MEDFOED MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFOKD, OREGON. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 1935. PAGE SETEK sLlie&aE DE SOTO OFFERS TWONEW'STYLE' Plans Memorial Boasting refinements In design and appointment and new engine features for Increased performance, the 1B36 DeSoto custom built alratream models are on display at the Mead Motor Co. The 1936 DeSoto line includes a new Airstream and the Airflow III. ac cording to N. H. Mead. The Airstream will be presented in de luxe and custom models on 117 Inch wheelbase. The following body models will be available In both se ries: Touring sedan, touring broug ham and coupe. The custom line, in addition, will offer a convertible se dan and a convertible coupe. The Airflow will be manufactured in two body types: Sedan and coupe. From the massive die-cast radiator of chromium to the speed-Hne tall lights, the new Airstream achieves the "custom -styled" note claimed by its manufacturer. The Airstream, incorporating many of the new Airflow feature, will be priced Jut above the lowest-priced cars. The Airflow will be offered In about the same medium low price field as last year. With the two lines DeSoto now embraces the low-meai-um and low-price fields. In announcing the new cars. N. H. Mead pointed out that the great suc cess of the Airstream in its first year, and the established popularity of the Airflow, made it wise for DeSoto to offer again cars that covered a wide price range. "The sales of the DeSoto Airstream since ita introduction have proven that there is a great market In Amer ica, for an automobile that offers more than Just bare transportation." he tald. "People again are asserting their pride of ownership in their cars and are seeking beauty and comfort In them, in addition to satisfactory tra nsport-ation The 1938 DeSotos. both Airflow and Airstream, have the following fea tures: High compression engine with full-length water Jackets: synchro ilent transmission: hypoid rear axles (custom Airstream and Airflow) : a new "gas saver" overdrive; new amola teel aeml - elliptic tapered leaf springs: self - equalizing hydraulic brakes: floating power engine mount ings: anodic pistons: rust-proofed bodies; safety-steel body. As In the past. DeSoto engineers have put great emphasis on safety. ' with safety - steelbodies, hydraulic ! brakes and safety glass. This year's models add another important -tea- i ture to this list with "safe vision"' lighting. New "Safe Vision" Ugh tint These new lights reduce headlight glare on the highways and provide more petetrating rays for driving In rain or fog. The new DeSoto lights hare two beams. As in the past, there Is an tipper beam for clear road driv ing and a lower beam for meeting other cars. The non-glare feature Is incorporated In the lower beam which deflects not only down, but to the tight, as well. Thus the new control takes the blinding glare out of the other driver's eyes and puts it where It will really serve a purpose along the right edge of the highway. The new Airstream is longer and lower than Its precessor, having a wheel base of 117 inches. The tap measure shows 196 Inches from bumper to bumper. The interiors, too. are longer and wider. Through Ingenious rearrange ment and construction refinements, the line from the windshield to the rear window is now four and one half Inches longer than In previous models and seats are wider for In creased elbow and shoulder room. The frame of the Alratream has been made 50 per cent more rigid than on previous models, by reform ing Its members and using a new type of steel construction. The body nd frame assembly has been rein forced by mounting the body down over the frame so that it Is bolted from the sides as well as the top. This new construction has permitted the lowering of the body and the eliminating of body sills. By Incorporating a new "box" type construction "A" post in the body, the car has become sturdier and tronger than ever. The Airflow body has been styled for a new smartness without in any way affecting the true aerodynamic' design of the car. All wind traps, such as the "valleys" between the fenders and the hood, have been eliminated The engine Is mounted over the front awaiwii,ai.iiiiiaswiaiii.yVLLHii',wil'' f if 'U ji" -. "; i iv. Burt K. Snyder of Lakeview, newly elected president of the Shasta-Cas cade Wonderland association, recent ly announced plans to erect a memo rial at- the Oregon-California line in honor of Bill Hanley, pioneer stock man, statesman and philosopher. Mr. Snyder said the Oregon State Motor association had suggested a small museum In which would be kept historical records of the early Oregon cattle country. rear springs are of this design, while the Airstream modela have Individual (coll type) springs in front and ta pered leaf springs in the rear. ew Engine tooling The engines, which in all DeSoto models have unusually high compres sion ratios to increase power, per formance and economy, have been made more efficient this year by the addition of full length cooling of the cylinder walls. Engineers found that by adding water jackets that extend the full length of the cylinders, oil temperatures were materlajly reduced. thereby cutting down oil consump tion. The new engines also provide a new automatic spark control utilising the vacuum of the intake manifold. This device has eliminated the spark knock which has been an objection able feature of high compulsion heretofore. axle. This chance of weight slows down the movement of the springs and permits the seats to be moved forward. Airflow passengers ride in the cradled area between the front and rear axles. They are completely surrounded by an armor of steel formed by the single unit body frame of welded truss steel girders, the steel body panels and the steel floor. Floating Ride The "floating ride" which caused such a sensation when the Airflow was introduced has been incorporat ed in both cars. The "ride" Is not the result of one feature, but many, engineers' claim. They cite as the contributing factors redistributed weight, improved springing, shocktess steering and a ride stabilizer. Weight redistribution plus a new leaf spring has given the term "float ing ride" a new meaning this year. These springs made from the recently perfected Amola steel are thinned out at the ends so that more area of each leaf comes in contact with the adjoining leaves. In the Airflow both the front and NORTHWEST FARM RECEIPTS HIGHER WASHINGTON, Nov. 16. (AP) An Increase of $39,032,000 in the re ceipts from sales of principal farm crops of Oregon and Washington for the first nine months of each year from 1932 to 1936 was shown today in report of the bureau of agri cultural economics. In both states the upturn was con tinuous from 1932, the report showed, the greatest Jump being from 1933 to 1934 when the value in Washington climbed from $51,873,000 tao 468.244, 000 and in Oregon from t30.589.000 to 137.649.000. The bureau used the receipts from January to August In each year for comparative purposes and then Included separate figures for the month of September for each year. PUBLIC RESPONSE CHEVROLET NOTED Capacity production of the re cently announced new 1938 Chevro let throughout th'e rest of the year la forecast by reports from dealers all over the country, to the effect that sales on announcement day. November 2. broke all records in Chevrolet history. The same enthusiastic public re sponse was evident at the. New York automobile show, according to word received in Detroit from W, E- Holler, vlos-president' snd general sales man ager of the Chevrolet Motor Co.. who with other executives of the company is attending the annual exhibit there. Chevrolet is displaying Its new product, both In Grand Central Palace, and at a special General Motors showing in the Waldorf-Astoria. "Output will be maintained around 100.000 units a month to keep pace with the demand that Is evident, said Mr. Holler. "We had more than 60.000 cars in the hands of our 10. 000 dealers on announcement day. but orders taken so far have greatly exceeded the supply. We shall be able to make prompt deliveries, how ever, for we were In full produc tion before the cars were announced, and they are rolling off the assembly lines at a faster rate than ever be fore at this season." In the master deluxe line, the restyling of the body with iU new streamlined front end treatment, and the perfected hydraulic brakes, seem to have created the liveliest enthusiasm among dealers and pub lic alike, Mr. Holler reported. In the standard series, a completely re styled Fisher body with solid ateel turret top srems to have captured the public fancy more completely than any other single thing. The fact that a full line of body styles is now available In this lowest price range is also making a hit. "The statement that we are de lighted at the outlook requires no qualification." said Mr. Holler. "Viewed from any angle, the situa tion Is highly promising. Ws intro duced these new cars in the con viction that they were the finest we had ever offered. Now we have the satisfaction of learning that the public takes the same view." Parole Denied To Aged Husband Killer SAN QUZNTTN, Calif., NOT. 16. (AP) Mrs. Emma Ledoux, 68, who killed her husband In 1910 at Stock ton. Calif., and placed his body in a trunk, was denied a parole from the women's prison at Tehachapl by the board of prison terms and pa roles today. Mrs. Ledoux was liberated several years ago, but was later taken Into custody for violation of parole and returned' to prison in 1931. Iielay Capitol CoimnKMon SALEM. Ore.. Nov. 16. (AP) The three state officials who will name the new cspltol commission have de layed their choice until the middle of next week In order to hold another conference probably Tuesday. ALBANY IN HELD FOR ASSAULT IN 1GT Ose Mall Tribune want ads. ALBANY. Ore.. Nov. 16. (API James J. Cronln waa arrested today on a charge of assault with intent to kill his hunting companion. Claud Hultz, who was blinded by a wound and left exposed in the anow for nearly three days. Officers arrested Crontn as he emerged from the talnn county Jaii after serving a 12-day sentence for hunting without a license. The complaint charged that Cronln shot Hultz in the head, putting out hta one good eye. Hulu, in a Le i ban on hospital for treatment to the I injury, and for frostbite, said he could not remember exactly what happened. Hultz said he was not tost, and he didn't believe his eye was bllndd by underbrush, as first reported. Cronln. suffering frostbite, re turned to a farmhouse and reported he and his blinded companion lot their way on Blaine mountain. Searchers found Hults near death. Turkey Demand At Portland Increases PORTLAND. Ore.. Not. 16. (API Turkey demand Increased further here today, dealers reported. Prices held firm with as high aa 24 3 cents paid for small birds at interior points despite the talk bare of a top o( 25 cents. In spots 26 cents was paid fro select birds. Karito Hero Honored SALEM. Ore.. Nov. 16. (AP) Nary department officials Informed Repre sentative James Mott that a letter of commendation for the heroism of Ernest Dai ley, radio operator aboard the Ill-fated dirigible Macon, had been sent to Dalley'a widow In Chi cago. Dalley formerly resided la North Bend, Ore. Use Mall Tribune want ads. : SONS Rehearing Comedy "Candida ASHLAND. Nov. 16. (BpD Im mediately following the last showing of "Seven Keys to Baldpate," Dl -rector Angus L. Bowmer of the Southern Oregon Normal school cast and started rehearsals on George Bernard Shaw's comedy. "Candida." The first show will be presented on December 5 at the Llthia Springs Hotel ballroom In a typical "first night" atmosphere. Normal school students In the cast are: Prosperplne, Roberta Nourse. Ash land; Morell. Wayne Smith. Bleber, Calif.; Lexy, Ivan Nye. Prospect: Burgess, John Hftrr. Ashland: Can dida, Marjorie McNalr, Beverly Hilla. Calif.. Helen Edmlston. Med ford: Marchbanks, Ford Hunnell, Bend. Be correctly corseted in an Artist Model oy Etheiwvn B Hoffmann. l-MINUTE SAFETYJALKS By Don Heroic! THE FOOL AROUND THE CORNER Not to long ago, t prominent person 1 whose name ia known to million, and four others in a car met a fool driver on a curve. She was coming around the curve on the wrong sido of ths road and ihe waa coming fast. Today, four of the persons in that car are dead, fust one escaped death, although severely injured. A fool driver, yes. There't one around every corner. The driver of the car in which four were killed was crowded off on to the soft shoulders of'the road, ana hit car rolled down a steep embankment. If he had been going a little more lowly himself, he might have' given the fool driver time to pull over to hei side where he belonged, and four men would not have been.killed. Here'a a point in regard to driving: you have to expect a moron coming at you around every corner. In short, you nave to drive carefully enough for two people yourself and some idiot who isn't. And remember, if you think most fool driven are women, that brass-tack accident statis tics gathered by The Travelers Insur ance Company show that the fatal accident record of men drivers is H per cent worse than (or women driven. It's A Sensation! THE NEW 1936 CHRYSLER with the famous CHRYSLER AUTOMATIC SILENT OVERDRIVE Now On Display - See It! Ride In It! LANGE MOTOR CO. Aon Dmpoirtain.ft Stfoteinmeinift by Wdfteo- P. ChirysIeE In which he Explains the Plan and Purpose Behind the New Lower Priced De Soto for 1936 . . Companion. Car to the New De Soto Airflow 111 in .mttf - iiiitiiiffiigifiiMirtfTartfratffrriWiaiiriittiiiiiM'atf iUiuiwiii'Hi i inrnwuiiiwi-ii rr ir in ii i;rtrirtiirThi,ii. M nimifim jft m i , i THE NEW CUSTOM AJRSTREAM DB SOTO IOUK1NO SEDAN. WITH BUILT-IN TRUNK. SEVEN OTHER BODY MODELS. Today we are introducino the new De Soto for 1936. 1 believe you will be interested ia the engineering thinking that went into this car the planning behind it and how we visualized its market. As you know, times arc getting better. Today people are again thinking of automobiles in terms of style and beauty and excellence of ap pointmentsnot only transportation. As buying power improves and people get more money ... it is logical that they will want more style, additional room and greater beauty than the very lowest-priced cars have offered. What we could plainly see for De Soto this year was a market of thousands of buyers who were eager to own a stvlk car . . . and could afford it, due to this upturn in business. So we created for them a brand new De Soto that is actually a custom-built car to sell for only a few dollars more than the very lowest price5 automobiles made today. In the last five years, we have learned bow to build cars better . . . and we found ways to bring the luxury and appointments of two and three-thousand-dollar automobiles into this medium price bracket. I can say to you sincerely that this new Dc Soto has as many custom features as any car built in the finest custom-body shop. The new de soto interiors arc most beautiful. The outside styling, you can sec for yourself, is distinctive and pleasing. People who have seen this new De Soto have gone out of their way to tell me that they believe it will be lit best-looking, most distinctiv car o 1936. In addition, it is a marvelous performing automobile. I can tell you, from hundreds of miles of personal experience, that it is a real pleasure to drive. It steers and handles easily, stops quickly, and the engine is one of the most powerful in its price class. Furthermore, tests have shown that the new Gas-Saver Transmission Is capable of giving th remarkable economy of 2) miles per galloo. I want you to sec this new car. It will be dis 1 played this week at Automobile Shows all over America, and it is also being demonstrated by De Soto dealers throughout the country. AJter you have seen it, urit m your frank opinion oj the car. The Chrysler Corporation if very proud to present this new De Soto, and I feel sure you will agree with me that it is des tined to be an outstanding success. NEW 6 TIMI PAYMENT PLAN ' Aik for the new Official Chrysler Moiora Commercial Credit Com pan; 6 Time Payment Plan. You can fig ure it out for yourself: 1 Start with your unpaid balance. 2 Then add insuraoc coat ... at conference ratei, 3 Then multiply by 6 for a 12-month plan. One half of one per cent per month for period more of leu than 12 months. la iom, iuiui imill ll docuaunurr fee U f Mailed. NO OTHER CHARGES. 1936 DESOTO $69S in at raor Dmorr SfiaUIQUlPMCNTOTU A PRODUCT OF THE CHRYSLER CORPORATION MEAD MOTOR CO. 38 NORTH RIVERSIDE IB 80UTH FIR ST. SEE THE NEW 1936 DE SOTO NOW ON DISPLAY AT