PAGE SIX MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORU. OREGON, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27 1935. W n.: Ill III I I r XOliJ tmSmmfammamH'V -aV.SEoLt,r J ft g g Auto Plants Invest Millions in 1936 Market I. h THE GREAT LOVER HOLLYWOOD Cal., Oct. 26. 7P Suppoaedly suffering from a. nervouj breakdown, John B anymore waa re ported to be here today In strict se clusion. Dr. Walter Harper, the actor'a phys ician, said Barrymore, recently di vorced by the blonde former Dolores Costello, was highly nervous and may have to enter a hospital for rest if his condition does not improve. Barrymore was reported to have slipped into San Pedro bay aboard his yacht, the Infanta, after a cruise from Florida. L MOSCOW, Idaho. Oct.-a6. (AP) A prediction that "Senator Borah will b a candidate for the presi dency of the United .State on the Republican ticket" was made here by Bay McKalg, national grange councilor and Intimate friend of the Idaho senator. McKalg expressed his opinion in an Interview. Queried about the oft rumored .race for the senatorshlp between Borah and Governor 0. Ben Ross. McKalg said: "There- won't be any such race. McKalg, who has been accompany ing the' senator on his north Idaho tour, emphaaizedhe was not speak ing for Borah. Politon victims Gain THE DALLES, Ore., Oct. 38. (AP) Three of the four persons who were poisoned by eating home-canned sal mon recently have good chances for complete recovery, physicians said today. The automobile Industry Is Investing millions of dollars this Fall in new plants, machinery and tools for the 1936 models, many of which will be Introduced before the New York Automobile Show opens November 2. Plymouth alone has made an advance investment of (11,500,000, accord inn to D. S. Eddins (lower inset). Charles C. Williams (left) and Joseph It. Eggcrt are shown completing a paper layout of Plymouth's new Evansville, Ind . plant to be opened October 23. A lift of frames fo 1936 cars is shown (center) against a backgroun of new plant construction and the busy loading dock of the Detroit plant. The first motors for the Lo Angeles assembly plnnt are being loaded (lowe: right), as workmen go back on the job after a briel change-over period. LONG PERIODS OF 8ACHAMENTO, Oct. 28. (UP) Audits or itate agencies responsible for the expenditures of more than $263,000,000 have been neglected over periods muglng from two to seven years, it was revealed late today by a special committee headed by Assem blyman L. M. Don 1 hue of Oakland. Aa the Inquiry Into state finances continued. Donlhue said that the state division of highways waa nan died 9100.000,000 since 1932 but has not been audited since that time. He alno said that since the start of the Ban Francisco-Oakland bay bridge $34,000,00 had been spent but no audit made of any books. Other state agencies euch as the state treasury, which "has not been audited property In 20 years, and the secretary oi state's offlco which has not been studied in seven yeara were pointed to by Donlhue as outstanding exflmples of the need of a new sys tem which will permit the checking of financial transactions within a reasonable length of time. Donlhue said "It la criminal to de mand millions each month from tax payers and then give no accounting of how money la spent. Cold figures will show how negligent the state has been and that the only euro is a new system such as I have urged from the start." FOR TRAIN WRECK MARSHPTELD, Ore.. Oct. 2fl. (ZD Youth fill prankstera were blamed to day by officer for the derailing of a freight engine and tender near here Thursday night. It w Indicated several- Del mar school children would be brought into Juvenile court for a hearing. Ties and planks on the railroad 1 track derailed the front of the South- ! ern Pactc freight train enrouto to j Ma rsh field from Powers. No one was Injured. ; Phone 643. We'll haul away your feusre. City Sanitary Service. EQUITIES GO TO HIGHS FOR YEAR NEW TOnK. Oct. 16. (AP) To- ! day's tk market was featured by Widespread small gains, In many eases sufficient to push leading equities j to new highs for a year or longer. Trading waa on a more active scale for the short session than had been i seen In soma six weeks. Motors and j a number of specialties were the ' ranking favorites, but all minor dt- ; Tlalons managed to more htgher on ' balance. The Associated Press average of 80 , stocks was at a new high not only ' for the current year but since Sep- I tember 14, 1931. The day's advance1 was .4 of a point at A3. 9. j A few Individual Inane were ahead ; a point or so, but few exceeded that amount In their progress. liniker repelled ? WASHINGTON. Oct. 38. (API The securities commission today ord ered Michael J. Meehau, prominent Wall Street speculator, to appear and show cause why he should not be ex pelled from the New York and other atock exchanges In connection with alleged manipulation of the stock of; Bellsnct Aircraft corporation. Complete Automotive Service DEPENDABLE, TOO! Whatever your sorvlco ne&ds rimy be, drive your car around here and enjoy the satis faction of knowing it will get the very FINEST ATTENTION MONEY CAN BUY ... for little monoy. too! Absolutely de pendable work friendly service and "Curt" Hopkins PERSONAL attention ... , Texaco Products and Fircstono Tires and supplies featured! We Have An Overstock of New Firestone Tires Attractive Trade-in prices this month! HOPKINS SERVICE STATION Riverside at Jackson. Phone 883 ML? J. -r- BsJfifi ZCbOgJIIAE, TROUBLE, M0NY! i mm Save Up to One-Half on These Timely Items V III Clearance Lights 25c For trucks. Col or: red, blue, clear or white. Save! tfUbuilt GENERATORS 2.95 For "T" Ford lixch. Price Ignition Points For Ford A. Heavy ! " Ford A. Exch $3.35 tungsten points. I fJC Chev. 26-33. Exch. price.... $3.36 keep a set handy. pr. 45 Plate WINTER KING fe: rifiaiir"l to ffarei to a ctu.) re ft pMcei Former jv piaiB sxo 545 with your old battery . Wards now guarantees Winter King for 24 monthsl Longer life because platea are heavier, larger, with 6 more to each battery! More starting powerl Plenty of reservo power for your heater, radio and other accessories. Ward Oil Filter 1.19 Ward IS.mrn mile ; nil filler. Exactly same a mnke inert on mn-4 new curs! Save W Ms Big Value Chains 1.98 sr. lm 104.S0-2 All Sin Chains Lew frind Wards Standard Quality! Case hardened steel crosa chains! Come in! See what you save! s - v i i i i t 8 j i i f rM i k. irtf ki I ' II MM- LtMI WARDS Sunrama Oualitv 1 Hot Water Heater 749 Complete With Flttlllfs Equal to most $18 Heat ers. Oversize brasa core, 48 tubes! Delco motor! Chrome-plated front. Forget-proof rheostat witch. Save! mm SU Wards Standard Quality Auto HEATER 598 sr romplpte with rittlnn Outstanding valuel Big quiet motor, solid brack ets, brasa core 42 tubes! Heat enough for all popular cars! Chrom ium trim. Save! A Tip for Smart Tire Buyers! CHANGE TOWARDS FIRST QUALITY ES 7ou)! GET PRACTICALLY fA& MILEAGE DURING THE WINTER MONTHS Riversides Mounted Now Will Show I iltta af Ma UJnf nAW .-j Spring; an established fact heeded by smart motorists everywhere! And Riversides give you extra savings too in more mileage up to 28 more aa proved in actual road tests against other first quality tires. You get up to one free mile in every five I Get the Safety of Riverside's Center Traction Tread during the Winter Months, when you need it most; the tread super resistant to skidding, both forward and side way! It assures you a lightning get-away and sure stops, on slippery pavements I Yet, yon pay less for Riverside extra safety and mileage! Montgomery Ward Backs Riverside Tires With a No-Limit Guarantee - The ' Strongest Written! Protects you against Blewsuti EVERYTHING that can happen to a tire in service WITHOUT LIMIT as to the number of months in service or number of miles you drive! Cub Undir InlUHoa WhiettoutolUM IralMi Faulty trikM LIBERAL ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD TIRES S3.69 For Ford A TWotaon car buretor. For ;her S4.30 WARDS CLEANER ' for flu shine Radiators, Wards Non-Eraporatlng,Non-Rustlng t Mi-Freeze Fill up now with Wards" Supreme Quality Anti Freeze. One filling lasts all winter, and you can reuse it next winter. Same kind of protection as high-priced anti freezes, but Wards price is low! 79 OAL. 29 WARDS STOPLEAK for auto radiators. St. in FELT MATS pr o t ects against drafts. In Your Container AI.o Sold In 1 Gal. Cans Wards Alcohol Full Strength 188 proof ..89c fa!. IB . ff 75 33 SUPREME Q U AL1TY SPARK PLUG. RADIATOR COVERS for a 1 1 popular cars. WARDS 100 PURE PENNSYLVANIA MOTOR OIL V c 93f tr. Tire PATCHING OUTFIT Siive! US! raifcaZw XftnaT 70 SOCKET WREN CH SET. 8 Sock, ets. 17 Inc. Tas In Your Container All S. A. E. Grades Super tough niml Antl-Sludf Ing Flows easily In coldl Lis Carbon Formlngl All from Bradford Allegheny District Crude the world's finest! Refined by newest solvent processes to give com plete protection under terrific motor heats and sub-zero cold! None better yet Wards saves you , of service station prices! s 117 SOUTH CENTRAL TELEPHONE 286 i