PAGE FOURTEEN 'MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKL), OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22; 1933. MEDF0K1)WTRIBUNE K-riD ID Mtiatharn 4lr.iiB II.,. I. 111' " rrll"" IMIt Uirrul Hlurdr HuDllel'.ri Or SIBUKMRD PHINTINI1 CO I.3(.S N I'll Kl J" RUHKRT VV HIIHU ti'Utm. An fnnio'ii.'- W'11"' J1?.""'.! HIIBafllllPTlUN BATES 8 SLII Id A'l.nnca: DMIj. o" "r: Dll. ' ll'OUthS Ollly. OOS n"l" .Slj . . Uftfri. Alt, rilliwey. 14.01, Dully. "I' , s, Dlly. i i""""" ,o Dally. Hi' month. All terms. o I" 'IvmiCD. omciDi imp.. ..rih' o "' "','"'d Olllrlal Pi" Ihi Iiid f.mml H..-!vlns Hill lux-rt . A .CI.1M Hr. c,,,!",', .11 lie. orartltart 10 this iuudi. ' alapaulue herein are tl.f r.eer.ert. "UBUIIEB OF UNITED HKE9B "TbTihbh OF AIIDI I HIIRKAI) ok t:ini:m.A tioni A,1v.rli..i. Hl-i"M"',V,llb ' I" N l.-'D ' Sa" Venalse" I.O. Aii.l '" Porll.ii'l MEMBE- A ""SB Ye Smudge Pot , By Arthur I'errj. A great deal of emphasis 1 placed these, days on me innnuivy lege graduates to procure employ ment, and a federal survc of the Ituatlon l under way. Bacfc In the wicked and prosperous year, of 19 1938 returning oollrglsn. done with the campus, frequently an nounced, through the press, he In tended to look around ""P". yeara before he made up hta mind what he waa- going to do. It often vaa the parental theory. In those time., a boy "should bo careful and not mail Into something Inadvised ly" There was another type, juai ,a deliberate about putting their noses to the economic grlndatone. They went Into ambush to lurk for aomethlng that sulta me. This happy attitude towards toll will re turn with surplus of Jobs. t-v,. nirlir Olrls are now chewing gum to ollmlnat douhle-chlns. Borne j hold the cure Is worse than the mal adr. However, nobody ever ateppod In a double-cliln. ... concentrated kindling, patented aril in neat packages, la now avall r.slc at all modern woodsheds. Be troen thla timely contribution to Ihe safety of Mankind, and pri meval forest, full of pitchy knots, but 30 minutes away by auto, the danger of anybody freezing to death this winter In this vicinity la re duced to the minimum. . For a good reason, known to the writer, Mr. Bunnell la doing every thing, except the St. Vitus tflance. to sell Mr. Mahoney to the Town srndltea. (Prom a letter, Portland Telegram) He aeema to be what the Humdlngera, Inc.. call "active." ... Warbler have atarted practicing anthems for the Tulellde. The Yule tide anthem la aa full of "Hosannas" aa lawyer of "Whercasea." After tomorrow, the sport scrlbea of the land will get down to the business of selecting the Rose Bowl football combatants for New Tears day. Some favor the selection of a team that can beat California, and some favor a team "that la truly representative of the East." The Virginia hlll-nelly. sentenced to S years In state prison for beat ing her mountaineer father to death with a shoe, when he endeavored to spank her for staying out wlfh a boy-friend until midnight. Is balled an "a victory for the old-fashioned moral code." The verdict haa been In three days, and no htll-bllly song about H. ... nepubllcan protest on the Cana dian trade treaty has caused the Democratic press to advise one and all to be patient, await requite, and not "howl until you are hurt." In other words, don't throw mud. while In the muddle. ... The Ethiopians continue to put up a good fight against the Italians, between winning in the morning papers snd losing In the sfternnon sheets. Parlous Times for J. B. JOHN BULL is certainly a glutton for punishment. Testerde.y the British government stepped into the Far Eastern situa tion, and suggested that. Japan reconsider its determination to take over another sizeable piece of what was onee the Chinese Empire. . A very reasonable suggestion, considering what Japan has been doing the past few months in that part of the world. But to Tokio probably about as welcome as a spoonful of arsenic in the afternoon cup of tea. With Italy on its hands in Europe and Africa; Japan in the Orient j and Germany the biggest threat of all, to England's future peace and security, when that second "der tag" comes around, it doesn't look like very clear sailing for the British Empire for many years to come. f.UWX is determined to grab what she wants in China and grab it dow while the grabbing is good, Italy is determine" to grab what she wants in Africa; and Germany under Hitler is determined to regain her place in the sun just as soon as the condition of her army, navy, and air force, justify "aggressive action. All three nations want more land, more wealth, more power and security tnd will fight to the death for these things, before they will relinquish them. And in nil three instances England stands as the chief ob stacle, to the attainment of these ambitions. t 8mall wonder that at the last election the people of England voted overwhelmingly for increasing their army, navy and air forces. They are certainly going to need them. Endorsing a Blank Check , A MEMBER of the local Townsend elub informs us Hint organization is delighted with the recent visit of Congress man Mott, during which Mr. Mott heartily endorsed the Towns end old age pension plan. As Congressman Mott, we are sure, was delighted with the cordial reception he received at the hands of this growing and enthusiastic organization, that makes it unanimous. Ear be it from us In throw any cold water upon such a mutual admiration society, but thus far we have failed to dis cover, where or when Congressman Mott DID endorse the Townsend plan. He endorsed the McGronrty bill. He endorsed a transaction tax of 2 which he called a multiple sales tax, to provide funds for old age pensions. But he expressly stated he did not know how much such a tax would provide. (According to federal experts such a tax would yield a maximum of $75 per month, probably nearer foO.) XITHETIIKR or not that estimate is correct we don't know. But we do know this: UNTIL the exact amount of any old age pension is known, it can not be represented as the Townsend plan, and any en dorsement under such circumstances is simply side Mopping Hie question, DRACTICALLT everyone today is in favor of SOME form of old age pension. What distinguishes the Townseud plan from all others is the high amount to be paid $200 per ninnlh to every individual over 60, and $100 per month for every couple the entire amounts to be spent within 30 days. Unless the proposed pension approximates that amount, nnd makes lOflCr expenditure compulsory, it can't be called the Towusend plan. To endorse a BLANKET pension plan, and call it endorse ment, of the Townsend plan, may be pood politics, hut. we are rather surprised it should be received with such unquestioning enthusiasm, by those who Sincerely believe in the Long Beach doctor's proposal. It strikes us as about as satisfactory as endorsing a blank cheek and giving someone else authority to fill it in. Personal Health Service By William Brady, M D MKfted lelterk peruniilng to persmiai rieullh and -nyglenr nut to disease dluKMiifls or treatment will he aitsiverril ny Or. Brad If a stamped wlf-ad dresseu entelnpe Is enclused l-erter should be hrlel and written In ink uwlnjt to the large number ut letters receded unly a tew can be answered No reply ran he mude to queries nnl cutiturnilng to Instructions Address Mr William Uradi. ioi Kl ('amino. Heterly Hills cal. Flight 'o Time Med ford and JacltMio Couiit out or from the HI or ttit Ataii T rib on 10 and 20 ?ear At?o. - - 1 ROOSEVELT TROUNCES h "0.' E COMMERCE, 31 TO 1 3 j tl Portland grid league game yea- The win moved Rocsevelt w place in the final stanoinga. i PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 22. (API The Roosevelt high football team, getting off to a two-touchdown lead IION T M RSi: III.II PAINFI L SIIOI I.DF.R . ' .' , ' Vartona names are given to lame followed by moderate manipulation of shoulder. Subdeltoid bursitis, avib rtcromlnal bursitis. Calcification of the sjpraplnatUA tendon. pcrlart:i r 1 1 1 . a p r a 1 n. strain and eke -ye rheumatism. I ' pain' Is feit down the arm wiseacres are likely to as sume It Is neu hltls. In porhaps one third of tne casco the origin of the trouble Is a def- iniw Injury to the shoulder. In an other third uie symptoms develop gradually, without apparent ciuw, In ihe remaining third patients report that the lameness bean with some over uee of the arm or aomo unac customed effort, such a Washing windows." "throwing a snowball," painting the cclllnt?." "spading the Crclen," "polishing the car." The pain In or about the shoulder Is a first shfirp and stabbing with certain limited movements, and even when the patient tries to rest at nltjtht It may be so painful that a shot ut morphine or pome thing la pretty darn welcome relief. I'm telling the world. P iln .continue more or leas constant ly for days. With the pain there la increasing stiffness or limitation of motion In the shoulder, because move ment Induces pain. If not properly treated nt this acute j.toao the trouble Is likely to drift Irto a chronic disability of the shoul der which cripples the victim mbre or less. Roentgenograms reveal calcium de peviu in the bursa tor In the supri- Nhplnatua tendon In about one-third fo all ensea niter two or three week. The presence of such wlclfleat!on sems to have no parttculir relation to the symptoms or-to the treatment. The calcified area may show In the ac-rav picture long after tne patient the arm by the doctor. Thi manlpu latlon Is bound to hurt a . bit, but better a little discomfort. now than a stiff and uselesa shoulder for Hfe. Day by day the extent of movement (abduction and rotaMon) U Increased, until In a month or more the shoul der is nearly aa mobile aa the well shoulder. Meanwhile the patient car ries on regular exercises dail;, M In structed. . In neglected cases It may be neces sary to put the patient under anes thesia and carefully free adhesions before the physical therapy 1 Insti ll vied. ' QUESTIONS AND ANSWF.RS i Fasting. . la It scientifically established that Intelligent fisting occasionally Is con ducive toward good health and Icgg evlty? Vhaf Is considered "overeat ing"? Eating as much a one wants? (S. C.) Answer One should faat only for specific purpose under medical ad vice. Overweight is the moat com mon pvldence oft-overeating. One .Oiould eat as much aa one need.i. Whnt one wants and what the body requires are often quite different mat ters. I"or example, the' common craving for excessive sweots. carbo hydrates, which are easy to eat even when one doesn't need such food and : only handicapped by it.' ,V: The Color Impresses., I gave a cheer when I found your line article on the antiseptic value of eoiip . . . relatives who are .horri fied when I Insist on . washing my child's cat semtches and abrasions with soap and water in preference to (a brilliant hued chemical) which they press upon me. They simply can't gainsay "OP Doc Brady" who I happen to know Is not as old as he pretends to be. (Mrs. R, D.) Answer Thank (ycti. Ma'am. I still prefer Immediate application of tinc ture of lodlu for my own cuts, abra sions, etc. .Soapy water la an excel lent antiseptic solution for mouih- Hm ' recovered; or It nwv disappear ! wash, garble, douche, or wet dressing TEN VERS AfiO TODAY November 22, 193. (It wa& Saturday.) Harvard holds Yale to zero ti. Lo cal sons of Old 11 lost some wagers to Harvard grade. Arid holiday season looms for New York, aa result of prohibition drive, president Coollde holds effort "should be made to capture th? source of supply, rather than petty otfend-trs. Auto registration In state in Octo ber show steady gain. ' Lorel football interest center to day In Stanford-California, game. HEATH'S WEEK-END The Store That Fills Prescriptions 0 ALARM CLOCKS, guaranteed 98c Luminous Face, guaranteed $1.10 University of Oregon forbids danc ing of the "Charleston" on the campus. Salem agrees to play Medford high , in post-season game, to decide high j school football title outside of Port- j land, for 200 above all expenaea." i Medford accepts. 1 TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY November 2J. 1915. (It was Monday.) Just busted a barrel of pickled pigs feel; at Medford Fish Market. (Adv.) lorot before the shoulder disability has been cured. Bpst treatment appears to be com plete rest cf the shoulder, not merely in splint or r.Ilntt, but In apparatus to hold the arm abducted and ex ternally rotated and with a modrate pull maintained on the arm. This must be continued for several days. In this stane cold applications or Ice iins on the shoulder give more relief than heat. After perhnps four or five days of this, the arm must be passively moved by the doctor, and now is the time when diathermy treatment Is of great ;nlue. Dall the diathermy should be applied, for perhaps half an hour, on an infected wound. (Convrignt, it35, John T. t;a Sole: communicate with Dr. Brady Dioiild send letter direct to Dr. William tfrady. M D., "-6-5 El Cainlnn. lieverly Hills. Cat Young couple holding hands In street, at Main and Riverside, are struck by auto belonging to Wig Ash pole, but driven by another. The driver did net see the couple in time to stop. The boy sustained a spvain- ed wrist, and the girl was thrown vio lently to the pavement. Butte creek rises a foot followliit'i a heavy rain in the Prospect district. Fred Wahl has returned from a business trip to Klamath Falls. E!,;ht-hour day brings breach in labor union ranks. Unless farmers and landowners sign up for 500 more acres, the siRnr beet factory will be lost to Medford. ABERDEEN. S. U. Larry Udell. 168. Aberdeen, outpointed Ernie Hether tngton, 158. Wlunepeg (!0). Dr. West's Tooth Brush and Paste, both for 47c Imperator Toilet Tissue 4 for 19c A Delicious New Mint Confection I WHITMAN'S AIR BONS 10c Adex Tablets 79c Johnston's Instant Fudge .29c Epsom Salts 5 lbs. for 23c Dr. Blazoa Crystal' MINERAL OIL, gal $1.29 mj l)BallaaMaaaasaajppaai W-iajl ft'flaYiiiaia'MlfllBltrrff Watches, guaranteed 85c Super D Cod Liver Oil natural vitamins A and D, 8 oz. 89c, 16 oz. 1.29 Phone 884 Medford Bldg. Communications There has been some sad evmta happened around here of 1st, but do not know the particulars, so will rot try to write about them. (Km troy Creek JottlngM Accuracy gets the best of Journalist Is fear lessness. t Quite a number around here have cast ballot. In the nation tde tanner HIM Mas llradarhe To the Editor: j From reports I had read In the! Mall Tilbune while the budget com-1 mlltee was preparing the county bud get for 1030 I thought It would show reduction from 1P3S. What a head ache that hope turned out to be A comparison of the figures for 1038 with the budget for l3& shows an Increase In the general levy outside the elementary school and state tax. of more than sixty thousand dollars. I am now wondering If that was what th budget commit tee was thanked for at the public henrtng. The surveyor's office, the county school supt.. home demonstration, fruit inspector, miscellaneous, etc. - and even the county court ltelf are some of the department that got a of It costing more than one thousand dollars for gasoline to convey himself from his ranch to the court house in the rather short time ha baa been in office. If he remains In office very long the taxpayers would be ahead to bty him a residence in Medford and give it to him. Since the Attor ney Oeneral has declarrd thla chisel ing Illegal I think It Is In order for the county Judge to return this mon ey to the taxpayers. As a horny hand ed farmer I make this as a motion. How's about It Mr. County Judge7 W. N. CARL. Farmer Bill from Applegate. November 31, northwestern hockey Imgue, defeated the Aenttle Scahawks last night 4 to 1. Attkenhead. outstanding Portland Portland Skaters Trim Seattle 4A PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 23. The Portland Buckaroos, continuing the sizzling early season drive which raise. Our county Judge now haa his naa carried them to the top of the RFOVLAR travrl expense pushed up to 400 per annum. ,Mid he has n othrr travel expense which Is not tn cluded in the four hundred dollnra. which has grown to the astounding jjoalle staved off drive aftr driv In imnrr oi more man one thousand the first two periods and it was not dollars since he went Into office. I his until late In the final frame that Is to cart himself back and forth from Srmttie ahU to mh thr.mch fnr straw rcte. snowing now in?y wmim i mini w me court nom. Think Its lone score, have voted In the last fWHon, had , , .,, they not been too tired to Tot ! None tinahle to make It to ths polls have, to date. hn unable to make it to the postofflre. THE ITFRWI. lltli-F. We pay It out in taxes, get It partly bark, nnd then 'Round comes the tax rolletr. ana w pay it out again. Were alwavs in the treadmill wher'er we think e're hound: We fancy we're prrmresing. but we're g-ilng 'round and 'round. t Exchange! S.M.EM. Nor. 2X Chief of Po lice Prank A. Mlnto appointed three members of the Rnlem police forea to i rt tin a grievance commit te to hear complaints against any Salem police officer. Taf'OMA. Wash .Jimmy Mcleod. 136'i. Taeoma, Wash., outpointed Truman Kennedy, 13S, Wichita, Ka. (. Holiday Specials Hate or Koonu ( leaned I p for the H.'HUs at Prlres Mtti renlh can afford, from now until January t. wr nffer to go atnwhere In Jai-kon Count anil furnl.h Labor and Kalomlnr to refltlh n room, h13. for To reflnUh ame mum alth MnOtnMe Wntrr Taint for , ai.l'i To furnish labor and al Paper tor ttmm, inio, for sil.'M To (lean and Varnish linoleum Moor. niin, for JU.t! To (lean and Hat an floor up to l -xio in sle for jtt- ILadies (MJiealhA Rest Room Jl)3u Cti K. DRUG STORE PV1"" 1 1 iilyilaMiaiaaiaaiiBiissjii aiaiijaMyy wwajiaj MIS CO.) I &," I ivrsmis 1,l,.e .o 1 jt fi f 2 f I an wrj City Prep Crown U I U l I i Ll k W On Block Tonight I J j J ( A A PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. S2. iPi f WaaalrK"''. " arnMH aF r-Kip iifcj The Portland football championship K - J? )ff v r" .'y fcJf.'Kt'li.T Bocs on a turbulent block tonight B . mim j si saaiaasiiL raa .jaasaaanililM a i i k jatamim avaCaUt; when Lincoln hurls Its speedy, decep- fl iX 9 f M ft II ft Iff tit tlve attacit at the . Washington hich 9 ifUtff "J F" g f i H fT fl II all atas I K', . m Ql if. kl O II II II ill 31$- r0(TT 0 W" j1 it nr. riosixn kit oik i:ia mix k or l l. P I'F R AT 5" lll-COl Nf. r fall and oiir llroken tiin at Kriltiretl Prlre. Me Hrpalr or Ke-Kmif Vour niillilln,. at Special Pftre.. WEBB and CARLON ttl Wm flth arrtM from llolu Theater riiiNK ?: run inn kvimxtk SCIIENLEVS GOLDEN WEDDING BLIND OF ITIAIOHT WHIIKII 18 year old whiskey givci Golden Wedding its rich flavor 18 YFARS a(ted in wood 15 , , 8 YEARS aped in wood 1 AC.rn IN VTUOD 1 mos. 80 AVtRAGE AC.', 4 YtARJ It's AIL XThi.kev! NOW CO Qfl QUART 9aasOU f orte o.'!ll formerly $2.45 qt. NOW $1.20 PINT ( od . ;fiM J.w. fmrh l i . loc . Jthfalrr. Pi. TX'it.on of M IIINLIY I'KOOl I I S t O..I0 M Minte 76. available in every 76 pump, con tains an extra supply of the volatile, quicker firing petroleum fractions. Even on the coldest mornings these "cold-proof elements assure you quick, easy starting. Your motor warms up faster, gets you out of the garage, or away from the curb quicker. There's less cold.engine wear, less drain on the batter)-, less gasoline wasted through choking. Fill with Winter 76 today. ..enjoy quick starting at all the anti-knock and milf inequalities for which 76 has always been noted. UNION OIL COMPANY Estops CARBON KNOCKS! AkJ quicker Marting Protetta cylinder Re duces cold-motor wt-ar. aT t,J I 'j ; rj, !)! nil urn uiaaaiaaaaarajaaiaija'iii., auaiii.i. ny uusuii miujiajsipiu. i ..n -y ri" iwrm!.' irSr-fiiririi I