frfEDFORT) "KAIL TRIBUNE, rEDFORD. OREGON", FRIDAY. OCTOBER 1g, 1935 UNIONS TAKE SHOT voted that A. P. of L. members should not participate In the games, that ft labor boycott on Nasi goods and services be Intensified and that all unions should contribute to the fund for help of Oermn trade union refugees. William Green, federation presi dent. Introduced to the convention Thomas Kennedy, secretary-treasurer of the United Mine Workers, as "the man I hope will be the next governor of Pennsylvania." Kennedy Is lieutenant-governor. Phone 643. Weil haul away your refuse,1 City Sanitary Service. WOMAN IN RED LOSES DEPORTATION BATTLE It was Mrs. Bage, federal agents have admitted, who led Dllllnger Into the trap where be was shot and killed bj "O-Men" and police last summer. She was ordered deported to Rumania because of two oonvlctlons on charges of operating disorderly .houses. In In diana. PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 18 (AP) Tme Hudson-Duncan 4c -Co., whole sale grocera of Portland, led a revolt today against the Pacific coast walnut marketing agreement. "We are pre pared to take this fight to the su preme court," stated Albert W. Cent ner, secretary and attorney for the firm. Pear Market Yesterday Bosc, 408 boxes extra fancy. 2 10-2 80, arerage 2 31; 110 boxes fancy, 1.70 2.00, average 2.28. uct, during September, 1936. than during the previous September with in a decade. Rain Insurance Is Provided In France PARIS- (UP) Excursionists In France may insure with the railway against rain spoiling their day at the seaside. Under the scheme, Introduced by the Chemln de Per du Nord, the holiday-maker pays a small fee In ad dition to the fare. If mora than an eighth of an Inch of rain falls on the beach between 2:30and 4:30 the cost of the ticket Is refunded. CHICAGO. Oct. 17. (AP-USDA) Pear auction, 2 Oregon, 1 Washing ton cars arrived: six oars on track. Oppose Jetty ASTORIA. Ore-, Oct. 18. (AP) Fishermen, the United States coast mmrH rlonarf mean f- tnrl number AT NEW YORK, Oct. 17. (AP-U3DA) Pear auction market, prices fcllghtly weaker. Twenty-nine care arrived. 9 OaMi'omla, 6 Oregon, 0 Washington cars unloaded, 1ft cars on track. California Bart lot ta, 3180 boxes sold 1.80-3.10, averago 2.25. Bosc, 1374 boxes sold 1.25-2.25, average 172. Oregon Bartletts. 975 boxes extra fancy sold 1.80-2.40, average 2 62; 1165 boxes fancy 1.85-2.13, Average 209. seven cars sold. - California Bartletts. 2166 boxes sold 1,85-2 05, aversge 2.38. Oregon Bartletts, 450 boxes extra fancy sold 2.08-2.60, average 2.37; 270 boxes fancy 2-2 60, average 2.31; 720 boxes fancy 2.05-2.40, average 2.35. CHICAGO, Oct. 18. (AP) Mr.. Anna Sage, tha woman In red" In the Dllllnger ease, lost her fight against deportation today when Fed eral Judge John P. Barnes dismissed a habeas corpus petition filed In her behalf. Judge Barnes ordered her remanded to Immigration officials. i of southwestern Washington civic groups were joined tooay in a ng"1, against the proposed construction oi a jetty from the west end of Sand Island Jn the lower Columbia river to Cape Disappointment on the Washington shore. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.( Oct. 18. (AP) The American Federation oi Labor voted today to oppose this country's participation In the Olym pic games next year. The Federation convention too Mississippi farmers purchased more cottonseed meal, a sfcate-grown prod- 1 Use Mall Tribune want ads. Use Mall Tribune want ads. SATURDAY and MONDAY OCTOBER 19-21 , SATURDAY and MONDAY OCTOBER 19-21 IGA SARDINES No. 1 tin 3 for 2 5C Tomato or Mustard IGA Instant Tapioca 8 ounces c For Nutritious Puddings IGA Salad Dressing Quarts Pints 25c . . Royal Club Currants 15 ox. pkg. 21c New Imported Grecian Crop Cling Peaches 2No.2Hcans35c IGA IGA GELATIN DESSERT Assorted Flavors 3 for fl$c WALDORF TISSUE 4 rolls for J Qc fi ll Milk OH-WHAT A BEAUTIFUL EASPOON! oh-wuat a If yes iga Stork ORIGINAL yes-iga Stores ARE GIVING THEM FREE THIS WEEK WITH PEAK TEA. ROGERS MFG. SOVEREIGN PA ' TEASPOON WITH EACH PURCHASE OF y2-LB. PKG. OF El POST 8 40 "IT LETS YOU SLEEP" 4oz.can P08TUM CEREAL. 1 OI. -..PKG. tie I ORANGE PEKOE AND PEKOE Vs-LB. PKG. This Original Rogars slim plated toaipooa If yours FREE with aach H-pound purcbas el Peak Ta. Pak Tm Is a choice salaction and tpadal bland of hilly farmantad black (a bash from notad ra gardens. ?rest &vuita and tyegeia&les SATURDAY ONLY Savs tlese coupcnS BRAN FLAKES pkg. iOc INSTANT POSTUM IGA EARLY JUNE ' SIFTED PEAS 2 cans 9c IDA ' PANCAKE Flour 40 oz. pkg 21c ICM PREPARED SPAGHETTI 2 cans 17c FRESH ROASTED Red "A" Coffee lb. rSc SWEET POTATOES .- CELERY ..." - POTATOES, No. 2 Klamath ORANGES, Taney Juice CRANBERRIES LETTUCE - SWEET POTATO SQUASH ARTICHOKES, Largo, Fancy.. 6 lbs. for 23 0 bunch 39 3 do. 29s 2 lb. 35 2 for 9 . i 2f lb. L. Z for 15 BUNCH VEGETABLES .... 3 for 10? Chocolate lb. bar 15' IGA CC2TESS STAND THE TEST osioinai toons' ixeiunvi oviainu PATTISN UIVIIWAM CAN M OeTAINID AI TltMINDOUS SAVINO wnM IOA tAVKWAM COUPONS. TkJs Sovaralgn Patttra SUvvrwort Is auaiantaed, without Hbm by Wa. Ilooan Mis. Co. Utfion of btsraaHasa) SUrsf Co. Start sarlsa aoapons al one. Yon eon quickly build up your sd bom tha dm diHoranl placas otoolniU. Full datails ol Iks odor appsoi oa tka coupon. ma wviiwui con pom mi pkkid in max tia . -AN OTHER KM BRAND raooUCTf, mi 9 o -TH trus ttt oi coUm good bms is found In th bovera? II brws. IGA ooffeM offer a ToHtr oi blnd; a wid pries rang; and or ground lo niit four eoH- "Ving mtthod. hocM)6 MAYONNAISE Pint 28c SUNBRITE CLEANSER 3 tins 13c SELECTED MEATS Swift's Condensed Chili, 1 lb. brick, pk. 28 Swift's Kenton Backs lb. 37 (SUGAR CL'RF.D) Swift's Club Franks lb, 19 Swift's Special Lean Sliced Bacon, lb. 45 IGA SWEET GROUND CHOCOLATE 1 lb. tin 19c CHOCOLATE PUDDING Dissolve one tablespoon of gelatin in yi oup of milk; bring to a boil 3-4 oup of Ohoco late in , cup of milk ; beat yolks of three eggs with V, oup sugar. Stir gelatin-milk in hot chocolnte until melted; add beaten yolks; bring to a boil but do not boil. When cool fold in the beaten egg whites and add vanilla to flavor. Place in refrig erator to set and serve with whipped cream. This recipe makes seven portions. Please note yolks should be poured in slowly, boating constantly. IGA PUMPKIN No. 2H can . . 11c CRYSTAL WHITE With tach purchase of 1 LARGE 40 OZ. PACKAGE PEET'S GRANULATED SOAP 45c VALUE lor 32c CHOCOLATE PUFFS A Delicious Confection i-lb..21 SUNSHINE CRISPY CRACKERS 1 lb. pkg. 2 ib. pkg. 29c IGA PEANUT BUTTER 1 lb. jar 2 lb. jar Scotty Allen DOG FOOD 4 for 25c IGA EXTRACTS Vanilla or Lemon 2 oz. bottle 2c IGA Assorted SPICES 2 oz. can Peak Coffee ib. 25c DeLuxeCoffee ib.28c GOOD COFFEE The finishing touch to a Good Meal NEW PACK - ROYAL CLUB Del Maze Niblets Corn Liko Fresh Corn Off the Cob GINGY MIX 12 ozbottlo 14c ROYAL CLUB SAUERKRAUT No. 2H tin FANCY HEAD RICE 3 lbs. for tc CORN MEAL (New Crop) vr - 1 1 at. i leiicw no. iu sacK -e White No. 10 sack 3SC Peacock Rolled OATS No. 10 sack GOLD HILL CENTRAL POINT HAM'S FADER'S GROCERY Cash MARKETS MEATS, GROCERIES OROCERIES, FRUITS and FRUITS, ' VEGETABLES ' VEGETABLES -t FEED GRANTS PASS ll STAR SEED FADER'S and GROCERY Cash MARKETS inoAii o,.. m, ai GROCERIES, FRUITS 400-411 '0 Street Phone 43 VEGETABLES. FEED, MEATS ROGUE RIVER p . Vt , 4 l rice, Quality and Serv- HEATH and ice Being Equal, IGA 1 HOLLISTER Store Mer' yw Pat- - GENERAL MERCHANDISE rona8e! MEDFORD STORES INDA HUMPHREY A COMPLETE FOOD MARKET 504 East Main St. Phone 462 ALEXANDER'S GROCERY, INC. A Complete Line of Battle Creek Health Food 203 Went Main St. BUNGALOW GROCERY Fresh Meats and Vegetables 409 N. Riverside Phone 485 ROSE GROCERY GROCERIES MEATS VEGETABLES BAKERY GOODS 205 W. Jackson Open Evenings and Sunday Phone 1420 LUMAN BROTHERS 8UPER FOOD MARKET GROCERIES MEATS FRUITS - VEGETABLES BAKERY Corner Main and Bartlett JACKSONVILLE , I TALENT GODWARD TRYON MERCANTILE MERCANTILE groceries General Merchandise GENERAL MERCHANDISE Hardware Your independenrly-owned I.G.A. ASHLAND Store offers you the price advant- DOUGHERTY ages made possible by buying in f U f O r conjunction with hundreds of other W II U C E R i successful I G.A. stores. 47 N. 'Main phone 02 irA c r CAVE CITY IGA Stores Feature IGA c...- . Brand Merchandise . . . SCHUMACHER 8 Highest Quality At a Sav- GROCERY '"8 Price Always! The IGA of the Redwood 1 J . 1