Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 29, 1935, Page 9, Image 9

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13 S3!5
il Vtt
Bemd etery "
thli page. Ton will
probably find ex
actly tbe thing
yon want to bo;
or MIL It tt Un't
than, advertise.
1 1 ' Inexpenalve.
Fat word flrat Insertion
(Minimum Isc)
Bach additional Insertion,
per word
(Minimum 10c)
rer Una per month without
opy change fl.H
Phone 75
STRAYED Light Jersey yearling
heifer. Finder please notify M. I.
Parker, Box 178, Talent.
LOST Oct. 18, lady's white gold
wrist watch, either 1100 block w.
10th or Grill next to Wood's Drugs
Reward. 1106 W. Tenth.
' LOST If aog M miteing. calll518.
, WANTED Man to work In auto camp,
apt. furnished. Referencca required.
Box S113, Tribune.
WANTED Qlrl for general housework
- and assist with care of two chil
dren. No cooking. Box 5239, Trib
une. WANTED Christian girl or woman to
help with housework and children.
: $15.00 month. Box 5253. Tribune.
WORK wanted by 3 experienced or
chard men, blight, prune, spray,
tractor, etc. R. No. 1, Box No. 122.
. Central Point.
WANTED Used band saw In good
condition. Box 5248, Tribune.
WANTED Immediately house close
v to business district with 8 bed
rooms. Permanent renters. Top
Notch Cafe, 14 So. Central.
WANTED Used furniture, tools,
doors, windows. Berrydale 2nd Hind
Store. 1603 No. Riverside. Tel. 369.
WANTED Good used light car. Coach
or sedan for cash. Olve particulars
and price. Box 6255, Tribune.
WANTED Plow for Pordson tractor.
Inquire Glenn Darby, south end
Kings Hwy.'
WANTED 8-ft. 4-horse disc harrow.
Vlda Steele. Brownsboro.
We pay cash for household goods,
furniture and stoves We also buy
metals, hides, pelts, wool and mo
37 N Orape St. Pbone 1062.
WANTED Heifers calves Write Ruby
Scbula. Beagle. Oregon.
WANTED Beef cattle, veal, lambs,
and pasture. J. J Osenbrugg.
k" WANTED To rent 5-room furnished
house: wood range. Inquire 116
No. Riverside.
FOR RENT 1016 wueen Anne, 5-room
' home with small sleeping porch,
, hardwood floors, fireplace, piped hot
air furnace, eHec. range, nice yards,
35 Including water. Chaa R. Ray,
Realtor. Medford Bldg. Tol. 303.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished 5-room
stucco house, electric range and
water heater. 812 South Riverside.
FOR RENT 5 room modern house.
Inquire 616 Palm St. after 6 p. m.
FOR RENT New suburban, well ar
ranged 8-rm. house. Hardwood
floors throughout, double plumb
Ins;, bullt-lns. laundry room, at
tractive surroundings. Close In. $40
month. Call Jackson County Bldg.
at Loan Association, 165.
FOR RENT 6-room strictly modem
I home, close to Medford's business
' district. In fine residential eec.ion;
partially furnished: fine lawn and
shade trees: basement and furriAoe;
double garage. See owner at once
at 832 North Ivy St.
FOR RENT 4 -room furnished house
Inquire 306 So Oakdale.
FOR RENT Homes furrjeled or
unfurnished. Brown 4t White.
rOR RENT Nicely furnished front
room, heated. 349 No. Orape.
rOR RENT Furnished sleeping room.
Also garafte If desired: moderate
rates. 335 South Riverside.
FOB RENT Desirable room for lady.
Phone 750-H.
ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 8 Orape
CLEAN attractive rooms: reasonable
410 S. Newtown.
FOR RENT Large frdht room: hot
and cold water and shower., 20 8
cum reasonable tt 719 B. Mala.
FOR LEASE 34-acre pear orchard
with equipment. Box 5110 Trib
une. FOR RENT 3 acre creek bottom gar.
dea with house. Close in. Phone 417.
TO LEASE Pear orchard to experi
enced man with equipment. Good
buildings. Irrigation. Box 6165 Tri
bune. BACHELOR APTS, 445 80. Front.
FOR RENT Business location, room
18x50 Will remodel to suit tenant.
Apply Mall Tribune.
TRADE Columbia Orapnonola. fine
oak cabinet in good condition, large
selection 01 records, tor wood. 87
Tripp St. after 6 p. m.
FOR SALE 4 -room modern house, 1
acre, ml. s. W. Phoenix. E. L.
Hltt, owner, Rt. 4, Box 304, Medford.
FOR SAI.F, 2 acres, 3 room house,
outbuildings, some fruit, flge,
grapes, berries. Fine view above fog.
A dandy chicken ranch. Small pay
ment down, balance like rent, or
will trade for city property. I
owner, 113 Kenwood Ave.
IF you are looking for a dwelling or a
good Investment for your money,
please consider the following prop
erties which are being liquidated by
the Western Loan and Building
Company. All prices quoted are
cash, but local financing can be
arranged, for responsible persona
who can pay 25 down.
644 Palm St. 61,300.00
S03-6 N. Riverside (duplex
house) 1,160.00
815 W. 13th St. 1,000.00
702 Palm Street 1.330 00
628 Haven St. . 1,080.00
404 McAndrew's Rd. 600.00
30-23 Portland Ave., (du
plex house) 2.41)0.00
707 Oak St. 1.O00.00
311 S. Front St., business
building 4,000.00
207 S. Riverside, garage
building 6.000.00
See: W. E. THOMAS,
45 S, Central Ave.
30 ACRES, fenced woven wire. 4-rm
house, large chicken house and
barn, well. 6 acres free water: 61500,
third down, balance 4. Sheley.
403 E. Main.
A FINE east tide HOME for only
$3,000. and 6700 will nandle It.
BROWN It. WHITE. Realtors.
CITV LOTS from 6260 up, all Im
provements In and paid for. It
you are Interested In oulldlng or
buying a HOME, see us. BROWN
it WHITE. Realtors.
Jackson County Building At Loan
Asa'n Phone 106.
100 ACRES well improved, stocked
and equipped, close to Meedford;
some cash or Income property Ba)
ance long time, low interest O A
DeVoe. 623-J-3.
WHEN you think of real estate think
of Brown a: White
CHEV. Sedan. '33, looks and runa like
new, trunk and luggage rack, good
rubber. A real buy.
Dodge and Plymouth
1 1033 Pontlac Coupe.
1 1933 Chevrolet Town Sedan.
1 1032 Bulck Coupe.
11030 Bulck Sedan.
1 1930 Chevrolet Coach.
1 1930 Essex Sedan.
Bulck - Pontlao
Salea - Service
FOR SALE OR THaOE For late mod
el Ford or Chevrolet. 1931 Model A
Ion? wheel-baae dual wheels. Tel.
1930 Ford Coupe 6185.00
1926 Ford Tudor 150.00
1931 Pontlac Sedan 325.00
1931 Willys-Knight Sedan 385.00
Essex 3-door Sedan 150.00
1935 Studebaker Champion at a re
HUDSON Sedan, fine condition, very
cheap. Call 957 or 633-R.
1938 Bulck light 8 Brougham.
1933 Plymouth DeLuxe sedan; six
- wheels, extras.
1933 Plymouth 6-wheel sedan.
1633 Plymouth coupe; a real bargain.
1931 Ford A Victoria ooupe.
1930 Ford A 3-door sedan.
Other real bargains in Fords, Chevro
lets. etc.
The new Chryslers will be here soon
Chrysler and Plymouth Dealers
88 No. Riverside Phone 18
(Formerly Armstrong Motors)
FOR SALE Trucks and equipment
111 No Fir St.
WANTED The best sedan 6100 cash
will buy. Harry Young, Jr., Central
FOR SALE Purebred Hertford bulls
19 mo. old at John Offenbacher
'ranch between Ruch and Apple
gate, or call B. H. Chrletueb, Ash
land. 10-P-5.
FOR SALE Wearier pigs and ah oats.
Tel 1298.
FOR SALE O. I. C. weaner and feed,
er hoge. O. V. Myera. Tel. 258-J.
FOR.' BALE Light work and aaddle
horses. 2 and 3 year old colta. Me
ford Riding Academy.
FOR SALE OR TRADE Saddle mere.
J. L. Fredenburg. Sams Valley. .
FOR SALE 39 ewes: also t 11 cat
hav and feed wheat. C. A. DeVoe.
FOR SALE Oood work team. 1300
' pounds. 6136. Henry Leaverton.
Murphy Missouri Flat.
1 WT1J. buy your hogs and sheep, any
sir, at any time P. A Pearson
Ross Line. Pbone 610-J-4.
ROOFTNO Let us inspect four roof
before the rainy season This ser
vice ts fre Call 370. Rozua Rtvar
Roofing CO.
FOR SALE Several kinds thorough
bred Bantams. Pair Mill neurs,
also trio Yo'nhama Fowl. Very
reasonable. 384 Helman, Ashland,
FOR SALE Black Minorca rooster.
1813 No. Riverside. C U'. Parker.
FOR SALE Purebred Narregansett
turkeys. Vlda Steele. Brownsboro.
breeding cockerels. Msya Ranch.
Talent. Ore.
l ELECTRIC range, Hotpolnt, slightly
used. 175.00; cost 6o.0Q. This La
a real buy. New range guaranty.
Call Oopeo 168.
FOR SALE Heating stove.
FOR SALE Oood & new heater. 30
Summit. -
FOR SALE Underwood typewriter
and golden oak desk, filing cabinet,
6 ft. show case, golden oak library
- table American Radiant gas heat
er. New Deal Furniture Exchange,
413 East Main.
3 ELECTRIC RANGES, Westing house
Automatic, with timers; demon
strators; each $69.50. New ranges.
Call Copco 163.
FOR SALE Cheap. Delicious. Ben
nett Seedling, and Rome Beauty
apples; Cornice pears. Phone 314-Y.
Walker -1 mle north ol city Urn Its
on old highway.
FOR SALE -Heater,
$8.00. 603 Alice
FOR SALE Clean, plump
barley, 923.00 ton. Phone J
FOR SALE Apples, different varie
ties, 30c up. The Bennett apple for
use now. O. V. Myers. Tel. 258-J.
FOR SALE Used pipe, mine and well
machinery. Med. Pipe a Mach. Co:
FOR SALE Fur coat, newly renovat
ed and reliued. Bartlett's Fur shop,
40 So. Central.
FOR SALE New and used logging
dollies, trailers, seml-trallers; bodies
of ail types. Inland Trailer Manu
facturing Company. Stockton, Ca!.
FINE Red Spltzenburg and Newtown
apples for sale at Ala Vista Packing
House. 327 So. Fir St.
VERY BEST fir wood, 3.00 tier de
livered. Box 155. Butte Falls.
rock at $1.50 per yard, delivered
Bateman. Phone 1534-Y or 913-J
FOR SALE Used McOoskey account
file. Box 4938 Tribune. '
FOR SALE Grapes and grape Juice
The Dell Vineyard. Rt. a. Medford
FOR SALE Substantial a-wheel
trailer, or trade for wood. Inquire
last house left-hand side of Lozier
Lane or Tel. 869 -M.
APPLES Several varieties Gebhard's.
Central Point. mile north Bear
Creek bridge.
PEACHES. PLUMS lV6e lb; grapes 2c
lb Hukill. 2 mile south white
Griffin Creek school, i
FOR SALE Grapes. J. A. Manke.
3 miles east of Jacksonville, adjoin
ing former Ctancy orchard.-
TALKING picture business.. Small
towns. A big money maker. New
equipment. Complete $600 00. L. S.
- Brown, 1015 8. W. Morrison St.,
Portland. Or.
SEE US before you sell your furni
ture, stove. New Deal Furniture
Exchange, 413 East Main.
Mr. Evan Jones formerly welder for
Medford Pipe and Machinery Co.
has bought the Welding Dept. and
la equipped to do all kinds of cus
tom welding, both electric and
acetylene. Same location.
DON'T FORGET the National Town
,send Rally next Sunday at the
Armory, at 1 p. m, Psee admis
sion. Everybody welcome. Come
and bring your friends.
Abstracts of Title and
Title Insurance. The
only complete Title
System in jactson
of Title. Rooms 8 and 6. No. 3a
North Central Ave., upstairs.
Expert Window Cleaners.
House cleaning, floor waxing, ori
ental rug cleaning and upholstering
Pis no and Qnltar Instruction.
modern piano instruction MEL
CHORD for every one Tie only
method that never falls Studio
318 Liberty Bldg.. Medford Ore.
Money to Lend
MONEY LOANED $50 to $300 for
personal or household purposes on
House Furnishings or Autos; also
Cars Refinanced. Loans closed
within 30 minutes License No. 8
157 See W E Taooru. 49 So. Cen
tral. Traniff-r.
and long distance hauling, (urnt
ture moving, etc. Reasonable rates
Tel 833 P & ftamaon Co.
HAWLET TRANSFER - Expert pack,
era and mover Special tl restock
moving equipment Prices -ight
619 North Riverside. Pbone Sift.
or fire 1018 No Central, Phone Sift
Prices right. Service guaranteed.
N'rttlce of Final aetllemenr.
'la Um Couatj Court ol Uia S'.avs at
Oregon, In and lor the County of t
Jackson. I
In the Matter of the Estate of Kate '
F. Hoffman, deceased. !
Notice is hereby given, that the
undersigned has filed his First and
Final Account as administrator with
the will annexed of the estate of Kate
F. Hoffman, deceased. In the County
Court of Jackson County, Oregon,
and that s&td Court lias appointed
Thursday, the 14th dsy of November,
1933. si me nour or ten ociocx in
the forenoon ot saia day as the time,
and the Court Room of said County
Court In the Court House In the City
of Medford, Oregon, as the place, for
hearing objection to said First and
Final Account, the settlement there
of, and the distribution of said estate.
All persona Interested are hereby
notified to appear at said time and
place and show cause, if any there
be. why said First and Final Account
should not be approved by the Court,
said estate be decreed to be fully
settled, a decree msde for the distri
bution of said estate to the persons
entitled thereto, and said adminis
trator with the will annexed dis
charged from his trust.
Dated and first published October
16th. 1035. CLATOUS MoCREDIB,
Administrator with the Will annexed
of the Estate of Kate F, Hoffman,
deceased. , D
Notice of Sale of Heal property.
In the County Court of the County
ot Jackson In and for the State of
In the Matter of the Estate of Emma
N Drlskel, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that In pur
suance of an order of the above en
titled court, duly made and entered
In the above entitled estate and mat
ter on the 24th day of September,
1035, the undersigned administrator
with copy of the will annexed of the
estate of the above named decedent,
from and after the 6th day of No
vember, 1035, at the office of K. K
Hanna, Room 6, 32 North Central
Avenue in Medford, Jackson County,
Oregon, and subject to confirmation
of the 'above entitled court, will sell
the hereinafter described real oroo-
erty and all Interest that the above
named decedent had therein on De
cember 33. 1032, the data of her
death, at private aale. for cash, or
one-third cash and balance within
one year, said balance to bear Inter
est from date of sale at 8 per an
num and said balance and Interest
to be secured by a first mortgage
upon-said real property.
The said property to be so sold Is
particularly aescnoea as louows. to-
Beginning at a point on the west
line of "A" Street or County Road
In the City of Medford. Jackson
County. State of Oregon, from which
the southwest corner of Ninth and
"A' Streets bears north 37 deg 36
mln. west 375.0 feet and running
thence south 59 deg. west 198 feet
to alley; thence south 9 deg. 30
mln. west 14 feet; thence south 35
deg. 30 mln. east along the alley
parallel with "C" Street 91 feet;
thence north 54 deg. 55 mln. east
202.75 feet, more or less, to west
line of "A" Street or County Road;
thence north 27 deg. 38 mln. west
along west tine of County Road
101.3 feet, to place of beginning,
being In the City of Medford in
Jackson County, State of Oregon,
and being the same property de
scribed in deed recorded In Volume
127 at page 439 of tbe Deed Rec
ords of anid county and state.
Dated and ftrst published and post
ed October Bth. 1935.
THOMAS DIXON. Administrator.
Northern California: Fair tonight
and Wednesday: slightly colder to
night with frost or freezing tempera
ture In orottcted nlaces: atronv mirth.
west wind off the coast.
Oregon: Unsettled tonight with lo
cal temperature below freezing; Wed
nesday fair; fresh to strong northerly
wind off the coast.
For Hose that Wear buy
Ethel wyn B Hoffmann.
Mail Tribune Daily
Propel on' a
self In watet
Watch end
clock maJtei
Old musical
Bottom Um
ber ot a ship
Hr.s effect
Unit of work
Hlih m tbe
Russian sea
(mm era
Solution of Yesterday's, Puzzle
OU 1 5 I Al P !F I I
A N , E m t P T 5
PUR fflh E I g 1 U I
P B B NS jj C H A S T E
A S 6 ifjl S K E 3 ToP
IlIsJm o a l jj s c 'aTnIt
feafea e n pp A F O O 7jjga
C o N T rq VERT I fs I t1
Funeral tf
South A marl,
can moun
tains Again: prefix
Insects eggs
Fried (p an
open pan
Timid animal1
Each: abbr.
Esc shaped
Russian coin
Trpe meas
ures It, Come Id
84. Sheep
15, Swarm
7. City m 111a-
if. Staff
tl. Hold Cast
63. List
IS. Small island
it. Large stream
70. OuMo's low
est note
Tt. Pnker term
I2 I3 i4 K I7 lfl M' " I'2 I'3
3j . Uif 31 Wr
H23"?! HH?i II
RIVIERA, Oct. 29. (Spl) A Hal
lowe'en party la being given by
the Foots Creek Sunday school at
their ' usual gathering place, Thurs
day night. This party marks the
completion of a month's contest In
hunting Bible references. The event
will start promptly at 7:80,' and
all are cordially Invited to attend
an evening full of fun and mys
tery. -
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Thompson and
family visited relatives on Pleasant
creek October 27.
Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Joelson and
children, Leon and Lorraine, of near
Salem, visited Mrs. Joelson'i parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Biles, a few
days last week.
Ed Bollng. of Missouri Flat, was
over one day last week looking after
his cattle.
Among the winter activities be
ing planned by the Sunday school,
la the organisation of a young peo
ple's choir. It Is hoped that a
chorus composed of our many tal
ented young folks, will not only
create an atmosphere of religion
and devotion In our Sunday school,
but will also be the Inspiration or
many social evenings during the
coming season.
Kenneth Ward spent the week
end here with relatives.
Mrs. Clay Biles and Borle Jean
and Mrs. Alden Oalbreth and son
attended the meeting of the exten
sion unit held at Rogue River
October 35. The subject was buy
manshlp. About 18 ladles were pres
ent. .
Walter Collins, who has been a
patient at the Sacred Heart hos
pital, has been released and was
calling on friends here October 28.
Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Cerveny were
Medford shoppers one day last
STERLING, Oct. 29. (Spl.) B. H.
Harris, formerly of Sterling but now
of Battle around, Wash., was calling
on friends In this vicinity last week.
Sterling school Invitee the com
munity to enjoy a Hallowe'en pro
gram and pie social Thursday at 7:30
p. m. Ladles please bring a pie.
George Brownlee has returned from
Klamath Palls, where he has been
employed In lumber work.
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mra. F.
P. .Dutton were' Mr. and Mra. H. O.
Frodctt of Medford. Harvey Dutton
of Medford and Mr. and Mra. George
Brownlee. A turkey dinner was en
Joyed. Joo Curry motored to Medford Sat
urday. Mrs. H. Foster was a visitor at the
home of Mra. Jessie Turnbougb re
cently. Charley Smith and family motored
to Medford Sunday.
Olen Beard called on F. P. Dutton
and family Wednesday evening.
Be correctly corseted la
an artist Model by
Bthelwvn B Hoffmann.
Phone 643. We'll naul away your
feusre. City Sanitary Service,
Cross-Word Puzzle
t. Pea
10. Auctions
11. Bequeathed
It Pagan god
It. Cries of a eat
16. Spoken
to. Musical study
It, Heroo
24. Godly person
'11. Entirely
29, One of an
ancient rac
31. Too
.13. Hesitate
35. Larking de
termination H. Look alyly
37. Body Joint
3. Exhibit
42. Orlt
U. Change
IS. Mlmlckers
4. Edge
49. Lock opener
IL Articles ot
11. Withdraw
68. Beginning
M. Haiti a
ftO. Kestrels
11. Burn 1
S3. Solitary
94. Spheres
66. Flower
17. Carpenter's
19. feminine
71. Two: prefix
74. Near
71 Shorten
76. Remainder
78. Sri fa clous
77. Flower
1. Tremble
f. Kind of dog
t. Alternative
i. Ring slowly
. Representa
tives T. Series of
names '
1 Like
Foots Creek
POOTC CREEK. Oct. 29. (Spl)
Tommle Henderson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. T. Henderson, who was hit by
aft auto October ao while riding
his bicycle, has recovered from his
Mr. and Mrs. DtiBols, of Seattle,
who spent the past two weeks at
the Riviera auto park, returned
home October 34. The DuBols' spend
several weeks here each year en
Joying the fishing.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott, on
Donald, and Mrs. Pauline Wahl,
spent October 30 In Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Joelson and
children. Leon and. Lorraine, who
have been residing on thetr farm
near Salem for several months,
visited Mrs. Joelson 's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Biles, October aa
and 34, enroute to Ashland, where
Mr. Joelson has several contracts
putting In culverts. Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Biles left for Salem Octo
ber 26, where they will reside on
the Joelson farm.
Tony Ross and George Lowe at
tended a meeting of the Odd Fel
lows lodge In Oold Hill October
as. The grand master and several
visiting lodges were present.
The high school students attend
ing the freshmen's return party
October 36 were Phyllis Miller,
Ralph Biles, Kenneth Ward, Duane
Hutch ins, Bob and ' Victor Korth,
Anna and Kennethla Kegg and
Ethel Henderson.
Anna Kegg left October 37 for
Ohio, where she will make her home
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilchrist
and son Charles, of Gold Hill, were
Riviera callers October 34.
Mrs. Efflo Blrdseye, son ' Glenn,
and Mrs. Clay Biles, were business
visitors In O rants Pass October as.
R. S. Miller and son Rowland,
attended the football game In Med
ford October 26.
Bert Martin, of Portland, while
enroute home from San Francisco,
spent . several days visiting his
brother. Clyde Martin, at the Lowe
mine. His wife remained In Klam
ath Falls to visit Mr. Martin's sis
ter, Mrs, Glenn Hewitt, Mr. Martin
Is superintendent of the Portland
parks. Mr. Martin formerly resided
here and this Is his first visit
on the creek In 3fi years.
Nick Btrulff, of Medford, spent
the week-end with Louis Drill ff,ot
the Pickett auto camp.
Mrs. Fred Funks, of Waucoma,
Iowa, and Fred Robertson of Van
couver, Wash., visited Mrs. Pauline
Wahl and family several days last
week. Gene Miller, of Fairbanks.
Iowa, was also a guest of his grand
mother for a few days.
Mrs. O. Furnham and Mrs. B. L.
Miller, of Live Oak Orange, at
tended Pomona Orange at Central
Point October 36.
Misses Erla and Ora Chambers.
Mrs. Beth Bowers and Letsy Miller,
were dinner guests of Mrs. Vencll
Cerveny October 35, when plans
were made for the Hallowe'en party
to be given by the Sunday school
October SI.
Mra. Maude West, of Medford. la
visiting her mother, Mrs. Charles
Wahl, and brother Frank Elliott,
and other friends this week.
A crew of men from the Del Rio
orchard are picking the apples at
the Riviera plantaton tits week.
Several fiom here attended the
meeting of the home extension unit
in Rogue River October 2ft.
Re2se Creek
REESE OREEK, Oct. 29. (Spl.)
Mr. and Mra. R. M. Brown from Wleh
Ita, Kans., hava purchased the ser
vice station from Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Fulton, on Crater Lake highway. They
have taken possession and- Mr. and
Mrs. Pulton are spending a few days
of rest at Sunset on the Rogue, be
fore leaving for their former home In
Ban Diego.
Mr. and Mra. Charles Humphrey left
Friday for their minea on the Apple
gate river, to apend the week-end,
W. R. Lamb, who haa been picking
pears all fall at the Clark orchard
near Medford, finished last Friday,
Mr. and Mr. Dale Smith were din
ner guest Saturday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. I. 8. Hatfield.
The evangelist meetings are stllf In
progress and will be continued all
this coming week. Brother D. D.
Randall, missionary for the county,
has been In attendance several even
ings. Brother garry Powell has been
preaching ever since the meetlnga
Mr. and Mra. Robert Humphrey had
a bam-ralalng at their home. October
37. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Waddell
and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hatfield spent
the day helping.
Mr. and Mra. Harry Powell were
dinner gueat Sunday at the VI. R.
Lamb home. Others calling during
the day were Mr. and Mra. C. E.
Lamb and daughter Edna of Derby,
Mr. and Mrs. I. a. Hatrteld and Mr.
and Mrs. Edward White and gueata
from Medford.
Mr. and Mra. Wllford Jack and fam
ily were business callerm In Mdford
Saturday, aa were also Mr. and Mra.
W. R. Lamb and Mlaa Alice Rutten
eutter, who aooompanled them to
Our teacher are quit busy these
dsys getting ready for the Hallowe'en
party to be held next week.
Mra. Sarah Holiday, or Orand
mother, aa aha If lovingly called, was
a guest Sunday of Mra. Mary Brouse
and Mra. William Sherron.
Mr. and Mrs, Ed Cowden have fin
ished painting their house and In
passing by anyone would think of the
"little gray home In the west." Thry
also hava the water system finished
and nave the water piped Into the
Mr. and Mra. Charles Humphrey
spent the evening Thursday at the
W. R. Lamb home.
The hills are beautiful, with trees
taking on their many and varied col
ors of the rainbow. But beautiful
October will soon be gone, giving way
to Mr. Winter.
Mra. Merle Jack and two children,
Edwin and Alva Earl, spent Thurs
day t the Charles Humphrey home.
Mr. and Mra. Ivan Hatfield visited
Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Simmons at Derby.
McLSOD, Oct. SB, (Spl.) Mr. and
Mrs Coburn and children left Satur
day for thetr new home at Shtlton.
Wash., where Mr, Coburn will be em
ployed as an electrician. They were
accompanied as far as Corvallls by
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hong, who will
spend the remainder of the school
year with their son Leo, a student at
O. S. C. McLeod will greatly miss
these two families who have so gen
erously worked In behalf of commun
ity welfare.
Mr. and Mra. A. D. Tate are busily
engaged in finishing their new store
In pre i)C ration for their opening No
vo m be r 1, They will by then have a
complete line of groceries, kerosene,
gaa and oil, and aim to supply com
munity and tourist needs at regular
Medford prices. The IMtos Invite
everyone to attend the opening and
Inspect their stock and Improvements.
The Grange library, which has been
In charge of E. D. Hoog. will be taken
care of by Mr. and Mrs. Tate this
winter. Everyone interested Is urged
to make use of this library service.
Mrs. Sella Tullle has been caring
for Mrs. Marlon Train during her
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Glass and daugh
ters and Mrs. Flossie Mulllrrs were
among local folks who shopped In
Medford Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dltsworth made
another trip to Hamacker lost week
to round up stray oattle.
Uriah Gordon has moved to Katie
Grleve'a ranch, which he la renting
for the coming year.
Mrs. E. L, Olass la being visited by
her father, Munro Gorden.
Kenneth Rodgers, who has spent
several months at Mrs. Katie Orleve's
hotel In Prospect, returned to his
borne Sunday.
The Upper Rogue Orange gave a
benefit dance at the Rogue Elk ball
Saturday night. The next regular
meeting of the Grange will also be
held at Rogue Elk on November 7, at
which meeting officers for the coming
year will be elected. Pennanent ar
rangement for meeting plaoe for the
winter months will also be deter
mined at the November 7 meeting.
The Hobart Dltsworth family have
been quarantined for some weeks with
Thompson Creek
THOMPSON OREEK, Oct. 39. -(Spl.)
Mr. and Mra. W. D. Mee at
tended the parents' tea given at the
Southern Oregon Normal, where their
son Frank la attending school.
O. C. Maust of the Orange Cooper.
atlve Supply association waa a tjusl
nesa caller on Thompson creek Tues
day afternoon.
Howard MoCann of Portland Is
spending a week visiting his relatives.
Mr, and Mra. Herbert Elmore.
An Improvement on the creek waa
made last week. Frank Knutcen and
his brother-in-law, Billy Kinsman,
shingled the Knutzen barn.
The Applegate Home Economics
club met at the home of Mr. Thomas
Mee Wednesday afternoon.
Charles Elmore was a business call'
er In Hornbrook last Saturday after
Mr. and Mr. Billy Kinsman (pent
Mondav In Central Point.
Mrs. Warren Mee Is spending a few
days In Medford with ier daughter.
Mr. Don cunnlngton.
PERSIST, Oct. 29. (Spl.) Mr. and
Mra. Ray Schertnerhorn and son, Ar
thur, returned to their home In Port
land Sunday, October 19, after at-
tending Mr. Schermerhorn'a brother's
funeral at Trail.
Mr. and Mra. L. W. Ash apent the
week end at their home on Elk creek,
Orval Poterson haa been staying
the past week In Medford.
Mr. and Mr. Proctor called on the
Oerbers one day last week.
Harvey Morgan made a business
trip to Medford Friday.
Mrs. D. R. Hutchison returned to
her home Ssturday after a three
weeks' sojourn at her sister's, Mrs.
Zlmmer's, home.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. O. Ohlldreth spent
Monday In town.
Goes To Gallows
LONDON, Oct. 39. (flV-Raymond
Henry Bouequet, Winnipeg boxer
known aa Del Fontaine, was banged
today for the murder of Hilda Meek,
while opponent of capital punish
ment demonstrated outside Wand
worth prison.
Bousquet was convicted In the Old
Bailey last month of murdering Mlas
Meeks, a 31-year-old waitress, on the
night of July 30. The girl's mother
wa snot and seriously wounded at
the same time.
Youths Sentenced
To Reformatory
SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. 39. (AP)
Two eastern Oregon youths arrested
In Walla Walla, were sentenced to the
state reformatory yesurday after
pleading guilty to charges of forgery
and automobile theft.
They were Don Moore, 30, Pendle
ton. and Jamas Watters, 19, near Her
mlston. Moore drew a penalty on
both chargea, Watters only for car
Oat Mail Trlbun wont ad.
Meteorological Report
Otoober 30, 1035
MpO ford and vicinity : Unsettled
and colder tonight with temperature
below freezing; Wednesday fair.
Oregon: Unsettled tonight with lo
cal snows In mountains; colder to
night with temperature below frees
lng; Wednesday fair.
Temperature a year ago today:
Highest, 6Q; lowest, 44.
Total monthlv nr.clt.ltatinn l ft
Inches: excess for tha mnnth n Aft
Inch. Total precipitation since 8ep-
vcniwr i, iyjo, a.w mcnes; excess
for the season, 0.41 Inch.
R1satv VinmMltn . at a
terday. 73 per cent; A a. m. today, M
per cent.
Sunrise tomorrow, 0:41 a. m.
Sunset tomorrow, 6:08 p. m.
Observations Taken at 5 a. m.,
no Meridian Time.
fv fi fS
Boise .
Chicago ,
Helena ,..
Los Angeles
.... 34 Cloudy
74 63 .... Foggy
88 93 .09 Clear
70 49 .... Clear
99 43 .09 P.Cdy.
90 9 T. Snow
80 68 .. Cloudy
48 38 .07 P.Cdy.
68 80 Cloudy
68 44 Clear
84 93 .... Clear
30 88 .43 Cloudy
70 30 .. Clear
64 38 .30 Rain
60 64 Clear
63 60' . Clear
43 34 .64 P.Cdy.
48 24 .34 Cloudy
64 38 T. Snow
74 60 T. Rain -
New York
Omaha .
Portland .
Reno .,
Bait Lake City .
San Francisco .
CHICAGO, Oct. 29 (AP) Because
men "fear" them and members of
their own sex "mlstruat" them, worn
en barbera will never be "big time,"
C. A. Belmont of Los Angeles, vice
president of the Associated Master
Barbera of America, said In an Inter
view today.
"Men don't like to go to a woman
barber," Belmont said, "because It
they dislike the way alio la shaping
their balr they can't tell her about
It In a man's language."
He said the feminine love of ro
manticism bred a masculine fear of
women barbera.
Recollecting the maternal fondness
for their baby curia, men fear women
barbera would turn them out molly
coddlea, Belmont added,
"Women instlnctlvly feel that
man cuts and atylea their hair from
a viewpoint of what fa beautiful la
man's eyes and Isn't that what a
woman wants? A man wants to help
appear aa beautiful a possible. An
other woman doea not alwaya want
to do this."
Pomona Grange
(lly Gertrude Haak)
Pomona Orange met at Central
Point In an all-day meeting October
28. During the lecture hour A. K.
Banwell,' manager of the Jackson
County Chamber of Commerce, gave
a most Interesting talk on "Avia
tion," among other things telling ot
the need of an army air base on the)
coast and that this valley ia the logi
cal situation for such a base. He
also mentioned benefit to be derived
by the valley people ahould such a
baae be established, a It would bring
about 3600 army men, bealdea their
families, which would greatly stimu
late trade tor merchanta and farmers.
Professor Ooddard of Roxv Ana
Orange led in community singing
with Mis Gilford of Jacksonville at
the piano.
Extensive plans are being mad for
entertainment ot the state degree
meet to be held In MedfordsNovem
ber 13. It Is expected that about
1200 Orangers from outside point
will attend the meeting.
The Pomona degree will be con
ferred at Central Point Orange ball
Wednesday, October 80. at p. m.
We urge all masters to have all can
dldatea present a little before I
o'clock If possible.
Tou are reminded that this Is the
only time that the degree of Pomona
win b ccriferivd before the State
Orange meeting, au all expecting to .
take the state or national degree
ahould be present with proper cre
dentials. Pomona Orange Is planning many
activities for the coming year. Seat
ing and closing drills In connection
with opening and closing exercise
will Join the subordnlat Orange
in contest. Auo It 1 planned to
have another aubordlnate Orange
member Pomona attendance contest
beginning at the first meeting of the
Next meeting wilt be held at Eagl
Point December 14. at 8 p. m.
Direct Reduction
Variable Interest
6 to 8
In Mrdtnrd Utslrlct
First Federal Savmqs &
Loan Assn. of Medford
27 No. Holly St.