PAGE SEVEN HIGH SCHOOL CAST: IS SELECTED FOR "Big Broadcast" Coming Thursday Now at Craterian On Rialto Bill Roxy Headliner Starred with Ben Bernle and his lads. Raft plays an ex-convict who turns straight for a chance to Join Bernle and his tads on transconti nental amusement tour. MFPFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1935. "I flew low over the beach of one of these islands and clearly saw foot prints in the sand." The Straits Steamship company Issued instructions to land host parties at Sayer Island and seared the Jungles, ... Power Rates Filed SALEM. Ore.. Nov. 23. (AP) The Brookings Light A Power Co. today filed Its first tariffs with the state utilities commissioner. The company was recently organized to begin op erations December 10. The student of MMford high ohool will present "The Plr&te of Penunce," a Gilbert and Sullivan opera,, on the nights of Dec. 9 and 10 In the high school auditorium, It was announced by 'Esther Church Leake, Mlaa Ploy Young and Wilson Walt, di rectors of the production. A special performance will be given Saturday morning, Dec. 7 for students from all grade and high schools In the county. The principals of the cast consist ing entirely of high school student have been selected as follows: Harvey Field In the role of the pirate chief. Dale Slma and Robert Cherry alternating In the part of the chief's lieutenant, Jack Dennlson as Frederick, Marvin Burke as Major General Stanley, Delmar Wright aa the sergeant of police, Mary Anne Gates as Mabel, Doris EUenburg as Kate, Marguerite Loom an as Edith, Jean Horton as Isabel, and El nor a jioffenbarger and Betty Paeke alter nating In the part of Ruth. This cast will be supported by ninety voices of two glee clubs and the music appreciation class. Miss Elizabeth Crlsell, art super visor, is designing the stage screens with a setting of a pirate cavern on a rock bound sea coast. Miss Crisell ha had extensive art training In California and Oregon and is new on the teaching staff this year. Miss Maurlne Carroll, clothing In structor, will supervise costume de signs, and Lei and Mentzer, Industrial art teacher, will direct the handling of stage properties. E AT L The Lone Pine school, on the western slope of Roxy Ann, which during the summer constructed a new building. Is undergoing many more improvements. Green stain is being applied to the new roof and the grounds are being leveled near the new addition. Changes have also been made In side the building, such as reflrfl&h Ing desks, repainting needed furni ture, and Installing new bulletin boards In each room. These Improve ments will make the building and grounds more beautiful, also giving the pupils and community more to be proud of. TO STATE SALEM. Nov. 33. (AP) Liquor tales during the first 10 months of this year In Oregon totaled $4,545.- 760, with the month of October set ting the high point with sales of 383.670. Arthur K. McMahan, chair man of the liquor control commls si on, estimated that In November sales will approach the half million dollar mark. Profits to the state from sales and revenue both for the year to date was $1,471,394, Of which $575,640 was for beer licenses and tax on wines and beer. CASE TO MONDAY PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 33. (AP) Circuit Judge Hall S. Lusk recessed the Oorge L. Fielder murder tnaj until Monday, after three defense witnesses and one state rebuttal wit ness testified. The state charged that Fielder am' bushed Deputy Sheriff Ernest C. Loll when he wsa seeking the 33-year-old Portlsnd youth to arrest him for out of season pheasant hunting. Fielder testified thst he bleated Loll twice with shotgun only be cause he feared the officer would shoot him. One of the year's most outstand ing musical casts has been assem bled for "Big Broadcast of 1936," coming Thursday to the Craterlan theater as a special Thanksgiving day treat for film-goers. Included are, reading from left to right, be ginning with the top row, Blng Crosby, Ethel Merman, Amos 'n Andy, Grade Allen, George Burns, Bill Robinson. Jack Oakle. Lyda Robertl. Charles Ruggles, Mary Boland. Henry Wadsworth, Wendy Barrle and Rav Noble, the popular English band leader, who appears with his fa mous orchestra. The plot of the story relates the hilarious entanglements of two radio entertainers when they become In volved In the love life of an eccen tric countess. One an announcer, the other a singer, they hope to compete In and win a 250.000 ad vertising contract In an Interna tional radio contest. How they win the contest after being whisked away to a dangerous Island on the coun tess' yacht, results In a series of exciting experiences. ALL BUT 1 BOARD MEIER SELECTED FOR CAPITOL JOB SALEM, Nov. S3. (AP) The nw state capltol commission, with the exception of one member yet to be named, was complete today. Governor Martin, President Horry Corbett of the senate and Speaker Howard Latourette of the house last night made known the appointment of eight of the nine-member com mission authorized by the special legislative session. Latourette was un decided on his third choice. One woman, Mrs. Edith Waldo Johnson of the .Waldo HUls district near Salem, was named by Governor Martin to serve on the commission. The other appointees were: Dr. H. H. dinger of Salem. T. H. Ban Held of Portland and Robert W. Sawyer of Bend, appointed by Presi dent Corbett. J. H. Lake, union labor represen tative of Portland, and J. A. McLean of Eugene were named by Speaker Latourette. Governor Martin's remaining two appointees were Dr. Ernest C. Dalton of St. Helens and G. A. Marshall, livestock raiser living near McEwan in Baker county. It was understood Latourette had wanted to name as his third member, A. A. Smith of Baker. PORTLAND BANDIT GANG CAPTURED Sparkling romance, tinged with riotous comedy, ma&os '1 Live Mj Life," Joan Crawford's newest star ring picture, opening a three-day run at the Craterlan theater today, lilm entertainment that strikes the modern tempo. Showing Miss Crawford as the ultra-modern society girl with so phisticated Ideas of men and mar riage, "I Live My Life" portrnyB the fast-moving events In the life of the girl when she meets a man who fails to see her point of view, but nevertheless falls hend-over-heels in love with her and decides to teach her the meaning of real love. A brilliant supporting cast. Includ ing Brian Aherne as the two-fisted lover, Frank Morgan, Aline MacMa hon, Eric Blore, Fred Keating. Ar thur Treacher and Jessie Ralph, play an Important part In making the film enjoyable throughout. 31 FOR VOTE THREATS WASHINGTON, Nov. 23. (UP) Senator William E. Borah, Republi can, Idaho, tonight "assumed" for the purpose of writing a letter that he Is a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination. The senator emphasized that hl6 assumption was merely temporary for the time It required him to write a stinging rebuke to the Society for the Advancement of Colored People, which had threatened political re prisals for Borah's stand against the antl-Iynchlng bill. But political cir cles saw In the letter a further hint of Borah's plans for 1936. Borah, progressive leader of the senate and sponsor of a resolution to Investigate alleged religious per secutions In Mexico, told Walter White, secretary of the association, that he would veto a lynching bill "should the unexpected and , great honor come to me of being president." SCOTTISH RITE Inauguration and Instal lation of officers of Conn, ell and Consistory will be held at Masonic Hall at 8 P. M. Monday. Nv. 25th. All 32nd degree Masons In Southern Oregon urged to be present. L. E. WILLIAMS. SeCty. IN STATE OKED PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. 23. fAP) The PWA approved 81 new Oregon projects totaling $1,628,000. C. O Hockley, state public works ad ministration director, stated today. Hockley, Just back from Washing ton, D. C, said the projects Include schools, water supplies, sewer sys tems, city halls and courthouses. The recipient of the loans and grants must make provision at once for repayment of the 65 per cent representing the loans. Contracts e ' - ' An entertaining musical romance, "Music Is Magic' featuring blonde, blue-eyed Alice Pave, plays today and Monday at the Rialto theater. Ray Walker, handsome young Juve nile, Is co-featured with the singing star in this picture. Included In the cast are srreen land's "goofiest" comedians, Mitchell and Durant; Bebe Daniels, Roslna Lawrence and Luis Albernl. The fast-moving, nparkllng story relates the adventures of two young lovers. Miss Faye and Walker, who go to Hollywood to seek fame and fortune. After many trials and tribu lations, they achieve their goal and Miss Faye skyrockets to fame. This la all brought about when Miss Faye gets a part in the chorus of a film musical in which Miss Daniels la starred. During rehearsals Misa Daniels haa an accident and has to forfeit her part to Miss Faye. Things start from there, and when you're not cheering the music, you'll be laughing at the fun. must be awarded by December IS, h said. B .1 ' Vwt t" i M --v' -1H Cast In the leading role of "Stolen Harmony," playing today and Mon day at the Roxy theater, George Raft again returns to the type or characterization that shot him to stardom in "Scnrface." BUT FUTILE, THAT LOST FLYER SAFE SINOAPORE. Straits Settlement. Nov. 23. ( AP) Reports that foot prints were seen In the sand or Saver Island, off the west coast of Slam, brought fresh hopes today that the missing Sir Charles Kingsford Smlth might still be nllve. Captain Hussoy, captain of a plane which flew over that area after a steamer reported seeing flnres rising from the island, said : 'I searched all six Saver Islands and am certain there was nothing on four of them, but I cannot be sure about the others which were covered with Jungle growth. Marble Corner JACKSONVILLE Sandwiches. Wine, Beer Featuring hllmlrntded requests Dancing Every Night Vern Ren at the Piano Brill Metal Wks. Inc , General Sheet Metal nnd Steel Fnhrlcntlnn Heatint; Oil Burner lOfl E. 8th Tel. 418 Coolidpe Bodyguard niee. CHICAGO. Nov. 23. (AP) Henry Buck" Corcoran, 49. secret service member and bodyguard of former Presidents Coolldge and Hoover, died today of heart disease. Pie and Bullioirl II D I I II I 1 Ul UeiMedbr Sttta ol Cklllorak EtfWthtii I90T WILDBBRGBROS. SMELTING & RKl'ININQ CO. Offices: 742 Msrk.t St. ,S.n - Phnti Smith fin Fmi: Adult. Klddlc-lOo IT PUTS NEW MAGIC IN MUSIC! A glorious singing star . . . the screen's nut tiest comedians . . . gor geous girls . . . gay tunes ... In a hilari ous tale of a small time actress who took Hollywood by storm! Cse Mall Tribune want ads. Hoover At Battle PALO ALTO. Cal.. Nov'i 33. (AP) Herbert Hoover went to the "big game" today as a rooter for his alma mater. Stanford university. PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 23. (AP) Ernest Lawson, who detectives said had knowledge of activities of princi pals In a series of brazen holdups here, received a 30-day Jail sentence today on charges of state vagrancy. Municipal Judge Donald E. Long Imposed the sentence as a means of holding Lawson until further investi gation la made. Detectives said he had no part In the activities. Three others were held on assault and robbery charges and police sought two more. Chief of Police Harry Nlles warned that anyone harboring the fugitives would be vigorously prosecuted. inwm Card of Thank, W wlah to extend our most olnoere thank, to all our nl!ibor and frlenda lor their kind ntnce dur ing the Illness and death of our Dear Husband and rather. Also for the many beautiful flowera and words of 5-mpath7 and to those In chan?. of the mnslc for the beautiful numbers rendered. Mrs. I. I. YosKum. Mm Louise Yoakum. Mlsa Pauline Yoak um, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Hsle. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. Alvn Yoakum. Mr. Harold ToeJtum, Mr. and Mrs. Gallen Yoakum. ELKS CLUB Thanksgiving Charity Dance WEDNESDAY Good Music Good Fun Admission $1.00 couple Today and Monday! PLAY, MAESTRO, PLAY! A Brand mix ture of merry met odritnl and mellow mitftlct Imaxlne the Old R Hs 'j 1. l e a t r o plavlnx Rsft . . . Yownahl m GEORGE RAFT TT V ?f ,,u urnvir Bin DtnHIE Was an Mil ) with Grac Bradley I ri l Adrian BFTTT BOOP CARTOON sport Oel "nl News Erentf it You'll All Agree! 1 H ALlCiEFAYE M RAY WALKER Mm BEBE DANIELS MITCHELL and DURANT SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTIONS "Hooray for Rhythm" Musical Reel Newireel. Cameramen Adventures "Five PupleU" Cartoon New Events UIEY MET... THEY KISSED... HE (what an I old-fashioned boy!) INSISTED SHE MARRY HIM! She wanted love in the rough and she got it . . . she wanted to live her life as she pleased . . . and she did, fast and furious . . . until the right man slowed her down to a walk! Home m ldife1 t 1 S 4 '. .- n' . TODAY! WITH BRIAN AHERNE FRANK MORGAN ALINE MacMAHON ERIC BLORE 7 -iff- Law XI Joan 4 .. ?y&rSlfWMA -a . 11 fj- i at her best.. more glamorous than ever in new gowns by Adrian . . in the daring story of a modern miss who did at all girls would like to do ... ot would they? Selected Short Subjects Shows Today 1:45-3:15 0:45-9:00 Mats-25c Eves3Dc Kiddics-lOc 3