PAGE ELEVEN VJHAT" YOU WANT Classified FOR EASY REFERENCEt ( TQ tUltiY MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1033, rjjtt.'A.u:viij Lranarj; nil ever ad on this page. Vou will probably find ei actly tne thine yon want to bay or fell. H It Isn't there, advertise. It's Inexpensive, effective. RATES rer trord first Insertion (Minimum 15c) Each additional Insertion,. Der word le (Minimum 10c) rer Una per month wlthoot top; chances . .l.Ji Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND LOST Lady's black pigskin purse, between Woolworth's and Penncy's. Reward. Tribune office. LOST Pair glasses in case. Notify Ileeta Morningstar, B19 Teylor St. Reward. LOST Fur mitten at Talent. Thurs day night. Return to Safeway (Central Ave.) Medford. Reward. LOST If aog is mibsing. calll516. WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Man to work on dairy - ranch. Address Dan Pearce, Apple ' gate, Ore., Box 18. WANTED Man familiar with cream routes In Rogue River Valley. An opportunity for right man. Address Box 7831 co Tribune. MALE AND FEMALE MEN-WOMEN Age 18-60. Interested In Government work. National ex amination Just announced. Free information furnished by writing Civil Employees Training, Inc., Box 7. Mall Tribune. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced ycung woman to care for children and assist with 1 housework; board, room and wages. Give references. . Phone 939-W. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at Hotel Jackson. WANTED SITUATIONS REFINED, capable widow, middle-age, wants uuuweii( ...-w..-..- home or adults; good cook; full charge; city or country. Mrs. Isabel Sterling, 619 N. Central. EXPERIENCED pruner and blight cutter wont work. Call 511 Austin St. WANTED -MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Home for female bull ter rier. Phone 1431-L. WANTED Downstairs room; close in. Box 7620, Tribune. GOLD properties wanted by my peo ple. E. R. Marshall, Geologist, Ban don, Oregon. WANTED 4 -horses with harness, to work in exhange for feeding through the winter. R. J. Anfin son. Rt. 1, Box 413. WANTED To trade hay for wood. Call evenings. 141 Central Point. WANTED Typewriter. Must be In good condition. Tel 1150-L. WANTED Cleal. out your aula, garage and basement of all old mr nlture. cook stoves, heaters, stove pipe, fruit jars, etc Give us a call NEW DEAL FORN EXCHANGE No. 413 Sast Main WANTED Cook stoves, heaters, bed springs, mattresses, day-beds, sani tary couches and cots or what have you'. We pay cash or exchange. NEW DEAL FURN EXCHANOE 423 E. Main St. WANTED FTJRS FURS fURS Highest cash price paid for raw fur Complete line ol traps on sale. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27-29 No Orape fit. Medford. WANTED We pay cash lor household goods furniture and stoves We also nuy metais. hides pelts wool sntl mo hair MEDFORD BAHOA1N HOUSE 27 N Orape St Phone 1062. WANTED - Used furniture, tools doors windows Berrydele 2nd Hnd Store 1603 No Riverside Tel 266 FURNITURE WANTED TUlev's Sec ond Hand Store. 112 No. Front. WANTED - Beet c"le veal lamb and pasture J J Osenormw FOR RENT HOUSES FOR PFNT 301 Crater Loke Ave . 6 room stucco, furnished or unfur nished home; hardw5d floors, fire place, piped hot s'r .irnace. lhu. R. Ray. Realtor. Medford Building. Phone 302. FOR RENT Modern 5-room furnish ed house. Phone 281. FOR RENT - 5-rooni na'.w L. G. Pl.-kell. 204 East M!n. FOR RENT Pnia'.l furnished hous: eletrlc stove and rclrteemtor: on Burner. Adul's only. Inquire 12 So. Orange, phone 849-Y. FOR RENT 7-rrom stucco house, strictly mcdem; fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace and many bu.'.t-ms. 301 Cro'er Lake Ave. FOR KFN1 - hm-e f'irnisned OT uaiu-niahea. B.-o-ra at Wait. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Holly Court No. 3., oor 4th and Holly. S rooms. Prlgldalre. oil Burner, electric Wve. 30 per month. Call 195. FOB RENT APARTMENTS FOB RENT 3-room furnished apart ment. Gas. 616 N. Central. FOR RENT 3-room housekeeping suite; garage; close In; adults. 337 N. Grape St. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apart ment: adulta. 40 Quince St. Tel. 641-W. FURNISHED apartment; adults. 124 King St. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS . FOR RENT Heated furnished room 512 South Oskdale Avenue. FOR RENT Sleeping room, moderate rate. 325 South Riverside. ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 8 Or ape FOR RENT ROOM BOARD BOARD AND ROOM. rate reasonable at 718 E. Main. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE clear Main street build ing, also warehouse property on track for Copco, Building and Loan or Commercial Credit stocks. Box 7615, Tribune. WANTED To trade equity in nice house, block from courthouse, for good car or cash. Box 7962, Tribune. GOOD house and lot or 40 acres Im . proved land, trade for late model truck or car. 402 E. Main. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SMALL ACREAGE; excellent location; bungalow home; eioo down, Daiance easy. MILLER REALTY CO., Ash lend. Ore. COZY little home; bath, large living room, garage and woodshed, corner lot. 2 blocks from business section. Price $1500, Including furniture; (100 down, $20 per month. Also 6 acres, 5-room modern home, beau toful shade, Oak Grovo district; 300O, terms. L. G. PICKELL, 204 E. Main. 20 ACRES, fenced woven wire. 4-rm. house, large chicken house and ham. well. 6 acres free water: $1300. third down, balance 4. Sheley. 402 E. Main. FOR SALE 40 acres, 15 miles south of Grants Pass on Redwood high way. Free irrigation; 10 acres till able land; living streams through property. House cost $4,000. Will sell cheap. Wonderful possibilities. J. E. Bertolette. Grant Pass. Rt. 1. too ACRES well improved, stocked and eaulDoed. close to Meedford; some cesb or Income property Bal ance long time low interest u a DeVoe. 623-J -2 HOUSES FOR SALE OB RENT Jackson County Bunding & Low Ass'n Phone 196 WHEN you think of real estate think of Brown as White. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Equity In '28 Wlllys Knlght coupe, good condition; $60. Box 7832, Tribune. FOR SALE 1929 Ford coach. $100. Geo. Hartley, across from county farm. Talent. USED CARS See us. We have ill makes at prices that are right. WALTER W. ABBEY. INC. 123 s. Riverside. Phone 303 GOOD USED CARS Low Finance Rates, Low Prices. 1934 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan. 1035 Dodge SedAU. 1035 Dodge Pickup. 1933 Plymouth Sedan - ' 4 1931 Chrysler 8 Sedan 1930 Ford Sedan 1929 Ford Town Seda; 1933 Chevrolet Sedan - 1933 Plymouth-Coupe 1934 Chrysler Airflow Also a number of other real bar gains. LANGE MOTOR CO. Used Car Lot, 6th s Bartlett 38 North Riverside. ' HUDSON Sedan fine condition wry cheap Call 937 or 832-R. , FOR SALE -LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Span of mare mules: weight about 1200 lbs; 7 and 8 years old. P. D. Lofland, Cential Point. FOR SALE 50 head long yearling Hereford steers. Phone or write Oeorge Ward. Hotel Valley, Rose burg. Nov. 24th. - FOR SALE Purebred Holsteln cow; fresh In December. Carl Each. Eagle Point. FOR SALE 10-weeks-old pigs. $5 00 eech. Phone 338-W. , FOR SALE 0 beef cows at Sandox ranch, above Trail. FOR SALE Pure-bred Hereford bulls, also car load high grade Guernsey heifers. Theron Jones. Murphy, Ore. Phone Provolt. FOR SALE Team of horses and har ness: weight about 3OC0 lbs. Team . mules and harness, wagon and two 12-lnch plows Whltsett Bros., 1 mile above Provolt. FOR SALE Eav jeldlng about 1200 lbs C. A. DeVoe. 623-J-2. BUSINESS CHANCES $7000 APARTMENT only M000. All rented. 1105 monthly. $1600 down balance 125 monthly. Phone own er. 1388. FOR 8ALE DOGS PETS SHEPHERD puppies for sale. 518 East Main. FOH SALE 6 black Raccoon, bes' offer takes them Rainoow Gibson. Weku Inn. Orant Pass Oregon. COCKER Sp-mel puppies and Roller Tel. 173 Phone 543 We'll Mul iwaj jroul ;afuM. CKj Saaiu.- Samoa. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Oil heater. Newtown St. FOR SALE round and baled alfalfa. Whitman, "Coker Butte road. FOR SALE; Compressor, crusher, cen trifugal pump, saw mandrel. Ball mil), pipe, etc. 113 Kenwood Ave. FOR SALE Beauty parlor equipment. See George Lounder, Mistletoe Sid ing, or write Ashland. Ore., Gen. Del. KLAMATH alfalfa hay, baled. Phone 728-R. FOR SALE All kinds of hard wood. Inquire at Beagle post office. APPLES C grade Newtown 1 .35 box Cull Spitz .35 box Ex. fancy Delicious, loose 1.00 box Fancy Delicious, loose .75 box Ex. fey. Wlnesaps. loose . .75 box Fancy Wlnesaps, loose .60 box Fancy Spitz .75 box oi., a i M svt IO wlllcl specifications reference Is ,. -, . niade for details ai-.d cost FOR SALE Corn on cob U.o per lb.; thereof and to fix upon each lot or aliened H.0 lb. H. C. Maury. Jack-1 part thereof adjacent to and benc-sonvllle-Central Point Road. j b? suc,n Improvement Its pio- n. . . . ,. -. -. portlonate share of the cost, of Mild FOR SALE Almonds 20c lb., walnuts lBc lb. Prunes 5c lb. Phone 539-J-l. Mrs. D. W. Luke. FOR SALE OR TRADE Piano, radio. White sewing machine, Brunswick phonograph with records. Ahlborn. 1 block north north, block west of Faber's Grocery. Central Point. FOR SALE Cheap. 2 2-whecl trailers. Medford Poultry and Egg Co. APPLES Wo deliver. Tel 132-L. APPLES Several varieties Gebhard'a. H mile northeast Central Point. FARMERS ATTENTION I For Sale Used rebuilt farm Imple ments and machinery of all kinds Special Pordson Tractors. 39 South Grape. Medford. FOR SALE Baled oat hay and feed wheat. C. A. DeVoe. 523-J-2. FOR SALE OR TRADE .22 L. rifle for wardrobe trunk. 419 W. 2nd before 3. FOR SALE Grapes J A Manke 2 miles east of Jacksonville, adjoin ing former Clancy orchard DRIVEWAY MATERIAL 3 sizes of rock at $1 50 per yard delivered Bateman Phone 1634-Y or )I2-J FINE Rd Spltzenburg end Newtown apples for sale at Ala Vista Packing House. 327 So Fit St. MISCELLANEOUS SIFTED PSYCHIC gives advice on all affairs of life. 903 No. Riverside. ANNOUNCEMENT We are ready for business in our new location corner S. Fir and 8th St. MEDFORD PIPE AND MACHINERY ' COMPANY. ROOFING ROOFING Let us Inspect your roof before the rainy season This ser vice Is free Call 270 Rogue River Roofing Co. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts. JACKSON COHNTV ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of Title and Title Insurance The only complete Title System in Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 6. No. 3 North Central Ave., upstair Expert Window Cleaners. LET OEORGE DO It Tel. 1172 House cleaning, rioor waxing, ori ental rug cleaning and upholstering Nursery stock FOB HIGHEST QUALITY pear trees, peach, apricot, cherry, apple, al mond, filbert, and walnut treeB. roses, berries, grapes, and shrubs at Bargain Prices Phone 851 -K-2 or call at W. B Barnum's, 3 mile south or Medford on highway next to Ever Shady auto camp. Carlton Nursery- Carlton. Oregon. Money to Lend MONEY LOANED S0 to 1300 for personal or household purpose on House Purnlsblugs or Autos; also Car Refinanced Loan closed within 30 minute License No. S 157. See W E Thomas 4S So Cen tral. Transfer. EADS TRANSFER si STORAGE CO. Offloa 1016 No Central Phone 316 Price right Service guaranteed. TRUCKING AND STORAGE Local and long distance bsullng. furni ture moving, etc. Reasonable rate Tel 833 P E Samson Co HAWLEY TRANSFER - Expert pack ers snd movers Special livestock moving equipment Price -Ight 619 North Riverside Phone 813. LEGAL NOTICES Notice to Credtlnrs. 2n the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Sidney Sumpter Smith, sometimes known as S. Sumpter Smith, as Sumpter 6. Smith, and as S. S. fimith, deceased. The- undersigned hss been by th County Court of Mrn County, Oregon, appointed executrli of the estate of Sidney Sumpter Smith, sometimes known ' as 8. S'impter Smith, as Sumpter 8. Smith, and as 8- 8. Smith, decenstd. and has quali fied. The creditors of snd all persons havlna claims iwralnst said deceased, are hereby notified to present the same, verified a required by law, within six months after the first publication hereof, to the under signed, at th ollfc of hr attorney, Qnn O. Taylor. Bid , Med ford. Omgon. Dated snd first published. Novem- KITTIE I. SMITH, Executrix of Said Estatt. Ordinance No. 2ftfMj. AM ORDINANCE nrovtdlnff for the construction of a sever beinnlrm a, ( the intersection of woodlawn Aven j j snd Hun land Drive, running then re North along Highland Drive to East' I Main 6eei, t&eooa East East Main 8treet to the Intersection of East Main Street and Berkeley Way, thence North along Berkeley Way to the South line of Lot 8. Block 1, East j Heights Addition In the City of Med- of the cost thereof on adjacent prop erty, providing for a meeting of the Council to consider protests against said Improvements and providing for the serving of the owners of adjacent property with notice thereof by the Recorder. Tho City of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. That It Is the Intention of the Council to cause a sewer to be constructed beginning at the Inter section of Woodlawn Avenue and Highland Drive, running then-re North along Highland Drive to East Main Street; thence East along East Main Street to the Intersection of East Main Street and Berkelev Way. thence North along Berkeley Way to the sown line oi Lot b. Block l, East Heights Addition In the City of Med ford. Oretron, In accordance with the specifications therefor now on file In the office of the City Superintendent at the City Hall. Medford. Oregon, improvement, Section 2. The Council will meet, in the Council Chamber at the City Hall on the 17th day of December. 1D35. at 7:30 o'clock p. m.. at which time and place the owners of said adjacent property are hereby called upon to appear before said Council and show cause. If any, why said sewer should not be constructed and why said property should not be assessed for the construction thereof. Section 3. Tho City Recorder Is hereby directed to serve notice hereof upon the property owners aforescld by publishing this ordinance once m a dally newspaper printed, published and of general circulation In said City at least ten days befote the date of sold meeting and by posting five copies of this ordinance in five public and conspicuous places In said City for a period of ten days prior to said meeting. Passed by the City Council and signed by me In open session In authentication of its pa&.tage this 19th day of November. 1935 . GEO. W PORTER. Mayor. Approved by me this 19th day of November. 1935. GEO. W. PORTER. Mayor. Attest: M. L. ALFORD, Recorder. Notice of Appointment of Adminis trator and for Presentation of claims. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. In tho Matter of the Estate of Harry E. Leiand, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned Louis R. Baker was on the I7th day of August. 1935, In the above entitled court and cause and by the order of the- Honorable Earl B. Day. Judge of the above entitled court, duly appointed Administrator of the above named Harry E. Leiand. avceasea, ana tnereoiter qualified and Is now such Administrator; that all persons having claims against the es tate of said Harry E. Leiand. deceased are hereby required to present them with the proper vouchers within six months from the date of this notice to tne said Administrator at 412 Lib erty Building, Medford. Jackson Coun ty. Oregon. Dated November 14th, 1035. LOUIS R. BAKER, Administrator of the Estate of Harry E. Leiand. Deceased. PackltiR Pioneer Piuse. SEATTLE, Nov. 21. (AP Frank F. Frye. 72, who entered the packing business here in 1888, dlert of n chronic Illness. He had been In a hospital since Inst July. Frye was vice-president of the pa-cklrv? firm of Frye & Company which his brother, O. H, Frye, founded. Ose Mat! Tribune want ads. Maij Tribune Daily ACROSS L Failure to win or keep t. Evergreen tree 10. Nimble: col log H. Drug-yleldint plant 16. Informed 16. City In Penn- aylvanla IT. Intend IS. South Anierl can animal 19. A sialic tree 20. Vrgetable 12. Farmer who cultivates another's land on shares Z4. Atmosphere 25. liar legally 26. Diminish tO. Least rough S3. Furtal ti. Part of speech 3.V Flower 36. (liver Island ST. Ieav IS. Indian mul berry 19. Brnnd street: a bur. 40. Tint 42. Purposes 45. Copies 46. Something included In a letter 41. Beglna 49. Fall Into dlsuss 10. High mountain Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle :WoKPP SI. Continued beating 64. Laborious 63. Deadly white 59. Cotton cloth 61. Narrow road 62. Foot covering fi.1. Wear inrny 64. Mil with a circular movement 15. Anwmnhlags of cattle ( 11. Marry again 67. Ancestral house of the ruling British dynasty ' 2 I3 I4 I6 7 !6 Y? I" 2 13 33 "34 35 ZZZLZZZZZ!IZZ 40 '4t X 42 43 44 46 ZZZZZZZZZiflZZZ (OUNIY Lake Creek LAKE CREEK, Nov. 31. (Spl.) Mrs. E. E. Meyer left Monday for Red Bluff to be with her father. who Is seriously 111. Mrs. Frank Farlow entertained about a dozen ladles November 14 with a quilting bee. At noon she served a delicious dinner which every one enjoyed. Roy Grlgsby, who has been work ing for the Medford Concrete and Construction Co., Is home for a few days with a lame shoulder, having torn the muscle loose. Miss Hazel Wilhlte I staying for week or two with her "sister. Mrs. Vernon Monla. In Medford. Mrs. T. J. Hoefft. who Is spending this winter In the Griffin creek sec tion, while sending her children to the Rogue River Academy, Isat heme this week. Turkey growers of this vicinity are busy dressing their birds for the Thanksgiving market. Mrs. R. A. Pech returned to her home In Medford Monday, after spending a couple of weeks with her sons, A. L. and H. E, Pech. Mrs. A. W. Wooley of Cottago Grove, was a recent visitor at the L. H. Wyant home. Mrs. Wooley la sister of Mr. Wyant. Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Sager, for merly of Ashland and Talent, but who now live In Texas, were over night guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Wyant. Mrs. Soger's daughter and Mrs. Wyant were very close girlhood friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd sttmson or the 401 ranch, were colling on Mr. and Mrs. Herb Grissom Sunday. Prospect PROSPECT, Nov. 21. (Spl.) Mr and Mrs. George Jantzer returned Sunday from an elk hunting trip In eastern Oregon. They - each brought back a large elk. Mrs. Frank Manning is seriously 111 at the Sacred Heart hospital in Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Ludo Grieve, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Boothby, Miss Dency Manning and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Manning are spending much of their time in Medford to be near her. Mrs. Katie Grieve. Mrs. Bruce Grieve and Miss Clara Gordon were Medford shoppers Tuesday. Mrs. Ray Shull Is quarantined at her home in Prospect with scarlet fever. Mr. and ' Mrs. A. T. Hnlnes are spending the winter In Ashland. Jchnny Grieve left November 10 for Chicago to Join his wife and son. They plan to make their home there for the present. Mrs. Camp has charge of the P.-T. A. soup kitchen which serves hot lunches to the school children. A Inrge crowd attended the har vest festival and bazaar given by the Upper Rogue Grange at the Rogue Elk hall November 18. About ninety dollars were taken In. Mr.- and Mrs. Tom Carlton ana two sons were dinner guests Sunday of relatives In Medford. Cross - Word Puzzle IS. Period of time 11. Recline 23. Sum 25. Australian blut ZS. Kind of quarts 27. Child: Scotch 18. Garret 29. Consequently 30. Day's march 31. Number 32. Lock 34. Not any 37. Gaze with cruel git".i SI While 41. Quieted 42. Severs iX Anger 44. Myself 4ii. Impact 47. On a that tun.. up the earth 41. Advanced In years SR. Carrying weapons 51. Overhasty 2. County in North Carolina 51. Gol for whom Thursday Is named 54. Assistant 55, (,'roal soeds 51. Hfngl thing 57. Dry 60. At present SlHlAlD F l yH t ar o t r. h t am 6 L AML O k AZ E pII w A X JL 11 2. fiJL liliR L.15T A L, L 0 D YjjjsmA' DOWN 1, Illuminating device t. Genua of the olive tree S. Ply aloft 4. Perceived by (he senses 5. Subsequently 6. t)tt 7. Knock S. Deep red color 9. To this 10. L'elentlr.l 11. Beseach 12. Ceramony Briefs Trail TRAIL, Nov. 21. (Spl.) The ladles of the Home Economics club who sponsored the Harvest Home festival at Rogue Elk Saturday night were well pleased with the success of the festival. A large crowd at tended and all the booths were well patronized and o was cleared. which Is to be used for a building fund to start a new grange hall In the near future. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hutchinson , drove to Crescent City and back Monday, taking a friend who was re turning to her home in Oold Beacn after spending a week here visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Tucker were dinner guests at the Ralph Watson home Sunday. Mrs. Mable Mack, Mr. O'Houern. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Durkey and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hammock, all of Med ford. were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eva Segess man Sunday. A number of ladles gathered at the home of Mrs. Francis Ash Wed nesday afternoon for a radio study club, and to listen to Mrs. Mable Mack's talk at 2:00 o'clock. A balloon benefit dance with bas ket supper will be given by the Upper Rogue grange at the Rogue Elk hall Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pritchart ol Grants Pass were guests at the home of his brother, Ray, Sunday. Several students who attend the Eagle Point high school, are stay ing out of school on account of the paralysis scare throughout the county. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Merrlman and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robertson and children were callers at the Herb Carlton home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Watson enter tained the following guests at am ner Tuesday: Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Merrl man. Meadames Eva Segessman, Cecil Pritchart and Jennie Hutchinson. The Trail Extension unit met November 14 at the homo of Mrs. S. W. Hutchinson. There were 17 ladles present to hear Mrs, Msck give a demonstration of buyman ship on shoes, which was very In teresting. Tho next meeting will be December 12 at the home of Mrs, Frftnel Ash, to which every one la In 'l tod. The ladles were all glad to have Mrs. Mack's mother, Mrs. Sweeney, as a guest at the meeting. Big Applegate BIO APPLEOATE, Nov. 21. (Spl.) Miss Eleanor Maule spent the week end in Medford as a guest of Mrs. Nellie Merrlman. I Receiving a telegram from Wash- ' in g ton, D. C, announcing his ap pointment as senior foreman of a CCO camp In tho Blue Mountains, Chester Kubll expected to leave for duty late this week. He will be locat ed 60 miles from Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. P. I. Garrison and family, residents of upper Applegate. will leave this week for Scotta Valley. California, to make their home. Bert Hukill suffered the loss of a finger tip on his left hand recently when hts finger was caught under a wheel of an automobile. The oar was used in operating a wood saw, and his finger was revered at tho first Joint when It came In contact with the wheel rim. Mrs. Fred Dorn baa returned to her home here, following several months' employment In Medford. Mrs. Opal Mooter, teacher at tho Ruch school, spent the week end in Medford as a guest of Mrs, Atleen Relnklng. Husbands of the Ruch community are finding much truth In the old adage of the 111 wind, and will be treated to a chicken supper some day as a result of postponement of the Ruch school dance Saturday a a pre caution against infantile paralysis. Chickens that were prepared for the chop suey supper have been canned by the ladles of the sewing circle, and will comprise the meal honoring the husbands. However, since the women are planning interior decoration of their club room In the basement of the school building, their supper will await completion of the enterprise. They will kalsomtne the walla, and add curtains arid pictures to the room. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Bostwtck of Val ley View spent the week end here as guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Offen bachtr. Mr. and Mrs. Brvtwlck will leave soon for Toledo. Ohio. Mrs. Boit wick's former home, where they will spend four months visiting rela tives. Having lust purchased a Dodge car, they will make the trip by motor, expecting to spend Thanksgiving In San Francisco. With recent addition of a new room at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Mayfleld. their home was the scene of a "housewarmlng" Saturday evening, when about SO friends as sembled. The time waa spent In dancing. Mrs. Ed Walker, well known poul try raiser of theBIg Applegate, lost 62 baby chickens this week, when a brooder caught fire. The six weeks otd chirks died from suffocation, five of the hrooderful escaping. As a PWA relief project, work will bfgin Monday on improvements at the Beaver creek school grounds. Enclosure of the grounds with a wire fence will be the principal Item, rhe mater pipe also will be lowered to prevent freezing, and lattice work will be put up. The district Is turn lshlng materials, the PWA iupplying the labor. Mrs. Harold ftmlth tit Rufh entered I the Sacred Heart hospital Wednesday, 'expecting to undergo an appendicltu Sick Guppy Gives Experts On Radio Deal Of Trouble ELGIN. HI., Nov. 21. (API Folks around here wondered why their radio sets wouldn't work welt until technicians looked Into the Guppy situation. New tubes were installed, aerials were torn down and rebuilt, and the power of a nearby airplane beacon light was reduced all to no avail. It was not until trouble shoot era looked In James W. Starrett's basement and found the alck Guppy of Starrett's young daugh ter. Caroline, swimming around in a bowl to which Starrett had attached an electrical apparatus designed to keep an even tem perature for the ailing fish. In the heater was a short circuit. The radios are working again. operation the following day. Mrs. Ev erett Ravenor also underwent an op oration at a Medford hospital Tues day. Ervln Lewis, returning from forest service road employment at Ashlaud. la working at the Stottlck mine on Wards Pork, where he will be employ ed during the winter. Frank Ulrlch of Santa Crui, Cal., accompanied by his grandmother, Mrs. Alice Ulrlch, and aunt, Mrs. Herbert Hannah of Jacksonville was a guest Monday at tho home of Mrs. James Buckley. Mr. Ulrlch will be ac companied on his return to the south by his grandmother, who may remain there during the winter. Charles Knutsen of Shady Cove Is spending two weeks In the Carberry vicinity In the employ of the Med ford Pipe and Machlnory company. Mr. Knutzen Is salvaging discarded hydraulic pipe. 1 Forest Creek FOREST CREEK, Nov. 21. (Spl.) Mrs. Dewey. Sr.. of Medford arrived Saturday evening to spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Jack Crump, and family. Alice Madsen is staying with Mrs. Oeorge Pearce during the absence of her parents at Sterling. Mrs. Louis Culy and family, who had been visiting here, left for their home at Beaver Creek November 8. Mrs. Lola Hheehan, who spent the past two months here with her daugh ters, Mrs. Thurston, and the teacher,1 Mrs. O'Bryne, left November 18 for Yreka, where Bhe will spend the win ter with relatives. Mrs. Jack Crump and sons, Maiden and Merton, were dinner guesta of Mrs. Oeorge Pearce November 13. Saturday shoppers In Medford from here included Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davles, Mrs. Jack Crump. Mrs. Oeo. pearce and Valeria, Alice Madsen, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pearce and family and John Black, Mrs. Arthur Davles and Mrs, James Davles called on Mrs. Paul Pearce Friday afternoon. Jane Crump and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Madsen, and Oeorge Pearce were home from Sterling, where they are employed In the Sterling mine, overnight November 13. Rosa Dickey of the forest service, who had charge of the construction of the lookout on Mount Isabell last winter, made a trip up the mountain Stinday. Mr. and Mrs. "Harold Crump of Applegate. accompanied by their their gfrest, Mrs. Cora Crump of Eu gene, spent November 12 at the home of Mrs. Jack Crump here. ,J. F. Lozler of Medford, represent ing the Zanol products, was a busi ness visitor here November 18. Mr. and Mrs. John Black and family were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Offenbacher oi Applegate. Mrs. Anne Burdell of Jacksonville was overnight guest of Mrs. Arthur Davies Saturday. Dr. Qltn and Tom Lewis of Med ford were here on business Novem ber 10. . Alice Madsen and Donald Dorothy were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davles Friday evening. Foots Creek FOOTS CREEK, Nov. 31. (8pl.) Several from here attended the com munity party given by the Oold Hill ! division of the Jackson County Health association at Oold Hill last Thurs day evening. Phyllli Miller and Don ald Elliott took part In the program, giving a piano and banjo duet. Medford visitors this week were Mr. and Mrs. Prank Elliott, Ray Oaun yaw, Prank Irish and Mrs. R. L. Mil ler. Mr. Louts Llngren and son. Her bert, of Oold Rill visited at the Ed Koeter home November 14. Warren Evans, who has been spending some time In Portland, vis ited friends at Riviera November 17. Mr. and Mr,. R. E. Cook were at their mine here November 10 and also visited friends. Their daughter, Mra. Ployd Lance, who la In a hos pital In Portland, 1 getting along nicely and will soon be able to return to her home at Wolf Creek. Clyde Martin vlalted frlenda on Blrdseye Creek November 17. Al Smith Accepts Selassie's Lions NEW YORK, Nov, 31. (AP) Al fred E. Smith la ready to accept Emperor Halle Belassle'a offer to con tribute four young lions and a leopard to metropolitan scos. The former governor, who bears the title of honorary night superin tendent of Central Park Zoo, aald last night he even had drafted a message to the Ethiopian ruler, It reeds: "Dear Halle: Send 'em along. Youra, Al." OUN8M1TH Repair, for all male ot gun, sum Brae, a M. fj. COL. ROOSEVELT'S BY OFFICERS FOR A!R GUN SNIPING CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 21. (UP) Cornelius Van 8. Roosevelt, ; 20. son of Col. Theodore Roosevelt of 1 New York, and a fellow student at I the Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology, were arrested last night after allegedly sniping at motorists with air pistols from the Six Club fra ternity house. The grandson of former President Theodore Roosevelt and his com panion were arrested after lead slugs spattered off the metal parts of sev eral cars. Including one carrying two Metropolitan Park policemen. The two officers went to a third room floor, where Roosevelt and the other youth, Peter de Fiorts, were found by an open window. They were charged with assault and battery with a dangerous wea pon. Young Roosevelt made arrange ments for securing ball of $500 In a long distance talk with hts father. After being locked up several hours they were released pending arraign ment. The arresting officers seized two pistols of English mnke. They fired slugs somewhat larger than those uaed In tho ordinary air rifle. WILL BE DROPPED ORANTS PASS. Nov. 21. (Spl ) Denying a last-day appeal by four score men and women, the Josephine county budget committee Wednesday confirmed Its previous action and eliminated both home demon? tratlon and county figent from Its final bud get. The total budget was dropped sev eral thousand dollars below the ten tative figure. The Redwood Empire association, appropriation, which for a time waa expected to be attacked at the final hearing In retaliation for the loss of the home demonstration agent, had. no opposition and was unanimously , approved. PRIMARY TEACHERS TO. MEET NEXT SATURDAY Jackson County primary Teachers' council will meet Saturday at 1:30 p. m., In the courthouse aduitorlum. Miss Laura York of the Independ ence school will be chairman. Mrs. Church Leake, supervisor of music of Medford city schools, will be the spe cial speaker and will present much of interest concerning primary music. All primary teachers and any others In terested are Invited to attend. Accept Bond Bid THE DALLES, Ore., Nov. The port of The Dalles accepted the bid of The Dalles branch of the First National bank of Portland for the $200,000 bond Issue voted to aug1 ment a $104,000 federal grant for the construction of two Columbia river terminals. Logs Crush Two. NORTH BEND, Ore., Nov. 31 (AP) -Rolling logs which crushed Robert Cottrell and Roy Allen at a camp near Charleston Sunday, caused In juries which resulted In their deaths within a few minutes of each other in a hospital here yesterday. PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. 21. (ff Members of the state butter control commission said they would meet In Salem Monday to discuss operations under the new marketing act. They met here with Director Reed of the state agricultural department yester day. TRUTK I vBy PlAIN-SPOKIN PETE REFUSING TO ISSUE ANY LICENSES TO FOOL DRIVERS WOULD BE AN AWFUL BLOW TO THE UNDERTAKERS llefufllng to hate the brnlcea on your ear tested and adjtuted per Iniltrally would he great boon to the undertaking business. Drive In TODAY and have us test them on our accurate machine. We ad Jit,t, equalize and rellne brake and hark the Job with our repu tation for reliability. KBMKMBKft THE NOW FAM013 ARTICLE "AND MDIIF.N DEATH" HAVE VOIR DRAKES LOOKED AT TODAYI JOSEPHINE AGENTS i 'i Si!!! o o