MEDFORD MAIL TRD3TTXE. MEDFOKD. ' OREGON. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20. 1935 PA'OE NTOTS ) IS HEARS! REPLY TO PAUL (d. not: The following let tr cu written by WUUsm Ran- dolph Hearst In reply to ques tions submitted to him by tsul Mallon. Washington correspon dent of the North American Newspaper Alliance). (Copyright. 193B. by the Norta American Newspaper Alliance, Inc.) SAN SIMEON, Calif. My dear Mr. Mallon: Vou asked me If I write all the articles I sign. That, sir. Is not a very compll' mentary question. Would It be discourteous for me to ask In return If you write all the articles you sign? Of course, you do, and of course you do not think that you are so much cleverer than other people that you can write and others can not. I am a professional newspsper- man. Mr. Mellon, and I have been working at the newspaper business not playing with It, but working at It day and night for ovsr fifty years. Would I not be a "dumb cluck.' as the saying goes. If I did not know the rudiments of my trade by this time? Of course I write my signed art' lcles, and many more that I do not sign. If I do not write them, who does? I wish X knew. I am being sued on one of them now, and If I did not write it, wish the fellow who did would come up like a man and tell me about It, and "take the rap." Furthermore, Mr. Mallon. I do aot think It ts such a trick to write. Anybody who can think can write. Xt does not take much practice to put thoughts into words. All you have got to do Is to have some thoughts which are worth putting Into words. Some people write better than others, of course, and some people write worse. , I am probably one of those who write worse, and still I can express my own thoughts better than any one else can express them for me. You remember Tim Sullivan ot . New York! He was elected .to con gress from the East side. Some opponent In congress com pared him satirically to Daniel Web Bter. Mr. Sullivan rose With consider able dignity and said: "I may not be a Daniel Webster. I do not pre tend to be, but I can represent my own district better than Daniel Web ster could." That Is the wsy I feel about my writing. . It may not be so "hot," but I can express my own thoughts more pre cisely than even a George Bernard Shaw could express them for me, So It Is with everyone, Mr. Mallon, TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY CASH for Royal Typewriter, condition no object. Must be cheap. Box 4937 Tribune. LOST Black ribbon watch fob with gold Masonic charm. Return to Robt. Forbea, uroceieria no. i. LOST Wire-haired terrier, all white exoept left ear, and eye Is tan and brown: nine mo. old: rew;wd Phone 735-R. rOR SALE 23 acres, 6 acres In alf- alfa, balance wood; 4 -room plas tered, house. Beet offer over $900 takes It. Inquire 404 Berrydale eve. "WANTED Experienced woman for general housework and asslt with care of children. Phone 370-Y. POR SALE 4 Poster mahogany bed. Whlrldry washing machine. Both practlcslly new. Hotel Holland. Phone 710. 34 OHEV. PICKUP. Looks and runs like new; oversize tires. A resl buy for this week's special, pierce Allen Motor Co., Dodge and Plymouth. FOR RENT 3 -room housekeeping suite with garage, close In. Adults only. 327 No. Orape St. TOR SALE 101 Queen Anno ave , attractive five-room home. Bsss ment. piped furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, enclosed bark porch. Price S3.97500. Charles R. Ray, Realtor. Medford Bldg. Phone 802. 1920 Chev. sedan man Chrysler sedan 1B3S Ford pickup 1931 Ford tiidor 1930 Nash tudor 1939 Nssh sedan 1929 Plymouth wipe 1930 Plymouth sedsn Msny more to select from. Liberal Terms WALTER W. ABBEY TOC. , 12S So. Riverside Medford WANTED Steady work by experi enced orchard man. Blight, prune, sprav. trsctor. Rte. 1, Box 122. Cen tral Point. pnn HKl.r PeschM. urape nd prunes. 13 W err phone 71T-T Sinus Trouble kstfad on Ida. fT?l. .. saaasl Mfrpk. another dT. As tor m rnv.K TREATMHNT new, TOD4I. D I rovr hni tfcoaaaad frttrod rtllef flnlrnif win Syn-O-Spray Jane Withers in Jfe. bid? ,1 srZ . f r- -SZS Shirley Temple's only rival I Jane Withers, who Is at the Boxy theatre today In her first starring picture, will also be at the praterlan theatre starting Thursday In her second big role, "This Is the Life." and cur iously enough, the story Is one of a child star who runs away -from the glamour of fame just to find happiness In being a plain little girl, with plain, everyday ways 01 living. John McOulre, recently seen In the Will Rogers picture "Steamboat Round the Bend," Is featured In the cast along with Sally Blane and j Sidney Toler. who has a style of expression which Is his own. , You ask me how I developed my own particular style. I hardly know. I Just fell Into it naturally, as one develops one's own particular style of penmanship. Do you remember, when we and all the youngsters at school were taught the Spencertan system of penmanship, and how beautifully we wrote tha mottoes. "Honesty ts the best policy," and "Evil communica tions corrupt good manners' shad- i lng carefully the down strokes, and bearing lightly on the up strokes? How regular and Identical our penmanship was then. But, like Mary's little lamb in Pittsburgh, "Now look at the damn thing!" You and I and every one of those youngsters have grown up to write a different hand some thin and tight, some wide and loose. - some tall and scraggly, some so minute that you need a magnifying glass to read It, some sprawled all over the page, some clear and legible, end some so undecipherable that It can not be read even by the person who wrote it. And as it Is with penmanship, so It is with the phrasing of words In writing. Everyone develops hl own style, and that style, good or bad, Is the one which is natural to him, and in which he best expresses his own thoughts. You ask me when I do my writ ing. I do most of It at night. There are so many executive prob lems during" the daytime problems of organisation, problems of eco nomics, problems or policy, circuia tion problems, advertising problems, print paper problems, news and pic ture questions, and even matters of presses and press work. At night things cool off and quiet down. The stars come out ana the youngsters go to bed some times. Then If ever a stray thought is AHYT1ME: . KIOOIU i 101 iToday and Mondays ALOVABLE SPITFIRE! JANI WITHERS mm sum ; C? II I ' S 9 HE will steal your heart is the lovable little waif . . . Inhorlted by a Ij family of stuck npl- k m BETTV Rfor Cartoon Noelty Ne Craterian Film -"""ST. '' ' On the same program with "This Is the Life." the Craterian will show the pictures of the sensational Joe Louis-Max Baer fight, In which the dusky Detroit bomber bombed his way to the "uncrowned king 01 flstlnla" with his slashing knockout of the once heavyweight champion. The round by round film record of the now famous fight are said to be the best and clearest of all fight films to resch the screen, showing each move with a clarity usually found only in feature productions and with knockdowns In slow mo- tion. likely to come swirling out of the darkness like a bat - and flight on yu- , That Is the time I do my writing, such as it is. I know better than anyone that It is inconsequential. Most news paper writing is. I wish I could write books that live, like Dickens, or Thackeray, whom I read devotedly when I was young, or like our own American Shows 1:45-3 :1s 7:009:00 l , iToday and IT LIVES IN YOUR mm Back By Popular Demand! unforgettable romance . . . today more , beautiful . '. . more inspiring . . . greater than ever before ... A romance the world cannot forget . . . will not forgetl r?mira LnlLS FREDRIC MARCH LESLIE HOWARD WLW inoy with O.P.HEGGIE 2ALPH FORBES PP.CMLIA ADDED SHORT "All JJ Ilia 1IVVO IU iXMUMJ "Bull Flht" firtnon Rialto Today ran r f X Tha return engagement of "Smllln' Through" at the Rialto theatre to day and Monday la the result 01 a delug of requests from tne puo- 11c for the lsst three yesrs ever since the picture was first released. The beautifully sentimental ro mance of Moonyeen, as portrayed by Norma Shearer, haa been classed as one of the outstanding romances In film history. Plrst, as tha mld Vlctorlan girl whose wedding day was marked with trsgedy by the Jealousy of a former love; and latr aa the modern girl whose romance Is shadowed by the former trageay. Miss Shearer plays a dual role that has lingered In the hearts of film goers. Leslie Howard, as the young groom whose bride Is killed at the altar and later;' as the embittered old man living In the past, and Pred rlc March first aa the Jealous, un. successful suitor, and then a the young officer going to the war, share starring honors. Others In the cast Include O. P. Heggle, Ralph Forbes and Beryl Mercer. Mark Sullivan, or Prank H, Simonds, or Carl Sandburg. All I do .Is scratch down a few evanescent thoughts that are born in the night, and hardly live out the day. Blncerelp yours, W. R. HEARST. New Corvallia Church CORVALLIS Ore., Oct. 19. (AP) The First Methodist church, repaired and improved following a 160,000 fire, will be rededlcated Sunday in services jed by Bishop Titus Lowa of Portland and three Oregon district superln- J tendents. 011 Adults II 250 I 3 KUldles-lOc Monday! C 3 MEMORY FOREVER! SUBJECTS! ) . FAR fiNF" M VII Viitl Nwrf1 1 , I Roxy Stars salUssaaULsaaisssBsHl Jane Withers, the little "meanle" of "Bright Eyes." possessor ot thousand moods and talents, Is at the Roxy theatre for today and Monday In her first starring role. "Ginger." As the elfish little waif who la adopted by a family of snobblsn social climbers, Jane has the op portunity to bring Into play the hoydenlsh spirit that has alresdy endeared her to the movie going public. O. P. Heggle. Kstherlne Alex ander and" Jackie Searl are In the supporting cast. "KICKERNTCK" Undargixmenti that tit Ethelwyn B Hoffmann's. Shows Today 1:48-3:16 ' 7:00-9:00 Jack London's thundering EPIC OF THE NORTH! The lure of the Yukon . . , where "no law of man or God runs north of 53""! . . . Men driven mad with dreams of fabulous wealth . '. . Wild, primitive life . , , romance and greed living side by side . . . Men hunting, starving, fighting, dying for gold ... ' and WOMEN! Starts Today for 3 Days Mi CLARK GABLE IN One of the main characters of Jack London's "Call of the Wild," the plcturlestlon of which opens today at the Craterla theatre with Clark oshle starred, was tne aog. Buck. Buck, probably one of the best known and best-loved canine heroes of fiction, was the object of a nation-wide search before he was accidentally discovered by the dir ector, William Wellman, who had (tone to the kennels to look over another dog whose master had spent many patient hours In training tor picture work. But when Wellman spotted the 18 months old St. Ber nard, he knew the dog waa the one he needed for the role. And so. Buck, who had never been prepared for anything but a pet and certain ly had not been expected to be the most sought after dog In the coun try, became a movie star, with his first appearance the difficult task of bringing to lite on screen London's famous canine hero. But so well did he succeed that throughout the entire picture, one LORETTA YOUNG REGINALD OWEN "GOING ON TWO" NOVKI.TV and NEW S BVKNTA feels m though he haa com face to face with the original Buck of I the novel, stepped out of the pages , to help make the picture the rous- j tng adventure It la. j Loretta Young. Jack Oakle, Reg inald Owen and Kathertne DeMllle ; have featured roles In this story of man's search for gold In the frozen north. BEE KEEPERS CALLED Walter Reece. president of the j Roftue River Beekeepera" association, ! Announced Saturday through James i Stewart, secretary, that a mo?tlnr, of j the association would be held at the Jackson County chamber of com-! merce building at S p.m. Monday. j According to Mr. Stewart, It 1 t probable that plans will be discussed for the state beekeepers' association convention which Is to be held here the middle of next month. As They Are PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. IS. (AP) Police Captain Fred M. West of the traffic division recommended today that the "brakes" be taken off speed limits on main thoroughfares leading Into Portland. j A r: WITH mm -A' nl I S r1! . JACK OAKIE KATHERINE DeMILLE Have you Dandruff? Falling Hair? Itchy Scalp? KLbwT" d U C I n g to Medford new discovery which we guarantee to (tve satisfac tion and cor feet those Terr conditions , or your mom; back. Unhealthy teal p condi tions lead to baldness . , . you can prevent this and save your hair by using TYLOSES SCALP INVIGORAT0R Oet a Jar today it costs only ftl far a generous alee. HEATH'S DRUG STORE JARMIN FOR DRUGS INGLE DRUG 00. (Ashland, Oregon) Tyloses Laboratories Portland Mats . ... 25c Eves . . , . 3So Kiddies . . lOo 11 mm it V tWM r- yji '-'IP' Ba BO STfUf)l III JRMIV9 DKt'ft Mrdfrd, Ore-