Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 20, 1935, Page 4, Image 4

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    Ipxge four
Staters, After 1 9 Years, of Trying, Conquer U. S. C, 1 3 to 7
; Oregonlans Hold Vantage
Three Quarters Hot Sun
Saps Corvallis Squad
, Gray Is Star.
By Paul B. Zlmmtrmtn
(Associated Press Sport Writer)
OELUS, Oct. 19. (API Alter nine
teen years qf trying, Oregon State
defeated the University of Southern
California football team here today,
IS to 7, In a thrilling encounter In
which the outcome was in doubt al
most to the final gun.
, a gallant atand In the dying mln
utea of play after their energy had
been sapped by the hard struggle and
hot sun, saved the game for Coaoh
Lonnle stlner's tnm after It had out
played the Trojans for three full
" coach Howard Jones' eleven with
Olenn Thompson leading the attacic
almost pulled the contest out of tha
fire In those last minutes a It scored
once and then swept down to the
Beaver 13 yard line only to b hem
for downs.
. Oregon State's two touchdowns
came in the second period as tha
result of a fine mixture of passing
and deceptive rushing plays and again
In the third the Invaders went to
tha six Inch line only to lose oas
tesslon of the ball there on downs,
i Southern California found Itself
In trouble almost from the outset and
never really constituted a threat un
til late In the third when Thompson
was Injected into the baokfleld.
With the ga,me leas than three min
utes old the team from the north
west had. by virtue of two passes,
Joe oray to John Casserly and Tom
Bwanson, tbe latter good for as yards,
put the ball on the 10 yard Una but
lacked tbe scoring punch. ,
Tha Beavers bounced right back,
however, with a pasa Bob Mountain
to Swanaon. taking the ball to .the
13. Wayne Valley and Mountain, aid
ed by an off-side penalty, hammered
the line to the a and Valloy scored
but Swanson missed the goal kick.
Troy was In deep water In short
order again when Mountain punted
out of bounds on the home eleven's
one foot line. While Nick Fappas
punted out safely, tne Beavers broke
loose with another of their fine paaa
ea, this time Mountain to casserly
and the play was good for 81 yards
and a touchdown.
Swanson kicked the extra point.
Stlner's team started goalward
again almost off' the second half
ktckoff. This time Oray swept through
the Trojans for 37 yards to the 4 yard
Valley pounded at. the Una three
times going to tha one yard mark
and then Mountain plowed Into cen
ter but the ball waa Inches short of
the goal.
The now weary Oregonlans stopped
one drive on the as yard line but
with the young 100-pound sophomore
quarterback, Thompson, ripping off
consistent gains the Trojana came
right back with Thompson scoring
the touchdown from the 4-yard Una.
Sensing the turn of the tide the
stands went wild. It appeared In thoss
wild dying mlnutea that Troy could
not be denied; for Thompson, this
time aided by Cliff Propst, marched
right down the field again but the
Beavers mustered up enough strength
to hold for downs on tha 18.
Coach stlner had sent In as many
fresh men as he had left on the bench
by this tlmo and Oregon Btata was
forced to punt out almost Immedia
tely. However, John Ellera promptly
made the causa ssfa for Corvallis on
the next play when he Intercepted
Thompson's pass and the gsme end
ed seconds later.
The statistics gave Oregon State 11
first downs, to 0 for Southern Califor
nia and 108 yards by rushing to gj
for the home eleven. The Beavers
completed 4 passes for 77 yards
against Troy s 8 for 81 but Intercept
ed 4 of tha local eleven's throws. O.
S. C. also had the punting edge with
an average of 38 yards against 33.
The lineups and aummary:
Oregon state Southern California
Bchults LI - Wllllama
Fisher . LT DIUbener
Strack .. LCI... Broaaeau
Demtng wnHM..c
McClurg Rn
Miller . RT.
CSMerly RB,.
Woerner Q
, Thurlow
Oray LI1 Langley
Swanson -...UH. Rose
Valley ....F ....,. Propst
Score by periods;
Oregon State 0 IS 0 0 13
U, S. C 0 0 0 77
Oregon state scoring: Touchdowns
Valley. Caswrly. Points after touch
down Swanson (plnccklck).
NOOALES, FVninra, Mex.. Oct. 19.
(UP) Insurrectionists who staged a
felrce. sudden uprising were ducking
for cover tonight aa federal troops
poured Into northwestern Mexico.
citizens In little towns of Honors
state, adjoining tha border, were re
lieved aa the day passed with no new
raids or assassinations of mayors.
It appeared that the uprising was
waning, at least for the time, the
Insurrectionists apparently unwilling
to face federal aokUera.
Washington Scores 21 to 0
Victory at Pullman -Cain,
Haines and Now
ogroski Lead Offense.
Oct. 18. (APIThe University of
Washington Huskies rose to their
greatest height to defeat the power
ful Washington But eleven, 31 to 0,
here today In their annual "big game"
the football classic of the north
west. Not only did Coach Jimmy ?helan's
Huaklea give notice to tha Pacific
coast conference they are In the
championship race in big way. but
thay administered Coach Babe Hoi.
lingbery his first defeat on Rogers
field In the 10 seasons he baa been
coaching the Cougars.
Although Waahlntgon Btata showed
flashes of tha power that marked
them at championship material early
In the aeason, they were badly out
played In almost every department
of the game, particularly in oucxing
the Una and on dafanae at critical
The 30,000 customers who packed
Rogers stadium had little doubt of
tha outcome from the flrat play, on
which Byron Haines. ' Husky half.
dashed 70 yards for a touchdown. The
Huskies outcharged and outmaneu
vered the Ougars, who never once
opened with a serious threat.
Washington State's backfleld plays
refused to click and It line softened
early under tbe terrific pounding of
Haines, Cain and Nowogroakl. The
Huskies scored also In the third and
fourth quarters.
Tha Cougars never were able to ad
vance consistently agalnat tha roar
ing Huskies.
Washington advanced for Its third
period touchdown from ita own 44
after an exchange of punta. Flat
passes gained 18 and eight yards, to
tha 17-yard Una.
Halnea added seven and Nowogrlskl
battered to tha ons-yard mark on a
eerlea of plunges. Cain scored off
tackle. Logg again converted.
A brilliant 37-yard daah by Cain
to tha W. 8. C. 18-yard line put the
Huaklea In position for the final
touchdown. Austin, substitute for
Haines, scored through the line from
the one-yard mark.
Washington State scored 11 first
downs to Washington's nlna, but waa
outclassed in all other regards. The
Cougara completed three out of 18
passes and had four Intercepted,
while the Huskies clicked on three
out of four triea. The Huskies gain
ed 347 yards to 183 for tha loaera,
Tomorrow night Bob Kennaston.
tha Mad Marin and apple of Oold
Hill eyes, will have to put up or shut
up. He tanglea with Jack Londoa.
313-pound oousln of tha former world
champion, Jim Londos, at th Ar
mory, In a main event appearance
for which he ha been clamoring for
Londoa at first protested at meet
ing the marina but, convinced that
Kjennaston could make It a good
match, finally agreed. He has prom
ised to pull tha Oold Hill pride's ear
out about alx Inches and let them
snap back until Kennaston Is dlxzy
and, falling In that, will Just thump
him Into submission. Londos has
only wrsstled here once, losing a main
event bout to Toots Estes after nearly
an hour of muscle grinding. He Is
still disgruntled over the outcome
of that fray, and Intenda to make a
clean up, with the marine aa a mop.
In the other half of the main event
Chief Thunderblrd of Canada will
let out a few lusty war whoops and
take after Bab Smollnsky of Po
land, another tough heavyweight. Al
though the chief walloped Toy Aho
about very handily last week, he will
have considerable more trouble with
the Babe, who belongs to the achool
that believes In tha adage, "He who
bites first, second, third and laat
?bltes best, always providing he does
not bite the dust."
Roland Warren, Copco lineman
from Klamath Fails and ever a draw
ing card hare, will see what ha can
do about the Toy Aho situation. They
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Place' Kick Gives Notre
Dame Win . From Pitt-
Nebraska Tied Army
Downs Harvard.
(Associated press Sport Writer)
The under-dog bowled notniuc
but football "strikes" yesterday end
left an already ahell-ahocked fandom
gasping at the defeat of a half dozen
prime favorites headed by tha Rice
own, Michigan Stat spartan and
Puke Blue Devil.
To Boston College and Oco-rla
Tech go the credit for engineering
tha moat atartllng upset of the day.
Michigan State, with a high-powered
array that had steam-rollered all op
position, Invsded Boston for what ap
peared to oa a warm-up" with Bos
ton College but tha Eagles turned In
an amaalng performance to whip the
hot favorites, 18-4. Oeorgta Tech,
which ruined Duke'a undefeated rec
ord two years ago. came through with
another bang-up gam tr win, 8-0. In
the most stunning of the south ser
ies of form reverssls.
RJoe. defending Southwest confer
ence champion, fell before Southern
Methodist's fourth-period onslaught,
10-0. Indiana's 7-0 setback at the
hand of tha Unlveralty of Cincinnati,
and Nebraska' scoreless draw with a
Kanaaa State team whloh previously
had lost to Fort Hay Teacher, ilke
wloe oame aa a ahock to form players.
Meanwhile Yale, Ohio State, Min
nesota, Purdue, Notre Dame, North
Carolina, California, Washington,
Army and Dartmouth continued their
unbeaten charge through the opposi
tion A crowd of 60.000 saw Al Kessberg
sprint 30 yards around end for a
touchdown and Henry Gardner make
th point that gave Tale a 7-8 vic
tory over a battling navy outfit at
New Haven. Marty Peters' field goal
from the 3S-yard line waa the margin
by which Notr Dam turned bftck
Pltt'a Panther In a spectacular fray
that had a crowd of 51,000 wildly ex
cited .at South Bend from start to
Ohio State packed entirely too
much power for Northwestern and
the Buckeye rang up their first Big
Ten victory. 38-7. Minnesota, mean
while, swept through Tulane for a
30-0 triumph and Purdue's Boiler
maker trounced Chicago, 19-0.
While virtually all the other south
era leader were getting upset, North
Carolina took Davidson Into camp,
14-0, to remain unbeaten and so did
Georgia, victor over North Carolina
State, 13-0. Alabama and AUDurn
posted spectacular triumphs, both of
which would be classed a upsets Al
abama , oontlnued Ita erratic course
this time with an awesome 35-0 con
quest of Tennessee. Auburn tripped
up Kentucky In decisive fsshlon. 38-0.
In the Bast. Army, led by Charles
(Monk) Meyer, subdued Harvard.
13-0. while Dartmouth' backs' ran
wild against Brown, 41-0. Penn com
ing back from two deieata, looaeo nxe
the power It waa supposed to be from
the Mart In lacing Columbia. 34-0.
Fordham. badly beaten by Purdue,
likewise showed a reversal In form In
taking a 13-7 declalon from Vander
bllt' Commodore. Princeton scored
37 points In the final quarter to turn
back Rutgers, ao-o; impi ouv
pointed Carnegie. 13-0. and Colgate
routed LlMytt. 83-0. New Yori
University turned In snother brilliant
display of passing In a 33-7 conquest
of Penn Military. Holy Cross aunerea
a setback In its title hopes, playing
a 13-13 draw with Manhattan.
War Fol-dc-Rol
ADDIS ABABA. Oct. 19. (UP)
Three snarling, vicious Hon cubs led
a new Ethiopian detaohment towara
the war front today where Italian and
Ethiopian high commands are accus
ing each other of using outlaw dum
dum bullets.
Finds Nw FAploMte
STOCKTON. Cel., Oct. 19. (UP)
Discovery of a new exploitive of "high
shattering power" In the remnants
of a laboratory experiment which
"went wrong" waa announced today
by prof. A. T. Bawden, head of the
College of Pacific chemistry depart
were both matched In the recent
middleweight battle royal, and a nice
iittie reiki waa itttrtea trun. it win
continue Monday night.
Upstate School Wins Defeat
' Honors For Nation
. Gilinsky Runs 65 Yards
For First Score.
Alhanv college lost a
lng grid game to Southern Oregon
Normal 14 to 0 yesterday and there
by laid claim to the national "defeat
ist title" with 28 straight losses.
The Albany. Ore., achool nut un
w,.v.u w. bobatig win uuuor
which It had previously shared with
ano ana nooari college, each of
whom have been creriltprf with in
strsight defeats. But touchdowns and
wV....Dtvllo , n,wu Bna jourtn
periods of Southern Oregon Normal's
nomecoming game told the tale.
Albany haa not won a game since
ioi, ana in tne last ib contests haa
totaled SO points to Its onnonent.'a
doe. John Nichols, veteran guard who
captained the team today, has played
in every . one of the successive de
In several Instances nnlv one tauvi
oown separated th Albany eleven
from at least a tie and in the 1933
gsme with Llnfleld the latter was
only able to eke out a 7 to a victory.
It has been Albanv'a misfortune
meet rivals when thev were "on."
was southern Oregon Normal team.
ana several times It has been conced
ed that the "champions" have out
played their opponents. But the reo.
ord stands.
Max Glllnskv. ronr left hair r
turned a punt 05 yards In the thlri
period for the first counter and also
converted with a placeklck. Shumway
plunged over from the three-yard
line In the final ouarter and niHn.fev
again booted the ball between the
points to end the scoring.
Th Normal school's first team waa
kept on the bench nearly all of the
third period while Coach Eberhart
waited for an opportunity for a acor
lna nunch to keen lnfftrt. thn av-
land school's record of never having
lost a nomecoming game.
Steele Victor In
Bout With Berglund
HOIXYWOOD, Cal.. Oct. 18. (AP)
Freddie Steele. Tacoma middle
weight, last night stopped Swede
Bsrglund, sturdy San Bernardino
viking, In th sixth round of a sched
uled ten-round bout at tha Legion
stadium here.
. aW-":
7:45 PM
ruNE IN ."fr..,, . ,ar COLUMBIA
lt.." .WSD. FRP V.
Oct. 19 (AP) A heavy, driving
University of Oregon football team
smashed a fast, tricky Idaho eleven
14 to 0 on Hayward Held thl after
noon. The game sparkled with click,
lng line plays by the Webfoots, and
the spectators thrilled to a. danger
ous, alwaya-threatenlng passing at
tack of the visitors.
Not pore than 6,000 person saw
the game.
Oregon scored early In the second
period after a lata first auartar ttriv
had placed the ball in scoring posi
tion. Th econd goal came In the fourth
period after a pass, King to Blordan.
had netted ten vaiMn. tm ni- i-
Braddock carried the ball around left
end for a touchdown.
Pepper, sent In to kick, sent the
ball between the posts for tha extra
point. He also had made good after
the flrat touchdown. Today'a wer the
first extra point Oregon had won
this season.
With five minutes to go In th final
perlodOregon blocked an Idaho kick
from back of the goal line, the Web
foots getting the ball on Idaho'a 10
yard line. Oregon' scoring threat was
stopped when King's pasa was Inter,
cepted by Devlin back of his own
Idaho kicked OUt Of danffnr nnrl fh
game ended with the teams battling
ui miu-jieiq.
The lineups;
Idaho Oregon
Iverson LB ...... Blordan
McCu -.........LT............ BJork
Cooper ........ ...LO.....,... Carter
Wheeler 0 . rarrar
Pavkov ..... BO.., Hurney
Brsdo .RT. Skinner
R. Rich .... RE ,... Jones
Honsowet Q Relehmsn
Wsrd LH Lasselle
Walker EH.T Braddock
sundberg r Mlchek
Score by periods:
Idaho . . 0 0
Oregon ... 0 7
0 00
0 714
Sarazen, Beaten By
Jirueger In Upset
lahoma City. Oct. 19 (AP) Scoring
an amazing upset, Alvln Kreuger of
aeioit, wis., defeated Gene Sarazen,
ranking favorite, 3 and 1 in the sec
ond round of the p. o. A. national
tournament here today.
Al Zimmerman of Portland. Ore.
advanced with a 3 and 1 victory over
Victor Ghezzi of Deal, N. J.
Increased interest in
events has develooed a
of reporting.
Sports fans require that writers re
porting sports events have more than a
superficial knowledge.
They demand that these
in that particular sport.
Uniorl Pr tnfirft wrifir fill that rif1ii!rmrtf
....... . - - - -t j
Each is an expert in his particular sport. They know
it at thev know their own names. -
So if the news spotlight
gridiron, tennis court, golf course or prize ring, the
colorful, accurate account of a United Press sports
will come to you almost immediately through the sports
pages of
Medford Mail Tribune
Fred Osburn. hesd coach of the
Marshfleld football team which
yesterday went down to defeat
before th Medford Tigers, had
thl to aay after the game! "We
an lucky we didn't get beat by
five more touchdowns, w got
all th break. I've been playing
Medford teams for year, but thla
outfit Is the best of the bunch.
They have everything: power,
apeed, deception and drive."
L. L. Deal, who haa been ref
ereelng Medford games since 1930,
said thla: "That team la SO per
cent stronger than last year's
team. How they do It, I dont
know; but they've got every
x thing."
A fait breaking Medford high
school footbsll team displayed every
thing except a passing attack, and
whirled, 'spun, lateraled and crashed
over five touchdown to crush the
Marshfleld Pirates under a 30-0 score
with th most diversified attack ever
exhibited In a flrat home gam of
th season yesterday,
Slowed momentarily at tha open
ing of th gsme. th Black Tornado
soon found It stride and. taking the
ball on Marshfleld' 40, Smith kicked
to the four-yard line. Marshlield
kicked to Lewis, who fumbled on the
return, but Sakralda recovered. On
a sneak play around right end, Et
tlnger Went to th eight, they ran
the clay to th four on a buck, and
Smith scored standing up on tha next
play, a Una buck. Lewis ran over the
conversion, also standing up.
The Marshfleld team, coming with
a green and small outfit Instead of
the heavy experienced squad that was
announced ahead of time, made only
three first downs In the first quar
ter, two on penalties and on on a
neatly executed forward pass, while
Medford waa running up four on
clever run.
In th second quarter, after bril
liant reverses, spinner and slant
had carried th ball to th Marsh
fleld 11, Lewis again went over stand
ing up, after taking a lateral from
Bsyllss, who flipped It out to the
rsclng halfback after being himself
tackled. For the first time In over
ten years, the conversion wa drop
kicked over by Smith, square through
th upright.
Th next scon cam after the gun
had sounded, after a drive from mld
fleld, after Marthfleld had punted
out of dangerous territory. Lewis
took th punt and ran It back five,
(Continued on Page Seven)
new type
writers be experts
sweeps aeross the diamond,
Cal., Oct. 10 (API Calif ornla'a Gol
den Bears retained an unblemished
seasonal record and turned the tables
on an old-time rival today with a
6-to-0 win over the University of
Santa Clara Broncos,
While B0.OOO fans cheered toem on,
the two elevens matched speed and
power In an annual classic that saw
California reverse the flow of set
backs started by Santa. Clara In 1033.
A touchdown rolled ever In the sec
ond quarter spelled the margin that
decided a g"t battle. It followed
one of the most peculiar "breaks" wit
nessed here In a long time. Joe Kel-
ley, Santa Clara quarterback, kicked
the ball over bis own head on a punt
and that freak play turned the tide.
From a defending team. In its own
territory, California suddenly became
the attacking force. The backward
punt gave the Bears the oval on their
own 37-yard line. Striking swiftly
after the sudden turn of events, the
boys In blue drove down to Santa
Clara's 18-yard stripe.
Here tne breaks went against the
Bears. Fullback Jack Howard fum
bled the ball and Carlsen. sub left
halfback, recovered for tha Broncos
Monday -Nit e
Jack Londos
Bob Kennaston
Chief Thunderbird
Babe Smolinsky
Toy Aho
Roland Warren
Seats on sal at BROWN'S. .Phone lull OFFICE STATIONERY a)
8UPPLV CO.. Phone 8! VALENTINE'S CAFE. Phone 370
' U M
a -
1 A Cm
on the 13-yard line. Tbe Santa
Clarans, however, kicked under pres
sure and California again took pos
session 37 yards from their oppo
nents' goal.
The touchdown drive that clinched
victory opened. A four-yard plunge
was followed by a pasa from Blower
to Sparks substituting at end. Sparks
caught the 34-yard toss and ran nine
for the only score of the game. Sparks'
kick from placement on the try for
point was wide.
Except for the reverse boot that
gave the Bears a close victory, the
two elevens battled on practically
even terms. In the closing .nlnutcs,
Santa Clara tried desperately to score
but Intercepted passes ended two
MANHATTAN, Kas . Oct. 19 (AP)
Kansas state and Nebraska, one tha
defending Big Six football champion
and the other the pre -sea son favor
ite, settled nothing In 60 minutes of
scoreless battling here today In a
conference opener for both teams,
which waa billed as a crucial game In
the title race.
Two great goal line stands by a
Nebraska line which otherwise leaked
badly toward the middle were all
that saved the day for the Corn
huakers. who were never Inside Kan
ass State's 30-yard line on the of
n riTT