PAGE NINE A.KVt VVAKAtiC TO U.UKV ILliY MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1935 d VVaUCY.oj -IlTMl IH SB Bead every ad OB this pace. Von will probably find e ctly the thlnf yon want to buy or tell. K It Isn't there, advertlH. 1 1 ' Inexpenslv, effective. RATES rr word first Insertion (Minimum 25c) aeh additional Insertion, per word Minimum 10c) fet Una per month without opt changes 41 .U Phone 75 FOB WANT AD 3 LOST AND FOUND LOST Bible, Saturday night. Central and Main. Reward. 133 West Main. LOST Hawthorne bicycle, red and white with balloon tires. Large red ou rar niuu hu-i. A'Bb i clamp beneath cushion of seat re-, placed by wire. Serial No. W-379. Reward for returning same to this i office. No questions asked. j LOST Pair glasses m case. Notify i lleeta Mornlngstar, 819 Teylor St.' Reward. j LOST Fur mitten ai Talent. Thurs day night. Return to Safeway (Central Ave.) Medford. Reward. LOST If aog la missing. calll516 WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Man to work on ranch during winter. Board, found end some change. Box 7962, Tribune. WANTED Middle-aged man for or chard and general farm work. House furnished. Box 7822, Tribune. WANTED Man familiar with cream routes In Rogue River Valley. An i opportunity for right man. Address j Box 7831 c.o-TriDune. I - " MALE AND riWAlfi RESIDENT MANAGER, lady or mnn. permanent connection, income $50 , weeKiy. sauu casn required, secureu and returnable. Box 7829, Tribune. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Girl for light o'fflce work, Perm aue n t Job for r ig h t person . Address Box 7839 giving references and previous employment. WANTED SITUATIONS CARPENTERING done for cash or trade. Tel Central Point, 145, RELIABLE man here with family de slrea employment. Box 7899, Mall Tribune. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 4 horses with harness, to work in exhango for feeding through the winter. R. J. Anfin son, Rt. 1, Box 413. WANTED To trade hay for wood. Call evenings, 141 Central Point. WANTED Secondhand Spanish gui tar. Box 7841. Tribune. WANTED Typewriter. Must be In good condition. Tel 1150-L. WANTED Late model superhetero dyne radio. Must be cheap. Answer by letter giving price and descrip tion. Box 7624. Tribune. WANTED To buy feeder hogs. H. E. Blrdsall, Rt. 4. Box 133, 1 mile east Hlllcrest Orchard. WANTED Family washing 75c per dozen, washed and ironed. Will call for and deliver. Phone 916-L. WANTED Clean out your attls. garage and basement of all old lur nlture. cook stoves, heaters, stove pipe, fruit jars, etc Give us a eall. NEW DEAL FURN EXCHANGE No. 413 Sast Main WANTED Cook stoves, heaters, bed springs, mattresses, rtay-oed?, sani tary couches and cots or what have you-. We pnv cash or exchange. NEW DEAL FURN EXCHANGE 423 E. Main St. WANTED FURS FURS FURS Highest cash price paid for raw fure Complete line of traps :n wle. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSS 27-29 No Grape St. Medford. WANTED We pay cash rot household goods furniture and stoves We also ouy metals hides pelts wool and mo hair MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 N Grape 8t Phone 1063. WANTED Used furniture, tols. doors windows Berry-' 3nd H,nd Store 1603 No Rlrerslde Tel 266 FURNITURE WANTED Tilly's Sec ond Hand Store 112 No. Front. WANTED - Beef csttle veal lamoa nd pasture J J Ononiage FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Furnished house. John Doroy. Griffin Creek MODERN, 3 rooms furnished new bungalow with garage, tor two or three adults. Hotel & Cottages Val andrr.. Central Point. Ore. FOR RENT -- 5-room house L. O. Pirkell. 204 East MUn. I FOR KENT 4 -room modern house in Phoenix, trsrajie. chicken house. Phone lfl-F-3 Sunday or afternoon vekday. FINISHED joue. ;37 Tr.pp Si, FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Small furnished house; electric etove and refrigerator; oil burner- Adults only. Inquire 12 So. Orange. Phone 848-Y. FOR RENT 7 -room stucco house, strictly modem; fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace and many built-in. 301 Crater Lake Ave. FOR RENT 3 room turn, house. Call 24 Lincoln St. Phone 95-R. FOR RENT Homes furnished or unfurnished Brown White. FOR RENT holly Court No. 3., cor 4th and Holly. 8 rooms. Frigldalre, oil burner, electric stove. 30 per month. Call 195. FOE RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished V4 duplex. 604 W. 10th. FOR RENT 4 room apartment part ly furnished with bath. aio.00. 830 Bennett St. FURNISHED apartments; adults. 124 King St. FOR RENT Apartments. 334 Apple. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Hented furnished room. 613 South Oakclole Avenue. FOR RENT Sleeping room, moderate rate. 325 South Riverside. ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 3 Grape FOR RENT ROOM BOARD BOARD AND ROOM, rates reasonable at 716 E. Main. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Service station and store on highway now operating. Box 7833. Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE TRADE Pot couple medium si-ed dressed turkeys, Columbia, Orapho nola In fine oak case. Good condi tion. Lare assortment records. Tel. 956-W after 6 p. m. FOR SALE OR TRADE Irrigation sprinkler system. 826 & McAndrews Road. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE , GOOD house and lot or 40 acres Im proved land, trade for late model truck or car. 402 E. Main. FOR TRADED Medford city lot for mils cow or caives- ckjx ivt, une. "' - - F0R SALE REAL ESTATE $1650 total price 40 -acre farm, all fenced, creek through place, large spring piped to house, sufficient to Irrigate 6 acres. 7 room house, bern. Will give terms. CHARLES A. WING AGENCY. INC. 109 E. Main St. Phone 728 FOR SALE 40 acres wood land. Close in. Tnqulre Lyden House, Jacksonville. 20 ACRES, fenced woven wire. 4-rm. house, large chicken house and barn. well. 5 acres free water; $1500. third down, balance 4. Sheley. 402 E. Main. FOR SALE 40 acres. 16 miles south of Grants Pass on Redwood high way. Free irrigation: 10 acres till-1 able land; living streams enrougn property. House cost $4,000. Will sell cheap, wonderful possibilities. J. E. Bertolette, Grants Pass, Rt. 1. FOR SALE Modern 4-room house; paved street, or trade tor Klamath Falls residence. 214 Vancouver Ave. 100 ACRES well improved, stocked and equipped, cloe to Meed ford; some cash or income property Bal ance long time low Interest O A DeVoe. 623-J -2 HOUSES FOR SAL OR RENT Jackson County Building At Loin Ass'n Phone 198 WHEN you think of real estate think of Brown & White. FOR 8 ALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALF 1929 Ford coarh, $100. Geo. Hartley, across from county fann. Talent. FOR SALE Bulck roadster, in excel lent condition, was recently over hauled. Can be seen at 328 No. Cen tral. USED CARS See us. We have all makes at prices that are right. WALTER W. ABBEY, INC. 123 S. Riverside. Phone 303 GOOD USED CARS Low Finance Rates. Low Prices 1934 Dodire DeLuxe Sedan. 1935 Dodge Sedan. 1935 Dode Pickup. 1933 Plymouth Sedan 1931 Chrysler 8 Sedan 1930 Ford Sedan 1929 Ford Town Sdan 1933 Chevrolet S; 1933 Plymouth Coupe 1934 Chrysler Airflow Also a number of other real bar gains. LANGE MOTOR CO. Used Car Lot. 6th & Bartlett 38 North Riverside HUDSON S-dan fine condition very cheap Call 967 or 832 -B BUSINESS CHANCES $7000 APARTMENT only $4000. All rented, $105 monthly. $1500 down, be'.anoe $25 monthly. Phone Own er. 1388. ROOFING rooftno Let us inspect your roof before the rainy season This ser vice Is free Call 270 Rogue Rivet Roofing Co. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE cheap. BEAUTIFUL SQUARE GRAND PIANO. -otewoofl case or will trade for trood upright piano. Baldwin Piano Shoppe. MISCELLANEOUS HOWARD meeting postponed. Tne Howard unit meetuw on Racial t Embroidery, for Wednesday, has i been jKMHjXaeAt FOR SALIi -LIVESTOCK FOR 6 ALE 4 beef cows at Sandox ranch, above Trail". FOR 8 ALE Pure-bred Hereford bulls, also car load high grade Ouornsey heifers. Theron Jones, Murphy, Ore. Phone Provolt- - FOR SALE Weaner pigs or trade for plow. Rankin Estes. Mediord. FOR SALE 50 Hampshire ewes, also feeder pigs. Dolph Phipps. FOR SALE: Good saddle horse weight 1075. Write Frank Dawson. Jack sonville. FOR SALE Team of horses and har ness; weight about 3000 lbs. Team mules and harness, wagon and two 12-lnch plows Whttaett Bros.,-1 mile above Provolt. FOR SALE: Bav gelding about 1200 lbs. C. A. DeVoe, 523-J-2. FOR SALE POULTRY LEGHORN pullets, Hansen strain, lay ing. Lola Chapman, Box 120, Old Pacific highway. FOR SALE Breeding turkeys best market type bronze market price. Fritz Snyder Ranch. Days Creek. Or. FOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR SALE 6 black Raccoons, best offer takes them Rainbow Gibson, Weasku Inn. Grants Pass. Oregon. COCKER Spaniel puppies and Roller canaries. Thrasher's. Jacksonville Tel. 173. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Home size combination billiard and pool table com plate. Box 7960. Tribune. FOR SALE Corn, 20 ton. John Dar by. Griffin Creek. FOR SALE Range and heater. 134 S. Ivy.' FOR SALE Restaurant equipment, booths, counter, hood, showcases and sink. Cheap If taken at once. 208 E. 8th. Call after one o'clock. FOR SALE All Kinds of hard wood. Inquire at Beagle post office. FOR SALE Squash, onions, ear corn, O. J. Logan. Stewart Ave. FOR SALE Ford truck with Job. In quire 132 So. Riverside. FOR SALE Saloon fixtures snooker table, electric light fixtures, booth. Ice box, clothes, showcases, rockers, dressers. Allen Hotel. APPLES C grade Newtowns ...,....$ .35 box Cull Spitz - " .35 box Ex. fancy Delicious, loose 1.00 box Fancy Delicious, loose .. 75 box Ex. fey. Wlnesaps. loose - .73 box Fancy Wlnesaps, loose 60 box Fancy Spitz 75 box PINNACLE PACKINO CO. Plant No. 4 Uth and Front FOR 8 ALE Corn on cob lVio per lb.; shelled lc lb. H. O. Maury, Jacksonville-Central Point Road. FOR SALE Almonds 20c lb., walnuts 18c lb. Prunes 5c lb. Phone 539-J-l. Mrs. D. W. Luke. FOR SALE Sawmill, 24 ft. planer. 447 B St., Ashland. FOR SALE OR TRADE piano, radio. White sewing machine, Brunswick phonograph with records. Ah 1 born, 1 block north north, block west of Faber's Grocer-, Central Point. FOR SALE OR TRADE Studio COUCfct and White kitchen circulator heat er. 911 Reddy. FOR SALE Circulating heater, cheap. 9 Rose Ave. FOR SALE Cheap. 2 2-wheel trailer. Med i or d Poultry and Egg Co. APPLES We deliver. Tel 132-L. FOR SALE Corn $25 a ton on the ear. or $35 shelled. Ed Dutton ; Ranch, near Eagle Point. ' APPLES Several varieties Gebhard's. i mile northeast Centml Point, BARNYARD FERTILIZER Any kind you want. McGonagle. Tel. 358-M. FARMERS ATTENTION ! For Sale Used rebuilt farm imple ments and machinery of all kinds Special Fordson Tractors. 39 South Grape, Me-Jford. FOR SALE Baled oat hay and feed wheat. C. A. DeVoe. 623-J-2. FOR SALE OR TRADE 2 L. rifle for wardrobe trunk. 419 W. 2nd before 3 FOR SALE Grapes J. A Manke. 2 miles east of Jacksonville, adjoin ing former Clancy orchard. DRIVEWAY MATERIAL 3 Sizes Of rock at $1 30 per yard, delivered Batemaa. Phone 1534-Y or J12J FINE Red Spltzenburg and Newtown apples for sale at Ala Vista Packing House. 327 So Fir St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACK HON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance The only complete Tttle System tn Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title Rooms 8 and 6 No. 82 North Central Are., upstairs. " Kxpert Window Cleaners."" LET GEORGE DO H Tel, 1172 House cleaning Moor waxing, ori ental rug cleaning and upholstering Nurtrry Stork FOR HIOHEST QUALITY pear treea. peach, apricot, cherry, apple, al mond, filbert, and walnut trees, rotvs. berries, grapes, and shrubs at Bargain Prices Phone 851 -R-2 or call at W B BarnunVs. 3 miles south of ueiUord on nun way nexx to Ever Shady auto camp. Carlton Nursery. Ctrlton. Oregon. Money- to Lend MONEY LOANED" - $50 to $300 for personal or household purp-jsea on House Furnishing or Autos: also Cars Refinanced Loana closed within 30 minutes Li'-en No S 157 Set W B Thorn a 46 60. Central. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Transfer. EAD8 TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 1015 No Central Phune 316 Prices right. Service guaranteed. 1'RUCKING AND STORAGE Local and long distance hauling- furni ture moving etc. Reasonable rated Tel 833 F E Samson Co. HA W LEY TRANSFER - Expert pack era and movers Special livestock moving equipment. Prices -ight 619 North Riverside Phone 615 LEGAL NOTICES Notice 10 Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Peter P. von Stein. Deceased. The undersigned has been appoint ed and qualified by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County, as Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Peter F. von stein, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them, duly veri fied, with proper vouchers, to me at my office, Cooley Theatre Building, Medford, Oregon, within six months from Nov, 6, 1935 the date of this notice. RAWLE3 MOORE, Administrator. Notice to Creditor, In the County Court of trie State of Oregon. In and for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Estate of Frank Stgul Carpenter, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the Hon. Earl B. Day, Judge of the above entitled Court, as Administra tor with Will annexed of said estate, and has duly qualified according to law. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present same, with proper vouchers and duly verified according to law, at the office of T. W. Miles, attorney for the undersigned, in the Jackson County Bank Building In the Ctty of Medford, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published Novem ber 19th. 1935. P. M, JANNEY. Administrator with the Will an nexed of the Estate of Frank Slgul Carpenter, deceased. Notice of Sheriff's sale. By virtue of an execution duly la sued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon in and for the County of Jackson, In a certain action therein, wherein Southern Oregon Credit Bureau, an Oregon corporation, as plaintiff, re covered a Judgment against John Draws, the defendant, for the sum of $153.65, with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per annum from the 28fch day of January. 1920. the further sum of $7.90 costs and disbursements, end $1.00. transcript fee, which Judg ment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk's office of aatd Court on the 7th day of February, 1929; I have levied upon the following described real property, to -wit: Commencing at a point where the north line of West 4th Street crosses the west line of Oakdale Avenue, in the City of Medford, Oregon, and running thence south westerly along the north side line of West 4th Street to where the same crosses the went line of the Southeast quarter of the North east quarter of Section 25, Town ship 87 South of Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian In Oregon, thence northerly along said west line of said Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter to where same crosses the west line of Oak dale Avenue aforesaid; thence southeasterly along the west line of said Oak dale Avemte to the point of beginning in the City of Medford. Jackson County, Oregon. And. notice Is hereby given, that, on the 19th day of -December, 1935. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at the front door of the County Courthouse, in the City of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon. I will offer for sale and will sell o,t public auction for cash to the highest bidder, subject to redemption as provided by law, all of the right, title and Interest that the silrt de fendant. John Draws, had on the 7th Mail Tribune Oaily ACROSS Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle I. Dish served with an dresiln t. Legislator 13. Rare old vlol 14. Tending to wear awnn 15. One with leprosy II, Old piece 01 cloth 17. Prens for pay mtnt 11. Abraham's birthplac 19. Lock of hi 21. Beverage 22. Color 21. Km ploy 21. Killed 27. Card gam 29. Rodent 21. Flavor 12. Perceive- by the ear II. Caustic al kaline solu tloo 8ft. Olrl 19. Kind of biscuit 42. Deposit 11 lUvrue E. L5L N u T AW O I D H T AlilskP- w pet o u r W E X T O R TJ . Any uiuii key 4b. Port 48. In; prefix 40. Br way of 10. (Jreek Utter 11. Correct M, Lasts II. Mountain chain ST. Dinner courts IS. Arrnncem.Tit I 13 14 15 Vmmlo 7 8 I? " 'v.7', m. Mi 16 mm"? 20 "jg' 27 16 m3 lift !L ii-l-iSt44 M LMil! 7 SI it pr itfl 7 j 1 day of February, 1929, or at any time thereafter, or now has, in and to the cbove described property, for the pur pose of satisfying said Judgment, to gether with the costs of this sale. Dated this 19th day of November, 1935. SYD I. BROWN, Sheriff of Jackson County. Oregon. By HOWARD GAULT. Deputy. TRACK FORGERS BETS INTO CASH LONDON. (UP) A special squad of Scotland Yard detectives has been formed to break up a gang of forgers who have been reaping a rich har vest on the dog racing track here. Ultra-violet ray lamps. Infra -red cameras and all other resources of r-olentific crime resources are mobil ized for this task. The forgery plot, the extent of which cannot be determined, first was suspected when a 10-shllllng note ! ticket at one of the leading dog tracks was found to have been altered. The ticket Itself was genuine and had I been Issued by the machine. It was ; presented and payment of substantial odds was made. By chance an offi cial of the track looked at the ticket in daylight and discovered faint markings which showed up under a magnifying glass. The ticket was taken to Scotland Yard's crime laboratory, where an ultra-violet ray lamp revealed that the number of the dog inscribed on the ticket had been cleverly changed from 3 (a loser) to 6 (the winner of the particular race). The first num ber had been chemically erased and the new number printed over with Ink practically the same aa that used In printing the ticket originally. It was the work of master forgers, marked by speed, audacity and skill. The ticket must have been altered In I less than a quarter of an hour, the Interval between races. In view of the difficulty of finding a suitable corner on a dog track to carry out such a change, the detec tives are convinced that they are dealing with a gang of geniuses equipped with pocket forgery seta and well supplied with capital. A careful examination has revealed hundreds of forged tickets on which money has been paid out. but only In cases of dogs winning at long odds. TO BE PUT TO USE EUGENE. Ore.. Nov. 19. (AP) Work on a WPA recreation center project at the Lane county fair i grounds started here Monday. This j is one of the major WPA projects In I this county and calls for an expendi ture Of $16,926. The work includes the razing of a number of the old fair buildings, erection of an auditorium, a little theater and a natatorlum, rebuilding and changing the location of the race track grandstand, drainage and beau tifying the grounds and providing baseball and kitten ball diamonds. WINDOW GLASS We sell window glass and will replace your broken windows reasonably Trowbridge cab Inet Works. Use Mall Tribune want ads. Cross - Word Puzzle t. Anirlo-Saiont ahbr. 10. Pertaining to the riii fall of toe ocean 11. Reed 12. Uxtend a subHcrlptlon 20. Regret 21. Woolly sur face of cloth 24. Fish from a moving boat 39. Stalks 29. Attempt M, Mxclarnatlon r.J. Biblical king 14. Malicious re taliation ftl. RUm 37. Snapping beetle at. Stain 29. Talked enthu siastically 40. Think 41. Induces 43, CeaiMi: nautical 41. Present 47. Ha who fiddles whlls Rome burnsd US. Deface R3. Conclusion 55. Oiinlvcs HE sllE E1 R 1 IdIe n!t pe EaA P A E 1rope P DE 1fer5 DOWN 1. Greets 2. Continent S, Klpple aealnst 4. Devoured . Filth I. Withers 7, Implement for obliterating I. Err drink I0LD FAIRGROUNDS Reese Creek REESE CREEK. Nov. 19, (Spl.) Jack Grow received word November 17 that his brother, Robert Grow, had been killed that morning. Particu lars were lacking. Mr. and Mrs. Grow and daughter, Eileen, left November IS by auto for Los Angeles, where his brother lived. Mr. and Mrs. James Woods have sold their dairy and alfalfa farm to George La Salle and his grandmother, Mrs. Pauline Good, from Montana. They will take possession this week. Mr. and Mrs. Woods and family will move to Phoenix for the present- The entire family will be greatly missed in the community, both from social and school standpoints. All wish them success in their new home and also welcome ths new family In the community. Mrs. Fern Haniford Is In Medford this week caring for her mother-in-law, Mrs. Haniford, who has pneu monia. Mrs. Rose Sturglll, mother of Mrs. Orow, Is living at 242 North Front street, Medford, and welcomes visits from her Reese Creek neighbors. Mrs. Ernest Albers and little daugh ter, Barbara Jean, of Butte Falls vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Jack and family November 16. Mrs. G. C. Langley and baby daugh ter will leave this week for their home at Modoc Point, Klamath coun ty. Mrs. Langley, who has been car ing for Mrs. Mike Heckenberger since her operation two months ago. Mrs. Ray Ragsdale and two small sons of near Butte Falls spent last week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cowdln. Mra. Dhle Smith la up and out again after being confined to her bed with a bad attack of flu. Turkey pickers are busy this -week at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Wll ford Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leigh, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grow and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hammlll, who have been picking for several days. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lamb and Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Lamb will pick turkey. this week. Dale Smith and Homer Martin and son, Hollls, have been sawing wood for Mr. Lesley on the river road. Dinner guests during the week at the W. R. Lamb home were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis of near Butte Falls Friday and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lamb and daughter, Edna, were dinner guests Sunday evening. The Reese Creek council and teach er circle will hold a carnival at the school house some time in December. The time will be announced later. Mr. and Mrs. W. R, Lamb had the water Installed In the house from a cistern system finished November 14. J. S. Hatfield, a oement worker, as sisted Mr. Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Humphrey sold 60 of their turkeys last week. John Han kins, I. 8. Hatfield and W. R. Lamb picked the birds. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lamb spent November 17 with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Klersted of Kane Creek, It being Mr. Klersted ' birthday. Mrs. Kler sted prepared a turkey dinner. Fern Valley TORN VALLEY, Nov. it (Spl.) Mlia rtancea Benson ha, moved from h.ra to board at the home of Mr. and Mra. Carlson during tha winter months while Bhe Is attending school. Misses Anne and Lillian Kantor drove to Cranwell, Calif. Sunday to visit Mr. and Mra. Joe Kantor. Helen Kantor, who haa been visiting there the past two weeks, returned with them Monday bringing Josephlno and Dorothea, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kantor. Mra. Jo Kantor, who haa been in poor health for the past two years, finds It necessary to return to the sanitarium at Salem for treat ment as the doctors at Crannell find that tuberculosis has act In again. Harley Dunn was In the commun ity on business Wednesday. Lem Hughes helped bring In a number pt cattle the first of the week for Mr. Loosley and attended the ex change at Casters. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Long returned Tuesday from northern Washington where they have been working in the fruit. Mr. and Mrs. George Roberta of Medford, who visited for a couple of weeks at the Long home here this fall, announce the arrival of a baby girl Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Benson were dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Prank Ander non'a Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. w. H. Doud have re turned home after spending two months with Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Doud at Valleyvlew. Mra, H. Steele waa a dinner guest of Mrs. L. H. Hughes Tuesday. Allan Ruasey Is still having trou ble with the Injury to his leg received some weeks ago In football practice. The wound Is not healing aa It should. ROBBERS CALL POLICE AFTER FRUITFUL HAUL CAMBRIDGE. Mass., Not. 19.- (AP) After robbing an express company garage of $10,000 In furs, laces and cash early yesterday, one member of the bandit gang telephoned police headquarters and sarcastically In formed the desk officer that the speaker and five other men bad made the raid. MANILA, Nov. 18. (AP The late Captain H. A. Lennard, commander of the Brutal, freighter Stlverhazel, who with three others lost bis life In the wreck of his ship November 0. was cleared of blame for the disaster by a committee of inquiry Phone 642 We'll naul sway your refuse. Oltt 8-nlttrv Serrio. Re3se Creek 1 1 REESE CREEK, Nov. 19. Mr. and Mra. Wllford Jack entertained the council and teachers circle at their home November 16. A covered dish luncheon waa served at noon. Mrs. Edward Cowden bad charge of the program, consisting mostly of guess ing games, which afforded mucn merriment. The president. Mrs. Nich ols, had charge of the business ses sion. Ways and means were discussed for the Christmas treats for the children and committees were ap pointed. The December party will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bellows, December 4. Those attending Mrs. Jacks' party were: Mr. and Mrs. H. Ball, Mr. end Mrs. Gene Bellows, Mr. and Mrs. I. 8. Hatfield. Mr. and Mrs. James Woods, Mr. an Mrs. Robert Humph rey and chlldrtu. Mrs. Wallace Mc Dowell, Mrs. Jamea McDowell. Mra. Merle Jack and two sons. Mrs. Jack Grow and Eileen Grow, Mrs. Harold Emlson and Sydney and Joan. Mra. L. J. Kelllng. Mrs. R. D. Nichols, Mrs. Edward Cowden, Mra. L. J. Boren and Rena. Mrs. L. J. Boran. Mrs. J. Edward Lelh, Mrs. John Hanktn. Mrs. D. C. Wade, two children. Mrs. Rlen, two daughters, Htlda aud Trya Rlen, Mrs. Ernest Albers and daugh ter, Barbara Jeane, Mrs. Edward Bel lows. Mrs. Otto Ruaho, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Gardner, Grandmother Vestal, Alex Vestal, 8. M, Vestal, Mrs. R. M. Brown, little Signs Haniford and Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Lamb. TALENT, Nov. 19. (Spl.) Mrs. Iota Miller and Mrs. Harriet Bates attend ed the extension unit meeting held In Phoenix. David Baylor celebrated his ninth birthday with a party at his home Friday evening. There were 15 guests present, and It Is reported that they had a very good time. Delightful refreshments were served by the hos tess, Mrs. Baylor. A number of tnwnsueople serenaded Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Tuesday night. Elton Petri of Anderson Creek la I reported to be Buffering with lnfan I tile paralysis. He la partially paral- yd In both feet and arma. Charles Holdrldge was transacting business in Ashland Friday. Mr. and Mra. Lyle Tame entertain ed a number of young people at their home Friday evening In honor of Miss denevleve Walty's birthday. William Burnett left Monday for Salem and Portland to vlst rolatives and friends. Thursday afternoon there will be a meeting of the exumslon unit at the club rooms. Racial embroidery will be demonstrated. Each lady Is re. quenwd to bring needle, thread and linen or substitute or fancy work, and if possible D. M. C. thread. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Bates will b. in charge of the meeting. About forty-eight members of the Hamilton family gathered at tha home of Mr. and Mra. Sam Hamilton family Sunday and surprised Mr. and Mrs. Stell, who were recently married, with a miscellaneous shower, A covered dish luncheon was served at noon. Many beautiful gifts were received by Mr. and Mrs. Stell. Floyd Young waa a business caller In Medford Friday. Mr. and Mra. Walty have moved into the M. E. parsonage and Mr. Temple haa moved to Ma own home near Phoenix. PEDESTRIANS FARE WORST IN MISHAPS IiONDON (UP) Pedestrians are by far the moat frequent victims In road accidents In England, This fact Is revealed In the chief constable's official report Just Issued. Other surprising disclosures are that only 4 per cent of those killed are drivers of vehicles and that In 33 per cent of fa to 11 ties the speed of the vehicles Is under 20 miles an hour. The report covers the results of Inquiries Into 1,600 fatal cases, Of that total, vehicles killed pedestrians In R42, and 403 deaths were due to collisions. There were 918 accidents on straight roads or open bend 5 with a good sight line. While the percentage of pedestrians killed was 65.9, and bicycle rid era 20 per cent, the percentage of drivers was only 4 8. Of the pedestrians kilted, 30.2 per cent wre under 16, and 49.9 per cent were 66 and over. The people who cause the accidents, according to the chief constable, are: pedestrians, 49.1 per cent; drivers, 35,1 per cent, and pedal cyclists, 15,9 per cent. BOOK WEEK FEATURE In observance of Book Week, No vember 17 to 33, Medford public li brary Is displaying an exhibit of new children s books in the Juvenile de partment of the library. The theme of book week for this year is "Reading for fun." Books for all ages are Included In the ex hibit. The child re ns room Is open daily from 8 to 0 and all day on Sat-urd- Talent PRINCETON PLANS UNIQUE TYPE OF COLLEGE LIBRARY PRINCETON, N. J. (UP)A new type college library, designed to bring Into closer contact the student, fa ulty snd books, Is revealed In the pians ror the Princeton university library. The plans, msde DUblle br Dr. M.v. old Willis Dodds, president, call for a Mil central tower which will con. tain the book sucks. The tower will be flanked by three-story wlnga housing the departmental headquar tors of the humanistic and social de partments. To the students of English, clas sics, modern languages, phllosphy. Oriental languages, history, politics and economics, the library wilt be as much of a laboratory aa that of a scientist. Plans for the English department are typical. Offices of the member of the faculty are adjoining: atudy rooms for student have individual desks: small rooms for conferences and preceptorial,, and a lounge for relaxation and Informal discussions are Included. A small kitchen adjoins part of the central tower where English books are kept. In hla announcement of the ac cepted plans. President Dodds sale: "The new library will make physi cally possible the goal toward which the university Is directed: That tha student may enjoy and profit fully from his association with faculty and books." It will be the educational oentar of the university, the great meeting place of students and teachers, with every facility lor them to become ac quainted with each other In normal dally association. The library will be conatructed of variegated Princeton atone, the mate rial used in modern dormitories and other campus buildings, charlee X. Lauder of Philadelphia 1, the archi tect. The building la being built a on nf three Items on Princeton's 7,soo, 000 program of deve.oment. Th other two endowments are for schol arship and for" the school of publl miu luumiauonai aiiairs. HUNGER PICKET E WASHINOTOH, Not. 18 (AP) A discharged navy sailor encamped him, self, with hla wife and two children, in front of the White House today on Pennsylvania avenue with th an nounced Intention of letting th president "see an average American family starve to death." He advised newspaper offtcea tn ad vance of hla determination to stay there until he atarved to death or got a Job. ' - Th man gave his name aa Lewis Vincent Farrell of Philadelphia. He complained that he could not get a Job until his navy record was changed and could sot get hearing on hi record. He said there was "elanderouV statement in his record, Asked what It was, Farrell aald i waa "something mental." "I could get a Job all right," h said, 'It they would fig up that state ment." Farrell and th family were un noticed by -many paaslng people and sat calmly by th fence along th avenu,. CREATES RADIO UTOPIA NEW YORK, Not. 19. (UP) The Nasam of Hyderabad, reputed to be "the world's richest men. 'is about to created a radio fan's Utopia for hrs 60.000.000 Indian subjects. He la buy Ing $400,000 worth of American radio equipment Including 30,uoo receiving sets, and equipment for two broad easting companies. Advertising. Hill Billy musicians and crooners will be barred from the program and only cultural Information and classical music, will be heard by the natives. BAWLING BABY CAUSE FOR DIVORCE REQUEST LOS ANOELES, Cel., Nov, 10. (AP) Harold C. Schaulta, attorney, didn't object to walking th floor at night with his bawling baby, but h ex pected his wlf, ctlare, to shar th work. She refused. 80 he sued yes terday for divorce. FOR SALE 7 Room House 3 bedrooms, hardwood Moon, inlaid linoleum, furnace, fireplace, clue to Junior high school, double garage, garden, ibrubbery 000D CASH PRICE IF SOLD AT ON0E PHONE 1049 e o