PJGE TEN".--.-. it HIGH 8YNOF8J8: Anns Farns.... feels an atmosphere of forebudt t. in everything connected with tht mysterious trip she hat made front Portland to Astoria with her father and mother. Now Luke Farneworth is laying down the law to his rcla tives and Rob Cracker, his right hand man whom Anne ie engaged to marry. Anne is learning much about the operation of the Farne worth fish canneries her father opposes buying ffsh from the men who trap them for one thing. Chapter Six HARSH WORDS "rAD," Interposed Anne, "why "don't you approve of baying from the traps? Thtre must he a rea son." "I feel there Is a reason, though others may not agree with me. This view Is purely personal, but as long as I own the canneries, I want It re spected. "Traps are usually owned by In dividuals; but their haul Is many times that of the Individual fisher man. 1 feel tbelr wanton catch, com pared with that of the fisherman who has spent bis life on the waters learning bis particular profession, Is not fair play. "I won't stand for it!" Luke Farns worth's voice boomed out He waited a moment for this to sink In, then went on, "Lee, you know my views. It's up to you, hers on the ground. Anne found Rob and to act fore. Tom, you're handling ihe legal end of things down here. 1 tan't seem to learn who are the real owners of these traps. It you're not mart enough to And out, I'll bring lomeone down here who can. "And you, Rob, evon In Portland were in a position to know to whom the Arm's money was going. Check that end Immediately, I work with men who go out In boats and I will not tolerate any deviation from this plan. That's ail." He arose, but Anne noticed Rob was on his feet, facing ber father, yes narrowed In anger. Anne stood by helplessly as Crocker spoke. "You got that cock nd bull story from John Neuman," he stated belligerantly. "1 did no such thing," Farnswortb retorted. "Tom there was In my office while 1 talked to John. 1 didn't know Tom was there. He kept his pres ence suspiciously quiet, I'm glad bow that be did because he can prove Neuman refused to talk; Insisted he had so proof of any of the trouble you said had brought you down from Portland." And then as an added shot, "Neu man Isn't the. kind of a man to con demn another without proof." "Meaning I am?" demanded Crocker. T UKE FAn.S'SWOIlTU stared at Rob as If be were only now seeing him for the Orst time. "I don't know," be answered frankly, "are you?" "Mr. Farnswortb." Rob's voice was trembling. "1 appreciate the fact that you are my employer, the fnther of the girl I'm going to marry, but no man enn talk to me like that." "Like whet?" asked Farnswortb. calmly. "Like I bad" "Rob, quiet down." Torn Farley was beside the younger man. "get hold of yourself. Overlook this Luke, the hoy's upset, he's hnd tongb day "You see, Luke, we folks who've work's! around Astoria within the laat five years know Neuman The Finns tliiuk be wears a halo and wings tmause he has a college edu cation and a knack of netting along with nig business men. Rob, hero, knows his Influence over the fisher men and be suspects him of playing WEATHER SLOWS RETAIL SELLING NEW YORK Oct. 3. (AP) Tt rrirrnr nf warm tnd tinttlrd wnthr "intrlctd Ihit d.MribtjMon of it.tvhaoftle dutinc the flrrordlng lo the"wk!y rtvlw ot Dun Ac BrartufrM. Iwurd toliy. "Retailors in swma part of the country reeordfd the smalltvt totala in nearly two niontha, although the comparative figures of a year ago generally were exceeded," the survey as id. "Ketail aal barely wart oa par rf-4 J , HiI COURAGES Jamnn. Bowman, -"frE&ffiil IM rinii AnillOTMCMT .ui against our canneries. Natur jily, as an employee, and a future ! son-in-law, bo's Interested" f 1 .. .... .lima n ha ttUam Inn For once she agreed with Farley. II explained Rob's feeling towards Neuman on the wharves . . . and yet, what was there In what her father had said to arouse such anger In Rob? "Daddy," she looked up at him, "please, I lore you both so much." Farnswortb looked down and the grim lines of bis face relaxed. "You love us both," he repeated, "all right. Goodnight Rob, Tom, thanks for the car, Lee. Come on Anne, see mother and me out to the car." LUCINDA was waiting and the three scurried through the rain to the shelter of the car. "Don't like to leave you troubled, like this Anne child," Farnswortb said, "you'll have to trust your old dad a little longer. We'll talk more about this when you reach home, and remem ber Anne, say nothing to the others about Tecla's visit." "I won't, and Dad," she confided. "I do trust you, and your Judgment, even above Rob'e." "Thanks dear, that sounds good to an old man." "Oh, I wish you'd take me with you," she cried In sudden panic, as Sharlee dancing. wind and rain rushed In fury against the windows of the car. "Dad you will be careful." "Silly girl," her mother chlded, "Imagine telling an Oregontan to beware of the rain. I'll telephone yon In the morning, you're to stay on bere, I brought your bags up wltb me." Anne kissed them both, clung to them, releasing ber bold reluctantly, then at her mother's warning not to spot her gown, rushed back through the rain to the veranda. She saw her mother's profile, as her father switched on the Ignition, saw her father's arm chin as be bent forward to release the brake. Rain drenched shruobery sprang Into In dividual shapes .s the headlights all verod too darkness. The car moved on until only the ruby tall light twinkled behind like a malevolent eye. Anne stood a moment listening to the receding sound of the motor. A walling wind tore In from the water, then faded to a soft rustle among the ' firs. "Ghosts of dead ships, swishing their seaweed shrouds," thought Anne, and shuddered. "I'm getting morbid," she whispered, "better talk to Rob." Slio went Into the house to find Rob and Shnrlee again dnnclng to radio muslo. She encountered Mllna Sorkl, putting on her coat In the side hall. ".Mllna, If you'll wait, Rob and I will drive you home." Rob seemed more than willing to go, and diplomatically persuaded Shnrlee not to accompany them. They made the drive quickly, Mllna shyly answoring questions apked by Anne. Rob concentrating his attention upon driving In the storm. Down through town they wont, then over the hill which forms a barrier between Astoria and the Finnish settlement of Union Town. Depositing Mllna at the foot of a long lnlrr.no. Hob drove off down the highway to a r-vo! where they could park and watch the rush of storm tossed waves, bolllug In on the sands. (Vovvrlglxt IfSt. bit Jeannt Bowman) Ann oti ths molt terrible ihyok tt hr lift, tomorrow. with thou of the week prex-iyting. yiien compared with the. showing for thf corrrpon1lng 19a prrtod, howevrr, few Kvpc wer rpi'ordcft, the etlmnti tncrente lr the coun try or the totals ranging; from 13 to 12 jvr cent. I "Nftfhrr In reorders nor freh I ! commttmrnti Ud wholesale volume ! come tip to" that recorded for the j week prercnllng, the flower movement , of mere hand lae at retail reiMiltlng in many iniyrrn postponing tlwtr trip until ttie weather will have turneo mote favorable. "No eignitlcance wa attached to' tfta tn hnn .t ... at. n-.HaAri, I potvltioita. growing shortaRra of some i of Hie mov popular gxvii, and rising prlrr level will brim? more ex tended ordering as soon as consumer demand will have been resumed. "The alowness rhtefly was in ap parel divisions, es the coll fur stapled ' became more InslsVnt. with the rt , of IndlMdii.tl ordei l..rs;ir and fill la requests wore uumetou.'' ' MEPFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEPPOK1V OREGON, STJSDAT, OCTOBER 27, 1935. 3 LONG TERM PROGRAM 111 hW1 HUJUO ML 1 WASHINGTON Oct. ' 11-1 API President Roosevelt sought today to point the farm program away from an "emergency" ' application to ' a "long term" plan, asserting that the latter "is developing naturally out When you light a match to see If your gasoline tank is empty you are taking a great chance If It IS empty for an empty gasoline tank la more likely to explode than a full one. Gasoline, before It can explode, must vaporize. If a tank Is full there Is no room for explosive vapors to collect. A tank partly empty Is likely to have dangerous gases. Even though a can or tnnk la. empty and has the cover removed, there Is no guarantee that It Is not explosive. Vapors In an empty, uncovered tank have been STRANGE AS IT SEEMS By JOHN HIX I () CJ J' For further proof address the author, Inclosing stamped envelope for reply, Heg. TJ. 8. Pat Off. j jQZQ . "ftN J&J$-a& lu X yhfirf jSS&PL BESOnrS f6E TORMIMS. BUT ctS BOREP WlfH 0Rrlm6 W&ES , BE)rl6 OF I.INEN, WONif """''"M'-w Bfntt jnwji n jrzr5 ViW-SSJvSX wrfrf his minp on oikfn, . paces, and -Tries -termhs -reflR-. 1km smm heh W J&lAf'Xt K1- WrB60KHWlW6 60fURNri) CfNfRftfES OK SOCKIKS W5- j-k. WMMWITAL. COMER'S , UR51DI TOWK.DOKrJ'r REC06'- HUMB , I W-, 1, - -WT f&nCiSCO- euys VJ12E M OffotVicCvRfc J mf, JJ V. , y I V"mra 10-23 ' (Copyrkrht, 18M, by The Bn gyndlcats, Tjs.) Htt h I CI 0 rAtTTFD S MATTEE P0P ; By"orM7PATNB TAILSPIN TOMMY Inez In Danger AS TOMMY W VMS SURE TWAT EL LIBERATOR, UNDER THE MENACE OF A SUN MAO ARRANGED A 3AF6T SET-AWAY FOR. HIMSELF CTOnAiY) INEZ, AND HER. FATHER, CON CASTAMETO- CAPTAN GARCIA, RECOVERING FROM HIS Fl&HT WITH TOM, MOD 6ETTIN6 FREE FROM THE ROPES BIN0IW6 HIM, PftSHED OUT ON THE VeOMJDA ftMOSHoVTED- of a sun - hao iw-crs sm'B rksm i v&m - w 'wm .r.i vm. twk& u BEN WEBSTER'S CAREER Explanations I , . ... , ; ,: . Bv EDWIN ALGER CWylf1' ' yoiTRE TELUMMB? 'coiRSe! fkii Slab BEUEVE ME WH&M I TFlTI ffel ' , . N- JWite.hS52S 7 U WUTRIK TO HAVE AAEj- FEED YOOAK10 NOT TO YOU K WT 'Vr&CTl "1 , ' Mv W H 1 o fV I?"" 'M-AMD JUST FOR UuN IN ? THE SHERIFF'S A WDWM' ' 1 THE NEBBS No Place to Qo , . . . . " ; By SOL HESS f get tuat suv our V .p- y twikjk,- V f es GOT to &er vuell - ' OF UGRe.WE'STUVlKjfS UELL' fiFT.FLL rViEPH-tS MO OWCE . SO fROM f?$ A -n x AB Jr v& r if w r W- of the present adjustment efforts." In a statement issued at his first post-vacation press conference, the wind and sun -bronzed president re msrked It was not the Intention of congressional framers of the act co administrators of the law to let the AAA be "either a mere emergency operation or a static agency "It was their Intention as it Is mine to pass from the purely emer gency phases necessitated by a grave national crisis to a long time, more permsnent plsn for American agri culture," he said. f known to remain there for two years, according to Chief Blake of the Los Angeles tire department. Samuel P. Carter, admiral of the navy and major general of the army, began his career at the age of 31 In the navy when he left Princeton In 1S40 to become a midshipman. He was later an Instructor In the Naval Acsdemy, and during the Mexican war he served with distinction. In 1881 he was transferred to the war department. He served with the aimy during the Civil war, becoming Phone H2. We'll Usui away your an Artist Model by II , M refuse. City Sanitary Service. I Ethelwvn B. Hoffmann. 1 j tf . I I - T .1 aV A I . l I aSOLOAOO&i XT S 1 Lf yxv QUCKCV3 Tol INez'i .HOftSC rX A "roCKl-THEY rsUM ii W VxVi, MofteSLtO (OUST LASS BEHIND Mf HAVE-KIDNAPPED" ASTWRL. , tffl TO POI50M oOflTOC ' A "EW SO "EftM ME COULOM'T MV SOLO MIME.CAMT Jj- , S SET 1NJTO Atvir-. jcr 11 Three Fatalities Oregon Industry 8 AX EM Oct. So. (AP) Three men died frotn Injuries received In Oregon Industrial accident during the psst week, the atat Industrial accident commission -reported today. The victims were Jamee w. Cleve land. Salem woodcutter; Raymond C. Cleveland. dlendals logger, and N. A. Wiley. Portland painter. There were 707 accidents reported. a major general In 1865. He retired from the army to serve with the navy again, and from 1869 to 1872 he was commandant of the Naval Academy. He retired nine years later. The old expression that a hole dug straight down In the United States or Canada would come out In China Is a big mistake. Such a hole would come out st sea In the Indian ocean In the southern hemisphere, -you would have to go south of the equator and start digging if you wanted to come oiy In China. Monday: The Potato Migration w comcuy corseted is I kklci. PICTURE BOOK -OL O - (h i RECEIVES HIS FlRSf PkZ-fdRS TOEStPf QOlfE KHOW WHAtU) OIOWS AlJrfrt VWCMf K( OPali ahhu HA ..tbS., . . i -.1 a i.:(Otf AC a Serf I i i uww mi wmh ii . iiKro m rtw if it r. lunt- vr " un ii L-s (Oopyright, W by The Bell gdlcaj . . - Bv HAL FORREST By GLUYAS WILLIAMS t