PAGE NINE Local and Personal Clark Gable Coming to Craterian Clever Comedy Team Coming to Rlalto Spencer and Rose ClarM, Arsd tRfis:5fe r $5 j?? oBd wt0 & of it -tii be tbere. for lis so crd-1 itdef zhztt grest graac&u ifisry wedding. The sride and groese Sren, 5IEDF0RD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD. OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1933 F1 'Ummmmnammmmmm ip Seff Return Porter Neff returned thU moratag from buJnes trip u. Salem. Heath in Ashland William Heath of the Union Oil company was among toualnee callers In A&m&nd Wednes day. Shop Here Mrs. Hugh Bates sad Bernita Lasher of Ashland were in Medford Wednesday, visiting and shopping, - Here for Day Gertrude Fogies of Del Monte, Cal., was a guest today of her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Looser while enroute to Pacific Besch, Wash Covered Dish Supper Royal Neigh bors will hold a covered dish supper tonight at the K. P. hall st 8:30. All members and friends are invited. To Hold Sale Ladies of the Zion English Lutheran church will hold a rummage sale Saturday in the build ing formerly occupied by Campbell's clothing store on East Main street, Getting Witnesses Deputy U. fi. Marshal Leo McLain was In Klamath Palls today summoning witnesses for two criminal cases to be heard in federal court Monday. To Meet I'ntt James O. Wanzer, commander ot Camp Agness, came to Medford today to direct the transportation of the CCC men ar riving on the special train from the east to make replacements at Agness. Sunday school Dinner The Sams Valley Sunday achol will have preach ing services following the morning session next Sunday. A oasites dinner i will be served after the services, with everybody welcome. Staying In Ashland K. W. Shu&sers of Medford has returned to the Con- valescent Home after spending the week-end in Medford. He will stay at Barber's for the next two weeks. Ashland, Tidings. . Make Inspection Assistant Re gional Porester u. L. Merritt of Port land was making an Inspection today of the Ratue Hirer national forest. He was accompanied by N. C. White, asistant supervisor here. Back from Hunt J, S. Gill w back at his duties as foreman of the forest service warehouse today, after a, f:ve-day hunting trip in eastern Oregon' He reported meeting with no luck. CCC'S Iitst harged Recently dis charged CCC'a leaving last nSght for Los Arwfeies were Bud C. Wilmoth, - Joe L. KuilosI Kenneth M. Mesh, Sterley M. Simpson, George E. Ga vel!, Arthur P. Vollmer, Arthur J. Rcs-jnlof and Harold M. Lashcil. Here Tuesday Among Ashland visitors in Medford Tuesday were Dan Kay. here on business, and R. B. Campbell and W. J. Dougherty, who attended an I. G. A. retail' grocers mestlng in the evening at Mason. Ehrman & Co. On Business Trip Charles H. Tls dalc. Rpecial Agent of the Central Manufacturers Mutual Insurance company, was 1n Medford on busi Ees today. He expected to remain here several days before returning to his ofiicc in Portland. UrMnlay Meet An important meet In? of the Medfcrd chapter DeMotey will be held at the Masonic hall at 7:30 tonight, it was announced to day. All members are urged -to at tend as a vote will be taken upon ii A t,s).-tirtd nt Mi bV-ilWS. The usual refreshments will to seived. Married In Krauts Paws Word has been received here of the marriage of Emeiine Qretchen Lehrmann of Grants Pass and Edward Laphem of this city. The ceremony was per formed by Justice of the Pca E. W. Madison st the courthouse in Grants Pass Tuesday. ' ft'C Train IMi A special train bringing 190 CCC men from Port Knox. Kentucky, was due to arrive In Medford st 4:30 this afternoon. The men will be taken Immediately by truck to Camp Agness, where they will replace men to be transferred to Camp Gasquet, The train Is com manded by Capt. H. M. Rose. Publisher Here George Cornwall, who established The Tlmberman, and Is one of the best known editors and timber experts on the coast, stopped in Medford today enroute to the log ging congress at Vancouver, B. C, which he organized a number of years ago. While hers Mr. Cornwall called on his old friend. Jim Owen, and thev talked over the many problems of the timber industry, nationally and locally. For many years - Mr. Cornwall lived in Portland but he now makes his home in Piedmont. Cal. Goes East Mrs. KelUe Wall left this moraine bv train for fn.-. ed trip in the east, whera she win wiui meats aaa relatives m Chicago and Erie. Pa, She Intsnds being gone about two months, Here for Meeting Mrs. W. RJ Hen derson of Rosevilie, Cal., arrived this morning to attend the meeting of the Pocahontas lodge tomorrow night, when Stella Ely, Great Pocahontas of California, will visit the local lodge. While here, Mrs, Henderson will visit with several relatives, including Mrs. L. M. Smith. Owen Visited A. R, Owen rf Owen, Wis., and William Stout of San Fran cisco visited Jim Owen of the Med ford Corporation hers yesterday, after looking over some of their large prop erty and timber interest at Brook ings and other points along the coast, A. R. Owen is Jim Owen's nephew and has frequently visit! in Med ford in the past. The two men left for their respective homes after spending the day here, Former Residents Visit Mrs. J. H. Williams end son Maurice of San Francisco are visiting here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hart, 822 Minnesota street, and will be here until Sunday. Mrs. Wiliiams is a sister of Mrs. Hart and Ralph Wood ford. She has been here about two weeks, her son joining her Sunday, Maurice is purser on a Dollar steam ship and has made many trips around the world since leaving here several years ago. He stated today that Chuck Thomas, also well known here and employed on the same ship, left the vessel for a hospital in New York recently, suffering from a minor ailment. PLUS 15 r, KIDN H OUT ILES OF EY TUBES Medical authorities agree that Tonr kid Beys contain 15 JULES of tiny tube o fillers -which help to purify tfae blood aai keep you healthy. Kidneys should empty 1 pints a day and so fftt rid of mors than f pounds of waste. If you have trouble with too fre78TP bladder pautsgres with scanty amount eau ins homing and discomfort, the IS MILES of kidney tubes may need fluthlnc oat. Tali danger iisrnal may he the bejrinning of naf King backache, leg paint, lost of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puf&aes tinder the eyes and dizzfnefa. Don't wait, Ask year druggist foi DOAN'S PILLS, used fuccestfuHy by mil. lioni for over 48 years. They nappy rfief and will heip to fiuo out ta if MILES of kidney tubes. Get Dean's Pills. At Craterian Sir Guy Standing and Richard Cromwell, whose portrayals of father and son in "Uvea of a Bengal Lan cer" were outstanding features of that film, are united again in lead ing roles of "Annapolis Farewell," the screen feature on the Craterian thea ter program starting today for & three day run. On the stage are the Ken tucky Coon Hunters, who will appear for ail shows, matinee and evening, for the three-day engagement. Sir Guy appears as the retired commodore who, having given the best part of his life to nis country, returns to Annapolis, there to sped his remaining days, while Cromwell appears as a midshipman friend of the aged officer. Others in the case in clude Tom Brown, John Howard, Rosalind Keith, John Darrow and Louise Beavers, the popular colored player. The film, actually made at the Naval Academy, wift high ranking officials there to see that it measured up to the high standard of the ser vice, follows the life of the cadets, through the hectic days of plcbeiip to final graduation, with many ex citing adventures Interspersed be tween times. caToday and Fri.C3 Mysterious Murder In This Old House! Dine and Dance Every Night Famous Fried Chicken BONNEY'S GRILL 1 The greatest Murder yarn pJJ yarn ever screened ! 1 A brauflflli Klrl at the 1 hand, of a tlm4 ... I h knew th mmt J lo the ft ea tt fi-J Cflmf on word! jff; . SECRET chateau; CLAIRE DODD ALICE WHITE OSGOOD PERKINS GEORGE E. STONE 7? JACK LA RUE J iff' i , Call of the Wild," colorful filmiz- ation of Jack London's immortal story of the Yukon gold rush, comes to the Craterian theater for three days start ing Sunday. A location unit headed by Claris Gable, Loretta Young and Jack Oakie faced danger and starvation in sus- Mro Mount, Baker. Washington, to Jilm this production. Gable end Oaile are seen as Thorn ton and Shorty, two buddies seeking gold in Alaska. Tijej rescue 'wautiful Claire Blake from wolves and teirs that her husband has been lost In the Arctic wastelands. She posae?aea de tails regarding ricii "lost claim" and realizing that she U helpless single-handed, the girl cssi her lot with Thornton and Shorty. After . perilous Journey the trio locate the strilse, finding it i3beeasy rich. Thornton and Claire nave feik-n hops lessly in love when Thornton's dog Suck fines cisjre's husband. Thorn ton releases Claire and sends the couple off to file ciaim on the prop erty. Others In the cast are Frank Con my, Reginald Owen, Sidney TfJler and Xatherine de Mille. J Examiner Hue Ward McReynoids. state examiner for operators and chauffeurs, will be on the third floor of the city hall here tomorrow and Saturday, ROOSEVELT! PAYS SPEED FINE HAMPTON, 2f. H., Oct. i?. (tiPi Young Franklin X. Roosevelt's flair for speed cost him 5 today. The president's son and namesake pleaded guilty to a charge of speed ing along Lafayette road at a S5-mile clip September 18. Judge John W, Perkins Imposed the fin. Franklin, a junior at Harvard, fill ed to appear when his case was first called September 28. Then New Hampshire's registrar of motcr ve hicles asked the Massachusetts reg istrar to urge young Roosevelt to ftp pear "as a law abiding citizen." The original default was due to a "mis understanding," It was said today. Oss Mall Tribune vast ads. KEEP SPRINGFIELD POWER FRANCHISE EUGENE, Oct, t? 37 By TOte of 435 to 2S6residei5t of Spri&?ieM turned down charter amendment whiclj would nay enabled the stty to change the power set-up of the town in an election Wednesday. In a campaign that at time reach ed extreme bitterness between Advo cates of lower power rates and those who favored retention of the present set-up whereby the city purchases power and water from the Moustsls The Sed Book Magazine story,, t has provided the world wh posdiv "Leander Clicks. whlefe caused so soimt of popular literature "Hot inuca comment among the reading U one of feia best aiorie. public when was published in 1533, pictures, Z&Sn Pitta and James Glea ftffords the basis of "Hot Tip. which I sen pooi t5seir tJerits fop ihir rrf-s returns to the screen Z&3n Pitts and j of Jimmy and Belle McGill, In the Jsmea Oleason as a new and refresh- j romantic &$da are Margsret Calla ing comedy team, ceming to the Bi- f ban, HolJywoodl l&is&i remsit frsm alto theater tomorrow, I tha legitimate at$ge and Ruil Ttom the pen of William Siaveas Qleason James" own son Kd veteran McSutt, who for the past two decades of m&ny productions. States Power company, the city ad ministration sought to obtain autho rity to terminste the franchise of the power comptiny. with the expec tation Eugene municipal power would be purchased, giving resident a low r rate. Opponents of the plan claimed ine taxes paid by the power company more than offset the ca?lng in rates and during the campaign it .was de clared that should the ameisdment pass, the power company and the Booth-Kelly Lumber company prob ably would move the i&rger part ot their holdings oat of the city. New Comfort for Those 1 Who Wear False Teeth No longer need you feel munfiom fortable wearing false teeth. Fss teeth, a greatly Improved powder, sprinkled on your plates holds them tight and comfortable. No gummy pasty taste or feeling. Deodorizes. Get Fivs teeth ftt your druggist. Three sizes. OMAHA. Seb., Oct. 1?. il?Pl Death at the hands of ft hangman is far more merciful than fatalities from falling downstairs or in as automobile accident. Theodore F Brooks, orthopedic physician, hers today. EXCLUSIVE COMMUNITY BALKS IMPROVEMENTS gardes crrr JE, Y Oct. IT. iUPi The Nassau count? beard supeiTlser fes of WPA mcnev to build a new courthouse but cast get consent of citizen t build the structure, HeskieKta who fear tht a courthouse tth Its ceitcsmiJant atmospbere of Judicial activity would aestsey ibe commun ity's runtd esclusivesvwa dug up an ancient buiidlRg ffirdinsnc-e to block tbe project, WHOLE TOWN TO SEE IT'S AN INVENTION OF hVf OWN TO TAKE CkU OF THE DEMAND FOR if yoo find drmfe-isswtmg s sfcrs, dss u Giibsy't is cocfeoas. Geetti bound So go for Ihem, Sine GMbyi i made m America, fcospifsMa hem hove been ovsfwortced. for hum U one of Jhs smoolhsst gmt ysa er raised to your lip. Giibsy't iss Msat tntefnorionai tajte Ihof hsi mod ft 'world famous. Now mods m Asssrics , . , end old at on txtrssfSasrf low price ... tariff frsi 1.05 He. UTS 45 Qart Ss.SITC Rs m ELDERLY COUPLE WEOj HtGOASOSI, Ojsbb, C. JS.-fSBPI j GILBEY'S GIN 0 Shows fl 1:00-8:01! I I KIMiM-tOe fl WHEN THESE TWO FUNSTERS GET TOGETHER YOU KNOW IT'S A RIOT! The story of man nba knew bis nags mnrried to a wm an wbo nagged Iter mnn! , . The bijf jest laiigri in years with the two fun niest comedian in show h u 1 1 n 1 1 it Saturday fi-m I ud ? Jl AJamesdbsQii M Starting Today Mstiases at 1:48 Three Days Entertainment for the Whole Family! s. In Person! On the Stage! j . Alt Shows -Mat surf Eve COOH HUHTERS X'S OrigittsI southern Mil Wilis baud . . fsaisred faertti O ever 2M rafo statioBi , , , YsaV kard flism s?sr ft . iir , row es and hear them to pertaa sa ths iisfel Z. THE PERSONALITY GIRLS lw to Toe, 5ap, Back, Acrobatis aad Ha!s Bases I " No Raise In Prices! Mats-25o Eves-35e Chlldren-1 Co P Added AnrrtlRJ T-reet MUSICAL" or Sewl good MUSIC to i a IW '"PI rTaAi 2mw