T MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFOKU. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1935 PAGE SEVEN Local and Arent Her C. F. Burnett, general went for the Rock Island railway. wba bu&lnM visitor In thu cty to day. Here Todav P. W. Sedgwick, gen eral agent for the St. Louts South western railway, was conferring with local officials today. Will Visit Here Mr. and Mr. C. A. Poole of San Jose arrived thla morn ln to be guesta of Dr. and Mrs. C- R Simpltlna for the ensuing week. nere on Bustne Capt. w. B. Led better. oomman'teT of Camp Humbug Mountain, wan at Medford CCC head quarters yesterday on buslnean. To Crater Burrel Sexton of the Cra- ter Lake national park winter crew ! returned yesterday to the mountain 1 resort after being In Medford several day a. Ti Applejate Cflpt. Franklin H. Canlett, CCC district Inspector, waa making an Inspection today of Camp Applegate. Rptiirn from Rav City Mrs. R. W. Kin, wife of Lieut Kin qf CCC -headquartera. returned today from a fortnight's visit In San Francisco. To Eastern Orepon Mijor Oeore R. Owens, commanding officer of the Medford CCC district, left today on a two-day inspection trip to camps in eastern Oregon. Ornnts Paw Visitors Viewing the football game here Armistice day were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Langley. Mr. and Mrs. David Thomaa and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Llnkhart of Orants Pass. CCC Men Leave Leaving lwt night Jeer Earl Rlaner, to Wlllard.- Ohio: .' Charles R. Depew. to Chinieotho. N. Y.; Casimir J. Warmachowskl. to Chl- . caeo: and Edward R. Mtlburn to Los Angeles, all former CCC enrollees, Honey Exhibit An exhibit cf honey h as been arra nged in the Jackaon County Chamber of Commerce as a reminder that thla is "honey week." Another reminder ia the convention here Friday and Saturday of the Ore gon State Beekeepers' association. Reserve Officer Meet Reserve of ficers will hold a regular meeting at 7:30 tomorrow night at the home of Lieut. James Orlgsby in Jacksonville. Major Crtaxles.S. Pettea of Eugene will give a talk on mobilization. It was expected that many OCC officers would attend the meeting. Examiner Coming Ward McReyn olds, examiner of operators and chauf feurs, will be at city hall Friday from 9 a. m. to B p. m. and on Saturday from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Persons seek ing permits or licenses to drive cars were requested by Earl Snell. secre tary of state, to get tn touch with Mr. McReynolds. Monitor Exhibit An exhibit of the Christian Science Monitor in scrap- books and posters will be held in the Fir and Sixth street office of the Hol land hotel, Friday and Saturday, from 9 a. m. to 9 -p. m and Sunday from 1 to 5 p. m. The display, prepared hy committees of the local Church of Christ, Scientist, is designed to be educational as well as Interesting. The public ia invited to Inspect the exhibit. Park Roads Open The smith and west entrances to Crater Lake na tional park are open and motorists fn.? fct to the resort without diffi culty, though officials advised them today to carry chains in case change in weather conditions made their use necessary. The rim and east and north entrances are closed and will rot be opened again until spring. Before starting for the lake, motorists may ascertain weather conditions by , calling the park service office In tha Federal building. YOU And Your Friends Are CORDIALLY INVITED To Be the Guests of This Theater and The California Oregon Power Company Thursday Afternoon NOVEMBER 14th Premier Showing in Medford of "THREE WOMEN MORE THAK HALF OF SCENES FILMED IN FULL NATURAL COLOR WITH Johnny Mack Brown Hedda Hopper Inez Courtney Thrw tromn hrtiif, a nw rp of drama th irrrrn that will prois rrrr ntntatnlnr. Mor, than half lh Ifature I, in foil natural rolor anil rtrrr marrlm roiiul. In MrnrORO ,hnilld ra It. In tdilltlon to the fall Itnfth f.atur a rartoon comrdr. Hnlliaood Hulrw and Musical NnTflllf. TH. on frw nrformanr U pi,'. pn..ihlr thmnrh the cooperation of the Rialto theater and The California orrron To. r r ,j,,.t. Personal Nott Leave L. A. No:t left last evening for San Francisco. Business Caller Axil spute made a business trip to Ashland Sunday. Dodge in Ahland B. L, Dodge was a business oallei in Ashland Sunday. O.ernlsht Guests Mr. and Mrs. Dan Campbell were ovrniht guests of Mra. S. A. Parker of Ash'.an:! Sun day and Monday. Mrs. Ryan Away Mrs. Henry Ryan left on the evening train yesterday lor Sacramento. To Portland Leonard Carpenter, H Chandler Egan and William Sproat left by train for Portland last night. Go East Todav Mrs. Thomas H. Temple of Talent left this morning for Central City, Neb., accompanied by her mother, Mrs. I. M. Young. Roseburg Visitor Miss Lotua Hes- vlgrave of Central Point is visiting Mr. and Mrs. V. N. Noel of Roseburg this week before going on to Portland to visit friends and relatives. Visit Parents Clara Hanseam, stu dent at the Southern Oregon Normal school in Ashland, spent the week-end with her parents. Mi. and Mrs. A. R. Han scam of this city. Bible Conference Dr. v. P. White, nationally known Bible teacher, will be in Medford ror a Bible conference from November 24 to December 1. to be held at the First Baptist church. Ladles' Aid Meets The Ladles' Aid of Zlon Lutheran church will meet in the church parlors Thursday after noon at 2 o'clock, it was announced today. New Trooper A. M. Mitrovioh. state police officer, has Just been transferred to the Medford district from Portland t and will henceforth work out of Medford headquarters office. It was announced today. Mit rovlch has already taken up his ac tive patrol duties. Visit In Independence Mr. and Mrs Dick Ttltes, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Garry Newton of Ashland. Journeyed to Independence where they spent Sunday and Monday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Newton. Legion Head Visits American Le gion Commander George Kochn of Portland was a Medford visitor Arm lit Ice day, following his participation on the celebration at Grants Pass. He was accompanied to Medford by Commander Ben Coutant, Nell Allen, Dr. C. L. Ogle and Dick Singleton of the Climate City. After visiting the dugout here and expressing regrets at the shortness of his stay, he took the afternoon plane to Portland. He will return to Medford in the near future for a special meeting, he said CENTRAL POINT GRANGE FREE PROGRAM FRIDAY Regular session of the Central Point Grange on Friday evening will be preceded with a program at 8:00 o'clock, given by members of the Home Economics club. The public Is cordially invited. Card of Thanks. We wlah to express our sincere ap preclatlon to friends and neighbors for the acts of kindness and sympathy extended to us during our recent be reavement, and especially to the teachers and pupils of Griffen Crek school, and members of the Sunday school class;' also for the beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Kima and Family. Weather Northern California: Talr tonight and Thursday: frost tonight: gentle northerly wind off the coast. Sheila Manners Wm. Collier, Sr. Bert Roach Livestock PORTLAND. Nov. 13 (AP-U S. Dept. Agr.) HOGS 300. Market ac tive, mostly steady. Good to choice 170-220 lbs., mostlv 9 25: 335-260 lrw. 8.75-0.90; few light lights 8 50-875 Packing sows, 7-7.50. Feeder pigs, 8.75-10. CATTLE 300. including 153 direct; calves 15. Market very slow, only scattered lots sold, around steady, many without bids. Odd lots com mon steers. 4.50-5 75. Few helfes. 4-4.75: low cutter and cutter cows. 2 25-3; common to medium, 3 35-4. Bulls 3-75-5. Including one load 1401-lb. range bulls at 5. Good to choice vealera to 7. 50-8 50. Medium calves around 3-50-3.50. SHEEP 200. Market active, fully steady. Good to choice 75-103 lb. lambs. 8 65-8.75. Good US lbs. down to 8: medium around 7.50. Few me dium yearlinas. 3.50. Medium to good ewes. 2 50-3 50. CHICAGO. Nov. 13. (AP-U. S. Dept. Art ) HOGS 18.000; steady to 15 lower: top 9 45; deslranle 170-2B0 Ira. 0.25-40: 140-180 Ibi. 9 00-35: mostly 9.25-35: 290-lb. butchers, 9 00 30: sows. 8.25-30. CATTLE 7.000; Strictly good and choice weighty steera and yearlings. 25 higher: market very uneven on all grades selling 10.50 downward; large ly clean-up market on common, me dium, and low erade steers and year lings; best fed yearlings. '2.50: weighty bullocks up to 1345: light steers up to 13.15; heifers steady to strong: beef cows strong: beef bulls. 6 25-7.00; vealera steady; stockora and feeders. 8.00-7.00. SHEEP 10.000:, fat lambs moderate ly active. Indications around steady: sheep firm: feeding lambs relatively scarce; good to choice native and come-back lambs, 10.00-25; plainer quality downward to 9.50 and below; merely good 82-lb. yearlings, 8.25: de sirable native ewes. 3.50-4 85 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 13. (AP-USDA) CATTLE. 375; steers slow, quality mostly medium and be low; undertone weak: good around 900-lb. steers absent, quoted around $7.75-8.00: she-stock steady: choice vealera absent, quoted up to $9.50. SHEEP. 200; steady: two decks 85-86-lb. early shorn California lambs. $8.40; choice under 80-lb. wooled lambs, quoted around $9.50; best ewes eligible nround $4.00. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore., Nov, 13. ( AP) BUTTE R Prints. A grade 34c lb. in parchment wrapper. 85 '4c in cartons; B grade, parchment wrapped, 33c lb., cartons 34 lb. BUTTERFAT Portland delivery: A grade, deliveries at least twice weekly, 34-35c lb.; country routes, 32-35C lb.; B grade, deliveries less than twice weekly, 33-35c lb.; C grade at market. B GRADE CREAM FOR BOTTLING Buying price, butterfat basis, 55c pound. EGGS Buying price of wholesal ers: Fresh specials, 33-34c; extras. 33c: standards, 29a; extra medium. 25c: do medium firsts. 30c; under grade, 18c: pullets, 15c dozen. Cheese, milk, country meats, live poultry, onions, potatoes, wool snd hay Steady and unchanged. Portland Wheat PORTLAND Ore., Nov. 18. (AP) Grain: Wheat: Open High Low Close May 80 .80 .79 .79 Dec .79 .79 .78 .78 Cash: Big Bend bluestem Sl.10'4 Do (13 pet.) 112"j Dark hard winter (12 pet.) ...... 1.03 tj Do (U pet.) 85 99 Soft white, northern spring 77'i Western white, western red 76i Hard winter 80 Oats No. 3 white, $23.30. Corn No. a eastern yellow 133 25. Mlllrun standard. ftl8.50. Today's car receipts: Wheat, 43: barley, 1; flour, 10: hay. 9. Chicago Wheat CHICAGO, Nov. 13. (AP) Wheat: Open High Low Close Dec 93 .94 .93 93i May 94 .944 .93 V July .881, .88 .88 .88 Pear Market Yesterday NEW YORK. Nov. 13. (AP-USDA) Pear market: Oregon Boscs slightly weaker; California stocks slightly weaker; 15 cars arrived: 1 Washington car unloaded: 14 cars on track. Oregon Boscs : 1 .555 boxes extra fancy 83.10-3. 10. average. 3.53: 1.358 boxes fancy I3.A5-2.85, average $3.44; 830 boxes fancy and better 8.30-3.96. average $3.46. Oregon D'Anjous: 730 boxes fancy $1.80-2.85. average $3.18. Washington D'AnuJous: 714 boxes extra fancy $3.00-3.73, average $2.34; 720 boxes unclassified $1.75-3-30, av erage $2.07. CHICAGO. Nov.' 12. (AP-USDA) ePar auction market: 1 California car. 4 Washington arrived; 8 cars on track; 3 sold. Oregon Boscs: 530 boxe s extra fancy $3.30-2.70, average $2.45: 300 boxes fancy $3.10-3.55, average $3.33. Wall St. Report NEW YORK, Nov. 13. (AP) A modest buying spurt tn rails, steels and specialties swept the stock mar ket back; Into an advancing trend during late trading today after an un certain forenoon session. Gains of 1 to 3 points were well distributed and closing prices were around the best of the day. Sales approximated 1.950.000 shares. Today's closing prices for 33 select ed stocks follow: AI. Chem. It Dye ISHi Am. Can . 143 Am. & Pgn. Pow 6 A. T. it T Anaconda Atch. T. it S. F Bendlx Avla Beth. Steel .. California Pack'g Caterpillar Tract Chrysler . Coml. Solv ..., . Curtlss-Wrlght DuPont ..... 148 Vi, ai'4 - 50 !4 ..... 32 4.1 35 H 58 85 '4 20Y, - at .....140 Gen. Poods 32 J 3en. Mot 57", Int. Harveat 58 I. T. it T 11 Johns-Man ......... 87 Monty Ward 36, North Amer. 26?, Penney (J. C.) 80 Phillips Pet 35'i Radio 9,i Sou. Pac. ............ ID1,, Std. Brands 14', 8t. Oil Cal 37'3 St. Oil N. J 40 '4 Trans. Amer 11 'A Union Carb 70 '4 Unit. Aircraft 20 U. S. Steel 48!, Slker NEW YORK, Nov. 13 (AP) Bar sil ver steady, unchanged at 65c. turkey, delivered San PranclMo: SlnTlllttJ ,. g . Young toms, under and over 37 lba w I W feii . p--W 27e, voun hen!lc VH V All the western THFfi RFflT ' ' AYW J Ban Frnnrlsco Butterfat I l-'ffi': :.0V X stars van ever I lib UntHI 1 ff j I SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 13 (API- If iii,' - 'Sl X. 7 f ' i stB I Plrst (trade butterfat, 39c f. o. b. San Ci,.W " ,fea. -X 0 heard Of . . . in M BJ L I P A ll JL. J JFt I . .T0 L.ATE T0 0LASSirY :: 7' MELODRAMA! "W A SURKET SHOOT at Central Point I A jJP A l" Jf tf F ' next Sunday. Shotgun and all kinds 1 ffi" KiPj . wf M, - if rifle matches. Turkeya. beef, mer- 1 .'IL V a nr. J SLM ' ' V 1 ehandlse. PVsllow th crowd. V VaV Sfc. Aali'A fa T L i i W " Jt :" Jr ' IC 1 N'JV ml iWfirrcii 1 n r 1 1 1 , UK -Ji !-'JL il FOR RENT 4 -room house. V4 aera V $t,W' WmSS If r '' i wOT1n3dU)onllwI-n, "5 IPSmi Romance, and MC iV FOR SALE Team of horaee and har- J. nl "7V v lYVaTTll Drama Inten 1 f IS a"k X I new: welrht about 3000 lbs. Team iaS3l '5fiV V L ' r A? mules and harness, wagon and two isdEr SS&itAm I t J 1 A A S r U-lneh plows. Whltsett Bros., 1 U 1 " - .1 slf' V irJZC'J I KX 8 1 I 1 C U 1 U U sS3S?t VM. I mil, above Provolt. Wt,t . Ca.O r tPfri fj fU.-. V W i B GoS0H LRf JJ Great New X$pS& lllftW 1 -'-8 MAZWS( h-'lr Screen Pro- HKf in. boatload 1 W. - dtfR-K-O-Radio, .jj j , 1 J I jXwfr, Sy ENDS TONIGHT! CZZl WOTE-' 8peC- ot "THBX? jAet A UetUV W The world changes . . . Love Lionel 1 ,ot !'l"goiilor. 'ftdver- I 1 n A, 1 doe. not . . . today more than Ufftihtftht Br"n,,r Jl sponsored hy can reel o 1 fON0 ever . . . it will stun with L'i2LVJJilL m V v . AdffllM IE 1X rCt- its force and realism 1 "Way Down East" A drama which, more than 4u years ago, first portrayed tne tri umph of young love over mercllesa self -righteousness and bigotry, again holda the attention of movie fans a the great American melodrama. Way Down East." comes tomorrow to the Cratertan theater for Its first local run. Featuring Henry Fonda, star 01 "The Farmer Takes a Wife," with REFINED, capable woman around 35, wn.ni ngnc noun. wir.. ncwreinos. P. O. Box 680, Medford. GRAND PIANO. tored In Medford. verv reasonable; terms, would trade. Write Derby's Music Co., 117 So. 7th, Klamath Falls. FOR SALE One two -keg beer cabi net; complete; A-l condition. Tel. 1261. RELIABLE man here with family de sires employment. Box 7899, Mall Tribune. WANTED Capable girl for house work. Man and wife. Phone 852-J. evenings. BUY NOW I Many Home-Buyers and Investors have already taken advantage of the lib eral financing offered on our re possessed properties. Five convincing reasons why YOU should buy NOW: 1, Prlcea are still the lowest in years with definite indications of rising. 3. Rents are on the upward trend. 3. Building costs are up and rising. 4. Shortage of homea la Imminent. 5. Home ownership promotes good cltlwnshlp. Write or oall W. J. WARNER Jackson County Bldg. & Loan Assn. 126 E. Main St. Phone 195. f - - --. i a a i aw m. m m iw a ii ,-ilbt inra 1 1 r.zzz&rSGm? ' II " .. ..J 16 ft"'"" .11111 I limilJSIil:! I lillll imuri Coming Thursday Rochelle Hudson, the picture tells the ageleea story of a woman who has sinned, who atones for her tin and who asserts her right to love and happiness. The picture also features Slim Summcrvtlle, Margaret Hamilton and Andy Dcvtne in the rolea of local characters whose behavior helps to lend the picture the stamp of authen ticity. FOR SALE RADIOS REBUILT RADIOS 00-Dav Guarantee. 1 Croslcy 6-tub auto set $15.00 1 Philco 5-tubo auto set.. ......... lS.oo 1 simplex 5 (like new).......,.... 20.00 1 Majestic-Ford 25.00 1 Edison console 28 50 1 Airline "10" console 35.00 1 spar ton "8" console 25.00 1 Atwater Kent console . 25 00 1 Atwater Kent console 17.50 1 Stewart Warner all-wave table "7" 52.50 Numerous battery aets S5.00 up DON'S RADTO SERVICE 407 E. Main. Medford. Tel. 668 FOR SALE Cheap, 2 2-wheel trailers. Medford Poultry and Etfg Co. FOR RENT 3 -room apt.; also cabin. 616 N. Central. WILL SELL OR TRADE Studio couch and Whit circulating heater for bed and dining set. 911 Reddy. FOR SALE Circulating heater, nearly new. Reasonable. Oall at 1017 West 9 th. FOR SALE OR TRADE Parker double barrel ahotgim, for chickens. Carl D. Bowman, Tel. 57 or 437 -M. GIRL wishes work. Experienced cook. Phone 457-J. -rsr SilliS - - - - . BBBiaajBa a Western Drama ' 3 With the greatest collection ot TI4U tl.a n.ta nnHArlnn nf western stars ever assembled for one picture, "Powder Smoke Range-' opens Its local run tomorrow night at the Rialto theater. With the special matinee allowing of "Three Women." sponsored by the California Oregon Power company, at the afternoon attraction tomor row, the Rialto departs from its' usual schedule and opens the regular feature In the evening. Harry Carey and Hoot Gibson head the large cast of "Powder Smoke Range," which boasts of such west ern favorttea a Bab Steele. Tom Tyler, Gulnn Williams. William Far num, William Desmond, "Buzaj" Bar FOR RENT- Furnished 3 -room apart ment; private bath, sleeping porch. 912 So. Oakdale. FOK SALE 40 acres, house and harn: $150 cash. Inquire .lack Shearln sorvlra station, Crater Lake Hwy., No. Engl Point. 7-ROOM house, 304 So Ivy: $15. water paid. Inquire 220 No. Oak:lale. LADY wilt give part time service for heated H. K. room. Box 873, Med ford. Ore. If Shown l!45 11:11-9:00 P1" i mwiwuw.u mwmm He returned from the spirit world to straighten out the mess he had made of his lifel Coming to Rialto m V IS' "' ' ' " U f-llf r x U'rtlli, 11'nlna At f(v HllffO ton. Wallv Wttlea. Art Mix. Buffalo Bill. Jr., Buddy Roosevelt, Franklyn Fnrnum. Sam Hordy and Ray Mayer. "Boots" Mnllory plays the leading feminine role. "Powder Smoke Range" is a story of the real wild west, with a back ground of rugged California of th sixties Into which ride Carey. Gib son and Williams as the three mea qulteers of the open spaces who think fast, act quick, and put fair play above greed and gold. Fiery, Smarting CHAFED SKIN It i. r..v llrva thia ln.m.i and rcstoro comfort to lbs Irritnlrd skin with soothing Realnol. union la quick, nod it is safe for tenderest skins. W W Also Tonite OnJy at the HoEly Theatre f I Mats . . . 2.V J jl i Klcltlles 10c SI I V lt 1 NO ADVERTISING J Lionel At.111 ; " - jJ( 5UmreT,""- ?tm, ,,-e.. ADMISSION FREE