MEPFORD MAIL TRIBUTE, XfEDFOKD. OREGOX, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1935 AOE FIFTEEN" Local and Here on Business Among bulnes . TlBttor here today waa A. 0. Smith of Portland. Li" To Kansas City H. M. Rom of this city U leering tonight for Kansas City. from Spokane Arriving, on the train this morning vu C. L. Wail tnark of Snoyane. who will maka a 'short business oall here. ; .' Returning Home Fred Meyer ol .Twin Falls, Idaho left this morning alter spending the past two weeks visiting Al Neidermeyer of this city. LeaTes for Home J. W. De3ouE returned to his home In Salem thta morning after making a business rltlt here. Postpone Party W. W. O. of the First Baptist church has Indefinitely postponed the party scheduled for October 18. , :, Janouch Returns Karl h. janouch, supervisor of the Rogue Rlrer nation al forest, returned this mornlmr from Portland, where he made, a visit to .the regional office. To San Francisco Oapt. Ernest W. Oruhn, OOC district executive offi cer, left today for San Francisco to Join Mrs. Oruhn. The couple will re i turn Sunday with their Infant baby; Back at Post Major George H. Owens, commanding officer of the Medford COC district, waa back at his post here today following an Inspec tion trip to Camp Agneas. Camp Transferred Company 1634. which spent the summer at Camp Annie Springs In Crater Ijake nation al park, la being transferred for the winter to me camp i Caves. . Mrs. C. O. Smith III Mrs. C. O. Smith was reported recovering today from a mator operation recently un dergone at the Community hospital. She was resting comfortably today, according to hospital attaches. To Attend Funeral Mrs. W. C. Car ter arrived this morning from her home In Mountalnvllle, Missouri, to . attend the funeral of her brother. Dr. Emmltt J. Carpenter, which will be held tomorrow afternoon. Change Address Notice la given that the Lincoln Service club card party, will be held tonight at 439 N. Central, the home of Mrs. Ted New artrom. -This Is a change In address from that given In the earlier an nouncement this week. TOO LATE ,T0 CLASSIFY NEWLY finished and furnished apt. Heat, hot water, two beds, garage. (35.00. 10 Quince St. GUINEA GOLD MARIGOLDS. Calen dula. Mrs. Dressier, 1107 E. Main. WANTED Church organist. Phone MM. CARLOAD PIANOS direct from the factory Just received. See all the ' beautiful new models Including the NEW VERTICAL GRAND PIANO. , Ameiica'a latest sensation In piano ' construction. A few bargains left In discontinued models and good used pianos. Two smell pianos for rent or will sell for balance of con- tract. Baldwin Piano Shonpe. 81 CHEV. Sedan, trunk, good rubber, original finish, ilka new; priced for , quick sale. Pleroe Allen Motor Co., Dodge and Plymouth. BEAR CREEK SOIL 15 acres, all In cultivation. irrigated. 8 acres alf alfa. 3-room house, lar$e barn, chicken house, aarage. Fenced with woven wire. Total price 82750. Rea- r sonable terms. Charles A. Wing Agency, Inc., 109 E. Main. FOR SALE Used McOaskey account file. Box 4038 Tribune, FOR SALE Soltzenburor apples, lim ited quantity, well colored, good sizes, tnqulre twy Packing House. South Fir St. ' LOST Requisition book. Rogue River Co. Phone 1368. FOR SALE 4-room modern . home, nlcelv landscaned lot. garage, only 1250.00. Excellent terms. Charles A. Wing Agency. Inc.. 109 E. Main St.. FULLY EXPERIENCED Caterpillar tractor man wanted. Able to take full ehaivre of nlowln. Frank H. Rsr. 1013 Bast Main St. Telephone ISM. FOR SALE 34 A. O V C. Hanson White Leffhorn pullets and reir-old hens. 706 Newtowm Phone 922. FOR RENT 3-room and bath, fur nlsheOaot.. orlvate entrance, gar- age. 812 So. Oakdale. TOH RENT 4 acres under wnter. famllv orchard, nut trees, lancre ehtcken house. lar.e barn. ood houAe and outbiilldln-TS. 3 miles out. Inquire 1504 No. Rlrerslde. jRLEASE Serrlce station and grocery store. 10 acres land, situ ated on Crater Lake hlflhwav. If In terested, call 34-X-13. Eacle Point. NOW ON DISPLAY-SEE THE NEW 1936 Plymouths BEE AND RIDE IN THE! The New Chrysler 6 and 8 Airstreams WITH THE SENSATIONAL CHRYSLER OVERDRIVE WILL BE HERE SOON THERE WILL BE A NEW LINE OF CHRYSLER AIRFLOWS LANGE MOTOR CO. Personal To Portland Evelyn Regnler left this morning for Portland, where she will attend, business school. . Missionary Here Miss Rattle Peth eroe Is staying overnight In Medford with friends while en route to Burma, India, where she will tako up mis sionary work. Her home Is In South Dakota. Inspects Forests M. L. Merrltt. as sistant regional forester at Portland, was to leave this afternoon for east ern Oregon after completing an In spection of the Rogue River national forest In company with N. C. White, assistant supervisor here. He was to return to Portland 'tomorrow. Teachers Chorus Meet A special rehearsal of the Teachers Chorus, In preparation for presenting a program before the P.-T.A. on Wednesday eve ning, has been called by Mrs. Esther Church Leake In the auditorium of the courthouse at 10 o'clock tomor row morning. Correction Note Through a mis understanding. It was reported yester day that Jack Hey land would give a report of the Boy Scout trip east at the meeting of the Washington P.-T. A. this evening. Mr. Heyland has charge of the scout program at the meeting. Young Larry scnade was the delegate on the Boy Scout trip. Leaves for Campus Allen B. Drury left this morning for Eugene to be the guest of his daughters, the Misses Laura and Mildred, during "Dad's Day," which will be observed by the University of Oregon tomorrow. Miss Mildred Drury Is a student and Miss Laura Is secretary to the Dean of Women. Inspect Highways Judge P I TouVelle, recently appointed member of the state highway commission, turned to Medford today after at. tending a meeting of the commission at Lakevlew, where a banquet in non- or of the commission was held. En route back to Medford. Judge tou. Velle. accompanied by Henry F. Ca bell, chairman of the, commission, ana R, H. Baldock, engineer, visltx-d Ash land -and Inspected the work being done on this side of the Slsklycm grade. The engineer la very enthusias tic over the work being aone mere and the rapid progress being made. It Is believed half of the grade can be modernized with the funds already available. Including a number of long fills and at least one highway tunnel. The other members of the commia- slon did not stop In Medford for any length of time, but continued by motor to Salem ana Fortiana. SHOP EQUIPMENT OFFICE FIXTURES Oolng Fast The following for sale: 1 Air Compressor 50-gal. Gas Buggy 1 set reamers Crane 2 Shop work benches , 2 Parts bins on rollers Misc. shop tools Roll-top desk . 2 Oak offloe chairs J 2-drawer steel cabinet , 1 Carey safe , 4 12-ft. showroom lattice 2 showroom palms DON'T WAIT TOO LONG 103 So. Riverside In rear AMATEUR MUSIC CONTEST .Satur day night at 8 o'clock at the Bald win Piano Shoppe. This la PAY NIOH1. Winners of past three weeks compete In the finals for the CASH this week. Free entertain mentgood program. Everyone in vited. . Why? SACRIFICE SALE 4500 Property H700 7-room modern stucco house. West Main street, beautiful lot. Immedi ate sale at less than half value. Price $1700; half cash; balance terms. J. C. BARNES 910-T 20 NO. Peach GOOD USED CARS SALE PRICES 1933 Plymouth DeLuxe sedan; six wheels, extras. 1B33 Plymouth S-wheel sedan. 1933 Plymouth coupe; a real bargain. 1931 Ford A Victoria coupe. 1930 Ford A 2 -door sedan. Other real bargains In Fords, Chevro- lets. etc. The new Chryslers wilt be here soon - LANGE MOTOR CAR CO. Chrysler and Plymouth Dealers 38 No. Riverside Phone 18 (Formerly Armstrong Motors) DANCE SATURDAY NITE Geo. Dayton 'and His TDrchestra DREAMLAND MEN 40c Story of the North 1W " - - a-u-ac- For years Jack London's "Call of the Wild" has been one of fiction's most popular adventures. On Sun day, the Craterian theater will show this famous epic of the North In the film version that has Clark Gable, Loretta Young and Jack Oakle In the leading roles. Set against the beautiful scenery of the Klondike, actually filmed at Mt. Baker, Washington, where the production was snowed in for several days, "The Call of the Wild" recre ates on the screen the mad desire for gold that sent thousands of men and women of all classes Into the frozen north In. search of the yellow metal. FOR SALE 20 New Hampshire Red pullets. Phone 1569-Y, CASH for Royal Typewriter, condition no object. Must be cheap. Box 4937 Tribune. TAYLOR TO HELP State Representative Glenn O.Tay lor said today "that he would sup port A. Moore Hamilton In his con test for the- speakership of the bouse. Mr. Taylor win leave ' here for 8alem Sunday to participate In the special session of the legislature called by Governor Martin to .lay plans for a new capltol and to con sider other emergency legislation. The race for the speakership has developed Into a fiery conteat and In the event that Mr. Hamilton loses' out Mr. Taylor said he would give his support to Henry Bemon, Klamath Falls Democrat. Mr. Taylor said he Is for giving the speaker ship ,to a southern Oregon man. Hamilton left yesterday afternoon for Salem. Mrs. Hamilton 'and their young 'son, Alexander, and Hamil ton's mother, Mrs. L. H. Hamilton of Central Point, will Join him In the capltol city Sunday, where Mrs. A. Moore Hamilton will act as his clerk during the session. Before leaving Hamilton expressed the belief that he had as good a chance as the next candidate to win the honors as speaker of the house. Follow the Crowd to the ORIENTAL GARDENS Sat. Kite DANCE till 2:00 o'clock ; Both Halls One Admission OCTOBER 19 ladies Dance Every ' Wed. and Sat. ' AvB on Craterian Bill I i fiA, J. There they ran Into all sorts of adV ventures; some -were . lucky, some were not; some couldn't "take It;" some came out the stronger. But all of them had their stories to tell, and London had the gift to tell it with dramatic force that has been retained In the picture. Besides the three aforementioned names, the cost Includes, Buch favor ites as Reginald Owen ,-K&t her lne De Mllle, Sidney Toler and Prank Con roy, in addition to "Buck," the dog, which was the object of an Intense search before being chosen for his close resemblance to the dog of Lon don's story. HAGEN PUT OUT BY i. TWIN HILLS GOLF COURSE. OK LAHOMA CITY, Oct. 18. (AP) Wal ter Hagen, Detroit sharpshooter who upset all calculations by winning medalist honors, was eliminated- by Johnny Revolts of Milwaukee, fellow member of the Ryder cup team, pne up In the first 18-hole round of tho P. O. A. national tournament here today. ... GenivSarazen, tournament favorite, and Paul Runyan, defending cham ulon,, advanced to the second round with comparative ease. Sarazen won over Oeorge. Christ of Rochester, N. 4 and . 3, and Runyan eliminated Louis Chlapetta of Jackson Shores, Mich., 6 and 3. Revolta's sensational recoveries from sand traps and Hagen' putting lapses were deciding, factors In the downfall of "The Halg." Harold Sampson of Burltngame. Cal., defeated Emery Zimmerman of Portland, iOre., l up. Al Zimmerman of Portland, Ore., defeated Eddie Williams of Benson vllle, 111., a and 1. - Special Turkey Dinner 40c at Mor ris Top Notch Eats, 14 So. Central. Opening tomorrow. 1 - WYTlMEs oscnonriRKiw jttk imp CLAIHK IMtfltt 4UI-K U HIT SATURDAY ONLY ! Continuous Shows 1 to 11 Hair Trigger Action As Tim A Rinrs the .SO COMEDY NOVELTY TRAPPED SUN - M0N 5 T J ot 'iGMt im-- A A;A ENDS TONIGHT! MaSaassfii mm wesu (r sOX4i "Smilin' Through" fa.' . Few motion pictures are able to stand the test of being reissued fol lowing their Initial reletue but Norma Shearer's triumphant film version of the famous stage classic, "Smilin' Through," In which she ta starred with Leslie , Howard and Fredric March Is one of those rare produc tions which have lingered1" In the $1,000 AMPLE FOR IS CLAIM OF ARBITER WASHINGTON, Oct. 18 (AP) The debutantes of the capital need spend no-more than $1,000 apiece on their wardrobes for the senson Just now getting under way. That is the expert opinion of Mrs. William Laird Dunlop, a "social secre tary" who helps the debs blossom. . She said today she'd known debs to spend $3000 or $3000 for clothes, but she always advises against It, since those spending more than $1,000 "have no better time and make no better Impression." She recommends for each deb one black evening gown: one white eve ning gown, and a few pretty evening gowns In colors; one very smart tail ored eult for Jucheon and morning events; several pretty and Informal afternoon gowns for tea danoes; smart shoes and accessories. Coming out balls normally cost anywhere from $500 to $1500, though Mrs. Dunlop has helped with some running as high as $80001 She's also seen as high as $2000 worth of flowers 01 Shows I I 1:00-3:00 I I ;:00-9:UO I mm A RIOT OF LAUGHS! ' ' vise-c r c kn'!l5 1? " 'f i ' f wringing Zasu . . star- .. I V If ," W red together for the tlrst -.fW I g W time . . It couldn't be funnier V JAWES GLEASOIU 1 I ZASU PITTS, I I ' A;,,! Today and Saturday! V f Plus Extra Attractions I l?- 14 All-star Camedy ' . ' 'SSM MM "GUM SHOES" riiip ' "Spice of Life" I j tiTsrmT.i i , - ' News j Coming to Rialto hearta of the moviegoers the world over. . .80 great has been the demand by the public to see this plctue again- even after three years have passed- that the Rialto theater oru Sunday and Monday will once again bring Its rare loveliness back to the screen ft loveliness that has Increased with time. purchased for single debut, but that a tne rare exception. Crippled Rancher Cains Acquittal BURNS, Ore., Oct. 18. (AP) Harry Church, Narrows, Ore., rancher who shot his neighbor. Bob McManus, in an argument over a fight at school between their sons, was acquitted of manslaughter charges in a unanimous verdict by a circuit court Jury here late yesterday. Church, a cripple on whose porch the shooting occurred, declared he shot In self-defense. Not let " . Hemstitching. Mrs. Canoose at 993 So. Orange. . DANCE at K. P. HALL .Every SATURDAY NITE 35o couple. Ex. Ladies lOo DANCE On The OASIS SPRING FLOOR Every Sat. Nite AdulU 25t Klddles-lOo BACK AGAIN! The lorten'i finest achievement! , . . to thrill you again 1 SUEMM FREDRIC MARCH LESLIE HOWARD Roxy Stars if Tim McCoy rides again as a Robin Hood of tho range In "The Square Shooter," coming for tomorrow only to the Roxy theater. It Is one of fighting Tim's mat exciting action dramas, with charming Jacqueline Wells as the heart Interest. The fifth episode of "The Red Rider." with Buck .Jones as the star, will be on the same program. NORTH BONNEVILLE, Wash.. Oct. 18. (AP) Four business establish 1 Shows 1:45 7:00-P:00 Hurry! Ends Tomorrow Night! A BIT OF EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE On The orlH" 80Vin WU Coon.nuiiw" over w" aio stations . , aanoinl PRKVUE SATURDAY NIOHT y "TOGETHER VE LIVE" BEN LYON ) ESTHER RALSTON SHEILA MANNERS Xf! "COMINQ W) SUNDAY! SyiFaS I London's roaring 4$ '' 5 epio of the Yu- . (f - . konivrjfrim, A. ruthless land of, CV I fierce passloni ' I Xmi H s i& an1 urvlval ' I y II i I ' Jr of 'the fittest!, He knew M' ' ments were destroyed here late yester day la a 115.000 blaze which threat ened for time to become a general conflagration. An explosion of a gasoline stove In the Evergreen restaurant started that fire at 3:30 p. m. The L. M. Shimley dry goods store, the Richardson mar ket and H. A. Oroce grocery also bumed before workers from the Bonneville dam operations brought a powerful pumper Into play. Famous Fried umcKen Good Music Every Nite BONNEY'S GRILL SSawfiBH HOHLWEQ'S AUTO TOP SHOP Side Curtains Repaired New Celluloid 109 E. EIGHTH ST. with Brill Metal Works I Mats . . . 23c Etm . . . Kldillrs loo 8 'S.-- '41 " T a k what you waat ... bef o r the other fellow" ha M en I. iat 04 (ea Is 111 rs, 'or nd of . SUN MON 38 N. RIVERSIDE. (formerly ARMSTRONG MOTORS) PHONE 18 i Emmmmm