PAGE FOUR MEDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDPOKD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1935 HIGH COURAGE by Jeann SYNOPSIS: Anns Farnsworth eai ;iot help feeling uneasy, partly because ot her father1 sudden and myaterioua decision to visit his As toria plant, partly because the alti tude of her fiance. Rob Crocker, and especially bectuee the hae found her father deeply interested in what Tecla Borki, Anne's old nurse, is telllno htm. Nolo Anne is f oing with Rob to dinner with rela tves whom she aordially detests. Chapter Five HAPPY FAMILY TpHE drive wai abort. The ar soon moved np the ahrub-llned Jrlveway to the bouse where Anne had spent the early yn of her life and upon which she now looked with affectionate Interest. Sharlee was at the door to meet them, bracelets, necklaces, dangling tar-rlngs and curls fluttering and langllng with her animation. "Where's your mother?" de manded Mrs. Charlotte Farnsworth, appearing from an Inner room, her perpetual look of discontent more deeply etched on her almost mascu line features than ever, Anne explained that she had been letalned by her father, who was late In getting In from the cannery. "Lee got In early enough," Mrs. Tarnsworth countered. "I don't see Sharlee was at the rhat Luke thought he bad to do. He ihould know by this time that Lee's capable of managing affairs down here, Portland too for that matter, and without Interference." Anne was saved the embarrass ment of a reply by the sudden switching of the conversation. "Beautiful cape," observed Mrs. Farnsworth, grudgingly, "must have eost a fortune. MUna" a slim, pale blond girl came In from another room, smiled shyly at Anne, and took the cape. J'Anne, you do wear the plainest clothes." she went on as the smartly designed coral frock was revealed, "and with all the money you have to spendl But then, plain girl, plain clothes. Let's go In the living room. I left a platter ot hart i'omvres, on the table beside Mabel, and at the rate she was sampling there won't be one left. That woman could eat her way through a cracker factory." Anne smothered a smile, and fol lowed her aunt in to where Mabel Farley, a feminine replica of Lee Farnsworth and faintly resembling her own father, voa nibbling on the last toasted oblong. "Lee Just Insisted 1 take It," she apologized under the condemning ot her sister-in-law. "Hello, Anne, pretty dress. My but you're thin. Ought to cat more. But then, girls in love, eh, Tom? Remember how thin I was before we were mar ried?" A NNB, Hps twitching, caught the sardonic look Tom Farley cast his wlfo, before turning his atten tion t" ber. "1 surposo we'll have to wal' dinner unltl the millionaire Farnsworths arrive." he observed blttngly. then turned to Lee, who had answered the telephone and was now looking at them with a bewildered expression which sat Incongruously on his fat, pleasant face. "Luke called." he explained, "snys he's leaving for Portland right after dinner, wnnt's to use my car." Anne listened to her undo In fresh consternation. What had happened to cause Luke to rush back to Port land In such a norm? Tbe others wondered tht same thing and plied Anne with Questions Placer gold mines are worked by Qallas in the south and west prov inces of Ethiopia. Consumption of fresh fruits In ajtsdim KHu nnn mmMr&ni - i 'itatfritSIakaiA'kawHaJ Great Britain broke all previous rec- aldered objects ol th highest value rio, roMi-riT i v r- V,Mi "" 'V'!1'!!! ,i,Ci i -rvi-r'g x V.' Ml m:'".;iiiiniiHini ords during th. lt year, amounting In Ceram, n Island ot the Duteh . M XT.J" fVp35- Y ME'3 REALUV (-n krv tM GRATHPUL. TO Vt.i VL.L REPORT WIS COMDlTlOKI BAC S'l ' V to nearly two million tons. I East Indies. fl S,Cr. , ,- ( TOO ILL TO III1 f ,7. ,V2rv V vou ANJO TME. LOO&E Vp .TO TME LOOSE ANJO DOMT VOU nJ1' i' - 1 JXlS- UZ 7 V SEE. AXIVONJE y I I A? 7? V COR- VOUR- J W0RRV, MRS, WEBB, IF WORSE COME5 ! ' 't"? ns ll I I If I J 1. BCOTV4H(2. MEBBy TT I DOCTOR WOMT LET kWJE OF AO. TME FIWAL DETAILS. ' v'i 6 f 1 I,. J Tl I TT" ) i 1 V A SOUL.' VrWE LODGE EV'EM PURNJISMES THBR a& Bowman, which they soon realized she could not answer. Nor did they gain more satisfac tion after the arrival of the Luke Farnsworths. "Going on business," was Luke's terse reply to the storm of queries, and with that, they had to be satis fied. The dinner wasn't pleasant af fair. Luke, obviously upset over something, paid scant attention to the remarks addressed to him, and Luclnda, trying to defend or medi ate, seemed as distrait as be. Anne, observing them, was uncomfortable, and when she caught an occasional glimpse of Rob, seated on the same side of the table but below her, she found he was studying her parents with a grim, suspicious air. Only Sharlee seemed at ease. Shar lee and MUna. Sharlee's high laugh echoed above the monotone of talk and occasionally ber rapid staccato chatter caused the others to pause and listen. Anne won her aunt's displeasure by conversing with MUna as she served, and was relieved when the dinner was over and tbey were al lowed to repair to the living room. "Anne," Luke Farnsworth beck oned, "and boys, Lee. Tom and you. Rob. I want to talk to you all In the library." door to meet them. HB waited until the tnm were seated and Anne perched on his chair, then he began. She listened with growing wonder at his obvious displeasure. "Anne," he said, "I'm sorry I haven't taught you something about the business wblch provides you with your livelihood. Vou'd under stand betten wbat I'm about to speak of to tbe boys. However" he turned to them, "I'm not pleased with the way things are being bandied down here. "You all know my views on flsh traps. You know I'll consent to buy from them only after the supply of fered by the fishermen has been ex hausted. And yet I come down here and learn that you are working with the trap owners, giving them pref erence over tbe fishermen. "Now, Anne, this Is the way things are handled among the cannery men. Each cannery either owns Us own boats wblch are used by speclflo groups of fishermen, or they cater to groups who serve them and no one else. These fishermen depend upon the canneries to buy their haul, as much as the canneries depend upon the fishermen. "The Farnsworth Fisheries have always dealt with the Finns. 1 lived among these people as a boy and learned to appreciate their Integrity and dependability. "I've prided myself upon match lug these qualttlea. "Now, Anne, there are certain sea sons when the run ot fish la greater than others. There are also closed seasons, a time allowed the flsh to pass unmolested up the river to their spawning grounds. During this closed season, the fishermen mend their nets and their boots, and our cannerlea put the equipment Into perfect running order. "We are nearlng a closed season. During the past tew years there has been a shortage ot flsh, and every thing points to a record spring run. The spring run, you see, Is tho great est of the year. "Sometimes, during a record run, the canneries are over-taxed." Celery grow, wild In Eng.and by Ml HtTW wTmi-fn V V T LT fj f f A " ( LSJ the .Idea of dltchea and In marahy S AS fl "ri TMr I 7 .9, I &L7 yiHi - LSil I nl I aaliaaaWaaaa . THE NEBBS The Brother NEWEST COMET' TO WILLIAMS BAT, Wis. (UP) Like tome gigantic Insect lured by the light, the new comet discovered at Yerkes observatory is rapidly ap proaching the sun and will be nearest to tt on Dec. 9, when It will begin swinging away. This solar game of tag was de STRANGE AS IT SEEMS By JOHN HIX War -farther proof addrest the author, Inclosinf a atamped enrelope for reply. Ref . TJ. 8. Pat OS. J&&-s? 7 W. A. AARra?- V wrten we wteaiveM h fait vhj pi zisioute, V . fHi$ftiKy VJ On town with two names and two nations each refusing to recognize the name the other had given it this was the situation that existed for 'a time at what Is now known as Colon at the Atlantic end of the Panama Canal. The United States named It Asp In wall in honor of the father of the Panama railway. Pan ama refused to deliver mall ad dressed to Asplnwall and the United States, on the other hand, Insisted there was no such town s colon. Finally the situation became Impos sible and the United states gave TAILSPIN TOMMY Will They 232i EL LIB, START iVWl, (iy) fW R1DG.TH056 PUTS Jp'sT NOU5 WW M JW--y-C MOVINS TOvOARDf IF YD' INSIST" fJ V 1 'OR.SE--HE Hm FZMfaX?-"" Wlifl L- BEN WEBSTER'S CAREER The Phase I . . ' ' " By EDWIN ALGER WHAT A GNEU. DOU6LB-. 1 1 f WVW IN TARSiATiOW' 60Kl' V" VLl tHA. VOu"! (vou HERE WITH BRIAR 1 -MCROG$ER YOU TURNED OUT f WMAT6 VoU LITTLE iG&! OM, EEM ? VNHO'S THE LITTLE EVERYTHING g ' I AKIO LONESTAR,' I MANT J - ,VTO 8E TRICWN' ME INTO L EATING jf NO6O0Y1& GOINO PEPPER POT? WHAT HAPPENED IN A LITTLE r TO GET THAT POOR, scribed here by Prof. George Van Bleibroeck, discoverer of the new comer, who has computed the comet's path. "At present," Van Blesboreck said. "Its distance from the sun la almost double the distance between the earth and the sun, but on Dec. 9 It will be only one and one-fourth as great." The Blesboerck comet, the professor admitted. Is somewhat unorthodox a comets go. Instead of keeping Its tall conveniently pointed away from the sun, H makes the appendage describe1 a 90-degree angle with the line Join ing the comet and the sun. But you'd never know It, Bles broeck said. In effect. "Its brightness in. The town has since been Colon- Only the lowest notes on piano have but one string to the key. Up about one octave from the lowest note, each key has two strings, and In the higher notes. there are three strings for each key. There are more than twice as many strings as keys In the average piano. Strange' as It seems, Dlonyslus, the Tyrant of Syracuse, survived victory and defeat on the battle field, he knew both honor and exile, riches Escape? Is expected to Increase until tho mld die of December but It will almost certainly remain beyond observation with the naked eye." A new profession ot "patent econ omists" has been launched In Ger many by a group of engineers and economists. Members of the profes sion will give advice and practical assistance to inventors. ' Tbe United States has displaced Germany as the chief supplier ot toys In Canada. Imports of Japanese toys have been Increasing rapidly but a surtax of 33 per cent recently was Imposed on Japanese goods entering Canada. and poverty these were fortunes of war and power; whatever Joy or sad ness went with them were small compared to the Joy he felt when one of his poems won a prize. Ex iled and. Impoverished after his reign, Dlonyslus entered his poems In com petition many times without suc cess but even so he was prouder of them than of his victories. And one day when news arrived that he had won a prize In poetry he died In a spasm of sheer Joy. Tomorrow: Dangerous Nothing. SUBURBAN HEIGHTS By GLUYAS WILLIAMS I V V H ' I .SUE "faERE WERE KANV DOMESTIC CRISES AFTER TriE LASf MEEflK6 OFHE WOMEN'S 8RID6E CLUB ' which, 0wim6 -fo am over he bidding . of the last" hand, dip not break up on -Time, leaving, the husbands re-corking on -The 515" Wrfa NO fRANSPORfAlfON FROM fHE 5AlON (Copyright, 1838, by The Bell Syndicate, Ine.) W-TZ S'MATTER POP- 3T?o-pTe3 A- 3TooW uor cPh 6PoowSi p 1 out osfifawiNJow!, A "Po"p Mat's t4e- . 'HAMMAifEiTwrtTii dO' mffm' s" J IMIm 4"I-E. TOTS A. Kf JPffl r By 0. M, PAYNE By HAL FORREST. By SOL HESS