MEDFORD MATT- TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OREGON. FRIDAY, NOTEMBER 1, 1935. SURGEONS DETOUR MEDFORD MERCHANTS Community TO HELP CRIPPLES New Technique Cures 'Shuf - flin' Foot' Flat Foot a Misleading Term, Sur geons College Informed SIXTEEN I nTTiiHTTIj; 1 H'tiW " " j . S ' 1 Tf . . rr 1 1 t t; h tl la d II. 1l In "I ft wi "P n p p ne Joi jo By HOWARD W. m.AKFRI.EE v AssoHnU-iI Pro firlncc Edlltor 'BAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 1- (AP Dotourlng of muscles and nerves In surgical remodeling of arma and legs to convert crippled children Into atrong boys and girla was described to the American College of Surgeons here today. The operations were reported by lroy O. Abbott M. D., and Frederick C. Host, M. D., of the University of pallfornla medical school. . one was a 13-ycar-old girl with a U deformity due to a brain injury at birth. The leg Buffered from per manent spasm, stiffening and de formity because part of the brain controlling crrtaln leg muscles did not work properly, Strain Relieved Tho surgeons cut some of the Borvrs lending to the faulty musclea, thereby disconnecting thorn partly from the haywire control. They lengthened the muscles, which had been too short, by a tendon opera tion. Tho result was to relieve the Strain which had held the child's Leg Jn deformed position. Another operation cures the de formity variously known as "sufflin foot," drag foot and hammsr foot. This cornea from faulty work of the peroneal muscles, which wag the foot up and down. These are long mus tfrs running down the aide of the The operation aubstltutes the mua dea with which you raise your big toe for the foot wagging muscles. Tho toe muscle Is the "exterior" of the foot, a long muscle extending down the leg near the shin bone and fastened to the big toe. t The operation disconnects this nuncio from the big too and fastens It over on the little toe Inside of the foot, though not directly to the little too. In that posllon It can raise and lower the foot. A boy of 14. with fect so "flat" that he was unable to piny or even walk without pain, had his foot bones removed and reshaped surgically, and the muscles In the feet awltched and detoured Into routes to operate his new feet. "Flat I'eel" M1lradlite ' Flat Feet la a m blending term, said a report by Arthur L. Fisher, M, D., of San Francisco. Feet which are automatically flat may causo no trou ble, while others with a high arch may be oxtrnmcly painful. It la tho faulty pull of muscles or tendons rather than tho shape which counts. Dr. Fisher told of operations on the Achilles trndon In the heel which will relieve the trouble regardless of tho flat or high arch of tho feet. . A sinus known as sphenoid, situ toed near the center of the skull, back of the nose, was blamed by Chester H. Bower. M. D., of Los An geles, for a variety of pains seldom traced to their proper source. These troubles, he said. Include bradnche, pain over the canine tooth, jwtn or continuous burning In tho throat, pain In tho back of the head or even In tho car. Sometimes this alnus leads to troubles In vision, he eld. I 10 SPEND $17,000,000 GIVEN FIRST APPROVAL WASHINGTON. Nov. I. (AD The commerce department has ap proved a H7.0U0.0O0 airport program of the work pvcyrrw admlnlstrntlon. Involving the build tug or Improve ment of 250 airport. Five hundred miliar projects are under conMtfe rstlon. At the WPA it was explained that the commerce drpnrtment ap proval was merely preliminary, cover Jntt enptnMTlng phases and feasi bility and desirability of the pro jects. In es-h Instance, tt was said, the government money would go Only lor Improvement and not for land purclmses. The projects are loaned In 31 elates. Among the lnrge expenditures proposed are- l,87,vnH2 at 8n Francisco; 533,iU0 at Pnn Diego, Cl. The projects and federal lund Jlotted Include ; Oregon: Vernonla HOI"; Eugene 6734. Idaho: Irtnho Fall 1(VM6; Valley county $850; Caldwell iOBOJ; Valley county 7317; Pnyrtte county (J0ia; Boise county lo.ftoa; Boise, 34.7SO I F. I INST, AND DINNER MONDAY Veterans of Forn Warn. Crater t)te portt No. ;13, and their auxil iary, will hold installation of officer In Eagles' hall, Monday evening. No. irembor 4. Dinner will be rxt at 7 o'clock. All member of the rxt and auxiliary are urged t County Councilman Ir D. CsnfieH Will Install the new members of the post, and past President MUian A Flynn will Install the new officers of the auxiliary. YES, WE HAVE NO NAVY IS REPLY OF OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA CITY. Nov. 1 .,', Oklahoma, recovery administration of ficials, always cooperate xllh the national organization, neverthe less balked today at the la:et re quest for a survey of Oklahoma a Jlp-buildiruj Industry. Saturday and Monday Nov. 2nd and TWO MIGHTY , BARGAIN DAYS!! Check Your Needs From This List of Timely Dollar Day Bargains - On Sale Saturday and Monday at Manns. .'. MedforxTs Own Store 32 inch 12 Momme Natural Color Pangee. Special, 5 yards for $1. 39 inch Slip Taffeta in Pastel and Dark Shades. Special, 3 yards $1. 54 inch Wools in Dress and Coat Weights. Special price, per yard $1. Genuine 39 inch Field Crepe in New Shades. Special, per yard $1. 36 inch Fancy Stripe Outing Flannel. Good Weight. 5 yards for $1. 22x44 inch Heavy Cannon Bath Towels. Special at Five for $1. 18 inch Colored Border Pure Linen Toweling. Special, 5 yards $1. 52x52 inch Fancy Colored Plaid Lunch Cloths. Special price $1. 36 inch Hand Embroidered Bridge Sets With Four Napkins for $1. Full Bed Size Krinkle Crepe Bed Spreads. Your Choice for $1. 36, .40 and 50 inch Curtain Marquisettes. Three yards for $1. Dotted Filet Curtain Panels, 2 x 36 inches. Special price $1. A Choice Group of Living Room Pillows, $1.29 values for only $1. Stamped Linen Tea Towels with Fringed Ends. Special at 3 for $1. Stamped Shetland Floss. Regular 25c, 1 ounce Balls. Now 5 for $1. 36-inch Stamped Linen Lunch Cloths, 4 Napkins, at special price of $1. Gilded Edge Fine Linen Finish Playing Cards. 4 Decks for only $1. 200 Sheet Packages of Patricia Allen Cleansing Tissues, at 8 for $1. Famous M-D Toilet Tissue. Soft and Sanitaly. Spec, 12 rolls for $1 Rubber Aprons and Print Aprons in All Sizes. Special choice 3 $1. , Handmade Pure Linen Handkerchiefs. White and Colors. 5 for $1. Collars of Pique, Satin and Lace. Frilly and Tailored, at 2 for $1. Washable Fabric Gloves. Plain and Fancy Cuffs. 2 Pairs for only $1. Regular $1.98 Values in Lovely Silk Scarfs. Asst'd colors & styles $1. Women's and Misses' Hand Bags in Various Styles and Colors at $1. Regular 59c Bright Wool Plaid Scarfs. Special. Choice 2 for $1. Good Quality Rubber Hot Water Bottles. Regular 69c each, 2 for $1. Women's Corselettes and Girdles. Values up to $2.50. Special $1. Kiddies' Tuck Stitch and Balbriggan Pajamas. Special choice $1. Women's Outing Flannel Gowns. Long Sleeve Style. Special at $1. Women's Woolies in Shorts and Vests. All Sizes. Special, Two for $1. Holeproof Ringless Chiffon Silk Hose. Regular $1.15. Special $1. Misses' Sveaters in Coat and Slip-on Styles. Sizes 8 to 16. Only $1. r SPECIALS FROM OUR POPULAR SHOE SECTION Bedroom Slippers A Big Dollar Day Sa'f of Women' and Mis' Bed room Slippers at 100 pntr, T,ie.a come In Plain and ranclea and are regular up to 2 50 value. Your choice Saturday and Monday. Men's Shoe Trees Ray fellowa. InvMt In a pair of alio Tree. Thej.e ho forma keervour shoes in the proper snap all times. A (rood :ioe need a alio tree. On a' Saturday and Monday at Mann's. Metatarsul Arch Pads Men and Women wVio suffer from MUtarsul Arch trouble will find a lot c-f comfort in thew new Meta larsul Arch Bads. Tney fit any shoe. You adjust them yourself. No tiouble. No bother. Regular 1 33 pair. ZA -inch Wool Coatings A large assortment of lovely now 54-in. Wool Coatings in the seasons smartest Woavcs and Patterns. Go on Sale Saturday and Monday for only $1.00 yard. Think of it $1.00 yard for a 54 inch Wool Coating. SPECIAL $100 JL vard FREE DELIVERY SERVICE $1 00 JL rnur 4th ss a' "Elevator" JVU s ' V? to 2nd Floor-- y Vf" I W Tloor xoW N New Silk Blouses A new shipment of lovely Stilt BIouwb now rendy In the blouse hop. New Plain Colors &nd Chic Plalde In the seasons smartest styles. Real values up to 1.95. Special (or Days 1 each DRESS SALE A mighty Bargain in Women'? and Misses' New Silk Dresses! 50 just arrived from New York just in time for $ Day. New Styles, New Colors and a Price so low that you cannot afford to pass up this supreme $ Day dress value. Lastex Blouses New "Lajstex" Blouses tn a gTBnd assortment of styles and colors go on sale Saturday and Monday for Just $1. These popular Bloufea come In all sizes. (Mann's Second Floor). $1 00 each "Dottie Lee" FROCKS Popular "Dottie Lee" Frocks, Special for $ Days at 2 eacht Dottle Lee dresees are made from Washable Crepes In Tile, Brown. Navy. Blue and Green. All aires up to 42. $000 each $595 "Wooly Nub" FROCKS Tomorrow and Monday you ean buy a genuine "Woolynub" Dress for 3 a combed yarn frock that will not sag. lota of Colors and Styles to select from in all sizes. $300 -J each Other Dresses Priced from $7.95 up, to $29.75 Miss California SPORT GOATS In presenting "Miss Califor nia" Sport Coats to our cus tomers, we are offering one of the smartest coats made. A big comfortable Camels Hair Cloth' Coat in rich Winter shades and featuring genuine "Earl-Glo" lining. Miss Cali fornia Coats are priced at $29.75 New Fur Trimmed Coats. Special $29.75 New Rain CAPES A Big Double Dollar Day Sale of Women's and Misses' Rain Cape. These are well made from New Rubber and are of fered In quite an assortment of Styles and Colors. $1 00 each 'Happy Home' Wash FROCKS "Happy Home" Wash Dresses are guaranteed Folor Fast. They are well made and cut full. Many new patterns and Styles to chexwe from In this Day Sale. All sires. $ 1 00 I parh ch New Wool Sweaters Special for Doxible Dollar Days! Women's and Misses' slip -on and button Wool Sweatera for only 2 each. These crime In glorioua New Autumn Colors. Ideal for School. Street or Sports. $O00 each Dollar Values for Men and Boys Men's Union Suits $1.00 .... Men's Dress Shirts at $1.00 Boys' Outing Pajamas at $1.00 .... Boys' Wool Shorts $1.00 Men's Holeproof Hose, 3 pr. $1.00 . . . Men's Ties, 2 for $1.00 Boys' Wool Sweaters $1.00. . . . Men's Polo Shirts at $1.00 Men's "Can't Bust 'Em" Waist Overalls. Special at $1.00 Mail Orders Promptly Filled j'rfr,. 1 M. 1 r Yarns for All Types of Knitting