1 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFOKD, OREGON. THTTRSD'AT, OCTOBER 24. 1935. PJGE SEVEN lVff AtWAVS AT WARDS' . , x .-, I " I V. Complete Selection! New York Styles! Is7 At the Peak of the Season! The Greatest Coat Valnes We've O Ever Offered . . M ft 1- f Winter Coats Sale at 23.75... styles copied from 149 and 159 successes! Sale at 23.75 . . . rare furs badger, wolf , fox, skunk, caracul! Sale at 23.75 . Sale at 23.75 Sale at 23.75 . smart rough surface woolens in new weaves! , . lustrous silk linings; warm interlinings! , . buys workmanship you'd pay MUCH MORE for! We can't stress the point enough that these coat values are nothing short of incredible. Why wait for end-of-soason sales, when Wards offer you NOW a complete selec-: tion of last-minute styles at a price you can nor better! Sizes 14-52. Don't Miss This Sale! You can't duplicate such coat values else where! ..... ' Use Wards Convenient Budget or Layaway Plan Men's Extra Warm Healthgards 89c Heavy weight cotton Health garde insure real wermth! Military shoulder! I Flit locked seamil Will not rip. Boys' Heavy Weight Healthgards 69c pit smoothly no bunehlngl Wash 'em easily! Men's Heavy Weight Unlonsults 2.49 W) wool for extra smith Boys' Heavy Weight Unlonsults 89c Men's'Jackets 5.98 I mart Plf-gralned Capeskln leather Jacket with Talon allele fastener. Shirred bark. Corduroy Pants 2.98 front hoatsall drill porketa. Leather, biscuit, or cdrn. sues 28 to 38. 10 wooTfor extra warmth Boys' Sweater 2.98 CoMrk JarkPt: nllde favtrner pleated bark. Worsted knit. Mitt.. '..You can't go wrong on Wards Polo Model Overcoats .5.95 "Always Good" Style Winter Weight Wools About the most com fortable, all-around coats you'll find at any where near this price I Tailored with a swing that most men like. Firm bodied woolens in Winter browns, grays, or dark blue; over checks in gray or blue. Also, other models at this price. Extra Heavy Wool Melton Jackets 98 Unusual at this prict became they have coat shaped sleeves that fit better. Heavy 33-ounce all-wool melton cloth in navy blue. Slide fast ener. Wide collar, deep pockets. 36 to 46. Beautify Roofs with Hexagon -AsphaltShingles R25 n i Square Made to Last 18 Yrs. New, bright lasting col ors ; fire resisting ; weighs 167 lbs. per bundle and covers 50 sq. ft of roof. Popular pattern distinc tive for its economy. Wards price is low. 90-Lb. Slate Surface Asphalt Roofing r f 'I Q20 Roll i In bright new colors! Made to last 18 yrs. Forest-Green and Tile-Red in new desirable bril liance! Weight per roll 90 pounds. Fire resist ant, waterproof, durable! RollCoverslOOsquart feet of surface. Certified Gloss Enamel MmI for kjlteh-n. hMlirnom walU and all nuod work. Prl- In B to S hour-; a"hahl-! Certified Scmi-Glo3 Qt. S2t A -oft rb enamil flnuh: drlp oernlshf. I.wg w-nr ar)rt hratltv; -a-y to e. Certified Flat Wall - - Qt. 73 l.nterle". rlrh flat tlnlh for dlnlnj. llTln. fied rnom wnlt"; drlr In S hour. Coverall Semi-Gloss - Qt. e3 IMIIn-llk- -tall mlnt: o anjaherr; ea-r t Trn"h; rii. ror-r- 2.VI q. ft. 2 coat.. Coverall Flat Wall - Qt. 53f llldfa morr. (over- h-llfr; drt- overnl-ht. Fine nfl tliil'h; rall nahrd. Asphalt Roll Roofing 1.48 Roll ' 3S-.D. Weight town 100 q. feft. For all tern porary purponpi. Tough asphAlt and felt. Saret 1 Asbestos Roof Coating 80c o""," Seals crack, holes, seamf t water proof; fire resistant. Asphalt Roof Paint 70 c o,,,b" Waterproofing for any roof aa far. Plastic Roof Cement 17c orjnd Tonifh, pntt.T-Uke waterprnof Int; of anphaltum and abMto( for large holes. Window Glass 15c 1011 Six. P-re on elear, fine claa at Wardi. Other sixes equally low priced. Turpentine, gal 1.00 Linseed Oil, gal 1.10 (Rrlns your own ran) Pure White Lead, 100 lbs 12.25 2- in. Trim Brush 40 4-ln. Wall Brush 1.00 3- ln. riat Brush 20? 3 Knot Roof Brush ... 60t 4 Knot Roof Brush ... 75 Putty Knife 10f 4lnch Jointer 12.45 Wards Powr-Krsft Quslltyl Rrlf-liihrlratlnf bearln-a. Cuts up to !4 Inch deep. Electric Drill 17.25 flE. motor for 110-120 volt A.C. or D.C. Jarobs key churn. Chrome -teel gear-. c 4 Blow Torch 2.85 Produces hot blue flame! Non clog needle valve. Seamles brass Unk steel bottom I Don't Miss the Medford Salem Game Saturday , Van Scoyoo Field Tool Grinder v 1.48 Silicate -nndln( -rheel. sire 1 by S In. Machine cut sears. Ad Jastable tool rot. Sarel Husky Bench Visa 1.00 Cat body with antll. Cold rU d steel earrlage bars, seraw, handle. IM-ln. Jaws. If You Want Finest Quality lowest Prcei HARDWARE SEE WARDS COMPLETE LINEI TT OGXQQfi ml ' CLAW HAMMER j25 Drop forged from vsnadl um alloy steeltoughest, hardest steel made! Sure grip claws for large spikes or small brads I Select straight grain second growth hickory handle securely weag-ui 26-Inch Hand Saw - - - - - 2.45 Chrome -liny .fcrl blade (round vlth uniform 4-saii-e taper from cuttlnK edge lo back. No bind ing or hucklln-I Teeth hand art and filed to dia mond points S points to the Inch! Applewood handle! Single Bit Axe - - 2.15 Balanced aH-lh. head torscd from h!heat qdaliry tool steel! Specially tempered, non-chlppln- tool t,cl bit hand honed for fa-t. clean cilltln! a In. select hickory handle! Michigan pattern. Combination Pliers 75c mop fnr-ed tonsil alloy stcell Adjustable, slip proof knurled handle-! Sharply cut. milled Jaws -rip and hold! Fully nlckel-plnted! 8-Inch sire. 8-Inch Screw Driver 65c A screw drher to be proud o(! Polished one-pleca. tempered tool steel blade! Heep-flllted hardwood hnndle! Insulating washer prevents shock! Ratchet Brace. Ball hearlns - . firmer Chisel. 1-ln. sis. 4V4-ln. blade Mart Ksw. Adjustable frame Tinners' Snips. .TJ-ln. blades !'in-ln. .atlllson Fattern Tips Wreneh -Oara-e Vise. 3-lnrh knurled Jaws Automatic Push mill. With S drills . . 4.4a . J.V . lc , t.1 , 113 , .1! , t.r 117 SOUTH CENTRAL TELEPHONE 28