MEDFORT) MAIL TRTBTTNE. MEDFORD,. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1333 PAGE FIYK $12,150 APPROVED FOR IMPROVEMENT ASHLAND AIRPORT Modern Highway Through Siskiyous Will Speed Traffic Across High Barrier WASHINGTON. NOT. IS. W The eommws department added 34 sir port project today to a. llt of thea irtilch It dm economically sound and suitable for Inclusion In the fed eral works program. Oregon projects approved Included: Ashland, clearing and grading run way. S12.150: Bend, grading, marklne and fencing. $4,075; Burns, grading, marking, gravelling and fencing. 4. 430.50: Bums, grading, marking and fencing. 4.07S; ChUoquln. municipal airport, clearing, frruilng and surfac ing one malor runway. 5.100: Cow Creek, department of commerce rite, extension of emergency field, $3, 825: Hlllaboro. final levelling and grading and Improvements, 1.184: John Day. gravelling and marking, ail. ISO: LaGrsnde. department of commerce site, grading and gravelling ninway, 13.150; Madras, tins grad ing and marking. S1.057: Marshfleld. clearing, grading and marking. $11.1 100: Ontario, gravelling runways, and marking boundaries. $4,331.75 Port Orford airport, clearing, grading, sur facing and marking. $6,345: Redmond, clearing and filling 3.800 feet yf run way. $6,313: Roseburg. municipal air port, concrete culvert to permit ex tension of major runway, $7,840; The Dalles, grading, surfacing and mark ing, $13,150: Uklah. grading, mark ing and Improvements, $3,621. Listing of the airport projects on the approved list of the commerce department's bureau of air commerce does not mean that works money will tie allotted to them. That Is for other agencies to decld. ASHLAND, Nov. 13. (Spl.) News of the approval of the Ashland air port Improvement project woa re ceived enthusiastically by local of ficials, who have hoped for veara to promote development of the local ln4lntf field. The project will make possible the use of the Ashland field as an Sux ... , .it studies of weather ,nnn. here have definitely estab .h fart that fog forms a lesser hassrd thsn at other fields In this Tlclnltv, and transport planes mu .m. in land here when thick fog havering over the other fields makes It necessary. The runway will be approximately man feet long and adequately Kn nrovlslon Is made for the con- .tiin of nermonent hangars. At present, the private cioft of u.-. irirt Plovd Dickey are v.t. at the airport, which Is used im almost exclusively. . The project will provide work for 80 men over a period of about four months, socordlns to rellet oiiio... JOII EL SPEAK AT MASS MEETING A mass meeting of the citizens of both Jackson and Josephine counties to called for Monday nlfht,- Novem ber 18. at 8:00 o'clock In the audi torium of the Medford high sehool en South Oakdale. The congressional representative from this district. Jas. W. Mott. will make the principal address of the venlng and the meeting Is called by and being held under the aus plcea of the Townscnd clubs of both counties. A cordial Invitation Is extended by th. Tnwnaend club officials to every citizen of both Jackson and Jose--k... miintlra and especially the business men of Medford and arants Pass for whom a special message Is being prepared. Trees In Highway State's By Right SALEM. Ore.. Nov. 13 (API At torney General I. H. Van Winkle held In an opinion here that the atate ahould not have to pay the Weyer haeuser Timber company for trees felled In construction of a highway from Coos Bay to Roseburg. Van Winkle held the right of way was granted by the United States to the state of Oregon to am in wm -itructlon of a military highway. For Hose that Wear ouj NOLDB HORST Ethelwyn B Hoffmann. 1 i I r) I ri Heavy line on map shows present route of Pacific high way, from Athland south to the California line, dotted line, route of the new high way now under construction and crossed line, route of the Southern Pacific railroad. Top photo is a typical deep cut be tween the five and seven-mile posts on the relocated route. Bottom picture A fill which is 400 feet wide at the base. These pictures show why it has been necessary to move 300,000 cu bic yards of dirt for each mile of the two miles now graded. The Siskiyous He in the path ol the routes of trade between Oregon and California. Even in the early gold mining days there was consider able horse-drawn traffic between the valleys of the Wlllamettej the Rogue and the Sacramento. Passengers and commodities were carried by horse drawn stage until the advent of the Oregon and California railroad, completed In 1887, Through the vision, courage and foresight of the people of Jackson countv, the county floated a $50,000 bond Issue snd built the first paved section of the Pacific highway from Central Point to Ashland and the present grade over the Siskiyou mountains. ' The rout was ' surveyed, graded and partially paved by Jackson county snd finally completed by the state highway commission of Oregon. For many years It was one of the best mountain grades In the west, and Oregonlana pointed with i pride to this schlevement In con trast to the narrow, winding, moun tain grade on the California side of the 8lsklyois, ' " California Surpasses Oreaon. Finally, In the course of time, the California highway commission Im proved the grade on the Siskiyous and down the Sacramento canyon and then. In contrast, tho Oregon highway became a narrow, winding, mountain road when compared to the wider grade and stralghter align ment that was built In California. However, the standards used in the California construction appear to be Inadequate for handling high-speed modern traffic. No Half-Way Measures. About four years ago. the Oregon State highway commission, respond ing to the request of the Pacific Highway association, and In particu lar to the Insistent demand of the people of Southern Oregon, made a survey for a modern highway over the Siskiyou mountalna. A great deal of thought was given to the plana Tor this road for the reason that this will probably, be the last highway over the Siskiyous that the state of Oregon can afford to build. In con sequence, It was decided to abandon any plans for 'halfway measures and to locale a road that woum oe per manent In character. A lo-aegree mnvimum curve was adopted In contrast to the 20-degree curve used on the relocation of the California side. i s Of r ' - "iMi"i 'jjp'i OR. PIETER ROES! TO LECTURE HERE F ing 29.7 complete circles will m eliminated by this plan. The total cost ol thia improvement, 18 milea in length, la estimated to be $1,700, 000. Such construction will permit safe speed up to 80 or 60 miles per hour. No higher upeed will probably be found advisable on mountain sec tions, on account of the inherent dancer due to the slowness of re action time of the ordinary driver, regardless of the condition of the road or the Improvement in auto motive equipment. First Vnli Is 10 MHci. After due deliberation, the high way commission decided to build as the first unit the section between Ashland and Siskiyou station, a dis tance of about 10 mile. This 10 mile section, when completed, will save about three miles over the pres ent rosd and take out 14.4 complete turns around a circle: 304.087 have been expended tmis far In the grad ing of this section. Grading con tracts totaling 431.850 are now under way. It is estimated that100. 000 of grading work will complete this section. The estimated cost or the Wall Creek underpass, now au thorized, including grading the ap proaches. Is $250,000. The estimated cost of paving the 10-milc section is $200,000. GUNSMITH Repair for all mea of guns Sims Bros.. 28 N nr. 6 More Milea In Build. After the 10 -mile section is com pleted, there will remain more miles to complete to the California state line, the cost of which U esti mated to ba 981A.0OQ. Tills includes a 700-foot tunnel at the summit ot the mountain. When this is completed. It will be great advertisement for Oregon Initiative and enterprise. The trav elers from the south can not help being struck by the ease of driving over the wide pavement and by the decrease in centrifugal acceleration due to the use of spiral or tranal tlon curve. It will be a sample of the improvement which will bring to southern Oregon a moderniaed Pacific highway. It Is unquestionably a aound investment and will be material addition to the capital wealth of thl state. The annual savings resulting from the reduction In the expense of the movement ol ; passengers and commodities over a modernized highway will easily amor tize the cost. Senator Charles I. McNary. when he recently visited Medford. said he would personally do everything in his power to secure government aid for the completion of the Siskiyou grade to the California line, as well ns the Improvement of the Pacific I highway from Ashland to Eugene Dr. Pieter K. Foeat, formerly hd of the sociology department at Reed college In Portland, will appear before Medford audiences Friday and Satur day evenlnca of this wwk, brought here by the American Theosophical society, Hta topic Friday evening will be "America a Nation of Destiny." which will be presented at St. Mark's guild hall. Saturday evening Dr. Foest will speak on "Creative Liv ing" at 220 North Oakdale. Dolores R. Sperling will be soloist both even ings. Dr. Roest Is & native of Holland and carries a degree from the Uni versity of Leydon and a cum laude degree In sociology and anthropology from the University of Chicago. He has devoted a large part of his work to studies of Ameilcan colleges and college students, and has also done a great deal of anthropological and social research in foreign countries. Or. Roest's varied career haa been steadily steered by one inflexible pur pose: to obtain a real understanding of man. and to share this growing understanding with others, especially the young. A real acquaintance with j the wisdom of the east, he maintains, proves the latter to be much nearer to the best of modern thought than most of us res It re. On his various tours Dr. Roest has addressed numerous groups of the most varying nature: the radio pub lic, university audiences, civic and business clubs, forums, churches, pro fessional organizations, exclusive cul tural groupa, camp gatherlnga, high schools, public and private schools of all kinds. Tlie straightforward sin cerity and the fine but simple lan guage of his talks arouse enthusiasm wherever he goes, be his audience a group of little children or the fastidi ous and critical listeners of a cosmo politan intelligentsia. He Is one of those rare perons who have some thing vital to say and know how to say it. EIETY SAVED FROM WAVELASHED ROCK SOUTH 0FJV1AN1LA Cor tlnued itooo rag One) of the daring rescue of Mrs. George Blsslnger." "Captain E. H. Jones of the Peary deserves great credit for his indefat igable work and excellent ship hand ling," the commander of the fifteenth destroyer division wirelessed "O. Harding and H. A. Mathewson j brought Mrs. Blsslnger safely through the breakers and boatswains mate Thomas H. Ponder of the Peary went over the side and brought her aboard uneonsctoua." Mrs. Bisslnger, the former Winifred Scott, San Francisco newspaper wo man, la the wife of the director of research of the Philippine Sugar as sociation. Cargo Furnished Rsfti Advices from the Peary said the Silverhaeel carried a deck load of lumber and It was assumed the mar ooned crew devised rafts from the cargo. Third officer, 8. Young, 21, of Aberdeen, Scotland, was rescued from one raft with six other survivors, while seven others were taken from another raft. "It was a most harrowing exper. lence," Blsslnger wirelessed. The Peary lost a motor whaleboat In the tossing seas. The ship was due here early morrow and sent word that two aur- vlvora of the freighter's crew. R. Plckersvlll and - Rodney Arthur, Hindu, were developing pneumonia and would require hospital treat ment. counting suit of George W. Roberts and others asalnat W. E. Htttson, the name of Thomas Spitzner wot Inad vertently mentioned ae one of the beneficiaries of a- $12.309. 81 clean-up. The court'a findings on the sub ject read: ' "The evldenc shows thai part of the gold was taken from the Hitt on shaft by the defendant, W. K. Hlttson. Nick Carter, Thomas Sp!t i.rt Oeorg Lewi and Charles Gen try, who were operating under a Joint venture. "Carter and SoltEner left the ralaa about January 30. 1P35. and there after Hltuon. Lewis and Gentry took out and took to the mint, aooordtng to reports, gold to th value of 12. 200 81 ... no part of which was paid to Carter and Spitzner." The memorandum awards Judgment for the amount to Robert and co-plaintiff. Phone 642 We'll haul away yout feusre. City Sanitary Service. T Clear More Land For Gold Dredge GRAVE CREEK, NOT. 18. (Spl.) The Skeeter brothers, with their crew of loggers, have returned to , Grave Creek, where they will do some more clearing land for the dredging com pany. They came here from work near Ashland. Their tent house make quit a village near their work In the vicinity of the gold dredge. Several families have moved into cab ins at Grave Creek and the Grave Creek school will have a few more pupils, it la reported. Schilling Pure 11 anuia of In the report yesterday of the mem orandum decision of Circuit Judge Carl vyimberly In the, cold mine ac- Evans Machine Shop will be open for business alter Not. IS at 8TH AND FIR STS. APPROVE ELIMINATION 11 RAM7M. Not. 13. !P) Tha public utilities department haa approved ap plications by the state high-way de partment to eliminate 11 railroad crossings In Oregon. The worle irtll be paid for out of Oreson'a IS.J00.000 federal hlehway aid fund. Officials declsred It or iginally was estimated the money would eliminate 14 crossing,. Recent federal rules making the employment and use of labor more elastic would "permit 23 crossing eliminations, they ssld. TURKEYlmPMENTS AT PEAK SOON IN VALLEY can be reduced from 6 to per cent and 10S91 depreea. 40 minutes of curvature can be eliminated. Ex pressed in another way, curves total- Reduce Distance by 4Lj Miles. Plans Include a wide grade, the reduction of gradient and the elimi nation of all poaslble curvature. The aurvey dtaelosea that 4'i miles ot distance can be eliminated, the grade TWO TRAINS DAILY TO PORTLAND ONE WAY ROUNDTRTP GDCMD ONI WAY ROUND TRrP ?659 $1065 ?9S8 ?1305 COACH-TOURIST Ne time you (to to Port land, try the train. Ride in abig.comfnrtablecoachon the Or (to in a mod ern Touritt Pullman for the amefsre. plus roall charge for seat. On this daylight trip you arrive in Port!rd at 7:35 in the evening. FIRST CLASS Save time by traveling while you sleep. These fare,, plus berth charge, are good in luxurious standard Pull mans. Or you can go by coach for the same fare, as shown for the daylight frip. This night train arrives in Portland 7:55 next morning.. Vty ltd "'' rrl rrhrrning, tho. Ssu!he?n Pacific i. C. CARIX.. Agfnt. Tel. 31 NKW YORK, Not. IS. (ip) The Irish Pree State team held today cup it had nought for sm-en year. the International military teem chal lenge trophy of the National Horse show. With thunder of aoclalm from 9.000 apectatore ermine-coated mot- rona and stable boy alike the Irish defeated the teama of four other na tions laat night by a performance which surprised their moet enthual astlc follower. The Unl ted Ata tea team pie ced second In the show's closing event, followed in order by the rldera of Chile, Canada and Prance. Turkey ahipmente from the Rou Fiver valley are expected to reatfi their pa th before Thanka- flvin$E. end (rrowera are ratteniriR ano feeding their fowls to that end. te- oordinft to County Ajnt Robert 3. Fowler. The price la unchanged at 77 and 33 centa per pound. Swifts and Company are nox ship nine turkeva In carload lot to the eastern markets. AT Safeguarded, , ws I .V, A This young man's mother goes about her work with more peace of mind be cause she knows her household is safer since she installed a TELEPHONE r I..,. v, t Sr - vs.' Ac .7 tMWM we vou seen the new F0EDV8?" -ih Oeenitrtst driven it!- Never enjoyed driving any car so much in my life." '4 1' f f J 4 Jt.i i A HOME TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH CO. of Bonthem 0r. BACKF.D BY OVER 2.000.000 V-g'a, THE 1936 FORD V-8 BRINGS YOOi NIW IIAUTY THUOUOHOUTi longer lines, brighter colors, rich new interiors. it iasiii jtiiiino. the result of two new roller-type bearings, a longer iteering knuckle-arm, an increased iteering ratio. lUMit-iArlTr HAMl! with exceptionall) large braking jurfare (188 q. in.). .The last word in turenesi of operation. niw miioom mom noiiii a apecially in- ulated, weldcd-steel body, ilecl-rrinforeti. IASIK SHIfTIHO AND ITIll OUIITIK SIAISi with silent, helical gears for all speeds. niw diawn-stiii WHliLSi enhance the car's beauty are easier on (ires. is h p, v-i inoinIi 8-cylindcr smoothness, pick-up and power with proved V-8 economy, Let us arrange a demonstration foryou today. rOf(. brl936 510 ANOtiP.p.o.a.Drntorr nMmg immptrt tad spn Iht Mr. Estr Hrmi thrm Vndrtrul Cndll Ca, Amlxrlud Ttrd fintntt PlM. YOUR FORD DEALER C. E. GATES AUTO COMPANY, Medford, Oregon