PSGE SIX MEDFORDrTRIBUNE "Evarrun IB Sootb Ursna Bead tiff IUU Trlbua" Daily Bxrept Hatnrdaj. Publlth.d by MKOfURD PBINTINO CO. SS-SI-lt N. ric St. Phonal. ROBERT . BUHU Editor. A.O lodapaortant Nawspapar. Enurad aacod-la.a matlar at Mad lord. Orafoa. oodar Act of Marc a. Illl SUBSCRIPTION BATES Br Mall 1 Adancai Dally, ona yaar Dally, III montha ' Dally, ona month ii-'i" . I" Br Carrlar. In Ad-anca Madford. Alb- land. Jackson-Hl. Oantral Point. PboanlxT Talaot O.ld Hill and on bWiwaya. Dally, ona yaar ? Dally, all montha Dally, ona month w All tarma, caab In ad.aac. OlflclaJ Papa- ol Ilia City ol M.dHir4. Official Paiiar of Jack Coiinly. UEUIIKH OF TUB AKSOCIATKU PK.H Becal'lnt full l-oa'-d -. Tha Associated Praa la alclual-alir an Utlad to tha u,a lor publication of all nawa dupatchea oradlted to It or othar wlaa credited In 1Mb ptpar. -nd alao to tba local oew published haraln. All rlihta (or publication of apaolu dl.patch.ft haraln ara alao reeerved. MEMBER OF UNITED PRESS MEMBER OF AUDIT BUBOAD OF CIRCULATIONS Ad-ertl.lns ""'""''IVa U. C MOOE.NSEN a) COMPANt Office, in N.w T'"cc".tt?'t Ban Fraoclaco. boa Aoselee. Saattla. Portland. MEMBER. Ye Smudge Pot ! By Arthur F-rrj. Pessimistic Armistice Dsy orator thundering against the ruing war plrlt among tha nation and peo ples, charged "tha world haa a heart full of murder." They forgot to mention the world, alao. haa a lung full of 4-mlnute epeechea. a "During tha morning there waa ateady demand for coarae yarn (Oakland (Calif.) Tribune) The Mas West-Ford variety. a a a The football experts now have next Saturday, games figured out to a dot, and will only mils the final , score by the usual IT touchdowns. a a Mental gymnaatlcs are now the order of the day among the 33rd de gree politicians of the state. The legislature, in apeclal aesalon, passed a Sales Tax to provide funds tor Old Age Pensions. Then with char acteristic fesrlese buck-passing left the final decision up to a vote of the people. Now the polltlclana are confronted with the delicate Job of hating the Balea Tax, while pre tending to love the Old Age plan. Only those with minds built on the general Unea of a prettel. will be able to twist out of the dilemma. a a a A St. Louis woman haa started suit for S780O paid for mink coat, en tha grounds It la not a mint eoat. No details are given, 'but her auaplclons were probably roused when It started aheddlng tom-cat hairs. a There Is one nice thing ebout th snuff-users. Unlike tobacco-ehewere and pipe-smokers, they never write lattera to editors demsndlng the . abolishment of the cigarette. a a PAIR ENOUOII ITEM. (Del Nort,e Triplicate) , Will the parties who took the tof section of a palnter'a extension ladder from the rear of Moeeley'a place, please return same to M. P. Kelly Either return It. or come and get the lower half, as either section by Itself Is worthless. a . a The "disappearing headlights" on the 103" model sutoa are neat and nifty. The police Issue an ultimatum to the general effect that sutolsla driving now without headlights st nlpht. had better disappear. a The gentle rain of Tuesday re moved the froat from the ground, and a poem about rain from Del Oetchell, the hanker-poet. t a "A rliurch scat may not be as soft aa a sedan s, but you don't have to be prepnred to dive out the window." (Slater (Kan.) News) A great and wholesome truth. a a An upstate professional wreatler. who la RiMng east to grapple. In hi youth wnlked 14 miles dally to get to and from school. Thla Is the best argument yet for bus transportation to schools and It will be Interesting to note how the bus riders turn out when they grow up. TIIK MWdlVMI IIK1 AX. (halem MnteMnan) Whiskey and women were worse than usual at the special session If that were possible. With the Important bllla handled by only a few committees the rest of the gang had plenty of time for partying. There were many young frmslea around who should hare been home with their mammaa. After adjournment the night was noisy In the hotels. Many think the state capllol Bill should be "more fleilble." Just as many think. If It was "more flexible" It would attl! bend the wrong way. a a The government la "confronted with th problem of what to do with alien agitators, fomenting etrlkea." presa dlspatrhea ssy. If tl wouldn't make the "alien agitators' too mad. the government might ex periment on sending them home, a a The C. Strang bay-wlndcw na, been removed frcm the Main Stem landscape. It was a pioneer land mark, out of which all the cttrang boys tried to .all In their Infancy. . . Rudolpa Clans, fnmoua pianist and conductor, aaya: "Prodlglea are usu ually born too soon, st least five yeara before their "time." Ernest Schelllng the well known pianist, waa a child prodigy. He msde his debut when hs waa 4!j yer 014. Saks Tax and Pensions. THE Mail Tribune favors, the sales tax, as the best method of raising money for public purposes, under conditions which now prevail. ' For the third time an Oregon state legislature has come to the same conclusion. At the recent special session all possible sources of revenue for state old age pensions were canvassed, and a majority in both houses decided a sales tax was the only answer. THE Mail Tribune also favors a reasonable old age pension; by reasonable we mean one that is financially feasible, on one hand ; and will keep the aged and infirm, from want and suffering on the other. Believing in a state sales tax, and a state old age pension, naturally this paper favors the action of the state legislature in combining the two so that Oregon may join with the federal government, in securing this form of social security for the people of this state. WHETHER or not a sales tax to financei old age pensions, can be passed remains to be seen. An election for this purpose has been called for January 1036. Twice in the past a state sales tax has been defeated. Per haps when the people see clearly that in no other way can funds for old age pensions be provided, a majority in favor can be secured. Pride of opinion, however, on the part of those organized formerly against uch a tax, will be a serious obstacle to over come. Moreover as we see it publio psychology is such, that the imposition of any added tax of any nature, and for any purpose, will have a hard row to hoe. HOWEVER there is only one thing to do in such a situation. Those who believe the elderly and infirm in this state should be properly provided for and the time has come to STOP this hypocritical business of favoring old age pensions, on one hand, and failing to provide funds for their payment on the other; have no consistent course to pursue but to do all they can to secure the enactment of the proposed legislation. This much is CERTAIN. If the sales tax is beaten for the third time the people of Oregon who deserve old age pensions, will not get them, at least not in any form at all adequate to their minimum needs. . Marklu GOING the rouuds of many newspapers are the remarks that Mark Twain made many years ago about war. What Mark Twain said generations ago is just as applicable today with all the war talk being heard. He said: There has never been a just one, never an honorable one on the part of the instigator of the war. 1 can see a million years ahead, and this rule will never change in so many as half a dozen instances. The loud little handful as usual will shout for the war. The pulpit will, warily and cautiously, object at first; the great, big, dull bulk of the nation will rub its aloepy eyes and try to make out why there should be a war, and will say earnestly and indiguantly, "It is unjust and dishonorable, and there is no necessity for it." Then the handful will shout louder. A few fair men on the other side will argue and reason against the war . with speech and pen and at first will have a hearing and he applauded; but it will not last long; those others will outshout them, and presently the anti-war audiences will thin out and lose popularity. Before long you will see this curious thing: the speakers stoned from tho platform and free speech strangled by liordcs of furious men who in their secret hearts aro still at ono with those stoned speakers as earlier but do not dare to say so. . And now the whole nation pulpit and all will take up the war-cry, and shout itself hoarse and mob any honest man who ventures to open his mouth; and presently siioh mouths will cease to open. Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, mid every man will he glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them ; and thus he will by and by con vince himself that tho war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception. Before the great shouting begins and while there's still an anti-war audience, read Mark Twain's paragraphs again. Cut 'om out, read 'em to your children and when the shouting and tumult bents a din in your ears try and read 'cm again! And remember Mark Twain told you so. E. T. L. FLUNG DEATH nin,EY. W. Va.. Not. 13.ap A placid evening'1 walk terminated In a flaming death from a Irea limb lMt nlRht (or J. milton ciunnoe, 48 ytM old war veteran and CCC camp Cowman. State troopers said ha had Men slain. James Elliott, a farmer, found Ounnoes blaring body hanging from a tree. "The flames mere up around the neck when I got there. " aald Elliott in describing the scene. "The body was no badly burned It could n't be recognlred. Either oil or Kaaollnc had been poured over the clothing and net afire." Officers aald their first Investtga tlon tailed to disclose how Ounnoa'a body reached the Elltott farm nor could they learn of any motive for the slaying. Ptlenda said aunnoe left the CCC camp about alx oclock last evening but did not pay where tie was going He Is survived by his widow. Dm UaU mo una taut aoa. MEDFORD MAIL TIT warn on war 8 ID 1 U ALEXIA. N. C. Not. Mit., The eight children of Mr. and Mrs. nuoers uunuingnam, farm couple, were burned to death early today when flumes swept their two-stcry dwelling on the 8 troupe farm near here. The aces Of the children nnci from a few montha to 22 years. Cunningham was burned In an ef fort to warn hit children of the blnre. which was discovered about 1.00 a. m. His wife escaped unharmed. The hodlerf were recovered Jater but most of them had been charred be yond recognition. LET LINFIELD LIBRARY ' CONTRACT ON NOV. 29 McMINNVrU-K, Ore , Not. 13 ij, The contract for the M.V0O0 PWA library for UnMld coilene will be let November 19. city official said today. Rid wilt r opened November 22 on Ma" ooo city fronds Med for pur ciw of site for the liaraay. TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, Personal Health Service By William Brady, M. D. Signed letter pertsmint Co personal neaitb and nrjlene not to disease dlacDosI or treatment will be answered t Ur. Brad if s stamped self -ad-dressed envelope Is enclosed. Letters ahould be brief and written In Ink Owing to the large number ol lettera received only s (en can be anwereu No reply can be made to queries not corunrmlng to Instructions Address Ur William bradj. 26s El Camlno. Beierl; Hills. Cat. PARASITIC INFES In tha A. Jour, of Public Health for August, 1035, Camilla Therlsson, M.O., says that examination of 4.439 peasants In the Revlere Frolde, Carre four and Degand districts of the Island of Haiti In ,10 2 6 showed that 30 per cent bad hookworms. Hookworm Infestation makes the 'host anemic, listless, languid, lazy, more or less 1 n d 1 f ferent. It haa caused a good dea or the shlft lessnesa and lack of Industry and ambition which many of our own southern negroes sickly and lazy and whites "no account." In this country hookworm Infestation la gradually being eradicated, by education of the ignorant people about primitive sani tation, the proper disposal of excreta and simple personal cleanliness, and by curative medical treatment of all persons who are found to harbor hookworms, whether they are as yet seriously anemic and broken In health or not. Hookworm Infestation in childhood seriously retards growth and develop ment. The worms lodge In the duo denum and cling to the mucous membrane by means of hooks, suck ing blood and eating the epithelium and probably Injecting a poisonous excretion Into the host's blood. The adult worms are one-half Inch long, the diameter of a wire hairpin, rather larger than common pin worms or seat worms, hooked at one end. The eggs are microscopic. They pass from the body In the dejecta. The eggs hatch into larvae in the soli, if the soil is warm, and moist. The larvae In the soli may penetrate the skin of the feet of one who goes barefoot or gets the feet wet and muddy, or tne skin or the hands and arms of laborers. In penetrating the skin the hookworm larvae produce con siderable Irritation and itching called ground Itch, dew Itch espec ially between the toes, with an out break of papules or pustules or se vere dermatitis. Several weeks after penetration of the skin the larvae reach the duodenum, where they lodge, fasten onto the mucous mem brane, and set tip business as adult hookworms. Their route Is by way of me mood stream through the veins back to the heart, thence to the lunss. thence working their way up into the throat, where they are swallowed. This is the usual history of hook worm disease. The hookworms do not multiply in the body. NEW YORK DAY BY DAY Ry O. O. Mclntyre NEW YORK, Nov. 13. There la us ually an ltm of Interest In that bravo little quarterly edited by Andre Simon, most fa mous of the liv ing gourmets. It Is Issued for a select circle of notable eaters banded together Into what Is call ed The Wine and Food Society. In a current Is sue, for Instance, this: Simon Is writing o f the tne difficulty of putting over Bordeaux wines. He says that In England there are signs that claret Is slowly comtng back, but the demand is not great enough In the United States to keep all the vine yards going. Some vo closing. Then he adds: "Vlneyords are being uprooted which will never produce claret again. Many tank us chateaux are shuttered and for sale. Even proud Haut-Brlton, the Jewel of the Graves country, has been bought by an American financier. Mr. Clarence Dillon, to build a residence." On top of this. Gil Boag's luxurious. and ill-fated restaurant, opening re cently, had hoped to make Its stock of rare winea the chief appeal. But the demand was slight. Connoisseurs declare it will take another decade for America to lose its speak-easy taste for raw gin and cut whiskey. Established first nlghters brenthed easier when Joan Crawford and Fran chot Tone swxing back over the Santa Fe trail. Quite innocently, the young honeymooners had made arriving at a, premiere something of a football scrimmage. So much so that such amiable critics as Bums Mantle. Hu bert Gabriel and John Mason Bit?wn spoke right out In print. Wherever the couple waa to appear the lobby and sidewalk outside filled with a milling. Jostling throng which, at the outriders cry: "Here they come!" massed Into a flying rhsrse that sent mink, monocles and top hats helter skelter. So far as I observe, the only bar maid left in town there were a num ber for a while Is an Amsronlan lady who does the drink dispensing at a Mlty little cafe called " Hamburger Mary's" In the East 0s. She ha a running fire comment, performs mir acles of pouring, and. like most yen Mbla and expert bartenders, does not drink. The first barmaid I ever saw were the famous Kitty and Collie at lte Savoy In London I would sit at a nearby table for an hour, apparently ensrotwed In reading. Just to hear their tWkney comment. They were once children of the 5oho atdewaik and knew tondon fn'in one rnd to th other KUfv. cold en is-tid auggtstinjg Soi'bit, and Collie j t1"" ""!.M OREGON, WEDNESDAY, TATION IN HAITI Many comparatively healthy "car riers" of hookworms are found among the affected population. - It Is of course possible that in some instances infestation with hookworm may occur from drinking polluted water or from eating vegetables or other food washed or wet with pol luted water. But the common mode of Infestation is as described. Foot itch In any district where hookworm disease prevails therefore calls for careful diagnosis by a physician. It is often confused with the compara tively insignificant ringworm or "ath lete's foot." Any remedy which la ef fective in relieving ringworm of the feet is fortunately a good remedy for hookworm itch, too. Of the 4,439 Haitian peasants ex amined, 43 per cent were found to harbor ordinary round worms, and 68 per cent had whipworms, which are comparatively harmless parasites. Dr. Therlsson aaya geophaglsm (eat ing soli) la frequent among the peas ants "from lack of certain dietetic elements." What elements he does not suggest I wonder If it Is vitamins. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Light and Dark Eggs Please tell me whether there la any difference in food value between eggs with white shell and eggs with brown shell. (I. A.) Answer There la no difference. Vitamins and Vision Want to thank you for th article you wrote several months ago on vitamins for eye trouble. I had all the trouble you mentioned. Now my eyes are clear again. I attribute this, as well as greatly Improved health, to the vitamin ration I have taken steadily since you suggested It. It certainly has given me new eyes. (J. B.) Answer Vitamin A and vitamin G are perhaps the important ones. In respect to vision. Send ten cents coin and 3-cent stamped envelope bearing your address, for booklet "Building Vitality" which gives detailed infor mation on vitamins. Hard Master Girls working for company are forced to stand all day folding sheets, we might have stools to sit on and work aa well, but the man In charge will not allow a girl to sit down. ... Is this Russia ... (A worker). Answer Bring It to the attention of your union. If you are too dumb to have your organization, perhaps a complaint to your state labor de partment would help. lid. Mute: Persons wishing to communicate with Dr. Brady Humid send letter direct to Dr. William Hrady. 1YI. th. 2 AS El Camlnn. Beverly Hills. Cal. prematurely white haired with the wild frize of Eva Tanguay. Every Monday night they went to the Pal ladlum to see Laddie CUff, their mu tual Idol. There waa a foggy, drizzling morn ing when a bteary. disheveled cus tomer approached Kitty and Collie for a pick-me-up. While it waa be ing fashioned, frapped creme de menthe with a float of brandy, and gentlemen how it would put you smack on your feetl Where was I? Dont tell me. I know. While it was being fashioned the forlorn hang over put his elbows on the bar, held his head and groaned. "You must feel terrible I" soothed Kitty. He moaned: "My head aches so my hat hurts." One of the gllb-tongued Broadway characters Damon Rxinyan frequently flctionized fell a riddled victim of gangster bullets In the Dutch Schultz massacre. But Rnnyon reveals he wns far removed from the biological perversities that make up the as sassin. He was. Instead, a harmless runner of Inglorious errands, a Jester who mouthed his wit in the under world argot and strutted in a sus pcnder-snapplng bravado that he was "in the know." Every chief mobsman has his clown. About the most Inconspicuous of regular night club patrons la the theatrical producer, Lee Shubert. He likes (o drop Into this place and that for a half hour after theater. Always correctly attired in dinner Jacket, he prefers a table back from the ring aide. His companion la usually one of the staff. He sips a non-alcoholic drtnk, seldom smiles, mumbles only an occasional observation, watches the dancers with half-lldded detach- merit, and goes on. She was one of those buoyant crea tures clinging rapturously to his el derly arm and cooing ecstatically over avenue window displays. Before a furrier's spread of chinchilla she stood suddenly transfixed and gurgled "Fur me. Daddy, please !" And the old boy waa beginning to look mooey mooey, too. (Copyright. 1933. McNaught Syndicate) Use Mnll Tribune want ads. HEAT The Economical Wav Bum Otir Select, Heavy DRY FIR SLABS r a tTAu a r "r : : V v AL Lasting, Cleaner Cheaper PHONE 631 Medford Fuel Co. NOVEMBER 13, '193 Comment on the Day's News By FRANK JENKINS TWO related Items In the news: Mai ale. mud hut city of Ethi opia, falls to the Invading Italian forces without a struggle, its defend ers deserting It and leaving It to the attackers. Frequent rainstorms continue - In Ethiopia, although this la supposed to be the dry season, rendering the trails morasses of mud. Mules again are tho Italian army'a lifeline to the bases of supplies and progress la slow. Motor trucks sink bub-deep In the mud and many have been abandoned. I Mules are heavily loaded and many have died. THE weather, you see, at least for the present, la continuing to fglht on the aide of the Ethiopians. HAILE SELASSIE'S armies, please note, abandon Makale without a struggle, as they have abandoned other points, falling back and WAIT ING. Their plan, apparently, la to continue to wait until 'conditions are favorable to them. The conditions they are waiting for Include both weather and rough country. THIS writer, incidentally, without any reason for It, la strongly on the side of the Ethiopians (although that Insignificant fact means noth ing to them) and hopes they catch both weather and conditions Just right and rub Mussolini's nose In the mud which Is highly Improbable. It'a hard to keep from sympathiz ing with the under dog, Isn't it? NOTE this dispatch from CorvalllB, which la the seat of Oregon's ag ricultural college: Crop damage caused by the un seasonable cold In Oregon may reach as high as a million dollars. If esti mates of department of agriculture experts are borne out, but growers will not absorb the total loss. Higher prices for shortened crops will do much to balance the damage." TTTHAT is another way of saying L that 1 Isn't so much a crop loss aa a CONSUMER loss, for the con sumer will bear the burden In the form of higher prices for what ,he eats. In these days, there Is much talk of getting rich by limiting produc tion and raising prices. If we are to think straight, we musn't lose sight of the fundamental fact that things which aren't produced can't be con sumed. In the long run, prosperity con sists In having a LOT of things to consume. TPHIS dispatch comes from Chicago I "A noted Jewelry designer and connoisseur of rare gems, Leo Murl hurst, of this city, classified women today as 'diamond types,' 'emerald types, 'ruby types.' or those who should wear amethysts, turquoise and other stones." Jnst how does he classify the men who BUY those stones for the wo men? SALEM 10 SPEND ON WATER PLAN! SALEM. Nov. 13. (AP) Cost of j the proposed improvement of the 1 Salem water system will be a.733.490. Engineer R. E. Koon reported to the city council last night. The program, calling for a ten mil-1 tton gallon reservoir, a 100,000 gal- i Ion water tower, 25 miles of new pipes and 255 fire hydrants, would provide for the city until its popula tion exceeds 50.000, Koon reported. Salem recently purchased the water system from the Oregon -Washing ton Water Service corporation' at a cost of approximately 1 ,000.000. SALEM POST OFFICE PLANNING STARTED SALEM. Nov. 13. (p) The federal gorernment took initial action in construction of the new 260.000 post, offtce here by sending Harry Bennett, senior architect of the treasury de partment to Salem yesterday to gather data. The building will be built on the same block aa the present building, which will be torn down. Ose Mall Tribune want ads. fuel oil Any Kind Minimum Hate Pump Service 1122 North Central Flight 'o Time Med ford and Jackson Count history from the flies uf the Mall Tribune 10 and 20 Year )! TEN YEARS AGO TODAY November IS. 1925 (It waa Friday) Heavy fog blankets the valley. Au- tolsts warned to go slow. Connie Conrad, star kicker of the football team, has a boll on his kick ing foot. Recent ruins cheer Sams Valley farmers. Jay Upton of Bend announces he will make the race for governor. The mercury drops to 20 degrees last night. Charles Boussom is recovering from a severe blow on the head, sutalned while working in the lumber mill. Local postofflce will be closed all day Christmas. People urged to mall packages early. TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY November 13, 1015 (It waa Saturday) Fire young men who "swiped a keg of beer" from the R. L. Darling wagon are fined 25 and lectured by the police Judge. Ladies of the Colony club are daily sewing for the Red Cross. The Nullo Bridge club meets with Mrs. L. A. Salade at her Central Point home. "E. W. Carlton was seen grading some land the first of the week." Table Rock Tablets). Booker T. Washington, famed negro educator, passes at Tnskagee, Ala. Medford and, Ashland football squads battle to a scoreless tie. There was more arguing than playing, the spectators taking part In the former with great zest. Prosecutor E. E. Kelly adjudicates a dispute at Central Point caused by a small boy refusing to fill the wood box, aa a punishment for fighting during recess. The report aaya the prosecutor "objurgated the lad to habits of obedience." (Continued From Page One.) The loan background Is that the treasury has been thinking about It for years, but doubte whether it could be wone without congressional auth ority. No commitments were msde. Flnnesae used by the Japanese in reoccupying Shanghai, is the Admira tion of all who appreciate the ar tistic deception required In diplom acy. The Japanese remembered what Mussolini forgot In Ethiopia a good excuse. First, the Japanese were outraged because the Chinese hod failed to ad vise them that a monetary move was under consideration. This shock was sufficient pretense for landing sail ors. But a shock cannot last for ever, so a Japanese sailor was found murdered in Shanghai. There are diplomatic' insiders here phlegmatic enough to sutures t that the Japanese sailor waa murdered by a Japanese bitllet. In fact, that ob vious suggestion haa reached diplo matic quarters here In the form of a report. WOULD YOU ROB YOUR OWN SAFE? Silly Question? Yes ind No. Just about el silly as the man who thinks he is saving money by not spending money to keep his home or business property in repair and up-to-date. The dollar paid out tor material and labor in keep! ng a piece of real estate productive or sale able or liveable is not a DOLLAR SPENT, More often it is a dollar which has a returnable worth of about 200 percent. Don't rob your own safe protect that which you have. For full information concerning easy now inv provement loans and FREE ESTIMATES on improve ment costs CALL US TODAY. TIMBER PRODUCTS COMPANY Phone 7 Medford End No. Central The report may be erroneous, but the Inference behind It la not. You may expect the Chinese dol lar to be pegged to the American dol lar at 29 cents. It haa been 30 cents, but the Chinese' want to make it 29. The Chinese government has been holding back on an announcement because of Japanese reaction. The l-nln.ssi marlll It. SO CTtH 111 fStab" lishine the managed --currency be cause they did non care w aiuuw inm&i disturbances at that time. Once it hit a high of 31 9. Th. mrtKf .ntjrestlns7 thine about China's action Is how closely It par allels our own, rather than the Brit ish. The Chinese authorltlee appar ently copied, step for step, whet we did in 1932. They have even copied President Roosevelt's somewhat mis leading phrases. We "nationauzeo - goia; vimi.i. iw nMnnaii7ri" silver. We abrogated the gold clause: China has abrogated the silver clause. We undertook to manage the external value of our cur rency: China i doing tne same. One of those congressional investi gating committees Is now privately investigating its own investigators. You mav recall that the house pat ents committee once looked Into al legations that some of lte patent pool investlgatora acted as lawyers m private suit against eorporatione they were supposed to be scnU-lnia-Jng. Sworn evidence exists in Chicago that a former Judiciary investigator for a house Judiciary sub-committee split fees In a bankruptcy reorganiz ation with a midwest utilities com pany. The present oae will be more important If substantial evidence la found. The name of President Roosevelt' new coast guard yacht, for week-Ind-ing. Is Electra. That lady's role la mythological history waa to urge Orestes to vengeance. As a daughter of Atlas, she is also commonly known as one of the lost stars. There is a new deal movement afoot to change the name. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- tfittml Cilomtl-Aod TwD Jntap Out if Be k the Mwnini EUria' ts Gt Ths liver ihonld poor oat two ponnd of , liquid bile into yoar bowels daily, "tnia bile U not flowing- freely, your food doean t dmeL It Juat decay in tha bowel. Ga WoaU u . your atomach. Yoa get constipated. Youl whole ytem Is poisoned and yoa feel son sunk and tha world look panic Laxatives ara only makehifta. A maw bowel movement doetm't g-et at tha mum. It . take those good, old Carter' LitUe Livef Pills to get these two ponnda of bile flowing freely and make yoa feel "up and op". Harm tesa. trentle. yet amazing- In making bile flo freely. Ak for Carter' Little Liver Pill hf mama. Stubbornly refoe anything else. 26 town A HoMt1wayFRHei Completely Renovated- - - - and Redecorated RATIS With detached bath fromliS daily With Bath . framIJ5daity FREE NEW M00CBI GRAGEyCOfFEIWy DIRECTIONS TO HOTCU JVctu on Wain TfigrMway (jan Pabt'oJtvenue) directly to20tkStreet Tnanyement" Harry BJtrari fJlotel fanPablol JlaawSii" mwm LfflSiE-. Central )