PAGE THREE TL from the Perl Funeral Home Satur day afternoon at 3 o'clock with John Still officiating. Interment will take place in the Phoenix cemetery. NANKING. China, Nov. 8. (API Nelson T. Johnson. American ambas that Chinese Premier Wang Chlng Wel, wounded by an assassin's bul let Nov. 1, was no longer in danger. Umatilla, and for work at Bonneville dam. The Columbia was less than a foot above normal, with the fall con tinuing gradually. 4 Radio waves are reflected from lay ers of ionized air high in the atmos phere, scientists say. The Oraves dtaerlct of RnrriAfuiY I PROP BUILDING AFTER QUAKE The Qrenadlne are a chain ot about 600 islets In the Windward Islands. West Indies. Cotton and cattle are the chief exports. produces both red and white wines. The red are considered better, but the white wines are better known than th red under the name of Graves. The only lizard known to be pois onous is the glla minster. NAPPING IN JOKE By FANNIE HURST THE DALLES, Ore.. Nov. 8. ( API The low level of the Columbia river is Ideal for the channel clearing work now under way between Celllo and The culminating pr?!nt of the Ap penlnes. the Gran Saxso d'lalta at Abbruzzl, la 5.560 feet high. sador to China, was Informed today MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, REGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1935. MWW M IP II II Bl IBB .M , I II I WWW Bawl llllllll im.iy.H,F'IWl'"l'' Will Rogers was as fcrniMiruz abrma sb h wa at home. ! Fannie Hurst, famous author, re calls her meetings with the humor 1st "My acquaintanceship with the late Will Ropers wa alt too transient, but two Incidents stand out wltn clarity In my mind. "One evening several years ago in Rome. I was seated In a oatacomblc restaurant having dinner. Presently a waiter appeared and deposited at my side a handsome bottle of cham pagne. A note accompanied It from Mr. Rogers, who was seated at the opposite side of the cafe. After I had read It, I looked up to find his roguish eyes regarding me from across the room. The note read: "Dear Fannie: Drinking to you only with mine eyes doesn't work." That was my first meeting with Mr. Rogers. "About a year later, I received n Invitation to attend a lecture by Mi Rogers to be delivered at Carnegie Hall. Enclosed were seven or eight box seats. I assembled a party of friends, and we attended. "After about fifteen minutes of de lightful rambling, Mr. Rogers abruptly announced that he' was going to in troduce to the audience some of its members. What the inimitable Rogers had done, was to people the boxes with those who would give him ma terial for his good-humored sallies. "He began to work his way around the horseshoe, beginning; as I re member, with Minnie Maddern Plske on to Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., until he approached my party. "In my groxiR there happened to be a beautiful young girl. When he call ed out my name in Introduction. I pushed the -bewildered youn? thing to her feet to take a bow for the ap plause that followed. 'Well. Fannie was his delightful comment, 'I like your Benda mask.' "He crossed my path with meteoric Incidents, all of them swift, transi tory, but unforgettable." With his motion picture character izations and radio funolosues. Will Rogers crossed the path of millions of Americans who will not foraet nLs wit and humor and humanitarian pleas for those in distress. Now these millions have an opportunity to show their love for the cowboy philosopher by contributing to the fund being collected to establish memorials In his commemoration. Contributions, small or large, are being recveived by the Mall Tribune. A record of donors will be kept and receipts issued for each contribution. A coupon is pro vided for those who desire to mall their offerings. RILEA BIGS HONOR TO STATE OF The presidency of the National Guard association came to Oregon when Brig. Gen. Thomes E. Rilea of Salem was chosen to head the organi sation by unanimous vote at the an nual convention in Santa Fe N. M. General Rilea was born in Illinois on Msy 5, 1895. When he was a small boy his parents moved to the backwoods village of Agness in Curry county. There he went to school and spent his boyhood. At 17 he went to Portland to study at the Oregon In stitute of Technology, from which he was graduated In 1910. The Ollysk people of Sakhalin for merly worshipped the bear. Heavy timbers were propped In support against this Brooklyn, N. Y., residence after an earthquake which rocked 17 eastern states and three provinces of Canada. (Associated Press Photo) POSTOFFICE FLAG 10 BE REPLACED ARMISTICE MORN A new flag will be placed on the staff of the postoffice at 9 o'clock Armistice day. All war veterans in the postal service were requested to day by Postmaster Frank DrSouza to be present. Apropos Armistice day observance Mr. DeSouza issued regulations for the display of the American flag as approved by the war department. They are: 1 in a procession In which other flags are carried, the proper place for the national flag is on the right. 2 When displayed with another flag on a wall and from crov:d stpffs. the national flog should be on the right (observer's left) and Its staff should be In front of the other. 3 In a group of flags displayed from a staff, it should be In the cen ter or at the highest point In the group. When the flag la hung either hori zontally or vertically against a wall, the union should be uppermlst and to the flag's own right (observer's left). 8 When the flag is suspended be tween buildings over a street, the union should be to the north in an east-west street and to the east in a north-south street. 6 When not flow from a staff, it should always be hung flat, whether Indoors or out. It should not be festooned over dorrwavs or arches, tied In a bowknot or fashioned In a roeette. It should never be used for a drape. 4 Canaries which never heard an other bird sing have learned spontaneously. OF BUOYED BY SUCCESS; SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 8. ftp) Enthusiastic plans for spreading the civic betterment creed of the "New Order of Cincinnatus" throughout the United States were laid today bv officers of the organisation, which j sprang a political surprise by elect ing a supervisor in ban rrancisco s municipal election. Four Cincinnatus candidates, none of whom had ever soutit a political office before, made the race for the six contested supervisors' seats. Dewey Mead. 37. business agent ot the painters' local union, emerged as one of the victors with 59.197 votes in yesterday's election. "Through actively functioning com mittees free of prejudice or political intrigue," Mead said, "the order will labor to present intelligent, busi nesslike facts to the public in ef forts to bring efficiency, fair play and forward looking legislation into municipal governments." The order was formed here only last May and has around 1000 mem bers, Including men and women. WILL ROGERS MEMORIAL FUND Local Committee or Med ford Date.., To the Editor of The Mail Tribune: Wishing to have a part in perpetuating the memory of one of our most beloved and useful citizens, I enclose herewith my contri bution of to the Will Rogers Memorial Fund. I understand that this gift will be added to others from Medford and will go without any deductions whatsoever to the National Fund to be expended, also without any deduction, as the Memorial Committee may determine. Name ... Address J.ZI! SHADY GOVE RESIDENT Martha Jane Zlmmerlee. well-known resident of the Eagle Point district, paved away at her home at Shady Cove at 6:30 p. m. Tuesday after an Illness of six years. Mrs. Zlmmerlee was born in Linn county, Oregon. January 3. 1866. and . was a Red 69 years. She had lived at the family home for the past 36 ' years. I A member of the Methodist church i for many years, she was a wonderful I mother and neighbor, always think- ing of others, and always ready to i help a neighbor In sickness or trouble. I Mrs. Zlmmerlee Is suvlved by six i children: Mrs. Betha Able, Eagle Point, Ore.; Mrs. Bertha Evans, Hood River, Ore.; Mrs. Myrtle Myres, Prlne j vllle. Ore.: Mrs. Minnie Blaess, Trail. , Ore.; W. R. Zlmmerlee. Shady Cove, i Ore. and D, L. Zlmmerlee, Cascade j Locks, Ore.; also 33 grandchildren, 14 great grandchildren, three brothers and two sisters: S. J. Ssrgent, Asotin, Wash.; J. T. Sargent, Vancouver. ! Wash.; E. R. Sargent. Hapy Camp, Cat.; Mrs. Ira McKenzle. Asotin, j Wash., and Mrs. Nettie Coon, Port j Isnd, Ore. ' Funeral services will be conducted imiii SOllRrt! ARE 100 pnooF STilAIGilT RYE WHISKY Mwm i-rf full D. if, lied and bottled by CONTINENTAL DISTIUING COPPOPATIOH PHILADELPHIA, PA. IUix 7RW 7v-?Wf lMKmnk!ll- ': I "T-.T I m .7 . 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