Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 21, 1935, Page 5, Image 5

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Local and Personal
FHeitels Fish Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
liegel spent the week-end fishing
a Rcev river.
Homecoming Homecoming will be
eld ftt First Methodist Episcopal
raroh Tuesday.
To Portland Elmer Harried left
lis morning lor Portland, where he
111 make a short business visit.
Leaves for Drain S. C. Peterson of
keksonvllle left on the marnlna roln
yc Drain, where he will transact
To Townsenrt Convention W. F.
illver left yesterday morning to at
md the Townsend convention In
hloago, as delegate.
Owen to Portland Jim Owen of
le Medford Corporation la In Port
ind on business. He will be gone
iveral days.
At Community Hospital Charles 3.
rhtte of Roseburg was receiving med
ial care at the Community hospital
5day. ,
. '
Bag Nice Buck Tom Robinson and
wl Larson, hunting In the Apple
ate district, yesterday got a fine big
lack-tail buck, they reported today.
Hunting Huge Honkers Ralph
tephenson. Jack Porter and Frank
erl left yesterday for the Klamath
ountry to hunt for geese and ducks,
hey expect to be gone several days.
Prepare for Nurnery Ground was
elng prepared today for the Med
jrd nursery at Sixth and Grape
reeta, under supervision of the pro
rletor. William Moss. The land Is
?nted from Julius Wolf of Ashland.
Railroad Offlrlnh Here A. W.Shoe
laker. special representative of the
lssourl Pacific lines, of Portland,
nd p. M.' Fowler, general agent for
he company In .Seattle, arrived In
ledford this morning on business.
Managers Here Arriving In Med
trA this morning were Merle W.
lancy, perishable traffic manager for
tie Missouri Pacific lines, and W. M.
look, assistant traffic manager. Mr.
lancy Is from St. Louis and Mr. Cook
rom San Francisco.
. - i
Leave Over Week-end Leaving
ledford over the week-end wers Mr.
nd Mrs. James J. Wisdom, to Sesltle:
Irian B. Hardy, supervisor of rural
settlement, to Corvallls: M .E. Be
en, to Walla Walla; Frank Johnson
o Calloway, Neb.
Error In Sale Date The Daughters
f Union Veterans of the Civil War
rill hold their rummage sale In the
ormer Campbell clothing store on
tain street Saturday November 3.
ot October 26, as announced Sun
ay. Naval Filer Here Lieut. L. C. Sim-
ler arrived In a navy Stinson ship
t the municipal airport at noon to
ne, en route from Pearson field,
'ancouver. to his post at Sunny.
ale. Ca. He continued south after
is plane had been refueled.
Return to Klamath Mr. and Mrs.
Lav Ward and Infant son Richard
eturned to their home in Klamath
"alls Inst night after spending the
w-k.end with relatives here. Mr.
yard Is employed In the Cop?o ac- j owner plans Improvements, the ranch
ounting department.
Returns to Duties Chief Petty Of
lcer Ernest M. West was back ftt his
lutlee as navy recruiter In the Fed
ral building after a trip to Portland
rhere he re-enlisted for another four
ears. At the end of his new enlist
ment he will have completed JO years
,f service with the navy.
Real Hunters Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge
Febb and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. McRae
.f Medford returned yesterday from
. week's hunting trip In Yocum val
sv. Oeorge killed a 331-pound deer
nd his sister, Mrs. McRae, got one
hat weighed 180 pounds. Mrs. Me
lae has been cook at the Oroce'-eria
!o. 1 for a number of yeara and
iss several deer to her credit.
Physical F.xamlnatlon The annual
.hvsicBl examination of all officers of
he Oregon national guard In Med
ord, Grants Pass. Ashlsnd and Klam
th Falls, will be held at the local
irmory on Wednesday at 1 p. m It
i-as announced today by Oapt. Carl
r. Tengwald. commander of company
I. 188th Infantry. The board of
nedlral officers, headed by Major
Vll stannard of Eugene, will preside.
At Autn Meeting B. L. Sanderson
if this city attended a meeting ot
itudebaker car dealers at the Con
Teas hotel In Portland Saturdav even
re. and returned to Medford yes
erday. Paul O. Hoffman, president
f the Suirtebsker company, was In
harge of the program and the varl
nia dealers were enthusiastic abort
he new 1030 models and prospects
n general for the new year, according
o Mr. Sanderson.
Qualify at Range Ten mors mem
ers of company A. 188th Infantry,
Hislllied as marksmen at the Med
ord range yesterday, bringing the to
al number who have thus far quall
ied up to 31. Others have partially
ompleted the cmrse and It was ex
acted by Capt. Carl T. Tengald
hat 45 will have qualified by the
nd of the week. A new shelter house,
milt on the range so that firing may
lot be Interrupted by Inclement
vesther. was used for the first tlm
New airmail Schedule Trip 30.
vWh Wt here with airmail for the j
outh at 8:13 p. m.. was discontinued
rr United Air Lines torlsy as the
sinter schedule was put Into effe;: i
mn 9. leaving for the north at 4:48
5. m.. which carries no mall. was.
il discontinued. There are now
'oil' plane departures dally, each at-lp
arrvlne airmail. Northbound ahlps
ieave St 3:38 P- m. and 5:37 a. Bl
ind .uthbound planes leave at 10:57
snd 13:17 a. m. Malls close at the
s?.-i!flf 35 minutes before deper
'ure of plinea,
Knw You Can Wear False
Teeth With Real Comfort
Fasteeth. nrw plaant powder,
sn Trtth firmlT net. tVodOHB-.
So rummy, g wy tat or fwlin. To ,
I'ttl PwtvM on vour pin. 01 it i fcfj
lodfcy Irom your truiw Thim .z. v V-
Shoot Big Deer Frank Boone and
H. s. Deuel, hunting in the Lakevlew
district, returned yesterday with two
rine muietaiis as trophies of thjlr
Represents Governor District At
torney George Codding was to leave
this evening for Red Bluff. Cal., to
participate In the annual convention
of the Shasta-Cascade Wonderland
association as the representative of
Governor Martin. He will address the
convention tomorrow.
Gus the Tailor Improved James H.
Guatlne. known affectionately by his
hundreds of friends as "Gus the Tail
or." was back at hla shop today great
ly improved following what was at
first believed to be a paralytic stroke
suffered yesterday.
The battle of the tin cup Is on I
Scattering sod from one end of the
course to the other, the dlvot-dlggers
whaled and whacked at the pill for
most of yesterday with the Duffers
going to pieces early In the day and.
completely Ignoring the spirit of the
occasion, turning In blasting wins in
three of their four matches against
tne Dubbs.
The blame for the upsetting wins
win proDamy be charged against Capt.
Roy Pruttt who early In the day set
a horrible example for his cohorts
by slicing and cutting his way to a
3-0 win over Capt. Robert Ruhl of
the Dubbs. Their morale gone, the
rest of the Duffers followed suit, and
H. A. Thlerolf and George Roberts
walloped A. S. Rosenbaum and Al Llt
trell by the same score. Harold Bunce
of the Dubbs and A. H. Endrles of
the Duffers couddn't make up their
mlnda, and killed snakes for 18 holes
with both coming out of the fray
Since the tournament Is to be run
off as rapidly as possible, before rust
takes over the trophy entirely, the
tie will probably atand. The rest of
the erratic club swingers must play
their matches before Nov. 3.
Sale of an 11-acre ranch on Jack
sonville highway Just outside the city
limits to D. O. Rudlstll waa announc
ed today. The transaction waa hand
led by Brown & White.
The ranch was owned by the Alex
ander Duff estate of which the late
Mr. Duff's son, Robert, Is adminis
trator. On the property are a S-room frame
house and a barn. It Is understood the
to be used as a truck garden.
Mr. RudlslU came to Oregon from
Nevada with his wife and small son
a few months ago. The family has
been living In Trail.
PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct. 21!. (AP)
Units of a searching flight too
off from Pearson army field, Van
couver, this morning. In quest ot
Cftptaln Henry M,' Walker of Pull
man, Wash., missing since 10 a. m.
yesterday on a practice flight from
Seattle to PortisnS.
Captain Paul B. x Burrow, com
mandant at Pearson field, said
planes already were In the air from
Fort Lewis and Seattle. Lieut,
Charles Langmark of Albany, mem
ber of the 321st observation squad
ron, led the Pearson field flight In
search of the missing aviator. Other
members of the reserve force were
called In to man the group of train
ing ships.
RUMMAGE and Cooked Food Sale
will be given by the Olive Rebekah
Lodpe In the Sparta Bid.. Fri. and
Sat.. Oct. 35 and 3S. Mrs. D. M.
McDannal, Chairman.
up to
Oregon Washington Mortgage Co.
4 South Central. Llrenw He. S-W
' see VT. R. Thomai
Continued Irons rag One)
orchestra, directed by Victor V
Sparks. Sebastian Apollo, Medford
pianist, assisted the group. James
Stevens, noted Medford singer, sang
several numbers.
Afternoon speakers Included Wal
lace I. Hutchinson, assistant regional
forester of Region Five, San Fran
cisco; Dan K. Plowman, project su
perintendent at Camp Bradford; K.
L. Janouch, supervisor of the Rogue
National forest; Charles W. Black.
Redding district adviser; Captain
Harley Q. Preston, district chaplain:
David Canfield, superintendent of
Crater Lake national park; Millard
GUbreath. adviser at China Plats;
Victor Sparks, adviser at South Pork;
L. S. CronemtUer, Oregon State for
ester; S. W. -Field, Fort MaeArthur
district adviser; Lieut. O. R. Pond.
dUt-.rfrt nhanlfctn OUnn Xflfcrht!!. su
pervisor of the Slsltivou national for-'
est; William Belcher, adviser at camp
Rand; and H. M. Broad bent, adviser
at Vancouver Barracks.
School Heads Present i
Quests Introduced Included O- R.
Bowman, superintendent of the Jack
son county schools; E. H. Hediick.
superintendent of the Medford city
schools: C. Q.-Smith, principal of the
Medford high school; and J. J. New
berry, of the Medford business col
lege. Alfred Powers, dean of the general
extension division of the Oregon state
system of higher education wilt speak
tonight on "The Value of Visual Ed
ucation." He will be assisted by How-1
ard Hill and Thomas Ayrea, techni
cians. .
Professor Oeorge W. Peavy, presl
dent of Oregon State college and dean
of the school of forestry, will be prin
cipal speaker at Tuesday morning's
session. The complete program fol
lows :
8:15 a. m. Medford high school
band. ft.:25, "Employment Aspects for
CCC'men," J. McCoubrey, special ad
viser in vocational training. Fort Lew
la dltVlct. 0:30. "Possible Trends of
a Permanent CCC Organization," Ma
jor James Frankland, regional engin
eer. Region Number Six, Portland.
10:06 "Why Stop Learning?" Alfred
Powers, Oregon State. 10:45, orches
tral selections. South Fork orchestra.
11:00. "A Changing World," Professor
George W. Peavy. 13:00, luncheon re
cess. 1 :00 p. m. Camp news editors
meeting. Lieut. Roy Craft, assistant
welfare officer. 1:00 p. m., orchestral
selections. Camp South Umpqua or
chestra. 1:15, "Educational Aspect of
an Attractive Camp Newspaper," J.
H. Walker, Eureka district adviser.
1:30, "Correspondence Courses," Cap
tain Guy W. Saundera, Camp Wlmer
1:45. "Developing Land Orants by
CCC Labor," Gordon Marsh, supervis
or, Central O. & C. Land Grants. 1 :60,
"Religion," Lieut. Henry W. Ander
son, district chaplain. 2:15. "Welfare
in CCC Spike Camps." Thomas Jones.
supervisor, Klamath National forest.
2:20. "Lectures." Kenneth Flbush, ad
viser. Camp Agness.
2:40, Music, Raymond Sampson and
Vernon Peck, violinists. 3:55, MAmpt
theaters.' Albert Mallery, adviser.
Camp Oregon Caves. 3:10. "CCO Work
on Game Preserves." W. O. Harrlman,
supervisor, Fremont National forest.
3:15, "Moving Pictures and Visual
Education." P. J. Rltter, March Field
district adviser. 3:30, "Visual Educa
tion," Mack Stoker, adviser. Camp
Coon Head. 3:45, "Reclaiming Areas
With CCO Help." O. C. Hayden, reg
ional director, U. S. Reclamation serv
ice. 3:30, "Publicity," Lieut Roy
Craft. 4:05, "A Brief Summary of the
Conference," Dr. J. B. Griff ing. 4:35.
"Benediction," t.imjt. Henry W. An
derson, district chaplain. 4:80. Com
pany Commanders Meeting. 4:30, Ed
ucational Advisers and Asal stents
Meeting. 9:00, Grand Ball, Merrick's
Stated Communication
Reamea Chapter, O. E.
Wednesday evening, October
33rd. Visiting members In
vited. HATTIE M. ALDBN, Secy.
Special Convocation of Cra
ter Lake Chapter No. 32. R
A. M., Tuesday. Oct. 32nd,
7:30 p. m. Work In P. M
and M. E. M. degrees. Light
refreshment. Visitor invited.
Ost Hall Tribune want adl.
TTe didn't hare to borrow-
bat we found it would be m.ire
convenient to group our mis
erllaneoug bills pay them all
off and have, only the one
obligation. Borrowing gave ui
more time kept our credit
standing good end left oa
more money for our other
It is often as wise to borrow
money m It li to iare money.
Loan, e rear ear. farmmm.
sHuuiuie, at ether secirttr.
(Continued from Page One)
Ml sa Nena Berklnhelser, sister of
Gladys, also a stewardess.
Mlaa Nichols' injury waa the sec
ond of a serious nature the society
aviatrlx has suffered In an eventful
She fell at St. Johns. N. B., In
June, 1031, while attempting a
transoceanic flight. She suffered
fracture of several vertebrae. i
She crashed on two other occas
ions, but escaped injury, once leap
ing from her burning ship at Louis
ville, Ky., while still wearing a steel
corset to protect her back while
convalescing from the previous in
Jury. At SI years of age, Miss Nichols
has held the non-stop trans-continental
speed record for women,
the women's altitude record and the
long distance flight record.
Always Interested In sports, she
was a II ue horsewoman and an en
thusiastic golfer before she was at
tracted by flying.
Her home is In Rye, N. Y.
Jack London Novel
On Craterian Bill
Box office records, set only two
weeks ago with the showing of
"Top Hat." were "shattered yester
day at the Craterian theatre where
capacity crowds filled the theatre
to see the plcturtzatlon of Jack
London's great adventure, "Call of
the Wild."
A picture that rates the "raves"
of every movie fan find collected
a lot of them last night, "Call
of the Wild," gives Clark Gable a
real he-man role, and Gable'a work
as Jack Thornton, the handsome,
swash-buckling prospector, stands
out as one of the finest of hla
Rich In rugged drama and clean
fun, the picture exerts a powerful
appeal for every member of the
family the youngsters and the dads
won't have to be told for they're
all thrilled to this most famous
of Jack London tales, and the love
story, beautifully played by Gable
and lovely Ltretta Young. Is Insur
ance for the feminine part of the
family of a grand time. I
Jack Oakle contributes the com-1
edy and has never been better. And
there's the new dog star a huge,
softeyed St. Bernard named Buck.
who brings to Ufa the canine hero
of the story.
Gable, as a happyvgo-lucky, ready-to-take-a-chance
gold seeker, sets
out with his buddy (Oakle) to find
a lost claim. On the trail they res
cue Loretta Young from wolves and
learn her husband has been lost
searching for the same claim, which
had originally been discovered by
his now dead father.
The "take what you want" code
of the North by which Gable lives
Is foreign to this civilized, shelter
ed woman and the pair are in con
stant conflict. Eventually, however.
mutual contempt grows into a deep
and genuine love.
Adventure follows adventure un
til, with the return of the sup
posedly dead husband, dramatic
complications set In, futher com
plicated wllh the finding of the
lost mine. How the situation is
worked out. with the code of the
North as an ever-present reminder
of life far from civilization's fron
tiers, forms the climax of the grip
ping story.
Reginald Owen and Katherlne De
Mllle have featured roles and turn
in their usual smooth performances-
I nostril and permit ' 'jVltll
I u H I j J If IJ u gSSss??' . everybody's darling JpCVj
llWtfifniiiTt.Trffgl . . . romping; into your ILrVjiM
II "rou prefer nose drops, or il rgg heart again in this romance ISfjlU
throat ,pnr. oil for fh I of three people ... brought to- IKftSfl
H,,WK-I!!0lkl!iID I JIP g ether again by a brave IKgfl
In handy bottle with dropper I gg?' ' ... .... Amft
IJaaaaBagagBjaBMIxlmiaaMsHHamiaaiamaama.1 ts 011111V V li 1 U U g U IfllO d KjL CM Ifl
Tomorrow and Wed.
L .tfffifrfffU JOEL McCREA J
love made him
j J i change his plans
Shirley Temple
The return showing of Shirley
Temple in "Our Little Girl" Is book
ed for the Rialto theatre starting
tomorrow for a three day run.
A poignant story, tenderly con
ceived, freighted with heart-tugs,
yet leaving the audience strangely
happy, "Our Little Girl" shows Shir
ley as the small daughter of Joel
McCrea and Rosemary Ames; the
once happy family threatened wltn
The long-rang snot Runs are
swinging today at ducks and geese In
the Klamath country, with the season
on migratory waterfowl open at dawn
today, several Medford nlmrods pack
ed their artillery yesterday and hied
them for the marshy country, but no
reports have been turned In aa yet.
Many more will go for the shooting
net week end, with a promise of
more birds than In the last several
years. .
Open season on ducks, geese, brant,
coots, Wilson snipe or Jscksntpe Is
from today until Nor. IB. with no
open season for Ross's goose, wood
ducks, ruddy ducks, bufflehead ducks
or swans. The bag limit for ducks is
10 In the aggregate of all kinds In
any one day, and 'not more than 10
In the aggregate of all kinds In pos
session at any one time.
For geese and brant, four In the
aggregate of all kinds In any one day,
and not more than four geese and
brant In the aggregate of all kinds
In possession at any one time. Fif
teen coot may be taken in one day.
but no more, and no more than in
may be had In possession at one time.
A reminder was Issued today by the
state police, to the effect that It la
f!l ,E HflESHI
Tfsi . r mm . . 4 m, frv T W MM M
in Rialto Picture
wreckage, disunited by suspicions,
until the mutual love of the little
girl brings the unhappy parents to
gether agnln, and happy again.
"Poodles" Hanneford. world-famous
clown and circus rider, has an
amsBlng act as one of the featured
highlights of the picture, and others
in the cast Include Lyle Talbot.
Erin O'Brien Moore, and J. Farrell
unlawful, to hunt with any ahotgun
having a capacity of more than three
ffhella at one time. This does not
mean that a gun capable of holding
more, but with only threo shells Jn
the chamber, will pass muster. It will
not. The magazine of the gun must
be plugged so that It la Impossible to
get more shells Into the gun.
SEATTLE. Oct. 31. (AP) The
Pacific Northwest Tourist associa
tion meeting at Spoknne November
7-B may mark the start of a co
operative effort by the Pacific
Northwest - atates and Albctta and
British Columbia to attract tourists
here on a world-wide basis. Presi
dent Ray W. Clark said today.
A Three Days' Cough
Is Your Danger Signal
No matter how many medicines
you have tried for your cough, chest
cold or bronchial irritation, you can
ct relief now with Croomulslon.
erlous trouble may be brewing and
you cannot afford to take a chance
with anything less than Creomul
slon, which goes right to the seat
of the trouble to aid nature to
soothe and heal the inflamed mem
branes as the germ-laden phlegm
Is loosened and expelled.
Even if ' other remedies have
failed, don't be discouraged, your
druirglst Is authorized to guarantee
Oreoinulslon and to refund your
money it you are not satisfied with
results from the very first bottle.
Oct Orcomulslon right now. (AdvJ
Born today to Mr. and Mra. Clyde
flchtner. 3J4 South Ivy atreet, a girl
weighing seven pounds, at home.
Both mother and daughter are doing
Sllter! "
NEW YORK. Oct. 31 m Bar sil
ver atesdy and unchanged at ti.
San Francisco Butterfat.
First grade butterfat, 34 V, f.o.b. San
Dse Mall Tribune want ads.
WANTED Used McOaskey account
file. Box 4938. Tribune.
1, mile south on King's highway.
HAVE first mortgage. 900; 8, pay
able e.16 00 per month. Will make
big sacrifloe aa I need money. Rt.
1, Myers Lane, Box 578.
FOR RENT Modern 4-room furnUh
ed house, 1023 W. 10th 8t. Phone
LOST White wire-haired terrier,
"Stubby." Communicate 303 So.
WANTED Transportation for two to
Portland, Friday night. Share ex
penses. Phone 1334.
WANTED Six good milk cows. Jerey
or Outrnsay. Must be tested. Tel.
387-R after S p. in.
11 ACRES, 3-room house, drilled well.
1 acre cultivated, bal. oak timber, 3
miles out. MOO. H. N. Lofland, 333
South Oakdale.
LOST Gentleman's Parker pen. Name
J. D. Bell on side. Care Elks club.
FOR SALE No. 1 Guernsey cow. T.
J. Parsons, Phoenix.
LOST Diamond bar pin. Finder
please phone 173.
FOR SALE The famoua Upton Bros.
Splta. Act quick, pinnacle No. 1.
Record Crowds!
for this
of adv e
II Shown II
II 7:00-0:00 II
X4' j Ends Tomorrow gi
1 a
wllh -
. KeakieM OWIN KMherin. D.MIUI
4 TWrtM
t4tJZ ..Ut
ill iiii.iTI l
A i
lav: -J
!iiM,.. 'I "U
Hqtel Willaru
Klamath Falls
LOST Friday morning, lady's white
gold wrist watch, either 1100 block
W. loth St. or grill next to Wood's
Druga. Reward. 1104 W. loth St.
FOR RENT 6-room strictly mod-sm
home, close to Medford'a business
district, In fine residential section;
partially furnished; fine lawn and
ahade trees; bssement and furnAce;
double garage. See owner at once
at 333 North Ivy St.
KNITTED SHAWL, keepsake, left In
Armory, Townsend rally. Please
bring to 33 So. Peach. Rewsrd.
FOR BALE Apples, cheap; different
varieties. Half mile from city lim
its, or will deliver. Tel. 3S8-J.
PLYMOUTH 4-door Sedan; real miy
for only 335.00.
Dodge and Plymouth.
Sore and Inflamed
Stomach, Bowels
Caused by Overocldity
' Dr. W. 8. Mayo'i Formula, for Stemeeli
1 Diitreit aggravated by GAS, NERVOUS
Her lymptoms Is now available through
' rour favorite druggiir. WHY SUFFER? . . ,
Aik your druggist for
I It Is now possible for yea to trtjoy tht fm
comfort and rtlitf that thousands of ethari
j hava found by using Dr. W. B. Mayo'i
l Formula. Neglected Stomach Disorders
, often lead to more serious internal condi
PAINS, ACT AT ONCE! . . . Insist upon
Without rliklna en cent you may try
thit Formula for 15 dayi. If you do nt
find relief, return packoe and talet
Hp, algntd by your druggist, ta aur
offices and your money will ee re
funded without question.
rnmn news . . . daily ixctn svkdat
i1S p. KM ... Oar Ctmrltmnui
Sold ut All tvextrrn I hrift Stores,
Lending Drug Stores.
Mats . . 23e
RTei . . . HIK'
Kiddles 10c
Record Thrills!
but praise
n t u r e 1
Positively ,.TWy
a . . ...Yven.
.Ana ' ... v.
w " , ti
w .rnCsw, - -.a
V att v
maae t .iwuiaiu at
Mtarloi to eomraerclaj
travellers Modern. Ilfbl
Mtnplo frtntnl
Hopdlar trlr DlnlBi
Rnnirl and Coffee hnr
W O. Miller. Prs
C W rercf. Mgt.