PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFOK1) OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1935 SUFFER DEFEAT M W, S. C. 160-Pounder Im pressive in Two Victories Semi-Finals and Finals Slated for This Evening PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. SO. (API Id McKlnnon, Washington state college, pounded out two Impreaalve victories in tne jar wcbwmu belt boxing championships last night. Be left spectators convinced ha was well on his way to the title In the 360-pound class. In the first round, McKlnnon came back after a bad start to de cision Fred Graham, Ban Francisco CYO, and In the second round won a technical knockout over Ken Rob ertson. Multnomah club. Portland. Other outstanding -bouts Included Tommy Cobb's victory over Jimmy Byrne of the Maraloma Canadian club In the 118-pound class In the second round. Cobb represented the Ban Jose, Cal Bears. . Glrnrd DeClerck, 220-pound San Francisco longshoreman, looked like a title prosneet In winning from Norman Johnson of the United states Indian school at Phoenix In the first round of the heavyweight clans. Only one elimination round In the 112-pound and heavyweight class was completed. Other weights went to two rounds. Fifty-four bouts took until 2:30 a.m. to complete. , Ueml-flnals and finals are to be held tonight. Results Included: First round: 118-pound class: Eddie Lowe. Fort Lewis CCC en trant, knocked out Nat Lombardo. Merttcrd CCO boy. In the second round. Second round results, 118 pounds: Roy Petragallo, Washington State college, defeated John Rosdll, Med ford CCC, by a knockout In the third round. 126-pound class: Charles Deraedt, Canadian Mara loma club, defeated Al Franklin, Medford CCC, by a. knockout In the first round. 135-pound claaa:' Howard Roynolda, Kellogg, Idaho, YMCA, knocked out Salvatore Cur rcvl, Medford CCC, In the first round. , Socond round, 147-pound claaa: Morris Shkolnlk, Eagles Athletic club, Seattle, won a technical knock out over William Supock, Medford CCC, 160-pound class: Mark Holmes, Portland boxing school, declsloned Paul Gullo, Cor vallls, Ore., CCO. Bowling team from Eureka, CM., Klamath Fa lift, Grant Pass, Eugn nnd Medford will compete in a tour nament to be staged at thft Smoke Houm alleys here Sunday, according to Walt Antle, proprietor. . - -. The Eureka delgfitl6n wilt Include two tenma of men and two of women, while tho other cities will each send two teams, one of men end one of women. - Medford Is to enter two men tram nnd one woman. The fair bowlers will open the pro gram at 13:30 p. in., and the men will swing Into aotlon at 3 p. m. Dou ble will be rolled later tn the day. ttPINT PINT QUART SO 90' '1.75 SI'FAS MI-'G.CO. KaN:ASCU"Y MO. TURKEY SHIPMENTS for San Francisco NEEDED BY JACOBS, MALCOLM and BURTT -Offering a Proven Service Vouched for by many satisfied shippers of Southern Ore gon. . . , Receiving at Eaglo Point, the Old Mill, Sat., Nov. 23, 8 a. r. to 12 m. . . . At Modford, Myron Roots Packing Shed, South Fir, Sat., Nov. 23, 2 to S p. m., Sunday, Nov. 24, 8 a. m. to 2 p. m. FRANK HART WALTER FRIEDRICH8 Local Agent Field Mgr. Phone Ashland 442 Victory Costly Freddie Steele. SEATTLE. NOV. 30. (AP) Freddie Steele of Tacoma, a leading con tender for the middleweight boxing championship, has gone on the shelf with injured hands for the remainder of this year. He bruised both mitts so badly In defeating Young Stuhley, of Chicago In a 10-round bout here last night, Dave Miller, his manager, said he would rest Steele until next year. Freddie scored two knockdowns and won every round In conquering Stuhley. a ranking middleweight. IN WARNING TIGERS EMEN DANGE "Tills la going to be a tough ball game Saturday," Coach Bill Bower man told his high school football players last night, "so you might as well got ready for It." The, game . la expected to be one of the hardest of tho current season, with the Cavemen pointing for the- Black Tornado all year. Bowerman ran his men through a stiff defenalve drill, and then had a IB-minute offensive scrimmage, tapering off with a hard drilling on fundamentals. Blocking and tackling were stressed, and will be further emphasized tonight, Bowerman said today, Considerable time was put In on offensive and defensive passing work, with Smfth. Bayllsa and Snkralda working on the tossing end, and Kunzman, Fraley and Grow taking the heaves. Kunzman. after Just re covering from at brn knee ligament, hurt the other knee last night, although not seriously. To protect against any possibility that Kunzman get hurt In Satur day's game, Bowerman has shifted Grow to left end. Big Ray Ettlnger, who has been filling In at that post, has a leg injury and $my not be nrjio 10 piny. Ray Lewis, stocky halfback, wrench ed his shoulder painfully but not seriously Inst night, but those are the only Injuries of the entire squad. "Smithereens" Smith, pile-driving halfhaek, has completely recovered from a charley horse that bothered him nil week, and will be able to start the game, f ON THE i.y;m;i r srui tpkh Southern Football Of7lrli.l. (Written for the Aseoclstcd Press.) ATLANTA.-HT3) The hardest play I ever hnd to call occurred In the Tennessee -Alabama game of 1920. With Tennessee leading fl-0, Tony Holm carried the ball 78 yards by steady bucks, placing It on Tnnnea see's one-yard line. Captain Hicks of Alabama tried to punch it over on the fourth down and was down ed six Inches from the goal If Hicks had given the ball to Holm, their difference in height alone would have given Alabama the touchdown If Holm h-wl been tackled at exactly the same pot that Hloks was. the ranxy. powerful boy would nave fallen acroM the line, something Hicks was too small and light to do. When Inches decide a game, It's tou-ifh. The final score ww Tenneaaeo 0, Alabama 0. WINDOW OLA S3 Wa sell window glass and will replace your brokeD windows reasonably. Trowbridge Cab' Inet Works. SPOT DEFEATS! HOPPE TO CHICAGO, Nov, 30. (AP) Welker Cochran of San Francisco again ruled as king of the world's three-cushion billiard playen today. Willie Hoppe of New York, for nearly two generations the Idol of American billiard fans, failed to real ize his long ambition to annex the three-cushion title along with other billiard championship crowns he has worn. In the title game last night, the 37-year-old Cochran defeated Hoppe 60 to 46 In a game that went 46 In nings. In a dramatic finish Cochran went to the table In the 45th Inning trailing 43 to 43. The San Francisco player, calling on all his billiard wizardry, cut loose with an unfin ished run of seven, that returned him the championship he Jost to Johnny Layton, of Bedalla, Mo. year ago. His run of seven was the high run of the match. Hoppe's best effort was six. Hoppe, one time boy wizard of the cue, played In hard luck. On difficult leaves he was In rare form, but miss ed his opportunities on easy shots. Ho mlscued in the 41st inning, and a few minutes later kissed off a com paratively easy shot, giving the San Francisco player the break that brought him victory. Layton, the ex-champlon, planned to challenge Cochran for a 600 point match on which he was willing to bet his lost dollar. Layton was broken hearted over his defeat In which he wound up In seventh place In the tournament. Hoppe will play Arthur Thurnblad of Chicago tonight In a 60-polnt match to decide second and third place honors. Each has won seven and loet two games. NEW YORK, Nov. 20. (AP) Mo tion pictures of the Notre Dame Army football game stirred anew to day the argument as to whether the penalty for Interference which gave Notre Dame Its chance to tie the score was justified. Notre Dame was given the ball on the army two-yard line after at tempting a pass, and with one min ute to play plunged over to tie the score at 6-6. The pictures showed both Whlfcey Grove, Army halfback, and Bill Grohs, quarterback, close by Wayne Mlllner, Notre Dame's intended re ceiver. They indicated, however, that Grove did not touch Mlllner in any way until after the ball had grounded. SAN FRANOISCO, Nov. 20. California's one month open season on ducks and geese opened at 7 a. m. today, wtth some new rules, es tAbllahed as a conservation measure by the United States bureau of bio logical survey. In force. Imporant rules include: Hunting only between 7 a. m. and i p. m. No shooting from scull boat, bllnda or other boat which axe more than 100 feet from shore. Pump guns and automatics must not contain more than three shells at a time. Duck limit la ten per day, with not more than ten In any person's posses ion at any time. Limit on geese Is four per day wtth not more than four In any person's possession at any time EUGENE, MYRTLE POINT SET TURKEY DAY TILT EUGENE. Ore.. Nov. 20. (AP School officials announced a football game between the Eugene high school and Myrtle Point 1 scheduled for Thanksgiving day. Both teams are unbeaten and untied. Eugene ta the highest scoring team In the state. Briggs Will Own Champion Tigers i DETROIT. Mlrh.. No. SO (API ! Walter O. Brings, co-owner of the De- ! trlot baseball club which captured the world championship ait weeks i sso, announced today he was Using ( over full ownership through acqutsl i tlon of the hslf Interest ot th, late rrank J. Navln. ! BtitK, who imwrt fortune In the manufacture of automobile bod- . lea. did not disclose the terms or the . transaction. ) i Fot H.e thst Wear bu NOhDS & HORifl ' Cthelwrn Hoffmsnn- r CALIFORNIA DUCK SEASON IS OPENED MEDFORD VETERINARV H08PITAL IS tear, sineri.nce in isrte nd .man snima) practice Wft N Riverside Phone 309 FANDOM AT RANDOM By Dick Applegate When the new athletic plant at the senior high school Is finished, oue of the most prominent features will be a running track. Coach Bow erman, who Is to Introduce the sport here next spring after & lajoff of several years. Is now looking for coal cinders to provide the surface. In this wood-burning community, he Is having his hands full in that attempt. Upon going to the gas company plant In search of the kllnkera, Bow erman discovered that they get only about a wheelbarrow full every two weeks, hardly enough to make much of an Impression on a 440-yard track. Interest In track here has been practically nil since the heydey of the Slngler brpthera, Rudy and Dick, and others of the era, but Bowerman Is firmly convinced that track Is a re markable developer of football and basketball stamina and apecd. It teaches the boys grace and agility to j boot. Bill says. He should know. When he first entered the University of Oregon, Bowerman was not par ticularly fast', and a had a pecul iar hitch In his stride which earned for film the nam de plume of "Hopnlong." (He'll kill me when he sees that!) Track Coach Bill Harvard of the university put him to work on the track, taught him how to handle him self, and lie developed Into one of the finest middle-distance run ners In school, and surprised no one more than himself when he went out and won the 440 and 220 In a meet. Speaking of track, Francis Kletz meyer, captain of the University of Iowa track squad, personally amassed MO! what . 'T EvEMTAfcwr Hawkeyes' f all champion ships, win n 1 n g the 60 yard high and HQ-low hurdles, Javelin .discus, shotput and broad Jump, and placing sec ond In the 60 and 100-yard sprints and the high Jumps. The report that he ran all the way home to get In wood after the meet is unveri fied. ' After Myrtle Point had cancelled thlr scheduled game with Medford, to have been played at Medford last Saturday, some fear was expressed to be played one against Grants Pass frightened at the paralysis "scare" here, and canoel their engagement. As a matter of fact, the matter was discussed by climate City health au thorities and school heads. After careful deliberation and examination of the faots iu the matter, It was announced to the Mail Tribune from Grants Pass this morning that plans were now definite" to continue with the game. Cancellation of the Grants Pass game would have wreaked havoc with the remainder of the Tiger schedule, with ony two more games to be played oneagalnst Grants Pass Saturday at Grants Pass and the annual Turkey Day fiesta at Ash land. Plans for a post-season game are still vague. Bowling has long been a popu lar men's game. Webster admits that howling Is an ancient game, pluyed In Great Britain with binned balls on a level plat of or greensward, the aim being to roll them near a stationary bnll called a Jack. Aso the game of nlne-plns, skittles, or Jacks. After having attempted the game once, we feel that Webster's Idea of rolling the hnll NKAR the Jack Is a mtirh handler version for duhs like us than the method demanded nt Walt Antle's Smoke House, where you have to knock the Jack down to score. To get back to the original aubject, bowling has long been a man's game, but of late years the ladles have taken It tip with marked success. Now they have progressed so far that they are to compete, for the first time In Medford. In a bowling tour nament, at the Smoke Home alleys, Sunday. Ladles from Grants Pass, Klamath Falls, Eureka (California), and Medford, and men from those cities will compete. mm "Va you wmii mmA -.svtiv wmtm, Hack In Orefiui ngnln for 1 hnnk-f H Inr shipments, this belnf our fourth jear. We have been topping the San Francisco Mnrket, also local mlrs. Al.'i honest nelghl and grading here nnd prompt returns. Ship to the firm l icensed and Hmidrri h the state of California to be safe. Reference: Bank of America. California and Montgomery pt., Snn Francisco. California. Will Be Receiving Turkeys Nov. 21, 22, 23 at Davis Transfer SOUTH GRAPE AT MEDFORD For any Information rail MMfnrd S09 or Davis Transfer. ALBERT MI6HELI. Representative LEWINSKY NO WRESTLER ST. LOUIS, Nov. 30.- (AP) Whether a good boxer can whip a wrestler re mained an unsettled question today, but there was no doubt what a good wrestler can do to. a hit-and-miss slugger. It took Ray Steele, patriarch of the grappling Industry, Just 36 seconds In the first round of a ten-round contest last night to pin King Le vinsky, the late heavyweight boxing contender. The bout, first "major" mixed bat tle In ring history, left some 12,000 cash customers discontented and both principals drew a generous round of boos at the close of the brief fiasco. The action while It lasted was whirlwind enough. The Klngflsh. armed with the con ventional six-ounce gloves, ambled CALLS SIGNALS ON LTNFIELD COLLEGE, McMlnnvllle. Ore., Nov. 20. (Spl.) George Har rington, former Medford high grid iron star end now a Junior at Lin field college In McMlnnvllle, has won the signal calling berth "on tho Wlldpat var s I ty. Through out the season he has shown outstanding abil ity as a field general and has Geo. Harrington, led his team to a Northwest con ference co -championship. In the final conference game against College of Idaho, Harrington quick-kicked deep into Idaho terri tory, which put Linfleld in a scoring position. The final score was 14-0, with Harrington kicking the two extra points. The Wildcats have an outstanding record this season, having won all. of their conference tilts except tho Pa cific university encounter, which ended in a 0-0 tie. Southern Oregon Normal was defeated, 27-0, and the brilliant Portland university Pilots nosed Linfleld out, 7-6. Harrington not only excels in foot ball but Is a two-year letterman m basketball, and Is expected to be the mainstay of the team this year. He Is one of the best men on the golf team and has been a leader in class and student body activities. WRESTLING (By the Associated Press.) NEWARK. N. J Danno O'Mxhoney, 220, Ireland, defeated Kank Barber, 318. Dartmouth, one fall. HAERISBURG Pa. Chief Little Wolf, 215, Oklahoma, defeated Hans Kamper, 225, Germany, one fall. KANSAS CITY. Kaa. Everett Mar shall, 222, LoJunta, Colo., and Lee Wyckoff, 225, Kansas City, drew. Fights Last Night (By the Associated Press.) .tw5f:v rrrv. n. .i. Joev Fer- rando. 137, Jersey City, stopped Honey Menooy, Jflo. tJosion. (aj. LOS ANGELES Leon Zorrtta. 146, Cuba, knocked out Tony Roccaforte, 147. Italy, (8); Joe Bauer, ioi. Cleve land, outpointed Jck Darcy, 100, Lcs Angeles, Captures Bobrat FLORENCE. Ore.,' Nov. 20. (AP) Rudy Hestetter of the Stuslaw coast guard station has a bobcat. He cap tured It bare handed. I threw a stick of wood at It and stunned him so tho rest was easy," he said. Use Mall Tribune want ads. ATTENTION TURKEY GROWERS Bear Fruit & Produce Co. 115-117 Washington Street San Francisco, Cal. SQUAD MATCH FOR IN MIXED GO from his corner at the bell and took a long-range poke atw Seteele's bat tered nose, but missed. Steelet dived under his gloves and kicked him against the ropes. The wrestler neld Levlnsky firmly from behind while the Chicago ex flsh peddler fanned with a vain back hand at the Steele kidneys. Came then the referee and separated the two. The Klngflsh let go the long right haymaker he promised before the bout woud lift Steele into the aisles. It dazed .the wrestler but he re mained substantially tn the ring. He ducked the follow-up left and then circled LevLnsky's knees with a quick dive, toppled him to the floor and smothered the bewildered boxer with an octopus body block. BOWLING Captain Jim Murray's Elk club bowling team flattened the squad captained by Frank Hussong to the tune of four points In their match last night. Teams led by Captains Bierma and Gates will roll tonight. . Team No. J. Murray 164 160 164 488 Prultt T 194 160 160 513 Sherwood 180 188 218 584 Claude Holmes...... 152 144 141 437 Miller 132 132 . 132 396 Boone .' 141 166 124 431 Handicap 154 154 J54 462 Total 1117 1104 1090 3311 Team No. 5. Hussong 167 148 160 475 Bowman '. 142 159 161 462 Meeker 85 143 108 336 Beeney 167 138 142 447 Faske .... HO 170 170 510 Kresse -J. 171 171 '171 513 Handicap 170 170 170 510 Total .1.1072 1099 1082 3253 Team No. 1 wins all four points. Team No: 3 rolls Team No. 8 to night, November 20, 1935. Team No. 3 is composed of: Bierma, captain; Canfleld, Lantls. V.. Strang, Coleman and C. Holmes. Team No. 8 Is com posed of: Gates, captain: Hagcn, Lo Clerc, Predette, Hart and Sweeney. GUNSMITH Repairs (ot all make, ot uns Sims Bros. 29 N Fir Where the stress of travel fades as if by magic ft When you break your journey at The Palace Hotel in San Francisco, the stress andbustleof traveling leave you . . . almost magically. Quiet, unobtrusive service, and forethought for your every want, make you instantly, completely and restfully at home. And yet the heart of the city . theatres, shops,cdmmercial centre is but a block or two, in one direction or another, from your door. o00 rooms, each wifh bafft, from S3 fiiqgfei up. THE ' PALACE HOTEL ihe ZHtari of San &raneisea AfCHIftAlD H. Mice, MAN AOM 11 otd fan Pablo sun peLOiiiv.ATt"-ncT Down Town JWSmsSeX,. Central A Howe iewsr Fsvw Horn Completely Renovated and Redecorated RATES With detached bath from'liS dally Witn asm - irom'USdaJly FREE .KfWMOOtSU GARAGE DIRECTIONS TO HOTEU "iau on Wain fliqhway (San'PabbJtvenue) directly to 20tkStreet TRaxpamt-Hairy B.Stranf ipilff '!"iniiiii?H'"i" " '11" 3 ' a in jiiil HTrrriTT num. usj7"1"" J No Scolding. BJjUFFTON, 8. C Nov. 20. JP) Joe Heyward and two oompanioni played hookey from school because YouVe Wanted a Smaller Diesel Ever since the introduction of "Caterpillar" Diesel powered tractors four years ago, there has been an insis tant demand for a Diesel for the medium size farm. Far mers all over the world have said "give us Diesel power . . . Diesel economy ... In a size to fit our needs." "Caterpillar" Engineers have answered, and . . . Now comes the 'Caterpillar' RD 4 30 Horsepower Diesel Tractor ... a tractor with approximately the same drawbar efficiency as the old "Caterpillar" THIRTY, with rucl economy such as no tractor of Its size has ever opproachcrl, with better balance between power and traction than any previous "Calcrplllar" of Its size.. Separate gasoline engine for positive starting . . . runs on two gallons per hour of cheap fuel oil . . . completely sealed against dust . . .' tractor that delivers maximum performance without sacrificing long life. and the new "Caterpillar 30 for gasoline or low cost fuel oil Here's a machine that operates on a wide range of low cost fuels, develops approximately the same drawbar horsepower as the HT) 4 and sells for $3.V.00 less. For the farmer who needs a full 3D horse power trnctor but for a seasonal period too short to Justify the additional cost of a Ulesel, the "Caterpillar" THIRTY Is a splendid tractor value. Because the factory wishes to give customers' orders first call, we are unnhle to Immediately secure a display machine. We can assure you, however, that you can place your order for sprlnp delivery with confidence that these two machines measure up with and exceed "Cater pillar" standards of quality. HUBBARD 29 North Riverside. iTi'Tlh:Wi7i7?i7X?ii'"f':"i"i WANT TO RENT? WANT TO BUY? You can find just the place you want in the Tribune's Classified columns . . . and what easier way is there to contact the person who wants to rent or buy . . . Should YOU have something to dispose of, Classified ads will reach prospective buyers at very moderate cost! MAIL TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED ADS Consult Them! Use Them! they couldn't resist the temptation to try out Joe's new hound. But they -lldn't get a scolding. They brojight .iome a 155-pound buck. - WRAY CO. Phone 202 3