PAGE SEVEN New Turkey Stuffing Has Approval of Food Expert 3ffi UMAN BROTHERS Main and Bartlett OF FILM LEADERS - - t.j MEDFORD MTL TRIBUNE. MEDFOKD, OREGON, FRTPAT. XOYEMT3EU 15, 1S3S SF wl V."r y.i we mailing pictures In Hollywood, Will Rogers wn ever a problem for the directors who were working with him on pictures. Rogers never to It himself seriously as did most stars and spent moat of hla time with entree and othera on the lot. He had two suits to wear In one picture one blue one brown. He ahowed up on the set one day wear ing the blue ault. 'That's the wrong ault. Will!" Di rector David Butler Informed him. "But thla was the suit I wore when w knocked off last night, and we hadn't finished." Rogers protested. "Sorry, will, we're shooting In a different set today," said Butler. "Okay." replied Rogers, and not to be caught unprepared, he started peeling off the blue ault. He was wearing the brown one underneath. Public Awakening To Health Menace Hand Dishwashing The public Is juat awakening to the menace to public health In dish washing, saya C. D. Bean, head of O. D. Bean, Inc. Medical opinion, he continues, rec ognizes hand dish washing as an avenue for the transmission of dis ease. Investigations have proved that the electric dish washer can check at least 65 per cent of the spread of common respiratory type diseases, such as colds and Influenza, he says. O. D. Bean, whose firm Is distribu tor In this territory for General Electric home appliances points out that dishes washed by hand look clean, but that It la the Invisible germ-bearing soil the things that the eye cannot see that are danger ous and which can only be activated by the use of water hotter than the human hands can stand. "The electric dish washer Is the answer to this problem," he says. "Doesn't It strike us as a peculiar thing that we always have cnsldered the tooth brush a personal thing; that we eternize the clnllcal ther mometer before placing It In the child's mouth, and yet we think nothing of putting unsterllized knives, forks and spoons In our mouths three times a day? "But the health angle of the elec tric dish washer la not Its only advan tage. It Is a time saver, a wife saver and a money saver as well. Dish washing la Just an endless, thankless task that has to be done three times a day. "Moreover, bending over a steaming dlshpan costs more women their charm and dispositions than any oth er task In housework. Washing dishes in the old-fashioned way leaves hands , In terrible condition. "Then, there la the breakage prob lem. In homes where there are maids, dishes are broken with seem ing . regularity during the washing. Even if the housewife washes her own dishes, she Is apt to break a good dish or a glass every week or ao. Count thla up at the end of the year and you will find It Is a tidy sum. Occaslonsl breakage may seem an Insignificant thing, but In total It really amounts to aomethlng. An I, 'XI' , ! - Dorothy n. Rankin, famous coast food authority Is delighted with the season's newest turkey stuffing recipe. Here's the turkey stuffing that lit erally "has everything" . . . delicious, nut-like, rich, savory flavor , . . light, sufficiently crunchy texture . . . and so easy to make I No need to stock up on bread which must be laboriously picked Into soft crumbs . . . try this method of using Shredded Wheat and wild rice Instead. You'll never want to go back to old-fashioned stuffings once you taste this new idea In what the welt-dressed turkey will conceal: Shredded Wheat stuffing 6 crushed Shredded Wheat biscuits 2 tablespoons minced parsley V4 cup butter 'i CUP finely diced celery 4 cup diced onion 1 cup cooked and drained rice (wild rice it excellent) 1 tablespoon poultry seasoning 14 cup stock from cooked giblets (chopped giblets may be Includ ed) 1 cup oysters or sliced mushrooms (may be omitted) Salt and pepper to taste Place the crushed Shredded Wheat Biscuits and the parsley In a mixing bowl. Heat the butter to bubbling In a skillet, add the diced celery and onion and cook gently until the onion is soft and. yellow. 11 mushrooms are Included they may also be sauteed In the butter mixture. Stir the rice Into the sauteed onion and celery mixture, then add to the Shredded Wheat. Add the oysters (If Included), poultry sea soning, and stock from the giblets. Season to taate with salt and pepper, and mix thoroughly. Stuff the fowl, and proceed with the roasting. And speaking of the many delicious ways In which to make use of fla vory, healthful Shredded Wheat, why not try this timely recipe for Prune Muffins. They're unusually delicious and very quickly made: Prune Muffins 4 Shredded Wheat Biscuits, rolled fine 1 cup flour ' 3 teaspoons baking powdr- teaspoon ealt - 1 tablespoon suugar l'a cups milk 1 egg Va cup chopped dry prunes Into Shredded Wheat crumbs sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Add milk and well beaten egg. Fold in the prunes. Pour Into well-greased muffin pans and bake 20-25 minutes In hot oven (42S deggrees F.) Makes 12 muffins. electric dish washer doesn't break dishes. "A dish washer also saves In hot water. In laundering towels, In wash ing greasy dishcloths, In steel wool. 'A woman's time Is worth some thing. The average woman wouldn't think of working for less than 30 centa an hour the price of unskilled labor. Yet she may spend an hour dally washing dishes that would be WILL ROGERS MEMORIAL FUND Local Committee or Med ford To the Editor of The Mall Tribune: Wishing to have a part in perpetuating the memory of one o) our most beloved and useful citizen. I endow herewith my contri bution of - to 'the Will Rogers Memorial Fund. I understand that this gift will be added to others from Medford and will go without any deductions whatsoever to the National Fund to be expended, aiao without any deduction, aa the Memorial Committee may determine. Name Address 30 cents a day. day In and day out, for 365 days a year. Even with a maid, it casta money, for she could be doing other housework while the electric dish washer 'does the dishes.' " Carnival Postponed The annual Junior high carnival scheduled for 7:30 tonight In the school gymnasium has been postponed until Friday, No vember 22, (Continued From Page One.) long etretohea, SptMl la considered an assurance of presidential protec tion from such things as happened In Miami prior to Mr. Roosevelt' In auguration. The escorts, in order to auure am ple safety at lower speed, have now adopted a policy of clearing the roada of traffic. For Instance, they cleared River id Drive on hla Journey Into New York. Note A friend of the Roosevelt family says, at leaat half fa-cetloualy. that the president- la trying to set a good example to his sons, whose mo toring antics have cauaed some ap prehensions around the White House. Larger holding companies are sup posed to have spent considerable mon ey on long distance telephone calls lately. At least they apparently have managed to get together privately on what to do about registering under the holding companies act, by decid ing not to do It. You will very likely learn on the morning of December 1 that most of the holding companies have failed to register and have filed equity pro ceedings in their various federal dis trict courts to restrain the securities and exchange commission from en forcing1 penalties against them. That la the procedure favored by the beat holding company lawyers. One large New England company will probably leave the pack and reg ister, bxit only a few others are ex pected to follow that course. A stiffening attitude toward Demo cratic non-conformists, such as Ohio's Davey snd Georgia's Talmadge. has been faintly perceptible here among new deal polltioos since the Kentucky election. " There Is aome quiet talk about bearing down more heavily on all miscreants, now that the Kentucky situation turned out very well. This talk may be premature, and not com pletely authoritative, but there Is no question about the new dealers wear in their Kentucky feathers Jauntily. Those who anticipate rougher time for the bad boys are pointing to the current income tax procedure against Governor Davey. Another unnoticed Inner reaction after the Kentucky election was. the swelling of governmental waste bas ket with Laffoon commissions of Kentucky colonels and admirals. There are supposed to have been 80 members of Governor Laffocn'e all inclusive military society In a sin gle government department. 3ince the primary and election these cre dentials have been disappearing from office walls and desks at a rate suf ficient to Indicate a political trend. Foremost of Laffoon's colonels was Presidential Secretary MacTntyre. He is still addressed as Colonel, but th commission is understood to have been hidden. If anyone doubt that the 19.18 presidential campaign has begun. Mr. Roosevelt's speaklruz ensagement list will furnish proof to the contrary. Tt now Includes speeches at Harvard. Chicago, Atlanta. Vlncennes. Ind., end Dallas, during the next six months. And the list Is yet lncomplet.t 'The Home of Good Meats. Swift's Gov't Inspected Meats' Don't Kill Oswald! Order a Cine young bird from the Lib erty Market If you want to really en Joy your next Turkey Dinner! No matter what kind of Meat yon seek. Just remember that you ran a! way get top quality at the Liberty! i"?. Beef - Pork Veal - Lamb Swift's Georgia Peanut Ham It's different. What flavor! Brookfield Sausage Al Stewart's Capon Fryers Fine Roasting Chickens Fresh Fish, Oysters Scallops and Crabs "Si fori trying M'J B, I ;' eouldn V mdkt good coffer" money while nuking it better coffee. This is how we prove it to you: TOUl SUCCtSS GUAIANTUO We guarantee that you will be successful withrcrrytinof M'JB. If you ue not satisfied, for sny reason, your dealer will refund your money without question. M-J'B's exclusive "Strength Es sential" is necessary to good coffee. It prevents mild coffee from being utai, medium from being fat and strong coffee from being b'uttr. It means full flavor at any "strength" and how that pleases men! A good lemon extract, for in stance, must be "full-strength" in the bottle, just as a good cof fee must be"full-jtrength" in the tin. M-J-E Coffee is selected, blended, roasted and packed to preserve that all-important "Strength Essential" for you. Don't expect it in ordinary coffees. It isn't there. M J- B is not high priced. And the "Strength Essential" makes more cups per pound, so it actually saves you FULL FLAVOR AT ANY STRENGTH pip Telephone 273 - 4 FREE DELIVERIES DAILY - Telephone 273 4 MONEY-SAVING SATURDAY SPECIALS This Big Foot! Center offers many special attractions for the Food Shopper this Week-end. Itonus at prices that will appeal to you. und many of them are not advertised today. Step into the store tomorrow and look around. You will go out with a basketful of these delicious foods and at a nice saving, too. SUGAR 10 s 53 MINCE MEAT PRUNES Choice Quality New Crop a Fine for Those Pies i Breakfast Food 2 lbs. 19c 4 lbs. 25c Nut Margarine 2 ins. 25 CANDY-Tulip Cream Mix 3 lbs. 25c Libby's or Peter Pan Tall Can, ea. 6c Per case $2.85 FLOUR Real Flour Yalues Klamath Falls Bouquet $E55 49 lb. sack Harvest King Flour A Good All-Purpose Flour Guaranteed 49 lb. sack MEAT SPECIALS Fey Fat R.I. R. fryers lb. 23c Fancy R. I. Red Hens lb. 20c Country Style Sausage lb 15c Choice Beef Pot Roast lb. 12 c Beef Short Ribs . . lb. 10c FANCY VEAL Shoulder Roast lb. 1 2V2o Fancy Veal Loin Chopsand Steaks lb?20c BACON for Seasoning . " 28c BaCOn eastern, good quality lb. 34c SHORTENING . 3 lbs for 39c New Sauer Krant quart, 10c PEANUT BUTTER FINE QUALITY 2 ibs 29 COFFEE Hills Bros, or Monarch 2 -lb. tins 55c New Crop BEANS Red Mexican or White Navy 4 lbs. for 25c WALNUTS New crop Extra fancy quality lb. 20c CHEESE Ladino . lb. 22c Tillamook lb. 23c Fruits ndVegetables APPLES Extra fine quality 2C 6 pounds for fciivc SPUDS Klamath Falls Netted Gem 50 lbs. No. 2, 75c 50 lbs. No. 1, $1.00 The very finest of Fruits snd Vegetables. Visit this department, Saturday. While Shopping Visit BAKERY Dept. During the Fall social season you real ly should not take time to do much baking at home. And why should one when our up-to-date department has everything in the Bread and Pastry line Saturday Special FRENCH DOUGHNUTS Dosen DANISH DATE and ORANGE SQUARES OQ at Down 23c El