PAGE FOim MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUTE, MEDFOKD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1935 yUMORNING STAR by Maaiak Sims JUDITH burst precipitately Into Emily's room at seven o'clock on a February morning. Her hair was on end and her dressing gown waved behind her. "I can't stand it any longer or I'll explode like a steam boiler!" Emily blinked and sat up In sud den alarm. She was accustomed to Judith's effervescence but this was different: this was Vesuvius In eruption. She thought wildly of Frances and Jeffrey, then ol Au brey and Davey. "Judith. 1 It?" s ; Judith made a Dying leap and landed In the middle of the great walnut bed. "I was going to keep It for a sur prise, but the pressure's gotten too ! dangerous. David s coming home! David. She sat very still for moment, then sbe forced herself to I whisper: "When?" "This afternoon. The wlra Just tcame. He a landing this morning and flying to Montgomery." She Hung ber arms wide. "Isn't It the Iswellest thing you ever heard of?" in spite or the turmoil of her thoughts Emily laughed. "It's the : grandest thing I ever heard of, Jude. darling, I'm as thrilled for you as you are tor yourself." Judith sat up. "How about being a little thrilled on your own ac count?" "Because I don't figure In It." She eyed Judith In sudden terror. "Did you tell him I was bere?" Judith shook her head. "That was another of my surprises." She sighed with relief. "Thank heaven for that!" "Why?" "Because I'm going home." Judith stared at her in consterna tion. "You're doing nothing of the aort! Why do you think all this was engineered?" 'But don't you see," she spread her hands In a hopeless little ges ture, mat oeing bere now would be nothing on earth but throwing myseir at did. "It wouldn't." Judith's voice was rough with conviction. "David knows you too well, even now, ever to think that. And It you think that David would marry anybody on earth from a sense of duty you're ail wet. He's too much of a Carroll for that: they don't know the mean- Ing of the word. Now will you stay here and take your chances, or will you run like a scared rabbit?" Emily's eyes were on the cover let. "I'll stay." Judith flung both arms about her neck. "I knew you would! Now hurry and get dressed; we've got tnings to ao." V ERCIFTJLLY, the plane was on time, or Judith would have demoralised the entire airport. Sbe pusnea past a uniformed official, was snatched by a greasy mechanic from a horrible death In the pro peller and flung herself upon the nrst mate passenger who descended, knowing instinctively that David would be the first man to alight. In the car David found the ton- aeau light and switched it on.' "I want a good look at you," be ex plained as the car moved away, iuey were noiding hands un ashamedly now: still smiling a little tremulously at each other. Judith said tragically: "You look like Zeus or some body, but I'm sure I've aged ter ribly!" "Terribly," David agreed gravely, and they both burst out laughing. Bbe looked about tbe car tor something to hurl and David said persuasively, "Not on my first day at home, please. Sit back and tell me about Aubrey and my nenhew.' She leaned back and he put an arm about ber shoulders. For half an hour she talked steadily. Aubrey and Davey, who bad watched for the headlights as they turned In the driveway, were wait ing on the steps. Emily, Judith ob served, was not visible. The two jnasj -gripped hands, smilingly and almost wordlessly, and Judith caught up her son. They went Inside the house and t)avld etopped for a moment In the hall, in bis eyes the expression of a pilgrim returning to a well-re- pembered shrine. He had known Mdrton Hall well in the past. "Oh, Jude." be turned swiftly to ber and his voice broke a little, "It rou knew what It means to be back ! " His eyes swept the Hvlnr-ronm with the same hungry glance, as It he had only this moment to Imprint Its appearance upon his memory torever. Then he smiled at ber. "Quite the chatelaine, aren't rou?" "Quite." Her ears attuned to the floor above had heard Emily leave her room and begin to descend the stairs. From his position near the arch way David saw her first, and recog nised her Instantly. He whirled on Judith, his voice a shaken, angry whisper. "If this is your Idea of a Joke, It's damned poor taste!" Judith's bean was singing. She whispered back: "It's not a joke, you Idiot! Do you think she'd be here If everything weren't all right?'- THERE was no time for more Emily was coming In and David had crossed the room to meet her. David took ber hands and smiled down at her. "If this isn't a perfect 'SEVEN KEYS7 TONIGHT film mm Tickets for the Southern Oregon Normel School play, "Seven Keys to Baldpate," a mystery farce by Geo. M. Cohan, under the direction of An gus L. and tors M. Bowmer, are now on sale at the Toggery. The show will be produced tonight at 9:30 o'clock and Monday, at 8:20 p. m. In the S. O. N. 8. auditorium. The east Is as follows: William Hslowell Mcdee Angus L. Bowmer. - Mrs. Qulnmby Rosella Cllne. Elijah Quimby John Barker. Mary Norton Marjorle McNalr. John Bland Mark Seeley. Mrs. Rhodes Marian Ady. Peters, the hermit John narr. Myra Thornhlll Margaret Knox. Lou Max Jim Poster. Jim Cargan Ed Butze. Thomas Hayden Wayne Smith. Jiggs Kennedy Bob Stedman. ' Owner of Baldpate Claude Easel strom. Technical crewi Direction Angus L. and Lois M. Bowmer. Scenery Play production class. Costumes Elnore Qertaon, Helen Qould. Business and publicity manager Maxlne uerhart. Assistants Don Carson, Jeanne Patrick. Stage Manager John Harr. Bookholder Bosella Cllne. Properties Jeanne Fabric, Bernlce Martin. Electrician Qaylor Ttce. Sound Elva Martin. Assistant Jean GUUngs. THE WORLD AT ITS WORST By GLUYAS WILLIAMS Card of Thanks ' We wish to thank our many friends for their kind expression of sympathy and many beautiful floral offerings uuiu our recent oereavement. L. M. FlshfT William Fisher. STRANGE AS IT SEEMS By JOHN HIX For further proof address the author. Inclosing a stamped envelope for reply. Keg. U. S. Pat OS. David took her hands, and smiled. climax to a perfect homecoming." But his voice, Judith noted, was gay and not shaken: was friendly with out being Intimate. , She held he: breath, praying that Emily wouldn't betray herself. Emily did not. Her smile was ai gas as David's, and her voice as care fully controlled. "1 thought 1 was beyond being surprised by the Car roll's, but I'm not David, It's won derful to see you!" If I tried to say bow good It li to sea you I'd be guilty of under statement." She laughed Quietly, and crossed the room to the others. To covei the pause Judith said quickly: Why can't we have our cocktail! now? Then David can go up and array himself afterwards It hi chooses." David grinned. "I think I can beat It" He handed a glass to Emllj and, as Judith re-entered the room another to her. Then he lifted hit own, as Judith bad done six woeki before. For Auld Lang Syne." Over thi rim of bis glass his eyes soughl Emily's tor a second, then nassed quickly on to the others. And the years ahead!" Judltb said quickly. They drank, almost solemnly, and started as a crash shattered the still ness. Judith had flung her glasi against the hearth. David startled and unnerved. laughed roughly. "The same old Bernhardt!" he teased her. "I'm not!" she defended heraell hotly. "But that's the sort of toasl that requires a broken glass." (Copunehl. IMS. tv Hnrtna Slmi) Imlly. tomorrow, blusnes before breakfast. $18,000,000 Gold Taken In Alaska 6EATTLX. Oct. 18 (UP) Als.ka gold production during theVmu-m fiscal year will total, the largest smount in 30 years, Oeorge L. Swarva. chief government avyl.t. esttmsted today. Approximstely i7.00O.O0O worth of gold has arrived from the territory since July 1. Production will be about JO percent greater than last year. Use Mall Tribune want ads. V L-f M&k m e1 fit, Sm I j "1 ! X VJftH cHWbOSS Ch&iDOH 3CK,.. Mam , sv''rjFZS fctf tRief hm ffe own yf,m lite LAHP "U rrf Wf "t- wesr African cohsr. -TtcV 'SM v LAMP To Wffn&PE 00'0', 5s immt 00'" yjSS jftk-v. hub Sulphur, a solid at ordinary tem peratures, melts at from 113 to 119 degrees, Centigrade, into a clear yel low fluid. If, however, this molten sulphur Is still further heated to about 3S0 degrees, It thickens again, becoming dark and almost solid. Ap plication of mere heat turns It clear and limpid again at 300 degrees. Sul phur, then, first melts, then solidifies, then melts again as more heat Is ap plied. At 448 degrees It bolls, form ing a yellow vapor, Robert Thomas, mystery man of the Windham county Jail., Brooklyn. Conn., was sentenced to a short Jail term there ten yeara ago. on a charge of vagrancy. Well liked, useful, and apparently quite contented, he made arrangements to stay on after his term was up. living In the Jail and working there for his meals, clothes and a small monthly allowance. Although he never talked of hla past or his family, occasional slips In his conversation led officers to be lieve that he came from a good fam ily, and waa a man of fair education. The name he gave was probably fic titious. Just why a man would so willingly call a county Jail his home for ten years, no one could say. The mystery now Is a closed one. for not long ago Robert Thomas died. I 1 V W (Copyright, 1935, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)) 11 (( I f Ws - ' I r.w j - y yu-i ! k BV HtTlH3 60f IN 1UE 6ARA&E VOU ELUDE y Your mother's call to come w and see T - VlSlfORS, REALI2IK6 TOO LfifE THAT THE VISI" ' " j TORS INCLUDED THE MOST RADlANftV BEAUflflJL. t 6tRL IN THE WORLD WHO HAS RKENfLV MOVED 1 '0-15 iKtb "THE" NEIGHBORHOOD vlu4rf ' , S'MATTEE POP- By 0. M. PAYNE (PIP! T L T Sf ACE-lll '.- V ' " S$ VICTIM S"1 ' fCmlBH by The Be U dNcate. Inc.) .. jrW TAILSPIN TOMMY Tommy Arrives in Time" or . -.1 u f - ,ur , v- Tomorrow: Survival of the Fittest. z -4W HsV?c'lPyrlB1"- '35, by The Bell Syndicate. Inc.) ..'trffll ' t-, hat tpncQtraT I p i ' .-: - uftuvwjw y. OO-W-iP l WERC d gri. afortunadAmemte You I I meanuhile- II s!?' tuct wa a -U&XA ,"1'H!T" A A k h WLLvSli loRL3 mmlM ' J-H ' m -SCREAM-- V FanO HOCO, MV WM T yA -fu.?11 FO(VjfSV1 lf?PTm.MlSG .J ?"S1S tI .iA ROOM m AND IT -SOUNDED I DHAR. !NE2-.- J. B fff I f TC-C-,' &,S?Stf 2 f . r sV CsaJOU: rw UPSTAIRS- UKE INE2" J A3 lOAS T "I I MOJLJISW- 4 W,J fc TOR ASSAULTINS JBnTf1 ABOUT TO 7 , m IJt ' BEN WEBSTER'S CAREER The Sheriff's Proposal I i i ; ' By EDWIN ALGER THE NEBBS Behave Yourself rtt,lia W"""T"' " , By SOL HESS ""SET "oOT OF HEQE T f 5UOV 1 RUOVi : ',,. TRV1MS m ' ;,'" " " ' "i:! -f 1 TE"-1- VOU.' I DONJ'T A i SET BACK IKJID VstE.aL mv' GOLD '' V- WE WOULOWT LET Me N. 'iS.; M1SJD IF VOU FILL VOUR. ) BE.O VJWAT'5 ( LOO AT TWAT PACE .' ) I HIS TEMPERATURE BUr jl'X POCKETS "JITU MV GOLD K TME MATTER. VOl COULDMT "PSUST t ( pf?M wl FLU5MED FACE, IP WE I T V PUT DONJ'T r?".IS0C3 y WITH VOO?.WIM V1TM A EROM r S GtTS AOTWEQ DEGREE. HE'LL. LgnBfmmm SATCHEL1 --j. ' ktAMP GLOBE.'T V V BS A BOlsl-FlRE - VOOVEC jB&s--- N