iffl , , , , ,.... , .,,-........-.,,.. . . . - - , . . J ""' MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17. 1935 PAGE THREE SLASH GAS RATES IE! 1 (Continued Irom vage One.) North Front street to contain the liquid butone. The' new gu la color less, odorless, and hums with ft cleaner and muoh hotter flame. To offset the fact that the butane la odorless. It la treated with a chem ical to make any escaping gas smell lllce kerosene, eliminating any danger and making the gas even more safe than the old kind, Tork said. The old gas plant near Phoenix, built In 1900 and employing coal and oil for making the artificial gas (and at one time even using Roxy Ann coal) will be abandoned, York said, when the new plant Is opened next week Manager York pointed out the ad vantage of the new fuel, coupled with the reduction In rates. The old gas, he aald, contained' amout 550 British thermal units to the cubic foot. The butane gas has stepped up that fig ure to about 900 B. T. n.s. The same method has been tried and found highly successful In south ern California, but the local plant la the first ever to be Installed m Oregon, It was pointed out. The ad vantage ilea In the fact that pro duction costs axe greatly reduced, al lowing a lower rate per cubic foot, with almost twice the heating power as the gas Is burned. BANQUET MONDAY FOR PRES. PEAVEY Society and Clubs By JANET WRAY SMITH O.E.S. Officers 1 Guests at Dinner Officers and Installing officers of Reames chapter, O. E. S., were hon ored last evening at a dinner party arranged by Worthy Matron PUcna Nordwlck, hostess for the affair. Hallowe'en colors and : symbols formed appropralte decoration for the dinner, which was given In the Ma sonic temple. The evening was spent playing cards after the guests had been entertained with a number 01 stunts snd games. High score prizes were awarded to Mrs. Zenda Sanders and Mrs. Rose Houston. Covers were laid for 26 guests. Scout Will Talk at P.-T. A. The Washington P.-T. A. will meet Friday evening In the school auditor ium. A short business meeting, called at seven-thirty, will precede the pro gram at eight o'clock. A report of the Boy scout trip east will be given by Jack Heylund. All parents and children interested In scouting are Invited. Degree of Honor Has Costume Party A Hollowe'en costume party has been planned by the Degree of Honor Protective association, and will take place tonight. Business will not be discussed, but all members are asked to be present at eight o'clook. M Utah Visitor Arriving Here Mrs. T. 3. Vrlckley, of Ogden, Utah. Is arriving this evening to spend some time as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hanby. She Is Mrs. Hanby's cousin, some time here. Young Set Plans Hallowe'en Dance Medford young people are planning another no-host dancing party, to be held Saturday, Oct. 36, at the always popular Chateau du Compte. Quests will wear hard-times cos tumes, with decorations being In the Hallowe'en spirit. Entertainment will oe provided by various Hallowe'en stunts and games besides the usual dancing. Those in charge of arrangements for the affair are Misses Peggy Miller, Betty Bardwell, Dorothy Roberts, and Mesdames Lynn B. Croxdale, Jack Walker and Warren Olson. Guests ' are expected to number about seventy-five couples. Zulelma Temple Has Ashland Session Ashland was the hostess city to the members of Zulelma temple, Daugh ters of the Nile at the stated session held last Saturday afternoon. The meeting was largely attended by mem bers from Medford and Grants Pass. Queen Nancy Cass presided over the session, Iwhlch was held in the Ma sonic temple. Following the lunch eon, which was served by the Alpha clsss In the dining room of the hall, the fifty ladles present met in busi ness session, -. Boutellea Have New York Guests Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Arnold, of New York, are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boutelle, having arrived from the east Sunday. The Arnolds motored across the continent, and will continue through California after spending George W. Peavey, president of Ore gon State college, will be guest of honor at a banquet and reception to be given Monday at 6:30 p. m.. In the St. Mark's Guild hall by the Ore gon State club. All alumni, former students, and friends of the college In Jackson county are Invited. A special Invi tation has been extended to the mothers and fathers of students now attending Oregon State. "We want everyone to come and renew old friendships, and make an acquaintance with President Peavey," stated L. A. Mentzer, president of the Oregon State club. Reservations for the 'banquet may be made by calling Mrs. W. J. War ner. 349-M, or L. A. Mentzer. 927-X, by Saturday noon. Tickets may be purchased from the members of the following committee: Xj. A. Mentzer, Kenneth O. Denman, Mrs. L. L. San ders, Miss Maurlne Carroll and Mr. or Mrs. Kenneth Scott wood. LIONSTLANNING - LADIES NIGHT Members of the Lions club were today making plans for ladles' night which Is to be celebrated next wra nesdav evening with a dinner and dance. The program being mapped out today Included the showing of mo tion pictures taken by Ted Gfllen- waters of Klamath Falls at uio Lions International convention in Mexico City last July. -The place where the banquet and dance are to be held had not been determined today. The regular noon meeting ot the club will not be held next week. At yesterday's weekly meeting luncheon at the Hotel Medford the members participated in a general forum, each telling personal anec dotes or relating experiences enjoy ed on recent trips. Roy Wright was a guest of the club. Advertising day will be observed a week from next Wednesday when members may Indulge In publicity, an Indulgence permitted only once a year. L TO BE VISITED FRIDAY BY LODGE OFFICIALS Weatonka council No. 20 of Poca hontas will be honored Friday eve ning by the presence of the great Pocahontas of California. Mrs. Stella Ely, of Palo Alto, and her following great officers, Lillian Wlnkeinaus. great trustee; Mabelle Ellis, great first scout; Mary Contard, great second scout: Adda Drake, great first runner, and Harry Drake, past great sachem of California. The degree work will be exempli fied for the visitors and following the business session a social hour will be held. Frldav afternoon an "qpen house" Informal tea will be held at the home of Nellie Purdln, 335 West Holly street, to greet the out-of-town guests and all members and their friends arid Invited to attend between two and five o'clock. 1 Dinner is being planned In honor of Mrs. Ely and her attending offi cers on Friday evening at the Jack son hotel. Any members Interested In attending the dinner are asked to call Bernlce Wilson for Information and reservation. ROOSEVELT AND'bENSON FIGHT TO 13 TO 13 TIE LUNCHEON OF D. A. R. TWO-DAY PROGRAM James Stevens, Medford singer, and the Medford high school band will be featured at the CCC educational and welfare conference here Monday and Tuesday. I Mr. Stevens, nationally known singer and at present director of the Medford Oleemen, will appear at the! afternoon session. The high school I band, directed by P. Wilson Wait, will j open the conference each morning at 8:15 o clock. About 200 hundred educators, army j officers and forest service officials are expected in Medford lor the con ference, which will be one of the biggest educational gatherings ever held by the CCO. Frank P. Farrell. city attorney, will represent the may or in welcoming the group vto Med ford. Dr. J. B. Orifflng, civil educational adviser for the ninth corps area, will be here from San Francisco for the conference and will bring with him a number of educational advisers from other districts. Prof. George W. Peavy. president of Oregon State college and dean of the school of forestry, will be one of the principal speakers at the con ference, which will be held at the Elks' temple. ) Relative Merits Of Pig Hind Legs Subject For AAA WASHINGTON, Oct. 17. Uf) The comparative delight of munching a ham sandwich made from the left hind leg of a hog rather than from the right hind leg la before the AAA. And with It the question. "Should the farm administration teach hogs 'to shimmy .with the right as well as the left side?" To Claude Wlckard, corn-hog section ohlef, came this poser, pre sented in mock solemnity by one of his aides, D. A. Qltzgerald. Fitegerald attached an adver tisement of e, Baltimore establish ment that "Our special left ham sandwiches are better." It "explained" that when a hog scratches his right side "he doe a Charleston with his right foot," developing tough muscles, while when he "scratches hla left flank he does a gentle shimmy against a tree or post." TO RAISE FUNDS FOR PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 12. (AP) The battle tide surged one way and then the other as Roosevelt and Ben son high schools fought to a 13-to-13 tie In a spectacular football game here yesterday. FAT GIRLS GET THE GO-BY SLIM GIRLS WIN MEN lot Fit Thi Ei.y Wt Wlthoil St.rritioi Dicta tUnn. Eihaoitiag Said Weaktilif , lrriutif Hibil'Famiu LuatifU There's a reason why to many people rind dieting alow and often times futile in re duelncr. The reaion. docton sav. is often be cauie a little gland li not working right All the blood in your body goei through VI. .I. o1.nrl .),,.. tltn. - lv. If It doesn't Dour into the blood stream about one and one-half dropi of vital fluid everyJ II Ooun, many people (axe on ugiy iax. This fluid helps Nature to "burn up" excess food and fatty tissue in much the same way as a good "draft" acts in a furnace. Now, pnytlcians eomoat tnis condition by feeding this gland the substance it lacks and millions of pounds of excess fat has been wiped out this way. Marmola Prescription Tablets are based on the same scientific method used by doc tors. So don't waste your time or money striving to reduce with methods that are hard, futile or depend on harmful, health racking salts and laxatives for their action. Start the Marmola treatment today that mil lions have used successfully to get rid of excess fat. The formula Is in every box so you know fust 'hat you are taking. Oon'l waitget Iarmola today from druggists. ON OFFICIAL VISII A 1 o'clock luncheon at the Hotel Medford opened the program attend ant on the official visit of Mrs. Mark B. Weatherford, state regent of the D. A. R., who arrived here today to deliver her annual message,to the lo cal chapter. Following the luncheon members adjourned to the home of Mrs. Roland Beach for a business session. During the meeting Mrs. Weather ford was presented wit ha gavel, a gift from, this chapter, as she has never possessed one during her term of office. The gavel was constructed of wood from an old billiard table in Jacksonville, dating from the early days of that historic town's settle ment. ' - " Mrs. Weatherford, who has been visiting chapters through eastern Oregon, was met yesterday at Klam ath Palls by Mrs. B. G. Harding, who accompanied her to Medford follow ing a meeting of the Ashland chap ter yesterday. Mrs. Harding and Mrs P. J. Newman will go with the regent to Grants Pass for the meeting there tonight. Arrangements for today's session and luncheon were made by Jane Snedlcor, Mrs. J. A. Perry, and Mrs. A. E. Strattoh. 4 DIGHTON, Kan., Oct. 17. (UP) The town dog catcher and a little white dog put on such a good thow that the spectators led by Clem Jones passed the hat to buy the dog a license. v Plans for raising funds to finance the organization wore discussed by members of the Oregon-Pacific High way association at a heeting held last night at the Jackson County Cham ber of Commerce. The meeting was presided over by B. O. Harlan, executive secretary of the association, who nenceforti will have headquarters in Salem where legislation and appropriations per taining to highway Improvements and construction can be watched closely. The position of executive secretary was recently placed on a salary basis and arrangements are now - being made for the effective functioning of the association, Its aim being to ob tain a fair share of appropriations for Pacific highway improvements. The association is comprised of chamber of commerce members and others in all the cities along the ! highway. Those attending last night's meet ing In addition to Mr. Harlan Includ ed C H. Damaray of Grants Pass, as sociation president, Jack Harvey, sec retary of the Grants. Pass Chamber of Commerce, Gordon McCracken, secretary of the Ashland Chamber of Commerce, A. H. Banwell, manager of the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, and J. F. Wakefield, Fred Scheffel and Paul Rynnlng, all mem bers of the local chamber's highway committee. Mr. Harlan was to leave for Port land today. PAINT ON POULTRY FOILS CHICKEN THIEFS EFFORT OMAHA, Neb., Oct. 17. (UP) When M. K. Ross painted his barn red recently, he spattered his White Rock hens. Sunday night, thieves stole the entire flock. Deputies found all of the birds at a poultry house where a former deputy sher iff was attempting to remove the paint. Free Advertisers Make Chumps of Paper Publishers CHICAGO. Oct. 17. (P) Lin wood I. Noyes, president of the Inland Dall Press association, call ed newspaper publishers 'chumps" today for using free advertising In their columns. They are endangering the "very existence" of their papers "reve nue from paid advertising" by the practice, he said at the asso ciation's fall meeting. A pile of publicity material sent to member newspapers a few weeks prior to the convention lay on a table in the meeting room, Indi cating, he said, that the news papers receive dally "more than a ton of this stuff." ' Noyes, who is publisher of the Ironwood, Mich., Globe, proposed records be kept of free advertis ing Unease to curb the practice. TO COST-PERMITS "Reckless driving by high school students must be stopped." was the pronouncement today of City Judge Allen D. Curry, who yesterday sus pended the driver's permit of Norman Oliver for 90 days. Oliver, a Medford high school student, yesterday plead ed guilty to a charge of violation of the basic rule after being arrested by city police when he rammed Into the side of an auto driven by Mrs. Adeline Hlnck at the corner of Oak dale and Eleventh streets. "If I give them a fine, their par ents will have to pay it. If I suspend their licenses, they'll have to walk, and they'll remember their lesson much longer," the Judge said. He also directed Oliver to settle with Mrs. Hlnck for the damage done her atuo, "even If he has to mow her lawn to do so." According to city police. Oliver was driving an antiquated model T Ford at a reckless speed on South Oakdale, carrying a load of other students. The accident happened shortly before 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. TOPIC AT At the recent meeting of The Speakers club, Dr. O. P. Johnson give talk on "Dental Insurance," Web Clark spoke on "Industrial Insur ance." and a pro-and-cnn discussion of state medical Insurance was held between Dr. r. j. Motfatt and Dr. Wm. F. Roney, to make up one of the most Interesting meetings of the year. A. H. Banwell spoke on the possi bilities of securing the proposed air base here, and the session was ended when Kenneth Scott Wood, high school . public speaking Instructor, criticized the speakers from a con structive standpoint. Schilling Baking Powder makes fluffier biscuits. Ike Cream Tartar Jim it tri to nr tho m-bl- it PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 17. ( AP) The Portland Motor Coach Co. pre pared today to go to the people with an Initiative petition for a franchise to operate the mass transportation system of Portland. The Catholic Ladies eje holding a Rummage Sale Int the Campbell Clothing Store Bldg. on East Main St., on Thursday and Friday. Sore and Inflamed Stomach, Bowels Caused by Overocidity RELIEVED WJTHIN 15 DAYS Dr. W. B. Move's Formula, for Stomach Distress aggravated by GAS, NERVOUS INDIGESTION, CONSTIPATION and sim ilar symptoms Is now available through rour favorite druggist. WHY SUFFER? . . , Ask your druggist for DR.UJ.D.niflVO It Is now possible for you to enjoy the mrh comfort and relief that thousands of others have found by using Dr. W. B. Mayo's Formula. Neglected Stomach Disorders often lead to more serious internal condi tion!. AT THE FIRST SIGN OF STOMACH PAINS, ACT AT ONCE! . . . Insist upon DR. W. B. MAYO'S FORMULA. " MONEY BACK GUARANTEE 1 Without Hiking one cent you may try this Formula for 15 days. If you do not find ralltf, return and Ho, ilgnod by your drugghit, to out afflcM ond your money will bo re fundtd without question. Use Mall Tribune want ads. WORLD NEWS . . . DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY ftlj p mn Ov Cmmpllmttiu Sold at All Western Thrl(t Hi ores. Leading Drug Stores Adrienne's Announce A Special Representative of The Rothmoor Coat Company Will Be at Their Store SECOND FLOOR FRIDAY Oct. 18, one day only for s ihowlnf of Fall and Winter COATS and SUITS Come In and select your favorite from this grand assortment of Roth moors. Nelly Don Frocks In new Autumn styles Just arrived! tmi .L ' II . ,U..a JL T i IT TALKS And SINGS The Amazing G. E. TALKING KITCHEN See It This Week C. D. BEAN, INC. 229 E. Main St. lilt mil H 7 - W " THIS! WINIS, from thseholcs WiW f "innsr elrel." of Colifornlo ln.. Tgj ;""'" yards, eomblnt seslltnr quality f with madtrara price. Ideal for JR) U rl 1 enterfalnlnj. Kw&lf IV""! f1 T vruu v.iirrin with com wikiiii !l Ki I o Itr r'l A... H.. 171. Jt4rf H. 11. xjSeWtWt CAMIO IMMOY I Tit rtatf, ririM) w 1 ' ! IMOT-RJew, ILow (Semieirafl USatte s ON SAU AT STATI STOMS AND AGENCIES EXCLUSIVELY 1 ,3. (JIT WATBn DOWN THEY GO! Gas rates cut for all uses, with pro-, gressive reductions according to number of cu. ft. consumed. EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 1935 With our new gas, offered at the lowest rates in the his tory of this company, it is now possible to enjoy all the advantages of this modern fuel: Gas Heating, with its economy, cleanliness, convenience, and healthful comfort Gas Cooking, quick and depend able, preferred by the majority of all women Gas Water Heating, the most efficient method known Gas Refriger ation, permanently silent; no moving parts to wear out. We also invite inquiries from industrial and commercial firms requiring heat for any purpose. Detailed information is cordially offered. Without obliga tion, call at our office or telephone today. er or &fee Of our Qas Appliance CDeaL SOUTHERN OREGON GIAG CORP.