PAGE FIVE WH AT ?YOU ViVNT Classified FOR EA REFERENCE? j ' " TT" Viml" ,-f-if " "i i i'iVi i'iY' T..1...11H ii I "' -' - -" - ,- . . - v TO tltSttY SfeUU MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, JfEDFORD. OREGON. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1935. j wa.1v: vi-o I ml Bead avery this pace. You will probably find es ctly the thing yoo want to bay or Mil. If It Isn't there, advertise. It's Ineipenslva, effective. RATES Ttt word first Insertion (Minimum tsc) Each additional Insertion. aer word rMlnlmnm lOe) Per Una per month without oopy changes 91M Phone 75 FOR WANT AOS LOST AND FOUND LOST 1S (a $5 and (10). Phone 1490-J. Reward. LOST 1 Jersey cow with bell, 8 short yearling calves, 4 heifers and bulls. Phone Jacksonville, 305. LOST Small, white fluffy-haired dog, brown head, black stubby tall. Answers name "Whlmpy." Reward. Riverside Apt. No. 11. LOST Australian shepherd pup, 3 months old. Phone 868-X. Reward. LOST Pur mitten ai. Talent. Thurs day night. Return to Safeway (Central Ave.) Medford. Reward. LOST II aog Is missing, calll5)6. WANTED MALE HELP DIESEL ENGINEERS GET JOB3 Learn to be a Diesel Engineer with America's original end exclusive Diesel Schools. Due to rapid de velopments. In the great Diesel In dustry, our graduates are filling prominent and well paid positions. Residential and Home Extension Courses with practical shop train ing. Nationwide employment sys tem. Low tuition rates. Write today for free copy of "Diesel News." HEMPHILL DIESEL SCHOOLS 2121 San Fernanda Road, Los Ange les. Calif., or see Emll Rultta, their representative who will bo at Hotel Medford Monday and Tuesday, No vember 11th and 12th. WANTED FEMALE HELP EXPERIENCED girl for sandwich shop work. Fred's sandwich Shop. 135 N. Central. WANTED Middle eged woman for light general housework. Must have references. Opportunity for 'good home If can qualify. Box 7871, Mall Tribune. WANTED Partner for service station. Will take old car and some cash. Nip and Sip, Central Point. WANTED Girl, for housework. Board, room and wages. Call 1496. WANTED Girl for general housework and assist with care of two chil dren. No cooking. Box 5239. rtlb une. WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION WANTED Man with exer utlve and accounting experience, all phases, desires position with fu ture. Excellent references. Small salary to start. Box 39J, Medford Mall Tribune. EXPERIENCED young woman wants work In home. Call 810-R-3. WANTED --MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Used sink, davenport and chair or studio couch, rockers, Aladdin lamp, must be reasonable. Write Rt. 1. Box 122, Central Point. COUPLE want transportation Sacra mento or Los Angeles. 325 E. Jack son. WANTED to buy good Model A Ford Coupe. 477 No. Main. Ashland. WANTED TO RENT 4 or room furnished house. Phone 4-F-4. WANTED FOR CASH S to ten rooms of good furniture. Phone or call No. 3 Sunrise Cottages. CABIN and house Wood and water free to have It occupied. In country. C. J. Haas. Route 1, Central Point: WANTED PtTRfl FURS FURS Highest cash price paid for raw furs. Complete line of traps on sale. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27-29 No. Orspe St. Medford. WANTED We pay cash tor Household goods furniture and stoves We also buy metals, hides pelta wool and mo hair MEDFORD BAROA1N HOUSE 27 N Grape St Phone 10S2. WANTED Heifers ealsea write Ruby Schuia. Beagle. Oregon WANTED Used furniture, tools doors, windows Berryrtnle 2nd Hnd Store 1603 No Riverside. Tel 266 WANTED Adding machine. Must be reasonable. State prK-e. make and condition. Box 5431. Tribune. FURNITURE WANTED Tlllev'l Sec ond Hand Store. 112 No. Front. WANTED Empty truck returning from San Francisco. Notify 112 No Front. WANTED 500 persons Interested In Xmu portraits H pictures for the price of a doyen Until Nov 50 onlv Kfnnell Pills studio. S3 N Central Phone 329. WANTED - Beet cattle veal umas and pasture. 1. 1. Oeenoru. FOE RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 1009 East M-lln St. tire room unlurnlshed home, 120.00 ino water rent. Charlee R. Ray. Roll tor, Medford Bldg. Phone 302. FOR RENT 6 room house, good con dition. 518 S. Oakdale. FOR RENT Duplex, 16 Newtown, 30 water paid. Phone 1425-L. FOR RENT Furnished house In country. Inquire third house south Upper Griffin Creek school. POR RENT 3 room house, adults. Phone 745-M. 125 N. Holly. FOR RENT Holly Court No. 3., cor 4th and Holly.. 8 rooms. Frlgldalre, oil burner, electric stove. 30 per month. Call 195. FOR BENT Homes furnished or unfurnished. Brown as White. FOR RENT OR SALE 2-rocm house and i acre. Very easy terms. Box 6373 Tribune. NEW modem 4-room house, partly furnished: water paid: yard, flow ers, garden: 20. 854 W. 2nd. FOR RENT 6-room furnished house with basement and furnace, corner 405 Weat 2nd. Mrs. L. F. Hicks, 715 West Jackson. FOR RENT ?i acre, small furnished house. 3 miles out: 10 advance, balance 5 month. Box 234, Thomas road. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT -room partly furn. flat, upstairs. Adults. 8 Laurel. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROOM for two and board. 153 N. Oak dale. FOR RENT Attractive comfortable room. 319 South Orange. ROOM for rent, for woman only. Housekeeping privileges. 141 South Holly. FOR RENT 1029 East Jackson. 5 rms. In good condition. 22.59 per month. Call 195. ROOM FOR RENT Also garage. Call evenings. 11 So. Orange. ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 8 Grape. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD EXCELLENT MEALS, clean beds, heated rooms, fireplace, ample hot water. Rate 7 per week. 71 E. Main. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Offices Jackson County Bank Bldfr.. steam heat, partly furnished. Phone 1217-J. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 acres Bear creek land.-3-room house. Two miles south of Medford. Rt. 4, Box 393 or Box 5469. Tribune. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-Five acre suburban build ing alte close In, opposite HUlcreat orchard, lovely view of valley, near new road to Roxy Anne park, 3V6 acres In Bartlett pears. Selling price 750 cash. Charles R. Ray, Realtor, Medford Bldg. Phone 302. WHY? JR500 MODERN HOME AND 15 ACRES BEAR CREEK BOTTOM LAND SAC RIFICED $3800 Holder of mortgage notifies owner 8 la no longer satisfactory. Must have cash In ten days. So the sacrifice Seven room modern house with basement, bam, chicken house, pump house, extra fine bricked well, automobile, electric pump 15 acres Bear creek bottom In al falfa. Continuous supply of water. This place sold for $8500. Now for Immediate sale 13800 half cash or will sell house and 6 acres for $2200. J. 0. BARNES Phone 910-Y 20 N. Peach St. 5 AND 10-ACRE TRACTS 10 DOWN. 5 PER MONTH on pavement: mostly level; good soil: water and , electricity. 3 close In Lots, paved street; must sell now while here. Less than V, value. S. S. Montgomery. Jackson Hotel. FOR SALE Lot 2, block S In Bunker hill addition to city of Medford with one ten-room rooming house and six cabins. Apply 414 S. River side. SUBURBAN DE LUXE 3'4 ACRES located within a mile of city schools, finest soli. Irrigated. Lsdlno clover, alfalfa, berries. New 5-room modem home: deep, soft water well, chicken house and bam. One of the finest Improved subur ban tmcts In the Valley Total price 3200.00. Terms. CHARLES A. WING AGENCS, INC. 109 E. Main St. Phone 738 FOR SALE 82 acres best Bear creek soil, all Irrigated; good stock, dairy, grain ranches; pear orchards; 6-10 to 300 acres. Plenty water, clover, alfalfa, several small acreage homes, suburban and city homes. Im proved building lots, paved atreete. J300 up. If It's Real Estate. I have It. ROBERTS. Realtor. 720 W. 2nd. cm LOTS from $250 up. all Im provements In and paid for If you are interested in building or nuving a HOME see us. BROWN A WHITE. Realtora. FOR SALE 125 feet frontage on north Pacific Hwy. at edge of town: 6-room house. 3 acres fine garden land under Irritation. Phone 195. W. J. Warner, 126 East Main St. 20 ACRES, fenced woven wire. 4-rm. house, laree chicken house and barn. well. 5 acres free water: $1500. third down, balance 4. Sheiey. 403 E Main. 40 ACRES, highway: blfigs : part cul tivated: good lend. Price $1400 Take late mode) car or truck. 402 K. Mam. A FINE east aide HOME for only 3 000. and $700 will nitidis It. BROWN WHITE. Realtors. 100 ACRES well improved sto-ted and equipped close to Meedford: some osh or Income property Ba! ance long time low interest. C DeVoe, 623-J-2. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WHEN you think of real estate think of Brotra & White. HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Jackson County Building & Loan Ass'n Phone 195 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES AUBURN 6 SEDAN, perfect everyway. Original finish, like new, priced for quick sale. PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. Dodge and Plymouth FOR SALE OR TRADE Chrysler 2 door Sedan, $125. 1704 No. River side. RED APPLES 25 & 50c box. Bring boxes. 701 W. 11th. GOOD USED CARS SALE PRICES 1935 Bulck light 8 Brougham. 1933 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan; alx - wheels; extras. 1933 Plymouth 6-wheel Sedan. 1933 Plymouth Coupe! a real bargain. 1931 Chrysler 8 Sedan. 1931 Ford A Victoria Coupe. 1930 Ford A 3-door Sedan. Other real bargains In Fords, Chev- rolets. etc. The new Chryslers will be here soon. LANGE MOTOR CAR CO. Chrysler and Plymouth Deslera. 38 No. Riverside. Phone 18. (Formerly Armstrong Motors.) HUDSON Sedan fine condition very cheap Call 957 or 832-R. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE OR TRADE Alto saxo phone, portable phonograph, May tag gas engine; want desk, chairs, roofing or car. 208 N. Riverside. JOIN THE OHRISTMAS PIANO CLUB NOW $1.00 down this week and $1.00 per week until Christmas de livers a piano to your home for Christmas. No further cosh pay ment required. Balance easleat terms. Register at once for this Christmas offer. FREE PIANO LESSONS INCLUDED. BALDWIN PIANO SHOPPE. FOR SALE Baby Grand piano, bar gain. Frank Kills, Yreka, Calif. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Jersey-Guernsey spring er. Ben Vlmont on Old Highway, FOR SALE Nice gentle dehorned milk goats, $5.00. Cummlngs Poul try Ranch, 5 miles out Midway Rd FOR SALE Pigs nine weeks old $5, Telephone 258-J. CHEAP 7 head dairy and stock cowe, 3 calves. I mile N. Eagle Point, ',4 mile E. of Highway. John Vincent. SEVEN white weaner pigs. $5.00 each. Clyde Brlges, phone C. P. 115. FOR SALE Jersey cow; will freshen soon L. J. Gober, Lozler Lane. FOR 8ALE Team of 1350-lb. 5-year. old mares, 22 head of sheep. Phone 95-F-U, Eagle Point. FOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR SAIJ5 8 black Raccoons, best offer takes them. Rainbow Gibson, Weasku Inn, Grants Pass. Oregon ROLLER CANARIES Call S23-J-2. COCKER Spaniel puppies and Roller Tel. 173. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Red pullers 7 months old Frank Howell, Lozler .Lane. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Beauty parlor equipment complete. For lull details write v. E. Lounder, Oen'l Delivery, Ash land, Ore. FOR SALE Stock beets 8 ton or trade for wood. Geo. Hartley, across from County Form. FOR SALE 50 quarts home canned fruits. 325 East Jackson. BARGAINS BUY NOW BOOTS SHOES CHIPPEWA, Buckecht, Welnrenner, End lcott-Johnson shoes low as $2.85, boots $4.25. 100 Wool Jack ets. $3.85. Trench Coats, $3 85, Steelhead rods, $8.50. Duck boat, $15.00. Saddle, $9.00. Football hel mets, golf clubs, half price. Cllff'a Sport Shop, 317 North Riverside. ORDER your book on Will Rogers from Mrs. Fred Cummlngs. High land Drive. R. 4. 300 page book, $1.00. Phone 744-X evenings. FOR SALE Heating stove, rug. buf fet, chairs, tables and bed. Call 349 -L. 511 South Oakdale. WHITE porcelain kitchen circulating heater, studio couch, electric water heater. Qll Reddy. FOR SALE Mel lot te Lowboy separa tor, slightly used. Set double har ness. Inquire L. H. Roop, 2nd Hand Store, Central Point. FOR SALE Shrubs and evergreens for planting now. Glascock's Nur sery, 264 Beatty. APPLES Several varieties. Oebh&rd'a. Vi mile northeast Central Point. FOR SALE Fine large English wal nuts, second and third cutting al falfa hay. Geo. L. Treichler. Phone 153. Central Point. FOR SALE Spltzenberg culls. 85c per box. Pinnacle No. 1. BARNYARD FERTILIZER Any kind you want. McOonagle. Tel. 338-M. FOR SALE Recleaned old crop whole corn. 82 00 cwt. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. FOR SALE Old Hickory and Morton's smoke salt. Monarch Seed St Feed Co. FOR SALE OIsjm cloth, low as 2V vard square Mvr.arch Seed de Fed Co. FOR SALE The world's best pop corn Monarch Seed dc Feed Co. FOR SALE Shrubbery of til kinds t.t monev-savlng prices. Monarch Se-d A TWrf Co. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Vacuum Cleaners with new bags, cords wheels and buffed tike new: rur anteed for one year by Btufce Vac u t i m C lea ner S lea Ac Scvi a Prices s5 tip Phune 800 mV tor Bnrry Brotbertjn for an' appoint ment In you; o n borne. FOR 8 ALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Apples all prices. Old Pacific highway. Tel. J58-J. FOR SALE Exceptionally goDd cull t Seckel peara. . Pinnacle Pocking House. FARMERS ATTENTION I For Sale Used rebuilt farm Imple ments and machinery of all kinds Special Fordson Tractors. 39 South Grape. Medford. RUMMAGE) Home cooked food and candy sale. The Daughters of the Union Veterans of Civil War are sponsoring a real Bargain Sale In the Sparta building on Saturday. November 9. Walt for this sale and supply the needs of every member of the family. Articles for sale can be left at Sparta building on Fri day. Call 493-w and your article will be called for. FOR 8 ALE Baled oat hay and feed wheat. C. A. DeVoe. 533-J-2. FOR SALE Applea. We deliver. Tel I33-L. FOR SALE OR TRADE 22 L. rifle for wardrobe trunk. 419 W.- 2nd before 3. FOR 3 ALE Grapes. J. A Manke 3 mUea east of Jacksonville, adjoin ing termer Clancy orchard. DRIVEWAY MATERIAL 3 sizes of rock at l 50 per yard, delivered Bate man. Phone 1534 Y or t)12-J PINE Red Spltzenburg and Newtown apples for sale at Ala Vista packing House. 327 So. Fir St.- BUSINESS CHANCES POR TRAD13 Paying meat market, small town. Can add groceries. Trade for farm. Box 5345. Mill Trib une. ROOFING ROOFING Let us inspect your roof before the rainy season Tola ser vice Is free Call 270. Rogue River Roofing Co. BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts oi rule and Title insurance The only complete Title System in Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Rooms S and 6. No. 32 Nortb Central Ave., upstairs. Money to Lend MONEY LOAN FID 50 to 1300 fot personal or household purposes on House Furnishings or Autos; also Cars Refinanced Loans closed , within 30 minutes License No S 157 See W E Thomas. 45 8o. Cen tral. Nursery Stock FOR HIGHEST QUALITY pear trees, peaoh, apricot, cherry. Apple, al mond, filbert, and walnut trees, roses, berries, grapes, and shrubs at Bargain Prices. Phone 851-R-2 or call at W. B. Barn urn's, 3 miles south of Medford on highway next to Ever Shady auto camp. Carlton Nursery. Carlton. Oregon. Transfer. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 1015 No Central Phone 315 Prices right. Service guaranteed. TRUCKING AND STORAGE Local and long distance hauling furnl-, ture moving eto Reasonable rates Tel 833 F E Samson Co. HAWLEY TRANSFER - Expert pack ers and movers Special livestock moving equipment Prices -tght 610 Nortb Riverside Phone 815 Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS I. Part of a play 4. Prospered f. Touch lightly 12. Lucky 14. Anger 15. Regions Iff. Love story is. Raises 19. Son of Seth 20. Hl&m 22. Pleirei of baked clay 28. Old trench cola 21 Pillage 21. News or ' Information St. Brazilian money of account li, AtiKio-yaxon slave It. State or affairs requiring; Immediate action IS. Weaken 19. Type of automobile 10. American Indian IS. Burrowing; animal II. Loved overmuch 8olulo.i of Saturday's Puxzte HL l e $Jd o t ag e B AEi llP A T P A L ilMA A R ix A "SJT E. LOR hi Ail CONgE N e R AM y j n em. nTe Is t mmE.K 1 n c TTp a l Ppjj p s ani.l e Ma nTt eIrr a s pm$Eu OR 5(2 SL E t 1l bKd fj'T g u n aBo y e rM LS;J5. 5eIl ErT E PhjjT A C Tj ijRk S E SH A I 5 L E Si it. Affected by contempt or di'ftraca 51. Barrie 63. Pasture S3. Overburdened 6b Statute BS. Bahall te.ims 47. Before - DOWN 1. From a dtitancs Y" 1 I " pVM'i V TVf'""L' ' I Xm m'r mi ' 1 I " r ' , i W f 7 a M 0 pp m Z-i' !IZZ 3( 32. Mitt m 4m 1 l MF lIII IS TTi BUSINESS DIRECTORY Expert Window Cleaners, LET OEOROE DO IT 11. 1172 House cleaning, floor waxing, ori ental rug cleaning and upholstering LEGAL NOTICES Town of Talent Jarksun County, Orison fipwaRe Disposal project P. W. A. Iookot Nik 10(56 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed propoA-il endorsed "Propos als for the Count ruction of Sewage Disposal Project" will be received by the T)wn Council of the Town of Talent. Oregon, at the office of the Town Reorder. Talent, Oregon, until 2:00 P. M-, Pacific Standard Time, on the 2nd day of December, 1933. and will then bo publicly opened and rend. The work for which proposal, are Invited will be paid for in cash and Include the following Divisions: DIVISION A SEWERS. This Divis ion Involves the following approxi mate amounts of sewer work: 4-lnch Sewers G-lnch Sewers .. 8-lnch Sewers ... Standard Manholes Lampholes .... Concrete Cradle and Encasement - Rock Excavation Additional Earth Excavation ............ Additional Class A-l Concrete ........ Railroad Crossings ...... - Specials ... DIVISION B SEWAGE TREAT MENT PLANT. This Division Includes the construction of the Sew.ige Treat ment Plant Including a Screen Chamber. Settling Tanks. Trickling Filter, Contact Tank and appurten ances. Sludge Drying Beds, and mis cellaneous plant sewers. Proposals must be made upon blank forma furnished by the Town of Talent, Oregon, and In accordance with the "Requirements for Bidding and Instructions to Bidders." Atten tion la called to tho Prequ all float Ion Requirements, Chapter 225, Laws of Oregon, 1931. . Requirement for Bidding and In structions to Bidders, Form of Pro posal, Federal Construction Regula tions, Contract, Specifications and Plans mav be obtained as follows: DIVISION A SEWERS, from tho office of the Town Recorder of Tal ent, Oregon, and from F. H. walker. 419 -Liberty St., Ashland. Oregon. DIVISION B SEWAGE TREAT MENT PLANT, from the office of the Town Recorder of Talent, Oregon, and from the office of the Engineers, Greeley and Hansen, 8 No. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111., upon deposit of Ten Dollars (810.00) for the Sewer Plans and Specifications, and Fif teen Dollars ($15.00) for the Sewage Treatment Plant Plana and Specifica tions, which sums so deposited will be refunded to bona fide bidders If said Plans and Specifications are re turned within fifteen days alter the opening of bids. In cases where no bona fide bids are made, one-half ) of the above deposits will be refund ed upon such return of Plans and Specifications. Each proposal must contain the full name of every person or company In terested In the same and shall be ac companied by a certified check made payable to the Treasurer of the Town of Talent. Oregon, , bid bond or a oash deposit, equivalent to five (5) percent of the proposal; this sum to guarantee that if proposal Is ac cepted a contract will be entered into and its performance properly secured. Prior to entering Into contract for the work the contractor shall furnish a performance bond In tho full amount of his contract and shall pre sent evidence of approved public lia bility Insurance. The work Is to be paid for in whole or In part out of funds furnished by l the United States Government and all work and materials must be per formed andlor furnished In accord ance with the rules and regulations relating to applicants and projects under the Emergency Appropriation Act of 1D35. Attention Is called to the fact that Cross-Word Puzzle 10. Segment of a curve 11. Neighborly fnthflrtna; or work II. Sour 17. Apart 31. Nothing more than XI. Weariness 24. Volcano liiJfercolate 27. Approach 29. Write 30. Wealthy 33. Stage play 36. Pointer on a sundial 37. SlhK In the Hwlftt aiyle U. First name of a certain movie actress 41. A tribe of Iirrfiel 44. BhMfiii abode 4. fierman river 47. Sand hill: English Wholly 4S. Ocean 60. Turn to the If) 54. Note of the seals 1. CentraJ part I. Kept and prized hljrhty 4. Worried 5. One tnuoflriltely 6. Not conked throuith 7. Shnrt Jacket s. Rcrture to a lower grade I. Loud continued notsa employee on this work must be p!d not less than the minimum hourly rotes of wages set out In the Federal Construction Refutations. The mini mum rate for skilled labor la 9085. se ml -a tiled or Intermediate classes of labor, 0. 55, and the minimum rate lor common labor la 10.50. Acceptance of the proposal or pro posals and the awarding of the con tract or contracts Is conditioned upon satisfactory assurance that the Town of Talent will be able to secure from the Federal Emergency Administra tion of Public Works the eld neces sary to finance the project. Tiie Town of Talent reserves the right to hold , bids for a period of sixty days from the date of the opening thereof. The United States Employment Service has designated an agency at Medford, Oregon, to furnish labor lists for this work. The Town of Talent reserve the right to reject any or all bids, waive or not waive any Informalities In the bids received and to accept any bid for any division or combination of divisions, or for any alternate type of construction on any division or part of any division whloh it deems 4.000 lln. ft. ....-.-.IS.loo lln. ft. . un. ft. 52 10 110 lln. ft. 10 cu. yd. 25 cu. yd. 5 cu. yd. 125 most favorable. The right Is further reserved to omit an Item of Division B from the contract. Tho award of contracts la subject to the approval of the State Director (P. W. A.) Acceptance or rejection of proposals will be mode as soon as practicable after the bids are received and passed upon by the State Director (P. W. A.) Dated this 6th day of November, 1B35. TOWN OF TALENT. OREGON. ' By WILLIAM F. HART, Myor. ATTEST: EDITH COCHRAN. Town Recorder. COURT HOUSE NEWS Furnished by the Jackfon County abstract Co., 121 E. Sixth Street. Marriage Llcenie Fred Brown Sparks and 8. Louise Wheeler. Walter A. Vest and Emily M. Mitchell. Marvin O. Wick and Phyllis M. Turpln. Wayne Maxson and Evelyn Burg. Nathan Anderson and Rosle L. El If rets. Sylvester Pell and and Georgians Lucia. Frank L. Chandler and Josephine B. Chase. Circuit Court Nettle X. Hunt vs. Samuel Hunt, divorce. Real Kstate Transfer Western Loan Ad Building company to John H. Dent eon et ux, W. D., lot 6, block 1, Nsrregan'a Addition, Medford. F. M. Carter et ux to O. F. Carson, Q. O. D.( NW of SW Sec. 19 Twp 88S. B. 1W. E. W. Inman et ux to Clarence J. Hunter, W. D., lot 5 In Sec. 18 Twp. 388, R. 1W. Andrew Calhoun to John W. Ayres et ux, W. r., A acres In Sec. 10, Twp. 388, R. 1W. w. R, Swacker et ux to Harry M. Ban, W. D.s land In Sec. 15 Twp. 36S, R. 4W. LUIle M. Conklln to Earl O. Conk lln Sr.. Q. C. D lot In Highland Addition. Medford. Anna L. Worden to Ella M. Paige et al. W. D., lot In Phoenix. Madeline M. Gerdes to William Gardner, W. D., lot 4, Gerdes Ter race, Medford. A. C. Nlnlnger et ux to O. M Green et ux, W. D., lot B, north 25 feet lot 10, block 14, Ashland. 1 Griffin Creek ORIFFW CREEK. Nor. 11. (Spl.) The community extends deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Klme and family in their recent be reavement. Fred Snyder who Is attending school at the O. S. C. spent the week end here with home folks. The clerk has finished the taking of tho school census and finds there are 225 pupils on the list this year. There were 194 last year. Lillian Brown entertained Sunday with a birthday dinner for her father. Oueataf were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fick and sons and Dale o! Jacksonville, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Brown and daughter and Mrs. Donald Brown and daugh ter. Other callers In the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Bud Stammen and children and Phil Bumgardner. Miss Dorrls Hall Is home again now after being employed In Medford for some time. Home Extension unit met Friday with Mrs. Iva Harper. The finance committee la making plans for a cooked food sale to be held soon. BY DOLLY GANN WASHINGTON, Nor. 11. Tf Mrs. Dolly Oanc had a good word to say today for Governor AJf M. Landon of Kanxna, hr brother's choice for tht Republican presidential nomination Mrs. Oann. alster of Charles Curlte and his hoatai when he waa rke- prealdent In the last administration. was asked by a reporter whether she was IntereNted in Landon, whom her brother already ha, endorsed, "Am X lntsreatsd In Oovernor Lan don?" she said. "Certalnlyl Re'i from my state. ! Ilka the way h, has managed the affair. In our itats. He's mads a good governor and I'm for him." Oaa Mall Tribune want ads. Rrgue River ROGUE RIVER. Nov. 11. (Spl) Live Oak Grange met In regular ses sion Monday night with Master Perry Walt In charge. The regular busi ness was attended to and election of officers for the new term was then held. Ballot was taken and three new members were accepted, making alx to be Initiated next Monday night at a special meeting. Twenty-two were present at Monday night's meet ing. Mrs. Olive Kterscey returned Sun day night to Chlco. Cal., after visit ing several days with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Nat Hart, Mrs. Fred Dengler and Mrs. Richard Scott were Medford shoppers Wednesday. Eleven ladles, representatives of the Girl Scouts, accepted an Invitation to dinner at the Wimer CCC at Wimer Friday night. After dinner Captain Saunders kindly showed the ladlea over the camp, after which plans were made for the dance which will be given Friday night at the Girl Scout home. This Is an Invitation dance. Those who enjoyed the eve ning were Mrs. Cloyd Dtck, Mrs. William Brlcker, Mrs. Una Mcllvaln. Mrs. Gertie Morrill, Mrs. Belle Hart. Mrs. Myrtle Whipple, Mrs. Richard Scott, Mrs. Ray Moore. Miss Velma Smith. Miss Iona Hart and Miss Mary Smith. The Rogue River Townaend club met Tuesday evening at the Com munity hall with about 00 present. O. H. LaCrosae, vice-president, pre sided over the meeting which was a lively one. Vote wss taken and Carl Smith was chosen as master of ceremonies and the members are now looking forward to some inter esting programs. Mrs. Frank Jlggar, treasurer of the club, having moved away, left the office vacant. A vote was taken and Mrs. Myrtle Whipple, who Is secretary, was elected to be treasurer also. Seven new names were added to the membership, ; bringing the total up to 103 mem bers. A letter was read from Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dover, our delegates who are returning from Chicago and were at Grand Island on November 3. Mrs. C. H. Stock and daughter, Mlsa Gertrude Belde, of Ashland, were calling on friends In Rogue River Sunday. The Boy and Girl Scouts enjoyed a party at the scout home Wednes day night. October 30. All the young folks came In costumes and made merry wlti games suitable for Hal lowe'en. Refreshments of pumpkin pie and cocoa were served by the older girls, assisted by the captain and other leaders. Mrs. Myrtle Whipple was In Med ford several days last week acting on the Jury. Mr. snd Mrs. Elmer Magnson and Mrs. Carrie Hargadlne, of Santa Monica, Cal.. were Grants Pass vis itors Thursday. Mrs. Carrie Hargadlne, Mrs. Elmer Magnuson. Mrs. M. R. Bliss, Mrs. Lulu Trotter and Mrs. J. M. Whip ple were dinner guests Thursday at the Wiley Carter ranch. The ladles tied two quilts during the day. Talent TALKNT. Nov. 8. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Stall have moved Into the Mose Crawford house, recently occupied by Dudley Eates. Thirty-five cases of measles have been reported tn the vicinity or Talent during the paat 10 daya. Miss Alice Nyawaner la quite ill with the flu. Mr. a nd Mre. Berwyn of Mon rovia, Calif., have leased the care and camp ground from Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tame, and plan to give the same efficient service. Mrs. Wesley Vogell, who has lived In Talent for the past 34 years, passed away ffunday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Briaco, of Ashland. Mra. Vogell, who was 77 years of age. was a member of one of the well known pioneer families. Many friends and neighbors of Ta 1 en t a t tend ed her f u n eral ser vlces. which were held In Ashland Tuesday afternoon. The dance given by the chamber of commerce Thursday night was great success. The musto was excel lent and everything that goes to make fun was In evidence, includ ing horns, serpentine, confetti and hats. , There will be another dance given under the same management of the chamber of commerce November 11 The California - Oregon Rabbit Breeders' association met at the home of Mr. and Mra. H. H. Lowe In Talent Sunday. The association voted unanimously to assist, and booat ths rabbit and poultry show to be held In Ashland on December IS and 14. A delicious dinner was served by the ladles at noon. The Tslent chamber of commerce installed a new piano in tht city hall last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clark were shopping In Medford Saturday. Mr. Richardson and son, Earl and Ed Learning returned from Texas this week, where Mr. Richardson was transacting some business. They were gone five weeks. Charles and Everett Bkeetera hsve taken a contract to clear land near Leland. They have employed about 30 men from the Talent district. Work was started Thursday. The city council met at the city hall Tuesday night: The city's at torney. porter Neff of Medford atated that bids will be open for the new sewer that It to be constructed in Talent. Tho council slo voted to plant walnut tress In all the perk' ings. with no cost to the property owner, except the care of the trees In a few years Talent's streets will be shady, end there will be plenty of walnuts for the entire commu nity. !( 1 Trail TRAIL, Nov. 11. (Spl) Mr. snd Mr,. Ralph Watson and son Carroll, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Mrrrlmsn Tues day evening. Mrs. Lula Taylor of Eagls Point spent Monday calling on friend, at Trail. Mr. and Mrs 8 W Hutchinson of Trail, and Pink Thomason of Cen tral Point, were dinner gueata at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. Hood near Central Point. Sunday, Lowell Asb has been stationed at the ranger station at Union Crees: as caretaker for the winter. Mrs. Lowell Aah la living In Medford wher she can receive medical aid during the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Tucker enter. talned with a turkey dinner Sun day, November 3. The following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. Wllber Tuck er, of Medford, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Watson and son Carroll, of Trail. Mrs. Mary Burk and brother. Macey Henthorn, made a trip to Klamato. rails for potatoes and aa they wera afraid of the quarantine at Keno. tncy came home by Anna Spring, which proved to be a very strenu ous trip. Thoy did not arrive horn until three o'clock In the morning. Mr. and, Mrs. Enrney Segessman were calling on frlenda In Medford Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Merriman and on Ray, were dinner guests of Mr,. Merrlman's lister, Mrs. Prank Llnd ley. In Medford Sunday. A number of people from Trail attended the dance given at the Elk Creek community hall Saturday eve ning. November a. given by the for est service men. Mr. and Mrs. Earney Segessman and little daughter Mary, were din ner guests at the Boyd Tucker horn Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Merriman call ed on Mra, Mary Warner Friday aft. ernoon. Mr. and Mra. S. W. Hutchinson spent November 8 In Medford. Mrs. Hutchinson attended the county com munity meeting on the home exten sion work at the courth ouse. Tho ladles of the Home Economic club from the Upper Rogue Orange, please remember they are to meet one week ahead of their regular time which will be Tuesday, November 13, at tha horns of Mrs. Eva Segess man for an all day meeting. Bring a covered dish for lunch. The plan, for the harvest home festival are to be finished up, so a good attend ance la desired. Mrs. 8. W. Hutchinson wsa aa overnight guest at the home of Mra. Lily Saltzsman In Medford Novem ber 4. APPLBOATE. Not. 11. iSnl., Mra. Doris Worthlruyton of San Fran cisco who has been here at the home) of her parents for the paat Several weeks is now at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Hazel Fry at Medford where she Is receiving medical treat ment. Her daughter Diana la here with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. fl. Klein hammer. The Sterling ditch la being repair ed preparatory to mining this winter. A number of men under the direction of Paul Pierce are working at the Applegate head of the ditch cleaning It and re pairing flumes. A. E. Hartley and Fred West have teams at work mor- ' Ing dirt and timber. Roy Molntlre and son Newel return ed to their home on Yale creek last Tuesday from Klamath county where) they have been picking up potatoes. They report some damage was don to the potatoes from the cold weather. Uniontown school gave a Hallowe' en program Saturday ntght, Nov. 9, which was enjoyed by all. The pro gram was followed by dancing with the muslo furnished by Mrs. Ethel Jones of Medford and "Uncle" Bill Purcel of Yale creek. Refreshments of doughnuts and cider were furnished by the Little Applegate sewing club. CLIMAX. Not. 11. (Spl.) Howard Oold returned Saturday from Klim ath county where ho worked In tha potato harvest. Carl Hanson of Central Point spent few days last week at the L. H. Wertr home. Frank Hurst Is building a root col lar. The recent stormy, oold weather has hastened cattle gathering and several langa herds have been driven out to lower pastures. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Wert a and Carl Hanson were brief oallers In Medford Thursday. Floyd Charley of Butts Creek Is riding aftr cattle In this vicinity. Mra. Oens Wlnnlnaham has been visiting her mother, Mra. oomstock. Phil Wertr, I carrylmg the mall on tha upper and of tha routs. Mra. L. H. Wer'a I staying with her daughter. In Central Point. Prank Hunt made a hurried trip to Medford Monday. Sam Coy apent Sunday evening at tha Wsr';a horns. Menn'.fea Charley was a Cllmaa vla Itor on Thursday. Farm atatemrnt Held WASHINGTON. Nov. 11 (PI Oon pUlnts of inaccuracies In a senat agriculture ,ub-oommltt, report on federal farm board operation, war met today at the office of Senator McWary (R., Ore ), with the asser tion that no statement would be la med until Investigations ai completed. I i i i i j Climax