PAGE SIX MEPFORD AfATL TRIBUTE, MEDFORD. OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1933 ET T T Lonely But Happy Will Not Return Until Last Italian Driven From Land Is Promise "Give Us Guns" Is Plea To Haile By Jamw A. Mills (Associated Preu Foreign Stiff) ADDIS ABABA. Oct. 18. (AP) Xthlopla'a manhood today gave thun derous anwr to the peace sugges tions of European statesmen who hope to satisfy Mussolini's ambitions by offering him parts of this proud empire. Their answer echoed the declara tion of Emperor Haile Selassie who, in his address to his legion In a review before they wave for the front, said: "Comrades. I shall be with you on the battlefield to shed my blood with yours In defense of our common fatherland. We shall accept no such pence terms as those France proposes. "I ahall die with you If necessary, rather than submit to such humilia tion." Thouandi on March Tens of thousands of soldiers are pouring Into the capital, in ceaseless night and day marching. Begrimed from a fortnight's march, they rushed to the military field be side the Imperial palace today to as sure their emperor of their determin ation never to return home until the laet Italian Invader has been driven from their fatherland. Over the shoulders of the warrior chiefs are llonskln capes and above their fu&y black hair bristle ?wny crowns of Hons manes. They arrived on mules heavy with gold spangles and caparisoned In scarlet. In the great Imperial tent the emperor, dressed In the uniform of a field marshal, sat on a, high throne, surrounded by hit mllttary staff. They too wore military garb, rather' than the traditional capes. The Emperor gave the whole scene the grim aspect of war. That Is hla answer, say Ethiopians, to those who seek peace by robbing him of his lands. Ah oat Threats Fiery chiefs rushed forward to the throne to swear allegiance. Following were their frantic warriors, brandish ing swords menacingly, shaking their shields and waving glistening three- pronged spears. j They shouted and gesticulated, de ; clarlng they will slaughter the Ital ians. Ferocious, bearded seigneurs, re serabllng the late Emperor Menelek, leaped from their mules and rushed to the throne of the king, whose usually, stolid countenance was drawn with emotion. In spite of his self-restraint tears glistened In his eye. With a handker chief be tried to conceal every display of feeling unworthy of the line of Judah and commander of fearless savages. , Bedlam broke out as the vanguard of provincial warriors reached the I Imperial tent. The wild men spun back and forth In ecstasy, gnashing their teeth and aiming their guns at Imaginary foes. They shouted hatred for the enemy, t Suddenly they hurled thelt -'eapona at the King's feet and p. -crating themselves, declared: " Are Unafraid "We win drown the baby-klllera In their own blood. We are going to our death and we are unafraid. Adieu." They rose and, striking swords on shields, shrieked: "We will exterminate the white cigarette-smokers. We will push Rthlopta's boundaries from sea to sea. We will fight with clubs if necessary, but, O Emperor, thou Lion of Judah, give us guns." "Yes, gtve us guns.M bellowed a fer ocious, hair-naked, bushy-haired Jungle giant, hurling a broken mus ket at Selassie's feet. I have a boy," cried another, stretching his arms toward the sov ereign: "If I m killed, call him to the army." The Emperor, looking at his own on. Duke Makonnen, beside him. wept. The Abuna (Ooptto Pope also burst Into tears. Only the war minis ters eat grim and stolid. Filing past the throne other feuda tories, uilerlng their wildest threats and tows and chanting age-old Af rican war songs, beseeched the Bm perlor to send them to the front. "Let ft Fliht" They rushed paat guards Into the tent, wielding speara, swords and knives so menacingly, American spec tutors feared the warriors, in thslr uncontrolled frenuy. might attack even the Emperor. "bet us light!" they screamed. "Let us kill our enemy I Let us avenge our women and children who were killed by the cowardly Italian aviators. Dntil now, the warriors declared, the Emperor has been waiting In the teope the League of Nations would sohleve a peaceful settlement. Now they insist on taking matters Into their own hands. The Emperor him self cannot halt them. Led by the war minister, Ras Mul ugueta. they will leave Immediately for the front to make Rood their vowa of giving their last full measure of devotion to the empire. L , 6,000 Frenchmen Dwell In Oregon SA1.F.M. Oft. 18. (HP) l thous and Frenchmen reside In Oreaon. M. Yves De Bellefon. consular general ot France who was here from Ben Fran cisco today, Informed Oovernor Mer lin. California has 60.000 Frenchmen lur ing in the state while Washington has 000, the official told the exec utive In a IB minute rlelt In Martin's office. The governor stated that De Belle fon was a comrade of his during the World war when the French official was a captain. - Be correctly corseted In sn Artist Model bj tUKdrvn B. Hoffman"., Mrs. Etta Perry (above), wife of Beorge B. Perry, acting superintend ent of the cable station at Midway island, now one of the atops of the new tranepaclflc air line being de veloped to the Orient, la the only woman among the 40 persons living on the lonely outpost. Her only feminine companions are her chil dren. Gall, 5 months old, and Nan, 2. (Associated Press Photo) PEARS ARE SENT TO CANAL CHIEFS Eight boxes of select, cornice pears were on their way today to officials of the Panama Canal eone, the gift of Gordon R. Oreen, general manager of American Fruit Growers, Inc. With them went inatructlons telling how best to ripen the fruit. The peara were sent to Arthur Gou- let. (reneral manatrer of the commLs- safV division, Roy Watson, chief quar termaster, and J. H. K. Humphrey. assistant quartermaster. Mr. jGreen conferred with the Canal Zone officials when he was in Pana ma last spring making efforts to ex pand the markets ror Rogue valley fruit. As a result of his conference the Canal Zone commissioner lea are now handling a large quantity of Blue- goose D'AnJous, Mr. Green said, and he Is now trying to increase sales of the cornice. Seeks European Outlet While In the tropics Mr. Green also visited In other Central American and South American cities for the purpose of creating new outlets for Rogue valley fruit. He la planning now to visit Europe for the same purpose next year. Today Mr. Green was in receipt of a postal from O. O. Mclntyre express ing appreciation for the box of Blue goose cornice . pears Mr. Green sent him recently when he complained in his column that pears could not be obtained in New York restaurants. They were the best poors I have ever seen or eaten," Mr. Mclntyre wrote. WINDOW GLASb We set! window glass and will replace your broken windows reasonably., Trowbridge Cab Inet Works. a) Use Mall Tribune want ads. Baked Fish Takes Ou Luxury Note At No Added Expense Baked Fish Take on the Luxury Note at No Added Expense, If you associate fish with expensive accessories, it's high tuns to shelve the Idea and get down to some real enjoyment of sea food, for there's a way to bake fish flllete that simply melt in your mouth, with all the rich flavor that would do credit to a chef. If you would cover yourself with culinary glory and build a reputation your friends will envy, try this Idea for Troco Baked Fish: 4 medium size fillets cup Troco 0 1 gg Bread crumbs Bait and pepper. Wash fish In cold water. Break whole egg and beat slightly with fork. Place bread cfumb on another plate. Dip fish in egg so that It Is all co ered with egg, then quickly lift It over to the bread crumbs and press the bread crumbs all over It. In large baking pan place the Troco and put pan In hot oven of 400 degrees to brown, but do not burn. Lower fish into hot Troco, then lift It and drop other aide In Troco. Sprinkle each piece with, salt and pepper and place fish In oven for 15 or 20 minutes, de pending on size. Baste every three or four minutes. Remove from oven and baste until all liquid disappears nto fish. Serve with baked tomatoes. You will find Troco can solve many such problems for you In baking or frying meats, fish or vegetables, lend ing that richness of flavor that has always seemed so expensive. Troco can be used lavishly as a spread for bread, as a delicious shortening for cakes, or as a frying and seasoning agent In all manner of delightful dishes. It will give you that luxury touch that so many housewives have felt they must sigh over and give tip. You can use Troco, feeling that you are getting all tho richness and flavor you d eel re In -your cooking. with 8 Porter babels Enjoy the many delightful dishe, prepared quickly and easily with Porter's Frit-lets, Macaroni, Spag hetti and Selad-cts now at ererj good grocer's. Send labels tram any Farter ore Nnt to, Portland ...0:trear Recipe Cabinet FRECI J -J Ht ustd to eompUin shout h toff a I MAN! WHAT COFFEE my wife makes with that M-J B's "Strength Essential" Is j-our need in nuking good coffee. Supposing you tried to flavor recipes with a lemon extract that wasn't fully strong. You'd get poor results. In the same way, you must use t coffee of full strength to get full flavor In t mild or medium YOIR SUCCESS Vfe guarantee that you will be successful with ittry tin of MJ'D. Ifyou brew. MJB makes delicious cof fee of any "strength" mild but never weak, medium but never flat, or strong but never bitter ill due to the "Strength Essential:' For best results be sure your coffee has this feature. Save money, too, because M J B makes more cups per pound. GUARANTEED ire nqt satisfied, your dealer will refund your money without quest ion. FULL FLAVOR AT ANY STRENGTH Let Me hav a I A nr r "Ail Ar ananas; m r Scientific Mutt t for Pint apple cmsm CERTAINLY SIR DO YOU WANT the Sliced SLICED PINEAPPLE naturally costs mora be cause of tho extreme car in seloctini porlt'A slieos. For desserts, cottait cheese and other salads, baking, can dies, etc. CRUSHED PINEAPPLE is ideal to flavor ice creams, puddings, lor cake fillings, toppings and similar uses. BROKEN SLICES are the broken portions resulting from imperfect slicing at the cannery. All sound fruit and often more full ripe than tie whole slices. TID BITS are similar to . .broken slices but in smaller portions and cut more regu lar in shape. Popular for fruit salads and cocktail. A BIT FAR-FETCHED THAT'S TRUE. Your Safeway Grocer prob ably doesn't know all the scientific names for foods . . . like ANANAS ANANAS for PINEAPPLE ... but he does know what's in the can, its . many uses, how many it will serve and things like that. Take Ananas Ananas (pardon us, pineapple) for instance Did you know that canned pineapple isDns of the most healthful foods you can cat ? It ia rich in vitamins A, B and C and because it turns alkaline in the system, it corrects acid condition and helps resist disease. Canned 'pineapple is ripe pineapple at the peak of perfection because pineapple will not ripen after it ia picked lik so many other fruits. As for uses, there are very few foods that lend themselves touch a wide variety of dishes! You may serve it for dessert, as a salad, in puddings, for flavoring other foods, or you may bake it with ' ham ... to mention just a few. When planning your pineapple dishes, bear in mind that there are 4 slices to the No. 1 Flat can. 8 medium size slices to the No. 2 cans and 8 large slices to the No. 2'2 can. Now, aee the illustrations to the left . . and, of course, note the excellent values in Pineapple at your Safeway Grocery this week-end! PRICES FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 and 21 PINEAPPLE Del Monte Fancy Sliced No. Vi cana 2 for 35c PINEAPPLE Solar, Broken Slicea No. 2'4 cana 3 for 47c PINEAPPLE 25c Libby'a, Tidbits or Crushed 8 oz. cans 4 cans FLOUR Pear Brand Family Blend 49 lb. Bag XADINO CHEESE, Full Cream . .lb. 21c Red Mexican, or Small Whites 8 lbs. 33 Q)EN Gold (A) Brand 1 Fancy Golden Bantam No. 2 can Crackers Snow Flakes or Honey Maid Grahams 2 lb. Box 2g Toilet Tissue , Waldorf 4 rolls 17c Soap 25C White King Laundry 8 bars Sunbrite' Cleanser' 3 cans 13c Cloth Dolls Free with 2 Pkgs. f&tvyfi) WHEAT KRISPIES Jellwell Cube Flavor Pkg. Cocoa Hershcy's li lb. can 5c 8c Sugar C. & H. pure cane 25 5 ibs $1-29 Del Maix Corn Niblets. Whole Kernel. Just like fresh corn off the cob. 12 oz. cans 2 for 25c SHORTENING, Acorn, all purpose ex. spec. 8 lb. tin 89c SAFEWAY QUALITY MEATS Quality Beef Tender Young Beef Oven Roast Standing Prime Rib Sirloin or Rump ib. 17hc Pot Roast Mock Chicken Legs, made from Veal and Pork 7 for 25c CHOICE BEEF BOIL, Short Ribs. . . . Ib. 10c VEGETABLE Shortening 4 lh. 49c FRESH GROUND Hamburger No flour or water added Lb. Fresh Fruits & Vegetables CABBAGE Make Your Kraut Now! ' Pound CELERY Well Bleached Stalks. 2 for TOMATOES U. S. No. 1 Firm for Slicing. 5 lbs. POTATOES Klamath Gems U. S. No. 2 50 lbs. GRAPES Fancy Local Tokays 3 lbs, Cauliflower Fancy Snow White Heads. S3 a II I I BIJ II Mill LHI - UM mCTi lm K frit MM .k .. 7. "... rnw , MM 1 1, a, prt-H mM . m It rrt. ICM PrlM Jsrlttnrtt.,s 50 PRIZES IN ALL! MAD THESE RULES CAREFtALV ! tarn at stU saw vtitisn ami i,4 ikaae tammt s At Mae e4 .1 fed iskr -ssric-iscs ir" Store 41 1 13 North Central Store 471 Main and Holly IB AIRWAY COFFEE 1" B '"ist ;i NOB HILL COFFEE I Z3H' 45t JfesT? Ediuardi' OEPENDARI F rOFFFF - jr., iTTTo: 111 I law ii m r T ' lg!jall1flVtrM t