear ton Francisco-- 58 SQ ClotKJy Seattle 54 44 X52 Cloudy ; Spoksne 3S 34 T Cloudy I Walla Wall 38 jWsshJagton, D.C. 45 3 T C!oUi$y k ' 1 THE GRANGE PhsenSx ilratsjs. Horn Soonn.T.:." elat? of Phoerils Or nee met at tne home of Mr. A! P!oyt tat Wedrssidar. with eorerw! lth dinner at nocm. Eleven members and Sws a: a swrs present to erijo? th day. A bualnes meeting wex rteld In tne afternoon wseis plan 9?er made for the winter month. A committee vaa appointed to ptn-ehaaft material for tha lodge room tspstalr. Tae com mittee named waa Mrs, C. A. Fictte, Mr. LSUlas Coleman r,a Mrs. i. o. CaMer. Other plan wer made for beaotifrtaa; tl sail. Next wgalar meeting f Phoenla Orang will b Tueadsjr night, No vember 2S. No refrsmerit commit tee wa appointed for tht meeting, out ell ladle were inasnisttd ts brine a paper bag lunch for two and all men re Irsatmcted to bring an extra IS cents to parehaae titaeh. Th lec turer 1 planning art Interesting pro gram. AU member at urged to be oa head and start the wtntsr meet ing with ood attendans andl tn terei. THANKSGIVING DANCE AT APPLEGATE GRANGE Applerat Orange announce Thankaglrtng danes to b gften Trtaraday nening at MM Aopi(!u Qransa halt. A turkey asper wlU b served, and good muais i -promised by th committee in crire. srery one 1 tntfitect. WfFE SLAYER PAYS IN ELECTRIC CHAIR Texaa, ttomaUier SS ftfP) w. ft. Klfdreth, -jer-old tomoMe salesman, who atabbed fel wlf So detb with as Ice-ptck. w elactrocyted fear eri? today, Hildreth had no alatement to mx ss he wa led down death row to the execution ehamber at mldnlgh. he wa declared dod at -3 '.3 a. m. Phor.s Ma Wel rss'Jl wy your fensr Citj Ssrjitary Servtc BUCKINGHAM' Cream Wffs A- 35c is- Tii CrciW 2it 8- CvuUai. UNIT McLeod McLEOD, Ho?. 35, Spl. Mr. and von Stein marjEeiesl ThsnlEsgiSKE turlteys Tueseisy. They feei quite for tunate in hsring saved & trailer Head of turkeys front deatmcUoa when their car and trailer were forced into a ditch tn passing another car. Tne trailer turned over, landing tne niseis oa the canvas covering. & sr uek pmt ed them back onto tne roaci and Mrs, von Stein, who was tLrisisg ssUn- ued on to Mwiford and sold hss Vi? kea with practically no less tn th? birds, thotigh the traiier was kkss- wht damaged. Mr. and Sfra. Harold ?7ton arM family hare moved Into the tenant house of the Hwting ranch, the for mer Peyton place. Mr. and Mr. E. L. Gias3 and dsuKh- ter enuDK Sir. and Mrs. H- M- von Stein, Mr. and Mrs, K. V. Ohrt and Neville von Stein helped tet, and Mss Boh Adworth wlllk theis turke? plcX- ing Thursday. The birds -sre ts ex celent eonditios and Mr, Miwsrih sett them at top prices in Medford Friday. .Mrs. Zella Tuilln and danghtftr, and George Hastings made & hminsaa trip to Medford Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Cnariea Mcmtyra at Fresno have been vtsttmg at the Mullen home this weeStu Mr. Mcln- tyre la Mrs, Mullen's son. Mr. McCoy ha recover?i3 from hla recent lllneaa suffletenUy t fee up and abound again. S. Peyton of Aberdeen, Wa., spent seyerai days at the Hasting heme last week. We are glad to hear that Jim Had gtn U recovering from his Illness. Elbert Glass shot a cub bear its his clover field near hi barn last Wed nesday, The bear dressed St lbs. and th fetda will soon adorn ths hearth of the Class home. Fred and Henry Swift O? Klamath Falls were Sunday Tutors at the C. H. Peyton home. Mir. and Mrs. frank Di is worth. Mrs. Z. B. Sublettv Bob AH worth, KeviSl von Stein and S. P. Ohrt wera among Mcleod residents who spent Friday In Medford. Mr. Kern of the Copco staff show ed Copco pictures at Rogue Thursday evening before ths opening of ths Grange, a large crowd attend ed and many favorabls comments were heard about ths plctursa. There will he no meeting sf ths McLeod Home Extension mii for No vember because of the insbiiity ol members to attend the training meet ins. Instead ths McLeod Sadies ara aslEed by Mrs. Macs to attend tea meeting scheduled by the Trail tmit for Dec, 13 at ths home of Mrs, Fran Is Ash. The Udtes ars asScd to bring their sewing kits and Include odd bit of colored yarns and embroidery threads for lessons ss racial embroid ery, which will be demonstrated by ths TrsH dsdie. Gordon Zdington of Kismath Fsiisv brother of Mrs. C. S. Close, is hers to spend the winter with Mr, and Mrs. Close. Griffin Creek ORIFFIN CREEK. Nor. 23. (Spt H Victor Barto, wno ba been tar- toe wKB the Brtarp famttr. left San day morning for San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Vinson bar returned bom from a tti sreete' ilstt with relative in Catlforrtfa. Mr, and Kra. Oeorga CBaodtsr and smsll d5i(srt ara spendins few dT here at their hem to Bar Hollow. Mr. "Fred Hamlin retttrned ftsm iaat week-end; from rrer5 wee spent fn Portland Tiatttna; reJaMw. Sir, and Mrs. H. 7. WBesatan Central Point, wer dinner ptet laat Sundai- at the 3, FX Brown home. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Brawn and daughter, VMan. also spent the daj with horn folk. : Mr. Malt! Voset entertatoed Fri day evening with a shower ftsnor- inc Mr. and Mr. Haj DanW. was were recently mamed, i ..ry celred man lovetv sifts. About sayenrr-Srw neoni rnfosed th erenlne of rlsiting and dancing. Mr. and Mr. S. O. Steam n been Terr boar tht week niasmg and getting turkey ready for th TnankiKlrtng market. GUARD MEIERS WILL FORM CLUI Enlisted men of eompanf A. tWth InfantrT. and headquarter co". ;s r. 7. third battaHon, will fortnalir organ!!! a club after the weekly drtu at ts armory tomorrow night it wa an nounced tooay by Oapt. Cart It ptpg wald, company A commander, Officer wilt be elected and t con stitution and by-law adopted. AU nlltd men wr ursed by apt. TerwaM to be present. On of trte purpose of the efcl men' club 1 to stimulate athietls aotlritle, and tt 1 planned ts sr. gsnir aewaj lAjtetlsll and ether tem. Capt. Tfnwald seid. A club room at the Armory i being fitted up for th new organisation. Ping-pong, pool "and Wlliar tab! a-tit M arallabla a welt a a reading From now cat refreshment: will fee served at th armory after tt drift each Tuesday night, T&sgwxld: atated sriTOow outsa w sen window glass and will reolac ymtf brtkeo window reasonaoly Trowaridg Cab-Wua. Briefs Central Point CENTRA FGfKT Not. 2i-Spt The date of the monthly Berean class party of the federated church. to be held at ths home of Rev. b4 Mrs. R C. Lewis, is changed to Thurs day Dec. 19, instead of the resrirfs second Thursday, and will be a Tule tide party. Mr. and Mr. Psrfce of Befhngham, Ws who are en route to southern California to spend the winter, and atsjtpiRg is various towns to vtat Orange meetings, were wtta ths Cen tral Poias Orange Friday night s4 bosh gTs Interesting talks. Owing; to ths absence of worthy master V. BurseU, Miss lol Biaci ford acted as grand master, being the first womaa ia Central PoJnfe Grange( to offlelata as master. Resent guests at the C. M. Mer rltt horns were Mrs. H. M. Park hum of Rocfeford, 111., snd Mrs. J. t QU son, of Kiamath Fallal Both latlles are nieees of Mrs. Merrltt. who. had not seen Mrs. Parfehurst for thlTty years. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Etde Mr. and; Mrs. Carl Haver snd daughter,, Care- jya and Mr. and Mrs, Harry Tana -ere entertained Friday evening the honje of Mr. snd Mrs. John Behs ert with raffle supper and erening o? games. Miss Arlene Inmaa and lit tle Miss Marilyn Bohaert were also present. Bill Snyder, now at tend I ox O. is s member of the colieee glee club and also appears over KOAC as plana sicut, in a program called "Oa Sfe Camp uses. OeraMlns 4one arrived from Dans- mulr Tuesday to attend the ianersi service of Mrs. Steele. SISKIYOU AIRPORT PLANS APPROVED YR2XA. Git, JJOT. 25 fSpl.) &p smving 16,000 to be expended em the Montague airport and 5S,000 fop tha Mott airport were matters teeters a special meeting of the county sup ervisors last week, ?2nM setion on ths Most emerg ency Airport in the southern end of ths eonniy was postponed tmtil the December meeting. A large amount was aporowd for th Mors ta?;;e airport aa It Is In the : &ns of travel for the mala enipes Searoety day passes that some ; plane does not land there. The worlc is & WPA project and iSiij-veyor Parrot t. after a complete sarrey of the airport, said that prob ably a cross runway of about feet and 200 feet wide would be mad and graveled. This will be at right angles with the present tasway, which Is 3350 feet and has sever beea quite completed. Th preaeni runvar wiU probabif : fee re-graveled,- SEND KERRIGAN TO TATE HOSPITAL AAICLANt, 35 8pt Vtettcr 3, K?rrU?an, Aahlar, "was commit .d to ths hospiiaj Uxe ib InaariS last ive9e fey ths fwleral court in Portland, wbers h arpcarc4 cm of seUInt &5tior to InSUns m Kiamath count?, scoorxtf&g to In iorm&Uzm reiwS hem hf Chltt cJ PoSJes . P. Talent. Ksrrlgais will be reniembersd hr tor hU attempts last wnm;r to pro mota & mtJonftl Indlaa comentioit stall rodeo la Aahlsrwi and two ? ats lawjr on charges at disorderly conduct, one of w&tcit reatittecf In 30 la?' imprisoanicnt to count? jait PsychUtrUc reversed tlw liscirtoa to send him to 5lcNta laUrut oa th Hquor charge &y prxmounctn? him in mn thy wr cal!ct bits trta ea tf the court. RGXY ANN GRANGE TO DANCE ON WEDNESDAY Rosy Ann Orange wfil celebrate it teat anltsrsarf with, s danc fe Orange? and their friend at th b8 Wednesday eyentng. sfusle wBi b fumisaed by th jackaonrtita orciw. tra, and a good tim tt aaroreit. IrrleatNm Increase, obboom omr, cJot, as fA? Irrigated area of Ciacfcama eouatr wttt ahow a S3 per cent lucre thl year orar last when th Wot pro ject to completed, Ieroy Wright. -stotant county agent, said today. Th Viola project, which wiii water 35S acres, wilt bring this year iss crease to 1000 acre. Pay Own Education, MONMOUTH. Ore. SOT, JS-tAK Oregon Ksrmal school offictais w porud that S9 student war srss lug part o! their higher edueatsos 3sat under tb program of th n tioaat yonth dmSnitrtSo. Twenty -nirw of iai number r men and St women, wha arerage from to gtS.4S month, chiefly from elerteat work. Weather. Sorthera Cailfornl: Fair Sonttht and Tuewtay, btit local momlng fsgr no cttang in temperature; gent northwest wind off th coast. Oregon; Unsettled tonight nJ Tuesday, with occasion) rain ts wst arsd north Bcrtlona; ms la mouniain: Jlitl erisrure Ir? iemper tttre; freah ttroag soytherty wind ism an