iAGE ELEVEN WA.KTD 1-0 TO I Vpaw 80CR.6VL' MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1935 a YvxuiVrzn mm nnm1 fef Bead every ad on this page. Von wlU probably find ex actly the thing yon want to buy or sell. It It Isn't there advertise. 1 1 ' i inexpensive, effective. RATES ftr word (Irat Insertion . (Minimum esc) Men additional Insertion, .tc per word (Minimum 10c) rer line per month without cod? changes 1.3 Phone 75 TOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND LOST Lady's dark blue top coat, near Lewis Super Service. Will par ty who found It please call 1160 or 594. LOST Girl's Elgin wrist watch. Sun - day evening. Reward. Tel. 633-Jr2. LOST If cog is miusmg, calll616. WANTED MALE HELP WANTED 4 men to cut wood, cord wood and 13-lnch, 81.25 cord and tools furnished. Phone Ashland 55 or call At 170 Mountain Ave., Ash land, after 7 p. m. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced woman to do housekeeping and assist with chil dren. References required. Box 962', Tribune. CHRISTMAS CARDS Big commis sions selling personal greetings, em bossed stationery samples free. 21 folder assortment. Humorous, Etch ing. Everyday, Gift Wrapping boxes. Bonuses. Experience unnecessary. Wallace Brown, 417R South Hill St., , Los Angeles. WANTED Woman for general house work, close In country home; fam ily of 2 adults. Mrs. Carloy, Tel. 314-W. REFINED Christian lady to take , motherly care of , 12-year-old girl. Box 4632, Tribune. "male and female RELIABLE men and women wanted to service regular customers on Mc Ness routes. Make up to 12 a day. No experience or capital required. Writs Mr. Thomas, 428 Third St., Oakland, Calif. i WANTED SITUATIONS HOUSEKEEPING wanted by middle aged lady. Prefer elderly people. Must be of good Christian charac ter. Box 4818, Tribune. WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS , WILL SHARE expenses with someone going to the Grand Coulee dam In Washington. Apply Apt. 7, v Moil Tribune. WANT transportation U Los Angeles; share expenses; can drive. . Phone 153, Central Point, prank Bosworth. WANTED LIVESTOCK Carload of range horses wanted for oash; also broke horses and mules. Fred Chandler Horse and Mule Mar ket, Charlton, Iowa. WANTED Transportation to San Francisco. Hagstrom, 130 W. Main, WANTED Used twin outboard mo tor. Wltham Magneto and Parts Co. WANTED Stock suitable for fox feed. Phone 1133. WILL PAY UAan ior jmiw-ni Bldg. tc Loan stock. Box 458o, Tri bune. WANTED We pay cash for household goods, furniture and stoves, We also buy metals, hides, pelts, wool and mo hair. MEDPORD BARGAIN HOUSE. 27 N. Grape St. Phone 1062. WANTED Heifers calves. Write Ruby Schula, Beagle. Oregon. ! WANTED Beef cattle, veal, lambs. and pasture. J. J. oenoru;ti FOR RENT APARTMENTS APTS. FOR RENT 118 Almond. 8-ROOM apartment, 116 Almond St, NICELY FURNISHED half duplex. Oil heater. Adults. 816 W. 10th. FURNISHED Apt. Heat, hot water and garage. 10 Quince St. FOR RENT Furnished apt.; steam heat. Prlgtdalre. hot water and gar age. 603 S. Holly St. F0RRENT FURNISHED ROOMS PLEASANT sleeping room, 19 Mistle toe St. FOR RENT Niorly furnished front room, heated. 245 No. Grape. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleep ing room, and garage It desired. . 325 So. Riverside avc. FOR RKNT Large front room; hot and ccd aater and shower. 20 S. nr. C!,F,AN attractive rooms; reasonable. 410 S. Newtown. ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 8, Grape FOR RENT ROOM BOARD ROOM AND BOARD Home conveni ences. 24 Oenesee. RATES reasonable at 718 K. Main. FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED modern cottage, one or two adults. Will have vacancy Oct. ; 18. Hotel & Cottages Valandra, Central Point, Ore. FOR RENT 5-room house. L O. Plckell, 204 East Main. FOR RENT 2-room house. 5.00. 321 Ashland Ave. FOR RENT 4-room furnished house. Inquire 305 So. Oakdale. FOR RENT Homes furnished or unfurnished. Brown it White. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR LEASE Apartment house, fully furnished and occupied, showing monthly return of $135. Will lease for reasonable amount. Charles A. Wing Agency, Inc., 109 E. Main St. BACHELOR APTS, 445 So. Front. . FOR RENT Business location, room 16x50. Will remodel to suit tenant. Apply Mall Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE FOR TRADE Corn for hogs or chick ens. L. M. McConnell, Gold Hill, Star Rt. No. 4. TRADE Columbia oraphonola, fine oak cabinet In good condition, large selection of records, for wood. 37 Tripp St. after 6 p. m. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE GOOD 6-room modern cottage, priced to sell or will trade for smaller home. 436 N. Holly. Owner. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Wood ranch, 80 acres, 3 miles from Jacksonville. See John Demmer, 433 W. Holly, Medfonl. FOR SALE Modern 6-room bungalow and one, acre, adjoining city on paved street; fireplace, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, laundry trays; attractive living and dining room. A real sacrifice. 3000. Very eov trms. L. G. PICKELL, 204 E, Main. A FINE east side HOME for only 3,000. and $700 will handle It. BROWN is WHrTE, Realtors. CITY LOTS from 250 up, all Im provements in and paid for. If you are Interested In building or buying a HOME, see us. BROWN & WHITE, Realtors. 2 ACRES, $950; 10 acres, $1500. Good buildings, plenty water; close In. Terms. Pear orchards, itoek and dalrv ranches, city and subur ban- homes. Everything In Real Estate. ROBERTS,' 720 w. ana. 25-ACRE Irrigated ranch for sale at sacrifice. small down payment, Your own terms. E. E. Foss, Talent. FOR SALE Modern home, close In; fine shade trees; $1400; terms. L. O. Plckell, 204 East Main. GENERAL STORE on highway, Horn brook. Stocked. (Groceries, drugs, nations). Building cost, $8,000; Stock estimated $4800.00; equip ment $1500.00. Living quarters rear. Concrete basement, furnace, well. pump, etc. Lot 1 acre. Sacrifice at $5,000.00. KOSe L. HICKS, mamabu River, Calif., Siskiyou county. FOR SALE 48 A. AT A VALUE Fruit, alfalfa, wood and water, close In, good buildings. Sam Evans. Jacksonville. FOR SALE Federal Land Bank farms. rnnnAnUnt irnu nail Warren Patterson. Central Point, or write 0. A Barnes. 1163 Oak St.. Eugene Oregon. HOUSES FOR SALS OR RENT Jackson County Building e Loao Asa'n. Phone 196. 100 ACRES, well Improved, stocked snd equipped, close to Meedford; some oash or Income property Bal ance long time, low Interest O A DeVoe. 623-J-2. WHEN you think or real estate think of Brown & White. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 25 CHOICE weaner pigs. Tel. 403-J-l, FOR SALE 4 milk cows; have been fresh two months and less. Mike Roger, Sams Valley, Ore. FOR SALE Good white-faced bull. Ralph Wilson, Central Point. Tel. 111-X-l. FOR SALE Work team, weight 2900. Phone central Point 195. I WILL buy your hogs and sheep, any size, at any time. F. A. Pearson. Ross Lane. Phone 610-J-4. FOR SALE Purebred Kamboullett rams. Dolpb Phlpps. Crater Lake highway. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Plymouth Sedan: excel lent condition. 206 No. Rlveralde, FOR SALE Federal panel truck. 1 ton; Wakashaw motor, Tlmxen sear ings; A-l condition; cash or trade. L. C. GreenamyeT. Jacksonville. Inquire Coleman's Hdwe. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS USED CARS 1933 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan; six wheels, extras. 1933 Plymouth 5-wheel Sedan. 1933 Plymouth Coupe; a real bar gain. 1931 Ford A Victoria Couoe. Also other real bargain in Fords. ChevroleU. etc. The Chryslers snd Plymouth! will be here soon. LANOE MOTOR CO. Chrvsler and Plymouth Dealers. 38 No. Riverside. Phone 18. ( Formerly Armstrong -Motors.) PLYMOUTH 4 Sedan; many satisfac tory miles of service left In this car at bargain price of $225 00. Don't fall to the new Plymouth. PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. ixxtze and Plymouth. FOR SALE Trucks and equipment. Ill No. Fir St. HUDSON Sedan, fine condition very cheap Call 957 or 832-R. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALF Feeder puts, one 1300-lb. horse. 3-year-old Guernsey bull, nsvis over Buckshot iiill, Rt. 4, Box 57. FOR SALE POULTRY FULL-BLOODED PLYMOUTH. ROCK breeding cockerels. Mays Ranch, Talent, Ore. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Used steel and wood desks, flat top and typewriter; good used safe. Medford Stationery Store, 84 N. Central, FOR SALE Salway peaches, 114c Bring containers. S. E. Mathews, Phoenix. TWO small pianos available for rent, or can be purchased for Daiane oi contract. Baldwin Piano Shoppe. FOR 8 ALE at wholesale prlos for cash, because of moving, new West Inghouse 6-ft. refrigerator, still In crate. Phone 888-Y. GOOD used piano, $65.00. Baldwin Piano Shoppe. FOR SALE Baled Klamath-Tuleloke alfalfa and grain hay. Phone or j write Louis Anderson. Merrill, ore. FOR SALE Platform, 12 section, 5 ft. wide, 16 ft. long, 8 In. deep. Call at Lincoln school. PEACHES for sale. G. E. Carpenter, ml.'wcst Phoenix on Houston Rd. FISH DIRECT FROM OOEAN Users of Fresh rish in Medford drop card Box 302, Ashland Ore. Deliveries to your home each week. UNDERWOOD typewriter in good shape, $27.50. Phone 539-J-3. 2-WHEEL trailer. Cheap. Tel. 293-Y. FOR SALE One set of work harness, one mower, one rake, one stock saddle, one army saddle. O. L. Llndley, Phone 671-J-3. FOR SALE Good field corn. M. A. Schulz, Gold Hill. , , DRIVEWAY MATERIAL 3 sizes of rock at $1.50 per yard, delivered. Bateman. Phone 1534-Y or 912.J. FOR SALE Garage equipment In cluding 50 gal. gas buggy, air com pressor, electrlo drill, electric grin der and buffer, 2 vises, 1 tap & dye set, 1 set valve reseaters and guides, 2 outside and 1 Inside mlcrometeis, 2 12-ft. work benches, 1 set greaso guns, 1 chain fall, complete shop equipment. 103 So. Riverside, In . rear. FOR SALE complete office equip ment, Including 29x33x24 . Carey safe. 4 drawer steel letter filing cabinet, roll top desk, Burrough adding machine with stand, book- keeper desk and stool, F. & E, check protector, 3 oak chairs (1 swivel). 1 12-ln. and 1 6-ln. electrlo fan, 1 electric heater, 2 2-drawer steel filing cabinets, 1 1-drawer steel fll. lng cabinet. 103 So. Riverside, (ln rear.. u FOR SALE Apples, cheap; different Varieties. Half mile from city limits or will deliver. Tel. 258-$. FOR SALE 23 ton good clean hay or ' will feed at ranch. Jim Woods. Eagle Point. Phone ll-X-41. FOR SALE Italian and Petite prunes Phone 7-F-14. FOR SALE Grapes and grope Juice. The Dell Vineyard, Rt. 2. Medford. SINGER Hemstitching Machine. Fine condition; cost $265. Sell $100. Rose L. Hicks, Klamath River, Calif., Siskiyou county. FOR SALE Substantial 3-wheel trailer, or trade for wood. Inquire last house left-hand side of Lozler Lane or Tel. 869-M. FOR SALE Grapes and grape Juice, Mrs. Mary E. Clarkson. Ross Lane. Phone 510-R-l. APPLES Several varieties. Gebhard's. Central Point, 1 mile north Bear Creek bridge. PEACHES. PLUMS. lVfco lb; grapes 2c lb. Huklll, V4 mile south ' white Griffin Creek school. FOR SALE Grapes. J. A. Manke. 2 miles east of Jacksonville, adjoin ing former Clancy orchard. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. (Signed) CECIL JENNINGS. ROOFING Let us Inspect your roof before the rainy season This ser vice Is free. Call 270. Rogue River Roofing Co. Business changes MEAT MARKET Trade for ranch. Box 4826, Tribune. FOR SALE Service station and 6 acrea good ground, fa.mil y orchard; all under water. See owner? mile south of Talent, Ore. FOR SALE Restaurant futures, In eluding counters, seven booths, show case, back bar, typewriter, caah register, two gas ranges, hot water tank, canopy, kitchen tables, cooking utensils, dishes and silver ware. Very reasonable. Must be sold within ten days. Inquire at 410 E. Main St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System in Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT COAbstraCti of Title. Rooms 8 and 5. No. S3 North Central Ave., upstairs. Expert Window Cleaners. LET GEO RGB DO IT - Tel. 1172. House cleaning, floor waxing, ori ental rug cleaning and upholstering. Money to Lend MONEY LOANED 50 to 300 for personal or household purposes on House Furnishings or Autos; also Cars1 Refinanced. Loans closed within 30 minute. License No. S 157. See W. B. Thomas. 45 So. Cen tral. Piano and Oultar instruction. FRED ALTON HAIOHT Classical and modern pteno instruction MEL CHORD for every one The only method that never (alls Studio, lid Uberty Bid., Medford, Qra, BUSINESS DIRECTORY Transfer. TRUCKING AND STORAGE Local and long distance hauling, furni ture moving, etc. Reasonable rates. Tel. 833. F. E. Samson Co. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack, ers and movers, special livestock moving equipment. Prices right 619 North Riverside. Phone (15. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 1015 No. Central. Phone 316. Prices right. Service guaranteed. LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Final Settlement In the County Court of the County of Jackson, In and for the State of Oregon. In the Matter of the Estate of SARAH E. BUNNELL, a deoeased person. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administratrix with copy of the will annexed of the estate of above named decedent has filed In the above entitled court and matter her final account and report as such administration and that said court has fixed the 1st day of November, 1935, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M. at the court room of the above en titled court In the Jackson County courthouse at Medford. Jackson county, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of any and all objec tions to said account and report or any item thereof and for the settle ment thereof. y DATED this 3rd day of October, 1935. GRETCHEN B. MCDONALD, Administratrix. THE GRANGE Lake Creek Grange . Although the number in ntinti- ance was considerable smaller than usual, a very enjoyable evening was spent at tho last meeting of the Lake Creek Grange. Welcome guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Tonn, all of Sams Valley Grange. Their presence was even more appre ciated because of thn heaitHful mi solos rendered by Mr. Hansen, accom panied oy rrances Tonn. Among his numbers -were: "The Old Spinning Wheel," "Nighttime In Nevada." "I'll string Along With You," and 'Let Me Call You Ltaile," dedicated to Harry Tonn's Ford. Other numbers on the program were accordion selections by Russ Moore, and games directed by Lecturer Julia Sldley. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Charley and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stanley will serve lunch for the birthday party which will be an Important feature of the next meeting. - , , . PROSPERITY MAY BRING FINE, FOR DRESSMAKER NEW YORK, Oct. 17. (UP) Pros perity may cost Mrs. Marguerite rnnups a line or prison sentence. When she came from France in 1915 she brought a .25 automatic pistol. intending to commit suicide If her dressmaking business failed. Yester day she threw the gun away. Today sne was brought to court, charged with possessing an unlicensed gun, and held In $100 ball pending trial. FEAR OF KIDNAPERS CAUSES FATAL FALL NEW YORK. Oct. 17. (UP) For weeks, Herman Nelemeier, 78, promi nent portrait painter, has been haunted by fear of a "kidnap gang." Today he was found dead In his back yard. Police believe the artist, suf fering hallucinations, had tried to escape from Imaginary kidnapers and plunged to his death from his fourth floor apartment. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS Walk with measured tread Arabian cam el' a hair clotb Crustacean Melody Salt Volcanlo matter Optical glass Tropical black bird Soon Animal's neck coverings Misusing Amaze Short for a man's nam Highest note of Ouldo's HcaJa Plants with out woody stems Worn away Adjuit In position again Artificial waterway Obstruction Remunerate Fuel oil Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle rR'Al SE PAIDTAPT 5 a.1gnaItiebe se e. m BIN OM I T O S I SEViCT edIpo LlA 5l RA SER ENTER5PE P or1T 40. Translated from cipher 41. Circular Indicators 48. Border on 47. Edge v. Lamb's sobriquet 10. Character In "A Doll's House" 11. Playing card S3. Copper coin ; I2 3 4 BP 1 I7 IS8 f I" -Jui ' (Mli'i ':. mii'i, 31 32 H 33 & 111'5' II 111 II 3f 111! 40 4 42 W,4 44 45 , - , if Miu. iaxu, I I I iir I I lar I T urn NTITMIEFS Big Applegate BIO APPLEGATE, Oct. 17. (8pl Miss Leora Culy of this commun ity is a patient at the osteopathic cllnlo at Medford, where she is re covering from pneumonia. Mlsa Ouly has been employed In t Medford i packing house. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bonney of I Dividend Bar, are spending two , weeks visiting relatives at Bal?m-1 Mlas Frances Port, who celebrated her 15th birthday anniversary Frl-1 day, had as week end quests, the j Misses Helen Dunn and Iola Lewis j of Ashland. I Mrs. Alice Ulrlch, of Jacksonville, i Is spending the week here as guest ; of her daughter, Mrs. James Buck ley. Miss Jeanette McKee, well known In this community, where she form erly resided, has enrolled at Ore gon State college as a freshman. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest. McKee() who have resided at Cottage Drove for several months, are mak ing their home at CorvaUs, Mrs. M. Heuber and son Roy, and daughter Itrlce, of Grants Pass, were guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. Heuber's daughter, Mrs. Leon Offenbacher. Miss Heuber Is re maining Jiere for the week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Budd have returned to Salinas,. Gal., after spending a short time here visiting friends, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Helms and F. J. Rlppey. Five foot snow drifts wene re ported in the Slskiyous Tuesday by Leonard Andrews, Dutchman Peak lookout, with elghtf inches of snow on the level. Following ,the recent Btorm, Dean Saltmarsh, Tallowbox lookout, was released permanently. Mrs. Ltlla J. Hasklns was among those shopping in Medford Tues day. In the evening she attended a showing of "Beautiful Oregon," mo. tion picture travelog shown at the Presbyterian church by Mrs. Agnes E. Hlnes, of1 Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs, Ralph McKee and little daughter, of Susanville, Cal., who are visiting friends and rela tives In southern Oregon, were re cent guests of Mr. McKee's uncle, Amos McKee. Mrs. Joe Daniels, of Medford, Is spending the week here with her daughter, Mrs. Ray Owwenbacher. Alford Nelmeyer, a guest at the Robert Fletcher home here, . and formerly a CCC worker at Camp Applegate, expected to leave this week for 8an Bernardino, Cal., where he has enlisted In the army for a three year period in the eleventh cavalry. f Mrs. Opal Mooter, teacher at the Ruch school, attended a meeting of the League of Western Writers t Medford Saturday. Mrs. Mooter has had poetry published in eastern per lodicals. and la working with Ben Field of Los Angeles, noted poet and travel-editor. Mrs. E. H. Taylor Is employed on Saturdays at the J. C. Penney store at Medford. . 1 Too Many Liberties, LOS ANGELES. Oct. 17. -(UP) Gage Liberty took too many liberties, his wife, Alice, charged in divorce hearing today. She said he left horn after a quarrel, swearing he would never come back, so Judge Elliot Craig gave both Llbertya their liberty. Cross-Word Puzzle 6, Fruit 7. Proof of being elsewhere I. Conflicts 9. Hindu queen 10. English river 11, Sudden loud noise II. Hardened 21. Showed to a seat XI. Long used M. Dry 25, Southern , 'it. Rescinded 39. Bleat no. Pigpen 31. American Indians 33. Oriental ship captain SB. Waist as. Kind of race li. Daughter of one's brother or slater 40. Large dog t 41. Very blark 42. Thickened pert of mirk 44. Kind of fob 45. Olut 48. Favorite Comes to a close How over Margin DOWN Tropical t re Open court Kind of spice Alleviates Third kliin of Judab Trail TRAIL, Oct. 17. (Spl.) -The Home Economics club met Tuesday at the home of the chairman, Mrs. Tussa Vaughn. It was a very Interesting meeting, aa the ladles were making plans for their harvest home festival to be given November 16, details of which will be announced later. There were 12 members present and three visitors. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Eva Segesaman on November 13. All members please take notice as this meeting Is a week earlier than the regular time, so that all arrangements can be completed for the festival. All members are urged to be present aa there will be work for all. This will be an au-aay meeting with a covered, dish lunch at noon. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney and Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Tucker, all of Medford. were entertained with a turkey din ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Tucker Sunday. Wllmer Ragsdale is finishing his house on the property he bought along the highway last spring and plana to move there In the near fu ture. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hutchinson and Mrs. Llal Tucker shopped in Medford Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flock and three children of Yreka were overnight guests at the home of Mrs. Flock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Tucker, Friday. Mrs. Francis Ash Is having the ad dition to her house finished and has installed a new electrlo pump in her well. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Weeka have moved from the cottage on Elk creek, whore they have lived the past sum mer, to a cottage at Shady Cove. Mr. and Mrs. Clark were calling on friends in this neighborhood Friday and Saturday of last week. The Trail Extension Unit met Oc-1 tober 10 at the Elk creek community: hall. There were 13 members and two visitors to hear an Interesting talk and demonstration on buyman ahlp, given by Mrs. Eva Segesaman and Mrs. Minnie Blaess. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. S. W. Hutchinson on November 14. Mrs. Mabel Mack will be present to give help on the use of guide pat terns. ' We have been having a lot of rain in this part of the county which was greatly needed. Lake Creek LAKE CREEK, Ost. 17. (Spl) Mis. Mike Wallace and son Dale, and daughter Ramona, of New Pine Creek, motored over Thursday and spent the week-end with the Nuss baum, Seefleld and Walch families here. Mrs. Henry Wendt, who has been here for the past couple oi weeks returned home with them Sunday. . , A. J. Ellenburger, of Ashland, attended Sunday school at Lake Creek and delivered a sermon In the afternoon. Guests Sunday at the Tonn home were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Orlgsby, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanen of Sams Valley and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tonn, of Central Point. Mrs. E. E. Meyer and R. O. Meyer were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace . Ragsdale. : Mrs. d. B. Moore called Monday on Mrs. Frank Farlow. Mrs. Frank Pettlgrew and Infant daughter of Trail, was released on Tuesday from Bacred Heart hospl. tal and will spend a few weeks with Mrs. Pottlgrew's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Meyer. Reed Charley returned home on Friday from Idaho, where he had been looking over milk cows, with the view of purchase, John Welch Is having several tons of ground barley brought In from Klamath county. . , , Persist PERSIST, Oct. 17. -(Spl.) AT D. Moore was a business visitor In Med ford Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Ash spent the week end at their home on Elk creek. Mr, Ash Is helping his mother at Trail for a few day. Roy Proctor called on friends at the Mountain Lumber company on Tuesday, Ervln Hutchison and Jena Garber spent Saturday in town on business. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ayrea were week end visitors of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Trusty, Harvey Morgan made a business trip to Medford Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Childreth, Ar lene Childreth, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Childreth and Infant daughter Shir ley all were callers at the J. H. Tub t ye Sunday, as were also Mr. and Mrs, J. O. Childreth and son Donald. Strolls In Sleep. NTffWRK, N. J., Oct, 17. (UP) James Thorpe opened the door to day to admit his wife. She was fully dressed but sound asleep, Police found the two dogs who acorn pa- jie-i the sleep-walking Mrs. Thorpe a mile ' down the road, tied to a fence. NEW YORK. Oct. 17, (UP) You may break traffic regulations and es cape paying fines if your pocket is picked In a courtroom. M-vrlstrate McOee today fined James Nelson 13 for passing a red light. Nelon reach ed for his wallet. It had been stolen. The magistrate revoked the fine and gave Nelson a suspended sentence. BUCKINGHAM'S HOME - MADE CANDY. Malted Milk Sponge. Regular 0e per lb. Special 25c per lb. The crest, 230 so. central. Use Mall Tribune want ads. Meteorological Report October 17, 1035 Forecasts Medford and vicinity: Fair tonight and Friday, but with fog tonight; not much change in temperature. Oregon; Fair tonight and Friday except unsettled In northwest portion and rain on north coast. Local fogs in west portion. Freezing tempera ture In east portion tonight. Temperature a year ago today : Highest, 65; lowest, 37. Total monthly precipitation, 1.76 Inches; excess for the month, 1.18 Inches. Total precipitation since Sep tember, 2.00 Inches; excess for the season, 0.02 Inch. Relative humidity at A p. m. yes terday, 68 per cent; 5 a. m, today, 100 per cent. Sunrise tomorrow, 6:27 a. m, Sunseet tomorrow, 5:25 p. m. Observations Taken at 5 A. M. 120th Meridian Time 2 si CITY Boise ,M. S8 36 .. Clear Boston 66 40 ... Clear Chicago 74 58 .... Cloudy Denver 86 83 .83 Cloudy Eureka ............ 68 48 .... Clear Helena 60 36 .... Cloudy Los Angeles HHH 64 .... clear . MEDFORD 63 38 .... Clear New York ........... 60 43 Clear Omaha . ... 78 63 1.63 Bain Phoenix .... 83 60 .... Clear Portland 68 63 T. Clear Reno 84 30 .... Clear Roseburg 66 40 .... Clear . Salt Lake City ... 63 36 .04 Clear San Francisco .... 70 56 .... Clear Seattle 66 83 .08 Cloudy Spokane 86 46 .96 P. Cdy. Walla Walla. 83 48 .. Clourly Washington, D.O. 60 40 .... Clear BOTULINUS FROM CANNED SALMON MAKES FOUR ILL THE DALLES, Ore., Oct. 17.(ff) The condition of four victims of bo. tullnus poisoning, all reported to be erltlcaliy 111, was said by physicians today to be unchanged. The doctors believed It would require several daye to determine the probable outcome. The four were Mr and Mrs. Eugene Courtney of The Dalles, and Mr. and Mra. J, 8. Burres of Oondon. Mrs. Burres was said to be the most sorl ously 111, with her vision Impaired and the vocal cords paralyzed. The symptoms, phytlclans aald, were typ ical of hotullnus poisoning. The others were afflicted similarly, but to a lesser degree. Three othor persona who ate home canned salmon lost Friday at the Burres home In Oondon have not yet developed symptoms. Courtney Is manager of The Dalles branoh of the First National bank of Portland. He and Mrs. Courtney vis ited the Burree home Friday and ate the home-canned salmon, served cold. Mrs. Burres told physicians the sal mon had been canned without pres sure, aa she haa done each year for 17 years. The salmon was purchased from Indians at Celllo Fells. - WASHINGTON, Oct. 17. (UP) Brldee and grooms are getting young er, the census bureau concluded to day after a study of ho marriage age since It 10. The avorare American bride Is 31.7 years old while her husband la 34.8 years old. Since 1010 the average age of men at marriage had desreaeed approximately 11 months while that of the bride had gone down only four months. Foreign born whites delay marriage longer than their native rivals, while negroes marry earlier than whites. Couples wed earliest In Arkansas and last in Maasachusetta. In Ar kansas, the average bride Is 19 0, the only stata where trie age la under 30 years, and the groom la 33. In Masaohusetts the aveiage brldo Is 34.1 yesrs old and the groom 3A 6, SQUABLE OVER RADIO FATAL FOR COBBLER LOS ANOELES, Oct. 17. (UP) Mildred Richards, 30. liked the radio, and her father-in-law, Oeorge Rich ards, 60-year-old cobbler, didn't like It, so he turned It off laet night. Mra. Richards grabbed hi eobbler'a knife, hit him on the head and made Rich ards so angry he left the house. He stopped et a polloe station to have a wound on the head dressed, and died. ,-. ' FORT MADISON, Iowa, Oct. 17. (UP) Ethopla and Italy are at war over a boundary dispute but Iowa snd Missouri will aay It with audi tors. Charles W. Stroms, Iowa of ficial and aome representative of the Mlmourl auditor will seek to deter mine the true boundary between the states at Lee county, Iowa, Be correctly corseted In an Artist Model by Ethelwvn B Hoffmann. GUNSMITH. Repairs tor all makes of (una. 01ms Bros.. 33 N. Fir, Phone M3. We'll haul away your tefuae. City Sanitary ServH. - YOUNGER COUPLES ANKLING TO ALTAR E IS Lumber Industry Plan? Pre fabricated House To Sell At $1 ,000 CCC Exper ience Proves- Helpful. CHICAGO. Oct. 17. (AP) John W. WaUck, Jr., of Chicago, president of the National Lumber Manufactur ers' association, predicted today ihs residential construction expenditures would double in 1836. . Members of the association's exeou tlve committee assembled today te) pian even lower-cost housing. - Two big objectives of,- the ;lumber Industry, Watzek. said, were produc tion of a 81000 prefabricated, nous of wood and greater ubo of lumber In building arches, supporting structure and radio towers. J' : 400.000,000 This Year "Last year taoO.OOO.OOO Was spefvs in residential construction." he said. "This year t400.000.000 was spent on residences and It will be at least' dou ble that next year.'.' '' - The lumber manufacturers seek ia design a liveable house at a cost of 61,000 or a little more, to comnert with prefabricated housos made .with other matorlals. '. ' "The lumber Industry Is going af ter the low-cost housing market-hot and heavy," Watrek aald. "The experience that we have had In. constructing CCC camp buildings apparently of fers some possibilities In application to the low-coat, housing field." . He estimated more than 100,000,000 feet of lumber were sold by mills last year for 27,000 prefabricated' OOO camp buildings constructed after: a design developed by the association. New Outlet Sought . A new outlet for rumber Is aougHt, since the market for this type struc ture aoon may be exhausted as the CCO 'program reaohea Its maximum development., . The Improved CCO camp cottage design was suggested for. use ,aa sum mer cottages, garages, tenant sot tagea, storage units, shops and con struction camps. ... r Structural wood plana include de signs for well-braced arches and Croat Deams in auditoriums, airport hang ars, gymnasiums and similar con struction work. A wooden radio tow er, recently constructed at Richmond, Va waa cltod as an, example of what oould be done with. Improved lumber building technique. ,... , . 19 LEAVE EH CAMP Wimer: ' (Spl.) -i bnly 'it mombers of this all-Oregon company left the CCO at the end of the en rollment period Tuesday evening,' aa all-time record for the company..' Wl mer'e company 984 was organteed. bt May, 1933, and slnoe October, 1934, has been at this camp. That many CCO members an find ing employment outside Is lndtcated by the large number of members who have dropped, out through the sum mer. Records here show that six of the 19 men discharged Tuesday had Joba waiting for them. Fin men will take advantage of the many chances offered by, the government.' to stu dents, ., . . , It Is expected here that replace ments to bring the company up t full strength wlU b received shortly. E v SALEM, Oct. 'IT. (UP) -Secretary of State flnell' wa Informed today that petitions for the initiative maA aure to reopen Rogue river U limited commercial fishermen have been printed and re ready for circulation. The Rogue River Ftahermen'a union of Curry county launched the pro poaal, which would repeal the act fcy the last legislature cloning th atroam to net flahtng. ' .' DOG POINTS TO BODY OF MASTER IN RIVER ROME, OS.. Oct. 17. (UP) Jarnes Fountain trained . his bird dog as. .a perfect pointer. Today possersby". no ticed th dog. rigid, pointing at an object in the Etowah river. They found the body of Fountain; ' ' Just Kxclted. " KNOXVTLLB. Tenn Oot. If. (TJPV Paul Estes waa called to the wltnea stand In the murder trial of Lawaon Wiley. "Do you see In this room tha man who shot the deceased?" th prosecutor asked. Estes' eyes cen tered on a juryman. He pointed dra matically. "There's the man," h said. Court officials aald ha. was Just excited. ' Dlreot Reduction ' LOANS on HOMES ' Variable Interest 6 to 8 in Medford untrlct . . First Federal Savinqs & Loan Assn. oi Medford 27 No. Molly St.