MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MED FOUL), OREGON, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 1935. PAGE THIRTEEN. TO B.UKY BOlUlftW ' I c'-g j;,' ...... ...... , :...-.i:...v ',' , . ,-: .'" " . . ' . : . .. -. i . :,, 1 I 1 WkbiVfcllM "m A mm m A tSja f A vm A V aV K IMmL' fjt f i&.ik-'?-.-: m . ' b. arsv v. M A A' ?3k S M M ft. , PMI hTU wjiii ruu Mjms msmeti i-ur fcAST Kbi-bKbNVig ' .1 fc ...i , ; v mini, i -, m... -iii-n i iiVi.rwiKHHi mi imii-. ir--..Aliiri'-,,,.l,M.Mirlr.-.." i.-r-ti i- i. i , wfcwuiMih m ti,-v- i iTiiTfcrif-rr- rr l Bead every ad on this page. 00 will probably find ex actly tbe thing yoo want to bny or Mil. If It Un'l there, advertise. It's Inexpensive, effective. RATES Per word first Insertion - (Minimum 85c) Baca additional Insertion, nr Word l (Minimum 10c) Per Una per month without copy change l- Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND LOST Bald-face heifer, brand 2 bars rteht side, under bit and crop In each ear. Phono 324. LOST Glasses In triangular case. rr. Elliott, Medtord Bldg. LOST Pair glasses In case. Notify Arleta Mornlngstar, 819 Taylor St. Reward LOST Springer Spaniel, male, brown and white. Phone 309. LOST Fur mitten at Talent. Thurs day night. Return to Safeway ' (Central Ave I Medford. Reward. LOST IS aog la missing, calU516. WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Man -familiar with cream routes In Rogue River Volley. An opportunity for right man. Address Box 7831 do Tribune. MALE AND FEMALE RELIABLE men and women -wanted to service regular customers on Mc ness routes. Make up to !2 a day. No experience or capital required. Write Mr. THOMAS, 426 Third St.. Oakland, Calif. MAN AND WIFE to run local coffee agency. Wonderful opportunity to make 300 In a month. I send ev erything complete. Vou risk no money. Ford eeda.n given producers as a bonus, White Albert Mills, 9223 Monmouth, Clnolnnatl. Ohio. RESIDENT MANAGER, lady or man, permanent connection, Income $50 weekly, 300 cash required, secured and returnable. Box 7829, Tribune. WANTED A partner In a good pay ing business. Must be able to take care oi omce cna. 9nuv.w reH'. Fully secured. Answers treated con fidentially. Mall Tribune. Box No. 7940. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANT Experienced girl or woman for general housework. 615 00 per mo. Call 762. ADDRESSINO mailing circulars at home for MAIL dealers. Earn 15 weekly. Experience unnecessary. Stamp bring partlculara. WILSON CO.. Long Beach, Cal. 615 WEEKLY and your own dresses FREE for demonstrating latest lowly Fashion Frock winter styles. No canvassing. No Investment. Write fully. Give size. Fashion Frocks, Dept. X-5605, Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED Girl for housework. Call evenings. 852-J. WAITRESS wanted; experienced. J. N. Cafe, 27 South Front. WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework: small family; 610 a month. Call Mrs. H. S. D.:uel. WANTED SITUATIONS SITUATION WANTED By under graduate nurse, or would accept housework. P. O. Box 950, Medtord. EXPERIENCED girl wanta housework. Call 1319. EXPERIENCED COOK wants work In or out of town. 1116 w. 9th. RELIABLE man hero with family de sires employment. Box 7395, Mall Tribune. REFINED, capable woman around 35. wants light housework. References. P. O. Box 6U0, Medford. WANTED--MISCELLANE0US WANTED Will tear down old build ing for lumber. Address Box 234. Rt. 1. Medtord. WANTED Typewriter. Must be In good condition. Tel 1 1 50-L. , .t-to,. t msH.-l jriner!ietero- dyne radio. Must be cheap. Answtr j by letter giving price ura tlon. Box 7824, Tribune. LADY will give part time service for heated H. K. room. Box 872. Med ford, Ore. GOLD properties wanted by my peo ple. E. R. Marshall, Geologist, Ban don, Oregon. W f NTEIV-Vtcfii 1 ht ean 4100 cajOl will buy. Box 7938, Tribune. WANTED To buy 5-rcom home or small area.?e on rent payment. Box 7B06. Tribune. WANTED Electrle train or tricycle. Box 7803. Tribune. WANTED To buv fee.1T !kk. H. E Birdaall. Ft 4. B"x 133. 1 mile east Hil!--rest Or-h:d. WASTED s'or 4--fm f um.s.itdj house. Write Box THIS, Tiiujm. I WANTED--MISCELLANE0U3 WANTED Sensitive chemical balance or pharmacist' scales. Phone Ash land 373-R-4. WANTED Family washing 75c per dozen, washed and ironed. Will call for and deliver. Phone 916-b. WANTED Clean out your attic, garage and basement of all old lur nlturo, cook stoves, heaters, stove pipe, fruit Jars, etc. Qlva us call. NEW DEAL PURN. EXCHANGE No. 413 Sast Main WANTED Cook stoves, heaters, bed springs, mattresses, day-beds, sani tary couches and com or what have you-. We pay cash or exchange. NEW DEAL FqRN. EXCHANGE 423 E. Main St. WANTED FURS FURS FURS Highest cash price paid for raw fura. Complete line of traps on sale. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37-29 No. Grape St. Medford. WANTED We pay cash for household goods, furniture and stoves We also buy metals, hides pelta wool and mo hair MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 N Grape 8t Phone 1062. WANTED Used furniture, toola. doors, windows. Berrydale 2nd Hand Store 1603 No. Riverside. Tel 266 FURNITURE WANTED Tllley's Sec ond Hand Store. 112 No. Front. WANTED 500 persons interested In Xmas portraits. 16 pictures for the price of a dozen Until Nov 20 only Kennell Ellis Studio. 3 N. Central. Phone 329. WANTED - Beef cattle veal, lambs and pasture J. J Osenbrugi;. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 6 room, 3 sleeping porch es at 147 N. Holly. FOR RENT 5-room furnished house. Phone 534-H. FOR RENT 6-room house. Plckell, 204 East Main. FOR RENT 4-room modern house In Phoenix, garage, chicken house. Phone 16-F-3 Sunday or afternoon weekdays. FURNISHED house. 137 Tripp St. FOR RENT 3 room furn. house. Call 24 Lincoln St. Phone 95-R. RENT 2 houses, furnished. 812 Summit. FOR RENT 4-rcom . house. t acre ground on Lozler Lane. Inquire 715 W. 13th. FOR RENT Holly Court No. 3., cor 4th and Holly. 5 rooms. Frlgldalre, oil burner, electric stove. 30 per month. Call 195. FOR RENT Homes furnished or unfurnished. Brown & White. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED apartments; adults. 124 KlnsSt, . .... FOR RENT Apartments. 334 Apple. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Heated furnished room, 512 South Oakdale Avenue. FOR RENT Sleeping room, moderate rate. 325 South Riverside. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room, close In. Phone 379-R. ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 8 Grape FOR RENT ROOM BOARD EXCELLENT MEALS, clean beds, heated rooms, fireplace, ample hot water. Rate 87 per week. 716 E. Mnln. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Service station and store on hltrhway now operating.. Box 7833. Tribune. WINTER PASTURE and 4 farms for r?nt. All sizes of ranches for sale, C. J. Haas. Route I. Central Point. FOR EXCHANGE ESTATE -REAL GOOD house and lot or 40 acres im proved land, trade for late model truck or car. 402 E. Main. FOR TRADE Medford city lot for milk cow or calves. Box 7949, Trio. WILL trade for house In Medford. Have 2 acres, new four room house. modern, barn, parage. E. Gould, 402 West Jackson street. FOR SALE OR TRADE 6-room mod ern house, now rentlrur. Will con aider car on trade. Phone 898-J-2. FOR SALE OR TRADE for amall property, well Improved 18 acres grain, all In. 6 acres alfalfa not under ditch. 8 miles out. Owner R. 1. Box 354. Medford. Ore. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 60 ft, lot on paved street, all clear. Reasonable price. 903 No. Riverside, Medford. $1950 total price 40-acre farm, all rnwl rreelr thrm2h Dlace. larce spring piped to house, sufficient to irrigate o acres, i room nouae, oarn. Will give terms. CHARLES A. WING AOENCY, INC. 109 E. Main St. Phone 728 FOR SALE 40 acres wood land Cloe In. Inquire Lyden Ho-.ise, Jacksonville. FOR SALE OR TRADE S:ot. Dar bv's home on Old Stage road. 3 miles north Jacksonville; 1 :re rich soil. 4-room house, garage. lawns, shade trees, fine spring. automatic water system, large fish pond and Inclosed with hedge fence. Pricey right. 5-ROOM house, acre, 2 miles from eouriHbust. 11235; down payment $390: easv terms, n. h. ixu.ana 325 S Oakdale. 20 ACRES, fenced woven 4-rm . house, lsrtre chicken hoj? and bam. well, 5 acres free water: $1300 third down, balance 4, Sheley, 403 E Main. WHEN vou think of real estate uuak ' Browa Waive. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 40 acres, 15 miles south of Grants Pass on Redwood high way. Free irrigation; 10 acres till able land; living streams through property. House cost $4,000. Will sell cheap. Wonderful possibilities. J. E. Bertolette, Grants Pass, Rt. 1. FOR SALE Small ranch; new mod ern house, garage and barn; plant ed In alfalfa. Good terms. Imme diate possession. P. O. Box 875. FOB SALE OR RENT o-acre ranch; 20 acres cleared, under free water, good buildings. Inqulro 2C0 Tripp St. FOR SALE Modern 4-room house; paved street, or trade for Klamath Falls residence. 214 Vancouver Ave. 100 ACRES well improved. . stocked and equipped, close to Meedford; some cash or Income property Bal ance long time, low Interest 0. A DeVoe. 623-J -2. HOUSES FOR SALI OR RENT Jackson County Building a Loan Ass'n Phone 198 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES HUDSON Sedan, tine condition very cheap Call 967 or 832-R. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 11 weaner pigs. Roy Jain, Beagle, Ore. FOR SALE Team of horses and har ness: weight about 3000 lbs. Team mules and narness, wagon ana two 13-inch plows Whltsctt Bros., 1 mile above Provolt. FOR SALE Bay gelding about 1200 lbs. C. A. DeVoe, 623-J-2. BEAUTIFUL chestnut mare, saddle and bridle for sale. J. Wooten. Coleman creek. Phoenix. FOR SALE 4 young cows. Fred Powers. Applegate, Ore. FOR SALE 1500-lb. horse: good work er. Trash burner. Earl Heft. Tel. C. P. 195. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Breeding turkeys best market type bronze market price. Fritz Snyder Ranch, Daya Creek, Or. FOR SALE 125 R. I. R. pullets, 4 mos. old. G. L. Robinson, third house on left off Jacksonville Hwy. on Ross Lane. FOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR SALE Toy, acrew-tall Boston bull puppies, females. Tel. 1463-L. FOR SALE 6 black Raoooons, beet offer takes them. Rainbow Gibson, Weasku- Inn, Grants fass, Oregon. ROLLER CANARIES. Call 523-J-3. COCKER Spaniel puppies and Roller canaries. Tnrasners, jacxsonvnie Tel. 173. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS APPLES - C grade Newtown -I .35 box Cull Spitz ..... .35 box Ex. fancy Dellcloua, loose 1.00 box Fancy Delicious, loose .75 box Ex. fey. Wlnesaps, loose - ,75 box Fancy Wlnesaps, loose ... .60 box Fancy Spitz .76 box PINNACLE PACK1NO CO. Plant No. 4 11th and Front FOR SALE: Corn on oob 1 Uc per lb.; shelled 1'ic lb. H. C. Maury, Jack sonville-Central Point Road. FOR SALE Almonds 20o lb., walnuts 18c lb. Prunes 5c lb. Phone 539-J-l. Mrs. D. w. Luke. . FOR SALE Sawmill, 34 ft. planer. 447 B St. Ashland. FOR SALE OR TRADE Piano, radio, White sewing machine. Brunswick phonograph with records, Ahlborn, 1 block north north, block west of Faber's Grocery, Central Point. FOR SALE OR TRADE 8tudlo couch and White kitchen circulator heat er. 911 Reddy. Mra. H. Carver. FOR SALE Circulating heater, cheap. & Rose Ave. FOR SALE Real radio scientific treasure finder cheap. Inquire Barber Shop, 310 N. Baxtlett St. FOR SALE RADIOS REBUILT RADIOS 90-Day Guarantee. 1 Crosley 6-tube auto set. 1 Phllco 5-tube auto set 1 Simplex 5 (like new) 1 Majestic-Ford - 1 Edison console . 1 Airline "10" console.. . .. 1 Sparton "8" console . .$15.00 . 15.00 , 20.00 , 26.00 , 28.50 3500 . 25.00 1 Atwater Kent console........ 25.00 1 Atwatcr Kent console. 17.50 1 Stewart Warner all-wave table "7" 62.50 Numerous battery sets $5.00 up DON'S RADIO SERVICE 407 E. Main. Medford. Tel. 688 FOR SALE Cheap. 3 2-whel trailers. Medford Poultry and Egg Co. APPLES We deliver. Tel 132-L. FOR SALE Corn 25 a vn on the car, or 135 arK-lled. Ed Dutton Ranch, nw Eale Point. FIRST growth body lr, 92 per tier. Box 156, Butte Fall. BAROAINS BUY NOW BOOTS SHOES CHrPPEWA. Buckccht, Welnrenner. Endlcott-Johrwon ahoea low aa $2 85. boot M 25. 100 Wool Jack eta, $3 85. Trench Coiti. 3 85. Steelhead rods. 96 50 Duck boat. t:S.O0. Saddle. I9.t0. Foot bull hl mu. rolf clubs, half prloe. Clllf'a Sport Shop. 317 North RiveraJde. APPLES Several ?arletle Obhard'i, i mil northeast Centnl Point. BARNYARD FERTILIZER Any kind you want. MeOonale. Tel. 258-M. FOR SALE -RMleaned old crop whole corn. 42 00 cwt. Monarch 6d Feed Co. FOR SALE Oid Hickory and Myrton a moke salt. Monarch Seed A Peed Co. FOR SALE Olaaa cloth, low aa 20e vard square Monarch Sed A Feed Co. FOR BALE Th wn-ld'a t pop corn Monarch Sed A Ped Co. FOR PALE Shrubry of all kind at morfT-MTing prices. Morwci". Sd rwd co. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FARMERS ATTENTION I For Sale Used rebuilt farm Imple ments and machinery of all kinds Special Fordson Tractors. 39 South Grape. MeJford. FOR SALE Baled oat hay and feed wheat, c. A. DeVoe. 523-J-2. FOR SALE OR TRADE .32 L. rifle for wardrobe trunk. 419 W, 2nd before 3. FOR SALE Grapes. J. A. Manse 3 miles east of Jacksonville, adjoin ing former Clancy orchard. DRIVEWAY MATERIAL 3 sizes of rock at $1.50 per yard, delivered Bateman. Phone 1S34-Y or 912-J FINE Red Spltzenburg and Newtown .v apples for sale at Ala Vista Packing House. 327 so. nr St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts ol Title and Title Inauranoa. The only complete Title 3 y s t e m in Jackson county. MURRAY ABSTRAC1 CO. Abatractt of Title. Rooms 3 and 5. No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs. Expert Window Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT Tel 1173 House cleaning, rioor waxing, ori ental rug cleaning and upholstering Money to Lend MONEY LOANED $50 to $300 for personal or household purposes on House Furnishings or Autos; also Cars Refinanced Loans closed within 30 minutes License No. S 137 See W E Thomas. 45 So. Cen tral. Nursery Stock FOR HIGHEST QUALITY pear trees. peach, apricot, cnerry, apple, al mond, filbert, and walnut trees, rosea, berries, grapes, and shrubs at Bargain Prices. Phone 851-R-3 or call at W. B. Barnum's. 3 miles south of Medford on highway next to Ever Shady auto camp. Carlton Nursery. Carlton, Oregon. Transfer. BADS TRANSFER At 8TORAOE OO. Office 1015 No Central Phune 316 Prlcea right. Service guaranteed. TRUCKING AND STORAGE Local and long distance hauling, furni ture moving, etc. Reasonable rates Tel 833 F B. Samson Co. HAWLEY TRANSFER - Expert pack ers and movers Special livestock moving equipment. Prices -lgbt 619 North Riverside. Phone 615. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR TRADE Paying meat market, small town. Can add groceries. Trade for farm. Box 5345. Mall Trib une. ROOFING ROOPTNO Let ua inspect your roof oeiore the rainy seaaon Thla er vice ts free Call 370. Rogue Rivet Roofing Co. "KICKER NICK Undergarments that fit at Ethel wj-d B Hoffmann Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS Fragranc Resound Oriental continent More rational Mutual under stand I nc Climb Com m area Exclamation East (ndlea: abbr. Beating part of of a churn Part played Utter Oael City !n Scotland Solution of Yesterday'! Puzzlt aJj Q L A Njlf U R g E s e ke nTa" dIe m ne e d mm&o i vp R s IfA r e R; e y j v e s st a y OU V E lPlLA6E TUNE i.EM AlT E S if a MY EARNER t E 5E A L j NggjQg. ERRS iOT O ElP Artificial language Squalid cltj 63. TMa Ureek M 53. Pointed tooli 66. Plural ending 67. God den or the harvedt S3. Eipreanlon of wrarlnesi. orrow or " relief 1. Negatlv l',2. Pifr?hr street While Short for a man's name Reared Wind aolrally Morsel of food Compass poiul 64. Converta Into Acquired bo money clai graeea . Corriatlva of or faculties Bleat either 7. Solemn wonder Reverse end IS, Anry of a hammer Winrd head 72. Meteorological Inntrument 7(. Havy rords 75. Watches nar rowly 7, Se-rt con talneni 7T. Sowa City In Norway Rich in growth or vegeta tion Note of the icale 1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I7 6 1 w0 1" Z l3 Tl 3T"Ji TT 34" y:5r 2a "fTa 1?7. m. M. -j-r- S Tf 7$ 'iff To y7 ZT1 CLARA BOW AND Rex Larbow Belden, 11-months old son of Clara Bow and Rex Bell, film players, Is shown In one of his first photographs with his famed mother, while the family vacationed at Palm Springs, Calif. (Associat ed Press Pheto) Lamson Plea For ' Federal Jury Fails SAN FRANCISCQ, Nov. 16. (AP) Judge Curtis D, Wilbur, senior Jurist of the Ninth United states Circuit Court of Appeal, today de nied the petition of David A. Lam son for ths right to appeal from a decision of Federal District Judie A. F. St. Sure, denying the former Stanford university press executive, accused of wife slaying, a writ ol habeas corpus cum causa. Lad Wins Contest HANNIBAL, Mo., Nov. 16. (API Richard Reed, 14, Bloomlngton. Ind., won a nation-wide literary contest held In connection with the centen nial celebration of the birth of Mark Twain. LEGAL NOTICES Treasurer's Call for Ooncral County Fund Warrants State of Orcyon, County of Jackson, ss. Notice is hereby given that there are funds on hand for the redemption of all warrants drawn on the General County Fund of Jackson County, which were registered to and Includ ing Oct. 31, 1034. Interest on the above called war rants ceases on this the I6th day of November, 1035. A. C. WALKER. Treasurer of Jackson County, Oregon. Dated at Medford, Oregon, Novem- I ber 16. 1035. Cross - Word Puzzle It. Philippine savage 16. Weird 22. Those wh buj and sell tickets at reduced rates: oolloq, 24. Sphere Plan's of the Illy family X. Even If 30. Poems 33. Low of cattle 34. Three-toed sloths SI. Fame .18. Demon LfUiKe re ceptacle 40. Type mjuarei 43. C'JinpeU'iit 43. Rained road 44. American general ih. Old musical note 80. Garden Imple ment bZ. Money hoarders 54. Pillaged BR. EnifiTiasle ts. fttirriy proper Mt. Fed to the full SO. Percelten through the ear . find iielng 64. Roman ntidenman "ft. Wild mum 47. Former rTtrctflfint's nlrkname "9. Corded cloth 71. Monkey 73. Uone DOWN 1. Val'ie for tax purposes S, Perutinlng to a division ff mankind t. Ind Inn of Tlerra del KtltRO 4. Scare in pinochle I. Open courts t. Quality which exrtte sym pathy and Pity 7. Heron i, Sandnrae trre . Went ahesd 10. Kxlst 11. Cloie tightly 12. Existing In- scparnlily In something else SON ON VACATION TASTE' BUDS GIVE Scientist Says 'Buds' De crease With Age Elderly Persons Often Lose Com plete , Sense of Taste By JOHN LEAR Associated Press Htatf Writer CHICAGO, Nov. 6. (AP) That childhood craving for all-day gucfoers waa explained today by science. The explanation cleared Junior of the old, old charge that he was "hav ing trantrums" when he cried for lol lipops. And It freed grandma of being "Just fussy" when he sniffed In dis dain nt her meals. ' "Taste buds not Junior nor grandma to blame, Prof. Leslie B. Arey. Northwestern university anatomist, aald In commenting on an etjtcle prepared for publication In me Anatomical ncturu. Decrease With Age ' The behavior of both 1 due to the fact that the "buds" which carry the sense of taste from the mouth to the nervous system decrease In number with age, the professor explained. Junior's taste for all-day suckers probably would be accounted for by existence of "buds" not only on his tongue but on his cheeks and some times even his tonsils, Professor Arey said. As children grow older, the "buds' disappear except on the tongue. And gradually they go, too, retreat until only a "V" shaped row Is left on the borderline between the tongue proper and Its root. From a study of 66,397 "taste buds." Professor Arey determined these av erages for progressive ago groups: Birth to 30 years, 638. Twenty to 70 years, 366. Seventy-four to 8o years, 101. Professor Arey said in elderly per sons, all the buds often were atro phied, and the sense of taste gone. CONGJOPlLL TALK 10 KIWAN1S About 80 reservations had been mode up to last night for the Jack son County cnamber of Commerce forum-luncheon at the Hotel Medford tomorrow In honor of Congressman James W. Mott. The Klwnnls club, which meets at the hotel regularly each Monday noon, will attend the forum In a body. Mr. Mott will give a resume of the legislation passed m, the latest session of congress, dwelling particularly upon measures of national Import ance that may be subjected to the teat of court action for their consti tutionality. At 8 o'clock tomorrow night Mr. Mott will speak at a mass meeting In the high school auditorium sponsored by the Townsehd clubs of J ark son and Josephine counties. The public Is Invited. WILD LIFE AREA PORT ORFORD. Ore.. Nov. Ifl. (AP) The county planning hoard named a committee to confer with Jackson and Josephine county dele gations at Medford November IB on a proposal to itabllih a wild Pfc xiv serve In the Rogue river area, CHILDREN GRAVING FOR CANDY, CLAI pimnv acic ni amc LOYOLA EASY FOR MICHIGAN STAIE OILMORE STADIUM. Loa Angeles. Nov. 18. (UP) Speed, power and alertneas gave the Spnrtarm of Michigan Stat college i 27 to 0 victory over Loyola university ol Loa Angelfts hero today before 13,000 persona. Capitalizing on break of the game manufactured by a fast charg ing line.' the Spartans won aa they willed. Only a near-perfect paaa de feme of the Llona kept the score down. Two of the four touchdown came on breaka. The first when Joe Bu ollta picked up a fumbled ball on the Loyola 31 yard line and craahed over the goal line. The laat came when Quarterback George Snell fumbled a punt behind the goal line and Fred Schroeder fell on It. The other two wore the result of smart football, straight-sailing pass es and fast skirting of the ends. MARQUETTE 26-6 PHILADELPHIA. Ps., Nov. 16 (AP) Striking with great fores In ths first half. Temple's Owls out- rhnr&jrd and outfought Marquette's Molesktnners today and (lumped the westerners from the ranks of the un benten and untied, 30 to 0. The Owls scored once In the first quarter, twice In. the second and once again In the fourth. Marquette, striving faults seventh consecutive victory after triumphs over Michigan State, Iowa State and Kansas State, was completely out classed except for a brief spell In the third qu&rter when the Oolden Ava lanche's aerial attack clicked for the first and only time. The Invaders went 87 yards through the air for their lone tally, E KEZAR STADIUM, San Francisco, Nov. 18. (UP) University ' of San Francisco Dona bewildered a, Denver university with a series . of lateral passes to defeat the vlctora from the Rocky mountains, 30 to 3, In an In teraectlonal tilt In this fog-shrouded atadium today. Iss than 600 spectators saw the Pioneers from the mountains hold the heavier Dons to one touchdown In the first period, only to be mowed down In the second half by superior re serves. CCC FIGHTERS TO With the International far west ern diamond belt amateur champ ionships aa their goal, eight of the leading CCO fighters of the Med ford district will entrain today for Portland. All members of the team were on hand Saturday night, with one final substitution being made be fore they took off for the Rose City wars. Oarvta Young. 140 pounder of Agness, turned up with an Injured hand and his place on the team was taken . by Al Franklin. Oak Knoll, 120. Jess Saviekey, 136. South Fork; John Bosdtl, 117, Prescott; W. J Bupeck. 147, Coos Head; Harold Friedman, 113, Oak Knoll; Nat Lombardo, 117, Oregon Caves: Sam my Currerl, 186, Indian Creek, and Herbert Walker, 147, Prescott, com plete the team. Lieut. Roy Craft, assistant wel fare officer, will iweompany the fighters to the tournament. Escobar Crowned King Of Bantams NBW YORK, Nov. M.ZAn Slxto Escobar of Puerto Rico, 1 174 pounds f fighting fury, today waa king of the bantamweights. The little fellow dActslvttly belted the crown from the cocky brow of Lou flallea of New York in Madison Square Oarden last night. For 16 rounds, Escobar, weighing of a pound more than his oppon ent, played a steady left hand tatoo on the features of the game but out clawed New Yorker, Intermittent ly crossing over right hand smaahea which at time had 8a Ilea in a bad way. The Aasoctated Preas score sheet gave the Puerta Rlcan 14 of the 1ft rounds. Friday Games Friday ffenres (By th Associated Press) Bend 9: Redmond 6. Hlllsboro 13; TUrard 0. Oreaham 7; St, Stephens T. Columbia Prep 10: afctacad 0. Parkrose 7: Hill Military 0. West Unn 43; Newberg 0. Oregon City 7; Aandy 6. Wall Walla 6; The Dalle II. Lincoln (Portland; 13; Commerce 0. i FOOTBALL SCORES The West (By the Associated Press) Washington State, 10; Southerm California. 30. Puget Sound. 13; Oonzage, 50. W. 3. O. Prosh, 14; Washlngtom Prosh, 13. College of Pacific, 0; California. 3, Oregon state, 13; Idaho, 0. Utah, H; Colorado Stats, 0. western State. 0: Colorado Mmu. 30. Montana. 0; Stanford. 3. Oregon, 0; U. of Portland. 0. Denver, 3; San Francisco, 30, East and .Mid-West Army, o; Notre Dame, t (tie). Pordham, 45; Muhlenberg, o. Princeton, 37; Lehigh, 0. Harvard, 41; New Hampshlr,, . Colgate. 37; Syracuse, 0. Georgetown, 13; Manhattan, 0. Minnesota. 40: Michigan, 0. Penn., 33; Penn. State, f. Pittsburgh, a; Nebraska, 0. Duite, 35; North Carolina, . Yale, 55; Lafayette. 0. Dartmouth. 41; Cornell, . Brown. 14; Boaton University, . Ohio State, 6; Illinois, 0, Navy. 38; Columbia, 7. Vermont. 9; Mtddlebury, 0. Texas Christian. 38; Texas, 0. Southern Methodist, 17; Ar kin is. 6. North Dakota. 14; Omaha, a. Florida, 30; Sewanee, 0. Purdue, 13; Iowa, a, Purman. 30; South Carolina, T. Vanderbllt, 13; Tennessee, 7. Tulane. 30; Kentuoky, 13. San Jose state, 30: Nevada, a, Alabama, 38; Georgia Tech, T. Indiana. 34; Chicago, 0. Mississippi, 38; Centra, 0. Northwestern, 32; Wisconsin, II, Temple, 38; Marquette, a. North Carolina Stat., a- biv- mond, 0. Louisiana state, 13; Georgia, t. Holy Cross, 79: Bates, 0. Oklahoma, 3: Kansas state. 0. Oklahoma A. and M-. 30; Haskell, Rice, 17; Texas Aggies, 0. Kansas, 13; Colorado, a. Colorado Coltair.. 1.. r . State, o. Auburn, 61; Oglethorpe, 0. South Dakota State, 88; St. Olaf, t, ' Drake, 7; Iowa State, 7 (tie), Coe, 34; Qrlnnell, 0. IS BEING DEVELOPED BY tONDON (UP) uttl bT llttla details are coming out of Britain' new wonder plane, a twln-enrlnad medium-sited bomber which can fly at 170 mllea an hour, faster than any scout plane now in regular -commi. Hon. The machine baa been built by th Bristol company. Testa by Air Fore expert have revealed the plant la oapaDie of attaining a apeed of 370 miles an hour. Thla figure will doubt lens be reduced when the machine la fitted with machine guns and othsv war appurtenances, but It still give Britain the fastest long-range bombes in the world. Having to do nothing to satisfy any. requirements but their own th Bristol company mad number at startling Innovations In planea of the type. Th machine la a low-wing monoplane, with t retractable under carriage, fitted with two radial air cooled engines with a oombln horse-power of 1400. Instead of th usual longer-on type of construction for the fuselage, th fuselage was made on th "monoeocqu. syetera, thus saving weight and apace, an4 making the machine much leas likely; . to suffer damage by .enemy fir. Th machine Is of 'the all-metal type, and the wings hav metet skin covering which takea part of th load and thus permits a lighter cob structlon of th wings. No official description of th m chine has been released, but it I known that in speed, weight-carry. Ing, range, capacity for gunfire, ete.f it exceeds any similar machlnea now In service In any other air force. Pos sibly only the latest United States long-range bombers are In th arm category. Gonzaga Runs Wild Over Puget Sound SPOKANB. Wash.. NOT. !, (A Oonmga'a heavier Bulldogs hd their will over th College of Pug Sound football team, and won, SO to 13. here today. Although the Bulldog clearly vera the masters, th Taeomana Strang, ly furnished two of th great thrill of the game sensational firs period touchdown and magnificent fourth quarter drive for their othf score. Brooks, Puget Bound fullbara, passed to Schwet. halfback. h tore through opposition for 30 yard to score In th first minutes e ptay. Bchwete's kick for onveralc wsa blocked. CM Mall Tribune want ad. FURNISHED Union Creek Cabin SACRIFICED 1 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE ta ft- by to ft. with two targa screened porches . . . Fin loca tion . . . ready ta mere Int Wilt consider Cnpco, Building Loan or other Good Stock In payment. Addreu "Cabin" Mr Mall Tribtin