PivGE FOUR A HIGH COURAGE BYNOl'H te Farnsutorth has teamed that actually the has no rloht to her namsthat she it a nameless orphan brough up in the Farneuorth horns but not even adopted. Hhs learns alter the death of her "parents" that she does not even have a share in their large fortune, and gnee to Astoria to try to learn eomethlng about her past. She is in the home of Teela Borki, her former nurse, who seems likely to help her. Terln fust has put Anne to bed in a Ultls room lehtcK be longs to her daughter Uiina, Chapter 18 NEW NAME "CLEEP well." Anne aat up, folded U the pillow Into a bump, thumped It and lay down again. A fresh rain Btorm was blowing up. It pattered on the roof like the feet of tiny mice. It reminded her of a camping trip she had taken with Luke and Lu clnda, years before. They had atopped at a cabin in the bills and after they had retired, a pack rat end his family had scampered back and forth across the thin roof. The rain had a homey, comfort ing sound. Tecla was pretty when ehe smiled. She had dimples, high In her cheeks. John Neuman's eyes were so blue, sailor blue. He had nice hands, firm and strong, and auch broad shoulders. Wasn't there s song about rain on the roof? No need to worry now, or think. She alopt i The storm had Once she awakened, heard foot itops tiptoeing past the door, heard the far away rattle of stove lids and from the open window caught the fragrance of wood smoke, as the wind whisked it Into the room. child's laugh sounded, to be hushed abruptly. When she opened her eyes again, an oblong of sunlight lay across the plain pine floor, like a yel low rug. She arose and went to the window and looked out. Tbe storm bad blown over. Dolow, the roofs of Union Town wero steaming in the warmth of the early spring sun. Beyond, the bay and the far waters of the Pa cific were glinting, tossing foam, capped waves. rno wind was chill, so Anne closed tbe window. She pawed through her bag for a robe and had donned It when Mllna rapped at the floor. "Coffee," she Announced, coming in wttn a tin tray in ber band. "Thank you, Mllna." Anne smiled at her then, pouring cold water Into a china bowl, gasped as she rinsed her face In it. She thought of yvonne and tbe warm bathroom: thought of her again as she brushed her long hair, honey-brown in the sunlight "Gee. you'd be pretty If you cut that off and got you a permanent." offored .Mllna. "You'd never know yourself," and then she Llushed. "1 don't mean you're nci pretty now, but you'd look like . . oh. like Joan Crawford, mnyhe." "XJEVUR know myself," repeated i( Anno, "tha'.'a an Idea." She crawled back Into bed and accepted tbe '.ray, and as she sipped the hot black liquid, Mllna talked. "We've got a name tor you," she began. "A name for met" questioned Anne, and 'hen the remembered. "What Is It?" "Your name." Mllna said, hugging her knees as she sat at the other end of the bed," Is Nlkkl Nollsen. Like It?" "Nlkkl Nollsen," repeated Anne. Use Mall Tribune want ad. SLEV'S IS j iMSIVE A.NP t Ifel R INEXPI B SATIJ m-l-T'lifUi ""V "Mom aay lt'd be better it yon had one to start off with. She's tell ing the rest of the kids that that's who you are and only Aunt Mlsa will know the truth. Aunt Mlsa lives here with us you know. She's pa's sister. ''When he went back to the old country and forgot to come back, she moved In here and she's been helping keep things going. You'll like her. She's so cranky she's funny. She's book-keeper down at the cannery, your " she caught her self, "at the FarnswortU Canneries," she finished, lamely. Klkki N'ellsen. She rather liked It. It was so different from the other. Perhaps she would bob her hair, let it bleach out the way It would natur ally. Only Yvonne knew the trouble she took to keep It dark, because Luclnda Farnsworth's hair had been dark. Sunshine and wind turned It tawny gold. 'I'll cut It for you," Mllna, offered. "Mom says you'd better not go down to town for a few days yet, and we could get Violet Jokuunen to give you a permanent If you could afford it." t LATER Anne sat before a mirror, a sheet draped around her shoul ders. Above her stood Mllna, Hps pursed In a tight line as she lifted 1 blown over. a sharp pair of barber's scissors. Clip, clip. Anne felt .that her past life was being cut from her. Clip, clip. She felt a frantic desire to stay Mtlna's hand. She was acting too hastily. "You look better already," de clared Mllna, stepping back and sur veying her. "I left It kind of long but the curl will take It up. And If you'll let me 111 your brows like mine" Later that day, after the obliging Violet bad ministered to her, Anne turned again to the mirror and stared In surprise. An elfin face peered out from a mass of curls; the straight black, heavy 1-ows had given away to thin bait arches. She was pretty now, aa Sbarlea had been pretty, but she had lost that distinctiveness which had set her apart from the average girl. And aha was glad. A new face and a new name, at this time, meant more of a chance for peace. Tbe children came In from school, surveyed ber, decided the was all right, and chatted with her half In English, half In Finnish, much to her bewilderment. But she learned much of the household Into which she had forced her way. There were signs of rigid econ omy, explained by Mllna In ber frank manner. "Pa Just up and left; left ma with the house and all the kids and until we were old enough to help she had a pretty hard time. Aunt Lllsa'a salary helps. Both the big boys, George and Orvl. are boat pullers. They'd like to have a boat of their own, then Len could help when he's cut of school. In that way, with me working In the cannery. Mom could stay at home. But," and she hunched her shoulders In a fu tile gesture, "we won't ever get enough to buy a boat and an outfit." "Do they cost so much?" Anne re membered a little of what Luke bad said that night In Lee's library. Oh they could start on five hun dred. The cooperative cannery would let them start with that, then take the payments out of their haul." (Copyright, IPJJ, by Jeanne Bowman! Ann learns tha want, tomor row, from tha Portland papsrs. "Wa? of Tmnitre!rtr" PORTLAND, Nov. U (fl'v Kin M Jackson, 30, ha4 little cause for wlf congrstulatlon a lie atepped from the courtroom here let faturdy after having been paroled from five-year prison sentence. A stAte polloem.n Immediately re-arreti him on an other fongery enftrye, and took htm to Eugene to foe the accuivitton. Lumber Orders Onln SEATTLE. Nov. Jp An In crease In new orders of approximate ly IS.000 000 feet for the week end In Nov. 3. over the prevtviirw week, spelled "tfood buatiioM" Coin? lor IXtigl.t fir producers of Washington and Oregon. GUM' MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, LIFE, NO PAROLE, TO COOS SLAYER COQUILLE, Ore.. Nov. 11 (AP) Homer McJunklns. 3, of Nortft Bend, wu convicted of first degree murder bv & circuit court Jury here Saturday eight. Jury recommended life imprisonment, with no parole. STRANGE AS IT SEEMS By JOHN HIX For further proof addresi tha author. Inclosing s stamped envelope for reply. Reg. TJ. S. Pa. Off. W J ' l COW? ?IM IMTflCMJ MlrsIC MoUrM-5 sfAiRS AswH, S0E6 COWH AND AISO LEAVES A NOlt TOR GOES IP, M"-CRH OPES' V V ftftftdCj CWOMe5rINa0Fr6yiOLlM WiFECAUINGMAVBEHI'D msSESSWIfCH WILFRID REM1HDIN6 HIM 1N6 HER D00H. 1& SAV BY - BtER n lf0H AFftR ALL, ASAlrl 0 PlK POUCH Ll6H OOf HE WAV, VW HE XKOW THE 1 nmq, ...... S& WILFRED CAN SEE To LET BEFORE HE COMES UP ?0RH Ll6W ISN'T WORK- V ft llWiMlNATtS frlKe WOW5CrmVOttW& S'MATTER POP- By 0. M. PAYNE II 1" iteHatfetfws fmm Ktr U.eoNATtl Today, as last year, and as It will from 11 o'clock aa It reaches the minutes behind time. Then a grad- V "M E--" r ( &L)Vf4,N f$ tat thousands of years to come, a center of the rock, to Illuminate ual correction will begin, and In ' (ISirl ataa. r ' small atmft at light from the sun these words: another 3000 yenrs the light will be llV, vSaSk -A KlJ" "tf swings across the center of the "Clreater Love Hath No Man." back on schedule. C' ""N - cL M Hock of Remembrance In the Vlcto- The beam of sunlight la ovsl; Federal laws make It Impossible . tf'r''Si) ZnS OTls Wtt?f iTl afMl) Sf rlan National War Memorial at Mel- measuring 814 Inches by 0 Inches, to conduct a lottery In this country ' 0 1 CH y P:$!'t&$Q( Sa7 ' 51 bourne, Atlstralla, on Armistice Day. but because It strikes the level rock comparable to those of other coun- vii$Ss, sr ?Slii5.SS3SL fowl V1 $ n The light enters the memorial at a slight angle, It will Illuminate tries yet there Is no federal law 5rM$h i 3T through a small hole In the roof a circular arm. against It. Federal law does, how- VW iSTl KjrabgraHS'le i fSR ! of the building a hole placed so Intricate calculation went Into ever, prohibit the sending of lottery K jt$ Jaffl?' W WWSmfiltr II dmM ifi? accurately that promptly at 11:00 the planning of the unusual shrine, tickets or Information concerning a rfllgr J&glQ j K W''Wlt 3 I -f. Its XcT iljT o'clock on November 11 each year It has been' determined that the lotteries through the malls. By a icVT j?- ?v$8.y VB$W$Hf I li 1 S? tH-ZsOLlX V t the shaft of light reaches the cen- shaft of light that now strikes the strict application of this law, news- I njffiffi Jj&AJ 'LY tPStjCu ( XmaUii W I tSJl ff ""fTT'Vir ter of a rock slab below. In the center of the rock at 11 o'clock papers carrying news of a lottery ffUjIfluK:, c4r- Sfiiiifisfi4a rSNLffrVr wmTj& ..Jm ' iT 1 next 8000 years, If' the building sharp, will lag little by little dur- can be barred from the malls. jutlJAi' v 'tgjffslljy S42Z2l' C& jSSJ IAA 1 stands that long, the shaft will lng the next 2300 years until. In Lv- J I MtfT M never vary more than two minutes the yesr 4235. It wtu be about two Tomorrow: The Devil Disguise. KS 'tn p (Copyright, 193B, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) V JjA TAILSPIN TOMMY A Familiar Sound " By HAL FORREST TAK1N' AN J' THOSE WPSM fMW LIKE AM fH A LOE SHAC ROASTf-- " AUDFUL. M RGBS WIUU tMw iMU JS AlRPUANE I Jgu T THEEM OUT J, CHANCE! a. BURN US OuV. fe W$M V' 'IS?s 1??' k A i, JsM&4H UA. '-oexA BEN WEBSTER'S CAREER Crip's Advice By EDWIN ALGEE IMES A PRETTY FAIR HORSE.l 1 L ( WELL.ER.ER, "SJ "H &H, VOL) YOUNG 5CAMF?") (LISTEN, SHERIFF," ( ALL RKSHT. THEN VOD An' ME KEEP-"vj BEN, BUT HE'S GOTTA DO A J HOW WAS IpAIRLV GOOD, BEN-K, la WHATB THE IDEA OF WE WANTA , GRAVEYARD WHAT LONESTARS OONE-S LOT BETTER IF( J . V. HE, S FAIRLY GOOD-' MAKlK' ME PULL THE Jl WIM THAT j GET IT? THE GUY WHO THINKS 1 WU'RE 60IN' r1Sv- V Sa. ' SHERIFF? K v u lT"l WOOL OVER BEN'S EYES?I 1 RACE , DON'T HE'S GOT A PUSHOVER GEN'LY LOSES-f TSr'H iJmi 'tOi X. ULIC-.X X v JTLm s , -rf we? J ben's the kino of a guv who'll j THAT RACE- U''tS. X . V. -A. X- ' A i GET TWICE AS MUCH OUTA LONESTAR - "E CHESp THE NEBBS Not Yet By g0L HEga I f l-OOKIECl 'EVEYTMINJ(3 " " RUDV, DOM'T VOU " 1" OM.SJO, DAi?lINJG " WJELL, M ANSEL KcHJ UkE -VOO'RE eOlNJo TUiNJkl WE OU4UTTO IB WE'LL KEEP HER. VOU O BETTER, KEEP 1 ("TO EAT EVEdV LITTLER LET MISS RVVLSTCl GOT -S FOR AvaJMILE IM HER. SWEC-S TWE.ONJLV I CRUr-e AMD 5ET BIG -v V VOU Re. SO MIJCM ?ETTE j 'SmOT eO'NJCi TO LET VOO ) OJEL LOWO CASJ COAC J --aAMO JTROSJyT a' 1 WAT OsJ SOU CSOO&t FOR. MEC A -5MILEC FRONA Zf: fI"-Av3A'M ""Vl y V ASJO SWE'5 SUCH Asj f nOL TAKE IT EASV, VCU'l frC--v' ' McJunklni wu convicted of alaylng hi wife, Verllnda, who was shot to death 14 ahe was preparing din ner on July 26. Circuit Judge Brand will pass sentence, mandatory life Imprison ment, Tuesday. North Bend police said McJunklns told them after, the shooting he killed his wife "because she was no good." He later denies vttin state ment. Three small children now are living with relatives.' Most earthquakes originate only 31 miles below the earth's surface. OREGON, MONDAY, Chandler Named As Oregon Alumni Head EUGENE, Ore., Nov. 0 (AP) EUGENE, Ore, Nov. 11. (AP) ed president of th tmiverslty ofj Oregon Alumni association during j home-coming activities here last week-end. He succeeds Merle R- j Chessman of Astoria. Arthur M. Geary, Portland, was ; named vice-president: Robert K. . Allen. Eueene. secretary-treasurer. and. Willis Dunway, Salem, dtrec- j tor. NOVEMBER 11, 1933. THE FAMILY ALBUM THE PORCH LIGHT. LOCKS UP W)D STARTS FbR BED BERS i )MfWAV ORSfMRS. REMW- 6HS AVMOSf UKrfMRS Ht WW TUT OUT WHJH WIFE C AU5 PORCH L16rtf. 60KDDWN! MO TRESSES SWrfcM By GLUYAS WILLIAMS (1-7 m . . n r- lit kl.- UKllC KUUJU? Hi nWI nnw. i rxrCrfiMl wunJ nrlUM5fii' Ht rfEEDH'f BClrlER A&OOf HE WASPOfflHfe ITOUL AW PORDKUeHf, SHE TlTf if 60E& WWH AND TRESSES OUf WHEM SHE CAME UP SwrfCH teJurl